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» My zodiac sign is Pisces for my portfolio. Pisces is a characteristic of the zodiac sign. Character of a Pisces child by zodiac sign

My zodiac sign is Pisces for my portfolio. Pisces is a characteristic of the zodiac sign. Character of a Pisces child by zodiac sign

Two fish, which symbolize this zodiac sign, swim in opposite directions. This represents the inner life of the Pisces boy. His head tells him one thing, but his heart cries out for something else, which is one of the reasons why he has such a hard time making decisions. Pisces, the sign that completes the zodiac circle, endows its representatives with the ability of foresight. The boy intuitively senses upcoming events, perhaps this explains his some nervousness.

February 20 – March 20

zodiac sign Pisces

Belonging to a water sign explains the boy’s calm character. He lacks leadership ambitions and avoids noisy gatherings. The guy is indifferent to material values; the state of inner harmony is more important to him. He is so focused on his own feelings that he is not at all interested in what is happening around him. The sensitive Pisces boy subtly captures the psychological mood of people: words do not matter, the main thing is sensations. Pisces are sure that water wears away stones - dictatorial habits and unyielding cruelty towards others are not at all necessary to achieve power. The Pisces boy is unlikely to take the lead in games, since he hates giving orders, and he prefers to fulfill his own desires on his own.

Pisces boys are very emotional and their feelings can be hurt just as easily. But due to the masculine restraint instilled in them, they may not express it so readily. For this reason, Pisces boys can become moody and withdrawn, so the wisest thing to do would be to let them express how they feel.

In the process of growing up, a boy must learn to defend his own position and believe in his own strength. Without proper confidence, he will too often be the target of outside attacks. At the same time, parents not only need to teach their child independence, but also learn to accept his subtle sensitive nature. Pisces boys have unbridled imagination, their inner world filled with fantastic creatures and fabulous events. At the same time, the world created in the imagination is so absorbing that the child is often unable to return from heaven to earth. The line between reality and fiction is quite thin for Pisces, often game situations merge for them with everyday affairs.

The representative of the sign is woven from contradictions; he seeks support from his parents and friends. A person who manages to understand the vulnerable soul of a boy will become his unquestioned authority and close friend for life. The guy likes to be useful to someone; he is distinguished by rare spiritual kindness. He is always ready to sacrifice himself for the happiness of others. Pisces take any opinion too close to their hearts; representatives of this sign are suggestible people. Words of encouragement can inspire an insecure boy so much that he will certainly achieve success.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

What kind of Pisces children are they?

One of the most gentle creatures of the Zodiac constellation is Pisces. Pisces is ruled by the element Water. Pisces children are very vulnerable, immensely talented and gentle, the favorites of life.

If you look at the Pisces zodiac sign, you can see that it depicts two fish, one swimming with the flow, the other against it. Accordingly, the character and perception of life among Pisces children is completely different. Alone - strong personalities, whom the stars recommend to do business, others are gentle and romantic, they are rightfully determined to devote their lives to their family.

Pisces are creative people. Since childhood, they are good at music, handicrafts, photography, and writing poetry. From childhood, Pisces should be sent to creative clubs or sports clubs: firstly, so that they do not have any extraneous thoughts, and, secondly, childhood hobbies are often useful in the future. Perhaps they will become outstanding athletes, musicians, poets. The main thing is not to nip their impulses and desires in the bud.

Pisces have had an increased sexuality since childhood. Boys start to become attracted to girls early, and girls to boys. Therefore, Pisces children need to be occupied as much as possible with something so that they do not develop a craving for the opposite sex ahead of time.

Pisces generally take various kinds of conflicts very close to their hearts. They are very peaceful creatures. By the way, according to statistics, Pisces are the first to rush to start their own family. They love children and care for each other. Pisces girls make excellent mothers.

Pisces and school

Studying is easy for Pisces children. They succeed mainly in the humanities. Astrologers do not advise parents to put pressure on their Pisces children so that they know the exact sciences perfectly. As a rule, they will not need them in life. But history, literature and languages ​​are their environment.

How to raise Pisces children?

Raising Pisces children must be treated very carefully. Forget what it means to raise your voice, physical application forces in education, impatience and negligence. Pisces children are very gentle creatures. It is necessary to constantly engage with them, show sincere interest in their lives, take into account moods, thoughts and experiences.

The life of little Pisces cannot be left to chance, otherwise they will go down a crooked path. Pisces, like other fire signs of the zodiac, are prone to bad habits. To prevent bad things from happening in their lives, parents should be attentive to these children from childhood, show care and instill morality.

Pisces children are quite sociable, but they do not like publicity. Therefore, you should not force the Pisces child to recite rhymes, sing songs and demonstrate his talents in the presence of strangers and even your friends. In this regard, Pisces are very vulnerable; they can get worried and cry.

Pisces children value family comfort, warmth, and a positive atmosphere in the home. Parents should not sort things out in front of their child, so as not to traumatize his delicate psyche.

If your Pisces child gives his favorite toy to another child, do not be surprised, they are kind, prone to self-sacrifice and charity. Try to understand him in this and if he brings home a stray dog ​​or cat, do not drive this creature away, let the Pisces child rejoice and take care of his pet.

Parents will not find it difficult with children of this zodiac constellation. They are always ready to meet, a parent’s word means a lot to them. They are soft and compliant, but they also know how to stubbornly stand their ground. But, in general, these children do not cause much trouble in childhood. All parents need is to love, understand, respect and be very gentle towards the child.

>>Children of the Pisces sign

Characteristics of children born under the sign of Pisces. Raising Pisces boys and girls

Children born under the last sign of the zodiac - Pisces - are by no means the last ones in life. Their element is water and they are under the protection of the two largest planets: Neptune and Pluto. In the human body, ruled by Pisces, the immune system is located, as well as the feet.

Characteristic character traits of children born under the sign of Pisces

Pisces children are very interesting natures, often possessing outstanding abilities. And often they remain misunderstood. The symbol of the Pisces sign is two fish swimming in different sides. This sign very accurately reflects the nature of Pisces, for whom it can be very difficult to make any choice. Often they rush back and forth between two possibilities, not knowing which one to join.

Pisces children are very sensitive natures, perhaps the most sensitive sign of the Zodiac. They can take everything very seriously. Because of this, the surrounding reality may seem cruel and unfair to them. This sensitivity is given to little Pisces by their water element.

They can literally absorb the feelings and moods of the people around them, completely imbued with their state. Such children are able to literally share sorrows and joys, not only by capturing the mood of other people, but even when watching films or plays. Also, the element of water endowed them with very developed intuition.

Little Pisces often cannot decide to take the first step. Because of their inability to quickly do right choice, they tend to put off all important current affairs “until tomorrow.”

Children with a similar mindset are, for the most part, visual learners. They remember easily necessary information, if they can imagine it in their head as a picture. They love to watch various films, because the information in them is presented in the form that Pisces perceives best.

Often little Pisces are depressed. They are characterized by causeless frustration and a state of sadness. They can be very vulnerable, often get offended by something and cry. Very often, due to their impressionability, they are captive of their fictitious illusions.

What disadvantages are inherent in small Pisces?

The main disadvantage of Pisces children is their tendency to fall into despair. Although, in fact, everything is not always as bad as it seems to Pisces, but they tend to overdramatize everything.

The second disadvantage of Pisces children is their inability to quickly make a choice. Often they are tormented by the problem of choice and cannot make it.

Another drawback of little Pisces is their strong dependence on the feelings and moods of the people around them. If we also take into account that it is difficult for them to make any choice, then it is not surprising that these children easily succumb to the influence of others, and it is good if this influence is positive. What if it happens the other way around?

How to raise children born under the sign of Pisces?

1. From childhood, parents need to help their Pisces child choose the right path in life and determine clear goals life positions. Both parents and educators simply need to constantly push the baby in the right direction, help and develop him positive traits and moral skills. Otherwise, it will be easy for a child to be led astray from his true path onto the road of theft, fraud, deception and other unworthy acts.

2. Considering the vulnerable nature of the baby, it is necessary to teach him to objectively relate to the surrounding reality and the people around him. This is very important to do so that the baby stops feeling like a sufferer, does not depend on circumstances and is a less vulnerable person.

3. Considering the unique ability of little Pisces to absorb other people's moods, it is very important not to let the child become completely immersed in other people's problems and misfortunes. It is necessary to surround the child with positive impressions and make sure that he receives as many positive emotions as possible.

4. Pisces children are not just impressionable. They are quite easy to motivate to achieve any goals. So that their dreams do not remain just dreams, it is necessary to teach Pisces to realize their ideas. Often such children lack persistence to achieve their goals, so help your child develop this quality. To achieve this, first, plan some small business with him. Let your child start it and finish it. As soon as he copes with his task, it will be possible to move on to other, more complex goals. Often indecisive little Pisces cannot take the first step and it is very important to help them overcome their indecision. These are very flexible and adaptive natures, therefore, childhood this will not be difficult to do. To succeed in life, they need to cultivate perseverance and perseverance.

5. Considering that Pisces children, for the most part, are visual people, they really love films, plays, and various performances, you can use this for educational purposes. But the child should not be allowed to immerse himself in the virtual world and escape from the surrounding reality. At the same time, you need to know that Pisces children sometimes want to be left alone and just dream.

6. Teach your child to pay attention in everything, first of all, to light, positive points. Teach him to trust his innate intuition, and it will enable him to succeed in studying and understanding the world.

Should Pisces children be punished?

Pisces, be softer and more tolerant. Remember how vulnerable and sensitive a child is. Never use physical punishment on them. Similar for them. Such

According to the horoscope, the Pisces Child is a sincere, warm-hearted and sensitive creature. The stars endow him with exceptional imagination and intuition. Pisces is guided in life not so much by logic as by mood and premonitions.

Already as a child, he feels most comfortable in his own room, surrounded by his favorite toys, becomes very attached to his nannies, does not like fuss and raising his voice. Such children are whiny, capricious and disobedient only sometimes. IN Everyday life According to the horoscope, a Pisces child is a quiet dreamer, an obedient (sometimes even too obedient) child who has a strong connection with his mother, who for many years remains his center of the Universe.

If your child is a Pisces girl, then she delights those around her with Renaissance beauty, angelic appearance, people always pay attention Special attention at her beautiful dreamy eyes. The Pisces boy child is often distinguished from his peers by some special - delicate - attractiveness. It happens that thanks to artistic talent and photogenicity, Pisces children begin to earn money, for example, by acting in commercials.

Their love for music and dancing manifests itself quite early. They sing beautifully, have an ear for music, and quickly master the secrets of playing the piano. musical instruments. They love it when fairy tales are read aloud to them; they will never be left without their favorite story told on TV. They love to have their head in the clouds and come up with amazing stories. Sometimes they are overly afraid of the dark; it happens that they are no stranger to somnambulism (sleepwalking). The Pisces child's horoscope makes these children unique, exceptional in many ways.

Horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces-child: characteristics of the school period

The little representatives of this constellation are very capable, and this is noticeable at school. Pisces the student is a humanist with an artistic flair, who, however, sometimes displays outstanding mathematical abilities. Many Fishes have a light syllable, already in primary school enthusiastically create stories and novellas with plots that make readers' blood run cold.

If you are growing Pisces, children's horoscope advises you to look for a school and class where the environment is friendly and cozy atmosphere, because even as children they have difficulty getting used to a new environment. If they fall in love with educators, teachers, and get to know classmates who are considered kindred spirits, they will quickly become good students. But the stars warn that Pisces boys and even Pisces girls will probably not become the best, because they are too dreamy and forget about many things, for example, the timing of important educational tests, do not have time to prepare, etc.

Pisces mothers are always worried about how they are delicate flower can cope with some pretty harsh realities modern world. But the horoscope in this case calls on parents to remember that Providence is especially closely watching over its children.

When little Fish argues with her guardian angel, don't interfere! However, in everyday life, the tendency to fantasize sometimes creates a comical effect. Pisces children come up with numerous stories about family, brothers and sisters, and generously describe adventures with themselves in the leading role.

The fish quickly becomes the favorite and the center of attention of the whole family also because it is quite painful. He is an allergy sufferer from birth, and sometimes a tendency to chronic diseases also manifests itself. Therefore, prevention should not be neglected; It is recommended to spend holidays and holidays at resorts. With age, Rybka gains strength and strength and begins to take an interest, and quite seriously, in sports.

If you want to draw the attention of a child under the Zodiac sign Pisces to his unacceptable, inappropriate behavior, you do not need to do this abruptly. In turn, appealing to his kindness, sensitivity and affection gives excellent results.

  • Characteristics of a Pisces child
  • Child Health - Pisces
    • Pisces born in the first ten days of March
    • Pisces born in the second decade of March
  • These cute kids, almost from birth, live simultaneously in two worlds - ours, the real one, and their own, the imaginary one. And it is still unknown which of them is more important!

    Element of the sign: Water
    Patron planets: Neptune and Venus
    Colors: violet, sea ​​wave, lilac
    Talisman stones: labradorite, opal, aventurine
    Main character trait: emotionality
    Positive features: kindness, friendliness, sensitivity, gentleness, creative talent, strong intuition.
    Negative features: excessive impressionability, suggestibility, suspiciousness.

    general characteristics

    One of the main advantages of Pisces children is their wonderful intuition, which always helps them in life. Little Pisces have a great understanding of people and know how to foresee in advance how this or that matter will end. Therefore, they do not often get involved with unsuitable companies and avoid all risky and dangerous activities.

    But not everything is so rosy! Perhaps the biggest drawback of Pisces babies is excessive suggestibility and a tendency to fall under the influence of others. Therefore, Rybka parents should carefully monitor who their baby communicates with. If you want your child not to be influenced by the environment and to be able to fight back those who will try to manipulate him, try to develop in him will and strength of character from a very early age - these qualities will be very useful to him in the future!

    Character traits

    The typical Pisces child has a quiet, peaceful and accommodating character. He is not inclined to argue and conflict with parents and teachers, and therefore is easily influenced by elders. At the same time, Pisces children are very sensitive and impressionable. After watching a sad movie or reading a book with a bad ending, they can cry all evening and fall into melancholy. Therefore, parents should try, if possible, to protect their little Pisces from unpleasant experiences.

    Pisces children are very kind. Having met a stray kitten on the street, a child will certainly feed the animal and then bring it home and will be very upset if the parents are horrified by this. In general, little Pisces are very fond of all living things, they want to love someone, to look after someone. If you want your baby to feel happy, at least get him a hamster.

    At school, kind-hearted Pisces act as defenders of the weak and offended, so shy, insecure children are drawn to them and try to make friends. However, Pisces themselves are also not distinguished by strong character traits, and therefore they feel comfortable only in the company of modest and calm peers. Despite their friendliness, Pisces children are typical introverts who feel great alone and do not have an increased need for communication. Therefore, little Pisces have few real friends, but they value them very much.


    Most Pisces children are exemplary diligent students. But innate shyness and uncertainty often prevents them from becoming excellent students. Therefore, even with excellent learning abilities, Rybka is often a solid student. In addition, if the child does not like the subject, he may be distracted during the lesson and simply have his head in the clouds, ignoring everything the teacher says.

    Most Pisces children have more developed inclinations towards humanitarian subjects than towards exact sciences. Thanks to their rich imagination and great talent in the arts, little Pisces write beautifully school essays, draw well, love to embroider, sing, and dance. And they don’t like to cram boring mathematical formulas, although they force themselves to do it so as not to upset their parents with bad grades.

    Very often one of Pisces' favorite school subjects is reading. Typical Pisces learn to read quite early and enjoy doing it both in class and at home. They read not only fluently, but also very expressively - “with feeling, sense and order.”


    Pisces' interests change greatly as they grow older. While the Pisces child is very small, he is most occupied with his own dreams and fantasies, on the wings of which he is carried away into beautiful fairy-tale worlds. By the way, Pisces children really love it when their parents read them bedtime stories (preferably fairy tales with a happy ending).

    When Pisces grow up, various creative abilities often awaken in them, for example, drawing, dancing, singing, embroidering, and so on. And this is not surprising, since Pisces are one of the most creative signs of the Zodiac. But since these Pisces children are often very tense and unsure of themselves, in order to discover and demonstrate their extraordinary talents, they urgently need the help of parents and teachers.

    In adolescence, Pisces children try to spend their free time from school as interesting as possible: at will They attend creative clubs and take part in school amateur activities with pleasure. By the way, many Pisces try their hand at poetry. The only bad thing is that they are too susceptible to criticism. Even after one “debriefing,” they can completely lose faith in themselves and abandon their hobby. Scold less often and praise more often!


    Nature has endowed Pisces children with relatively fragile health. Small Fishes do not have very strong immunity, and therefore are not very hardy. In order for a Pisces child to get sick less often, he needs, firstly, to be purposefully hardened, and, secondly, taught to take care of his own health: eat right, spend a lot of time on fresh air, do exercises in the morning and go to bed on time. This, of course, will benefit any child, but for Pisces it is a vital necessity.

    And little Pisces also need to avoid stress - they have an extremely vulnerable nervous system. Under the influence of a strong or long-term stress They can get sick in almost any organ - heart, stomach, intestines... But since there is no life without problems, parents should develop stress resistance and the ability to control themselves from an early age in their child.

    Pisces born in February

    Pisces children born in February are under the influence of Saturn and have a patient and calm nature. These are quite strong-willed, but secretive little kids. They study well and know how to achieve what they want. The biggest drawback of these children is stubbornness.

    Pisces born in the first ten days of March

    Pisces children born in the first ten days of March are influenced by Jupiter. These are very lively and sociable Pisces, enjoying authority among other children and having many friends. Studying comes easily to these children, despite the fact that they are prone to laziness and like to spend time not reading books, but in the company of friends.

    Pisces born in the second ten days of March

    Pisces children born in the second ten days of March are under the influence of Mars. These little Pisces are very emotional, sensitive and impressionable. But at the same time, they are brave, decisive and know how to stand up for themselves when necessary. The biggest drawback of these Pisces is restlessness and restlessness. Because of these qualities, they study rather averagely.

    Dear dreamers and poets - that’s what they are, our beloved Pisces!

    A drawing by Yutaka Kagaya was used to illustrate the article.

    Are you or your friends growing a little Fish?

    it will interest many parents!