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» What diets do Korean girls go on? Korean diet: several secrets for the fastest and most effective weight loss. Korean diet regulations

What diets do Korean girls go on? Korean diet: several secrets for the fastest and most effective weight loss. Korean diet regulations

The Korean diet offers for short term get rid of extra pounds without grueling workouts. Slender Korean women are an example of the positive effect on the body of the menu they adopted, which will allow those who are overly fond of goodies to return their weight to normal.

What do Koreans eat?

Koreans eat spicy food. Research into Korean cuisine has shown that over the past 5 years, residents of this country have begun to consume more spices. If we talk about what Koreans eat every day, then this is:

  • rice in huge quantities;
  • various types of nori seaweed;
  • there are a lot of foods that can be prepared quickly (various soups, noodles, etc.).
  • surimi and various seafood;
  • kimchi - a spicy snack, a regular at Korean feasts;
  • soy sauce (judging by the fact that there are many two-liter packages on the shelves, it is consumed in large quantities);

Popular Korean diets

The Korean diet for weight loss involves avoiding sweets, salty foods, yoghurts and alcoholic beverages. Drink up to two liters of fluid daily. Most popular diet:

  1. Morning: a glass of water with lemon or ginger.
  2. After half an hour: eggs, greens and pickled broccoli.
  3. Day: vegetable salad with butter, steamed fish, a portion of brown rice.
  4. Evening: vegetable smoothie, shrimp or chicken.

Korean diets for losing weight in legs

The Korean diet for losing weight in legs is not limited to just one option. We offer two of the most popular and effective diets that will help not only gain slimness in your legs, but also in your entire body. The banana diet is more strict than Yoon Eun Hyo's version, so you can choose suitable option, based on personal preference.

Banana diet, burns up to 6 kilograms per month:

  • breakfast: two bananas, 400 grams of water;
  • dinner: boiled meat with vegetables;
  • dinner: brown rice with vegetables.

Diet from Yoon Eun Hyo:

  • breakfast: 170 g boiled rice, bean soup; kimchi;
  • day: 170 g boiled rice, crab soup, boiled beans, kimchi;
  • evening: 170 g of boiled rice with stewed mushrooms, kimchi.

All dishes are low-calorie, the basis of the diet of Korean girls is fish and seafood, they get fiber from vegetables and brown rice. Complete refusal of salty, sweet and alcoholic drinks, drink a lot of fluids. Every dietary menu includes kimchi: pickled cabbage leaves or radishes with red pepper, this dish stops aging and allows you to lose weight.

Korean diet for weight loss “13 days”

The most famous today is the Korean diet for weight loss “13 days”; this course helps to improve the functioning of the body. After a week, the menu varies, on the 8th day - food according to the diet of the 6th day, on the 9th - on the 5th day, on the 10th - on the 4th day, on the 11th - on the 3rd day, on the 12th - on the 2nd day. mu. First week menu:

  1. Morning – black coffee.
  2. Day – 3 eggs, boiled cabbage with butter.
  3. Evening – tomato juice.
  1. Morning – coffee and crackers.
  2. Day – fish products, vegetables.
  3. Evening – kefir and boiled meat.
  1. Morning - coffee.
  2. Day – fried pieces of zucchini.
  3. Evening – cabbage salad, eggs, boiled meat.
  1. Morning - a cup of coffee.
  2. Day – raw chicken egg, boiled carrots with vegetable oil.
  3. Evening – fruits.
  1. Morning – raw carrot salad with lemon juice.
  2. Day – fish products, a glass of unsalted tomato juice.
  3. Evening – fruits.
  1. Morning - a cup of coffee.
  2. Day – boiled chicken, cabbage or carrot salad.
  3. Evening – eggs, carrot salad with butter.
  1. Morning – a cup of tea without sugar.
  2. Day - fruits, a little boiled meat.
  3. Evening – dinner from the list of other days, at your discretion.

What magic do Asian women possess that allows them to remain so petite? Surely, you asked yourself this question when your next “weight loss plan” failed. Maybe it's all about banal genetics...? Stop guessing. We will reveal the 5 main secrets of Korean women's slimness, which you can take note of. This is yet another proof that everything ingenious is simple!

Minimum sweets

If you have a sweet tooth, you would hardly be able to live in Korea. After all, there is practically no chocolate here! And the one that can be found on the shelves is very different in taste from the domestic one. Instead, Korean women often order sweet fruits or fruit jelly(it has low calorie content!). So, if you are determined to lose weight, minimize your sugar intake. Fruits are much healthier for the body.


Asian women often detoxify their bodies. A couple of times a month, for sure. After all, it removes all toxins and waste that contribute to the growth of fatty deposits. Girls completely change their diet, including chopped fruits and vegetables. For example, in the form of smoothies or freshly squeezed juices. It is best to use green foods for a detox menu: cucumbers, kiwi, cabbage, avocado, lettuce - whatever you like best. After cleansing, the appearance of the skin, mood, and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improve, and the body better tolerates stress.


If you think that Korean women are thin only because of their genetics, then you are deeply mistaken. They are big workaholics: Asian women work a lot, and after work they “work” again, only this time in the gym! Many of them use the services of nutritionists and fitness trainers, as well as mobile applications to control your weight. Yoga classes at home are very popular among Korean women. On weekends, they also do not sit still: they go on bike rides with their girlfriends and do not miss any opportunity to dance.

You can also turn on the video on YouTube and follow the advice of the online instructor. All you need is a mat and the desire to be slim!


The diet of Korean women contains a lot of foods containing fiber. And even if you ate a big and tasty steak for lunch, add vegetables to it - they will help the body digest heavy food faster.

What do you eat very rarely? These are dairy products and bread. Milk in Korea is made from rice and bananas (0% fat). And the bread we are used to is difficult to find.

Only water

Have you already made it a rule to drink a lot of water? Good girl, Korean women do this too. Only if in Russia dining table In addition to water, there are always carafes of soda, compotes and other drinks, while in Korea there is only water. Girls avoid sweet and carbonated drinks, and if they decide to drink a cup of coffee, they prefer a cold Americano without sugar.

SPA care

Asian women take great care of their body, pampering it in every possible way with wraps, masks, massages and other delights of the SPA industry. Such procedures help break down fat cells, tone tissues and normalize lymph flow, preventing swelling.

If you want to speed up the process of losing those extra pounds, follow their example and check out

Do you want to catch the admiring glances of men? In just a few days you will become slimmer using a simple weight loss method!

Before delving into any specific system, let's consider what a diet is and what the main reasons are. excess weight. If we talk about diets in general, then this is.

the main problem, which needs to be fought - . In order to avoid this, you need to choose the “right” technique, in which you do not need to count the minutes until your next meal and constantly think about food. A good example This type of diet is the Korean diet. Currently, there are a huge number of diets that help fight excess weight.

The main reasons for excess weight are simple and banal - laziness and abuse of unhealthy and fatty foods. Of course, we should not forget that some people have serious problems related to hormonal levels, but there are not as many of them as it seems.

The essence of the technique

The technique was developed by Korean nutritionists. The basis of the diet is the refusal of sugar and any sweeteners, alcohol (in particular, canned beer), confectionery, salt and flour. The Korean diet for weight loss lasts 13-14 days and as a result, a weight loss of 5 kilograms and digestive processes are observed. The legs and hips “lose weight” noticeably, since these are the most problematic areas for most women.

Nutritionists argue that such a system is quite difficult to follow, since the caloric content of the diet is strictly limited. In contrast to this statement, it should be noted that the menu is very varied and balanced. Next, let's look at several diet options for Korean girls.

Menu options

The Korean method provides two menu options. One is designed for 14 days, the other lasts for 2-3 months and is more gentle.


This weight loss option is designed for 2-3 months:

  • breakfast: ginger chips and water with lemon juice added.
  • snack (before lunch): 2 boiled eggs, greens and broccoli (pickled).
  • lunch: white, vegetable salad, dressed with oil and lemon juice, small portion brown rice or specially processed wheat (bulgur).
  • dinner: 200 grams of boiled shrimp with hot sauce, pieces chicken fillet(about 150 grams) and smoothie (celery + cucumber + tomato + greens).

Important: Dairy products are prohibited for two weeks, but after this time, yogurt or goat's milk can be included in the diet.


The bottom line is the exclusion of all foods containing complex carbohydrates and three meals a day. Duration of weight loss 14 days:

  • breakfast: black coffee, crackers;
  • lunch: also allowed on a diet;
  • dinner: 200 grams of chicken fillet or boiled fish.

For slimming legs and thighs

This diet option will help make your body and legs slim. The method is strict, but allows you to lose up to 6 kg in 30 days. The menu for the entire weight loss period looks like this:

  • breakfast: 2 bananas, 400 grams of water;
  • afternoon: boiled lean meat with vegetables;
  • evening: rice (preferably brown) with vegetables.

In between, you can drink unlimited amounts of water.

by Yoon Eun Hyo

This is a gentle option for losing weight on your legs and thighs. Up to 3 kg of excess weight is lost per week. Be sure to consume 170 grams of boiled rice 3 times a day and supplement it with:

  • for breakfast: bean soup; kimchi;
  • for lunch: crab soup, boiled beans, kimchi;
  • for dinner: stewed mushrooms, kimchi.

Kimchi– these are spicy, red pepper, pickled cabbage or radish leaves. The dish speeds up metabolism, slows down aging and promotes rapid weight loss.

Can be used. Salty, sweet and alcohol are strictly prohibited. Unlimited water.


Young stars are called idols in Korea. They take great care of their appearance and weight. A time-tested and nutritionist-tested menu helps them stay slim. Below are the 2 most popular diets.

Menu from singer Kahi:

  • breakfast: banana, natural yogurt, coffee;
  • lunch: seaweed soup, rice and fish;
  • dinner: 1/2 pcs. sweet pepper, half a boiled egg white, celery or greens.

Idol Diet "Cup": Drink 2/3 cup 3 times a day – boiled rice, 1/3 cup vegetables. Salt and sugar are prohibited.

You are allowed to drink water and green tea.


There are a number of contraindications for which it is prohibited:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines and kidneys.
  3. Anorexia or bulimia.
  4. Hormonal imbalance.
  5. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  6. Diabetes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each system has a number of advantages and disadvantages; reviews of the Korean diet claim that it is no exception. Please review the information below carefully to make your final decision regarding this diet.


  • improvement of digestive processes in the body;
  • balanced diet;
  • slow weight gain: after such a diet, the weight does not return for a long time;
  • Korean diets are effective for losing weight in your legs.


  • complete refusal of salt and sugar - in the first days, food may seem completely tasteless;
  • not everyone manages to follow the diet to the end; many fail in the first days;
  • It is difficult for those who chose the second menu option to wait until lunch, since breakfast is very meager.

Rules for losing weight

To make the result more clear, follow these rules:

  1. During each meal, drink about 0.2 liters of water.
  2. Enjoy every meal and every bite you eat.
  3. You can eat any low-fat sea fish.
  4. Try to drink 1 liter of still water per day.
  5. If you suffer from heart or vascular problems, eat red rice.
  6. Adding exercise to your daily routine will be a plus.
  7. Don't overeat.
  8. It is forbidden to eat food before bedtime.
  9. It is better to have dinner before 7 pm.


Compliance with all the rules during a diet is only half the battle. It is necessary to be able to exit the diet correctly without harm to the body and without gaining lost kilograms. Since this diet does not force you to starve and count down the minutes until your next meal, your body will not require any specific substances after 14 days. The menu is quite balanced, varied and effective, so Korean diets are used to lose weight in the legs and stomach.

However, you need to remember that you shouldn’t indulge in sweets and fried foods in the first days, as this can cause weight gain. In addition, do not forget about the drinking balance; it must be observed both during the diet and after.

Important: You can return to the diet of Korean actresses after 2-3 months and consult with a specialist before starting to avoid disastrous consequences for the body.

Don't be alarmed if you gain a couple of kilograms while quitting your diet. The reason for this will be the return of salt to your diet. You shouldn't be upset about this, since it's a common occurrence, you don't need to attach much importance to it.

Korean diet for weight loss, 13 days and you become more beautiful, happier with ease and make everyone happy. Korean girls have always been distinguished by their rather slender physique and natural slimness. However, is it really just a matter of genetic background and the absence of a predisposition to obesity? How do Korean girls lose weight, what exercises do they do?

First of all, you should understand that hereditary obesity is a myth that is successfully used by people who are trying to somehow justify their excess weight. In most cases, the cause of increased body weight is only banal overeating and excessive indulgence in unhealthy and high-calorie foods.

In this regard, of course, Korean women have a more advantageous situation than, say, American women. Traditional korean cuisine includes fairly low-calorie dishes. In addition, their diet contains a lot of spices, herbs and other components that have a good effect on the metabolic process.

In this regard, in Lately The diet of Korean stars has become especially popular among those losing weight. It provides a completely nutritious diet, but is not inferior in effectiveness to any strict diet. On the contrary, it significantly benefits from strict diet courses, since it does not harm your health and accustoms you to a properly balanced diet.

How do Korean stars lose weight?

This diet is designed for only 13 days, but during this time you can significantly lose weight and improve your body health. This course will help normalize metabolism and “rebuild” it to the desired mode of operation, in which weight gain will not occur, and all nutrients will be absorbed much better and faster.

According to the authors of the diet, the results obtained using this method of weight loss last for a long time. And the Korean diet 13 days, reviews of which blew up the entire Internet, cannot remain without your attention.

One of the most important rules of the diet is a ban on flour, salt, sugar, alcoholic beverages and confectionery. How do Korean actresses and, in general, all actors and celebrities lose weight? Of course, limiting or deleting for yourself those products whose KBJU clearly exceeds the norm. Because of this taboo, the Korean diet may seem quite difficult to follow for many, especially those with a potential sweet tooth.

1st day:

  • lunch - a few soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad, seasoned a small amount vegetable oil;
  • dinner - glass tomato juice without salt and spices.

Day 2:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk, one cracker;
  • lunch - boiled or fried fish, fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • dinner - a glass of low-fat kefir and 100 grams of boiled beef meat without fat.

3rd day:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk;
  • lunch - a large zucchini fried in vegetable oil;
  • dinner - fresh salad white cabbage, a few boiled eggs, some boiled beef.

4th day:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk;
  • lunch - a raw chicken egg, 3 boiled carrots with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • dinner - any fresh fruit.

Day 5:

  • breakfast - salad of raw carrots and lemon juice;
  • lunch - boiled or fried fish, a glass of tomato juice without salt;
  • dinner - any fresh fruit.

Day 6:

  • breakfast - a cup of strong black coffee without sugar and milk;
  • lunch - half a boiled chicken, fresh white cabbage and carrot salad;
  • dinner - several boiled chicken eggs and a raw carrot salad with a little vegetable oil.

Day 7:

  • breakfast - a cup of unsweetened tea;
  • lunch - any fresh fruit and some boiled beef;
  • dinner - any dinner from previous days to choose from (eggs, cabbage and beef are prohibited).

Day 8: 6th day menu.

Day 9: 5th day menu.

10th day: 4th day menu.

Day 11: 3rd day menu.

12th day: 2nd day menu.

Day 13: 1st day menu.

Most nutritionists and authors various systems Diets aimed at losing weight call the Korean diet one of the most difficult to follow. This is due to the fact that it operates on the principle of significantly limiting the caloric content of your diet.

Be that as it may, the Korean diet today remains very popular among many girls seeking to lose weight. Korean diets for losing weight on legs and thighs are very effective, since the main accumulations of subcutaneous fat are in these places in women. Often, such a widespread course is due precisely to the fact that it is quite strict. This does not cast doubt on the effectiveness of the diet of Korean girls. In addition, for many, miniature Korean women are the best proof of the effectiveness of this nutrition system. Korean diet, reviews of which cannot fail to inspire any girl who wants to see herself in good shape.

This type of diet can also be classified as a diet for teenagers. Respecting the teenager’s wishes and strong addiction to this or that product, so as not to traumatize his psyche and not cause him a feeling of limitations. Remembering to comply physical activity, maintain the body's drinking balance. First, create a menu for him for the week, and as a result of observations, schedule everything for the month. The main thing is to always remember that a child takes an example from his parents, and before blaming him, you need to think about where you yourself stumbled or gave up.

How to follow the Korean diet?

Today, on the Internet and in the relevant literature on dietetics, you can find a lot of different variations of the Korean diet. They differ from each other in the number of meals, recommended and prohibited foods, as well as the period of compliance, from 7 days to three months. However, almost all of them provide a fairly low-calorie diet, thanks to which each of them can bring its own good results.

In this article we will tell you about a fairly long-lasting Korean diet. It is observed for approximately three months. At the same time, you must initially prepare your body for such a course. Preparatory stage involves drinking several glasses of chilled boiled water immediately after waking up. This needs to be done only 2-3 times a week, taking regular breaks.

This procedure will help cleanse the body and remove harmful accumulations in the form of toxins from the intestines. This will also help improve the functions of the entire digestive tract in the future.

Throughout the entire course of the Korean diet, it is very important to carefully monitor compliance with the drinking regime, for fast weight loss- This is not unimportant. You should drink at least one and a half liters of purified or still mineral water per day.

Menu for the Korean diet for one week

1st day:

  • breakfast - 200 grams of fresh white cabbage and carrot salad;
  • lunch - 4-5 dessert spoons of steamed or boiled rice (about 150 grams), 200 grams of raw carrot salad, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil;
  • dinner - 200 grams of sea fish (steamed or boiled), a slice of whole grain bread, a couple of leaves of spinach and lettuce.

Day 2:

  • breakfast - several croutons of black bread, 200 grams of raw carrot salad (dress with a small amount of vegetable oil);
  • lunch - 200 grams of salad of fresh white cabbage, celery stalks, raw carrots, spinach and lettuce (dressed with a small amount of corn oil), a portion of stewed vegetables (it is better to use only seasonal ones), a slice of whole grain or rye bread, a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • dinner - 4 tbsp. l. boiled or steamed rice (about 100 grams), grapefruit or large tangerine.

3rd day:

  • breakfast - 200 grams of fruit salad from pears, bananas, apples and oranges, 200 grams of freshly squeezed plum or orange juice;
  • lunch - 200 grams of boiled asparagus, 200 grams of fresh white cabbage salad (season with a little lemon juice), a slice of rye bread;
  • dinner - a small portion of mushrooms fried in olive oil, several small potatoes (bake in the oven or on the grill).

4th day:

  • breakfast - several croutons of whole grain bread, grapefruit or banana, a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • lunch - 100 grams of boiled shrimp, 250 grams of boiled asparagus (add some basil leaves), a large green apple, a slice of bran bread;
  • dinner - several large potatoes (bake in the oven or on the grill), 200 grams of sea fish (cook in the oven or boil), some boiled seaweed, a slice of black bread.

Day 5:

  • breakfast - a small portion of rice porridge cooked in water, 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet (without skin);
  • lunch - vegetable salad of sea and white cabbage, 150 grams of boiled sea fish with a slice of lemon, a slice of bran bread;
  • dinner - 200 grams of white cabbage salad, lettuce, carrots and spinach (dress with a small amount of vegetable oil).

For days 6 and 7 of the diet, you can use any of the above menus.

Quitting the Korean Diet

One of the benefits of this variation of the Korean diet is that you won't have to restrict your diet too much. Your menu will be quite varied and will allow you to saturate your body with a variety of nutrients, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

In view of such a balanced (albeit low calorie diet) the diet does not provide any special recommendations regarding your future diet.

The body will not feel a significant deficiency of certain substances, so there is no need to rely on any product after the course to replenish the necessary reserves.

However, it is important to increase your daily caloric intake very gradually. At a minimum, you should deny yourself fried and sweet foods in the first days after the diet. As a rule, it is these foods that provoke weight gain. And after a low-calorie diet, this risk doubles, so be careful when consuming any food, even one that is not particularly high in calories.

Also continue to take care of the correct drinking balance. One and a half liters of water per day should remain your norm both during the diet and after it ends. This way you will help the body perform it internal functions and regularly cleanse yourself of harmful accumulations.

Recently, a Korean singer caught my attention. And I thought about the fact that Asian women are, on average, slimmer than European women. And what do they eat? I decided to find out. I Googled it. And I found a wonderful article that says that they eat a lot of tasty and even unhealthy things, and live happily ever after, and the secret to being slim is physical activity. In order not to lose the link, I copy part of the text here, it’s very interesting.

I'm going to see the nurse at our university. For the sake of decency, she puts me on special scales that determine what percentage of bones, muscle tissue and internal fat I still have left. Then she says that for Korea the latter, of course, is too much, but for Europe it will do.

And to the favorite Russian question: “What to do?” A nurse who has 3 children and is not entitled to sick leave gives the favorite Korean answer "Exercise!" Translated, this means: “Practice!”

At least 40 minutes of intense exercise in the morning and evening will give you a very high level cholesterol in the blood - our nurse adds.

Cheap and cheerful - I think, understanding that by training the Korean woman does not mean sumo, but running and hiking.

Korean women go hiking here at the stadium, doing 10 laps every evening. And mountain tourism is called hiking here. On Saturdays and Sundays, Korea's countless mountains are dotted with brightly dressed mountain tourists. Korean women, regardless of age, wear pink tracksuits. True, there are no other colors on sale. Only men wear gray and black. There are also many of them in the mountains, but they do not decorate the landscape as much. And trained Korean women lose 1-2 kg per climb. If we “work until 7 p.m.,” then on weekends they also go hiking until 10 p.m. And then they go straight from the mountains to the sauna. Korean grandmothers and grandchildren are also keen on mountain tourism. And how beautifully these grandmothers are equipped! And how much they eat in the mountains in their bright pink company! At the top they have hot soup from thermoses, rice from boxes, and watermelons and melons from backpacks. And they also treat passers-by, especially those who have reached their high position at the top.

One day, in the heat of the day, the Koreans invited us to go hiking. And then straight to a picnic lunch, ending in the moonlight with a picnic dinner with kebabs, boiled and fried pork, wine, salads, vegetables, fruits, and ice cream. And, it seems, cakes. The next day, when I got on the scale, I discovered that after eating this way I had lost 3 kg. True, I don’t know how much I lost before this meal while hiking. Mathematically it sounds like this:

Half a day of hiking + half a day of picnic-lunch-dinner = - 3 kg + good mood.

And without any hunger strike. Cholesterol is lost with bad mood. It is not for nothing that Koreans call mountain tourism the most democratic (i.e. cheap) and healthiest sport. They are probably right, because... V South Korea no sick leave.

It was this type of treatment that our old nurse advised me. She, of course, requested my blood test and advised me to urgently go to the hospital. But at the hospital, the surgeon prescribed me three days off before meals, that is, before a bowl of rice. And dumbbells before meals too. He said that meat and dumbbells are the best medicine after fractures. But then we all decided that tennis helps too. In addition, the tennis courts are free here.

So, if you have suffered from quantum and other mechanics since your youth and now don’t mind eating delicious food: “Exercise!” - as they like to say in Korea.

Well, in Japan they love sumo. But the photo with which my story began was taken in Singapore, where everyone especially loves to eat a lot, tasty and cheap. Singapore is also one of the ten countries that confidently leads in average life expectancy. By the way, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan in this top ten mornings occupy 4th, 5th and 6th places, respectively, 81.71 years, 81.59 years and 81.25 years. And in these countries they eat the foods richest in cholesterol. All the "eateries" of any Chinatown are covered with ducks. Well, crabs and shrimp have always been the main food of the poor part of the population of these countries. And nothing. They live. Probably because, with a high percentage of cholesterol in their favorite foods, the gross national product per capita in their countries is also the highest in the world. And the levels of corruption, crime, smoking, alcoholism and extortion are the lowest. The fights there are mainly on the movie screen with flights in the air. Or in the sumo arena with flights onto the sand or onto the spectators. Otherwise, how can they get their daily dose of stress? Or how to remove it? In Singapore, for example, the death penalty for drug trafficking is simply death. For smoking in in public places, i.e. almost everywhere, except for specially designated smoking areas lined with flowers, the fine is $1,000. For drinking alcohol outside cafes and restaurants - a fine of $500, etc. and so on. They live so well now until they are 80 years old, although they still look like we are 50. The East is a delicate matter. But cholesterol and “250, 250, 250” are not a hindrance in a good life.

As we say: " Good man, the more, the better." But this happens in that rare case when the level of intellect is equal to the breadth of the soul, and their product exceeds all other volumes.

And if not?


(Train, at least something.)

Singapore - South Korea