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» Installation of roof thermal insulation. How to install insulation on a roof. Thermal insulation for flat roofs: insulation with roll and mastic materials

Installation of roof thermal insulation. How to install insulation on a roof. Thermal insulation for flat roofs: insulation with roll and mastic materials

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Roof insulation from the inside - best option carrying out work for several reasons.

Roof insulation is done only for residential attic spaces; due to this, the heat losses and the comfort of living increases. Today, companies produce a wide range of materials for insulation, all of them have both positive and negative sides. When choosing a specific insulation, it is important to know its features and take into account the characteristics rafter system building.

There are many names of materials for insulation, but they are all divided into two large groups.

Table. Roof insulation groups.

Name of insulationOperational and physical characteristics

This group includes mineral wool from basalt, glass wool from recycled glass and ecowool from recycled paper. Cotton wool insulation can be pressed in the form of mats of standard sizes or rolled. There are options for spraying liquid ecowool. In terms of thermal conductivity and weight, the listed types are almost the same from each other. Mineral wool is the most expensive.

Polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, etc. All these insulation materials are made on the basis of the same polymer and differ in production technology and some additives. Most often they take the form of slabs of various thicknesses and sizes; they can differ significantly in terms of physical strength. Thermal conductivity is almost the same; minor fluctuations in practice have no effect. The price range is wide. Can be used in liquid form (sprayed) or as slabs.

As an example, we will look at the two most common options for insulating a roof from the inside. The examples are not only budget-friendly, but also effective. The process is divided into several stages, from correct execution Each of them depends on the final quality of work.

Prices for foam plastic


Inspection of the rafter system and roof covering

Very important stage preparation for insulation. Review all elements roofing system, check the condition of the roof covering. If problems are discovered, they must be corrected immediately.

Measure the distance between rafter legs, this will help you navigate the choice of insulation. The fact is that all insulation has standard sizes in width. This makes it easier and faster installation work and waste is reduced. The width of the insulation is 60 cm, but, unfortunately, some manufacturers allow fluctuations in one direction or another by several centimeters. The distance between the rafter legs should be within 56–57 cm. In practice, it is rare to find such correct roofs.

See if a wind barrier is installed between the roof and the attic, and if it has vents for natural ventilation. This is very important in cases where insulation is planned to be done with mineral wool.

Prices for vapor barrier materials

Vapor barrier material

Selection and purchase of materials

The most commonly used materials for roof insulation are mineral wool and polystyrene foam; we will dwell on them in detail. If you have a simple gable roof, then its insulation is not very difficult technologically. The situation is completely different with a broken line or hipped roof. These structures have many different stops, purlins, ties and other elements that strengthen the rafter system. During insulation, you have to cut the mineral wool or foam plastic, make various folds and bends. As a result, the complexity of the work increases and the amount of waste increases.

But this is not all the problems. Complex roofs will never be able to be hermetically sealed with a vapor barrier layer; there will always be places through which moist air gets into the insulation. For mineral wool this is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Experienced builders They recommend insulating complex roofs with polystyrene foam rather than taking risks with mineral wool. Wet cotton wool not only almost completely loses its heat-saving abilities, but also accelerates putrefactive processes wooden structures rafter system.

Roof insulation work

The technology of work largely depends on the chosen material, but for all cases there are general tips.

If you have the opportunity to work with an assistant, great, the insulation process will go much faster. There is no such possibility - no problem, all the work can be done independently.

The quality of construction work should always be maximum, and the roof is the foundation of any home. Anyone who has built a house or cottage will understand the importance of every little detail, so it is extremely necessary to take into account all the features of the materials. Choosing the type of roof is only a small part of the whole process. Of course, aesthetics should always be taken into account, but everyone chooses the number of roof slopes for themselves. These can be either the simplest gable or more complex designs, in which many bends occur. But it would be worth having a separate conversation about the quality and types of materials, about proper installation.

The insulation should be slightly more gaps between the rafters so that it stays tight enough.

Despite the fact that most people prepare thoroughly for laying insulation, many experience the same mistakes at the installation stage. Moreover, minor oversights that are not visible during construction can significantly damage your home. Problems will begin: water leakage, condensation formation, and hence the destruction of the insulation and loss of its properties. It is impossible to check the quality of installation immediately after it is completed; the roof must be tested by rain, snow, extreme heat and cold.

Laying the waterproofing layer

The largest number of errors occurs due to the fault of builders. I would like to install the roof quickly, so that after that I can safely begin finishing the interior decoration of the rooms. This is quite reasonable, since with a roof over your head you will feel protected from various weather conditions(snow, rain). If you start interior decoration without a roof over your head, you can get caught in heavy rain and the same plaster will simply begin to crumble, and huge puddles of water and dirt will appear on the floor.

First of all, do not forget about waterproofing under the roofing material. Functions of waterproofing material:

  • leakage protection;
  • preventing the formation of condensation.

Thus, a film or roofing felt placed under the roofing material protects against moisture wooden rafters, prevent their rapid destruction and rotting. Of course, there is also home protection going on. After all, when leaking, water may accumulate and destroy the ceiling in the room. It is not always advisable to use waterproofing. If installation roofing material done correctly and attic space If it is perfectly ventilated, there will be no leaks or condensation. In other words, you can do without laying waterproofing material. But if you decide to install such a coating, then you should pay attention to the following nuances for quality work:

  • take into account the strength indicator;
  • take into account the vapor permeability of the material.

Don’t try to save money, choose high-quality materials for installation. Typically, the manufacturer indicates these indicators on the packaging of the material. But this does not always happen, so you will have to work a little yourself to carry out some rough calculations. The calculation comes down to comparing two numbers showing the vapor permeability resistance of vapor barrier and waterproofing. The latter should have a lower value. This will eliminate the formation of condensation and its accumulation on the waterproofing material.

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Installation of thermal insulation and waterproofing

The formation of condensation is also inevitable if the film is installed poorly. If you install it with slack, you will soon begin to suffer from excess moisture on the roof. It is also worth taking care of the gaps. Two centimeters between the thermal insulation and waterproofing for the roof is quite enough, and this is approximately equal to the thickness of the beams used to make the counter-lattice. If you use waterproofing material with very low resistance to vapor permeation, it is permissible to install the insulation close to the waterproofing.

But you can install thermal insulation from the inside.

This may seem simpler, but there is a high probability that the gap between the insulation and the waterproofing will not be maintained correctly.

Most often, the insulation is pressed tightly against the film, since the installation method does not allow doing otherwise. Thermal insulation is cut into pieces so that the pieces are installed with little effort in the spaces between the rafters. The consequence of this is an excessively large fit of the thermal insulation material, causing the gap to be significantly reduced. But you can also use rigid insulation, but they only have one big drawback - during installation the probability of its destruction is very high.

Don’t forget about cold bridges; installation of thermal insulation is not always ideal. These are nothing more than gaps between sections of insulation material or between thermal insulation and certain roof elements. If you use soft insulation, then the likelihood of such areas appearing is low. But when using hard materials, the chance of the appearance of cold bridges increases significantly. Therefore, it is much more effective to use elastic and elastic insulation, since only they are able to fill all the small cracks.

An insulated roof is reliable protection buildings and preventing heat loss, saving energy costs for insulation. Therefore, the arrangement of the roof is a priority task when constructing a residential building. In this case, they can be used for thermal insulation different materials, differing in characteristics, installation method and efficiency. Knowing these features will allow you to choose perfect coverage for arranging a specific roof of a building.

Types of roof insulation

There are several options for insulating the roof of a private house. Choice the desired type carried out depending on what function the attic space performs, and this could be a living space, a storage room or simply an insulated attic. In any case, thermal insulation eliminates the penetration of cold through the roof area and ensures comfort in the house.

The roofing pie of an insulated residential building consists of several layers

Organization of insulation is necessary in case of arrangement attic room in the attic. If it is used for economic purposes or is not functional, then you can do without insulation, but it is worthwhile to equip the ceiling of the room or the floor of the attic.

The arrangement of the roof in order to prevent heat loss in the house can be internal or external. The first option is optimal for any type of roof and involves installing heat-insulating material from inside the room under the roof. The features of this type are expressed as follows:

  • structure roofing pie is created from a rafter system, installation of waterproofing and sheathing, and external roof covering. Then a heat insulator and a vapor barrier membrane are installed from the inside, and then follows finishing premises;
  • a gap of about 3–5 cm is left between the vapor barrier and the insulation, which is necessary to remove moisture. This will help protect the construction materials from rotting;
  • All popular heat insulators can be installed from inside the room, calculating the layer thickness and taking into account the work technology.

With internal roof insulation, it is possible different ways thermal insulation

In the second case, the material is laid outside, which is often convenient for pitched roofs with a rafter system. This external insulation requires careful calculation of the weight of the heat insulator, since there is a load on load-bearing elements roofs The option is optimal for flat roofs, and during installation they use rigid slabs, on top of which pebbles or concrete slabs are laid.

If external arrangement of a pitched roof is required, then such work is carried out outside the building. Pre-delete roof covering, bearing the sheathing and waterproofing film. After this, a base is installed from boards 20 mm thick on the inside of the rafters, on which the insulation will be laid on the outside.

Video: external roof insulation using Polinor

Thermal insulation materials and their characteristics

To arrange the roof, you can use different materials, which are presented in a wide range and differ in characteristics, appearance, cost and installation method. It is these factors that are taken into account when choosing a particular component, and it is also important that the characteristics of the insulation must correspond to the climatic characteristics of the region, the type of roof and the method of arrangement. More perfect material must have high sound insulation, long service life and resistance to moisture and fire, and light weight.

The roof can be equipped with different materials, but the insulation must have high characteristics

Among the wide variety of materials, the following structures are in demand and practical:

  • mineral wool - well-known, affordable and practical option heat insulator, characterized by a service life of up to 25–30 years, minimal water absorption, low weight, good sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. The fibrous structure and high rigidity make cotton wool optimal for insulation. Manufacturers such as Rockwool, IZOVOL, Knauf, Paroc present many material options in rolls and slabs, for example, with reflective film, which provides a high heat-retaining effect;

    The Paroc brand produces practical and quality options mineral wool

  • structures based on polystyrene are in demand and diverse. These are expanded polystyrene, penoizol, extruded polystyrene foam. They are very light, presented in the form of slabs, have good sound insulation and low thermal conductivity. Insulation of this type is characterized by high flammability and destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The companies "Penoplex", "Extrol" and "Novoplex" produce different variants structures based on polystyrene affordable price;

    Penoplex is practical and easy to install on different surfaces

  • Heat insulators made of cellulose fibers are loose and light fibrous structures. They do not rot and are not exposed to moisture, have antiseptic properties and provide good protection from the noise outside. Fire retardants make the material resistant to fire. Manufacturers Izotek, Ekovata-Center and others produce modern cellulose materials at an affordable price.

    Cellulose materials are laid on horizontal surfaces, providing protection against heat loss

All of the listed structures are in demand not only for arranging the roof, but also the basement, floor, utility rooms, walls. In each case, installation is carried out using a certain technology, but all heat insulators are easy to install and provide protection against heat loss.

Video: thermal insulation of the roof from the outside with mineral wool

How to prepare a roof for insulation

Before installing the insulation directly, you should prepare the roof. This is necessary both when arranging a room for the attic, and for simple thermal insulation of the attic floor.

Basic rules of preparation:

  • All wooden elements The pitched roof or concrete surface is cleaned of traces of mold and rot. You can remove such dirt from wood sandpaper, and from concrete - with a spatula;
  • After cleaning, dry the surface and apply antiseptic, intended for a specific material, for example, wood;
  • After cleaning, wooden and metal parts of the roof are coated with anti-corrosion or bitumen paint. Regular oil is also suitable, because these structural elements need protection from moisture and fungus;
  • during preparation, check the reliability of fastening of all structural elements of rafters, partitions and other parts of the pitched roof. In the case of a concrete roof, all cracks, chips and leaks are eliminated.

The surface to be insulated must be clean, dry and undamaged

To treat surfaces, brushes, spatula, and roller are used. Dust is best removed with a vacuum cleaner and dried concrete surfaces Can construction hairdryer. This will remove all dirt and prevent rotting of the structure.

Choosing a roof insulation method

Existing roofing materials are installed using different methods and therefore you need to select them first. The methods differ not only in technology, but also in the area on which the work will be carried out.

To eliminate heat loss through the roof, the following arrangement options are suitable:

  • fixing the material between the rafters. This method involves placing insulation between the rafters. Slabs or rolls are optimal for this purpose, but it is worth considering that the rafters should be approximately 4–5 cm larger than the thickness of the heat insulation layer. This can be achieved by adding supports, that is, attaching additional boards. Mounted on top of the rafters vapor barrier film, and then begin finishing the room;

    Insulation between rafters is convenient and does not require special skills

  • laying the material along the rafters is carried out in the case when the required thickness of the insulation is greater than the width of the rafters. This method is also applicable if the roof covering is already laid. To carry out the work, a sheathing made of metal profile or wooden planks, and then fix the heat insulator;

    Sprayed polyurethane foam refers to insulation along rafters

  • For a cold pitched roof, insulation of the attic floor is optimal. In this case, logs are installed, in the space between which heat insulation slabs are laid, and granular components, for example, expanded clay or cellulose material, are poured. The attic floor is laid on top of this structure.

    Floor insulation is suitable when there is no need for thermal insulation of roof slopes

All methods differ in the cost of work carried out by professional craftsmen. The most affordable way to insulate the attic floor is because in this case you only need to equip the horizontal surface and not work with slopes, corners and other difficult areas.

Stages of installation of thermal insulation

The arrangement of the roof from the inside is in demand. For this purpose, mineral wool in slabs or rolls is convenient, but you can use penoplex, polystyrene foam, since their installation technology is similar to laying mineral wool.

You first need to calculate the amount of material. To do this, calculate the area of ​​the roof slopes from the inside, then determine the area that can be covered by one roll of mineral wool or a package of slabs. The average thickness of the thermal insulation layer should be at least 15–20 cm, which is optimal for roofing made of corrugated sheets, metal tiles, and soft roofing.

The minimum thickness of the thermal insulation layer is 15 cm

The arrangement of the roof is carried out using tools such as a tape measure, nails and a hammer, strong thread, a sharp knife, wooden blocks(if extension of rafters is required). Mineral wool slabs or rolls should first be cut into pieces of a width equal to the distance between the rafters.

Basic actions when arranging the roof:

  1. The prepared pieces of material are placed tightly in the space between the rafters. No glue or other materials are used for this. fasteners. If the material has a reflective coating, then it should be located indoors. The material should not be compressed too much, since its low thermal conductivity is ensured by its fibrous and airy structure.

    For easier mounting, you can install profile elements and lay between them

  2. After laying the slabs in one row, nails/screws are attached to the outer rafters or profiles, and a strong thread made of synthetic fibers is pulled over them in a zigzag manner. Thus, the slabs will be securely fixed between the rafters.

    You can use wire to secure the mineral wool.

  3. When laying each next row, make sure that the joints of the slabs of the previous rows are not located next to each other. There should be no gaps between the wool slabs and the rafters. After all areas have been arranged, a vapor barrier film is attached to the rafters, but without stretching it too much, and then the room is finished.

    To finish the attic, you can use lining, but it must be treated with an antiseptic

Vapor barrier is an essential component of the roofing pie, because such a film protects the insulation from moist air from the premises. Without this, thermal insulation will not be durable and effective even when using the best material.

Video: features of installation of the material “Izover”

To arrange the roof and prevent heat loss, you can use different materials, but you always need to take into account their characteristics. Insulation technology also requires attention, because correct manipulations will ensure a good result.

The roof of a residential building always has a very important responsibility - it must protect residents from precipitation, cold and wind. In order for the roof to perform this function, it must be insulated with high quality, using the most suitable specific situation thermal insulation materials. This article will discuss the design of roof thermal insulation.

Purpose and need for roof insulation

The roof is the weakest area of ​​the building through which greatest number thermal energy. It's all about the direction of heat flows, which always rush upward. This leads to an increase in heat loss through the roofing structure up to 30% of the total.

If the roof is not insulated, or if the thermal insulation material is installed incorrectly, then condensation will certainly appear under the roof. The presence of moisture in the under-roof space, in addition to negative impact on the rafter frame, also leads to disruption of the microclimate in the building. Due to these factors, the roof will warm up in winter time, and the gradually melting snow forms a layer of ice that destroys the roofing.

An obvious conclusion can be drawn: the performance and integrity of the roof is affected by humidity levels and temperature changes. So that the structure can function normally regardless of these factors, hydro- and thermal insulation is used, which are equipped using appropriate materials. In particular, the insulation must have a low degree of water permeability and some vapor permeability, allowing the roof to ventilate itself.

Private houses have been equipped using technology for a long time cold roof, which provides for insulation of the attic floor, while itself roof structure remained without thermal insulation. This made a certain sense - to insulate the rafter frame, much more materials are required than in the case of floor insulation.

Today there is an unpleasant trend associated with the constant increase in energy costs. To increase heating efficiency and reduce the amount of heat loss, a fairly modern thermal insulation technique is used, which involves installing insulation in the rafter system. This design, in addition to economic benefits, allows you to equip an attic, thereby increasing the living space in the building.

Thermal insulation materials for roofing

There is a direct relationship between the thermal insulation material and the quality of roof insulation. Insulation materials have a lot of different performance characteristics, so choose suitable option you need to be very careful.

Materials suitable for thermal insulation of the roof should be selected depending on the following parameters:

  • Compliance of material characteristics with construction and environmental standards;
  • Purpose of the material - it is strongly recommended to choose materials designed specifically for roofing;
  • Ease of installation - the easier it is to install the insulation, the faster the roof construction will be completed;
  • Durability of the material;
  • Level of water permeability - good thermal insulation materials do not absorb moisture, which reduces their effectiveness;
  • Vapor barrier level - an excellent choice would be insulation materials that have a layer of foil on one side.

In addition to the criteria that influence the choice of material, it is also worth considering the insulation’s own characteristics. One of the fundamental parameters is the degree of thermal conductivity of the material, which directly affects the level of heat loss of the building. This parameter must be considered in close connection with the thickness of the thermal insulation layer - not every material can fit into the space between the rafters.

Another important parameter is average density, depending on which dense, medium, light and very light thermal insulation materials are distinguished. High density does not guarantee low thermal conductivity, but it is what gives the material the ability to withstand significant loads.

Most often used for roof insulation the following types thermal insulation materials:

  1. Glass wool and fiberglass. This material is characterized primarily by its low weight and good level soundproofing. Having acceptable thermal insulation characteristics, fiberglass-based materials have a fairly low cost.
  2. Mineral and basalt wool . This material, produced in roll and slab formats, is based on fibers rocks. Mineral wool is often laid in several layers to achieve the highest possible degree of thermal insulation. The materials in question practically do not absorb moisture, provide good sound insulation, do not burn and are environmentally safe.
  3. Expanded polystyrene and foam plastic. These materials are lightweight, easy to install, resistant to moisture and have very good thermal insulation characteristics. The difference between these materials is that polystyrene foam does not allow air to pass through, while polystyrene foam does. The disadvantage of expanded polystyrene and polystyrene is its flammability, which can be eliminated using special impregnations or a protective fire-resistant layer.
  4. Penofol. Penofol is polyethylene foam with a thin aluminum coating. Having a low degree of thermal conductivity and moisture absorption, this material It is distinguished by its small thickness, which allows it to be placed practically without encroaching on free space.

Before choosing the most suitable material, it is worth comparing roof insulation materials and choosing the best option suitable for specific conditions.

Preparation for installation of insulation

In order for the roof insulation to be as high-quality and simple as possible, it is necessary to prepare before work. The first step is to check the rafter system for various damages, such as rot, mold or excess dampness.

If there is damage to the rafters, then you need to get rid of them using a suitable algorithm:

  • If small defects are found, it will be enough to treat the rafters with sandpaper, soak them with an antiseptic and cover them with a layer of paint that provides protection from further damage;
  • If the elements of the rafter system are seriously damaged, it would be much more advisable to replace them.

Another point that should be taken care of is checking the laid electrical lines. If there are problems, you need to act in the same way as when processing rafters: damaged elements are brought back into working order or replaced.

Methods for installing thermal insulation materials

Roof thermal insulation materials can be laid in bulk in various ways, which depend on many parameters.

Direct installation of insulation is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Roll. IN in this case fits roll material with a protruding backing at the edges. Most often, polymer insulation coated with foil is used for this method.
  2. Printed. To implement this method, pre-tension metal grid with cells measuring 15x15 mm. The mesh is fixed with pins and then covered with insulation.
  3. Backfill. This method is usually used if the distance between different rafters changes. The thermal insulation material in this case is vermiculite, foam glass or perlite sand. It is advisable to use the backfill method on roofs of non-standard configuration, but only if they are not ventilated - the insulation can simply blow out due to the wind.
  4. Sheet. As the name of the method suggests, the insulating material in this case is products in the form of sheets or slabs. Thermal insulation is laid directly into the rafter frame. To Work with sheet materials much simpler due to their shape and low weight.
  5. Blown. To make blown-in insulation, you will need fibrous polymers and flexible piping that can provide the required pressure. This method is irrelevant in case of insulation of roofs of complex configuration.
  6. Sprayable. To implement this method of insulation, a polyurethane foam composition is used. It is applied to any internal area of ​​the roof, completely filling all free space. The material does not require fastening due to the absence of seams, is very durable and well protected from biological damage.

External and internal insulation

Depending on which side the thermal insulation materials for the roof are laid on, there are two types of insulation - internal and external. The most popular thing is internal insulation roof, which includes a layer of steam, hydro and thermal insulation. Placed above thermal insulation finishing coat, which also participates in the formation of the roofing pie and affects the energy efficiency of the roof.

External insulation, as its name implies, is installed on the outside of the roof. For this type of insulation, rigid thermal insulation boards are used, which must be covered on top concrete slabs or similar heavy materials. To equip external thermal insulation, you need to carefully calculate the strength indicators of the roof - it should be able to withstand the increased load without any problems.

Insulation of flat and pitched roofs

In addition to the points described above, insulation technology may also change depending on individual characteristics roofs. Insulate pitched roof, which is already in operation, can only be rafter frame, but if the building is just under construction, then it is best to lay thermal insulation according to outer surface slopes, using the sheathing as a support.

As a rule, insulation materials of low density and weight are used for pitched roofs in order to balance the load on the structure and thermal insulation properties. Considering that such materials are laid on inside roofs, their characteristics should only be sufficient to withstand weathering and temperature changes.

If we're talking about about pitched roofs, then two-layer insulation is best suited, in which the bottom layer provides protection from the cold, and the top allows you to evenly distribute all present loads. For insulation in this case, dense and rigid insulation materials that can withstand mechanical loads are used.

Thermal insulation device

The insulation system on the roof includes several layers. In addition to thermal insulation material, insulation includes external and internal vapor barrier. The first step is to lay an internal vapor barrier layer made of moisture-proof material, which will protect the insulation from moisture coming from the building. The vapor barrier must be laid with an overlap and all cracks must be closed so that the structure is airtight.

The insulation is laid directly on top of the vapor barrier. Thermal insulation material you need to cut it very precisely so that it does not wrinkle during installation. Installed on top of the thermal insulation layer membrane vapor barrier from one side throughput which will prevent moisture from entering inner space roofing pie and ensure its drainage to the outside.

The last point that you need to pay attention to is that when installing an insulating layer, you need to minimize the number of cold bridges. To achieve this result, it is necessary to ensure that there are no air layers in the thermal insulation during the installation process.


Thermal insulation of the roof allows you to create a comfortable microclimate in the house and reduce heating costs. In order for thermal insulation to perform its intended functions, it is necessary to select good materials and competently carry out each stage of insulation installation.