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» DIY landscape design. Do-it-yourself Alpine slide at the dacha, garden plot: step-by-step construction. How to make and decorate a small, beautiful, simple, unusual alpine slide, from tires, with a pond, a waterfall, from improvised means, without

DIY landscape design. Do-it-yourself Alpine slide at the dacha, garden plot: step-by-step construction. How to make and decorate a small, beautiful, simple, unusual alpine slide, from tires, with a pond, a waterfall, from improvised means, without

Mountain landscapes have always attracted people with their simple and natural beauty. Being on a mountain plateau or standing on a rocky cliff overgrown with grass, small plants And the most delicate flowers, you feel an inexplicable freedom, a special unity with pure, untouched nature. And I really want to keep these wonderful feelings in my soul for longer. Will help with this alpine slide, which you can create with your own hands on garden plot. It will become not only a small island of harmony, but also a magnificent decoration of the garden, an object of universal admiration.

An alpine slide or rock garden is a reduced model of a mountain landscape, as close as possible to the natural one, which provides harmonious combination stones and plants of alpine and subalpine mountainous areas. Between themselves, these two concepts differ only in scale: a rock garden is a large composition, and an alpine slide can be quite small.

The rock garden is very close to the alpine hill, as they both represent a composition of plants and stones. But these two types of flower beds should not be confused. Rockeries are an imitation of a mountain plateau or scree, located mainly on flat terrain and are not limited in the selection of plants. A rock garden is always hills and slopes, and the selection of plants is limited to the alpine zone.

The art of creating alpine slides came to us from England, but then it was undeservedly forgotten. Now the fashion for such flower beds has returned, although they have changed a little. For example, in modern rock gardens you can use almost any flowers that can grow on stones and blend harmoniously with the mountain landscape. The emphasis in this composition has shifted from stones to ornamental plants.

Since the alpine slide is a rather complex composition, its creation requires very careful planning, as well as a large amount of work. Therefore, this project is always expensive. And building an alpine slide with your own hands will require enormous physical and time expenditure.

But despite these disadvantages, the rock garden also has undeniable advantages.

  • Unconditional originality and unique beauty of the composition.
  • Possibility to use waste land. Only a rock garden will help decorate the slope. The Alpine slide will hide the abandoned place.
  • Low maintenance requirements. Correct selection unpretentious plants will make caring for the flower garden easy.
  • Interesting creative work. An Alpine slide at the dacha with your own hands can be created together by the whole family and turn this labor-intensive process into a fun activity.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, then first we will choose suitable look rock garden, so that you can start working in early autumn.

Design ideas for rock gardens

When deciding how to make an alpine slide at your dacha, you should get acquainted with the existing types of such flower beds.

Based on the type of placement of stones, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Rocky cliff. This version of the alpine slide will be appropriate on any site. It is a steep hill with large rocks at the base and smaller ones at the top. Vegetation in this option is planted in “pockets” between stones and crevices. At the top of such a cliff, a stone of an original shape is placed or a large plant is planted.
  2. Mountain slope or scree. This is an excellent solution for areas with natural gentle slopes. To naturally imitate mountain scree, large boulders are placed at the top of the slope, and at its base there are small pebbles with occasional larger stones. This composition is fixed with dwarf and creeping conifers, as well as creeping plants.
  3. Mountain slope or scree

  4. Terraced slope. Will create a stone composition in the spirit of an “abandoned” garden. It is simply ideal for a site on a slope. This alpine slide is created with your own hands in the form of steps, which are supported by boulders or special walls made of large stones.
  5. Mountain valley. A solution for a large flat area. To create the image of a high-mountain valley, huge blocks of stone and boulders are distributed over a designated area and dug into the ground up to half their size. Paths are built between them. Plants for an alpine slide of this type must comply the image being created, these are mosses, miniature shrubs, grasses, as well as plants with a long flowering period.
  6. mountain valley

  7. Gorge. A rather complex option, but also characterized by the most natural beauty. This do-it-yourself alpine slide can most easily be installed on an area with uneven, hilly terrain. However, embankments can also be made artificially. Such hills are lined with very large stones of varying heights. The stone “walls” of the gorge are decorated with moss and creeping plants, and dwarf plants are planted in the middle.
  8. Ravine. If there is a natural depression on your site, then such a depression in the soil can be used when constructing an alpine slide in the form of a ravine. The walls are secured with dug large stones, and planted underneath shade-loving plants. Or you can equip an artificial mini-reservoir at the bottom of the ravine.
  9. Mountain Lake. If you are the happy owner of a small pond on your property, then a small alpine slide can be created on its shore using moisture-loving plants.
  10. mountain waterfall

    And specialists will be able to help arrange even a miniature mountain waterfall, since this will require the installation of a water pump.

    Mountain waterfall diagram

  11. Czech rock (skalka). A rock garden option is very popular now. An alpine slide of this type is created from vertically installed flat stone plates. A small space is left between these plates, which is filled with fertile soil mixture, and then compact, slow-growing, drought-resistant plants are planted there.

Czech rock (skalka)

If traditional device alpine slides are impossible for some reason, then as an alternative you can equip a flat rock garden, which is a raised flower bed. First, a fence is formed, drainage is arranged between the walls, covered with fertile soil mixture, and then plants are planted. Such a flower bed can be arranged in the form of small multi-level terraces. Hanging plants, as well as slow-growing ones, look very beautiful on such terraces. This flower garden takes up little space and is very decorative.

Multi-level terrace

We have not named all models of rock gardens. Despite the differences, all existing alpine slides are very beautiful and can adequately decorate any landscape.

It is impossible to imagine the landscape design of an individual or summer cottage without picturesque corners intended to decorate the garden and so pleasing to the eyes of their owners. A “highlight” that can instantly transform the appearance of a garden landscape is an exotic guest for our latitudes, originally from the Mediterranean - an alpine slide created in the form of an island wildlife Alpine mountains, made of rock with bright splashes of lush vegetation. We invite you to figure out how this design works.

Types and diagrams of a rock garden

Armed with patience and imagination, you can easily create a rock garden with your own hands. Let's look at how to properly plan and lay an alpine slide without involving specialized specialists. Please note that the main component in the construction of a rock garden is a group of stones of various types. different sizes, the “gray silence” of which is diluted with representatives of the flora characteristic of the alpine area - conifers, cover plants and saxifrage plants. Creating a rock garden at or near the dacha country house, you are forming a mountainous fragment of nature that resembles a natural one, so both stones and plants need to be placed in a chaotic, natural way.

The rock garden serves bright decoration garden, standing out against the green lawn

Depending on the principle by which the stones are selected and placed, rock gardens come in the following types:

  • Rock- a steep alpine hill with dominant large boulders at the base, surrounded by medium and small stones located closer to the top.
  • Scree or mountain slope- a rock garden with one slope, where large stones are located closer to the top, and a small stone scattering at the base.
  • mountain valley- a horizontal composition of a rock garden with boulders, medium and small stones, arranged in a free manner.
  • Terraced slope- a rock garden of this type is organized on a gentle slope in the form of small steps supported by large stone blocks.
  • Forest ravine- such a rock garden is located in a shell-like recess, decorated with massive boulders covered with moss.
  • rocky wall- a rock garden formed primarily from stone flat shape, folded in the form of a low border.
  • Separately, I would like to highlight the latest fashion trend - rock garden " Czech rolling pin". We wrote a separate article about him -.

Sometimes an alpine slide is called. In fact, a rock garden differs from a rock garden in the selection of stones - when laying it, not only rocks are used, but also round river boulders or large pebbles.

An original solution for decorating a fence could be a rock garden in the form of a rocky wall made of layered stone

Choosing a location

When choosing a place to create a rock garden on your plot of land, you need to take into account that you are creating an accent designed to decorate your garden, therefore, you need to place the alpine slide in an open space so that it is an area with good review from all sides. As a rule, an alpine slide is laid out in the center or on the edge of a grass lawn. It is best to orient the rock garden to the south or southwest - this way it will be well lit by the sun and receive a sufficient amount of heat.

An alpine slide in the center of a green lawn will become a dominant element in the landscape design of your site

The terraced alpine slide will harmoniously fit into the natural topography of the garden

When laying an alpine slide, it is necessary to avoid places adjacent to buildings and in the shade massive trees However, shrubs or trees may be present in the background, at some distance, to create a backdrop for the spectacular perception of the rock garden. It’s not bad when the rock garden fits into the existing landscape land plot, located on a gentle slope or in a ravine, fitting into the natural differences in elevation - lowlands and hills of the site.

Strive to ensure that the trees and shrubs in the background of the rock garden are uniform in color. A colorful background will distract from the integral perception of the alpine hill as an accent element of the landscape of the site.

The staircase leading up the slope can be beautifully complemented by an alpine slide that imitates a rocky landscape

The starting point for creating a rocky slide can be a diagram of a rock garden, drawn to scale, where you will first plan the placement of stones and planting. If the rock garden is supposed to be placed in the depths of the garden, you need to think through the paths and paths leading to it.

A bench, lost in the depths of the garden, surrounded by a wild corner of nature originally from the Alps, can be a wonderful place for a secluded relaxation

It looks spectacular when an alpine hill is crossed by a rocky winding path or a dry stream of small stones, and nearby there is a bench or grotto with a bench, from where you can admire the result of your landscape creativity.

The rock garden looks great in tandem with a small lake overgrown with reeds and water lilies

A rock garden with a pond looks very harmonious, especially if it is a slightly swampy body of water with characteristic moisture-loving plants planted along the shore. Interesting solution pond design can be planting a large tree or bush coniferous species on a tiny “patch” of land adjacent to the water. This technique will visually expand the boundaries of the site.

A rock garden created from huge stone blocks in combination with a small waterfall will truly decorate your garden

An effective accent of an alpine slide combined with a pond can be a small waterfall falling from an artificial gorge or a stone wall.

Step-by-step stages of arranging a rock garden

Preparatory work for laying

Using a pre-created rock garden plan, start laying it by marking the selected area - determine the diameter of the slide, its height and the location of large accent stones. The height of the slide is calculated based on the diameter of its base - 1 m of base is equal to 10-20 cm of height. The height of the rock garden is optimally within 0.5-1.5 meters.

Create a diagram of an alpine slide, indicating its dimensions and placement of the main elements of the composition

Shape the slopes of the alpine hill so that one of them is flatter and oriented to the south

Many people wonder how to make a rock garden resistant to natural processes destruction due to wind, groundwater and precipitation? It is best to start arranging a rock garden in the fall and carefully prepare the foundation for it. Soil preparation prior to the creation of an alpine hill consists of clearing the site and removing the top layer of soil to a depth of 20-30 cm.

Before laying the rock garden, form a drainage layer to drain water

This recess is necessary for drainage - drainage of water from the rock garden, for which it is filled with gravel, expanded clay, crushed brick or construction waste to a height of 10 cm. A 5-centimeter layer of coarse sand is poured on top, then a 15-centimeter layer of soil, onto which, subsequently , stones are laid and plants are planted.

When arranging a terraced rock garden, a large stone is laid at the base of each tier

When preparing a site for a rock garden, pay Special attention weeding to get rid of perennial weeds such as wheatgrass, which, when germinating, can destroy the hill from the inside. It is advisable to additionally treat the area for planting the rock garden with herbicides.

Creating a basic composition of stones

Start creating a composition of stones by laying large blocks at the base of the alpine hill

A composition of stones is the basis of any rock garden. It is important to select stones of the same type, but of different sizes, for the entire hill - several large boulders, medium and small stones. Provide flat stones - they will serve as a kind of steps for movement when caring for the alpine slide. You need to start laying stones from the bottom up - from large to small, grouping and distributing them. It would be a mistake to lay the stones in a regular manner, maintaining equal distances between them. Rock garden stones should be placed randomly, as close as possible to the natural mountain landscape.

When arranging an alpine hill, the stones need to be slightly buried in the soil

When laying an alpine slide, the stones are buried to 1/2 or 1/3 of their height, and then additionally filled up fertile soil, which contains equal parts of turf soil, peat, humus and sand. After the gaps between the stones are covered, the earth is compacted and watered with a spray jet so that the soil is not washed away. It is not recommended to plant plants immediately after arranging the composition of stones - the slide needs to be given about 2-3 weeks for it to settle and sag a little. It is best if the hill survives the winter, and in the spring you can start planting.

Another point - when you form a composition of stones, periodically move away from the slide at a distance of 3-5 meters to assess its harmony and integrity.

Selection and planting of plants

Having overwintered, the rock garden is ready for planting in the spring. Typically, these are plants characteristic of the highlands of the Alps. First, shrubs are planted, then herbaceous plant species, and finally, ground cover “alpines”. Plants for a rock garden should be selected in such a way that the slide looks spectacular at any time of the year, pleasing the eye with the blooming of spring primroses, the bright foliage of ground cover flora and evergreen conifers.

To plant a plant, a hole is dug in the ground between the stones, the bottom of which is reinforced with gravel, where the plant is then placed. After planting, the ground around is compacted and mulched with fine gravel.

Proper placement of plants will promote their growth and enhance the aesthetic appearance of the alpine slide

The center of a coniferous rock garden composition can be a dwarf weeping tree

It is important to know that it is a fairly unpretentious option landscape design can become a rock garden of conifers when the stone composition is diluted with evergreen shrubs and trees.

How to choose a suitable stone?

When choosing a stone for a rock garden, you need to pay attention to its size, shape and surface features. Considering that the rock garden imitates a mountain landscape, where the stones are polished by precipitation and winds, they have an irregular, but natural shape, for an alpine slide it is undesirable to use a rounded stone of river origin or scrap stone with sharp edges.

A good choice for a rock garden would be limestone or sandstone. Suitable dolomite - sedimentary rock, slate with a layered structure, basalt, travertine, calcareous tuff, light gneiss. A forest boulder overgrown with moss and lichen will be a particularly valuable specimen for a rock garden.

To form an alpine slide, it is necessary to select stones of different sizes - from huge blocks to fine gravel

An excellent choice for an alpine slide would be sandstone - a layered stone of light beige tones.

Stone options for creating a rock garden:

  • White-green quartz - fragmentary stone, smoothed in fragments, ranging in size from 20 to 60 centimeters, mined in the Orenburg region;
  • Milky quartz is a stone with an uneven rough surface from 30 to 70 cm, mined in the Urals;
  • Sirpantenite is a silver or green stone, 25-45 cm in size, mined in the Caucasus, 15 rubles/kg;
  • Elbrus - gray or beige stone, size 20-90 cm, 11 rub./kg;
  • “Petrified wood” made of oblong quartzite, yellow-beige color with veins, size 20-50 cm, 16 rub./kg;
  • Jasper green and red, size 20-60 cm, 12 rub./kg;
  • Green coil - stone size 20-80 cm, 19 rubles/kg;
  • Quartz “Rainbow” - a stone of yellow-brown color, size 10-70 cm, 11 rub./kg;
  • Sandstone is a stone of arbitrary rounded shape of sandy or gray, with a size of 30-90 cm.

If you use limestone to create a rock garden, then the soil poured between the stones will have an alkaline reaction, unsuitable for some plants, so the soil will have to be acidified.

Plants for planting in rock gardens

Shade-tolerant alpine plants that are planted on the northern slope of the rock garden:

An effective solution for a rock garden in the form of a stone fence - a variegated flower cover

Periwinkle and carnation are traditional inhabitants of alpine hills

Light-loving alpine plants that are planted on the southern slope of the alpine hill:

  • Adonis is a perennial with colorful flowers.
  • Acena - does not lose foliage in winter, and after flowering the flowers take on the appearance of red needle-shaped balls.
  • Decorative bow - large leaves combined with long vertical arrows with a spherical color.
  • Iris is a perennial bulbous plant with orchid-like flowers.
  • Lavender - evergreen shrub with a fine purple color.
  • Juveniles are small rosettes of fleshy leaves of light green color.

The combination of cover plants with saxifrage and primroses creates a harmonious plant composition of the rock garden

Universal plants for alpine hills:

  • Arabis is a perennial ground cover plant that blooms in May and late autumn.
  • Bluebell - has abundant color from July to October.
  • Crocus is a corm plant, primrose.
  • Muscari is a bulbous plant that resembles hyacinth.
  • An interesting move in the design of a rocky path is the combination wooden steps and coniferous rock garden

    Evergreen plants that harmoniously and naturally complement the rock ensemble of the alpine hill:

    • Norway spruce and Canadian spruce;
    • Mountain pine;
    • Juniper Cossack, rocky or ordinary.

    Shrubs forming an intermediate layer between low trees and ground cover crops in rock gardens:

    • Almond;
    • Russian broom;
    • Spiraea japonica;
    • Red-leaved barberry;
    • Euonymus;
    • Heather;
    • Cotoneaster horizontal;
    • Bloodroot.

    Forest boulders overgrown with lichen located on the shore of a reservoir - original idea for decorating a rock garden

    Caring for a rock garden involves weeding, removing dried inflorescences and rare watering. The alpine hill is fertilized with phosphate and potassium fertilizers, but not often - only to prepare for winter. To protect against frost in winter time plants are covered with shavings, spruce branches or burlap. When snow falls, snow cover is constantly maintained on the hill to help the plants survive the winter.

Arranging a rock garden is an incredibly exciting activity that requires a creative approach. In the process, a great abundance of possibilities opens up before you, the main thing is to show imagination and imagination.

What is an alpine slide? In essence, this is an imitation of a mountain landscape with perfectly selected beautiful flowers and plants. Such a composition in the garden should harmoniously fit into the overall landscape, complementing it favorably.

Creating a rock garden is a step-by-step process that requires attention to nuances. First of all, you need to think about the size of the slide itself, optimal location transitions, paths, steps and the structure as a whole.

Choosing the location of the alpine slide

It is very important that the location of the rock garden is well lit. Alpine plants are light-loving: exactly the quantity sunlight affects their growth and development. If we talk about soil, rocky soils with a limited amount of water will be optimal. Excess moisture is extremely destructive for mountain flora, so it is important to prevent stagnation of water in the drainage.

In garden plots, quite a lot of shapeless varieties of stones often form, which owners sometimes use for a future rock garden. IN in this case there is a risk instead beautiful design get a meaningless and ridiculous mountain of stones. Here, experienced landscape designers still recommend carefully selecting pebbles according to appearance, size and shape to create an exquisite mountain landscape.

How to choose the right stones for a rock garden

For your future rock garden, try to select stones of no more than two species of the same size and same structure as possible.

Also consider characteristics plants and flowers that you are planning for the slide. As a rule, they take root well on calcareous rocks with a porous structure, which facilitates the penetration of the roots inside. But such soil needs to be acidified periodically, since it has alkaline reaction. It is advisable to embellish the gaps between plants and stones marble chips or crushed stone. So, the rock garden will take on a beautiful finished look.

Tip: buy stones in special stores. This is the only way you will be confident in the quality of the material, because the stones must be environmentally friendly and have a heterogeneous structure.

The most suitable rocks are granite, travertine, limestone, slate and sandstone. Use stones of the same type weighing about 100 kg and showing signs of erosion. Optimal height rock garden - up to 1.5 meters.

Varieties of alpine slides

The most common and simplest type is a rocky cliff. Naturally, it is possible if there is a steep slope. In this case, work begins from the base, where large blocks of stone are laid, and then various plants are planted.

The next type is a mountain composition that transforms the design into a unique place of extraordinary beauty. To create such beauty, stone blocks are hidden two-thirds into the ground and chaotic paths are arranged, forming a stunning mountain landscape.

Color spectrum

The maximum effect in creating a rock garden can be achieved by a skillful game of color transitions.

Combinations of three shades are considered luxurious. For example, yellow harmonizes perfectly with pinkish, or lilac flowers. Thus, yellow is balanced by two similar shades.

You can visually bring any object closer by combining yellow and orange, and move it away using of blue color. Take a closer look at any landscape design. Surely you will notice that the blue and blue flowers almost invisible, and plants with warm shades, on the contrary, they visually bring objects closer.

Since ancient times, designers have been using the game of contrasts in order to, thanks to one element, emphasize the splendor and uniqueness of another. One large plant looks much brighter and more expressive if it is surrounded on all sides by low-growing species. But compositions with whole and dissected leaves look most advantageous against each other.

Dominant element

The rock garden will look much more elegant if it is dominated by a bright dominant element. These can be the most spectacular flowers or plants, original stone or stream. This accent must be visible from all sides, because it is what gives final completeness to the design, and the landscape is perceived as one whole.

How to choose plants for a mountain composition

When choosing plantings, it is necessary to take into account their sensitivity to light in the place where the rock garden is planned. Remember, not all plants are suitable for a hill and are combined with stones or other types of plantings.

So, for example, the location of the rock garden in the northern part suggests shade-tolerant types. They will also need enough moisture. These include primrose, bergenia, fern and hosta. Light-loving plants, for which soil drainage is less important, are much easier to choose. These are tulip, young, thyme, iris, etc.

There are also many universal varieties that are perfect for both sun and shade - violet, bellflower, crocus, muscari, phlox.

IN winter period looks good Canadian spruce, mountain pine, juniper. The most impressive are variegated and evergreen plantings.

Alpine slide in the country

In general, there are no absolutely two identical rock gardens, since each owner of the site tries to bring something new and individual to the design. By the way, many people believe that The best decision for a mountain composition - an option without any construction work(cement, brickwork etc.). This approach provides the opportunity to rework the entire structure in the future and significantly facilitates the work process.

Do you decorate yours? personal plot? Tell us which version of the alpine slide design did you like the most?

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

An alpine slide is a spectacular element of landscape design, but somewhat labor-intensive to create, implying many nuances and rules. Today we will look at a step-by-step guide to building an alpine slide with your own hands out of the blue with photos and diagrams.

Rock garden with a stream of rounded stones.

Features and device

An alpine slide, or rock garden, is an element of landscape design in the form of a slide, built of stones with high-altitude plants planted on it, growing in the Alps. In other words, this is an artificially created miniature of a mountainous area with its inherent relief elements. So, a rock garden can be created in the form of:

  • gorges;
  • plateau;
  • valleys;
  • cliff;
  • slope, etc.

Rock gardens are also often called rock gardens. The structure of such an element involves several tiers or levels. If element large sizes, it is usually called a rock garden, and structures with more modest dimensions, designed on a small area, are called an alpine slide. It is obvious that high mountain flowers and plants require special conditions, and since rock gardens have become widespread, the plants are not selected to be truly alpine, but based on the climate of the area. We’ll talk in more detail about choosing flora for a rock garden later.

In the photo below you can see a simple but very picturesque alpine hill with stones in the country, which is easy to repeat with your own hands:

Rocky garden on the site.

It is believed that rock gardens first began to be built more than a thousand years ago in Japan. Due to the acute shortage of free space, the Japanese have learned to build real masterpieces on limited space. Stone gardens were also popular in China and other South Asian countries. Around the 16th century, the fashion for building rocky gardens came to Europe, and a couple of centuries later it became popular in Russia.

The main beauty and charm of alpine slides lies in their maximum proximity to natural contours. Lack of symmetry, slight carelessness, exclusively natural materials create an extraordinary atmosphere.

Alpine slide with massive stones.


There are many varieties of rock gardens. Here are some of the most common types of slides:

  1. Valley. From the name it can be assumed that such a slide should be similar to a mountain plateau. For decoration, large block stones are used, deeply buried in the soil. The space between them is filled with flowers and herbs.
  2. Cliff. This variety has the appearance of a steep slope. To implement it, large stones of any shape are used, laid on top of each other in a dry way. The imitation of a cliff will be harmoniously complemented by shrubs.
  3. Meadow. Great emphasis in this type of rock garden is placed on vegetation - low-growing fragrant herbs and colorful flowers will look very fresh in the garden.
  4. Ravine. This type of rock garden looks very unusual, at least because it is necessary to make not a hill, but, on the contrary, a depression. Its slopes are decorated with stones and coniferous crops are planted. Great idea there will be a stream at the bottom of the ravine.
  5. Cascade Creek. A rocky hill with many thin streams flowing down in a cascade looks incredibly picturesque and peaceful. When constructing this variety, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of plants - it is better to plant moisture-loving crops.

Types of alpine slides.

Important! It is necessary to distinguish rock gardens from rockeries - these are two different elements of landscape design, although both use stones and plants.

Typically, rock gardens are much larger in scale, unlike, and also have a greater height (sometimes up to 2-3 m compared to maximum height rockery 1 m). Another distinctive feature - vegetation - can be used minimally or not at all in rock gardens, while in rock gardens it is a mandatory element.


The construction of an alpine slide is limited only by your imagination and the characteristics of the site. The compositions can be completely different. To make it easier for you to choose, consider some examples of photos of alpine slides in the garden - the most simple options, which you can repeat with your own hands, as well as complex compositions with a fountain, a pond and a bridge.

Rock garden with a bridge.

Rock gardens with ponds will bring freshness to the garden design. It is better to place such an element near the recreation area.

Large alpine hill with a stream.

Even small streams and ponds can transform an area:

Rock garden with waterfall and pond.

In the photo below you see how you can arrange a rock garden near your house:

Rock garden near the house.

For construction you can use the following schemes:

Rock garden diagram.

Scheme No. 2:

Scheme of an alpine slide.

Scheme No. 3:

Alpine slide option.

Scheme No. 4:

Slide with a pond.

Selecting a location

To arrange a beautiful rocky garden on your site, you must initially choose a suitable location.

Advice: if there are natural uneven terrain on the site, it is advisable to use them for arranging an alpine slide.

If the site does not have any changes, it’s okay - you can arrange a rocky garden on flat ground, but in this case you will have to put in a little more effort. It is important that during an artificial construction this element harmoniously and smoothly transitions into the rest of the flat landscape.

Rock garden on a natural slope along the steps.

In addition, there are other criteria for choosing a location:

  1. Accessible review. An alpine hill is a very picturesque and colorful element of the garden, so it is important that it is visible and provides the opportunity to be admired from many points on the site. Therefore, it is advisable to locate the slides close to the house, gazebo or other recreation area.
  2. Distance from tall trees, massive bushes - in contrast with the trees, the hill may lose its scale.
  3. Sunny area, sheltered from the wind. This will ensure good conditions for most plants used in the construction of rock gardens. Ideally, the main side of the rock garden will be oriented to the south, east or southeast.
  4. Neighborhood to a pond. If there is a artificial pond or a waterfall, it is logical to place a rock garden nearby.

It is not recommended to build large-scale rocky gardens directly in the center of a large empty space - this will give the landscape element a very implausible appearance. As for the size of the slide, there are no strict boundaries or standards; you need to choose the dimensions based on the area of ​​the site. After all, it is not the size of the rock garden itself that is important, but its harmonious combination with the design of the territory of the dacha or country house.

Plant selection

Another important point– selection of vegetation for the slide.

IN classic version When arranging a rock garden, unpretentious, perennial alpine plants, resistant to harsh climates, and compact in size (ground cover or low-growing) are selected.

However, with the growing popularity of rock gardens, the range of plants used in their design has also increased. When arranging a hill, the following groups of flowers are planted:

  • compact, low-growing conifers or deciduous shrubs are often chosen as the basis of the composition;
  • ground cover crops are used to fill the space of the rock garden;
  • perennial herbs;
  • bulbous flowers - look very impressive during the flowering period. They enliven the appearance of the slide in spring.

It is important to select plants based on the conditions on your hill - soil type, light-to-shade ratio, protection from wind, etc. All plants should have more or less similar requirements for conditions. Also be guided by the size of the hill - the larger its dimensions, the taller plants can be planted. For compact rock gardens, select low crops.

Let's list which specific types are best used for slides:

  1. Perennials: edelweiss, alyssum, young, echinacea, armeria maritima, carnations.
  2. Annuals and bulbous plants: crocuses, muscari, scillas, snowdrops, haretail, dimorphotheca, marigolds, saxifrage.
  3. Conifers: thuja, juniper, black pine, miniature spruce.
  4. Deciduous shrubs: barberry, spirea, cotoneaster, chaenomeles.

In the photo below you can see what plants are needed to set up a rock garden:

Plants for alpine hills.

Stones for the slide

When choosing and arranging stones for a slide, it is necessary to start from the basic principle - naturalness. Based on this, using several types of stones that do not occur together in nature will not be a very good solution.

The following types are most often used for arranging slides:

  1. Granite. It has beautiful view, heavy, so working with it is difficult. It has a low level of moisture absorption. Most often used together with conifers and heather.
  2. Sandstone. It has a porous structure (that is, plants with a certain root system can grow directly in it), and a large palette of shades is also found in nature, which allows you to design rocky hills in different ways.
  3. Limestones. They allow water to pass through well and are gradually overgrown with moss, as a result of which they begin to become only more beautiful and picturesque over time.

For a natural-looking slide, it is necessary to use irregularly shaped cobblestones of various sizes. Place smaller ones between large specimens. For flatter areas, you can choose smooth stones (not perfectly rounded), and for steep slopes– lumpy.

In addition to the listed types, you can also use shell rock and slate. Gravel and crushed stone are used to create drainage; pebbles are usually used to lay out alpine slides with real or dry streams.

In the photo below you can see an alpine slide, created with your own hands at the dacha from scrap materials:

Alpine slide made from scrap materials.


So, when we have discussed the main aspects of making a rock garden, we can proceed directly to work. We will give step-by-step guidance and show in photos and diagrams the process of building an alpine slide with your own hands out of the blue.

Important! Just pouring a pile of stones, filling the gaps with soil and planting flowers does not mean creating a rock garden. With this approach, the stones can quickly move, causing the shape to disintegrate and the decorative effect to be lost.

If we talk about the time frame for creating a rock garden, it will take from two weeks to a month. The exact timing depends on the rate of soil shrinkage.

Preparation and drainage

After you have chosen the size and shape for the slide, these parameters must be transferred to the site. It is worth fencing it around the perimeter with rope and pegs, clearing it of debris and stones, and uprooting plants. Next you need to do the drainage:

  1. Remove a layer of soil from the selected area. The depth depends on the area of ​​the rock garden - for wide elements it will be necessary to remove the soil to a depth of 70-80 cm and even up to 1 m. In this case, you will get good drainage with excellent moisture removal, which will also serve as a foundation for the composition and ensure its durability.
  2. Bottom needs to be filled drainage material: expanded clay, construction waste ( broken bricks, parts of concrete, etc., wood cannot be used). The thickness of this layer is 35 cm.
  3. The next layer is sand. The sand must be laid 35 cm thick, compacted and leveled, and then watered to shrink.

At this stage, there should be approximately 30-40 cm left to the soil level - we will fill them with soil.

Construction of an alpine slide.

Laying soil and stones

To prepare soil for a rock garden, you can use one of the “recipes”:

  1. Mix coarse sand with peat and humus in a 1:1:1 ratio.
  2. Mix peat and clay soil in a ratio of 1:3. You can add gravel to this mixture in an amount of 5:1.

Important! The soil for a rock garden must be thoroughly cleared of weeds and rhizomes, otherwise it will be more difficult to care for the hill.

The resulting mixture is poured on top of the sand around the perimeter of the future rock garden. The thickness of the soil layer can reach 1 m - this will be an excellent basis for stones. Next, you should wait about 1.5-2 weeks until the soil settles. Sometimes you have to wait up to 5 weeks.

Construction of a rock garden step by step.

In addition to the diagram above, we attach step by step photo process:

Now let's get to important stage– laying stones. We tell you step by step how to make an alpine slide with your own hands near your house:

  1. Start laying the largest pieces according to the chosen pattern. If they lie unsteadily, use sand, soil, or gravel to strengthen them. It is very important that they are securely fixed.
  2. Next, install the medium-sized specimens and only then the smallest ones.
  3. Do not place stones close together - there should be space between them for planting vegetation.

Avoid a symmetrical arrangement - try to arrange the stones a little chaotically so that the composition has a natural look.

Plant colonization

This is the final stage of designing an alpine slide. First, plant trees and shrubs, then fill the main volume with perennials.

Important! A little accumulates at the bottom of the slide more moisture, therefore it is better to plant moisture-loving species here.

The process of planting plants in an alpine hill.

How to care

The advantage of rock gardens is that, despite all their decorativeness, they require incomparably less attention than flower beds and flower beds. But some care is still required:

  • the soil in rock gardens dries out faster than in ordinary beds due to the elevation, heated stones and wind, so the plants should be regularly watered with a hose with a fine nozzle;
  • Plants need to be fed at the root regularly (about once a month);
  • During the entire flowering period, regularly remove faded shoots, add mulch if it has been washed away by rain or watering, and check the plants for diseases and pests.

For the winter, the composition must be covered with agrofibre. In the spring, the film is removed, dead plants are removed (if this happens), loose stones are corrected, and leaves are raked. Next, you need to renew the layer of soil and mulch and add new plants.

Now you understand that creating an alpine slide with your own hands, even on level ground, is not difficult if you follow step by step guide with photos and diagrams.

Video: how to quickly and easily make a rock garden.