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» A man and a woman fishing in a dream. Why see Fish, why fish in a dream? Catching a big fish in a dream with a fishing rod

A man and a woman fishing in a dream. Why see Fish, why fish in a dream? Catching a big fish in a dream with a fishing rod

Since ancient times human dreams were considered something mystical and bringing encrypted messages. To date it has been created a large number of dream books that, to one degree or another, interpret what you saw in a dream. Of course, it is better not to take everything to heart and not to interpret the meaning literally. If you dreamed of fishing, then you can learn about this symbol from more than the three most popular dream books in the world. This article contains all the explanations and instructions about dreams with fish. Try to observe your life and perhaps you will choose the most accurate dream book for yourself.

Why dream of fishing according to Miller’s dream book

One of the most significant dream books Europe promises you family joys: the birth of children. For women, fish in a dream are always children, even if there are several interpretations.

  • Catching fish from an ice hole means easy and quick birth.
  • Fishing on a sunny day or with a net promises the birth of a boy or twins.
  • If you dream that you are catching fish with your bare hands, then you will have to fight for family happiness. If at the end of such a dream you were still able to catch a fish, then the problems will be solved easily and quickly.
  • Catching a big fish in a dream or catching it with a harpoon means the birth of a girl.

Men dream about fish family joys and new family members. Oddly enough, according to many dream books, the symbol of fish is family joys.

Why do you dream of fishing according to Longo’s dream book?

Longo's dream book characterizes fish in a dream as good sign. First of all, this is promotion career ladder, or a sudden monetary reward. Get ready to receive many unexpected surprises or gifts in the coming days; perhaps you will find banknotes on the road.

However, if you are fishing in muddy water, then such a dream may indicate impending problems and adversity. Take a closer look at who is around you so as not to become a victim of betrayal.

Fishing in clean water characterizes you as positive person, such a dream may not carry much meaning.

Why dream of fishing according to Hasse’s dream book

According to this dream book, failure awaits you if you catch fish in a dream. Especially if this fish is small. Large fish carry a certain negative message, but only partly. These problems can be quickly and easily resolved. A small fish speaks of major adversities that can fall on your head.

If, after catching fish, you cook it and eat it, then the dream changes its meaning to the opposite: you will have a successful and joyful meeting, an important acquaintance or a productive interview.

Fishing in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book

Vanga's dream book, like many others, interprets fishing as a good omen. You will have to try your luck in family matters, at work, and also make new good acquaintances.

This dream book pays special attention to details:

  • If you caught a fish without a head, then it is too early for you to celebrate and rejoice in your victories. Be careful.
  • If the fish eludes you, then you have a journey ahead of you.
  • A big fish or even a shark will bring a lot of happiness to your home.
  • If you catch not just fish, but make a whole catch with many fish, then perhaps a new addition to your family awaits you.
  • Cloudy or dirty water is not a very good sign.

Remember that all interpretations cannot come true together. Choose your favorite dream book and keep it close to your bed.

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about how you caught fish, it means that real life you find it difficult to tune out thoughts about current affairs while making love. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax completely and receive (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love. Otherwise, you risk becoming a sexually dysfunctional person as soon as possible, because, without being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body. If a man treats himself to fish in a dream, the dream indicates that in your intimate life you act according to the principle “The Moor has done his job...”. You don't care in the least about how your partner feels or how to give her maximum pleasure. The main thing for you is to satisfy your own instincts. Fishing in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in real life you are subconsciously afraid of disgracing yourself in bed. It is possible that an unsuccessful first attempt at sexual experience should be considered to blame for these fears. Take a philosophical view of what happened once - it happened and has passed.

I dreamed about a fish

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream foretells that fate will generously reward you. Dead fish in a dream promises sorrow and foreshadows loss. If a young lady dreams of a live fish, happy love awaits her. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials for you, which you will endure steadfastly, maintaining presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise. Watching fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances. If you see that you haven't caught anything and leave the river with empty handed- a dream warns you about the vanity of your desires. If you go to the fish market, then in reality you will find prosperity and joy. Seeing a fishing net is a dream that promises acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible. If in a dream you pick up fishhooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Fish in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, impermanence. Seeing fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign. Ecological disasters, disasters. Fishing is trying to find a way out of a difficult situation. See large cluster Pisces - don’t rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance. A dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen. Eating fish in a dream means receiving unexpected but pleasant news. A dream in which you dream of a fish with human face, means the threat of nuclear war. Seeing one fish attacking another in a dream means an attack by submarines. If you dreamed of rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person. A dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.

Seeing a fish in a dream, fishing

according to Loff's dream book

As Freud believed, a small fish symbolizes the male seed, a medium-sized fish, which quite logically for him personified children, and fishing rods, according to his theory, embodied the image of the phallus. In general, dreams about fish can be the result of a search for means to satisfy the needs of life, a desire to find something that is reliably hidden from view, or the result of primitive fears - if, of course, you are an ardent supporter of the theory of Darwinism. It should also be noted that fish can dream of trips or travel. And, in the end, fish symbolizes the ability or inability to earn your daily bread.

Why do you dream about fish?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Touching a dead thing is a disease; eat - anxiety, worries; to see living water - good luck in business, hope; catching one alive is a great success; if you didn’t catch it yourself, the birth of a child; catching a fish means a rich marriage (for a woman); rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, unexpected increase in income; catching a dead one means unrealistic hopes; multi-colored - recovery for the patient; healthy - a quarrel; seeing a fish (for a woman) means pregnancy; giving birth to a fish is a wonderful child; in flowing clear water - good luck; flying - resolution, good luck in all matters; sitting on a pile of fish is healing.

The meaning of a dream about food

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of food in a dream - for men, the dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. And you only need to look at beautiful woman, and deal with physiological problems you can't anymore. Unfortunately, rapid ejaculation is a problem for many men, but it can be overcome. A small amount of food that you dreamed of promises a meeting with a frigid partner (if you are a man) or with a partner who is very weak in potency.

I dreamed about food

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing food in a dream means that you are careless with documents, thereby harming the most important operations in your business. If you dream about your lonely meal, this promises you minor losses. A dream in which you eat in a pleasant company is favorable - it means profit, success in business. But if you see that your daughter or the waiter is taking away what you left uneaten meat dish- you have to endure the insult inflicted by people you do not respect.

Why do you dream about food?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

on the tables - arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat - to exaltation; exotic food is an unusual offer; too much - joy; cooking food - personal troubles; eat - to tears, sadness.

Why do you dream about eating?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

minor troubles; watching others eat - exaltation; seeing food is good; eating bread is wealth.

To see in a dream there is

according to Loff's dream book

Within the framework of dream interpretation, the process of eating can be very eloquent, or it can be dictated by the laws of survival, ordinary necessity. You got your food in the usual way or under some unusual circumstances? Is this a dish familiar to you or something hitherto unknown? If you watch how others eat, this indicates your unsatisfied material or emotional needs. This applies to cases when you believe that those around you are too insatiable in their appetites. In this case, it is worth determining who is eating and why you were not invited. How those present eat: grotesque gluttony speaks of excess wealth in your life or the nature of your relationships with other people sitting at the table. If the process of eating food is carried out in compliance with all appropriate rules of decency and resembles a sacred ritual, it means that in one of the aspects of your life you are guided by Providence or feel an epiphany.

Why do you dream about having lunch?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

at home - loss; quarrel if there are other people; together with your loved one - early or early marriage.

Why do you have a dream about a pike?

according to Vanga's dream book

You found a large toothy pike in your catch - this means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you. In a dream you are treated delicious dish prepared from a river predator - in reality you should be more careful. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from it. You dreamed that you caught a giant pike, but without scales - this predicts difficult trials and illnesses. But you need to remember that everything that happens to you was sent down by God to cleanse the soul and thoughts of a person. Therefore, be patient and accept everything that happens to you as inevitable.

The meaning of a dream about pike

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, catching a pike while fishing means you will meet an old acquaintance whom you previously knew as a loser in your personal life. Now you will be surprised by his high personal status. Eating a pike in a dream means you will witness how a person with a reputation for being strong-willed and domineering behaves in sex. You will see that in bed he loves to play the role of a subordinate and fulfill all the desires of his “master”. Thus, you will have information in your hands that will be worth a lot, and it will be up to you to decide how to use this information.

The meaning of a dream about a mermaid

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a mermaid sitting on a stone, this suggests that in real life you tirelessly chase members of the opposite sex, turning it into a kind of game. This game is an attempt to find a person who would answer the idea you have created. ideal image. But you don’t notice the one who is currently next to you and loves you devotedly. If you dreamed about how you caught a mermaid, this means that your relationship with the opposite sex has developed into a hunt. The more sexual victories you have, the more you want to win new hearts. This kind of consumerism will eventually lead to satiety. You harm yourself by wasting your time on trifles. Don't you think it's time to think about your behavior and settle down? If you are a woman and you dreamed that you were a mermaid, this indicates that in reality your behavior is characterized by extreme frivolity and imprudence. This is expressed in the fact that you flirt recklessly with everyone; this has become the norm for you. Do not forget that an excessive number of fans causes attacks of jealousy in your loved one, which often becomes the cause of quarrels.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dream that you are having dinner, then this indicates that you will experience great difficulties related to food. You will feel out of place. Enemies will try to hurt your character. You should be careful who you trust with your secrets.

Seeing food in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Food, as well as the process of eating it, is a powerful symbol in dreams. It can be either a simple addition to the main plot of the dream or its central element. Moreover, to interpret the dream, it is important to determine who prepared it. For example, you dream of a plate of potato salad that Aunt Sally loved to make, but she has been dead for two years. Then it may well be that the key to understanding the essence of the dream is hidden in the personality of your aunt or her influence on you. An abundance of food symbolizes fertility, abundance or wealth. How did there turn out to be so much food in the dream, and how did people react to such abundance? Perhaps your concept of excess and excess differs from other people's views on the same issue. Security and prosperity always go hand in hand: probably in a dream you demand more food - this means that you have additional responsibilities. You acquired products simply because your funds allowed it; then it promises wealth or someone’s favor, depending on how you managed the acquisition. Fresh food - a sign of renewal - can be dreamed of in the following contexts: you would like to have lunch with someone, compare it to a traditional Sunday dinner with your family; we're talking about directly about the process of absorbing food, which brings a sense of renewal, or about harvesting, symbolizes unity with nature or pride in the work done. Spoiled food symbolizes waste, excess, greed or poor management of funds. These dreams usually evoke feelings of dissatisfaction associated with losing, ordering, or having spoiled food. Have you ever struggled with overweight, binge eating, or an eating disorder such as bulimia or loss of appetite? Have you ever found yourself in an awkward position because you were forced to eat foods you didn’t like and in large quantities? Do you associate certain foods with specific people?

I dreamed about trout

according to Miller's dream book

Trout in a dream means growing prosperity. If you eat trout in a dream, it means that you will soon find yourself in very favorable circumstances. If in a dream you caught a trout with a fishing rod, it means that you are guaranteed prosperity. If a caught trout falls off the hook and falls into the water, your happiness will be short-lived. A trout caught in a net promises unprecedented prosperity. If in a dream you see a trout in muddy water, then in reality love will bring you trouble and disappointment.

If you dreamed of a fish, then this dream can be interpreted in completely different ways. For example, looking at Miller’s dream book, you will find out that fresh fish in a dream indicates that fate will very soon give you a generous gift.

After such a dream, young people can count on good luck in love affairs. But a dead fish in a dream warns you of an impending dark streak in life and misunderstandings on the part of friends. Miller's dream book states that if you catch fish in a dream, you must prepare for serious trials from which you will emerge victorious. But if you woke up and remembered that in a dream you went fishing, but luck did not smile on you, then this indicates that you should not spend money on unnecessary purchases and acquisitions.

When you dream that you are on the shore and from there watching someone catch a fish, it means that you are absolutely healthy, and you can count on the fact that you will soon have an excellent chance to take advantage of life’s circumstances.

A new fishing net promises pleasant purchases, but a torn one promises disappointment. If you see fishhooks in a dream, this means that you need to quickly become independent. Going to the fish market for shopping - very soon you will receive some kind of reward. It can be both material and emotional.

Dreams about fish can also be interpreted using Freud's dream book. The psychologist claimed that if you dreamed of a fish, then this dream means that you are unable to relax and enjoy sex. You are constantly bothered by thoughts about work and home problems.

A man who dreams that he eats fish in a dream is a real egoist. And this definition of his nature concerns not only real life, but also sexual life. If you go fishing but never catch a single fish, you are afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of your partner in bed. In order for the meaning of the dream not to be repeated in life, you must forget all past unsuccessful attempts and try to repeat everything again.

Fish is considered a symbol of impermanence by Nostradamus. When you fish in a dream, be prepared for the fact that you will have to look for ways to solve difficult life issues. Eating fish in a dream - this dream indicates that you will soon receive good news.

If a woman dreams of a fish

Almost all dream books claim that women dream of fish for the upcoming addition to the family. If in a dream a woman not only sees fish, but eats it, savoring every bite, then this means that she will soon become the bride of her lover. For single girls, dreaming of a fish means that they have every chance of meeting their betrothed. In addition, if in a dream the fish is big and beautiful, then the groom will be like that - a handsome, smart and good person.

The dream in which you clean has the opposite interpretation live fish. It means that you may soon have a fight and, as a result, break up with the young man. In addition, for a while guys will stop liking you altogether.

Difficulties in your personal life are foreshadowed by a dream that you yourself eat the fish you caught. If you like her taste, then you can overcome these difficulties. And if you don’t like fish, then to resolve complex issues you will have to ask your loved ones for help.

If a stranger eats fish in your dream, this indicates that soon the ill-wisher will want to harm your family happiness.

Preparing for fishing in a dream, carefully collecting all fishing gear - means quickly purchasing the things you need in the house. If you notice that the fishing net is torn, prepare yourself for the possibility of disappointment due to the failed event.

A man dreamed of a fish

For a man to see a fish swimming in clear water means you can soon count on an improvement in your financial situation. In addition, the money you receive will become the key to a new stage in your life.

Holding a fish in a dream and at the same time standing in the water yourself - your dreams will come true, which will bring considerable success and fame.

A dream in which you watch a school of small fish promises to achieve what you want. At the same time, you will not need to work hard at all - you can achieve results very easily and quickly.

A rich catch means that you are a professional in your field, you are respected by your colleagues and superiors. If you are fishing in a dream, but this process takes too much time and is intensified, then the man in reality is trying to gain the respect of others, and it’s time for him to rest, take a vacation.

In addition to the fact that fish portends wealth to a man, he can also count on new love relationship. This is possible if in a dream he eats fish. Delicious Fried fish predicts sincere and tender relationships. Smoked or dried fish means a break in relationships. Eating fish in a dream - in his intimate life, although this person is known as an egoist, he is still not averse to making love with several partners.

Big fish in a dream

If in a dream you dreamed of a large sea fish, then get ready - worries and anxieties will creep into your near future. A big fish in an aquarium symbolizes joyful events involving loved ones.

When a woman sees in a dream big fish, then she will soon become pregnant, and in exactly 9 months will give birth to a healthy baby. For a man or child, a big fish promises joy in life and success in business or education.

A big fish swallowing a small one actually means that you should be more careful in your behavior with people in authority.

If you caught a big catch of fish in a dream, but when you were going home you released all the fish you caught, expect disappointments and losses in life.

Catch, fish, why do you dream of fishing?

Catching a fish in a dream means you must show fortitude in overcoming difficult challenges. A dream in which you managed to catch a big fish promises great success. A woman who catches a fish in a dream can hope for a rich marriage.

Catching a pike in a dream means that you will have a daughter. When an elderly person dreams about fishing, it means that someone in his family will get sick.

Relationships with a girl will improve if the guy caught a fish in a dream with a fishing rod.

You dreamed of fresh or fried fish

Seeing fresh fish in a dream means unexpected surprise in real life. When a woman serves fresh fish on the table, a bright streak will come in the life of her family. Fresh River fish means an uninteresting life in the near future. Fresh sea fish symbolizes a trip and a fun time.

Preparing fish for frying - you will participate in an unimportant task that will bring you profit over time. Eating fried fish in a dream means a quick trip.

  • 1 Why does a man dream about fish - interpretation from dream books
  • 2 I dreamed of a fish in clear, muddy water
  • 3 Lots of fish
  • 4 Why do you dream of fried, boiled, salted fish?
  • 5 Dream interpretation dead fish
  • 6 Why does a man dream of fishing?
  • 7 Small or large fish

As you know, for the fair sex, underwater scaly inhabitants most often become harbingers of pregnancy. But figuring out why a man dreams of fish is somewhat more difficult. Tips from eminent interpreters will help you do this.

Why does a man dream about fish - interpretation from dream books

In the majority modern dream books fish portends financial success for a man. The sleeper will come up with an innovative idea that will allow him to significantly increase his own income, and, perhaps, even go free by opening a business.

According to Miller’s dream book, fishing, which results in a lot of small fish being caught, promises difficult life trials in reality. Unfortunately, you will have to cope with them exclusively alone.

Loff’s work notes that a large fish in a man’s hands symbolizes his success in reality. Surely the man has already managed to achieve a high position in society and provide his family with a comfortable future. Now you can rest a little.

Buying a big fish in a dream (according to Medea’s dream book) means quick success that will exceed all a man’s expectations. He will reach heights he never dreamed of.

Veles’s dream book notes: if a person releases the fish he caught, it means that in real life he does not value what he has. This feature prevents the sleeper from becoming absolutely happy.

I dreamed of a fish in clear, muddy water

If you manage to remember what kind of water the fish was in in the dream, then this detail must be taken into account when interpreting:

  • Underwater inhabitant in a perfectly clean and transparent lake suggests that in reality a person constantly thinks about business and work. He has absolutely no time to rest. You definitely need to allow yourself to relax a little and take up your favorite hobby.
  • Small fish in dirty, heavy-smelling water is a harbinger of health problems. A man needs to convert Special attention on the condition of your genitourinary system.

A fish that flounders on dry ground is a sign that the sleeper is suffering from self-doubt. It is this trait that prevents him from achieving the desired heights and building happy relationships with women.

A lot of fish

A large number of fish in a dream most often promises a man pleasant changes directly in the financial sphere. If there are a lot of fish splashing in clear water, it means that big profits are just around the corner. The coming period of material well-being will last a very long time.

If a man stands in the water and holds many fish in his hands at once, it means that the business he has started will allow him to gain the desired social status, achieve recognition and honor. The main thing is to be alert and catch your luck.

A long school of small fish promises a person easy money. Wealth will come to him unexpectedly. You don't have to put any effort into this.

Why do you dream of fried, boiled, salted fish?

It is worth looking for special meaning in culinary dreams only if they have not become a banal consequence of evening hunger. So, fried fish is a symbol of hidden resentment. To make it easier, you should openly tell your loved ones about it.

Smoked fish with an appetizing aroma portends light flirting and sexual entertainment. If a man is married, then before deciding on dangerous affairs, you need to think several times. A strong family can be destroyed because of fleeting pleasure.

Any boiled fish suggests that there has been a cooling in the relationship between the dreamer and his significant other. More likely, main reason Such changes were caused by a man’s lack of attention to his partner. After a frank conversation with his beloved, he can easily correct all his mistakes.

Salted fish with caviar promises the representative of the stronger sex an heir. In the very near future, the wife can inform him about the pregnancy.

Dream interpretation dead fish

A dead fish under almost any conditions becomes a negative harbinger. Especially if it is already decomposed and smells bad. Such a plot promises a person difficulties in all matters that he undertakes. If there are a lot of dead fish, then in reality the man will experience a long, difficult period. Troubles will affect various areas of life.

A dead underwater inhabitant at the bottom of a reservoir symbolizes unjustified hopes. In addition, it suggests that financial problems can be expected.

Why does a man dream of fishing?

If a man had to fish, then first of all he needs to try to remember what the result of the fishing was. A successful catch promises the sleeper an acquaintance with a pleasant representative of the fair sex. A woman will truly charm the dreamer and occupy his thoughts for a long time.

If there is no catch in the bucket after a long fishing trip, then in real life a man faces disappointment in his profession. Did you have to watch someone else catch the fish? This means that resourcefulness will help a person survive all life’s troubles.

Small or large fish

A fish of huge, unrealistic size is a harbinger of joy and happiness. If the story was seen on the eve of a work trip, you can be sure that it will be successful. This also applies to vacation trips.

But catching a large fish that suddenly turns out to be dead is a less pleasant symbol. It means that one of the sleeper’s close people is cleverly deceiving him for his own benefit. This person may even be the dreamer’s chosen one. To rule out this option, you should take a closer look at her behavior.

A very large fish with golden scales suggests that a period will soon come during which all the wishes of the sleeper will be fulfilled. He won’t have to deal with emerging troubles. All problems will be solved by themselves.

A large fish in a bag or bag is a sign that the dreamer is hiding some very important thing from others. important information. This information can radically change the lives of several people at once.

If a man dreams of fish, this is a favorable sign: one can expect good luck in business, success in various areas of life and financial well-being. The bright streak in life will be long and will give rise to changes in better side. In addition, the dream may mean receiving social status, which the man had been striving for for a long time. For a more accurate interpretation, you should take into account the small details of the dream: what kind of fish it was, where it was, how the dreamer interacted with it.

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What kind of fish did you dream about?

When interpreting, it is important to take into account what kind of fish the man dreamed about:

Description Meaning
Alive, freshLarge cash income, success in business
DeadTroubles, collapse, financial losses. During this period, it is better not to plan any business ideas and not to participate in major transactions: hopes will not be justified. But these are only temporary difficulties, and soon luck will return again. A lot of dead fish in a dream means a lot of failures, so to overcome them you need to be patient. If a dead fish comes to life in a dream, things are getting better; if the dreamer is sick, then recovery awaits him
Raw, rottenHealth problems. You need to rest and gain strength
BigA significant event, a meeting, a major transaction, or an acquaintance with a person who is higher than the dreamer in social status is expected ahead
SmallEveryday chores, routine
VolatileUnexpected success, dreams come true
With caviarNew addition to the family, surprise
FriedThe emergence of a new relationship that may end in marriage. See such a dish on festive table- in reality the dreamer will be invited to some kind of celebration
BoiledSymbol of a boring life. The dreamer is in an unsuccessful search for himself; he is unable to find use for his own talents. In the past, he had chances to change his life for the better, but he foolishly rejected them in pursuit of insignificant goals
SaltyLosses and disappointments
DriedDissatisfaction with the relationship with your other half. Such a dream may even warn of an imminent breakup
RedTo joyful moments
GoldenThe appearance of tempting and tempting offers

Where was the fish?

The meaning of the dream also depends on where the fish was:

  • In clear water in a river or lake, the dreamer will quickly climb the career ladder.
  • In dirty, muddy waters, a financial crisis is to be expected. Catching with your hands in a dirty pond - soon the general public will learn about the skeletons in the closet, carefully hidden by the dreamer. This will damage his reputation. Fishing with a fishing rod in troubled waters is a symbol of dishonest financial transactions.
  • In the networks there are serious tests that will require a person’s strength of character and fortitude. The dream may also mean that the dreamer is in a hopeless situation.
  • There is danger on the hook; great caution must be exercised.
  • In the hands of a person - great success is expected in the planned business.
  • The package contains a favorable sign: success at work and successful endeavors.
  • In the aquarium - stiffness in relationships with a certain person.

Why does a woman dream of fish - interpretation from dream books

The dreamer's actions

The dream cannot be interpreted without taking into account how the dreamer himself interacted with the fish:

Action Interpretation
EatRomantic relationships, happiness in personal life. The tastier the fish was in the dream, the stronger, sincere and more tender the relationship with the woman will be.
SaltMinor troubles
Boil fish soupGather worthy people around you and together with them start some new successful project. But soon the dreamer will get bored with it, so it will probably be abandoned
Swim in the water with the fishA person has some kind of talent that he himself is not aware of.
Fishing with a fishing rodPleasant purchases that the dreamer could not afford before due to financial difficulties. The dream also symbolizes the desire to catch someone “with your bait”
See yourself ice fishingThe need to act boldly and quickly to achieve the desired result
Catch with your handsA new project that will make a profit
Release back into the waterThe dreamer will voluntarily or forcedly give up his own happiness

If a large fish struggled in his hands, turned around and swam away - luck will turn away from the dreamer, even a perfectly done job will not be appreciated.

Who had the dream?

For young guy a fish swimming in the river is a sign that in the future he will be surrounded by the attention of women.

For married man the image of a fish in a dream is a symbol of marital relations. If the husband saw a beautiful or large fish in clear water, then a happy life awaits him. family life in complete understanding. If a dead fish was present in a married man’s dream, quarrels and conflicts are possible in the family. A couple can even divorce if in a man’s dream his wife was holding a sick or dead fish in her hands.

Interpretations of dream books

Such a dream is interpreted differently by various well-known dream books:

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
MillerYou can expect generous gifts from fate, including in terms of financial well-being. Catching a fish and eventually catching it means overcoming many serious challenges in real life, but ultimately achieving your goals. Leaving a fishing trip empty-handed means unjustified hopes
NostradamusSymbol of impermanence. To catch is to look for a way out of a difficult situation. There are a lot of fish - in order not to miss your chance, you should not rely too much on fate. Three fish in a dream - a happy omen
FreudIn real life, a person thinks too much about business and work, which is why he is unable to relax, have fun during intimacy and give pleasure to his partner. You need to be able to forget about problems for a while. Catching fish in a dream and not catching it means fear of disgrace in bed
WangiFish is a symbol of emotions. Sometimes it also warns of misfortune, the size of which depends on the size of the fish itself in the dream. For workaholics, such a dream foreshadows changes in the work environment, business trips and new things to do.
TsvetkovaCleaning fish - failures for which the dreamer himself is to blame
LoffaLive fish - throwing, searching for oneself, desperate desire to make money
HasseA favorable symbol that promises success in the future, money and general well-being. A man dreams of a big fish to mean that even in risky matters, luck will always accompany him. But a small fish speaks of fears, uncertainty and doubts, and illnesses are possible. Fishing with fishing gear or catching with bare hands in a dream is a warning that the dreamer was set up by an ill-wisher