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» On which hand do women wear watches? Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Energy and hours in women

On which hand do women wear watches? Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Energy and hours in women

Due to the emergence mobile phones and modern gadgets, watches have lost their practical value, so they are often used as stylish accessory. Men's watches have become an integral attribute of a successful and busy man who values ​​his time and does not use it in vain. Quite often the question arises: on which hand to wear them? There are many rules that contradict each other, but each of which has a right to exist.

Which hand should men wear a watch on: a practical point of view

From a practical point of view, it is better for right-handers to wear a watch on their left hand, and for left-handers - on their right, due to the fact that the working hand is constantly active, which can interfere with the performance of any actions, and also increases the risk of breaking the watch. In addition, special watches for left-handed or right-handed people have appeared on sale, the difference being that the mechanical crown is located on the right for those who prefer to wear the watch on their left hand and vice versa.

If the winding crown is located at the bottom, this will improve the watch's moisture resistance and reduce the possibility of water getting into the mechanism, which is another plus.

On which hand should men wear a watch: a mystical view of the problem

In contrast to practicality, proponents of the mystical theory argue that a man, regardless of whether he is right-handed or left-handed, should wear a watch only on his right hand. This is explained by the teachings of ancient Chinese healers, who believed that for a man, energy impulses responsible for the functioning of the heart come from the left hand, and for a woman, from the right. If a man wears a watch on his left hand, this will disrupt his heart rate and worsen his health. Therefore, to balance the energy in the body, it would be correct for a man to wear this accessory on his right hand.

What do psychologists say?

Psychologists have also contributed their explanations on how wearing a watch can affect a person's character, career and personal life. So, in their opinion, a man who wears a watch on his right hand is more purposeful, active and achieves his goals faster. He is ready for life's difficulties and tolerates failures more easily. They wear a watch on their right hand and creative people: actors, musicians, artists, stylists, photographers, etc.

If a man puts his watch on left hand, then subconsciously begins to program himself for failure. This is due to the stereotype that everything “left” is bad. For example, the phrases “walk to the left”, “left income”, “got off on the left foot” are associated with something wrong, illegal and unsuccessful.

How do politicians wear their watches?

Many politicians and prominent figures wear watches on their right hand. Thus, the President of Belarus A. Lukashenko spoke about his childhood hobby of playing the button accordion, during which he developed the habit of wearing a watch on this hand, and the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin said that it is more convenient for him to wear a watch on his right hand due to the fact that the head for the plant does not rub the brush.

Among the politicians who wear a watch on their right hand, Israeli Prime Minister E. Olmert was also noticed. Photos of such male stars as Bruce Willis, Ashton Kutcher, Robert Pattinson, David Beckham, Eminem and others are further evidence of this conclusion.

In addition, a watch worn on the right hand is more noticeable to others, so in order to demonstrate a chic “new thing” and strengthen the status of a stylish and financially secure man, you need to listen to this fact. IN business etiquette The rule of wearing this accessory on the left hand has long been outdated, but the fact that you should not often glance at your watch has remained.

Having considered all the above rules, we can conclude that there is no specific answer on which hand men should wear a watch on. Everything is determined by the degree of convenience, practicality and personal preferences.

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Rida Khasanova May 29, 2018, 09:38

A wristwatch is a familiar accessory that you not only need to choose correctly, but also know how to wear and what to combine with it. If for men there are very few rules, then for girls there are several more: you need to take into account the shape of the hands, wrists, general style clothing and occupation. Also, do not ignore the signs associated with watches.

Women's watch with pendant on a leather belt, SL(price on the link)

A little history about wristwatches

The question of which hand girls should wear a watch on has been worrying them for many years. Eat a few assumptions, which girls can use as a guide when choosing which hand to put the watch on.

Initially, the watches were only mechanical, they had to be constantly wound manually by rotating the crown, which is located on the right side of the dial. Since many people have a right hand at work, it was most convenient to wear the watch on the left hand. In addition, left-handed people were retrained back then, so everyone got used to wearing watches on the left wrist.

The advent of electronic watches practically did not change the situation. There is no need to wind them up, but the habit of putting the accessory on your left hand is firmly established

Nowadays, not only traditions are taken into account, but also practical aspects. After all, if put a watch on your working hand, then they will create inconvenience while writing or doing any work. And the watch itself may suffer: the glass will become scratched or broken.

Women's watch, SL (price on the link)

How to choose the right watch for a girl?

Regardless of which hand the girl puts the watch on, first of all, you need to know how to choose it. There are several nuances with which you can do quality purchase , which will delight you for many years.

How to choose a watch for a girl:

  • the body should not be too bulky or too small compared to the wrist;
  • the strap should fit tightly on the hand, but not cut into the skin - this not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but can also be harmful to health;
  • For girls with thin wrists, watches with a thin strap made of ribbons or a chain are suitable;
  • watches with an extravagant, unusual shape are suitable for those with long fingers;
  • For girls with large wrists, watches with a strict, clear shape are suitable.

Women's watch with mineral glass, SL(price on the link)

If the girl leads active image life, then it is recommended to choose a watch with a metal or rubber strap. Genuine leather will absorb sweat and smell unpleasant.

Which hand is etiquette for a girl to wear a watch on?

If men wear watches on their hands to emphasize their status, then women wear wrist watch, as an accessory that helps complement stylish look. Even now there are no clear rules on how to wear a watch. But there is a few etiquette tips which it is advisable to adhere to.

For important meetings and negotiations, you should not wear a sports watch or one with extravagant details - they do not fit with an official look. In this case, it is better to give preference to classic models with simple design dial, the strap must be made of genuine leather.

It is necessary to pay attention that during a conversation, according to etiquette, it is not recommended to look at the watch, otherwise the person will decide that he wants to end the conversation as soon as possible

Watch non-standard shape girls are allowed to wear long gloves over them. It is important that the wrist accessory matches the look, because it will look strange light summer a dress with a watch that looks like a commander's watch.

How a girl can wear a watch with a shirt - you need to start from the length of the sleeve. If it fits your wrist tightly, you can wear the watch over the cuff. The same rule applies to dresses with long sleeves.

In an effort to look fashionable and modern, some girls wear several different watches on one wrist. This technique is not always appropriate, so it can reveal a lack of taste.

Modern etiquette allows you to put a watch on the hand on which it is more convenient for a lady to wear it, since there are no specific rules. They can fit tightly on the wrist, rise up to the elbow, or dangle like a bracelet.

Sports Men's Watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price on the link)

Doctors' opinion on how to wear a watch

If we take into account the medical point of view, then she has her own considerations on how to wear a wristwatch correctly. In medicine Ancient China it was believed that on the wrists of a person there are energy points, which are responsible for the heart.

A watch can disrupt the rhythm of energy points, and the heart will work properly only when they pulsate synchronously. So which hand is it put on? Ladies Watch following this statement? Since for girls the most active point is on the right, the watch recommended to wear on the left hand. The accessory will give more fast rhythm passive point of the left wrist and its rhythm will coincide with the point of the right.

You don't have to listen to theories of Chinese sages. But many researchers have noted mystical connection between the watch on hand and its permanent owner. Therefore, we cannot immediately dismiss the idea that wearing them somehow affects the functioning of the heart.

There are often cases when a wristwatch stops exactly at the moment when its wearer passed away.

This can confirm the fact that a watch is not just an accessory, but a thing that is closely interconnected with the human body.

Psychologists have long noted that girls do not pay attention to their dominant hand and wear watches, regardless of this fact. After researching this feature, some conclusions were drawn.

This does not mean that such a girl has problems in other areas of life. This only means that watch on active hand worn by a person with high vitality and activity. Psychologists have nothing more to add on this matter.

But still, many experts recommend wearing a watch on the right wrist, regardless of which hand is working: right or left. This statement is explained by the fact that any person at the subconscious level associates the right side with the future tense, and the left side with the past.

From a psychological point of view, a lady who wears a watch on her working hand, refers to people who are purposeful and active

She confidently builds her career and sets clear goals that she strives to achieve, despite any difficulties.

From this we can conclude that:

  • when a girl often turns her head from right to left, she concentrates her attention on the fact that there is little time left, and it will be impossible to change anything;
  • when a girl’s gaze often turns to the right, she directs her consciousness to the future, and involuntarily makes efforts to get everything done in time and increases activity.

This psychological theory leads to the conclusion that a girl’s perception of reality and attitude towards success to some extent depends on which hand she puts the watch on. Therefore, it follows that this accessory is best worn on the right hand.

Unisex watch, OKAMI(price on the link)

Signs and meanings

There are many signs and superstitions associated with wristwatches that appeared in ancient times, but to this day people try to listen to them. Watches have long been a must-have item. Everyday life, symbolizing its transience.

It is believed that watches absorb the energy of the person who constantly wears them. That's why cannot be worn found wristwatch, because it is unknown what kind of person its previous owner was.

But if he gives a watch close person who has no bad intentions, then such a gift can and should be accepted, and worn with love and pleasure . An inherited watch I can be a strong talisman, but only if they are received in good faith.

What to do with a broken or broken watch:

  1. The clock that broke, are carriers negative energy, so you can’t not only wear them, but even store them in your home. Otherwise, they can attract various troubles and failure.
  2. Broken watch needs to be repaired urgently or throw it away as they take it away vitality a person – he loses the desire to move forward, has little energy left and does not have enough time.

If a girl chooses a watch for herself, then she should give preference to a round-shaped dial.

According to the sign, she will bring a calm, carefree life to her owner, and will also contribute to success in personal affairs

A girl who chooses a square watch for herself subconsciously sets herself up for hard work and fulfilling manly duties. She will get tired faster, as she will take on a burden that is too much for a girl to bear.

Women's watch with mother-of-pearl on Milanese bracelet, SL(price on the link)

Choosing a watch for a girl is not the easiest task. After all, they should not only be of high quality and comfortable, but also stylish and beautiful. There is something magical and inexplicable about these amazing mechanisms, because the hands on the dial seem to make people move forward with them. But if the choice is made correctly, the watch will serve well and bring good luck to its owner, regardless of which hand she wears it on.

The question of which hand to wear a watch on has been worrying the fair sex for decades.

Currently, there are several theories that guide the girl.

Why on the left?

If we look at history, we can observe the following. Previously, people had to constantly wind their watches by hand by rotating the watch crown. This action it was more convenient to produce right hand, because most people are right-handed. In addition, there were few left-handers because in those days they were retrained. Since then, it has become common practice to wear watches on the left hand.

Practicality factor

But along with traditions, the factor of practicality of wearing a watch on one hand or another is now taken into account. If the watch is worn on the active hand, i.e. on the left - for left-handers, on the right - for right-handers, then it will be inconvenient for a person to write and perform any activity. In addition, you risk scratching the watch glass or simply breaking it.

On which hand should girls wear a watch: signs

There is a sign of wearing a wristwatch, which stems from the ancient Chinese teaching about energy zones. According to him, a person has three very important points on the wrists, when exposed to which one can influence the entire human body, worsening or improving it.

The first point, called Cun, is associated with the cardiovascular system. In men and women it is in different places. For representatives of the stronger sex, this point is located on the left hand, on its wrist, and for women, on the contrary, on the right hand.

Consequently, it is customary for girls to wear a wristwatch on their left hand, and for men - on their right, in order to avoid improper stimulation and a negative impact on the functioning of the heart.

For some, such a theory sounds strange, but some take the advice of Chinese sages quite seriously. After all, surely each of you has heard about a strange relationship when, after the death of the owner, a wristwatch stopped. It turns out that the watch stopped working when the heart stopped. WITH scientific point At present, this phenomenon cannot be explained in any way.

The psychological explanation for choosing a hand to wear a wristwatch is very interesting. By which hand the owner is wearing the watch, one can judge the character and aspirations of the person.

If a person wears a watch on his active hand (on the left - for left-handers, on the right - for right-handers), then he can be characterized as a careerist. He is very purposeful and is ready to do anything for his own success. According to the provisions of psychological theory, a watch on the active hand is a predisposition to businesslikeness and activity of its owner.

There is an opinion that it is correct to wear a watch on your right hand, regardless of whether you are left-handed or right-handed. This is due to the fact that a person’s right side is connected with his future, and the left side with his past.

Here again, psychology plays a big role: if a woman pays attention to her left hand, then she will concentrate on her past and on the fact that it will seem to her that time cannot be returned, and she is unable to change anything.

But if she pays attention to her right hand, then this will symbolize a focus on the future and her activity.

In photos on the Internet, from passers-by on the street, from your colleagues, you can see that the watch is worn on different hands. Thus, it is impossible to say unequivocally on which hand the wristwatch should be worn.

To determine how to put on your watch correctly, try wearing the watch alternately on one hand or the other. And then you will understand how it will be more comfortable and convenient for you to wear a wristwatch.

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A familiar everyday and very convenient accessory. At the same time, it is also a stylish fashionable decoration. On which hand - right or left - is it customary to wear this item?

Facts in favor of wearing a watch on your left hand

If we look at history, we can see that wristwatches became widespread during the First World War. Back then they were worn mainly by officers. Due to large quantity people are right-handed, their right hand is involved in performing a huge number of actions. In order not to damage such an expensive and valuable accessory as a watch, they began to be worn on the left hand. Mass production of watches gradually improved, and manufacturers produced mainly left-handed models. Later, right-handed watches began to appear.

Another, even simpler and more transparent argument in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand is related to the fact that it is much easier to fasten the strap or wind the winding mechanism with the right hand.

Reasons to wear a watch on your right hand

An accessory worn on the right hand is more noticeable to others precisely due to the large number of movements made by this hand. Therefore, if a person wants to show his interlocutor an expensive, luxurious watch, he puts it on his right hand.

In order to stand out from the crowd, not to be like everyone else, to become brighter and unique, to emphasize their individuality, people take actions that deviate from the generally accepted. That is why some young people prefer to wear a wrist accessory on their right hand, contrary to the usual principles.


In the middle of the twentieth century, after the end of the war, an interesting idea appeared, according to which among thieves it is customary to put a watch on the right hand. In this way, they identified “their own” people in the crowd. Therefore, by changing your watch from your left hand to your right, you could protect yourself from unexpected pickpocketing.

Present tense

Today it is impossible to clearly answer the question on which hand it is correct to wear a watch. There is no answer in the rules of etiquette. And, therefore, you can wear the wrist accessory in a way that is convenient for you. Most often, right-handers wear a watch on their left hand, and left-handers on their right. There are right-handed and left-handed models, which differ from each other only in the location of the winding mechanism. The watch, which does not require winding, can be worn freely on any hand. More conservative members of society prefer to wear the accessory in question on their left hand, according to generally accepted habit. However, there are exceptions to any rule.

Tip 3: The origins of traditions. On which hand do women wear watches?

The debate about which hand a watch should be worn on has been around for a long time and has not subsided to this day. Women who are inclined to follow traditions believe that it is more convenient to wear a watch on the left hand, and ladies who prefer non-standard solutions, confidently put them on your right hand.

A reliable answer to the question of which watch has not yet been found. Each woman is forced to decide it on her own. Some girls find it convenient to wear a watch on their left hand, others - on their right. Some people even prefer to wear a watch in the form of a pendant on a chain or a ring on their finger. How to wear a watch correctly?

A little history...

Proponents of the traditional opinion that women should wear a watch on their left hand explain this for several reasons:

The winding mechanism on the watch is located on the right, which means it is more convenient to use when the watch is worn on the left hand. Today this argument has lost its relevance, since most watches no longer require winding. For example, on an electronic watch the buttons are located on both the right and left, although it is still more convenient to set the watch with your right hand.

A watch is a thin and fragile accessory that requires careful handling, so it should be worn on the hand that is less involved in everyday work, that is, on the left. However, this rule only works for right-handed people; for left-handed people everything should be the other way around.

Psychological factors

It is believed that women should wear a watch on their left hand as it promotes good heart function. The origins of this recommendation originate in the ancient Chinese teaching of Fukuri. Its essence lies in the fact that the coordinated functioning of the body depends on the correct stimulation of important life points Tsun, Chi and Guan. In particular, the Tsun energy point, which is responsible for the functioning of the heart muscle, is located on the right wrist in women. Therefore, in order not to cause harm through improper stimulation, ladies should wear watches on their left hand.

You may not listen to the advice of Chinese sages, but many researchers note a mystical connection between a watch and its owner. Who knows, perhaps wearing your watch incorrectly actually has a negative effect on your heart function.

According to psychologists, wearing a watch on one hand for a long time can affect your perception of life. For example, women who wear a watch on their left hand make dozens of head turns from right to left every day. Because people associate the left side with the past, such movements can provoke thoughts about how much time has already been wasted. If you move the watch to your right hand, the woman will begin to think that there is still a lot of things to do. This will increase her productivity, and therefore will contribute to a successful career.

Stylish and confident women who are not inclined to trust prejudices and strive for self-realization will most likely prefer to wear a watch on their right hand. This is a great way to demonstrate your independence and self-sufficiency. In addition, original designer watches are fashion accessory, which will look more advantageous on the right hand.

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Tip 4: Folk signs and superstitions: on which hand should you wear a watch?

Typically, watches are worn on the left hand, and left-handed people wear them on the right. It is believed that it is easier to wind a watch with your right hand when it is on your wrist. Keeping track of time is also easier when this accessory is located on the passive hand.

On which hand to wear a watch: the opinion of esotericists

Esotericists believe that the perception of life depends on which hand you feel most comfortable wearing a watch on. The left side is associated with the past, and the right side with what will happen.

It is believed that when a person constantly looks at his left hand, he carries the burden of the past. He constantly experiences events that have already happened and can no longer be changed. He regrets his imperfect actions and missed opportunities.

If a person looks at his right hand more often, then he lives with hopes for the future and is not burdened by the past. This helps him become more punctual, responsible and active.

If you experience discomfort, feel apathy and constantly remember the past, then try wearing a watch on your right hand, and your life will change for the better.

Why you should wear a watch on your right hand: Chinese version

In China, it is believed that very important energy points are located on the wrist of the left hand, which are directly related to a person’s well-being. The Tsun point is responsible for the functioning of the heart. This point is where the watch strap would normally be located. If you wear a watch on your left hand and constantly irritate the Cun point, this may interfere proper operation hearts.

Which hand should you wear the watch on: patriotic version

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also wears a watch on his right hand, although he explains this by saying that it is simply more convenient for him. If you wear a watch on your left hand, the crown rubs your hand, which causes discomfort. This is the simple explanation given by the President of the Russian Federation.

You can wear a watch on your right hand as a sign of solidarity with the President of Russia.

On which hand should you wear a watch: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists believe that depending on which hand a person wears a watch on, one can determine his character. The accessory on the left hand speaks of a person’s inner dissatisfaction, his regrets and grievances about the past. It is difficult for such a person to rebuild and start something new.

The watch on the right hand indicates that its owner is creative personality. Many poets, musicians and artists wore watches on their right hand. People who wear a watch on their right hand are also punctual and are not afraid to take responsibility.

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The topic of wearing a wristwatch correctly has a long history. Initially, miniature chronometers that could be carried with you were pocket-sized. They were attached to a special chain and placed in a miniature pocket on the front shelf of the vest. Typically this pocket was located on the left side to make it easier for right-handed people to take out the watch and check the time.

Buttons on men's clothing were sewn in a similar way, which made them significantly different from women's clothing. All details of the costume, as well as the way of wearing a pocket watch, were specially “sharpened” for right-handed people. Left-handers were not taken into account, since the ability to write and do anything with the left hand was considered abnormal. Little left-handers at school were mercilessly and sometimes cruelly retrained to meet general standards.

Now there are a large number of theories answering the question “which hand should you wear a watch on?” Let's look at the most common ones.

Mechanics and electronics

First mechanical watches on the strap appeared during the First World War. Due to their convenience, they immediately became popular with officers and then with soldiers. All watches in those days were hand-wound only. The head for it was again located on the right for the comfort of right-handers. It was at that time that the tradition of wearing wrist chronometers on the left hand developed: it was convenient to wind them and fasten them this way (of course, if a person’s right hand is dominant).

In 1957, the first electronic watch was finally invented. They were created simultaneously by two companies: the American Elgin Watch Company and the French Leap Besancon. The first electronic “Hamiltons” are now considered a real legend. They were equipped with a quartz movement, so you could forget about manual winding.

But gentlemen continued to wear such watches on their left hands, which was nothing more than a tribute to tradition. In the 60s, respectable citizens tried not to stand out from the crowd, so even wearing a wristwatch was strictly regulated by social norms.

Mystical theory

This theory is based on the teachings of Fukuri, according to which three significant energy points are located on the wrists of both hands: Guan, Cun and Chi. They are directly responsible for human health. They are located under the thumb on the wrist, one after another. By influencing them you can control the condition of the human liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys, bladder, and heart. Improper stimulation of the points can lead to poor health. The Tsun point is directly related to the work of the heart and is located on the left hand in men and on the right hand in women. This is due to the fact that supposedly the blood in men from the heart flows to the left side, and in women - to the right. Therefore, it is better for the latter, for example, to wear a wristwatch on the left hand.

Even criminologists recognize frequent mystical coincidences between the time of the owner’s death and the stoppage of his watch.

"Thief" theory

In addition to theories, there is a legend on the topic of wearing watches, born after the war. According to her, real thieves wear watches exclusively on their right hands. Therefore, if you wear a watch on this hand, you can be sure that it will not be stolen, since they will not steal from their own

So right or left?

Only many years after the invention of electronic wristwatches did people begin to think about why, in fact, wear them on the left hand if a person is left-handed. It is much more convenient for him to fasten the strap with the left hand, and place the watch itself on the right. This opinion was consolidated after psychologists recognized that left-handedness is not a mental disorder, and little left-handers at school were no longer taught to write with their right hand.

According to statistics, 15% of the world's population are left-handed. This is every seventh inhabitant of the planet. It is hardly reasonable and correct not to take into account the interests of such large quantity of people. Nowadays everyone wears a wristwatch in a way that suits them. And this is the most correct option.

When choosing a hand for wearing them, it is important to focus on your own feelings and comfort, as well as your type of occupation. If you have to use your right hand a lot and your wristwatch may get damaged, it is better to put it on your left hand, and vice versa.