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» Urea or saltpeter spraying tree bushes. Work on autumn garden treatment to combat diseases and pests

Urea or saltpeter spraying tree bushes. Work on autumn garden treatment to combat diseases and pests

To make your garden look well-groomed, bushes beautiful, fruit trees were healthy and gave a good harvest in the summer, it must be properly prepared for the season. One of these important activities, in addition to whitewashing and pruning trees, is their spraying, and the most effective means Urea (urea) is considered for this purpose. Treating trees with urea solves several problems at once.

Urea is one of the nitrogen fertilizers with the highest concentration - almost 46%. Some novice gardeners confuse it with saltpeter, which can be dangerous to tree foliage. Urea is produced in the form of granular crystals of white and yellowish shades, which have absolutely no bad smell, easily dissolves in water (in hot water up to +80°C the process occurs faster) and is perfectly distributed over the treated areas. Due to its hygroscopicity, it should be stored in airtight containers. Gardeners value urea not only for great content it contains nitrogen, but also for its high rate of absorption by plants. This is especially effective in the fight against harmful insects when every minute counts.

When working with urea, keep the following in mind:

  1. Urea belongs to organic compounds, but is considered a mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizer.
  2. The effect of urea begins immediately and has a long period.
  3. Urea for gardening as a fertilizer is applied directly to the soil, since it has the ability to weather.
  4. It is used in any soil, including in protected conditions (in greenhouses and hotbeds).
  5. Shows good efficiency on waterlogged soils.
  6. In soils with high biological activity, urea loses less nitrogen, which cannot be said about alkaline and neutral soils.
  7. Once in the soil, urea is converted into ammonium carbonate (ammonium carbonate).
  8. It is the most effective and safe nitrogenous fertilizer for garden plants in summer period– does not burn foliage even with the wrong dosage.
  9. Another very beneficial properties urea is that it slows down the growing season - tree flowering begins later, and this helps to avoid the death of ovaries from spring frosts. This is especially effective for early ripening varieties of peaches, plums, and apricots.
  10. During the period when buds are forming on the trees, treatment with urea solves the problem with many pests and various diseases.
  11. Spring treatment of the garden with urea helps protect trees from frost.
  12. Urea is useless when dealing with old stumps; it is not capable of destroying them completely, but will only contribute to rotting.
  13. Under no circumstances mix urea with other fertilizers and minerals - chalk, simple superphosphates, lime.

Preparing the garden for processing

Before you start spraying your garden with urea in the spring, you need to consider some recommendations:

Treatment of the garden in the spring against diseases and pests with urea is carried out as follows:

Processing of fruit trees

  1. You can begin treating your garden with urea if you have properly prepared the trees for this - you have dug up the ground underneath them, removed frozen and damaged branches, and whitened the tree trunks.
  2. For works will do sunny and, most importantly, windless day. If the weather is hot, it is advisable to spray in the early morning or evening after sunset.
  3. It is necessary to prepare the solution and carry out the spraying itself in protective clothing, a mask, goggles and gloves.
  4. Urea will be especially effective in the fight against insects in combination with copper sulfate– 700 g of urea, 50 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water. This composition solves two problems at once - it destroys pests and fertilizes the soil.
  5. For spraying it is best to use a special sprayer. With its help you can process even very tall trees.
  6. When treating trees, do not skimp on the solution; it cannot be harmed.
  7. The second treatment of the garden can be carried out already during the flowering period of the trees, and the third immediately after the flowers have set.
  8. If precipitation occurs after spraying, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, otherwise everything will be in vain.
  9. Root feeding of fruit trees during the fruiting period is carried out in the following ratio: cherry and plum trees will need from 120 to 150 g per 10 liters of water; apple trees will require 230-250 g per 10 liters of water.
  10. You don’t have to prepare a solution, but add dry urea, but in this case you need to thoroughly water the trees.
  11. In the case of feeding trees with organic matter, the rate of urea application must be reduced by 1/3 or half, this depends on the amount of organic fertilizer.

Processing other plants and shrubs

Surely many gardeners grow in their garden not only fruit trees, but also other plants, shrubs, both fruit and ornamental. They are also treated and fed with urea, which is used both as a fertilizer and as a means of combating diseases and pests.

  1. Active feeding of plants is carried out in case of nitrogen starvation, which manifests itself as follows:
    • the plant begins to lag behind in growth;
    • the leaves turn yellow and curl into a tube;
    • flowering is weak, without ovaries;
    • fruits and berries appear in small quantities and quickly fall off.
  2. For work, it is preferable to work in the morning or evening. No work is carried out during periods of precipitation.
  3. To prepare the solution, you need 30-40 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Standards for root feeding:

  • for cabbage and onions of any kind, beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes, take 20-25 g per square meter. m.;
  • for legumes and cucumbers – 5-8 g per sq. m.;
  • for feeding strawberries, blackberries, strawberries and vegetables such as cabbage, cucumber or tomato - 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. For each bush or plant, 1 liter of solution is needed;
  • gooseberries are fed in a ratio of 10 g per 10 liters of water;
  • for currants take 20 g per 10 liters of water;
  • squash, eggplants and zucchini require 10-12 g per sq. m.

Today, urea is the most popular means for feeding trees, shrubs and other plants - approximately 35% of all nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It can be safely called one of the most effective and safe, which is confirmed by the high and constantly growing demand. The cost of urea is slightly higher than that of other nitrogen-containing fertilizers due to the fact that it is not natural, but is obtained as a result of synthesis from ammonia and carbon dioxide. But in in this case We can safely say that the price justifies the quality.

Treating the garden with urea. Video

The use of urea in the spring treatment of fruit and decorative deciduous trees is an effective method of protection against fungal diseases and the prevention of attacks harmful insects. When spraying with urea, nitrogen fertilization of plants occurs at the same time.

Characteristics of urea

This organic compound, produced chemical industry, also has another name - urea. The preparation contains 46 percent nitrogen, so it is a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer. Urea comes to the retail chain in the form of white or yellowish granules. The substance has a slight odor and dissolves in water as completely and efficiently as possible.

If urea is used as a fertilizer, the granules are scattered around the tree trunk and immediately buried in soil, because under the influence of air active substances evaporate quickly. Then trunk circle water abundantly.

Using a substance to protect trees, make a spray solution, usually 5 percent. As a result of chemical reactions, the components of urea are released in the form of ammonia, which has a depressing effect on fungal life forms and pests. The product in the form of a solution allows you to treat large areas trees and is well absorbed by plants. Urea is not hazardous to the environment.

Why is urea used?

Thanks to chemical properties urea acts in several directions.

  • The development of trees improves after foliar feeding with urea solution.
  • Autumn treatment, when more than 40% of the foliage has fallen from the tree, helps strengthen the plant and its frost resistance. The solution is made the most concentrated: 8-10%.
  • Vegetation fruit trees after spring spraying it slows down by about a week and a half. Delay in flowering of varieties that ripen in early dates, makes it possible to avoid the threat of spring frosts.
  • Urea prevents tree diseases such as scab, moniliosis, septoria, rot, cancer, and purple spot.
  • Spraying with urea does not affect all pests, but it cleans the tree of weevils, apple blossom beetle, copperhead, aphids and some others.
  • The bark is freed from moss.
  • Small drops flow down the branches onto the soil, enriching it.

In the fall, urea is also sprayed on fallen leaves that cover the tree trunk.

When is the best time to use urea?

The substance is harmless to plants; it is used several times a season. Old trees on which signs of the disease were noticed in the summer are sprayed with urea in the fall.

Spring treatment is carried out three times.

  1. For the first time, trees and shrubs are sprayed with the establishment warm weather when the thermometer reaches 5 o C. The buds are still at rest, the pests have not become active - it is easy to act on them using the contact method. In some regions this period occurs at the beginning of March.
  2. The next treatment is carried out during the flowering period. Leaf buds are already beginning to awaken, so it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the active substance. The buds of leaves and flowers can get burned, which will affect the yield. At the same time, adult foliage tolerates the treatment without damage.
  3. The third time is processed according to the ovaries.

The first spraying of fruit trees and shrubs is carried out with a high concentration of urea.

Ways to use urea

Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes different quantities active substance in solutions. When calculating the total volume, we remember that for 10 m2 of garden we use 2.5 liters of working solution. No substances other than copper sulfate should be mixed with urea. This drug guarantees that pathogens and pests will be destroyed.

  • When applied to the kidneys, 0.6 kg of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • In early spring, we also spray the trees with urea and copper sulfate. To 10 liters of water add 0.7 kg of urea and 0.05-0.1 kg of copper sulfate.
  • For subsequent treatments, take 0.5-0.05 kg of urea per 10 liters of water.

Before spraying, sometimes trees and shrubs are additionally fed with urea, scattering the granules along the projection of the crown. For apple trees take 0.23 kg of the substance, for plums and cherries - 0.15 kg. If manure or humus was applied in the fall, the norm is halved. In summer, urea is used for foliar feeding of plants.

Preparation of the solution

It is better to dilute urea in hot water, up to 80 o C, - this way the granules will dissolve faster.

  1. Pour urea into the container, fill with water to a third or half of the volume, stir until the granules dissolve.
  2. Add powdered copper sulfate, also stirring.
  3. Pour into the tank, filtering the solution.

Preparing the garden for work

A good treatment effect against diseases and pests also depends on proper preparation garden Starting in the fall, all fallen leaves and branches are removed, taken outside the site or burned. They always do this. But the tree trunk circle is especially carefully removed if the plants have been damaged. With this approach, you can be sure that half of the insects overwintering in cracks in the bark of affected branches and leaves are destroyed.

  1. At the end of winter or beginning of spring, during periods of frost from 0 to 10 degrees.
  2. After frost, loose areas of bark are cleaned with a metal brush, while simultaneously removing pests from their shelters. Lichen and moss stains are also removed.
  3. In the first warm days, the garden area is completely cleared of pruning residues and the tree trunk circles are dug up.

Urea will only be effective at temperatures above 5 o C.

Rules for working with urea

Preventive and therapeutic procedures are carried out based on general recommendations.

  • When working with urea and copper sulfate, wear protective suits, goggles, and gloves.
  • For processing from the beginning of spring, choose a warm, windless day.
  • The entire tree, branches, buds or leaves are treated.
  • The best results are achieved by spraying the entire garden. It's also worth talking to your neighbors to eliminate pests at the same time.
  • Procedures are carried out in the morning or evening. This rule is strictly adhered to during flowering so as not to harm beneficial insects.
  • It is advisable to check the weather forecast. Rain within 24 hours after treatment washes away the substance.

Urea will not protect against all diseases and pests, but the effect of cleansing the garden will be significant. In addition, the safety of the product should be taken into account. The use of urea will give a double result: protecting plants and fertilizing them.

To prevent trees from getting sick and to produce a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying every year in the spring. Using copper sulfate and urea, you can create a good solution that will protect the garden from various fungal and bacterial infections.

But what is spraying fruit trees in the spring with urea and copper sulfate? How to prepare a medicinal solution? And what precautions should be taken when spraying? Below we will find out the answers to these questions.

General information about copper sulfate and urea

Let's first find out what copper sulfate and urea are:

  1. Copper sulfate. Copper sulfate is called copper sulfate, each molecule of which adds exactly 5 molecules of water. This substance is used in gardening as a fungicide and antiseptic to combat fungi and bacteria that can cause various diseases plants. Copper sulfate is a contact type substance. In other words, this substance, after being applied to the plant, does not penetrate the leaves and is not integrated into the metabolism. However, it is worth remembering that copper sulfate is considered a toxic substance, therefore, when spraying trees, the dosage of sulfate must be observed, and spraying should be carried out in special protective clothing.
  2. Urea (urea). Urea is a chemical compound that consists of 1 carbon atom, 4 hydrogen atoms, 2 nitrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Since urea contains nitrogen, this compound can be used as a soil fertilizer. After adding urea to the soil, special soil bacteria decompose the urea into ammonia and nitrates, and the nitrates are already absorbed by plants as a valuable source of nitrogen. The use of nitrogen fertilizers sharply increases productivity, however, if the dosage is exceeded, excess amounts of nitrates can accumulate inside the plants - if a person eats the fruit with big amount nitrates, poisoning may occur. Therefore, when spraying, care must be taken not to make the plants poisonous.

Spraying trees

Spring treatment of the garden with a solution of vitriol and urea is carried out in 3 stages. First you need to prepare the trees and prepare the solution, and then you need to spray the trees.

Preparing trees for spraying looks like this:

  1. Cut off all diseased and dead branches.
  2. Whiten the trunks.
  3. Get rid of last year's foliage (if any).
  4. Dig up the soil around the trees.
  5. Remove areas of dead bark.
  6. If the tree has been chewed by pests in winter, then lubricate the damaged areas with garden varnish.

Now you can start preparing a solution based on urea and copper sulfate:

  1. Wear a protective suit, gloves and goggles.
  2. Take 50 g of copper sulfate and 600-700 g of urea.
  3. Place these components in a dry enamel container. The use of iron containers is prohibited as the iron may contact chemical reaction with vitriol.
  4. Pour 9-10 liters of water into a container and mix the solution thoroughly.
  5. Strain the solution.
  6. Remember that the resulting solution should be used immediately after preparation, and should be stored for no more than 10 hours.

Now you can start spraying:

  1. Wear a protective suit, goggles and gloves (if you removed them after preparing the solution).
  2. Fill the spray bottle with the solution.
  3. Spray the trees.
  4. Spraying should be carried out in dry, windless weather at temperatures above +5 degrees. It is advisable to spray trees in the morning or afternoon.
  5. Preventive spraying should be carried out before the buds open. The next preventative spraying is recommended after flowering.
  6. Spring preventative spraying is aimed at protecting the garden from fungal infections, scab, pathological spotting, putrefactive diseases, and so on. Also, this solution will help get rid of pests that live inside the tree (fruit mites, apple moth, and so on).

Precautionary measures

Let's find out the basic precautions that you need to remember when treating your garden with a solution of urea and vitriol:

  1. Under no circumstances should you flood the plants with a large amount of solution. It is recommended to spray selectively. Remember that a large number of copper sulfate and urea can poison the plant.
  2. It is not recommended to treat plants with a solution of vitriol and urea during rain, as well as in very high temperature environment.
  3. Under no circumstances should you re-spray the tree with a solution of copper and vitriol after rain. This can lead to copper accumulation in the soil, making the soil unsuitable for growing crops.
  4. If the solution does not settle well on the plants, add a few tablespoons of sugar or 20-30 g of soap to it.
  5. When purchasing, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the date of manufacture.

Every summer resident knows that caring for a garden consists not only of pruning and grafting trees and shrubs, fertilizing and harvesting, but also regularly spraying plants with various preparations and fertilizers. Urea is most often used - against pests or as an organic fertilizer.

Properties of urea

Urea (carbamide) is a nitrogen fertilizer; compared to other fertilizers, its nitrogen content is the highest - 46%. In composition, this is an organic compound, although it belongs to mineral fertilizers.

Nitrogen is very important for normal growth and nutrition of plants. They get it primarily from the soil, but if it is sandy or podzolic, then there is little nitrogen in it for nutrition. Plants can also obtain nitrogen from the air with the participation of bacteria and algae, and it can come with precipitation from the atmosphere. But this is still not enough. With a lack of nitrogen, plants grow stunted, leaves become smaller and lose color. The quantity and quality of the harvest decreases, and the viability of the seeds decreases. Therefore, to obtain good harvest It is necessary to provide plants with sufficient nitrogen nutrition.

Most effective fertilizer for foliar feeding is urea. Fertilizer is granules white odorless, easily soluble in water. When applied to the soil, urea is converted into ammonium carbonate in 2-3 days under the influence of bacteria that live in the soil. The fertilizer must be embedded in the ground, because ammonium carbonate decomposes and evaporates in the open air. Urea is easily absorbed by plants and does not burn leaves when foliar feeding, and also destroys pests and pathogens of various diseases.

When and how to use urea?

For pest control and disease prevention best result gives spraying of fruit and berry bushes and garden trees with urea solution 2 times per season.

  • Spring spraying

The garden is being processed in early spring- before buds form, when average temperature air +5-6˚С. Pests are still hibernating at this time. 500-700 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters warm water, the solution is used at the rate of 2-3 liters per 10 m 2 area. In the spring, spraying the garden destroys the apple blossom beetle, weevils, aphids, and copperheads. It is especially recommended if there were a lot of pests during the previous season.

Dried branches of trees and shrubs are first trimmed, trunks are inspected and dead bark and lichens are removed. It is necessary to clear the ground of fallen leaves, as pests and pathogens can overwinter in it.

Spraying with urea slows down the growing season, and plants bloom 1.5-2 weeks later. This reduces the possibility of defeat flowering plants late frosts in spring. For this purpose, it is useful to treat with urea early varieties fruit and berry trees and shrubs.

  • Autumn spraying

In the fall, garden treatment is carried out for the purpose of preventing and treating fungal and putrefactive diseases, scab, in order to prevent pests from overwintering in the bark and fallen leaves. Work is carried out after the leaves fall from the trees - from late October to mid-November.

Tilling the garden in the fall should cover the crown and trunks of trees as much as possible. If there are places on the trunk affected by diseases, it is necessary to give them Special attention. By the way, you don’t have to remove the fallen leaves, but treat them thoroughly with a urea solution. The drug will destroy pests that have settled in it for the winter and pathogens and will contribute to its rapid decomposition. As a result, by spring it forms excellent compost.

In addition to preventive spraying garden crops In spring and autumn, urea can be used specifically against various pests.

  • Use of urea against the Colorado potato beetle

There are many means to destroy the Colorado potato beetle. Unlike various chemicals, this method of fighting the beetle is very gentle. Spraying potato tops helps get rid of the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, and also serves as additional plant food. To treat potato tops against the Colorado potato beetle, prepare a solution of urea in water in a 1:1 ratio.

To destroy an adult Colorado potato beetle in the spring before the breeding season, potato bait is used. The tubers are finely chopped and left in the urea solution for a day, then laid out over the area where the potatoes will be planted. Cut potatoes attract the Colorado potato beetle, and after eating the bait, the beetle dies. It is also useful to use this bait in the fall, when the remains of the tops have already been removed from the site, in order to prevent individuals of the Colorado potato beetle from hibernating in the soil.

  • Application of urea against potato nematode

Urea can also be used to kill nematodes. You need to dig a hole, put in it along with the soil the plants that have been infected by nematodes, cover it with urea granules at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m ₃ and cover the hole with uninfected soil. To prevent the nematode from reproducing, the area where the diseased plants grew is also covered with urea at a rate of 200 g per 1 m ₃ and dug up. To prevent the appearance of nematodes during autumn digging, urea is added to the site: 100 g per 1 m2.

  • Using urea against aphids on currant leaves

The leaves of shrubs affected by aphids swell and curl, making it difficult to fight the pest; some summer residents destroy infected currant bushes. However, to kill aphids on currant leaves, you can use various preparations without the use of “killer chemicals”. To spray shrubs in the spring, prepare a solution of urea and copper sulfate: dilute 700 g of urea and 50 g of vitriol in 10 liters of warm water. Spraying of currant bushes is carried out in early spring, when the daytime air temperature begins to rise above 5⁰C.

Also, to combat aphids, you can treat not only shrubs, but also trees with urea. Garden treatment: carried out in the fall after the leaves fall. Prepare a solution of urea: 500 g per 10 liters of water. The fallen leaves are raked and burned, and the solution is sprayed on the trunk and branches of the trees in the garden. Treating the garden in the fall helps destroy pests that overwinter in the bark of trees.

  • Foliar feeding

Using urea you can carry out foliar feeding plants if they show signs of nitrogen starvation: growth retardation, small leaves and flowers, pale color of leaves. U fruit and berry crops Nitrogen starvation is manifested by a change in the color of the leaves; first, the old leaves at the base of the shoots begin to turn yellow, then the young ones. Along with yellowing, reddish or orange shades of color may appear on the leaves. If plants experience nitrogen starvation for a long time, they may experience premature leaf loss.

For fertilizing, the solution is made in a lower concentration than for spraying against pests: 40-50 g per bucket of water. Work is carried out using a hand sprayer in the early morning or in the evening before sunset.

It is also advisable to carry out foliar feeding after the formation of ovaries and the formation of fruits on trees and shrubs, especially if the ovaries or fruits suddenly begin to crumble.

You can use urea to fertilize the soil before planting vegetable and berry crops. To do this, urea granules are distributed over the beds at the rate of 10 g per m ₃ and dug up. It is best to apply fertilizer in the fall so that the beds are ready for planting by spring. If this did not work out in the fall, then in the spring you can use another option for applying fertilizer. You need to make grooves around the perimeter of the bed and distribute urea into them. The furrows are sealed with earth, the fertilizer decomposes quickly enough, and when watering, food will flow to the plants planted in the garden bed.

Urea increases the acidity of the soil when applied. Limestone is used to neutralize acidity.

Precautions when working with the drug

When working with urea, a number of rules must be followed so that the procedure is effective and does not cause harm to human health.

  • The treatment is carried out after preparing the garden: fallen leaves are collected, dry branches are pruned, and dead bark is removed.
  • Work is carried out only on a windless day, early in the morning or in the evening before sunset. If it rains in the next 2 days, the garden treatment will need to be repeated.
  • It is necessary to carry out work and dilute the solution wearing gloves, a mask and safety glasses. To carry out the work, a special sprayer is used so that it is possible to treat the upper branches of the trees.
  • Upon completion of work, you must thoroughly wash your face and hands, and wash your work clothes immediately.

Preparing the garden for winter is familiar to every dacha owner. It determines what condition the garden will be in in the spring and how many useful fruits it will bear. If you do not treat the garden in the fall against pests and diseases, then with the arrival of spring various infections will become active and cause harm to the trees. To prevent this from happening, caring gardeners carry out preventive work every fall.

Preparatory work

Insects hide in the soil, fallen leaves and bark. They try to spend the winter there, and with the arrival of spring they become active. Bacteria begin to actively multiply, scab, spotting and various putrefactive diseases appear. That is why trees and shrubs are treated before winter and not at other times. First of all, they carry out preparatory work, and then they start spraying them . Preparation is carried out in stages:

  • Most of the various microbes and pathogens are found under the bark of mature trees. Therefore, all plants that are more than 6 years old have their bark and lichen removed. To do this, use a steel brush or scraper.
  • After removing the bark, do the first spraying.
  • When all the leaves have fallen from the trees, carry out a second spraying.

At the beginning of winter, when the first cold weather arrives, fallen leaves, branches and weeds are removed. At this point, the fruit trees can be sprayed a third time.

Processing agents

There are many different formulations designed for spraying the garden in autumn period. Each of them has its own purpose and fights a specific threat. The most popular substances:

The drug is chosen depending on what pest needs to be destroyed. Experts advise spraying with several substances at once.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux mixture effectively fights rust, moniliosis, spotting and other diseases. The drug is able to protect the plant for one month. Preparation of 1% solution:

The finished solution is filtered and poured into a sprayer. It is used for 12 hours. The solution is applied to the leaves in an even layer.


Iron sulfate is an antimicrobial agent that actively fights fungal diseases and prevents the appearance of mold. This unique drug, it contains iron. It has been successfully used in gardening for more than 10 years. Iron deficiency greatly affects pears, apples, plums and other fruit trees. Vegetables and shrubs also suffer from a deficiency of this microelement. The harvest becomes smaller and its quality deteriorates.

When the growing season ends and the plants begin to prepare for winter, they begin to be sprayed. The substance is diluted in the following proportions:

  • Young plants are sprayed with a 1% solution; to prepare it, use 100 g of iron sulfate, which is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • The concentration of substances is 3 times greater if the fertilizer is used for adult plants.
  • Iron sulfate can be added to whitewash when whitewashing the garden.

The solution is prepared in a plastic or glass container. The substance quickly dissolves in water and is immediately ready for use. It is prepared immediately before use, since iron oxidizes in air, losing its properties. Lime cannot be added to iron sulfate; it is used only with copper sulfate.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is a fungicide that actively fights rot, spotting and powdery mildew. The substance is used not only on trees, but also on other garden plants. If the plant grows in acidic or sandy soil, then due to a lack of copper it withers and grows poorly. For prevention, the soil is fertilized with copper sulfate every autumn. With it, pears and apple trees will be protected from scab, moniliosis and phyllosticosis. And pears - from curliness, moniliosis, clasterosporosis, coccomycosis. Treating trees with copper sulfate in the fall, proportions that will not harm the plant:

  • For one mature plant, which is 6 years old or more, will need about 10 liters of solution.
  • For one young plant up to 6 years old, use about 2 liters of solution.
  • For plums and apricots, prepare a solution: dissolve 50 g of the substance in 10 liters of water.

Urea treatment

Urea (carbamide) is a granular fertilizer containing 46% nitrogen. It belongs to concentrated nitrogen fertilizers and is often confused with nitrate. The granules are white or yellow tint and are easily soluble in water. The fertilizer is stored for a long time, as it does not absorb moisture well. Pros and cons of the substance:

Fertilizer must be stored correctly, otherwise it will lose its properties. Do not mix the solution with other substances. And one more drawback that you need to know is that seed germination will decrease several times if the urea concentrate is too high.

Typically, spraying with urea in the fall begins in the first days of October. The second treatment is carried out late autumn. Processing tips:

  1. A highly concentrated product will help eliminate all larvae and pests. Therefore, it is used during the first spraying.
  2. In the autumn, when half of the leaves have fallen off, the trees are treated with a solution of medium concentration. To do this, 500 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water. This concentrate is increased by 7% and the seedlings are sprayed with it when the leaves from the trees completely fall off.
  3. For shrubs, different proportions are used: 40 grams of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water.
  4. For blackberries, strawberries and cucumbers, use a solution: 25 grams of urea are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

For fruit trees, too high a concentration of urea can cause burns. Because of this, the leaves will fall off ahead of time, and the frost resistance of the trees will decrease several times. To prevent this from happening, the solution is prepared carefully. Fertilizer is used to treat trunks and is applied to branches and soil.

Subtleties of autumn work

Special devices help to spray the substance evenly onto the plant. They can be manual or mechanical; any design includes a pump. The most convenient device, it's mechanical. Unlike manual models, mechanical devices do not require constant pumping of fertilizer. Accordingly, the price of such a device is several times higher. What you need to know to properly cultivate your garden:

Trees are pruned every fall. But pruning is carried out only in the southern regions; in the northern regions, the pruned plant will most likely freeze.