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» The best specialty for a guy. In-demand male professions: overview, features and reviews

The best specialty for a guy. In-demand male professions: overview, features and reviews

Remember yourself in your youth, when after school you were faced with the choice of which higher education institution to choose to continue further education. Have you always pursued the goal of making good money and securing a stable future for yourself? Or maybe you longed to get a profession for your soul? Man was created for a good life, and if you share this opinion, it’s time to retrain and, after getting acquainted with the list of the most profitable professions in Russia, choose a more suitable occupation for yourself.

Profession "manager"

They say that leaders are not made, but rather born. Only a small percentage of Russians can feel themselves in the role of director of a company, but it’s worth taking the risk if you feel that this is truly your calling. In Russia, the profession of a director (not a school director, of course) is the highest paid. See for yourself using the example of average salaries in the country:

  • General Director - 275 thousand rubles;
  • Commercial director - 190 thousand rubles;
  • Financial director - 170 thousand rubles;
  • Technical director - 140 thousand rubles.

From heaven to earth: top 10 profitable professions

In order to make good money, it is not at all necessary to be born a Rockefeller or to be a thief in law. And not everyone can become the head of an Investment Bank. The ability to direct your strength and complete dedication to your favorite work is always generously paid. Despite the fact that for 2016-2017. The average salary in Russia is only 20 thousand rubles; a small percentage of highly specialized specialists can always earn several tens of times more. Don't believe me? Then check out the list of the most profitable professions in Russia with a description of the activity and the minimum wage.

Surely everyone today tries to eat not only to satisfy the basic needs of the stomach, but also to get at least minimal pleasure from eating. That is why establishments where you can have a tasty snack are often chosen as a place for meetings and various events. The most talented chefs today often surpass musicians and actors in popularity. The main thing is to show imagination in preparing the dish and attract the attention of visitors to the establishment. Thus, today's chef can become the owner of a luxurious restaurant in which reservations will be made months in advance.

Any large organization today requires logisticians. A person of this specialty develops a route of movement from the manufacturing organization to the point of cargo acceptance. It is important for a logistician to ensure that goods are not idle, so good computer skills are always welcome. Do you have doubts about the salary of a logistician? Imagine the volume of goods the company works with, and doubts will immediately dissipate.

Minimum salary: 45 thousand rubles.

​They say that toothache is the worst in the world, so dental professionals are never left without clients. It is important to obtain a narrowly focused specialization and engage, for example, only in examining the oral cavity, installing braces, and treating caries. Build yourself a clientele and be sure that they won’t be able to live a single day without your help.

Despite the fact that the chief accountant of a company occupies a very modest place after the director, the success of the enterprise depends precisely on the person involved in finance. Certainly, we're talking about about the legal salary, which, as a rule, is very high for accountants.

Minimum salary: 30 thousand rubles.

In the age of computer technology, a programmer is a semblance of an omnipotent person. A qualified specialist can count on good earnings, because every day there are people who need to change the firmware on their phone, reinstall operating system or at least put on a rare program. A programmer can work either in a company or take orders remotely from home.

An auditor, like an accountant, is a person whose activities extend to managing the finances of a company. Today, the auditor’s responsibilities include auditing financial statements, managing financial documentation, and providing advice in this area.

Minimum salary: 35 thousand rubles.

From valuable advice In the business environment, the reputation of the company depends, so no one skimps on the salaries of such specialists. The task of a business consultant is to find the most profitable solution one or another current situation. Often, people in this profession also master teaching and act as speakers at business trainings and seminars.

Minimum salary: 40 thousand rubles.

An information technology specialist, or “IT specialist” for short, is the most respected employee in any structure. If you have a basic technical background, you are eligible to apply for this position by taking responsibility for maintaining the database.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

It’s not for nothing that oil is called “black gold”, because it is the workers in this industry who, as a rule, are underground millionaires. Due to the need for constant production in the oil and gas industry, personnel are selected most carefully and their work is generously paid.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

Without exaggeration, the success of the company as a whole depends on a good manager of an organization. A good manager must be able to distribute the work of all employees of the company and, if necessary, take on their workload. Purposeful people can cope with the task even without special education.

Minimum salary: 100 thousand rubles.

The highest paid professions in Russia

If you think that the salaries of dentists, managers and IT specialists are not for you, and you were born for more, it’s time to find out who becomes a millionaire with their real work in a matter of years. Instead of lyrical digressions, you should go straight to the numbers. First, you should abandon the belief that people from show business are the richest people. It's no secret that even with excellent parameters it is quite difficult to become an actress, model, and singer. It's a matter of chance and connections. You can only earn real money with your own mind.

The managing director of an investment bank earns three million a year. And not dollars, but rubles! This is the highest paid profession in Russia in 2016, which only a small percentage of applicants can apply for, but it’s still worth a try.

People involved in obtaining and refining petroleum products are never poor, especially the leaders of this environment, who receive two million dollars a year (but to the common man It is impossible to get into this position through an interview). Any manager can become a millionaire; the main thing is to correctly distribute the workload of employees, monitor the activities of the entire company and have patience. Understand for yourself that you too can become the owner of the highest paid profession in Russia, the main thing is to want it!


You can just work, or you can work to earn money. But where to find such a job? Are there any in-demand professions for men that will provide for their family, help them save for a vacation, and guarantee a good future? Let's figure it out.

Currently, the border between the so-called female and male professions is practically invisible. If earlier the popular professions for boys and girls were outlined by their specifics, today this is not the case. But just recently, a woman could work in several professions, and entry, for example, into engineering was categorically closed to her. But still, these boundaries exist. Most often, men choose professions related to the use of intelligence and physical strength, involving risk, effort and overcoming.

The professions in demand for men are those professions where stress resistance, courage, determination, the ability to make decisions quickly, exertion of strength and quick reaction would be useful. Therefore, in professions such as police officers, firefighters, oil workers, pilots, and rescuers, the majority of workers are men.

The most popular professions for men

What are the top popular professions for men now? Among the most popular, in first place, of course, are IT specialists. Everything related to the field of programming, system administration, application development is a very promising job for any male intellectual who understands modern technologies. Most specialists in these fields are men. In IT in general, even if it’s not a job, it’s a very popular profession for men and very well paid. In the near future, the demand for such specialists will grow steadily. Qualified IT specialists are valued not only in their homeland, but they are willingly invited to work by foreign employers. Even novice specialists will not remain unemployed; the demand in the market is very high.

In-demand professions for boys who are entering college today educational establishments, includes the profession of a banker and financier. Financial analysts, credit specialists, crisis managers, and stock market specialists are among the most prestigious professions. In banks, in investment companies, experienced workers are required everywhere. This is an excellent and respectable choice for men, allowing them to realize their intelligence and personal qualities.

A fairly popular profession for men is also the specialty of a lawyer. It requires a long study and not just any way, but preferably with “excellent” marks. This is also a great way to realize yourself. Unfortunately, the number of applicants for the position is large, but if you are different from other men, then you have prospects in the legal industry.

The profession of SMM specialist is gaining popularity. These are the people who promote in social networks any projects. Many companies are now actively entering the Internet space and mastering this method of promotion. This is not yet a very popular profession, but it will become so very soon. Therefore, it provides an excellent chance to prove yourself and become a rare, valuable specialist.

Traditional in-demand professions for men

Technical specialties, engineers, builders. Now they are building a lot and actively, even at the state level they support the construction industry. A traditionally masculine area of ​​application. High-rise assemblers, masons, welders - you rarely see women among them. After all, here you also need physical strength in addition to an engineering mindset. The demand for the technical elite - engineers, architects, designers - is now greater than ever, and is constantly growing. This is due to a certain unpopularity of work in the field of real production for some time. The decline in the number of people wishing to study in these specialties has led to the fact that the demand for engineers now greatly exceeds the supply. And now the demand for highly skilled workers is also growing; these are now almost characters from the Red Book, although the need for them is great.

Modern in-demand professions for men

A very popular profession for men is manager. There are many specializations. Managers work in advertising, sales, and almost all areas National economy, from production to trade and service sectors. A higher education is not necessary for this profession, although having one will be an advantage. Natural business abilities are important here.

Sales managers are worth mentioning separately. Men who choose this specialty must be ambitious, purposeful and tenacious. It's not like that simple profession, because you need to constantly be convincing, communicate with people all the time, and resolve controversial issues. Income from trade is quite good.

Since ancient times, the wonderful profession of a doctor has remained in the top of the most popular professions for men. Doctors are always needed. Men work in surgery, dentistry, traumatology, cardiology and many other medical specialties. This is one of the most courageous and noble professions.

Marketer. They develop a sales strategy and organize advertising campaigns. Men work effectively in this area.

And this is not a complete list of professions for men. But these are some of the most popular.

Almost every modern representative of the stronger sex tries to find himself an interesting, and most importantly, highly paid occupation. Professions in demand for men require high qualifications and the presence of some unusual skills. Today knowledge in English or owning a computer won’t surprise anyone anymore.

In order to find Good work and move up career ladder, you need to have skills and abilities that are attractive to an employer.

Specifics of classes

Although the division of professions into male and female has long gone out of fashion, the border nevertheless remains noticeable. The stronger sex strives to occupy positions that require physical strength and/or specific qualities. This refers to resistance to stress, courage, quick decision-making, determination, etc.

Of course, there are women who have all these qualities and you can meet a brave and ambitious lady who is ready to do anything for her goal, but, unfortunately or fortunately, there are not so many such ladies. It is for this reason that there are, so to speak, the “most masculine” professions, such as oil workers, firefighters, rescuers or airplane pilots. Therefore, no one is going to completely erase gender differences, and there is no point in doing so.

So, let's look at the list of male professions, which includes the most popular areas for the stronger sex. The list is firmly entrenched in the top list of private (but not municipal) employment agencies and has been maintained for almost five years. There are no drastic changes looming on the horizon, so you can safely master one of the activities described below.

The list of male professions (the most popular areas) is as follows:

  • Computer specialists.
  • Bank employees.
  • Advocates/Lawyers.
  • SMM agents.
  • Architects.
  • Managers.
  • Medical workers.
  • Sales specialists.

Let's look at each direction in more detail.

Computer specialists

If you ask a woman the question: “What male professions do you know?”, then probably after the list of firefighters and police officers you will hear - computer engineer. This is a rather promising direction for the stronger sex, especially for those who are interested in this huge modern IT world, as well as everything connected with it.

In this area you can also meet women - in the role of administrators or programmers, but the vast majority of workers are still men. The former feel no worse in this area, but, judging by research, men are given such knowledge much easier.

Bank employees

Here, many women will probably object, and in many ways they will be right. Yes, no matter what bank you go to, you will be greeted by the friendly smile of a nice girl at the operator’s desk. But in the banking sector you can find purely male professions that women try to avoid.

We are talking about financial analysts, credit experts and some kind of control services. Workers of this type are in great demand not only in banks, but also in investment companies. For the stronger half, this is an excellent choice if there is a desire to show your strong-willed qualities, maintaining a cool mind and calm during the next crisis.


To become a good lawyer or lawyer, you need to study long and hard, mastering the skill of this delicate but extremely profitable business. The demand for intelligent specialists in this field is always great, because we all, to a greater or lesser extent, violate the law, negotiate with someone, sell, buy... And in this case, the legal support of a professional will come in handy.

A competent lawyer can help with any legal problem, from parking tickets to criminal cases. This direction is considered a male profession also because the stronger half is more meticulous in such things and is ready to understand all the intricacies of the problem and defend their opinion in the courtroom with due tenacity.

SSM agents

This direction has a bit in common with computer topics, but has its own distinctive features. Here we are talking about those people who are closely involved in promoting some products or resources on social networks.

Almost all large companies and enterprises are represented on the Internet, so an employee of this type will be indispensable for the advertising department. A few years ago, no one knew about this male profession, but in Lately demand this direction very big. The contingent here is predominantly male, but with rare exceptions there are also women who are not afraid to learn something new and embark on experiments.


Construction, engineering and architecture have always been considered male professions. Here, in addition to physical strength, a special mindset is also required. Of course, you can meet women among architects, but judging by surveys, a good half of the fair sex considers this area unworthy of their attention.

The profession of an architect is in great demand today: shopping centers, multi-storey offices, hotel complexes and other serious buildings. In addition, agencies note a demand for the junior architectural class - assistant engineers, designers and other qualified specialists.


The manager is broad concept, but it doesn't mean much characteristic features. The main thing is natural acumen, which will help a man cope with a large or small team and lead the enterprise to great achievements.

What is required here is not so much higher education and knowledge of some specific skills, but the ability to organize correct work one or another group of people. Sometimes it's enough special courses and training to start leading. Naturally, narrowly focused activities require a thorough study of the subject, and “ strong hand The manager will be powerless due to ignorance of theory and practice.

Medical workers

The profession of a doctor was, is and will be relevant for a very, very long time. Masculinity is especially relevant in areas such as surgery, dentistry and psychology. Here the representatives of the stronger sex reveal themselves especially well. Although in other areas, such as gynecology and therapy, there are outstanding male luminaries.

Men are believed to be more focused and reserved regarding medical issues. Numerous studies have also shown that male doctors are much better at calming patients than women. This caused great bewilderment among the latter, since maternal instincts were subject to doubt, but the fact remains a fact.

Sales specialists

This means not only high-level managers who sell and buy companies, but also ordinary sales representatives. Men in this area are helped by natural determination, ambition and determination.

In addition, being a sales specialist is a very hard, stressful and responsible job. Not every lady is capable of driving for hours and then immediately solving some serious issues. This is why there are so few women among professional sales representatives.

Someone may object and say: what about Faberlic, Avon and other venerable brands? But here we are dealing with the measured sale of cosmetics, where the main circle of consumers, whatever one may say, is built through friends and acquaintances, with whom there is no need to conflict, but simply to offer the product, as they say, at random.


When choosing a profession, many want it to be not only fashionable and highly paid, but also interesting. Which interesting professions for men of the 21st century what does the labor market have to offer?

As Confucius said: Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Young people want to come to work, if not as if it were a holiday, then at least not as if it were hard labor. The work should be interesting and evoke a desire to improve. Interesting professions for men lie in a variety of areas. You can find such an exclusive and rare job as a penguin flipper, go to Antarctica and test your strength in extreme conditions. You can choose a non-exotic, but unpopular job, for example, a stylist, and destroy stereotypes about representatives of this profession. Everyone is interested in something different.

It is important to understand that an interesting profession for a man can be one in which it is interesting to invest his soul. Therefore, any list of interesting professions will be quite conditional and subjective.

List of the most interesting professions for men

What are considered interesting professions for men? Exotic, rare or even strange professions that arouse curiosity and a surprised exclamation “is there such a profession?!” or popular professions that the majority choose and find interest in?

From the point of view of the balance of self-improvement, enrichment of knowledge and high demand, coupled with an excellent salary, the most interesting profession for a man today is a programmer or IT specialist, as many generally call all workers in the field information technologies. If you have a tendency to exact sciences, mathematics, logic and poetry - this job is for you. Strict logic combined with creativity will make you a star in the IT field. Interesting tasks, high salary, in the future - work abroad under a contract. Isn't this interesting? Surely, no one will refuse such bright prospects.

Or, let’s take the profession of a metallurgist, what is not an interesting profession for a man? Steelworkers were once sung in songs, but then hard physical labor became unpopular and steelmaking became unprestigious. But is this an uninteresting profession? Mesmerizing fiery streams of steel, sensation own strength to manage these flows is a very male profession and at the moment quite automated. The use of manual labor for steelmaking is declining. Metallurgical specialists with higher education are increasingly needed at factories. The specialty Metallurgy can be obtained at technical universities. A steelworker requires: endurance, responsibility, accuracy, determination, and organizational skills.

Promising and interesting professions for men

An interesting profession for men is financier. What could be more exciting to know the principles of the movement of financial flows, to know how financial instruments work, to be able to calculate the strategy and tactics of action in the financial market, to understand the mechanisms of the economy and to be able to use economic levers. It is also a very highly paid and very prestigious profession. So those who feel inclined to analytical work and simply love money can safely choose a specialty in the world of numbers and formulas, the red line, debits and credits. It's interesting and the pay is good.

A super interesting profession for a man is a diplomat. The cherished dream of many young people preparing documents for admission to MGIMO. AND outer side This profession and the internal one are both quite fascinating. Social receptions, receptions, meetings with the most interesting people, meeting the leaders of world politics, the opportunity to have a cup of tea with Queen of England, the ability to make a small contribution to world history, into political processes – isn’t that interesting? Of course, it’s interesting, this is directly hinted at by the number of applicants and the huge competition for each budget place in specialized universities. This profession can rightfully be included in the most interesting professions for men.

A rare but interesting profession for men is a power plant operator. Great responsibility, attentiveness, accuracy - this is what distinguishes these people. Of course, a higher education in the field of energy or physics is also necessary. The salary level for such specialists is very high.

One of the most masculine and very interesting professions is a cook. Surprisingly, the best chefs are men, this is a fact. Men are creative in the process of cooking, so they produce more interesting dishes. Men either cook to lick your fingers or don’t know how to cook at all. Chefs of famous restaurants are from the first category and the vast majority of them are men. Wage cooks make up substantial sums, because a good cook is not a craftsman, but a creator.

It is impossible to list all the interesting professions for men. All professions are good, choose any one. Absolutely every profession has its own characteristics. And any one will be interesting if you approach it with soul.

The demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages and shapes the specifics of the market. There are many jobs that pay well in most countries in the world. There are such specialties in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are many specialties that, once mastered, can make a good profit. Highly paid jobs in Russia:

  1. Supervisor high level. This is the highest paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Banking executives earn more. The work requires maximum employment; you will have to work 14–15 hours a day. Salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Internal Communications Manager. This specialty involves organizing the work of company employees. For this you can receive from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary – from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​and world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft, are required. This direction is the leader among those in demand.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have enormous responsibility. The upper level is 350 tr.
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 thousand rubles.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in great demand. At the entry level, the salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. Specialist with great experience work and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and purchasing managers. The size of the salary is influenced by the region, business sector, corporate policy and other factors. The average level of payment is 45 thousand rubles.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive work experience and recommendations receives 100–200 rubles.
  9. Logistician The average payment is 45 thousand rubles. What is important here is not theoretical knowledge, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

The popular belief that it is difficult for a woman to find a well-paid job is wrong. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist – 100–300 rubles.
  2. Advertising Manager. Girls are successful in this area. By getting a job as an advertising manager and proving yourself early on, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Beauty industry specialties. There are many professions in this area, each of which can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the girl’s skill level, the range of services provided, and the level of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 tr.
  5. Tourism manager. Having taken a leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. An additional bonus is frequent travel.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have access to almost all highly paid professions. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This job is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Construction sector. Most specialties in this category are for men. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered in demand and highly paid. SMM specialists are engaged in promotion on social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

It's sad, but in our country doctors don't earn too much. List of lucrative medical jobs:


Average monthly salary (rubles)




Ultrasound specialist





Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. Some job specialties don’t even require higher education. To receive a good salary, you need to diligently fulfill your responsibilities and develop. You can become an employee of a large company, a small team, or even start your own business. Rating of highly paid and in-demand working specialties:

IT industry specialists

Earnings in this area are good. The highest paid IT specialties:


Software engineer

System engineer

System Administrator

Software Developer


Web developer

Graphic Designer

Systems Analyst


Financial analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The pay in this area is decent. Profitable vacancies:


Average monthly salary (thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Directional or directional drilling engineer




Automatic operator and surveyor

Desalting and dewatering plant operator and technologist


For humanists

You don't have to be technically minded to make good money. There are many humanities professions that bring good income. The following are well paid:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To become a good brand manager, you need to have a creative streak. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person giving private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also falls into the humanitarian category, there is no upper limit here.

The highest paid job in Moscow

In the capital and regions, salary levels differ significantly. Muscovites receive approximately twice as much. What professions of capital residents are considered the highest paid:

  • IT specialist;
  • lawyer;
  • tax officer;
  • accountant;
  • marketing specialists;
  • auditor;
  • production manager.

Highest paying professions in the world

Each country creates certain socio-economic conditions. This also influences the formation of the list of highly paid professions in the world. It includes:

  • doctors: surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, etc. – 150–180 thousand dollars per year;
  • managing managers higher levels– annual salary $135,000;
  • airline pilots – $134,000;
  • market analysts – $111,000;
  • lawyers – $11,000;
  • IT specialists – $105,000;
  • advertising managers – $100,000;
  • breeders, genetic engineers – $97,000.

Professions of the future

It will take some time, but IT specialists, engineers, and technicians will still be in demand. It is difficult to predict how the level of wages will change in the future. According to experts, in 3–5 years the following areas will become more popular:

  • scientists (biologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians);
  • doctors;
  • aircraft designers;
  • professions in the field of nano- and biotechnologies;
  • engineers of the rocket and space industry;
  • builders;
  • professions related to design and installation highways;
  • shipbuilders;
  • test pilots.
