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» Bulb onions - cultivation and storage. When to harvest onions. Onion: what is useful, what is contained, who should not eat Onion onions

Bulb onions - cultivation and storage. When to harvest onions. Onion: what is useful, what is contained, who should not eat Onion onions

There are such varieties of onions as spicy, semi-sharp, sweet and shallots. But this is only a generalized classification. In fact, each group contains more than one variety.

The peninsular varieties include those vegetables that have the largest number of scales. Onions of this group do not differ in density, therefore, during harvesting, care must be taken so as not to damage it. Sweet varieties of vegetables have excellent taste, they are able to give good harvest. This species is grown exclusively in the southern regions.

The spicy variety of the vegetable is early ripening and less productive. Such onions can be stored for a long time, due to the high content essential oils and sugars. The spicy onion vegetable is covered with several layers of scales at once, so it is harvested exclusively with the help of agricultural machinery.

Shallot includes more than one species. There are both peninsular and spicy vegetables. The main distinguishing feature of this variety is the possibility of growing even in the cold season. It is quite possible to plant it before winter, a cold-blooded vegetable.

In fact, there are quite a few varieties of this vegetable, there are about 400 species. Therefore, for true gourmets, there is always plenty to choose from. Onions are a source of nutrients and just a nice addition to any dish.

onion properties

Few people know that the properties of onions are both useful and healing. This vegetable has good bactericidal and antiseptic properties. It perfectly fights viruses, promotes the absorption of food and increases the body's resistance to many infections.

This vegetable is widely used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to cope with atherosclerosis, general weakness in case of colds, decreased sexual activity, etc.

In medicine, it is used to combat scurvy, and is widely used as an antihelminthic. Fresh juice of this vegetable with honey can cure bronchitis, cough and even fungal skin disease. This ingredient is also recommended for use in dermatitis, to remove warts and calluses.

This vegetable has a lot of useful properties, and all because there are not so few active components in its composition. This suggests that it is necessary to use onions. After all, it can eliminate many diseases and prevent their development.

Nutritional value of onions

What is the nutritional value of onions or how much benefit is contained in one vegetable. So, an onion may contain a gram of ash, 0.1 grams of starch, 8 grams of mono- and disaccharides, 86 grams of water, 0.2 grams of organic acids.

Basically, it contains useful components, such as vitamin PP, H, E, C, B9, B6, B5, B2 and B1. Most of all in this vegetable of vitamin C, it is as much as 10 mg. The remaining components are contained in a smaller volume.

In addition to vitamins, minerals are also located here. So, this is nickel - 476 mcg, nickel - 3 mcg, aluminum - 400 mcg, chromium, boron, fluorine, manganese and copper. Naturally, there is iodine, zinc, iron, potassium and sodium.

For an ordinary vegetable, this is a very rich composition. Because not all root crops have such properties. He is able to get rid of many diseases and at the same time prevent the development of new ones. Therefore, you should not neglect the use of this vegetable. Onions are a storehouse of vitamins, useful minerals and other important components for the human body.

Onion calories

Those who are always afraid to gain weight need to know what the calorie content of onions is. No, it is not high, but, nevertheless, it is worth having this knowledge.

So, in 100 grams of this vegetable, in addition to a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, there are carbohydrates and proteins. The nutritional value vegetables does not exceed 41 kcal. Therefore, it is clearly not worth worrying about extra centimeters at the waist.

100 grams contains only one gram of protein and 9 grams of carbohydrates. So, there are no harms and other things here. You can eat it in any quantity, the main thing is that no harm is done. Because some people are better off cutting back on this vegetable. Otherwise, there is a risk of increasing the acidity of the body and significantly increase the pressure.

In general, there can be no reason to worry. This vegetable is healthy, not expensive, and even not high-calorie. So, look for flaws in this product is definitely not worth it. After all, not one vegetable can boast of such useful properties.

Contraindications to the use of onions

The main contraindications to the use of onions are associated with some of its components. So, hearts and people suffering from liver problems should beware of this vegetable. After all, this product is spicy, and it is quite capable of damaging the mucous membrane if there is already any inflammation there. In addition, spicy foods negatively affect the functioning of the heart, which is why some people should not consume this vegetable.

The most harmless contraindication may be bad smell from mouth. The thing is, it's not that easy to pull it off. Therefore, if a serious meeting is planned, then it is better not to use this vegetable.

As mentioned above, it has a very negative effect on the work of the heart. May also cause asthma and increase arterial pressure. This happens due to irritation of the nervous system.

Abuse of it can catch up with sleep, in addition, the vegetable is harmful in metabolism, because it promotes the formation of gases and mucus. Despite the fact that a vegetable is a great way to get rid of many ailments, it can also cause them.

The chemical composition of onions

The chemical composition of onion is also rich. So, here you can find both vitamins and minerals. Onion is a source of B and C vitamins. In addition, it contains essential oils, as well as zinc, fluorine, iodine, iron, copper, cobalt, nickel and other components.

That is why onion helps to cope with many diseases. The vegetable is enriched with iron. You can get this element in its entirety from any variety of this product. Simply put, no matter in what form a person consumes this vegetable. It will still be useful. Useful components during cooking do not evaporate.

This product is also rich in potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The green feathers of the vegetable are rich in folic acid and biotin. Onion juice is simply full of vitamins, essential oils and carbohydrates. It is worth noting that the sharper the vegetable, the more useful components it contains.

The composition of the onion is truly incredible. Therefore, it is possible to talk about its useful properties endlessly. So if you need to cure any diseases, onions should be considered as the main medicine.

Onions during pregnancy

Is it possible to eat onions during pregnancy? There are no restrictions in this regard and cannot be. After all, it contains a huge amount of various vitamins, minerals and other elements. Therefore, onions during pregnancy even need to be eaten.

The only negative factor is bad breath. And even then, getting rid of it is quite simple. After all, the body of a pregnant girl is being rebuilt, it is preparing for the process of childbearing. In the first months of pregnancy, immunity weakens and must be supported in every possible way. In this regard, this vegetable will perfectly help. It is rich in vitamin C, which significantly strengthens the immune system.

Vitamins of group B and PP have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. This improves not only the condition of the mother's body, but also the child. Therefore, you should not neglect the use of this vegetable. It has a positive effect. Because onions are the source beneficial vitamins, and powerful tool in the fight against many diseases and viruses.

Onions while breastfeeding

Typically, onions breastfeeding poses no danger. However, there are some caveats. So, with mother's milk, many products can penetrate into the child's body. Therefore, it is still worth considering the use of some of them.

So, while breastfeeding, it is not recommended to eat spicy foods. Because milk can change its taste and the child will not like it very much. He may simply refuse milk. Moreover, do not forget that onions and garlic do not always have a beneficial effect on the stomach. As for the baby's digestive organs, they are clearly not ready for spicy food.

From all of the above, only one conclusion is brewing, it is impossible to use this product during breastfeeding. This can change the taste of the milk, as well as adversely affect the mother's body. Therefore, it is still worth considering these nuances. After all, onions are not as simple a vegetable as they might seem at first glance.

Allergy to onions

In some cases, an allergy to onions may occur. But it occurs mainly in childhood. Why is this happening? The fact is that it has a rich composition. That is why certain types of allergies can manifest themselves.

So, people suffering from vitamin C intolerance are not advised to eat it, because there is a lot of it in this vegetable. Sometimes the chemicals included in the composition cause such a reaction. Naturally, they get into a vegetable for a reason. Most likely, we are talking about the unscrupulous cultivation of this plant. As a result, harmful substances got there.

IN pure form allergy does not occur. Basically, this is preceded by the content of vitamins and minerals. After all, some people have an allergic reaction not only to vitamin C, but also to vitamin A. Therefore, before giving this product to your baby, you should find out if he has an allergy or not. Because otherwise it can lead to serious consequences. Onions can adversely affect the child's body, this fact should be taken into account.

How to store onions?

The most common and all known way is laying onions in tights. Firstly, it will fit a lot, and secondly, it is convenient to store.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to wooden boxes. You can put the product in them and send it to a dark place. The main thing is that the vegetable does not have the opportunity to grow, for this it is worth observing certain conditions.

Wicker baskets are great for storage. No special conditions, he just gets enough sleep in the allotted place and that's it. Cloth bags and special nets for vegetables are suitable as storage.

Naturally, the most the best way is storage in nylon stockings. True, putting a vegetable on the ground is not worth it. It is advisable to find a good place where you can hang it.

The biennial or perennial herb onion (Allium) is a member of the Onion subfamily of the Amaryllis family. This genus includes approximately 400 species. In nature, such a plant is found in the Northern Hemisphere, where it prefers to grow in forests, steppes and meadows. Already 4 thousand years ago in China, Iran and the Mediterranean they knew about the existence of onions. This plant came to the territory of Russia only at the beginning of the 12th century from the banks of the Danube. “All” is translated from Celtic as “burning”, it is believed that it was because of this that Carl Linnaeus called such a plant the “allium” onion. There is also an opinion that the Latin name comes from the word "halare", which translates as "smell". Various types of this plant are cultivated. The most popular among gardeners is the type of onion (Allium cepa), as well as many of its varieties. And also quite often they grow onions, batun, leeks, shallots, onions, etc. They also grow onions as an ornamental plant, to decorate flower beds landscape designers the following types are used: inclined, Aflatun, Dutch, gigantic, Karatav, round-headed, Schubert, Christoph, etc.

All representatives of the onion genus have a large bulb of a spherical oblate shape, which is covered with shells of white, purple or pale red color. Basal fistulate sheet plates have a linear or belt-like shape. The height of thick swollen stems reaches 100 cm. Umbrellas consist of small nondescript flowers with long pedicels. In some species, the inflorescences reach 0.4 m in diameter, they are dressed in a cover that lasts until the flowers begin to open. The ovary is either three-nested or one-nested. The shape of the seeds is angular or round. Fruiting occurs in August or September. The most popular among gardeners is onion.

What time to plant

Onions are planted in spring in the first decade of May, while the soil should be very well warmed up. If it is planted in the ground, the temperature of which is less than 12 degrees, then the plants will shoot. Should know main principle cultivation of this crop: in the first year, in the spring, seeds are sown, and by the onset of the autumn period, small bulbs, called sevok, should grow from them, which are planted the following year in the spring, and full-fledged bulbs are already harvested in autumn. However, it is very difficult to keep the sevok until the onset of spring time, since for this he should provide a special temperature regime, as well as optimal humidity. In this regard, some gardeners sow sevok into the soil before winter in the year of ripening.

Onions are photophilous plants. Dry, open and well-lit areas are suitable for landing. The soil should be saturated with organic matter, and its pH should be 6.4-7.9. If the soil is acidic, then this can be corrected by liming.

Land for landing must be prepared in advance. IN autumn time it is necessary to dig it to a depth of 15 to 20 centimeters, while peat-dung compost or rotted manure must be introduced into the soil. Fresh manure cannot be introduced into the soil, because because of it greenery begins to grow actively, which negatively affects the ripening of the bulbs. To correct acidic soil, it is necessary to add wood ash, limestone, dolomite flour or ground chalk. In the spring, before starting sowing, 10 grams of urea, 60 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium chloride per 1 square meter of land should be added to the soil. Fertilizers are embedded in the ground with a rake. Then you can start planting this crop.

Best of all, onions will grow in those areas where cabbage, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, beans or green manure were previously grown. And in the area where before that carrots, garlic, onions or cucumbers grew, this crop can be sown only after 3–5 years.

There are 3 methods of growing onions:

  1. Grow as a biennial plant. With this method, sevok should be pre-grown.
  2. Grow as an annual from seed.
  3. Grow like an annual from seeds, but through seedlings.

These methods will be described in detail below. For 1 year, this crop can be grown from seeds only in regions with a long summer period, while only semi-sweet and sweet varieties are grown in this way. The seed material needs to be prepared before sowing, for this it must be stratified or placed in moistened gauze to swell for 24 hours. After that, the seeds are sown in the prepared soil, which must first be shed with a solution blue vitriol(for 1 bucket of water 1 tablespoon of the substance). It is necessary to deepen the seeds into the ground by 15 mm, while they are sown according to the scheme of 13x1.5 centimeters. The bed should be watered very well, using a divider, and then it is covered with a film on top. Shelter must be removed after the appearance of the first seedlings. Shoots need to be thinned, while a distance of 20-30 mm should be observed between the plants, then the surface of the bed is covered with a layer of mulch (humus). It will be necessary to re-thin out the crops after 20 days, while the distance between the plants must be increased to 60–80 mm.

Through seedlings, sweet and semi-sharp onion varieties are grown. After the seed material is subjected to pre-sowing preparation, it should be sown in boxes, and this is done 50-60 days before transplanting the plants into open soil. Seeds are sown densely, they are buried in the ground by 10 mm, while the row spacing should be 40–50 mm. Such seedlings are unpretentious, however, before the plant is planted in open soil, experts advise to shorten their roots and leaf blades by 1/3.

If the summer period in your region is not very warm and short, then you most likely will not be able to get full-fledged bulbs from seeds in 1 year. In this case, you will have to grow onions as a biennial plant. To do this, during the first year, it will be necessary to grow sevok from seeds, and in the second year, onions are already grown from it. This method great for growing sharp varieties. Sowing seeds in open soil should be exactly the same as when growing onions from seeds for 1 season (see above). With the onset of the next spring period in the first May Days sowing is planted, deepening it into the ground by 40-50 mm, while between the bulbs it is necessary to leave a distance of 80 to 100 mm, and the row spacing should be about 30 centimeters. Remember to prepare the site before planting (see above). Before proceeding with planting a sevka, it must be sorted out and calibrated. Then it is placed in the sun for 7 days so that it can warm up well, otherwise the bow will shoot. Before planting, the seeds are placed in a solution of copper sulphate (for 1 bucket of water 1 tsp of the substance), where it should stay for 10 minutes. If during the growth of onions you intend to pull out young plants for cooking, then when planting, the distance between the bulbs should be reduced to 50–70 mm, and then it should be gradually increased to 80–100 mm.

Oatmeal (small sets) is excellent for sowing before winter, as it is highly resistant to bolting. So that in the spring you can cut fresh green onions very early, for this you should plant before winter a small amount of large set. Benefits of planting onions before winter:

  • it is not necessary to store planting material until spring, and this is good because if the sevok is stored incorrectly, it will dry out very quickly;
  • may appear in spring onion fly, however, the winter bow is already so strong that she cannot harm him;
  • in July it will be possible to start harvesting;
  • in the garden where the onion grew, in the same season it will still be possible to plant something.

For winter sowing, as a rule, frost-resistant varieties are used, for example: Arzamassky, Danilovsky, Strigunovsky, Stuttgarten. The site for sowing must be chosen in the same way as for sowing onions in the spring. However, there are some differences, you should choose a site where the snow cover comes off very early in the spring, and melt water should not stagnate on it. Seeds are planted in the autumn on October 5-20, just before the frost, but you should not delay, as the soil should not have time to cool. Before planting a sevok, it must be sorted out, calibrated and warmed up in the sun. It is planted in grooves, the depth of which should be about 50 mm, while a distance of 60–70 mm should be observed between the bulbs, the row spacing should be about 15 centimeters. When the first frosts come, the bed from above will need to be showered with straw or spruce branches, the shelter is removed in the spring, as soon as the snow cover begins to melt. Do not cover the area with onions too early in the fall, as this can cause the bulbs to rot.

growing in open ground onions must be watered in a timely manner. When the bed is watered, its surface must be loosened, and all weeds that can suffocate young plants should be removed. Also, this culture must be fed on time, and even, if necessary, processed from harmful insects or diseases, using insecticidal or fungicidal preparations for this.

Ideally, onions should be watered once every 7 days, while 5–10 liters of water are taken per 1 square meter of the plot. However, it is best to focus on the weather, which is very changeable. So, if there is a drought, then the onions need to be watered much more often (almost every day), and if it rains, then watering should be delayed, otherwise the bulbs may rot due to stagnant water in the soil. It should be remembered that if the onion needs urgent watering, then its feathers acquire a white-gray hue, and when water stagnates in the ground, the green part of the bushes becomes faded. It is necessary to start gradually reducing watering in July, since the bulbs begin to ripen at this time. However, if there is a severe drought, the plants are watered in the same mode as before.

It has already been mentioned in detail above that in the fall, when digging a site, organic matter should be introduced into the soil, while in the spring, before planting, a complex of mineral fertilizers is introduced into it. In addition, if the growth of foliage is relatively slow, the plants should be fed with a solution organic fertilizer(1 tablespoon of urea, bird droppings or mullein is taken for 1 bucket of water), 3 liters of nutrient mixture are used per 1 square meter of beds. After half a month, if necessary, re-feed with the same mixture. And after the size of the onions is similar to a walnut, the onions will need to be fed again with the same fertilizer.


Often, gardeners do not know how and with what to carry out preventive treatment of onions from diseases. After the height of its feathers is equal to 15 centimeters, the plant is sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tsp of water per 1 bucket of water), this will protect the culture from fungal diseases. If desired, add 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap, in which case it will be fixed on the foliage.

Diseases and pests of onions with a photo

Onion diseases

Before you start growing onions, you need to find out what it can hurt, and which of the pests poses the greatest danger to it. This culture can be affected by such diseases as: cervical, gray and white rot, jaundice, fusarium, downy mildew (peronosporosis), smut, rust, mosaic and tracheomycosis.

White rot - its development is observed when grown on acidic soil. Therefore, if the soil in the area is acidic, it must be limed. It also often affects those plants that grow in soil with a high nitrogen content. Sick plants need to be dug up and destroyed, and for preventive purposes, before laying the crop, it is necessary to dust the bulbs with chalk.

Gray rot is a fungal disease, its active spread and development is observed in wet and rainy weather. Diseased plants must be removed from the ground and burned. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology of this crop, and in the spring the plants are treated with a solution of copper sulphate.

Onion jaundice is a viral disease. In the affected plant, deformation of flowers is observed, and chlorotic spots appear on its foliage. This disease is incurable, in connection with this, the affected bushes must be dug up and burned, while all weeds must be removed from the aisles and beds in time immediately after they appear. You also need to follow the rules of crop rotation.

Peronosporosis (downy mildew) - in an infected plant, oblong spots of a light color are formed on the stems and foliage, there is a gray coating on their surface. Over time, the spots turn black. Infected bulbs stored for storage germinate very early, and the bushes that grow from them do not show seed formation. After the crop is harvested, in order to exterminate the pathogen, before storing the onion, the bulbs are heated for 10 hours at a temperature of about 40 degrees. Also, for prevention purposes, do not allow thickening of plantings.

Fusarium - in diseased plants, the tips of the feathers turn yellow, as the bulbs in the area of ​​​​the bottom have decay and tissue death. This disease is most active when it is standing for a long time. hot weather. Also, this disease can develop due to the fact that the onion fly settled on the plants. In order to prevent, before proceeding with planting, the seed must be warmed up.

Smut - in an infected plant, translucent convex stripes of a dark gray color are formed, as the disease develops, they crack, and spores of the fungus come out. Also, the tips of the leaf plates dry up in plants. For prevention purposes, before laying the crop for storage, it should be heated for 18 hours at a temperature of about 45 degrees. You also need to clean the site of weeds in time and not plant them on the same beds. various varieties Luke.

Rust - red-brown swellings appear on the foliage of the affected onion, in which there are spores of the fungus. For the purpose of prevention, before storing the harvested crop, it is heated for 10 hours at a temperature of about 40 degrees. Also, the planting should not be allowed to thicken, and it is also necessary to dig out and destroy the affected specimens in time.


Tracheomycosis - this disease is a consequence of Fusarium. First, the lower part of the bulb rots, and then the rot gradually covers it completely, as a result, the roots of the plant die off, and the foliage turns yellow. All diseased plants must be dug up and destroyed. In order to prevent, adhere to the rules of crop rotation and agricultural technology.

Neck rot - in affected plants, a dense coating of gray mold appears on the outer scales, with the development of the disease they become black spots. The first symptoms of the disease appear after harvesting, and after about 8 weeks other signs appear. The lowest resistance to cervical rot is in late onion varieties. As a rule, infection of plants occurs when they are cultivated in adverse conditions. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology of the crop, and it is also necessary to warm up the seedlings before planting, and also the onion before storing, while the temperature should be about 45 degrees.

Mosaic - in diseased bushes, the foliage becomes similar to corrugated and flat patches, on the surface of which there are stripes of yellow color, the inflorescences are also shrinking and the number of seeds is reduced, as well as the lag of the onion in growth. This viral disease is incurable, therefore, all necessary measures should be taken preventive measures so that the plant does not become infected.

All fungal diseases easily treated with fungicides. However, it should be noted that both useful substances and poisons from chemicals can accumulate in the bulbs.

The greatest danger to onions is represented by onion secretive proboscis, moth and fly, sprout fly, bear, cabbage, garden and winter scoops and tobacco thrips.

To destroy the caterpillars, the onion should be sprayed with a solution of Gomelin (0.5%) or Bitoxibacillin (1%). To exterminate tobacco thrips, spraying with a solution of Aktellik or Karbofos (0.15%) is used. You can get rid of the secretive trunk with the help of systemic insecticides. To destroy the larvae of the onion fly in the fall, a deep digging of the site should be carried out. It is known that the onion fly does not tolerate the aroma of carrots, in this regard, when planting, it is recommended to alternate rows of onions with rows of carrots. To get rid of the onion moth, weeding should be carried out regularly throughout the season, and after harvesting, all plant residues should be removed from the site, and the rules of crop rotation and crop farming should be followed.

To get rid of the common bear, you need to use bait. To do this, it is necessary to make several holes 0.5 m deep on the site, they should be put horse dung. Do not forget to cover the top of the pit with wooden shields. When the bears climb into the manure to warm themselves, it should be burned with them.

The collection of onions is carried out after the new leaf plates stop growing and the feathers fall down, while the bulbs should have the shape, volume and color characteristic of the grown variety. As a rule, this time lasts from the second half of August to the first decade of September. For harvesting, choose a dry and sunny day. Do not delay harvesting, as the bulbs may begin to grow again, and they can no longer be stored.

The bulbs extracted from the soil should be spread over the surface of the beds for drying, then the dried soil should be removed from them. Before laying the crop for storage, it is dried by spreading it in the sun or in a dry and well-ventilated room. Some gardeners use an oven to dry the bulbs. First, they dry them at a temperature of 25 to 35 degrees, and then at 42–45 degrees for 10 hours. After that, the bulbs should be carefully examined, and those that are rotten or affected by the disease should be discarded. Also, you can not store onions without husks, and also spoiled. When the crop is dried, each bulb must be removed with foliage. sharp scissors, while the length of the remaining neck should reach 40–60 mm. Best kept simple yellow bow, because it has a dense shell and is unpretentious. Bulbs grown from seeds are stored worse than those obtained from sets. And you also need to consider that semi-sweet and sweet varieties have an excessively thin husk, so they are more susceptible to various diseases and are stored much worse than bitter varieties.

You can store this vegetable in a dry cellar, the temperature in which should be about 0 degrees (it can be a little warmer), but it should not be stored next to beets, potatoes, carrots and others. vegetable crops who need high humidity air. Bulbs can be folded into fabric bags, baskets, boxes, nets or dimensionless stockings. But you need to remember that the bulbs do not rot, dry air must constantly flow to them, so it is impossible to lay them in a thick layer in any container. Bulbs stored in a basement or dry cellar should be regularly inspected, which will allow timely detection of germinated or rotten specimens. In order for the crop of this crop to be stored longer than usual, you need to burn the roots of the bulbs.

Onions can also be stored in an apartment by choosing a relatively cool place for this (from 18 to 20 degrees), which should be away from heating appliances, while you need to weave braids from onions. But in order to do this, it is not necessary to cut off the foliage from the bulbs during harvesting.

Types and varieties of onions with photos and names

Onions are the most popular among gardeners. It was known to people more than 6 thousand years ago; references to this vegetable were found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The height of this perennial is about 100 cm. The fleshy bulb of a spherical-flattened shape in diameter reaches 15 centimeters, the color of its outer scales can be white, yellow or purple. Tubular leaves are painted in a green-gray color. Lush umbrella-shaped spherical inflorescence consists of white-green flowers with long pedicels. The swollen hollow arrow in height can reach 150 cm, the shape of the fruit is spherical. Numerous varieties of this species are divided according to taste into:

  • bitter and spicy - they contain 9-12% sugar;
  • semi-sweet - they contain sugar from 8 to 9%;
  • sweet - they contain 4-8% sugar.

It is noteworthy that there is more sugar in bitter varieties of onions than in sweet ones, but they also contain a lot of essential oils, so they have a more bitter taste. In order to prepare the first or second course, they take semi-bitter, spicy or bitter varieties, and sweet varieties are used to prepare desserts and salads. The most popular varieties:

  1. Alice Craig. Bulbs have high palatability, and they are well stored, they can be used for cooking various dishes. Their upper scales are white.
  2. Feng Globe. Large onions are covered with light yellow scales, they have a mild taste. They keep well for a long time, and are also suitable for preparing a variety of dishes.
  3. Sturon. Juicy onions are of medium size, and they are covered with yellow scales. They keep well and are used for cooking hot dishes.
  4. Stuttgarter. Large sweet bulbs have a rich yellow color, they are well stored for a long time. Suitable for cooking second and first courses.
  5. Long Red Florence. Soft red onions have a sweet taste, similar to shallots. They are eaten fresh, and sauces are also prepared from them. This variety is not suitable for long-term storage.
  6. Red Baron. Large red onions have a sharp taste, they are well stored for a long time.

Of the salad varieties, redmate and Furio red onions are very popular, also Gardsman, which has long stems of white color, and the White Lisbon greenhouse variety, which is characterized by high yields. As well as the variety Prince of Wales, which is a perennial. similar to the batun, it is highly branched, and its foliage is often used as chives.

Leek or pearl onion from the Mediterranean

People became aware of this bow a very long time ago, back in the days of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. This biennial has lanceolate leaves, on the surface of which there is a wax coating. These plates are folded along the central vein, which is similar to garlic, but they are larger. This plant is very demanding on soil moisture and care.

This early maturing species is cultivated in the Middle East and Central Asia. Bulbs can be painted white, yellow or purple. This bow keeps well and has many nests. It is very popular among French chefs, because it has a relatively weak onion flavor, and the most exquisite sauces are obtained from it. Popular varieties:

This onion is cultivated throughout the European territory. The young plant is used fresh for salads, and the mature shoots are used to make pie fillings. Spicy leaves are outwardly similar to the foliage of onion-batun, but they are smaller. This species is resistant to frost, pests and diseases.

This species is cultivated in China, where it is used to make various dishes Asian cuisine, it goes especially well with fish and soy sauce. Its flat leaf plates have a strong garlic odor. Flowering is observed for 2–3 years, spectacular honey-bearing inflorescences have a size of 50 to 70 mm, as well as a very pleasant smell.

This species is also grown in China. Salads, side dishes and seasonings are prepared from such onions. Pickled onions are very tasty and they are served with fatty meats. This species differs from the others in that it contains much more phytoncides and vitamins.

There are 3 varieties: Japanese onion, Chinese and Korean. It is popular in Asian cuisine, where it is used to cook wok dishes, it is also added to marinades or salads with fish or seafood. Such Japanese and Korean onions have a more delicate taste.

It grows wild in Southeast Asia. It is used to prepare dishes of Korean national cuisine, and fresh it is added to salads, soups and kimchi.

This perennial plant is found in nature in the European part of Russia and Siberia. It has a viscous juice similar to mucus, which is the reason for its name. Such onions are very tasty and are resistant to frost and disease. Flat succulent leaf plates linear form have a mild taste. Bulbs are not formed in this species. This product is considered dietary, and it is eaten fresh, and canned food is also prepared from it.

In addition to these species, onions of Regel, Suvorov, stalked, giant or gigantic, blue, bearish, oblique, Aflatunsky, Christoph or the Star of Persia, inclined or wild, yellow, Karatavsky, round-headed or Drumsticks, Maclean, Moly or golden, Sicilian or Honey garlic, etc.

Onions are one of the oldest vegetables grown by man. Onions have been known in the Mediterranean region since the 4th millennium BC and have been an essential ingredient ever since. a large number dishes. Onions heal and protect against diseases, onions make dishes tastier and more aromatic, onions contain a large supply of nutrients and vitamins and are considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

What is good about such an ordinary, inexpensive and accessible to everyone and every vegetable? Onions hide much more than a pungent smell when you cut them. The first mention of the bow can be "read" on the walls inside the pyramid of Cheops, where the bow was among the most important stocks that should have been made before going to the afterlife. Onions were an important part of the food of the pyramid builders, and they were also used for many ritual purposes. The famous ancient Greek scientist Herodotus described the inscription on the pyramid of Cheops, which read: “1600 talents of silver were paid to workers for onions, garlic and radishes for food.” Even before the Egyptians, the Sumerians, who invented writing, the wheel, arithmetic, calendar and beer, actively grew onions in their fields along with other equally valuable products (oats, lentils, wheat, chickpeas and others). The Sumerians onion was one of the key products and the main vegetable. Onions were grown in India and China in the 3rd millennium BC. And the Roman scientist Pliny describes the cultivation of onions in the territory of modern England and Germany in the 1st century AD. The bow came to America along with the first expeditions of Columbus. And, starting to grow onions on Isabella Island, the colonists quickly appreciated its properties and spread it throughout the North and South America. For us, all this is a sign that the bow should be treated with deep respect and take a closer look at its properties.

What can an onion do? Avicenna in canon medical sciences wrote about onions as a remedy for bad water (throw chopped onion into the water), for contaminated wounds (lubricate the wound with onion juice), for eyesores (lubricate the eyes with onion juice mixed with honey), for sore throats (drink onion juice) and to strengthen weak stomach. Onions really protect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The simplest example is a cold, which quickly passes if the smell of freshly chopped onions is in the house. Onion helps not only to get rid of the disease, but also not to pick it up. Everyone is well aware of this ability of onions, but not everyone uses it because of the specific onion smell. Onions are also able to increase appetite and digestibility of food. First of all, this is due to the smell, which causes the production of gastric juice necessary for the digestion of food, and secondly, due to the substances contained in onions. Onions are a great condiment. It makes the food moderately spicy, flavors and concentrates the flavor. Remove onions from most dishes where they are used, and the food will seem insipid.

There is a version that onions were brought to Russia from the Danube in the 12th century. The basis for this, as always in such cases, is written references, and given that there are no Russian books older than the 11th century, the date suggested itself. According to another version, more plausible, but less provable, there was a bow in Rus' until the 12th century. It is known that merchant ships from Kiev reached Byzantium as early as the 9th century, and if we assume that even in that dark, from the standpoint of modern times, people did not live in complete isolation, then the first acquaintance of our ancestors with onions could have happened even earlier. For centuries this healthy vegetable overgrown with so many proverbs and sayings about its benefits that it is time to erect a monument to the bow. The famous saying "onion from seven ailments" is relevant at any time. One of the ancient Russian centers for growing onions was Rostov the Great. Located not far from Moscow, Rostov merchants actively traded onions, which partly made the city powerful and strong at that time.

The famous onion smell, which is often overlooked, is formed with the help of essential oils, in which the main component is disulphite. The main benefit of onions is in substances called phytoncides. This group of volatile substances with antimicrobial activity was discovered in 1928 by the scientist Boris Petrovich Tokin. The so-called bactericides of plant origin, discovered by Tokin, perfectly protect against food poisoning, intestinal infections and colds viral diseases. The opening was preceded by observation of food sellers in the oriental bazaars, which in those days were not a model sanitary norms. The strong aromas of some spices, and especially onions, protected buyers of meat and other perishable goods from intestinal ailments and, moreover, developed a special defense against a whole group of such diseases. Onion phytoncides killed not only pathogenic bacteria, but also microscopic fungi and protozoa. Phytoncides of onion and garlic kill many types of bacteria in a few minutes and even seconds. Onion pairs kill not only bacteria, but also small insects, including the smallest, invisible to the naked eye, but living with a person in a constant neighborhood. Phytoncides prevent bacteria and pathogens from developing, onion volatiles inhibit their reproduction, and this is a particularly valuable property that allows you to resort to the action of a fragrant vegetable from time to time and not burden yourself with a persistent onion aroma. In addition to phytoncides, onions contain fructose, maltose, sucrose, polysaccharides (inulin, carotene), saponims, quercetin flavanoid, pantothenic acid, vitamins of groups B, C, E and P. If you list all beneficial features onions, it turns out that onions are more related to medicine than to cooking.

Onions are very versatile. In total, there are about 400 types of onions on the planet, of which only a dozen are actively eaten. Most types of edible or culinary onions are in Asia. Onions have a fairly wide range of aromas and flavors, from bitter-sharp to spicy-sweet. First of all, it is worth paying attention to several main types of onions.

Onion (Allium cepa L.)

The most common bow in our country. Onions have a lot of varieties, which are divided into three groups (according to taste): spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. The same rule applies to this bow as to other species: the further south, the sweeter. In the south of Russia, sweet onion varieties are grown, in the north - spicy. The value of an onion is determined not by the degree of sweetness (although such an opinion is common), but by its tasks. For each specific culinary task, a different type of onion is suitable. For example, for sauces, in fish dishes or for sautéing with vegetables, it is better to use spicy onions, and for fresh vegetable salads or in cold appetizers - sweet varieties.

Tiered onion (Allium proliferum Schrad).

Grown in the Caucasus, Altai, Siberia and northwest Russia. Outwardly, it looks like onion, but it has small onions on the seed shoots, which can be arranged in several tiers. Root bulbs are used as food, similar to onions. Bulbs of this species have a purple hue. Multi-tiered onions belong to the peninsular species and have almost 2 times more nutrients than onions.

Shallot (Allium ascolonicum L.)

Greece and Asia Minor can be considered the birthplace of this bow. Widely distributed in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, southern Ukraine and Moldova. The bulbs are small, garlic-like in structure, have varying degrees of pungency and a sweet taste. Shallots have a specific aroma and delicate taste, for which they are widely used in cooking. Shallots are especially loved in France, where they are used in sauces, marinades, and soups. Unfortunately, shallots are not as popular in Russia as they are in Europe. The main reason for the low prevalence is the difficulty of cleaning small bulbs.

Leek (Allium porrum L.)

It is grown everywhere in various regions, except for the far north. This type of onion is much more delicate in taste than onions, and is often used fresh in salads. The leek bulb is undeveloped, the "leg" is used for food - a section of the white part of the stem along with the bulb. The top green leek feathers are coarse and less used. Leek should be washed well before cutting. It happens that dirt and grains of sand are clogged deep. Rinse usually under running cold water in an upright position. Leek is great for salads, in addition to vegetable dishes from carrots, cabbage, potatoes, spinach. It goes well with meat and is often used in soups and purées. Leek is one of the best options for stewing fish.

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum L.)

This bow is also called a chisel or skoroda. The bulbs of this species are very small, they are not edible, although they are edible. The most delicious thing about chives is their fresh juicy greens. The taste of onion is soft, spicy. It is not recommended to fry onions, because. during heat treatment, it quickly softens and loses all useful properties. Chives are most often added to fresh vegetable salads, as a garnish, for a spicy spiciness of meat dishes and omelettes. Chives are very fond of cats, do not forget about this circumstance if you decide to grow onions at home on the window.

Garlic (Allium sativum L.)

Batun onion (Allium fistulosum L.)

This Asian onion is also cultivated in European countries. Batun is bred for juicy green feathers with a sharp taste. The peculiarity of the species is that feathers appear very early.

Altai onion (Allium altaicum Pall)

It is also called the Siberian wild onion. Mongolian, Kurai, stone, upland bow, sonchin - these are also his names. The homeland of this bow is the central Asian region. In Russia, it grows on the territory Altai Territory, in Buryatia, Tuva and Shoria. This is a wild type of onion. The taste is semi-sharp. In appearance - small oblong onions with a diameter of 2-3 cm, yellowish-green inside.

Pskem Bow (Allium pskemene Fedtsch)

Wild onions are characteristic of the Tien Shan and Tashkent Alatau mountains. Large egg-shaped bulbs (diameter up to 6 cm), white-violet in section. The aroma of the onion is strong and sharp, it is a real spicy onion. It is usually used in pickled form.

Ramson (Allium ursinum)

It is also called a bear bow, and in Georgia - genzels. The leaves of this onion resemble the leaves of a lily of the valley, in the axils of which are bulbs. The lower part of the leaf is eaten along with the bulb. Ramson is close to garlic in taste and aroma, and this should be taken into account when using it. Pickled wild garlic is especially good and as a seasoning for pickled mushrooms. By the way, wild garlic and mushrooms are ideal neighbors. Enriching each other, together they form a great snack.

Flask (Allium victorialis)

Sometimes this onion is called Siberian wild garlic. Distributed from the Urals to Far East. Grows well in wet lowlands. Outwardly, it resembles wild garlic, but the bulbs are smaller - no more than one centimeter in diameter. The taste and smell are stronger than wild garlic. Most often, this onion is fermented similarly to cabbage.

  • Keep the bow in the dark and cool.
  • Do not store onions and garlic in the refrigerator.
  • Cut the onion with a very sharp knife dipped in cold water.
  • If you don't like boiled onions in your soup, boil the whole onion and throw it away after making the soup.
  • Roasted garlic and onions become sweet

The history of the development of onions is long - more than 6 thousand years. Initially, the culture was not treated as a vegetable product - it was perceived as a medicinal plant. A lot is known interesting facts about onions that have come down to us from bygone times. So, the ancient Romans were sure that the plant was able to strengthen the courage of the soldiers. Therefore, onions became an indispensable component in the diet of warriors.

The ancient Egyptians fed onions to the builders of the pyramids, hoping to give them strength. Even on the pyramid of Cheops, there is a record that about 40 tons of silver was spent on the purchase of garlic and onions.

In the Middle Ages, the onion plant was considered the only salvation from pestilence. A mythical property was also attributed to him - the fruit allegedly protected from witchcraft and evil eye.

About when exactly the bulb could appear in Russia, history is silent. But the fact that the vegetable has been used in folk medicine since ancient times is confirmed by ancient herbalists.

Bulb onions

Description of culture

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what onions look like, because they are distributed everywhere. True, some are interested in which family the onion belongs to. Garlic and all onions belong to the Lily family, despite the fact that this is not a flower, but a herbaceous product from the garden.

The description of the onion will be brief - the plant consists of a head, which, in shape and color of the husk, resembles a turnip familiar to the ancient Russians. In fact, the fruit is a modified shoot, where the bottom is a shortened stem, its scales are something like bark.

Green feathers are leaves that are hollow inside. Gives plants and seeds, popularly called "chernushka" (they have such a rich dark color). Seeds are formed in an umbrella crowning a long hollow arrow fired by a bow. Outwardly, it resembles a green feather, but at the time of seed formation it becomes dense and fleshy.

Additional Information. Depending on the variety, the bulbs are round and elongated, flat and cigar-shaped. Many turnips are covered with yellow scales, but there are also white, brown, deep purple and red ones.

The culture is cold-resistant, capable of germinating at 2 degrees Celsius. For plant development, the optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees.

Onion cultivation is carried out in one-year and two-year cycles, taking in the propagation of black seed, sevok, sampling or seedlings.

Since onions are a vegetable, turnips and feathers are used as food. The product is used by most people daily in raw, boiled, fried, pickled form. Without onions, the preparation of desserts is not complete.

Onion varieties

Onions have many classifications. First of all, culture is divided into:

  • turnip suitable for storage - it is denser, stronger and has a strong smell;
  • sweet, going exclusively for fresh consumption.

Note! Most varieties are zoned for specific growing conditions. This feature is reflected in the names: Voronezh, Yalta, Lugansk, Krasnodar, etc. (almost the entire map of the country).

In addition, attention should be paid to subspecies that more thoroughly determine the category of the region.

Onion subspecies

SouthernHeat-loving varieties, not only growing poorly in cold regions, but also capable of losing their dignity;
The subspecies is characterized by a large head size (usually elongated or rounded) and a sweet, sometimes semi-sharp taste;
Such bulbs are stored for a short time, therefore they are used as salad
NorthernMore often the subspecies is called island-kusovy, which reflects the main feature of the varieties;
Such bulbs are stored for a short time, therefore they are used as salad
Bulbs in this category grow small and flattened. These also include multi-celled varieties;
Turnip has good keeping quality, therefore it is suitable for winter storage;
Based on the name, it is more zoned under the Urals and Siberia

All varieties of onions are also divided according to the timing of ripening and the place of cultivation. For example, Troitsky, Spassky, Bessonovsky are cultivated not only in open ground - varieties are also used in greenhouses for forcing winter greenery.

Popular varieties of onions

Aleko· It is grown both from seeds, and from sevka;
· The bulb is dense, rounded, weighing up to 60 g. The yield is stable, up to 2 kg/sq. m;
Has 2 layers of scales, tightly adjacent to each other. Juicy ones are painted white with purple veins, dry ones are painted in delicate ultramarine;
Possesses sharp taste and is suitable for long storage
Bessonovsky· The main place of zoning is the Non-Chernozem zone;
· Refers to mid-season varieties and is grown from sevka;
Dicotyledonous, but often up to 5 rounded-flattened yellow bulbs with an average weight of 40 grams each are formed in one nest. From one square meter you can take up to 2.5 kg of turnip;
The taste of the fruit is sharp, the keeping quality is good
Golden Semko· Grown in almost all regions. In the south - in an annual crop rotation, in the Moscow region and northern regions - in a two-year one (from seedlings and sets);
· Refers to early ripening varieties - the entire growing season takes no more than 3 months. At the same time, the ripening at the time of harvesting is maximum;
· The bulb grows in a rounded shape, with a pronounced spicy taste, the average weight is 80 g. White juicy scales are covered with dry light brown ones with a yellowish tint;
The yield is stable and is about 3.5 kg per square. The variety is very responsive to watering, therefore, by adjusting the irrigation, you can achieve larger fruits;
The keeping quality of the bulbs is determined at 90%, which allows the turnip to maintain its presentation for 7 months
Buran· Late-ripening variety with a stable yield - up to 1.2 kg per square;
Monocotyledonous, at the same time it gives 3 rudiments of a feather, therefore it is interesting for those who plant rounded bulbs for forcing greenery;
· The fruit is dense, large, covered with intense yellow scales on top, reaches an average weight of 95 g. It is universal in use, has a sharp taste;
Suitable for two-year cultivation and has a maximum maturation;
· Characterized by high keeping quality, but the variety is susceptible to powdery downy mildew. More resistant to other fungal and bacterial diseases
red baronIt develops well from seeds and is able to produce up to 1.5 kg per square meter with annual cultivation. In planting sevkom, the yield increases (especially if the Chinese ridge method is used);
· The turnip ripens in 90-95 days from the moment of sowing the seeds and gives a flattened juicy red pulp covered with darker scales;
· The taste is semi-sharp. The variety is valued for its high content of ascorbic acid.

In addition to onions, gardeners are actively growing other onions of the Lilein family. Some species are distinguished by their taste, others by their biological characteristics, but all are popular in use.

Varieties of bows

ViewSpecies characteristicAgricultural technology
LeekIt is often used in food instead of onions - the leek has a more delicate sweet taste. Apparently, because of this, the species was called "pearl";
· Does not have a pronounced bulb. A thick, tall false stem is eaten (it looks like a small swelling at the base of the plant), which should be thoroughly cleaned and washed of sand before use;
Dense elastic feathers are stored for a long time in the refrigerator
Leek planted seedling way, since it reaches mature ripeness in six months;
· Growing technology, like a turnip, - one- and two-year cultural turnover. Therefore, their growth conditions are the same;
Popular varieties: Bandit, Goliath, Premier, Tango, etc.
(origin - Central Asia)
Relatively new garden plant for European latitudes (compared with onions);
· Perennial member of the family, giving maximum production for the 3rd year;
Outwardly resembles a turnip, but with a less pronounced head. At the same time, a clearly distinguishable leg (like a leek) does not form
· The earliest type of bows. Propagated from seeds by sowing in mid-summer and by cuttings in autumn;
The scheme for planting a batun can be used from the agricultural technology of onions, planting planting material to a depth of 1-2 cm;
· To get high-quality products, it is necessary to remove the arrows in time;
Recommended varieties resistant to diseases: April, Baron, Tenderness, Russian winter, Ural family
shallotMulti-lobed culture grown artificial way;
· One adult bush gives about 30 independent heads, but they are much smaller than traditional turnips;
The taste of the teeth is rich and piquant, and the aroma is delicate sweetish
Propagated by nigella and lobules;
Planting and care completely coincide with the cultivation of turnips;
It is worth paying attention to the varieties: Family, Bonnil hybrid, Asterisk, Emerald, Krepysh, Firebird
SchnittAnother perennial that can be found everywhere in wild nature(even in the Far North);
· The species has a long growing period in one place, but the most productive chives are the first 3-4 years;
Onion gives small, but tasty. Dark green thin feathers have a cilantro flavor
· It can reproduce by seedlings and delenki planted on the beds in autumn;
Many people believe that chives are a room version of onions, therefore they are actively bred on window sills and loggias;
Recommended varieties: Albion, Crocus, Bohemia
CanadianAnother variety of bows, the appearance of which in summer cottages has been noted recently. The view attracted the attention of gardeners with its multi-tiered;
The plant produces air bulbs (bulbs) no more than 3 cm in diameter. They are located in 4-5 tiers along the entire length of the arrows.
· The main points of agricultural technology are standard. The difference lies in the method of reproduction;
Since the plant does not produce seeds, the vegetative method is used - by dividing the bush or air bulbs, working in spring or autumn;
Popular varieties Odessa Winter 12 and Gribovsky 38

It doesn’t matter which species the summer resident prefers for cultivation - all onions have a high nutritional potential and healing value. Therefore, it is worth diversifying not only garden beds, but also your diet.

Note! To purchase seeds of onion species of interest, just visit the official website of the distributor involved in the distribution planting material for gardeners. Becoming a regular customer, having opened a personal account, you can count on good discounts.

culture properties

Onions are especially useful fresh, as part of the phytoncides disappears during heat treatment. This component is the strongest antimicrobial substance that can fight even tuberculosis, cholera and typhoid.

Bows are valued for their great healing chemical composition, which includes:

  • vitamin set, where the main elements are B (1,2,6), C, E, PP;
  • mineral salts (iron, phosphorus, potassium, etc.);
  • enzymes, inulin, carotene;
  • sugars in some varieties can contain up to 14% (a significant proportion falls on maltose and fructose);
  • pantothenic acid.

On a note! There are also saponins, flavonoids, proteins. In addition to the ability to fight viruses and bacteria, the culture has other effects: wound healing, anti-burn, anti-sclerotic, hematopoietic, expectorant and tonic. Onions treat hemorrhoids and get rid of worms.

Daily use of fresh onions in food helps:

  • reduce blood sugar;
  • to establish water-salt exchange;
  • increase the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the secretion of glands;
  • increase appetite;
  • normalize libido.

Note! Onion head is a good prophylactic against hypo- and beriberi. Nutritionists value the product for its low calorie content - 40 kcal / 100 g.

Onion extract is used in pharmacology. Its presence can be found in the composition of the preparations "Alliglycer", "Allilchep" and a number of dietary supplements. Vegetable juice helps to remove baldness and seborrhea, and onion masks are useful in preventing wrinkles.

Properties of other types of onions

LeekIt contains less phytoncides than turnips, but much more mineral salts. Therefore, the bactericidal effect is weaker, but the effect on the function of the digestive glands and liver is higher. Helps with metabolic disorders and overwork
BatunContains 2 times more ascorbic acid than bulb bulb. In pharmacology, preparations are made from batun for the elasticity of blood capillaries and pressure reduction. In Tibet, batun is included in recipes for fractures and furunculosis. The Chinese use the Tatar onion as a diaphoretic and energy product.
shallotJudging by what vitamins are in onions and shallots, what is the effect of the species on the human body, we can say that this variety is a complete analogue of the turnip
SchnittIn terms of composition, onion is the champion in the content of ascorbic acid and mineral salts among all types. Therefore, it begins to act effectively on diseases immediately.
TieredIt can be considered an analogue of a turnip, but it can contain 2 times more vitamin C

Each variety of onion is worthy of becoming an alternative to the traditional onion head, not only in recipes, but also in folk therapy, as a free "healer" from the garden. All of them give a similar healing effect.


There are people who cannot stand the taste and smell of fresh onions, they may manifest allergic reactions on the product. A vegetable should be completely excluded from the diet for a number of cardiovascular diseases. Onions are harmful in acute and severe forms of diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

About pests

Those who have a dacha often plant onions near beds with other crops (the root crop especially wins) to scare away insects, and plants are treated with onion infusion. But the vegetable itself gets from pests - flies, secretive proboscis (it is also called weevil), thrips. Avoiding their aggression is easy if you strictly adhere to the rules of cultivation.

Onion is a perennial plant of the onion family. It got its name due to the fact that its bulb shape is a bit like a turnip. This is a very useful culture. It is used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine. It is often added as a spice to various dishes and preserves. Contains approximately 13-20% dry matter, 5-12% sugar, up to 35 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of product.

The best varieties of onions

There are a lot of varieties of onions of this species. All of them are divided into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. The sharpness directly depends on the amount of essential oils in the composition. The fewer of them, the sweeter the product will be.

Usually varieties are selected according to the place where the crop is grown, but onions grow quickly and can please gardeners from different regions. big harvest. So it’s not worth looking especially closely at the distribution area of ​​​​a particular variety, especially if the seeds or sets were obtained in local agro-industrial complexes.

The only thing worth mentioning is that exotic and southern varieties of onions can give small yields in the middle and northern regions (the turnip will be small, the greenery is not very bright or juicy), in other words, there will be shortcomings. For personal consumption, this is not a problem, but there may be problems with the sale of products.

The varieties "Danilovsky 301", "Bessonovsky", "Red Baron", "Rostovsky Bulb", "Sturon", "Strigunovsky", "Penzensky", "Stuttgarter Riesen", "Arzamassky", as well as hybrids "Golden Spike" are in great demand. ”, “Hercules”, “Siberia”, “Troy”, “Derby”, “Bonus” and “Forum”.

What are the methods of growing onions?

Check also these articles

There are only three ways to grow onions:

Depending on what the onion is for and how much time the gardener has left, one or another method is chosen.

It is also worth noting that feather onions are often grown on the windowsill. Most often this is practiced in winter, when it is not possible to plant a plant in the garden. IN room conditions it grows well and gives a lot of juicy, fresh greens.

Onions can be grown with seeds and sets, planting them in open ground, but in addition, gardeners often make crop seedlings (from seeds) to speed up maturation and increase crop yields.

How to grow onion seedlings?

Bulb onions have very small black trihedral seeds. Their swelling in the ground takes a long time, so shoots usually appear no earlier than 7-10 days at best. At first, the sprouts look like green loops, then the sprout straightens, and only then feathers begin to form. Due to such a long germination, gardeners are increasingly making onion seedlings.

Seedlings are made from the beginning of March. Poured into a container fertile land, then the seeds are densely sown in rows, to a depth of 1.5 cm. They are sprinkled with earth and sprayed from a sprayer, and then the container is covered with a film and set aside in a dark place. Seedlings appear at a temperature of +5 ... +6 degrees. As soon as sprouts appear, the container is moved to the light, since onions - photophilous plant and begin to gradually lower the temperature. At night it should be + 3 ... + 5 degrees, and during the day it should fluctuate within + 16 ... + 18 degrees.

Before the onion loops have not reached 10 cm, you can only spray the seedlings with water and loosen the ground. After the sprouts have grown, you can carry out the first top dressing with minerals with an abundance of nitrogen. A little later, you can also sprinkle crushed ash on the ground, but not much. More before landing on a permanent place, top dressing is not carried out.

If the green part of the onion has greatly elongated and collapses, and it is too early to plant seedlings, you can cut it by 2-3 cm no more! Landing in open ground is carried out around mid-April. Shallow furrows are made for seedlings - 1-1.5 cm and individual seedlings are transplanted there at a distance of 3-5 cm, later they can be thinned out.

How to choose a place for planting onions?

Due to the weak root system, onions are grown only on fertile, non-acidic soil (in which case it is limed). If nutrition is debatable, in the spring, before planting, the bed is fertilized with minerals (60 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea, 20 g of potassium chloride per square meter of land). The place should be without stagnant water, with a low level of groundwater and sunny, not shaded.

The best predecessors are early cabbage, tomato, rye, beans. If onions are planted in place of these plants, then after their harvesting, peeling and autumn plowing are necessarily carried out.

When a gardener needs an early harvest, planting is carried out on heated beds. And all work is carried out about a month earlier.

How to grow onions outdoors?

Onion sets or seedlings obtained from onion seeds are most often planted in open ground.

The first thing to do with onion sets before planting is to process and revise. Only whole and healthy onions are suitable, and the rest are sifted out. The seed is processed in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer (1 tbsp is needed for 10 liters of water). The onion should be in this solution all night, and in order to protect the husk from falling off, you need to tie all the onions in gauze and then lower them into fertilizer.

In the morning, the onions are washed, dipped for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then, washed again, they are used for planting in open ground. This treatment will protect the bulbs from diseases and accelerate their growth.

Seeds are usually planted in April, after the soil has thawed well. The beds are weeded, furrows are made at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Onions are embedded in the soil to a depth of 4 cm with a distance of 5-10 cm between seedlings.

If the gardener decided to sow the nigella (seeds) in open ground without making seedlings, then it is necessary to sow in a long line. Rows are made at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other. Seeding depth - 1-1.5 cm. After sowing, the seeds are crushed with earth and mulched by 1 cm with humus. After the emergence of seedlings, the first thinning is done - 3 cm of space is left between the seedlings. After another 20-25 days, a second thinning is carried out, leaving 6-8 cm between the sprouts.

How to care for onions?

Onions can be safely called unpretentious plant. It grows well and quickly if diseases and pests do not attack it, but certain norms must be observed, otherwise the yield will be low.

What's wrong with onions?

Onions can hurt powdery mildew, smut, cervical gray rot, downy mildew, bottom rot. You can fight these diseases either by spraying or by taking preventive measures.

Prevention consists in disinfecting seeds, observing crop rotation, disinfecting storage facilities, and autumn deep digging of the site. You can also apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers under the onion, they are not only a good top dressing, but also increase the resistance of the onion to various diseases and pests.

When and how to harvest?

Sevok and onion turnips are harvested after the tops fall, usually this period falls on the end of August or the beginning of September - before a significant cold snap. About 25-30 days before this, watering should be completely stopped. Harvest day should be dry and ideally sunny as well.

Sevok is harvested by hand, laying it out on the beds to dry. After the onions are dried (it may take 1-3 days), they are sorted and prepared for storage. Average yield sowing is 1 kg per square meter of soil.

The turnip is harvested, slightly digging so that the forelock does not come off, and also laid out in the sun so that it dries well before harvesting for winter storage.

What is the best way to store onions?

This culture is stored for a very long time, in any case, if we talk specifically about the bulb. Under proper conditions, a turnip can lie for 5-8 months without changes in taste and external qualities. Only those heads that were previously affected by powdery mildew, rot of the bottom or neck are poorly stored. In order for the onion to lie well, it is sorted by size and variety, packed in boxes or nets, you can also braid it, and then put or hang it in a dry cellar, where the temperature is slightly above 0 degrees Celsius.

In order for the onion to lie better after drying in the open air, it is recommended to put it in a sunny place for 8-10 days. The temperature should reach 30-40 degrees - this will increase the shelf life of the product.

It is more difficult to store onion sets. This requires strict adherence to humidity and temperature in the room. The room where it is stored should be dry, ventilated, the temperature should not fall below +18 ... +25 degrees or rise above the specified mark. An alternative may be to store sevka at a temperature of -1 ... -3 degrees, but this requires refrigerating chambers.

With feathers, not everything is so personal. Store them in the refrigerator for up to 1 week, or cut and freeze. But, since onion feathers can be grown even on a windowsill in winter, freezing is usually not practiced. Unless, if a green mixture of herbs is made for borscht, soups and other hot dishes.

VIDEO - How to grow onions nigella