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» Myrtle tree at home. A plant of amazing beauty and benefits - common myrtle

Myrtle tree at home. A plant of amazing beauty and benefits - common myrtle

Myrtle flower is incredible evergreen, with its own indescribable aroma, for which it is, in fact, valued. Part of a large family of the same name Myrtaceae. It prefers to grow mainly in the countries of the subtropical climate of the Mediterranean, because there is a lot of light and warmth, from sunny weather and a humid climate from frequent rains. These factors, by the way, should be taken into account if you want to have myrtle at home.

It looks like a neat tree, with slightly elongated leaves on short petioles, which creates density and splendor. The color of the leaf is a rich, glossy, dark shade of green; when touched you can feel the smoothness and silkiness. How does myrtle bloom? It blooms in mid-summer, when it is warmest and sunny weather. But you should not expect this in the first years of its life in your home; only patient care for the myrtle will lead to the appearance of the first buds in about four years. Flowers appear on the upper branches, again due to the proximity to the sun, one or several inflorescences together. They can be snow-white or soft cream, sometimes with light pink shade, strewn with a bunch of stamens, because of this the effect of lightness and graceful fluffiness is created.

The name "myrtle" has Greek roots and means " liquid incense", all through presence in the sheets essential oils, which exude soothing and enchanting aromas.

Myrtle flower care legends

The origin of many legends and traditions is associated with the myrtle tree, some have survived to this day.

Since ancient times, the myrtle tree has been highly valued

  • In Greek mythology there is a legend about the origin of myrtle. They said that the supreme goddess of the fairy-tale Olympus, Athena, had a beloved grace, Myrsina, who once defeated her in sports competitions, for which Athena killed her in anger. But when it cooled down, she realized that she had done something terrible and turned to the Olympic Council with a request for some kind of symbol-memory of her beloved grace, and the gods accepted repentance and presented a plant that grew in the place of the murdered Myrsina - it was an elegant myrtle, like hers .
  • Another legend says that during the famous dispute between Paris and Aphrodite, the latter was dressed in a wreath of myrtle branches, thanks to which she received famous apple. From that time on, the goddess of love sometimes began to call herself Myrthea and decorated herself with myrtle branches. To honor the memory of the goddess and receive her blessing, people also decorated themselves with wreaths from the legendary tree, and many of its shoots were planted in the area near temples dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite.
  • There is a true fact from our time, those who watched the famous film “Straw Hat”, with Andrei Mironov in the title role, will probably remember that the bride’s father did not let go of the potted myrtle tree throughout the film and tried to say beautiful words on this occasion. After all, there are also folk romantic names “Tree family happiness" and "Bride Tree"
  • It is historically known that members of the powerful British royal family always have a sprig of myrtle in their bouquet when they marry; this dates back to the time of Queen Victoria, who reigned in the 19th century, during the wedding of her eldest daughter. This continues to this day and symbolizes calm, peace, love and chastity.

Myrtle flower home care and use

It should be noted that the myrtle tree widely extends its functions beyond the life of a simple home flower. Its components have been used since ancient times in culinary experiments, and its use has been widely used for treatment and cosmetology.

In medicine

Myrtle oil is used in medicine about cosmetology

  1. What can we say about the medical and cosmetological direction? In ancient times, an infusion of leaves myrtle tree Noble and wealthy residents washed their faces, as it was believed that this procedure prolongs youth and beauty, gives freshness and lightness.
  2. Drinks infused with fruits were used as health-improving and invigorating elixirs. Since the flower contains essential oils, it is valued by both traditional and official medicine.
  3. The phytoncides secreted by myrtle help cope with colds; it has been scientifically proven that just standing in the room the plant kills many pathogenic bacteria, even diphtheria bacillus and the dangerous Koch bacillus, which causes tuberculosis, and this is good because there is no need to damage the tree by tearing off leaves, after all myrtle oil works like this.
  4. And in our time, tinctures are used to give additional energy and strength, that is, they act as an energy drink.
  5. A decoction of the leaves is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal organs and helps improve digestion.

In cooking

It also found its use in cooking, although not as well known as, for example, noble laurel, but nonetheless. In Corsica and Sardinia it is used to make the famous local liqueur "Mirto", which is famous for its unsurpassed aroma. The liqueur is considered a national pride and has two varieties (white) “Mirto Bianco”, made from leaves and (red) “Mirto Rosso”, it is made from berries after the fermentation process.

It should be remembered that some people may not be suitable for the content of essential oils and may cause allergic reactions, as well as headaches and nausea. Therefore, if you have any allergic problems, monitor your health.

Myrtle tree care at home

How to properly care for your home myrtle

Caring for myrtle at home requires following simple rules. Since it comes from warm regions, it is better to grow it on southern windows, shading it during the hottest hours. Of course, it can exist on east and west windows, but it will feel less comfortable. You can also place it on the north window if there is no way out, but the flowers will not be as beautiful and abundant. Myrtle loves constant fresh air, therefore it is not particularly afraid of drafts and moderate cold. Likes to stand on the balcony and kitchen window, which opens frequently. In summer, of course, it is ideal to plant myrtle directly in open ground, as if for hardening, first covering it a little from strong sun and wind. It is necessary to get accustomed to changes in temperature and lighting gradually. You can bury it in the ground directly with the pot so that no one can damage the root. See what a spectacular look your front garden will get with a myrtle tree on it.

A myrtle tree will always grow at home if you take care of it. The basic rule of caring for myrtle is to remember that in winter he has a period of rest, which you must provide him. This must be done to strengthen the plant and ensure preparation for the next flowering period, otherwise the myrtle tree may shed its leaves.

So, how to care for myrtus communis during the dormant period?

  • It must be placed in a room with a low temperature, it is quite cold-resistant and can withstand drops of up to +5 degrees, but this is of no use, just provide about +10 degrees.
  • In this case, the lighting should be bright enough; if there is not enough light, the rest period will last up to three months, but this way you can do it twice as fast.
  • The ideal place would be an insulated loggia or balcony facing west.

Growing myrtle as a bonsai tree

Often the myrtle flower is a home plant maintained in the form of a “bonsai” tree, that is, they take care of the trunk and leaves so that it looks lush and beautiful, without trying to produce flowers. To do this, pruning side branches is used, fresh shoots are pinched and fertilized with nitrogen-containing additives for decorative purposes. deciduous plants. Such a pet will look unusual and quite exotic.

We especially don’t recommend getting carried away with this on young specimens, since the trunk is not yet strong enough and has not gained strength. Now, when the tree reaches 3-4 years old, you can start trying. Then you will get such an original tree.

Myrtle tree types and varieties

Two popular species of myrtle communis (Myrtus communis) and myrtle sahara (Myrtus nivellei) have been identified. And different breeders have bred slightly more varieties than two.

How to care for myrtle at home

The home myrtle tree, like any indoor plants, will respond favorably to a loving attitude towards itself, first of all, this concerns watering and maintaining minimal humidity.


What kind of care does home myrtle prefer?

Myrtle accepts ordinary care very favorably, and the same applies to watering. It should be constant from the beginning of spring days until the cold of autumn and moderately plentiful, even in winter, during dormancy, when the plant accumulates strength for a new push of growth, watering is slightly reduced, but in no way stops. Everything must be maintained with a certain regularity; the soil around the tree trunk should not be allowed to dry out. In winter, let the soil dry out a little; if you still skip watering, you can use the method of immersing the flower in water with a pot, but make sure that excess liquid does not stagnate, be sure to drain it.


Humidity is not as vital for myrtle as timely watering, but it cannot be completely ignored. Therefore, in summer, spraying the leaves and air around myrtle is encouraged, especially in dry and hot summers. In winter, this method should absolutely not be used, since the temperature is low. Water for spraying, as well as for irrigation, take soft, settled water and at room temperature.

Common myrtle transplant

In general, replanting the myrtle tree frequently is absolutely necessary. Adults are recommended to live in the same pot for up to five years. Should be carried out in winter or not at all in early spring, when the tree is still in the dormant stage and nothing can be seriously damaged.

Before the procedure, the earthen lump should be slightly dried so that it is easier to separate from the walls of the pot; the tree must be removed carefully, holding the trunk with your hand. If it becomes difficult to pull it out, you can drag it along the wall with some blunt object. To ensure better survival, you can treat the roots with a growth stimulator. There must be a layer on the bottom drainage material¼ part of the pot, then part of the soil, on which to spread the roots and the rest of the soil on top, slightly leveling it. Take the substrate at a ratio of 2:1 leaf soil and vermicompost, you can add vermiculite. After watering, carry out until water begins to pour out from below. Then the transplanted myrtle is taken out into a slightly darkened room until it is completely established.

But, there are several exceptions when it is urgently necessary to carry out this simple procedure:

Replanting a myrtle tree after purchase

  1. It is necessary to replant the myrtle after purchase, but only by carefully transferring it from the pot so as not to damage the roots, but at the same time unraveling them. This needs to be done because the soil in stores is often not intended for plants to stay in for a long time, it is overflowing with various fertilizers and quite often harmful insects infest it.
  2. A transplant is also required for young individuals when they are actively growing and urgently need to change the pot, increasing its size by 2-3 cm. There is no need to take a very large pot at once, so to speak for growth, the plant will grow only at the root, and the trunk will remain weak, so everything should be in moderation. For a similar reason, that is, the pot has become simply small, a transplant is also carried out.
  3. Another reason for replanting myrtle will be rotting of the root or damage to it by any pests. Then you should completely replace all the soil, no longer moving with a lump of earth, but completely clearing the roots of old land, and from damaged or diseased parts. This method of replanting is less reliable than transshipment, but otherwise, the myrtle tree may even die.
  4. What diseases affect myrtle?

  • Excessive watering can affect the onset of the development of root rot; at the first signs (leaf falling or change in color), you must immediately replant the plant into a new substrate, inspect all root elements and remove rotting areas with pruning shears. Then rinse everything thoroughly and dip the sections in crushed coal. Then proceed as if transplanting.
  • After purchasing, the plant dropped its leaves, this may be simple stress due to a change of place of residence, move it from the bright sun to a more secluded place and watch it, not forgetting to water and spray.
  • Is your myrtle flower not blooming for a long time? Perhaps the lighting you provided for him is not enough, move him to a place that is brighter. Or there is not enough fertilizer, use any fertilizer for flowering plants, they should contain most of the phosphorus. Low humidity and lack of fresh air flow are also reasons for non-flowering.
  • Is the myrtle tree losing its leaves? There may be a lack of watering or an excess of it, with stagnation in the pan. Move the plant to another location and after a few days, water and fertilize.
  • Also, various pests can occasionally attack: spider mite(the appearance of cobwebs between the leaves and the leaves turn yellow), aphids (white dots), scale insects (an unpleasant stickiness appears on the leaves). At initial stages Treating the sheet with a soap solution on both sides will help. If everything is running, you need to use the appropriate means: Actellik, Fitoverm, etc.

Myrtle, a plant that inspires awe among novice gardeners, who believe that owning and caring for myrtle at home requires considerable effort and experience. This is both true and false. Without knowledge of the rules of care and nuances of maintenance, it is impossible to grow a beautiful plant, and this applies to almost all indoor plants, and not just myrtle. But you shouldn’t be afraid either. Myrtle tree, the plant is not that difficult to care for.

In any case, it is no more difficult to maintain than the same, or much easier than or.

A little about the plant

Myrtle is an evergreen plant that has been known for a long time and is covered in various legends. Various magical and healing properties are attributed to it. If the first can still be questioned, then the second does not raise doubts and has very real confirmation. Myrtle contains essential oil, which is highly valued in both folk and official medicine. Decoctions and potions from the leaves of this plant have a beneficial effect on digestion and are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. This tincture is also an excellent energy drink that gives strength and vigor. But it is absolutely not necessary to pick off the myrtle leaves. It is enough to place the plant indoors, and it will immediately begin to have a beneficial effect. After all, myrtle has excellent phytoncidal properties. This flower will serve as good protection against various kinds of bacteria and viruses. It is believed that myrtle is able to purify the air, even from such dangerous “creatures” as tuberculosis bacilli, and it can easily cope with the flu virus and acute respiratory infections.

Cooks also paid attention to myrtle. The leaves of this plant, although not as widely used in cooking as leaves, are quite serious competitors for them.

Myrtle also has other, more romantic names. The most famous of them is the “Bride Tree”. In many countries Western Europe(and not only), flowers and branches of myrtle are necessarily included in the wedding bouquet, and the myrtle tree itself is given to brides for a wedding as a symbol of love and eternal fidelity. Remember the wonderful movie "Straw Hat"? There, the father of the bride does not let go of a potted myrtle tree for two episodes, trying to make a fiery speech about it. And as if continuing the wedding theme, myrtle received a second name - “Tree of Family Happiness”, which maintains peace and harmony in the family.

Since ancient times, a wreath and a sprig of myrtle have been a symbol of silence, rest, pleasure and an unchanging attribute of Venus and her faithful three graces.

This is such a wonderful plant. Let's get to the main point.


IN summer time The best place for myrtle is in the fresh air. Just don’t put it in the hottest sun, it’s not very good in terms of lighting and it doesn’t need extra heat. Myrtle prefers moderate temperatures. It will feel very good on the western side of the buildings. It is advisable to bury the myrtle along with the pot into the ground. This way it will be more comfortable for him, and the tree will look more beautiful. In room conditions, try to adhere to the temperature range of +18-20 degrees. Although the higher temperature in warm time years with proper watering and air humidity will not cause him any particular inconvenience.

In winter, myrtle goes dormant. This is a necessary condition! In winter, the temperature of its maintenance should be significantly lower, otherwise the plant will begin to shed its leaves and will not be able to prepare for next season flowering. Myrtle is a fairly cold-resistant plant and can withstand even temperatures of +5 degrees (but this is considered the limit). Of course, there is no point or need to keep him at this temperature in winter, but please provide him with a decrease in temperature to +10 degrees. A loggia or an insulated balcony is good for these purposes. If there is a cool, well-lit room, then this will be ideal for myrtle.


Myrtle is one of those indoor plants who need bright light at any time of the year. Even a certain amount of direct sunlight will not harm it. Of course, the myrtle still needs to be covered from the hot midday sun. A sufficient amount of light is a necessary condition for abundant flowering. Even in winter, when myrtle is dormant, it needs good lighting. If it is not enough, then the rest period itself can last up to three months. With sufficient lighting, the myrtle will come out of dormancy twice as fast. Therefore, try to place it near southern windows in winter (while observing the temperature regime, of course). In the summer, if you will not take myrtle outside, then choose a place for it near the eastern or western windows that are most suitable for all indoor plants. There is another important nuance related to lighting for myrtle. If throughout the year the light intensity for the plant is the same, no matter where you move it, then there is no need to worry. But if in winter it still receives less or more light (and this happens), then do not immediately move it to a lighter (darker) place. Myrtle does not tolerate sudden changes in light. Do this gradually, moving it away from the light source, or, on the contrary, moving it closer to it.

Watering and air humidity

In the warm season, the soil in the myrtle pot should be constantly moist. But it is moderately damp, there is no need to fill it. Try to develop a regular watering regime. Although this largely depends on the air temperature, as soon as the top layer of soil begins to dry out, water it. Overdrying is detrimental to myrtle. In winter, when the temperature of the myrtle is much lower, watering, of course, is reduced, but does not stop! They should be as regular as in summer, but before the next watering, let the soil (top layer) dry out a little. Both in winter and summer, water myrtle only with warm, well-settled water. The plant prefers soft water. Read, there are recommendations on how and with what to water.

Although air humidity is less important for myrtle than regular watering, spraying or other watering cannot be ignored. Myrtle does not tolerate dry air well. And there are such periods in the process of caring for myrtle at home. This is spring and autumn. Or more precisely, the end and beginning of the heating season. It is during these periods that myrtle, being in a state of wakefulness, is especially exposed to dry air. In summer, especially if it is hot and dry, be sure to spray the plant regularly too. In winter, at low temperatures, on the contrary, it is impossible to spray myrtle.

Top dressing

Quite often, myrtle is grown using the bonsai technique, paying more attention to the shape of the crown and foliage of the tree than to its flowers. Therefore, such plants need nitrogen, just like ornamental foliage plants. If you prefer the flowering of myrtle, then fertilizers should be high in phosphorus, for flowering plants.


Frequent myrtle transplants at home are unnecessary. Perhaps for very young plants that need to be replanted every year. In the future, replant myrtle only if necessary. Basically, it occurs when the roots become very cramped in an old pot. But you need to keep in mind that the size of the pot should correspond to the root system and not be too large. With the necessary frequent watering of myrtle, the water in a large pot will stagnate, and the plant may get sick and die. As a guide, we can say that a three-year-old myrtle tree should grow in a pot with a diameter of 12, maximum 15 centimeters. Each subsequent pot increases by 1.5-2 centimeters, no more. A good one is also a prerequisite for proper care of myrtle. The reason is the same frequent watering. Excess water should drain freely from the soil. The composition of the soil itself for myrtle is very simple. You need to mix equal parts of leaf and turf soil, humus, peat and sand. Although it is absolutely not necessary to compose it yourself. You can simply buy soil for myrtle at a flower shop.

Pruning myrtle

By properly pruning and pinching myrtle branches, you can achieve almost any crown shape. But even if you do nothing (except for the obligatory hygienic pruning, of course), the myrtle will take its natural, pyramidal shape, which is also quite beautiful. But if you want to get a myrtle tree with a spreading crown, then its top must be cut off and pinched side shoots. The more often you pinch the shoots, the more intensively the myrtle will branch. But there is a downside to this. All this will happen to the detriment of flowering; it will not be as abundant as during natural growth. The same applies to crown formation. Like, or, the crown of myrtle can be given any shape by pruning. But I would like to warn you that experiments with the shape of the crown can only be carried out on sufficiently mature, strong plants. A young myrtle will willingly grow new branches and increase green mass, but its thin trunk will not be ready for such a load. Wait a little, let it get stronger enough. In fact, myrtle develops very quickly, and within three to four years you can get a beautiful myrtle tree from a young plant.

Myrtle propagation

Myrtle, a plant that is easiest to propagate from cuttings. This method is practically no different from. This is the method that is recommended for beginning flower growers. The myrtle flower can be propagated in mid-summer or at the very end of winter. But I'm a supporter winter breeding, because the temperature at which the cuttings should take root should not be high, within +16-20 degrees. In summer it is somewhat more difficult to provide it than in winter. Myrtle cuttings suitable for propagation should be quite strong, semi-lignified, 8-10 centimeters long. It is preferable to cut such cuttings from the lower or upper part of the myrtle crown. To prevent the leaves from taking up the energy necessary for root growth, remove the leaves from the bottom of the cuttings, and cut those that remain by about a third, or even half (if they are very large). Before planting cuttings, it is advisable to treat them with any root formation stimulator. It will be enough to keep them in a solution of root, heteroauxin or epin for several hours. After such treatment, myrtle cuttings are planted in a light mixture of leaf soil and sand. Rooting in a mixture of sand and has proven itself very well, but the latter may not be at hand. Sand is possible (and even desirable). Greenhouse conditions must also be created for planted cuttings. In the absence of a mini-greenhouse, cover them with a film cap or a regular glass jar. Cuttings do not need a lot of light for rooting; on the contrary, create partial shade for them. The process of rooting myrtle cuttings usually takes no more than a month. During this period, ventilate them, periodically spray and moisten the soil. When the cutting takes root, transplant it into a small (5-7 cm) pot. With this method of propagation, myrtle gains strength and blooms already in the third or fourth year.

Myrtle can also be propagated by seeds. But this method is less effective, and plants grown from seeds bloom later. Therefore, it is used much less frequently.

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Myrtle needs to be watered regularly.

Myrtle (myrtle tree)

Since the plant is of subtropical origin, it loves moisture, so in addition to constant watering, it requires daily spraying with water. If the myrtle does not receive enough water, it will begin to dry out and turn yellow.


Temperature and humidity

Top dressing

Myrtle - transplant - photo


Myrtle grows slowly, so you shouldn't replant it too often. It is better to do this once a year, increasing the size of the pot.

Myrtle propagation - photo



indoor myrtle flowers - photo

  • Single in leaf axils;
  • Or collected in brushes.

Tree diseases and pests

Why doesn't myrtle grow?

Lack of flowering

Wilting leaves

Myrtle often falls off after purchase. This is due to the fact that he was kept in more suitable greenhouse conditions, and adaptation to the room is very stressful for him. In this case, it makes sense to spray with succinic acid or Epin, place the plant under a bag, ventilate it daily, make sure that mold does not form from excess moisture, and place it in a place with bright, diffused light.

But if problems begin with the root, then the matter is more serious. That’s why it’s important how long you’ve had myrtle.

Plant care:

Myrtle loves bright, diffused light and tolerates some direct sunlight. Suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. At the south facing windows summer period It is necessary to provide the plant with protection from the midday sun. It can grow in a north window, but flowering will be less abundant. In winter, myrtle is placed in the most illuminated places.

In summer, myrtle can be placed outdoors, in a place where protection from direct midday sun is provided. The plant should be accustomed to the new level of illumination gradually. Some gardeners bury a pot of myrtle directly into the ground to harden the plant for the summer.

Myrtle loves cool weather; in spring and summer it needs moderate or slightly below moderate temperatures (18-20°C). During the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at a temperature of 5°C and not higher than 8-10°C. At higher than optimal winter temperatures, the plant may lose its leaves.

Myrtle needs an influx of fresh air.

Myrtle is watered regularly and abundantly from spring to autumn (as the top layer of the substrate dries), in winter - limitedly, with soft, settled water. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out even briefly.

Myrtle propagation at home

If the substrate is nevertheless dry, watering is used by immersing the pot in a container of water. At the same time, you need to make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

You should carefully monitor air humidity. Although in natural conditions When growing myrtle, air humidity rarely exceeds 60%; in rooms with central heating it is usually half that. From spring to autumn, the plant should be sprayed regularly. For spraying, you should use only soft, settled or filtered water. In winter, when kept cool, the plant is not sprayed.

From spring to autumn, myrtle is fertilized weekly with floral fertilizer.

Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period. Depending on the position in the room, myrtle is at rest from 3 (on the north window) to 1.5 (on the south) months.

My "Dutchman" has now begun to bloom

Illumination: Light-loving, shading is needed only on a summer afternoon.

Watering regime: Abundant during the growth period, sparse in winter, especially if the plant is kept cool.

Air humidity: Requires frequent spraying, especially in warm rooms.

For the summer it is better to place it on Fresh air(in the garden or on the balcony).

Temperature: In summer the temperature should be moderate, in winter cool 8-10°C.

Soil: Recommended soil mixture: 2-3 parts turf, 1 part peat soil, 1 part humus, 1 part sand. During the growth period, it needs to be fertilized once every 2 weeks with complex fertilizers ("Giant", "Rainbow", "Ideal", etc.) For mature trees, humus can be added once a summer.

Propagation: Stem cuttings, seeds.

Transplantation: Young plants are replanted annually, adults older than three years are replanted after two years, but the top layer of soil is replaced annually.

Pests: affected by scale insects (brown plaques appear on leaves and stems, leaving a sticky discharge), spider mites (in dry air, leaves and stems are entwined with cobwebs).

The plant can be helped by treating it with a soap solution, warm washing and spraying with Actellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Once upon a time, the common myrtle was very popular in indoor culture, since the conditions provided for it good development And regular flowering. With the appearance in homes central heating the popularity of myrtle has decreased significantly, because this Mediterranean species for normal growth and development in winter period Very light and cool (about +5 degrees) content is required.

- here is a video on the topic, and here is an article on care -.

Read also:

Caring for myrtle at home

Myrtle is unusual plant from the Myrtaceae family. The name means "incense". Myrtle prefers to grow in subtropical conditions, mainly in Mediterranean countries.

The plant received this name because its leaves and flowers contain essential oils with a pleasant and soothing aroma. Myrtle looks like a small tree with elongated and pointed leaves. The leaf petioles are short and the color is bright green.

myrtle care at home - photo


Myrtle needs to be watered regularly. Since the plant is of subtropical origin, it loves moisture, so in addition to constant watering, it requires daily spraying with water. If the myrtle does not receive enough water, it will begin to dry out and turn yellow.

Like other flowers, myrtle is best watered and sprayed with settled water. In winter, you need to slightly reduce watering to once a week. Spraying remains only if the room is warm.


It is better to place this plant on the south side, since on other sides it will be less comfortable and may not bloom. When the sun's rays shine intensely on the plant, it is better to close it with a curtain so that it does not get burned.

Temperature and humidity

The most favorable temperature for myrtle is approximately 22-24 degrees. Periodic exposure to the balcony or garden will have a positive effect on the plant.

If it is not possible to remove the plant, then it is worth ventilating the room. IN winter time myrtle will be more comfortable at temperatures up to 10 degrees, but the humidity level should be lower than in summer.

Top dressing

This plant can be fertilized with complex fertilizers, which are specially designed for flowering indoor plants. In summer, fertilizing should be added once a week, and in winter once a month.

Myrtle - transplant - photo


Myrtle grows slowly, so you shouldn't replant it too often.

Myrtle - home care, transplantation and propagation

It is better to do this once a year, increasing the size of the pot.

An already grown plant can live for three to four years without replanting. Optimal time For replanting myrtle, it is the winter season, since during this period the tree is in a dormant state.

Replanting should begin by not watering the plant for several days to make it easier to remove. The pot turns over and the tree will easily slip out, so you must hold it. If you treat the roots with a stimulant, it will be easier for it to take root.

In a new pot, drainage is first done, and then it is filled with expanded clay and the substrate is prepared; it will need to be poured to the bottom. Then the plant itself is installed and covered with substrate. After replanting is completed, the tree must be watered abundantly and the myrtle taken to a dark place.

Myrtle propagation - photo


Myrtle can be propagated by two methods:

With the cutting method, it is important that the soil temperature reaches 25 degrees. Reproduction is carried out through apical cuttings. Its length should be 7-9 cm; if you choose a smaller cutting, you cannot cut it from a flowering shoot.

The leaves are picked and the cut is processed. After this, the cutting must be planted, preferably in a mixture of sand and peat, this is the most favorable environment for the plant. The top of the cuttings should be covered with film. The growth process at room temperature is faster.

The second propagation method is using seeds. Unlike cuttings, seeds take a long time to grow. For this method of cultivation, the same substrate is used with the addition of soil, all of which is covered with film.

In order for the seeds to germinate, they need diffused light and the temperature must be at 21 degrees. When propagating using this method, myrtle needs to form a crown; for this you will need to pinch the sprout required height. Myrtle will bloom no earlier than in the second or third year.


indoor myrtle flowers - photo

In order for the plant to bloom, it cannot be pruned spring time year, it is best to do this when flowering is completely over.

Myrtle blooms from early to mid-summer (June-July). In order for the flowers to be beautiful, certain conditions must be observed during this period. The tree must receive proper care and a constant supply of fresh myrtle air.

If the plant is not cared for promptly and correctly, it will develop diseases and will not bloom under such conditions. Another reason for the lack of flowers may be stagnant air in the room.

Arrangement of myrtle flowers:

  • Single in leaf axils;
  • Or collected in brushes.

There are usually either four or six petals on a flower. Since the plant receives more light from above, the flowers are mainly located there.

Tree diseases and pests

This plant does not have any special diseases, but they still occur sometimes. If the soil has poor drainage, myrtle may develop root rot. Some problems with the tree may arise due to improper care or failure to comply with certain important points.

The reason is insufficient lighting and incorrect watering proportions. Myrtle is a plant that requires constant care, so it is extremely important to follow all the conditions for caring for it.

The myrtle tree is susceptible to danger from insects. The following insects can harm the plant: thrips, scale insects, spider mites, aphids. Therefore, myrtle needs to be carefully monitored. If signs of damage to the myrtle appear, it is necessary to carefully examine it for the presence of insects. Most often, pests attack old plants.

myrtle at home - photo

Those housewives who grow this plant have common questions. We will consider the most frequently asked questions.

Why doesn't myrtle grow? There can be many reasons for a tree's lack of growth. Firstly, do not forget that this plant, in principle, grows slowly. You need to try to take good care of it and feed it as needed.

Lack of flowering, may be caused by spring pruning; it will not bloom until next year. Another common reason is a poorly ventilated room.

Wilting leaves may be caused by several reasons. High temperatures in winter, when the tree is dormant. Violation of the conditions for watering the plant, spraying or feeding. Leaves may wilt if water stagnates in the tree or, conversely, the soil is dry. If the leaves of myrtle begin to fade, then it is necessary to change its care.

The leaves of this plant contain toxic substances that can make a person feel unwell.

When choosing this plant, it is important to understand that it requires strict adherence to the rules of caring for it. You must not deviate from proper watering, forget to spray or periodically fertilize myrtle. Also, the tree needs at least rare replanting. If you follow all the rules of care, the myrtle will delight you with its beauty.

Video: Caring for myrtle at home

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We have already talked about what a wonderful home plant myrtle is on the pages of our Encyclopedia. Here we will discuss how to grow myrtle from cuttings to an adult tree.

Myrtle tolerates pruning and pinching well at any time of the year, with the difference that in an adult wintering plant that is in the dormant stage, without signs of growth, you can painlessly cut off one branch per cutting, and if you really need it, two, no more. And with a vegetating myrtle that continues to grow, you can safely cut off the crown radically. The best time to cut myrtle branches for rooting is spring, end of winter. If you cut branches from a “dormant” myrtle, they must be immediately transferred to conditions suitable for the growing season: warm (20-25°C), air humidity not lower than 50% and light (additional lighting if necessary) - several hours of direct sun in the morning or evening.

For rooting, you can use branches from 7 to 15 cm; the optimal length is measured not in centimeters, but in a piece of the stem - rooting occurs in the semi-lignified tip of the cutting. It is clear that a 5 cm branch still has a green stem, it will simply wither. You need to tear off the lower leaves of the cut cuttings and place them in water or damp vermiculite for rooting.

As you can see, in the first option there is one stalk in the cup, it is supported by a circle cut to the diameter of a polyethylene foam cup and cut to the center. Not only does it support the cutting, but it also prevents the water from evaporating too quickly. You can cut such a circle from foam rubber.

In the second option, many cuttings are rooted in one jar. Not all of them will give roots.

What is the difference and what is the best way to root? The fact is that if you got one single cutting, you should do as shown in the first photo. Moreover, the water must be very clean and boiled. Watch carefully the first two days - if the water remains clear, everything is fine, you just have to wait until the roots appear. If the water becomes cloudy, replace it with fresh water and add a secret ingredient to it. There is such a drug in the pharmacy as Polyphepan - this is an adsorbent (black powder similar to dry soil) that will not allow water to spoil, prevents the development of bacteria, but does not interfere with the rooting of cuttings. You need to add half a teaspoon to half a glass of water.

Yuri Aleksandrovich Markin (YUM) shares his many years of experience: If everything is in order with water and the viability of the cutting, roots form quite quickly - callus forms in the first week (white bumps at the tip of the stem), and good roots grow in 2-3 weeks. When they reach at least 5 cm, maybe more, it’s time to transplant the cuttings into the ground.

In the photo you can see strong roots and the beginning of the growing season of a rooted myrtle cutting, but it must be planted carefully to minimize damage to the delicate root processes. Therefore, Yuri Alexandrovich ties the stalk to a peg. A peg stuck into the ground reliably holds the cutting without deepening the root collar.

If the roots of myrtles are strong, they will take root instantly, but in conditions high humidity grow very quickly. Thickened plantings in a common container require good ventilation of the room and timely planting in separate pots. It is perhaps more correct to immediately plant myrtle cuttings in separate containers, depending on the desired shape of the adult plant. If you plan to grow a dense bush, you can plant 2-4 cuttings together; if you plan to grow myrtle in a trunk or as a potensai, then each cutting has a separate pot. The option of merging trunks is also possible; it also involves planting several cuttings in one container, but it requires some skill and preparation.

Is it possible to prune myrtle roots when transplanting rooted cuttings?

Yes, it is possible, if the root system is well developed and has many lateral roots in the upper part, then you can painlessly trim the elongated roots. After cutting the roots, they need to be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon tablets or ground cinnamon.

Dimensions of a pot for replanting myrtle

How you choose the right pot for planting a cutting depends on its health, growth rate and appearance. Many people tend to take pots with a large supply, but if the pot is large, after watering the soil will dry out for a very long time, as a result, a salt effusion will form on the surface - a whitish or red coating of calcium and magnesium salts. In this case, the acidity of the soil shifts to the alkaline side; in such an environment, some nutrients are poorly absorbed and there is a high probability of root rotting. In a pot that is too small, especially when planted in clean peat, on the contrary, the root system of the plant can become very dry.

Here is an example of planting a rooted branch (stem thickness initially 2 mm), which has long grown and reached a height of 75 cm from the ground.

Myrtle grew in a glass (200 g) for about two years. The thickness of the trunk at the root collar reached 6 mm. The earthen lump is almost completely taken over by the roots. If your cuttings roots have grown only in the lower part, formed a “beard”, or crawled out of the drainage holes, and top part the pot has not been mastered by the roots, it makes sense when replanting to cut off those roots that stick out from the holes in the pot, or those that have curled in a spiral at the bottom, displacing all the soil. After this, you need to transplant the young myrtle back into the old pot. It can be replanted into a new one only when the roots fill the entire space of the pot.

Formation of myrtle

The formation of a myrtle tree occurs constantly. Trimming the ends of shoots can be carried out several times during the spring-summer season. You can grow the myrtle tree in a completely free style, as a shaggy bush. You can form a standard or another style. But first you need to imagine the image you want to strive for.

The myrtle tree blooming with pink buds (on the right in the photo, Pavel Karpenkov) is so beautiful not because it is extremely unpretentious, but because it is grown in ideal conditions for it: it stands in an area where the illumination is close to solar, humidity is under 90% and the temperature is 24 °C. Watered once every 2-3 days (does not dry out or flood). Planted in soil made from a mixture of akadama and sand and some soil for seedlings. Drainage is high - myrtles do not like waterlogged roots. Be sure to spray it every day.

Important: when wintering in cool and, even more so, cold conditions, spraying is not required, and watering is scanty.

Using wire, you can pull the branches in the desired direction; they are quite flexible even in adulthood. But old branches covered with brown bark can be bent gradually, smoothly, over several months.

Please note that while the myrtle tree is gaining trunk thickness, it does not need to be planted in a bonsai pot; the space of the pot is needed so that the plant can disperse the trunk.

From personal experience, Borya: My myrtle grows on a north-west window, but it will not be possible to form a spherical crown without additional lighting. I use this technique: as the branches lengthen, I tilt the largest of them to the sides almost to a horizontal position and secure them with wire. Then, along the entire length of the branch, new shoots begin to appear from the dormant buds (before that they were in the shade), and the entire branch becomes densely leafy.

The size of the pot should correspond to the size of the root system and increase as the earthen ball becomes entwined. It all depends on how many myrtle roots there are. In my opinion, it is better to take a cramped container than a spacious one, since in the second case, part of the soil may sour and become unusable even before the roots have time to penetrate into it.

I prefer to plant myrtles in a mixture of some peat soil with coarse sand, in a 1:1 ratio. Of the purchased ones, in my opinion, you can use the ‘Cactus’ mixture, as it is the most porous and suitable for most plants.

What needs to be done to give myrtle the appearance of a tree from cuttings

From personal experience, Borya: You need to choose the largest, central, and, most importantly, branch of the bush that appeals to you and cut off all the rest. This can be done conveniently using small nail scissors. It is necessary to remove leaves and side shoots from below to the height of the intended trunk. This will result in an even trunk that will slowly grow thicker.

Since when growing in a 'bush' the branches touch and, as it were, slightly 'prop up' each other, then, 'left alone', this branch may for some reason become bent (from accidentally touching, or as a result of tilting towards the light, for example ). Therefore, it is desirable for it to have support in the form of a peg stuck nearby.

As a result, shoots begin to grow on the upper leafy part. Those shoots that appear not on the ‘crown’, but on the stem, must be removed (otherwise you will again end up with a bush). Once the stem reaches a thickness of about 0.5 cm, the support can be removed.

Bamboo skewers (3-4 mm thick and about 30 cm long) are very suitable for the role of sticks for supports. The peg should be located, in relation to the plant, on the side of the room or to the side so as not to obscure it.

Myrtle - bonsai

Many people want to have miniature tree myrtle in a bowl, but before the myrtle trunk gains thickness (from 1.5 cm or more), there is no talk of transplanting it into bonsai. And all the plant material with which the formation work is carried out is called potensai.

An example of such work from Yuri Aleksandrovich Markin:

Bonsai style Sokan

And this is Potensai - the Sokan style "Twin trunks". 2-3 year old plants grown from rooted cuttings are used. Rearranged from wintering to prepare for spring growing season - pruning and shaping to suit bonsai styles. The skeleton and trunks of the first Potensai specimen are formed in the Sokan style with the application of ligatures and stretch marks. The final height of the workpiece is 28 cm:

Formation work continues. Myrtle has its own subtleties, says Yuri Aleksandrovich - fragile wood and loose bark, although, when broken, it grows together remarkably well.

Before all manipulations, I take a long shower to soak the tissues.

Myrtle - growing, care, transplanting and propagation

When bending vertical and rather thick branches at an angle of 90°, I kind of knead the trunk area between my fingers - I crumple it, like a joint on a finger.

Next, I begin to apply a ligature to the trunk and place the wire on the bent branch. Then, I begin to slowly bend the branch along with the wire wrapped in two turns. You can place a screwdriver under the branch and create a stop at the bend. After bending the branch by more than 90°, I rewind the ligature, fixing the branch in the desired position.

It is also possible to perform a directional bend, i.e. break the branch and wrap it with raffia, and then apply a ligature (the main subtlety is not to break it completely when applying raffia and ligature; skill and a sensitive tactile sense of the material are required).

You can apply another method to thick branches. Make a crescent cut under the branch, at the place of the intended bend, to the middle or 2/3 of the thickness of the branch. The cut is made in thin sections with adjustment (bending and clarifying the position of the branch in the final form); if not enough, then another thin fragment is removed from both sides (such as slices).

Next according to the scheme is wrapping with raffia and applying a ligature. If it is difficult to bend copper wire in insulation with a cross-section of 2.5 mm, then you can apply two wires of 1.5 mm each or several folded wires of an even smaller cross-section - example - photo above (lower left corner), a coil of wire in the photo with myrtle. This wire can be used both for ligatures and for stretch marks.

Bonsai style Ikadabuki

Another example of work on the formation of myrtle bonsai in the Ikadabuki style from Gennady Boronin (Genn). The author also modestly calls this only an attempt at formation: “he has been trying to become a bonsai for 2 years.” The height of the myrtle tree is 27-30 cm.

All the details and photos are in the topic I'm trying to grow bonsai.

Photographs and materials used: Yu. A. Markin (YUM), Borya, Natali, barsuchok, Alexander, P. Karpenkov (beomaster), G. Boronin (Genn).

Elena Bryantseva asked: “My husband bought me a myrtle tree at the store. I replanted it at home and water it warm water, I spray it - it still dries out. So pity. Can you tell me what to do to rehabilitate the plant? I don’t want to lose such beauty.”
Indeed, the most serious problem you can encounter when growing myrtle, an evergreen shrub, is leaf drop. Most often and most likely the reason is low air humidity.
To save a plant:
-It is necessary to isolate the plant from the battery with a transparent screen. The air from the window will now remain near the plant, and the dry, warm

the air from the battery will rise up and will not harm your green pet.

- You can also use humidifiers in this case. Buy a humidifier and most plants will thank you.
- You can cover the plant with a plastic bag. This method is really good, the humidity under the bag is quite high. Some of my plants sit in a bag all winter until the batteries are turned off.
- If you don’t plant under a bag and haven’t bought an air humidifier, spray, spray, and spray again.

Well, now more about MYRTA

Common myrtle is grown both in residential premises, winter gardens, greenhouses, and in offices. Our flower shops sell mostly small-leaved myrtle. Some flower lovers have large-leaved myrtle. Myrtle Boethica is quite rare. APPEARANCE Myrtle – evergreen shrub, known for more than two thousand years.

Myrtle - how to grow a tree of paradise on a windowsill

This is one of the oldest indoor plants, and one of the extraordinarily beautiful ones. Myrtle has small, dark green, oblong, leathery leaves. They have a pleasant aroma. If you rub the leaf, the aroma will intensify. Myrtle blooms in summer. The flowers are white with long stamens. After flowering, if pollination has occurred (with the help of insects or artificially), the myrtle is covered with dark blue berries. LOCATION IN THE HOUSE Most best room in the house for myrtle it is the kitchen. It is also good to place the plant in the children's room. Myrtle is said to have anti-allergy and anti-cold properties. And this is extremely useful for children. He will, as it were, protect your child. Windows on the south, west and east sides are most favorable for placing myrtle. A window on the north side may not have enough light. And it is extremely necessary for the plant to bloom. Myrtle prefers not only bright, but also well-ventilated places. In summer, it is taken out into the fresh air, onto the balcony or into the garden. It is important to know that in dry and warm rooms the plant may lose leaves. It is also helpful to place myrtle near an opening window. Drafts are beneficial to it, since, thanks to the air flow, the myrtle releases substances that kill microbes. In winter, in a warm room, it is advisable to place myrtle away from radiators and spray it more often. Moving the plant to a glazed balcony in winter is the best way out of the situation. CARE Lighting. Myrtle prefers bright sunlight. However, it is still better to shade it from the scorching midday sun. Temperature. Myrtle can tolerate temperatures from 0°C to 40°C. In summer the temperature should be room temperature, in winter it should drop to 8°C -10°C. Better in winter move the plant to the balcony. Myrtle requires definitely high air humidity. The plant responds well to frequent spraying of the leaves. Myrtle can sometimes be given a warm shower. Watering. In summer, abundant watering is required, in winter - moderate. Myrtle propagates by apical cuttings in summer. Their rooting usually occurs after a month or a month and a half. Myrtle is replanted as needed. Young plants are replanted every year, and adults - once every two years. The best time The year for transplantation is spring and also summer. PESTS AND DISEASES Myrtle is quite resistant to pests. It is advisable to spray it occasionally for prevention. by special means, which are sold in flower shops. In order for your green friend to delight you with his beauty for as long as possible, you need to properly care for him. But this may not be enough for him. It requires regular pruning, which is best done in the spring, before growth begins. You can shape the plant the way you want. Pruning is very useful, it stimulates the formation of new shoots, and your bush becomes fuller and more beautiful.

Plant myrtle (lat. Myrtus) belongs to the genus of evergreen woody plants of the Myrtaceae family, the flowers of which contain essential oil. Natural habitats myrtle are Mediterranean, Azores and the north of the African continent. It is no coincidence that the name of the plant is consonant with the Greek word “myrrh”, which means “balm, liquid incense”, because it is as a cult attribute that myrtle essential oil has long been used in temples of various concessions. Legend says that Adam, expelled from Eden, brought the myrtle flower with him to Earth as a memory of the lost paradise. With this plant different nations There are many myths, beliefs, traditions, rituals and signs associated with it. The myrtle tree has long been considered a symbol of glory, peace and hope. Our ancestors had myrtle flowers not only for cult purposes, but also for medical and cosmetic purposes, and some myrtle preparations are still popular today. But for plant lovers, blooming and fragrant myrtle is an object of admiration and a source of aesthetic pleasure, especially since home myrtle is undemanding in care, and those who know how to care for myrtle can easily achieve optimal shape for a plant that will decorate your home and help maintain your health.

Myrtle, which according to various sources has from forty to one hundred species, in its natural habitat can grow up to three meters in height, and indoor myrtle, under the most favorable conditions, reaches only a meter. Usually myrtle at home is a tree with a round crown 30-60 cm tall. Small leathery, as if polished, leaves of myrtle are located on the shoots sparsely and oppositely on short petioles, they have an elongated shape, the tops of the leaves are pointed. Flowers, simple or double - either single or collected in a brush. The fruit is a nut or drupe berry. An interesting fact is that myrtaceae include such valuable plants for humanity as tea tree, eucalyptus, and clove tree.

How to propagate myrtle by seeds at home? At the beginning of spring, myrtle seeds are sown on the surface of a substrate consisting of equal parts of sand and peat, in a container 7-10 cm deep, sprinkled on top with a layer of the same substrate 3-5 mm thick and, covered with glass, kept at a temperature of about 20 ºC, ventilating and moistening the crops, as well as removing condensation from the glass. Shoots appear in a week or two, and when the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they are planted in the same substrate in individual pots so that the root collar remains above the soil surface. A month after picking, the seedlings are fed nitrogen fertilizer weak consistency.

Myrtle: care at home, photo of a houseplant, signs

However, amateur breeders should know that myrtle grown from seeds:

  • a) will bloom no earlier than in 4-5 years;
  • b) is unlikely to retain varietal characteristics.

In addition, the germination of myrtle seeds sharply decreases after just a year of storage, and obtaining them is problematic, since this will require artificial pollination of the plant.
Caring for myrtle at home includes watering, pruning and feeding the plant, as well as creating optimal or at least necessary conditions for it. The myrtle houseplant prefers southern, western and eastern window sills and is tolerant of drafts, temperature changes and direct sunlight. Moreover, if there is no sun, the myrtle will not bloom. In summer, myrtle prefers life in the fresh air; in winter, the plant needs coolness - 5-10 degrees Celsius, and the best place for it would be a glazed, unheated balcony.

Watering myrtle in the warm season it is necessary to apply generously and often, without waiting for the top layer to dry, but excess moisture must be drained from the pan so as not to provoke rotting of the roots. Insufficient or infrequent watering can cause the plant to drop its leaves. With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced, but if the plant spends the winter indoors with heating devices running, it will have to be watered just as abundantly as in the summer. In addition, there will be a need to spray the leaves of the plant with water at least once a day, since myrtle needs high air humidity, and you need to remember this in winter, if the temperature in the room with myrtle is above 15 ºC, and in summer. Water for water procedures and irrigation must be settled or passed through a filter.

Once every week or two from March to August, myrtle needs fertilizing. If you are growing a bonsai from myrtle or you are not interested in its flowering, then feed the plant with a complex fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants, but if you want to see myrtle bloom, then apply fertilizer for flowering plants.
Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period, the duration of which determines the location of the plant: if myrtle overwinters in a cool place or on a northern windowsill, then it can rest for up to three months, and if it is warm and in bright light, then only for one and a half months.

Pruning myrtle.
Caring for myrtle also involves giving its crown the desired shape. The formation of myrtle depends on what you are growing it for. Many people like myrtle in the form of a standard tree with a neat compact crown, but there are people who do not care what the plant looks like, as long as it “blooms and smells.” In any case, do not get too carried away with pruning the side shoots of young plants or pinching them excessively. On the other hand, myrtle grows quickly, is easy to regenerate, and you always have the opportunity to change your plans for its appearance. The main thing is that the formation of the crown should be done in early spring or after flowering.

Young plants are replanted annually, adult myrtles - as needed, which is determined in this way: if the freshly watered soil dries out within 24 hours, then it is time to increase the amount of substrate, and, therefore, a larger pot will be needed. Choose a pot that is only a couple of centimeters in diameter wider than the previous one. It is better to replant in the spring, using the method of transferring the plant from an old container to a new one, since it does not injure the root system.
If you want to start propagating myrtle, then The best way cuttings are used for this purpose, because it allows one to preserve the species and varietal characteristics of the plant. Moreover, it is much more reliable way reproduction than seed, and plants from cuttings bloom faster than those from seeds - after three years. Therefore, if you want to grow a myrtle tree at home, you don’t need to buy seeds that quickly lose their ability to germinate, just don’t be shy to ask your friends for a cutting after formative pruning. Best result produce semi-lignified cuttings of the current year. You can take cuttings from January to February, or in July, and it is better if they are from the lower or middle part of the crown. Remove from a section of shoot 8-10 cm long lower leaves, and shorten the top ones by a third, and the largest ones by half. Treat the lower cut with root or heteroauxin and plant for rooting in a mixture of leaf soil (one part) and coarse sand (half part), or sphagnum and sand in the same proportions. It is better to take a low and wide container for rooting, and it is advisable to cover the top of the cutting with a glass jar. Rooting occurs at a temperature of 17-20 ºC in a shaded place. From time to time the jar is removed for ventilation and to prevent the soil from souring. Usually the roots grow within a month, and the rooted cuttings are transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 7 cm in the same soil mixture. After a year, transplant it into a container with a diameter of 9 cm in the soil for an adult myrtle and care for it as for an adult plant.

Myrtle is harmed by mealybugs, whiteflies, scale insects, aphids, thrips and spider mites, which appear as a result of chronic violation of the rules of plant maintenance. The first five pests are destroyed by treating myrtle with actara or actellik four times over the course of a month. Before treating with the same Actellik, it is advisable to wash spider mites and thrips in the shower. But rather than poisoning a plant with insecticides, it is better to prevent insect invasion by following very simple rules for caring for it.

A frequently asked question from our readers: “What to do if the myrtle has dried up?” should sound different: “What should I do to prevent myrtle from drying out?” And the answer to this question is very simple: strictly follow the rules for keeping myrtle. If the leaves of myrtle dry out, it means that you have not taken into account any of the recommendations of experts on caring for the plant. Adversely affects the condition of foliage insufficient humidity air, especially if in winter the myrtle is in a room with a temperature above 18 ºC, where heating devices operate, not only heating, but also drying out the air. Myrtle also dries out if you forget to water it. Remember the rules for caring for the plant and follow them strictly, because it is much easier to prevent the death of the plant by taking preventive measures than to deal with his resuscitation later. Water and spray the myrtle regularly with settled water, keep it on a tray with wet pebbles, but so that the bottom of the pot does not stand in water.

The leaves, young shoots and fruits of myrtle contain essential oil and active substances with a high antibacterial effect. Soviet scientists developed a medicinal drug - tincture of myrtle, which is prepared from the mature leaves of the plant. Both the experience of traditional medicine and modern Scientific research confirm that the use of myrtle in the treatment of such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis has high efficiency. Myrtle tincture successfully combats antibiotic-resistant strains of tuberculosis bacillus and staphylococcal infections, as well as purulent otitis media and severe smoker’s cough. In addition, the drug from myrtle leaves is a natural stimulator of important life processes that increase performance and endurance to stress; it has no side effects and is prescribed even to children from one year of age. Doctors and botanists recommend keeping myrtle in bedrooms and children's rooms because it makes the air in them cleaner and healthier. One plant can purify the air of bacteria in a room of 20 square meters. meters.

Myrtle has long been considered a strong talisman. But the plant will fulfill this purpose only under two conditions:

  • if it was planted by a woman - the mistress of the house;
  • if the owners of the plant are proud of their myrtle.

Signs European peoples They say: if myrtle grows in a house, there will be peace and love in it, but if the plant dies and is thrown away, happiness will leave this house along with the dead plant. Myrtle is not suitable for offices - it needs a family hearth.
But Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, believing that it dooms young boys and girls living in the house to loneliness.

In home floriculture, the most commonly grown myrtle (Myrtus communis) has a short branched trunk covered with exfoliating scales of red-brown bark. The leaves are green, oval-lanceolate, glossy, leathery, with a pleasant aroma. The flowers are white or pale pink with prominent stamens, the fruits are red-black berries. Blooms from June to August. Popular cultivars: “Tarentina” - a compact bush with berries that are smaller than those of the original form, but there are significantly more of them than those of the common myrtle; in a variegated variety green leaves creamy white pattern.

Also interesting is the lush myrtle (Myrtus apiculata) - a bush or tree with peeling brown bark, under which the trunk is creamy white. The leaves are dark green, elliptical, matte. White single flowers bloom in July-August, black-red fruits are edible.

- a tree with shiny green leaves with wrinkled edges. This species is the most resilient of the myrtles.
- an erect bush with pinkish flowers and red edible berries. It is a variegated variety with a white-cream border around the edges of the leaves.

The evergreen woody plant myrtle belongs to the Myrtaceae family. In nature, these are trees or shrubs that can reach three meters in height. The houseplant myrtle at home is a bush with a round crown no more than one meter high. The plant has long been considered a symbol of hope, peace and glory. Our ancestors used myrtle flowers for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Preparations made from them are still popular today. Lovers of indoor plants willingly grow beautiful tree at home. Knowing how to care for myrtle correctly, you can get a plant of optimal shape that will decorate your home with its small leathery leaves and simple or double fragrant flowers.

Myrtle plant - description, photo

The tree at home grows in height from 30 to 60 cm. It has elongated, small, leathery leaves that appear polished. The leaves have a pointed apex and grow on short petioles. In summer, clusters of simple or double flowers, or single flowers, form in the leaf axils. After flowering, the plant ripens fruits, which are a drupe berry or a nut.

In indoor floriculture, the common myrtle (communis) is most often grown, the care of which we will discuss in detail in our article.

The ordinary world - care at home

Myrtle communis (common) is a small tree with a short branched trunk. It has red-brown bark, leathery, glossy, oval-lanceolate green leaves and white or pale pink flowers. Stamens protrude from the middle of the flower. The leaves of the plant have a pleasant aroma. It blooms throughout the summer, after which red-black berries form on the tree.

Myrtle is recommended to be grown on windows on the western and eastern sides. On southern window sills in the summer it will need to be shaded, for which you can use a tulle curtain. When grown on northern windowsills, flowering will be sparse.

Air temperature. Indoor myrtle does not like heat and grows well at air temperatures within +18...+20 degrees. It is recommended to ventilate the room regularly. In winter, the plant needs to be provided with cool conditions with an air temperature of +5 to +10 degrees. At higher temperatures in winter, the flower may shed its leaves.

Air humidity. Myrtle needs high air humidity, so in spring and summer its leaves must be regularly sprayed with settled water at room temperature. In winter, when indoor temperatures are low, spraying will not be necessary. But, if it is not possible to provide the plant with cool conditions, spraying should be carried out several times a day. Operating heating radiators at home causes the air to become dry, causing leaves to fall from the tree. To avoid this, you need to increase the air humidity around the plant. To do this, you can use special humidifiers or place a flower pot on a tray with damp expanded clay or moss.

Watering myrtle. Water the tree abundantly in spring and summer, as soon as the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, in a cool room, the frequency and abundance of watering decreases. Under no circumstances should the earthen clod be allowed to dry out! Otherwise, the leaves of the indoor plant may fly off and the branches may dry out. If the soil is still dry, place the pot in a container of water for a few minutes. Also, do not allow the soil to be wet all the time. Constant waterlogging of the soil can lead to rotting of the roots. Water for irrigation is used to stand for 24 hours.

Feeding myrtle. From March to August, once a week or two, the flower must be fed with fertilizers for flowering plants. If myrtle is grown as a bonsai and its flowering does not interest you, then fertilizers are used that are intended for decorative deciduous plants.

Rest period. Myrtle definitely needs a period of rest, during which it gains strength to flower and grow foliage. Therefore, in winter the plant is grown in cool rooms for three months. You can place the flower on a closed loggia, where the air temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. At this time, watering should be sparse, and fertilizing and spraying should be stopped. In a warm room, the dormant period of myrtle lasts about one and a half months.

Pruning myrtle. To give the tree the desired shape, pruning should be included in your myrtle care at home. It can be done in early spring and after flowering. To get a tree, the side shoots are pruned. A bush-shaped plant will be obtained by trimming the upper branches. If you don't trim the myrtle at all, it will take on a pyramidal shape. However, it should be remembered that frequent pinching has a negative effect on the formation of flowers, so it is not recommended to get too carried away with pruning. If flowering is not too important for you, then you can experiment and pinch out the branches. The myrtle houseplant grows quickly, so its appearance can be changed every year.

Transplanting myrtle

It should be replanted in new soil one to two weeks after purchase. In the future, young plants are replanted every year, and adults - once every two to three years. The new pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The substrate can be bought at the store or prepared yourself. The following soil mixtures are suitable:

  1. Sand, peat, turf and humus soil. Everything is taken in equal parts and mixed.
  2. Sand, turf, humus, clay, peat soil (1:2:2:2:2).

It is necessary to pour drainage at the bottom of the pot, which is covered with a small layer nutrient soil. The tree is carefully removed along with a lump of earth from the old pot and placed on a layer of soil in a new container. The roots around and above are covered with soil. There is no need to fill the base of the trunk. Transplanted myrtle must be watered immediately.

Pests and diseases of myrtle


At proper care and keeping the plant in conditions favorable to it, no diseases or pests will affect it.

High temperatures and dry air are favorable conditions for the appearance of scale insects, thrips, spider mites, mealybugs, and whiteflies on tree leaves. They all feed on the sap of the plant, which is why the leaves begin to dry out, turn yellow and fly off. Treatment with Actellik or Aktara will help get rid of pests. These are insecticidal preparations that should be diluted and used strictly according to the instructions.

This situation may arise if the rules for caring for myrtle at home were not followed. Myrtle leaves dry out for the following reasons:

  1. Irregular watering. If you forget to water a plant and its soil often dries out, then not only the leaves, but also the twigs will begin to dry out.
  2. Low air humidity. In winter, the air temperature for the flower should not exceed +18 degrees. In a room with heating radiators running, the air becomes dry, which is why the leaves begin to dry out and fall off. Spray foliage in a dry and warm room more often and more abundantly. Keep it on a tray with wet expanded clay, pebbles or moss, but so that the water does not reach the bottom of the pot.

Myrtle leaves are falling

This situation may arise in the following cases:

  • lack of light;
  • high air temperature;
  • the plant is in a draft.

At excessive lighting(in summer on southern windows) the leaves lose their shine, turn yellow and curl. If there is not enough light for the plant, the stems become elongated and the leaves grow pale and small.

As you can see, all problems when growing myrtle at home arise from improper placement of the flower or errors in care. Care for the plant according to all the rules described above, and it will delight you with a beautiful, lush crown and flowering.

Cuttings are the most reliable and best way to propagate myrtle. Its seeds quickly lose their viability; in addition, when propagated by seeds, flowering will occur only after three years.

Cuttings can be taken from friends after formative pruning of the tree. It is best if they come from the middle or lower part of the crown. Rooting of cuttings should be carried out in January, February and July. For cuttings, semi-lignified shoots of the current year with a length of 8 to 10 cm are selected.

Procedure for rooting cuttings:

  1. The lower leaves are removed from the cut shoot.
  2. The large leaves located at the top are shortened by half, and the small ones - by a third of the length.
  3. The lower cut is treated with a root formation stimulator (Heterauxin or Kornevin).
  4. A wide and low container is prepared.
  5. The soil for rooting should consist of sand and sphagnum (0.5:1) or sand and leaf soil (0.5:1).
  6. The cuttings are placed in wet soil and covered with a glass jar or other transparent cap.
  7. The containers are placed in a shaded place with an air temperature within +17...+20 degrees.
  8. To prevent the soil from turning sour, the cover must be removed briefly every day.

After about a month, the roots will grow, and the cuttings are planted in separate pots with a diameter of about 7 cm. Soil mixture the same one is used. Caring for young seedlings involves regularly moistening the soil and spraying the foliage. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

When the cuttings grow up, which will happen in about a year, the plants are transplanted into pots, the diameter of which should be 9 cm. Rooted and grown bushes should be cared for in the same way as adult trees.

Properties of myrtle

The plant has healing properties, since its fruits and young shoots contain active substances and essential oils with antibacterial effects. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the tree in children's rooms and bedrooms, where it will clear the air of bacteria and germs, protect health, and help cope with the flu and acute respiratory infections.

Myrtle tinctures help treat cough, purulent otitis, staphylococcal infections, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and diabetes.

Myrtle - signs

IN different countries There are different attitudes towards growing indoor myrtle.

In Europe, they believe that wood brings love and peace to the home. But this is possible if the bush was planted by the owner of the house and all family members are proud of their beautiful pet. Myrtle is carefully looked after so that the flower does not die. Otherwise, luck will leave the house along with the dead tree.

Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, because according to their superstitions, it is believed that this plant dooms young girls and boys to loneliness.

Beautiful tree with healing properties It is recommended to grow it at home, while observing all the rules for caring for it. Myrtle needs a family hearth, so it is not suitable for offices and public institutions.

One of the indoor plants, the origin of which is closely intertwined with mythology, is the myrtle tree, which can boast not only beauty, but also useful properties. In many legends, you can find myrtle - in Greek mythology it is considered the tree of the goddess of love Aphrodite, in biblical legends Adam carried a sprig of this plant from paradise as a memory of lost happiness. IN modern world, this plant is considered a symbol of purity and peace. Its beneficial properties are revered. Therefore, it is often decorated with branches wedding bouquets By the way, this tradition came to us from the shores of the Baltic Sea, where brides grew their own myrtle tree so that their marriage would be happy. The myrtle tree is not demanding - caring for it at home consists of loosening and watering, spraying the foliage. We will tell you further about how to grow a myrtle tree at home. Today let's learn in more detail about what this plant is, how to care for it at home, and also look at it in the photo.

The homeland of the myrtle tree is considered to be the Mediterranean Sea, where it grows up to 3 meters in size. IN room conditions it can reach 60 cm, and with proper and careful care 1 meter. In the photo below you can see beautiful trees that have taken root well at home. The flowers of the myrtle tree are somewhat reminiscent of apple blossoms. They are usually pink or white in color and are quite fluffy due to the long golden stamens. The inflorescence can reach 3 cm in diameter; it is located on a thin peduncle and usually one at a time. Myrtle flowers are very fragrant due to the fact that they contain quite a large amount of essential oils.

Myrtle leaves are quite fleshy and have a leathery, dark green surface. Upon careful examination, you can notice small dark specks in which the content of essential oils is concentrated. On the shoots, the leaves are arranged oppositely, as shown in the photo below. They also have a very pleasant, but less pronounced aroma, which is why they are often used as spices in some countries. When the myrtle flowers, it produces a fruit that may be dark green or dark blue in color. It can also be used as a spice. In fact, the well-known “spicy clove” is the fruit of the myrtle tree. Due to the content of a large number of beneficial essential oils, they are quite useful and popular in the culinary world. A myrtle fruit can contain no more than 7 seeds, which are used to grow the tree at home and in open ground.

There are more than 100 species of myrtle tree, but only one is cultivated at home - it is called the common myrtle, it does not grow more than 60-70 cm in height and is considered quite compact and useful. This and other types of this plant can be seen in the photo below.

Useful properties of myrtle tree

It's no secret that the myrtle tree, both at home and in the natural environment, is considered a plant that has a number of useful properties. For example, the evaporation of its essential oils kills harmful microbes in its environment, making the air cleaner. Some housewives start such a plant in their home, because according to some folk signs It is believed that myrtle can bring happiness and peace to households. But, as you know, there is a share in this common sense. The evaporation of essential oils has a rather beneficial effect on nervous system and in folk medicine Often these substances are used as an excellent sedative. Beneficial features the myrtle tree doesn't stop there. Among other things, myrtle tree at home helps to treat respiratory diseases and colds. Many owners of myrtle observe that if you get such a plant, your immunity will increase, and the functions of the reproductive system will improve, it’s not for nothing that it is called sacred tree goddess of love.
Essential oils from the myrtle tree not only act as a sedative, it is often used to treat varicose veins and in dermatology. This even applies to official medicine. It is also worth saying that a myrtle tree at home can reflect the condition and health of its owner. At the same time, with the help of such a plant you can safely cure depression and get rid of melancholy and sadness once and for all. Perhaps the phrase “will bring happiness to the house” is confirmed by scientific research, but many of its owners say that this tree is truly unique and mystical. So, some girls, after having found such a living decoration, quickly found their happiness in their personal lives and found peace of mind. Such a tree is also perfect for a family; if there is discord in it, it will bring peace and tranquility to all members of the house and will help all household members become friends.

Growing a myrtle tree at home

There are two ways to grow a myrtle tree at home - cuttings or seeds. Both of these methods are quite effective, but in the first case the myrtle will bloom in the second year, and in the second in the third. In order to grow a tree from seeds, they must be collected from soft fruits when they are full and turn purple. The berry sits directly in the ground and is watered. After 1-2 weeks, green shoots form from the seeds. Growing is a long process; you can buy ready-made cuttings.

As for propagation using cuttings, growing a myrtle tree at home will not be difficult. To do this, take a woody cutting, soak it in any root-forming solution and plant it in citrus soil. After this, the future plant is covered clear glass or cling film to create a greenhouse effect. In order to grow a healthy myrtle tree, you need to feed it. To do this, complex fertilizers are used once or twice a month, as well as every week in spring and summer (during the active growing season).

In addition, to form a beautiful and neat shape, the tree must be shaped. This is done periodically - new shoots are removed. This is the only way to get a tree, otherwise it will be a shrub that is found in its natural habitat. Crown formation is also beneficial for plant growth. With its help you can grow a beautiful, neat tree with lush flowering. Flowers and leaves will form on new shoots, thereby creating a rather impressive crown. The enemies of the myrtle tree, even at home, are aphids, spider mites and scale insects. Special insecticides are used against them, one of which can be a soap solution. The use of chemicals is strictly prohibited.

Caring for myrtle at home and replanting it

At home, myrtle should be cared for and cherished beautiful tree even in winter. This plant definitely deserves a very responsible owner who is able to create everything for it the necessary conditions. So that our readers can become one, let’s learn the basic rules for caring for myrtle trees at home, and also look at photos of beautiful plants that you can easily grow for yourself.

First of all, it’s worth talking about temperature conditions and humidity. Since the myrtle tree comes from tropical zones, it simply needs its own microclimate. That is why it is recommended to spray it with soft water from a spray bottle, especially if there are hot radiators and stale air in the apartment. The temperature in this microclimate should be between 18 and 23 degrees during the period of active growth. Only if such a balance is maintained, a tree can please with beautiful lush flowering. Myrtle - pretty light-loving plant, but you shouldn’t spoil it with direct sunlight, especially if the thermometer outside shows more than 30 degrees. If the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, then the myrtle tree can be taken out into the fresh air - this will contribute to stronger growth of shoots and abundant flowering. It is especially good if you take myrtle out to the terrace, garden or put it on the balcony after rain, so it can be pleased with sufficient humidity in the air.

In the spring, it is necessary to prune new shoots of the plant and replant it, but not more than once every two years. Replanting it gives rise to new roots and shoots.

Winter time is peace for the myrtle tree. The best climate for him during this period will be a bright room with a temperature of no more than 8 degrees. If leaves suddenly begin to fall off, this indicates that the temperature is high. If there is no way to reduce it, you don’t have to worry, new leaves will grow in the spring.