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» Installation of plasterboard walls without frame. Wall covering with plasterboard without frame and profile (video). Required materials and tools

Installation of plasterboard walls without frame. Wall covering with plasterboard without frame and profile (video). Required materials and tools

As a rule, for quality repairs it is necessary to create the most smooth and even surfaces of the ceiling and walls. This can be done using plasterboard sheets. Today we will look at what types of fastening drywall to the wall exist. And how to fix drywall on a wall without a profile.

Types of installation

The fastening of drywall to the wall is selected according to the purpose and the condition of the base. You can secure a sheet of plasterboard using either a frame or frameless method. Each of these types has its own characteristics and advantages.

The frame method is relevant in such cases as:

  • Aligning large curvature of walls, creating geometric structures, niches;
  • In cases where you need to create thermal insulation or hide communications behind the casing.

The main disadvantage of this method is the reduction usable area. In addition, do not forget that to complete it you will need screws, profiles and additional tools.

Attaching drywall to a wall without a profile (frameless method) does not significantly change the volume of the room, but is done when the surface is relatively flat and there are no plans to insulate it.

The main advantages of this method include simple and quick installation, low cost.

Attention! You cannot install gypsum boards if moisture accumulates on the walls or if there are areas affected by fungus. The surface must be dry and the fungus removed. At high humidity Indoors, it is worth buying a moisture-resistant type of drywall.

How to cut drywall

To do this we need a level, a tape measure, a pencil and a painting knife. How to cut drywall is easier to illustrate in the photo.

We measure with a tape measure exactly to the millimeter. We mark marks for the future cut on the drywall with a pencil. mark 0.5 cm less than measured so that there are no problems in installing the sheet.

Apply a level and cut a straight line with a knife.

We break the sheet along the line and cut through a layer of paper on the other side.

How to fix a sheet without first installing a frame?

Let's look at ways to attach drywall to a wall without a profile. In practice, several options are used for how to level a wall with plasterboard without a profile:

  • Dowels or screws.
  • By gluing (plaster or cement glue).

Installation of gypsum boards using self-tapping screws and dowels

It is recommended to sheathe walls using self-tapping screws in cases where the base itself has a wooden (OSB, plywood, timber) or plaster surface. Let's look at how to screw drywall to a wall step by step using self-tapping screws:

  1. All protrusions on wooden partitions are removed with a tool specially designed for this purpose (hatchet or chisel with a hammer). If you need to level foam concrete wall, you can use a hammer drill.
  2. If the wall is made of OSB, plywood, or timber, then the gypsum boards are attached directly to the wall. Installation is carried out using wood screws with a length of 2.5 cm.
  3. The sheets are secured with hardware in a checkerboard pattern in increments of about 25 cm. The self-tapping screw, or rather its head, should be slightly “recessed” into the material. We leave a deformation gap of 2-3 mm between the sheets.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Tightening the screws too tightly may screw through, or the gypsum board may crack.

I do not recommend this method of fastening with dowels. But if there is no way out and the surface is relatively flat, then you can resort to this method.

The option for attaching gypsum boards to dowels is as follows:

  1. The sheet is installed on a leveled base without defects.
  2. A hole is drilled through it and a plastic part is inserted.
  3. Then the dowel-nail itself is screwed in with a screwdriver.

How to fix drywall to a wall without profiles: gluing technology

Attention! It should also be taken into account temperature regime premises, it should not be below +10 degrees Celsius. At lower values, you will need to worry about heating the room.

When installing drywall directly onto a wall using gluing technology, careful preparation of the surface is required. It consists of removing wallpaper, parts of peeling paint or plaster, sealing cracks, and applying a primer with an antiseptic (preferably in two layers).

Pull the thread or use laser level to understand how curved the surface is and what layer of glue we need. If the wall is smooth, then you can glue the drywall under a special spatula (comb). But usually the walls are very crooked and you will need to apply glue buns.

It can be used as special gypsum glue (dries very quickly), or you can use tile adhesive (you can work with it for a long time). For one batch of glue, it is recommended to install no more than two sheets of drywall.

Glue buns are applied at a distance of 30 cm from each other. A sheet of gypsum board is applied and a level is gradually tapped and applied. Using the level, we determine how evenly the sheet is glued, put it in different directions and planes so that there is no deflection of the sheet. We hammer glue into the resulting cracks along the edges. Let's start gluing the next sheet. Do not forget to leave a small gap of 2-3 mm between the sheets for subsequent finishing.

After the glue has completely dried, the sheets can be reinforced

How to attach drywall to a wall without a profile: summing up

This method of installing sheets allows you to quickly level the surface without using a profile and save on the purchase of materials and work. Fasten the material to base surface can be done using hardware or applying adhesive mass. The easiest way is if you have a flat wooden surface - just apply it and twist it. Gluing drywall requires a certain skill, and if we use gypsum glue, then also speed of work.

  1. Preparing the surface
  2. Apply glue
  3. attach a sheet
  4. align it

After installing the plasterboard sheets, you can seal the seams and begin subsequent finishing.

Drywall firmly occupies the position of one of the most popular among construction and finishing materials, and this is easily explained by its many advantages. These include its environmental friendliness, ease of installation, the ability to use in the most different rooms, relatively small weight and generally available cost.

Plasterboard sheets are used for leveling walls and for, moreover, working with them is possible not only an experienced builder, but also for the beginning master. Finishing walls with plasterboard without a frame and profile is possible using different adhesives and on surfaces built from various materials. The advantages of such fastening compared to frame method are that the reduction in the area of ​​the room is not so noticeable, a decent amount is saved on the elements of the sheathing, and the installation work pass quickly enough and can easily be produced on their own.

Basic methods of installing drywall on a wall surface

To evaluate the advantage frameless installation plasterboard, you can briefly consider both existing methods by comparing them.

To be fair, it should be noted that sometimes when installing drywall it is impossible to do without installing a frame, so this case is also worth mentioning when considering methods for installing the material.

So, there are two main technologies for attaching plasterboard sheets to the wall in order to level it:

  1. Installation of sheets using self-tapping screws on a frame made of a metal profile or wooden beam. This method is chosen in cases where the wall requires additional thermal or sound insulation, and the insulating material is installed precisely in frame structure, or if the wall has very large distortions that are difficult to level with plaster layers.
  2. Fixing sheets to the wall using self-tapping screws and foam or on adhesive composition, made on a gypsum basis. Self-tapping screws and foam for fixing drywall are used if it is necessary to cover not only a wooden wall, but also surfaces made of other materials that require correction. Adhesive gypsum composition is more often used for leveling concrete or brick wall. However, it should immediately be noted that the frameless method of attaching drywall should only be used when the walls have a height not exceeding 3000 mm.

This publication will consider the nuances of only frameless fastening of drywall.

Required materials and tools

Set of tools

To level walls with plasterboard using one of the adhesives, you will need much fewer tools than if a frame was attached to the wall. The list of everything necessary consists of the following items:

  1. A plumb line, a building level and a rule, preferably 1500 mm long, to control the evenness of the original wall and the created vertical plane.
  2. Electric jigsaw or sharp stationery knife– for cutting drywall.
  3. Rulers of different lengths, a square, a tape measure and a simple pencil - for marking.
  4. Wide, medium and narrow spatula, as well as possibly a trowel (trowel) - for applying and distributing the solution.
  5. Construction float – for processing putty surfaces.
  6. Roller and brush - for treating walls with primer.
  7. Rubber hammer - for adjusting plasterboard sheets glued to the wall.
  8. Electric drill and mixer attachment - for mixing the solution.
  9. In some cases it will be necessary for additional fixation with self-tapping screws.

Drywall prices


Necessary materials

Now it is necessary to consider the materials that will be required to prepare the surface of the walls and for high-quality installation drywall:

  1. Primer solution with antiseptic additives.
  2. Gypsum-based putty mixture, base and finishing.
  3. Dry mortar- drywall adhesive, or polyurethane foam.
  4. Serpyanka mesh tape - for sealing joints between sheets.
  5. Long self-tapping screws may be required to level the wall by adjusting the plasterboard sheets. The size of the fastening elements will depend on the flatness of the surface, taking into account the fact that they must be recessed into the wall by 50÷60 mm.
  6. One of the leveling technologies will require pieces of foam rubber - this will be discussed in due course.

About some materials - a little more detail.


The Knauf company produces not only a variety of construction and finishing mixtures, but also plasterboard sheets for various purposes - it is simple, moisture-resistant, fire-resistant and moisture-fire-resistant finishing material:

  1. Regular drywall(GKL or, according to the Knauf proprietary classification - GSP-A) is used for rooms with normal humidity.
  2. Moisture-resistant sheets (GKLV or GSP-N2) can be used to level walls in bathrooms or bathrooms. After treating such a surface, ceramic tiles will fit perfectly on it.
  3. Fire-resistant sheets (GKLO or GSP-DF) are used for finishing walls around fireplaces, stoves, and chimneys.
  4. Fire- and moisture-resistant plasterboard (GKLVO or GSP-DFN2) is well suited for finishing walls in boiler rooms of private houses, in attic and attic spaces.

Here we can briefly say about, which does not require special effort, experience and special tools– it is enough to have a regular sharp stationery knife on hand. The cutting process takes place in the following order:

  1. The sheet is laid on a solid base - this can be big table, floor or several stools placed side by side at some distance from each other.
  2. Then, using a tape measure or ruler, the sheet is marked, with a simple pencil the necessary lines are drawn.
  3. The next step is to draw a knife along the drawn line, also along the ruler, which should cut upper layer cardboard
  4. The sheet is moved to the edge of a hard surface and laid on it along the cut line.
  5. Then, pressure is applied to the edge of the drywall that extends beyond the base, which will cause the sheet to break along the cut line.
  6. The last step is cutting the cardboard on the other side of the sheet.

Taking wall measurements. This is necessary in order to plan the future placement of drywall sheets. It is also necessary avoid cross joints, since the sheets will be offset.

Preparing the wall surface. At this stage, the surface should be cleaned of old wallpaper, traces of paint, and whitewash. Necessary identify protruding places on the wall, then mark them with chalk. Next, several layers are applied to the wall. soil mixture and dries completely.

Before attaching the frame to the wall, it is necessary to cut strips 100 mm wide from plasterboard, after which one of the sides is coated with a primer. Next, glue is applied to the strips, then they are glued along the wall, one close to the ceiling, the second to the floor. Be sure to take into account the fact that you need to work with glue as quickly as possible, you shouldn’t knead a lot at once.

Preparation of the bulk of the glue. For this purpose, slow-setting gypsum mixtures or building gypsum are often used. In the second case, it is necessary to prolong the hardening by adding PVA glue to the adhesive composition. Therefore, if you want to attach drywall to a wall without a frame, and act carefully, you need to provide these details.

Attaching sheets to the wall. The thickness of the adhesive layer will depend on the degree of curvature of the surface. If it is relatively flat, then you can glue directly onto it. The adhesive composition is applied notched trowel, it or a trowel can be used to perform the technology.

Fastening drywall to a wall without a frame involves leveling the large curvature of the walls; for this purpose, special "beacons", which are made from strips of plasterboard. Usually they are glued vertically along the perimeter, the interval is 40-50 cm. From the very beginning, the left and right beacons are set, and then, using a fishing line that is stretched between them, they are attached vertical stripes. As for the upper and lower horizontal beacons, they are aligned using a certain rule, which is used to press the sheets of drywall.

Installing drywall on walls without a frame is carried out in a few simple steps, and they need to be done gradually.

After applying the glue it is necessary take pads measuring 10-20 mm from the floor and install a sheet of drywall on them. Thanks to this technique, compensation for sheet elongation will be provided at a time when the humidity and temperature in the room changes. Sheet needed level using a special rubber hammer, tapping it lightly.

After gluing the drywall to the wall and the glue has hardened, it is necessary secure it with dowel nails. In this way, the durability as well as the reliability of the fastening can be increased. To do this, you need to drill a hole in the drywall, then insert a dowel into which a nail is driven. The nail must be struck until the head is completely sunk into the drywall. IN in this case the main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the drywall.

Thus, facing walls with plasterboard without a frame is carried out as quickly as possible if the sequence of actions is followed.

Frame method

In this case, there are two main methods of attaching drywall - using a frame made of wooden bars and metal.

Application of a frame made of wooden blocks

There are two main steps when using the method: assembly of the frame, then installation of drywall bars. The assembly process begins with sequential fixation of the guides. Unlike a procedure such as leveling walls with plasterboard without a frame, this will require put in more effort. It is also necessary to select the appropriate fastening - this can be a dowel-nail, self-tapping screws with a large pitch, depending on the base material.

To correctly align the guides and the entire frame, strips of veneer and a level are used. After installing the guides, you need to set and then fix the main bars. Drywall on wooden walls It is also attached using special technologies.

Unlike the previous installation method, this one has its own characteristics. On the one side, it allows you to create new designs- these are arches, niches, partitions, on the other hand - it requires a lot of money and effort. In addition, if conditions change environment Wood is subject to deformation, so the quality of the entire structure may deteriorate significantly.

Most often they use plasterboard, which today, due to its advantages, is one of the most the best ways internal lining. Usually, for its installation, a special sheathing is constructed from a metal profile, but this may not always be advisable. In small rooms, for example, installing a frame will reduce its already small area.

Required tools and materials

To attach drywall to walls without lathing, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • powder mixture or construction adhesive;
  • primer composition;
  • bucket for preparing fixing solution;
  • a screwdriver with an attachment or a construction mixer;
  • jigsaw;
  • spirit level to determine the level;
  • construction or stationery knife for cutting sheets;
  • ruler, felt-tip pen, tape measure;
  • rule;
  • metal brush;
  • roller for painting;
  • rubber mallet;
  • smooth long rail;
  • spatulas.

Measurements and cutting

The initial stage of work is taking measurements of the room and cutting materials. Based on the measurement results, you can consider options for the arrangement of sheets and determine the most acceptable one. If the ceiling height exceeds 2.5 meters, in addition to standard sheets You will need inserts that need to be cut out first.

The process of cutting and cutting drywall for inserts is as follows:

  • the line along which cutting will be carried out is indicated;
  • along the entire length of the marked line, a knife is used to cut one side of the sheet;
  • along the cutting line, bending inward, it is cut;
  • on the opposite side, at the fracture site, the cut sheet is cut into two parts.

Preparing the walls

The next step is preparing the base. Depending on the material from which the walls are decorated, various measures are taken to prepare it. Yes, for brickwork It will be enough to treat it with a primer mixture.

If the surface has been plastered, to avoid peeling of the putty and deformation of the slab, all coating should be removed, including all layers of finish, then immediately apply a primer coat.

If difficulties arise in the process of removing the old base, you will need to use a metal brush, with which dust, dirt and deposits are removed from the wall.

If during work the finish peels off from the base, you should carefully plaster the potholes so that the surface is smooth.

Let's take a closer look at the process of preparing the wall surface:

  1. To remove paint or old wallpaper, it is better to use a hard metal spatula. It is important that it does not sag. Before removing the wallpaper, you should wet it well with a sponge and allow the water to soak into the wallpaper layer for some time and soak the glue. If necessary, you can wet the wall several times. As an alternative to water, you can use a special liquid to remove wallpaper, but it is not cheap, but the process of removing wallpaper is noticeably easier.
  2. Plaster can be removed using an axe, hammer or hammer drill., making sure that the wall is completely clear of decoration, otherwise it may negatively affect the final result.
  3. Layer old paint can be removed with a small ax, with which the old coating is knocked off centimeter by centimeter.

Fixing composition

For work with drywall that does not require the installation of a frame for attaching drywall, adhesive mixtures are used. Since drywall is used for interior decoration, the basis of dry compositions is gypsum. Instead of glue, you can use starting putty or alabaster, but to increase adhesion you will have to add PVA glue or wallpaper glue to the water.

Let's consider several ways to use the solution:

  • when differences exceed 5 mm, the plasterboard is fixed to putty with a gypsum base, which is applied in a thin layer along all edges and in the middle of the slab;
  • with differences of up to 20 mm, the sheets are fixed using a special gypsum glue, which is applied pointwise at a distance of 30 centimeters;
  • for unevenness less than 40 mm, strips of plasterboard 10 cm wide are attached to the wall using glue, after which sheets are glued onto them using putty;
  • if the wall differences are more than 40-50 mm, the frameless method of attaching drywall is unacceptable.

A solution for fixing drywall to walls is prepared from a powder mixture and water. To prepare a 10-liter bucket, fill it a third with water and add the mixture little by little, constantly stirring it with a mixer or drill at low speed.

Knead the solution for less than 5 minutes, then take a short break and beat again, this will break up all the dry lumps. The consistency of the solution should resemble mashed potatoes.

Fixing mixtures, regardless of the manufacturer, harden fairly quickly, however, subsequent finishing of drywall can begin no earlier than after 24 hours.

Drywall installation

There are several ways to frameless fasten drywall:

  1. Fixation with glue. First of all, in order to avoid damage to the drywall, which can occur when the walls are deformed, it is recommended to leave small gaps: 1 cm from the floor, 0.5 cm from the ceiling and between the sheets. To do this, you will need wooden pegs when fixing the material. A solution is applied to a sheet previously treated with a primer., after which it is glued to the base as quickly but carefully as possible. First of all, gaskets are installed in the lower edge, then after positioning the sheet according to the lower marks, the rest of it is fixed. Using a rule or level, lightly tapping with a rubber hammer adjusts the unevenness, but it is not advisable to knock on the tool. The alignment process is controlled as follows: determined the location of the unevenness, removed the tool, leveled it and adjusted the level again. After leveling is completed, the slab should be supported for a while. wooden slats. If the differences in the wall are significant, guides are used for installation, which are installed in places of greatest difference, compensating for them big amount glue. The sheets should be aligned carefully so as not to deform it. Upon completion of the work, the joints of the sheets are glued with fiberglass mesh, and after the solution has dried, they are puttied. Roughness and irregularities are rubbed out sandpaper, clean the surface from dust and prime.
  2. Installation with self-tapping screws. This method is a little more complicated than the previous one, but more reliable. Suitable for walls with large irregularities. In addition to the basic set of materials and tools, you will need polyurethane foam and foam rubber (thin ones will not work). Before attaching the sheets, the walls must be treated with a primer. Then the previously cut slabs are applied to the base, and holes are drilled in constant steps at ten points, which serve as a marker. Remove the slab and drive anchors into the holes using markers. Foam rubber is glued onto the sheet at a distance of 9-11 centimeters from the holes, which acts as a shock absorber, then it is leaned against the wall and fixed with self-tapping screws. Drywall is fastened using a level by screwing in and unscrewing screws. To fix the sheet, a hole with a circumference of about 5 mm is drilled near each screw, into which polyurethane foam will be poured. Before pouring, it is advisable to practice with the dosage; it is necessary that after the foam comes out, a spot with a diameter of 12-15 centimeters will form. If there are electrical switches or sockets on the walls, holes for them are pre-cut. After the foam has hardened, the screws are removed and the resulting holes are covered with putty. Then you can proceed to the final stage of work - sealing the seams and installing skirting boards.

Let's get acquainted with the features of installing the material on a base with varying degrees of differences:

  1. If unevenness exceeds 4 mm, the sheets can be installed from any angle and close to each other. If the material is attached to wooden base, you can use nails with large heads that go shallow into the drywall.
  2. For differences of up to 20 mm, the sheets are laid on glue from the corner close to each other. Any glue that may appear at the joints should be carefully removed.
  3. Installation of drywall with unevenness up to 40 mm is carried out by cutting the sheets into strips half a meter wide, and they are attached vertically to the base.

Completion of work

After completing the installation of drywall using a frameless method, the joints between the sheets should be securely sealed. At this stage, the joints are filled with putty and reinforcing glass tape is glued, which is covered finishing layer plaster.

After the surface has dried, all irregularities and roughness are rubbed off using sanding paper.

It is important to reliably align and adhere the material to the openings for windows and doors. Indoors with plastic windows finishing of the fit is carried out using a plastic profile. The gaps above the floor are covered with plinth, and the gaps under the ceiling are puttied or covered with ceiling plinth.

  1. Finishing with plasterboard may require the use of shaped inserts. To do this you will need to use electric jigsaw, with the help of which beautiful figures with smooth edges are obtained.
  2. When cleaning the surface there will be a lot of dust, Therefore, it is recommended to use a respirator or mask, and periodically spray the base with water.
  3. The ceiling height when installing drywall without sheathing should not exceed three meters due to the fact that the technology does not provide for horizontal joints.
  4. If the sheet is deformed during installation of the material, it can be restored. So, shallow scratches and chips are smoothed out with putty. To do this, clean the scratched area from dust, remove torn parts of the cardboard and repair the damage with universal putty or gypsum mixture. If there are any irregularities, after the putty has dried, they are sanded with sandpaper.
  5. Deep damage is repaired by applying a patch. A hole is cut out in a previously cleaned damaged area so that its circumference in depth is larger than the circumference of the outer edge. A patch is cut out of drywall so that it fits tightly into the hole. On the other hand it is fixed wooden plank. WITH outside the patch is reinforced with fabric and puttied. After drying, sand it.
  6. In rooms with a lot of electrical appliances And hidden wiring It is recommended to use fire-resistant material that will prevent the occurrence of fire hazards.

Installation of drywall can be carried out on walls and ceilings in two main ways: on the frame and directly on the wall.

Frameless installation involves fixing sheets of drywall directly to the surface, without first creating a frame. The choice of method depends on the unevenness of the wall or ceiling.

It can be produced in three ways:

  1. For gypsum putty. It is acceptable in cases where irregularities are no more than 4 millimeters. The binder material is applied along the edge and in the middle of the gypsum board in a thin layer.
  2. Glue method is used when the unevenness is up to 20 millimeters. The glue is applied to the plasterboard in thin lines over the entire surface, the distance between the adhesive layers is 30-35 centimeters.
  3. If the unevenness is large(up to 40 millimeters), then two layers of gypsum board are created: the first is strip (strips of 10 centimeters each), the second is solid, undivided sheets of plasterboard are used.

For this method, gypsum boards with a thickness of no more than 12 millimeters are used. The height of such a structure can be 3 meters.

Cladding gypsum board walls using a frameless method is used:

  1. In loggias, terraces, bathrooms and restrooms, in showers and swimming pools, in basements and on, for the design of slopes of door and window openings.
  2. In niches where communications pass, in corridors and halls non-residential premises, lobbies, foyers.

The frameless fastening method can be used in cases where the unevenness of the wall does not exceed 2 centimeters in some places. It is used on various surfaces: concrete, brick, block; under certain conditions, timber walls can also be covered with plasterboard.

The advantages of this method include:

  1. Economy. No need to purchase metal profiles, guides, fastening materials.
  2. It takes less time to create the skin. Because creating a frame is not required.
  3. During operation, it is much less likely that cracks will appear at the joints, the wall turns out to be more even and reliable.
  4. Possibility of installation with your own hands.

The disadvantages include the fact that this option can only be used on flat surfaces. If the unevenness is large, you will have to first prepare the wall: level it using beacons. It's pretty labor-intensive process, which not everyone can do on their own.

With this wall decoration it is quite difficult to install communications inside. In addition, there are few insulation options with this design. The most commonly used material is polystyrene foam, which not everyone likes because it is not environmentally friendly.

Methods for fixing material to the wall can be as follows:

  1. Using glue.
  2. Using gypsum putty.

Preparing the walls

Preparing the foundation - the very first and important stage surface decoration.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning the surface of old coating, dirt, dust. Surface requirements:
    • absence of major defects or deformations;
    • strength;
    • the wall should not be frozen or wet;
  2. Wall primer. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion of parts to the surface during installation.
  3. Determining and measuring the depth of wall irregularities. This is done using building level, which is applied to the surface, or a plumb line. Depending on the value of these parameters, the method of performing the work is selected.
  4. The wall is marked, that is, those places are highlighted to which the gypsum boards will be glued.
  5. Installation of electrical wiring locations, switches, sockets.
  6. Cutting drywall sheets. To do this, the material is applied to the wall, leveled, cut into sheets required sizes. It is necessary to cut the sheet approximately 1 centimeter less than the height of the wall to create gaps.

DIY installation

The smoother the surface where installation is carried out, the more high-quality drywall available.

Attaching drywall to the wall using a frameless method is easy to do yourself. It is easier and faster to do such work together. Before you begin installation, you should take care of purchasing materials and tools.

To carry out the work you need to buy:

  • plasterboard sheets for walls 12.5 millimeters thick;
  • gypsum powder mixture or glue;
  • dilution container;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • rule;


  • roulette;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • pencil;
  • hacksaw;
  • rail;

Step by step guide

If necessary, you need to pre-plaster separate sections of the surface or the entire wall.

After preparatory work, let's start installation.

Glue method:

  1. The glue is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, which are located on the packaging. As a rule, to dilute a mixture of 30 kilograms, about 20 liters of ordinary water are required. The composition is measured on a scale, then the required amount of liquid is added and mixed well. The consistency should be homogeneous, thick like sour cream.
  2. The finished solution is distributed over the entire sheet of drywall as follows: first, marks are made in 4-5 columns, then up to 6 adhesive columns are created in a row along the entire sheet. How firmly the sheet will stick to the wall depends on the amount of glue applied.
  3. Press the greased sheet tightly against the wall and level it. It is necessary to press down the sheet as hard as possible. For this purpose, a rail or wooden stand is used. After which the sheet must be left to dry.

It is necessary to leave small gaps at the bottom and top using gypsum putty:

  1. The putty is spread. The instructions should be on the package with the dry mixture.
  2. The drywall sheet is lubricated with the compound around the perimeter and in the middle. Further actions are the same as for glue method wall cladding.

This is how all gypsum boards are attached to the wall.

Because the glue mixture tends to harden quickly, it must be used promptly. It is advisable that the container be used within a maximum of half an hour. In this regard, it is recommended not to completely fill the entire composition, making fresh glue for each new sheet.

The final stage includes the following types works:

  1. Places of joints and possible damage are smeared with glue or sealed with special tape (mounting tape), which is used for drywall.
  2. Aligning corners. To do this, you can use perforated corners made of plastic or metal. Alignment is carried out after all the sheets are glued.

The corners are secured with mounting adhesive. The resulting protrusion, no larger than 1 millimeter in size, can be easily removed with a putty solution.

Advice! It is imperative to seal joints and corners when surface painting is used as a finishing touch.

Cost of work

Installation of drywall without frame for 1 square meter costs from 500 rubles. Exact prices can be found in construction company When applying, they are calculated taking into account all the nuances, in accordance with the project.

Installation may include the following work: lining of pipes and communications, installation of heat and sound insulation, putty, priming the surface for painting on gypsum board.

  1. To increase the service life of drywall, after gluing it to the wall surface, it would be useful to secure the sheets with dowel nails. To do this, holes are created in the drywall along the perimeter, 40 centimeters in increments, and dowels are inserted into which nails should be driven. The head of the nail should enter the surface of the sheet.
  2. Surface primer is required. It allows you not only to increase the adhesion of the material to the wall, but also to fill in irregularities that may not be noticeable at first glance.
  3. After the glue has dried, seams and gaps near the ceiling must also be primed. The bottom gap can simply be removed under the baseboard. If desired, you can also install a ceiling plinth on top.
  4. If using moisture-resistant cardboard, it is necessary to ensure that the material is fixed exactly front side outward, since they have some structural features that help prevent the sheet from getting wet and the appearance of fungus and mold.