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» August love horoscope: what do the stars promise? Aries love horoscope for August Influence of planets in August Aries

August love horoscope: what do the stars promise? Aries love horoscope for August Influence of planets in August Aries

From 1 to 10 August. You will be consumed by household chores. However, the successful solution of most of them will give you self-confidence and give you many additional opportunities. Due to the influence of Jupiter, you will be lucky, provided that you curb your temper. The sun will set you in a romantic mood, and the influence of Saturn will keep you from violating partner obligations. Flirt with your chosen one, inspire him to new courtship with you, awaken in him the feeling that you should continue to win. From August 5 to 9 is a good period for finding a soul mate.

From 11 to 20 August. This decade is good for the love sphere. The harmonious relationship of the planets will allow you to establish ties, strengthen cooperation, and achieve fulfillment of obligations. You will be able to bring to a common denominator all marital and family issues. From August 12 to 14, your activity and penetrating abilities will help you overcome potential obstacles.

From 21 to 31 August. Compared to the previous decade, you will significantly reduce turnover. Changes will also come into your life much more calmly, as if by themselves. Your mood will depend on your financial situation. If there are no contradictions in your union and everyone contributes to the common cause, then nothing threatens your couple. Now is the time to get rid of selfishness and remember that you are one. After August 28, the likelihood of a pleasant meeting increases.

Family horoscope

You will be seized by a thirst for activity that will not allow you to put up with problems in the house or in family relationships. You will make every effort to resolve family problems, and, despite the difficulties, you will succeed in this field. From August 3 to 10 is a favorable period for repairs or general cleaning. Children will be sensitive to your every word, so keep an eye on your emotions and what and how you say. Despite being very busy at work, the spouse will also participate in household chores.

Health Horoscope

No tangible health problems are expected. On the contrary, any of your efforts aimed at healing and prevention will be very effective. Welcome to stay in nature, the resort. The healing effect of mountain, sea and forest air for you is now difficult to overestimate.

Horoscope of work and money

The whole of August is suitable for improving your skills. The period from August 3 to 15 is favorable for organizing the production process, establishing a strong business partnership, and profitable employment. From August 17 to 19, intrigues are possible at work, but they cannot seriously annoy you. In general, August will justify your career aspirations.

Horoscope for August 2016 for Aries men

Love. Your chosen one will be happy to participate in family events and enjoy tasting homemade dishes. Now there is no topic or problem that you could not agree on with him. The main thing is to tirelessly emphasize its dignity and superiority. At the beginning of August, the peak of his ardor falls.

Tone. Excellent health can lead to an overestimation of the strength and limits of physical capabilities. Your task is to stop your loved one in time to rest before accomplishing another feat. The period is favorable for self-healing. The most elementary means - the sun, air, water, rest from stress - will have a therapeutic effect.

Finance. Whatever your Aries does, he will be lucky. A solid income is expected from large-scale projects, cooperation will be successful, all contracts and obligations will be fulfilled. In early August, temporary difficulties are possible in the family or construction business, but by the end of August the business will make a profit.

Job. Your man will succeed in everything, the main thing is to maintain respect for authorities and leadership. His temper can ruin his reputation. From August 4 to 8, he should beware of thefts and swindlers.

Friends. It is desirable to meet with friends on neutral territory. New acquaintances are possible through the mediation of relatives. A joint business will force you to cooperate a lot and fruitfully with your best friend.

Leisure. His main need will be to be seen and to express himself. He must avoid the extreme. From August 17 to 23, he will enjoy walks, solitude, light reading.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for August 2016:

Astrologers have prepared a love horoscope for August 2016. The last month of summer promises a stormy personal life for almost all signs of the zodiac. Someone will have a new fan, someone will be able to strengthen past relationships, and someone will just spend time with loved ones. However, the stars agree on one thing - you have to be brave.


Aries in August need only peace and peace of mind. True, the second half of Aries will not strive for this. It is worth trying to explain your desires and find a compromise.

August will be a difficult month for the personal life of Aries - quarrels for no reason, resentment and misunderstanding with the chosen one are likely. The love horoscope for August 2016 advises Aries to lay the foundation for a completely new relationship with their soul mate - then in the future they will have a strong, tender relationship.


If a person born under the sign of Taurus is still alone, then in August the love horoscope promises him an acquaintance with a very interesting person. This acquaintance has every chance to develop into a bright, dizzying romance.

Taurus, who have already found their love, are advised by the stars to surround their loved ones with care and warmth, because they need it so much now.


The stars are sure that in August circumstances will push Gemini to realize that any relationship requires change and work on them. Depending on how the Gemini can change, so will their relationship continue.

Geminis who are actively looking for a mate should get out into nature more often. It is there that they can meet a person who can later become their chosen one.


Usually modest and quiet Cancers in August will be unusually sociable. Their charm and cheerfulness will conquer anyone. Thanks to such popularity, single Cancers can easily find a person who will brighten up the last summer month.

For Cancers who are already in a relationship, the love horoscope for August 2016 promises an unusual surge of tenderness and romance. Your soul mate will invite you on a date and will please you in every possible way for the whole month.

a lion

For Leos, August 2016 promises big changes. Whether they will be for better or worse depends only on the Lions themselves. If they can be persistent, not afraid of obstacles, they can get the strongest relationship.

Free from relationships, Leos will get the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside and understand their shortcomings. Only by correcting them, they will be able to meet a worthy person.


Virgo August 2016 will be remembered as the best month in terms of love for many years to come. Those Virgos who have already found their soul mate, but have doubts, will be able to meet a truly worthy person or understand that a loved one is their true love.

Free Virgos will bathe in the attention of the opposite sex all month. However, the stars are advised to be careful and choose one person with whom they will spend their best August.


The love horoscope promises Libra August changes in their personal lives. Lonely Libra will be able to meet a person who will delight, support and understand throughout life.

Libra, who has already found their chosen one, can easily change everything that does not suit them in a relationship. At the same time, the second half of Libra will react to this easily and with understanding.


Scorpios in August will be the luckiest in relationships. The chosen one of Scorpio will please with some incredible surprise and show the fullness of his feelings.

For lonely Scorpios, the love horoscope advises you to go on a trip. You are unlikely to meet your soul mate there for life, but you are provided with a lot of attention, flirting and just good impressions.


Sagittarius stars in August 2016 promise good luck and change on all fronts, except for love. It is better for Sagittarians to take up work, themselves, travel, but not try to change anything in their personal lives.

Sagittarius, who are already in a relationship, may not worry - they are waiting for the usual calm month. Free Sagittarians should be wary of new acquaintances - they will only bring disappointment.


Capricorns who want to find their soul mate should go on a trip in August. It will bring not only a sea of ​​pleasant impressions, emotions and memories, but also new acquaintances.

The love horoscope advises Capricorns, who are already in a relationship, to prepare a romantic surprise for their soul mate, because she deserves it.


Aquarians in August will surprise everyone with their sincerity. They will be able to show all their best qualities and please their soulmate with a sea of ​​romance.

Free Aquarians will be able to have a good time in the company of their relatives and friends. You should not try to get to know someone, because this acquaintance is unlikely to bring any joy. It is better to focus on other areas of life.


Pisces have long been known for their luck in love affairs, and August is no exception. Pisces will be surrounded by a swarm of admirers, regardless of whether they are single or in a relationship. The main thing is not to get carried away and not make mistakes.

To make the month as pleasant as possible, the love horoscope for August 2016 advises Pisces to relax, cast aside all doubts and just enjoy every warm summer day.

August 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries is surprisingly favorable - you will be equally successful in business and attractive in personal communication. And it will depend only on you where and how to show your talents.

Work, career, business

The ruler of the sign of Aries Mars is moving into the sign of Sagittarius, which means that the plans of the representatives of the Zodiac sign Aries may include a trip. And even if it is conceived as entertaining, nothing prevents you on vacation, in a pleasant company, to discuss your professional affairs and draw the attention of interested people to them. You can expect that your ideas and undertakings will be favorably received and approved. During the whole month, meetings with old acquaintances and friends are possible, as well as the appearance of new people. Stars promise special success to representatives of creative professions - actors, artists, musicians, as well as athletes - they can count on growing popularity and authority. So, the first and second decades of the month will be festive and interesting. The last decade of August 2016 is a less festive, but more practical period. Those on vacation can return to their workplace and come to grips with business.


Financially, August 2016 for the zodiac sign Aries is quite successful. In the first and second decades, you can count on pleasant surprises from friends or loved ones, and in the third - on independent earnings.

Love, family

This beautiful summer month - August 2016 is ideal for love. Both lovers and spouses from representatives of the Aries zodiac sign can go on a trip where they will have a good time. In addition to pleasant experiences, a joint holiday promises a new level of emotional intimacy in relationships with loved ones. Children delight, August 2016 will provide an excellent opportunity to get to know how your children live. Minor problems with relatives of the second half, quite likely in the third decade of August, will not be reflected in the generally favorable background of the month. Do not pay attention to trifles and do not raise questions that may contain pitfalls.

If you have been tossing and worrying for a long time, do not sleep at night, painfully thinking from which side to approach an important matter, then August 2016 is the perfect month to throw off the burden that has rubbed your shoulders. At the end of the summer, Aries will succeed in everything and a little more. A representative of this zodiac sign will be able to repay debts, win the heart of a loved one, survive the end of the world and the monthly arrival of a mother-in-law (for some people, the last events are equivalent). If you now decide to establish relations with the whole world, you will easily achieve this. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, will give the children of Fire diplomatic skills and courteous manners in abundance, so that they are able to solve conflicts with one hand, change the weather in the house and reconcile the warring parties, and there will be enough unclaimed abilities to open their own school of etiquette. The horoscope advises Aries to use the revealed talent, making as many useful and pleasant acquaintances as possible. Go out more often and communicate more with others. Remember that it is the investment of money and energy that makes us richer both materially and spiritually.

In the coming period, Aries will be distinguished by excellent flair and commendable delicacy. You will leave in the past your habit of going ahead through gullies, swamps and swamps, dragging your loved one into a happy future, and finally think about what he himself wants. Unfortunately, this month it will become difficult for you to control emotions and restrain impulsive impulses. Aries resembles a small child who found a beautiful, magnificent, living, moving caterpillar in a flower bed, brought the find to a pretty girl and sincerely wonders why she squeals, waves her arms and bursts into tears. In August 2016, not all of the partner's reactions will turn out to be understandable and logical, which will somewhat worsen relations in couples. The horoscope advises lovers of this zodiac sign to remember that not a single phenomenon and event in the world receives absolute support or universal condemnation - there will always be both supporters and opponents. Do not be upset because the second half, instead of giving up on vacation in rafting on the river, spending the night in tents and sipping soup from a camping pot, hysterically demands tickets to the sea and a new swimsuit. The only time when it is permissible to be sad, mope and whine due to the fact that your preferences do not match the tastes of others is childhood. Remember how we sadly sat at the table, drove a spoon over the hated semolina porridge, which a strict mother forced to eat to the last grain, and mentally made hot vows that in no case would we do this when we ourselves grow up? And what is the result? We have grown up a long time ago, got a good job, we do important things and we know smart words, but still, just like a mother in childhood, we impose our opinion on people and get very upset when we meet resistance in response. In August, remember yourself as a child and finally fulfill the promise, giving your loved ones the right to self-determination.

At the end of summer, the horoscope advises Aries to tie a couple of pound weights to their feet, otherwise the employees of this zodiac sign, due to excessive labor enthusiasm, risk flying into the air, like the fabulous Mary Poppins, and rush off into unknown distances. What is good for the heroines of children's fairy tales is absolutely not suitable for serious, adult people who intend to devote 8 hours of their lives every day to earning money and moving up the career ladder. In August, the children of Fire need to ease their labor ardor and show more sanity in decisions. It is clear that a person wants everything, at once, and even a red Ferrari to boot, but this does not happen. Be patient and prepare for a long siege of future successes. Even if it seems to you that the path to the finish line is long and winding, you should not cut it along narrow unreliable paths, otherwise you will drown in an insidious swamp, saying goodbye to your ambitious dreams: "Bul-Bul!". Aries, who will not drive a horse into a burning hut, will be able to earn good money this month. The universe will certainly provide representatives of this zodiac sign with the opportunity to turn one hundred rubles into two hundred, the main thing is that the lucky ones do not miss their chance. In August 2016, look at the ongoing events in the long term, and then you will understand that momentary difficulties are actually the beginning of a future triumph!

Attention, the Aries horoscope for the month of August 2016 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2016 year of the Red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart that is unique for each person.

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The love horoscope advises all representatives of the Constellations to engage in self-improvement in August 2016. Direct unspent energy into your own development in order to avoid conflicts and quarrels.


Free Aries August 2016 does not predict a serious relationship. Holiday romances will not end in success, so do not plan something global, but engage in self-improvement.

Family Aries should be more attentive to their soul mate.


Love horoscope Taurus, who got involved in a love triangle, forbids weaving intrigues and destroying the family. Step back and don't get depressed. Long-term relationships, according to the horoscope, can arise from a chance meeting that will turn out to be fateful.

August 2016 advises family Taurus to do repairs or other arrangements for living with a soul mate. Even if everything is not very good with finances, try to solve pressing everyday issues together. Relationships will become stronger.


Gemini love horoscope for August 2016 advises to keep emotions under control. An ordinary quarrel over a trifle can end in a final separation. Avoid unnecessary flirting and don't make your significant other nervous for no particular reason.

Single twins in August can meet their soul mate if they get out to parties and visit cultural places more often. The stars predict a serious romance that will lead to engagement.


The love horoscope for August 2016 forbids Cancers to become isolated in thoughts. Because of your silence, the other half does not find a place for himself and thinks about the reason for your isolation. Discuss all problems in a relationship in calm tones, then your disagreement will not be familiar to your couple.

Cancerians who are in search of a relationship will begin to slowly become depressed. Take a break from bad thoughts and take care of yourself.


Free Lions, according to the love horoscope for August 2016, do not get bored and are in the most active search. But the stars advise: do not waste yourself on those with whom you do not plan to start a relationship. Pay attention to the people who are nearby and have been trying to attract your attention for a long time.

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Leos, whose heart has long been occupied, should work on relationships. Surprise your soul mate and arrange a surprise, spend the weekend together and then mutual understanding and new impressions will move the relationship to a new level.


Single Virgos enjoy the attention of men, but are in no hurry to make a choice. The love horoscope for August 2016 strongly recommends taking a closer look at the candidates. Among them lurk a potential companion for life. Do not judge people only by their appearance - a rich inner world is much more important than a beautiful shell.

Family Virgos enjoy the harmony that reigns in relationships. To strengthen the situation, spend more time with your soul mate. Find common interests that will allow you to speak the same language.


Family Libra is preoccupied with global problems that do not exist. The love horoscope for August 2016 forbids inflating global problems out of the blue, but recommends that Libra find a new hobby. Any undertaking will be supported by the second half. If you didn’t manage to go on a family vacation in the first 2 summer months, now is the time. It's time to relieve the accumulated stress.

Libra in active search is not too concerned about the lack of attention. Stars are advised to go to the gym and fitness parties more often. A new acquaintance in the field of fitness will change plans for personal life.


Scorpios who are in a relationship will begin to dig into the second half and remember old quarrels. The love horoscope for August 2016 forbids to stir up the past, but advises to think about the future. If you are sure that next to you is the one who will share joy and sorrow, engage in self-improvement. Don't let whims ruin relationships.

Lonely Scorpions will meet a soul mate in the first half of August. But for this, the stars are advised not to sit on the sidelines, but to make at least a small hint of acquaintance themselves.


Sagittarians are tired of the monotony and therefore they are trying to find a flaw in the satellite. But the love horoscope for August 2016 recommends shifting attention to yourself. Go headlong into sports, reading books or find a hobby you like. Direct unspent energy in a positive direction so as not to destroy relationships.