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» Litter tray for cats: which one to choose. What is a good cat litter? Reviews, tips, recommendations, prices

Litter tray for cats: which one to choose. What is a good cat litter? Reviews, tips, recommendations, prices

A cute domestic kitten is a decoration for any apartment, because this lively ball of fur is able to give even the most gloomy person joy and warmth with its purring and cheerful games.

Also, cat babies are very clean; they lick themselves many, many times a day, so as not to be a carrier of someone else's smell or not too clean fur. Even such a sensitive issue as the toilet most often does not cause any problems; kittens quickly get used to doing their business in a specially designated tray. But the owners are asking themselves a timely question: which litter is best for kittens?
It is known that it is not worth experimenting in this matter, because health, good mood or even the life of a little cat or kitty is the most important thing that can happen.

There are many known cases of allergies to synthetic filler components or ingestion of mineral fillers in granules, which resulted in long-term debilitating illnesses or even the death of a pet.

Therefore, the best and even the only suitable little kitten is wood filler. Let's figure out why experts do not recommend using other types and why it is best to pour wood pellets into a small kitten's litter tray.
Wood has the property of adsorption, that is, it absorbs unpleasant odors better than any other materials, so there is no need to use special deodorants that mask natural odors, but can scare away the kitten.

Wood is also a natural disinfectant, which means it prevents the spread of harmful bacteria. This is especially true for filler based on pine, spruce or even fir. This is very important, since many cat pathogens are spread through feces. Another very important point is the increased absorbent qualities of wood filler granules. Even with a fairly large amount of liquid, individual granules remain dry on the outside, only swelling inside and increasing in volume, so the kitten’s fur and paws remain clean.

A portion of wood filler is enough for 3 – 7 days of use.

This type of filler is very easy to clean. Even making allowances for the increased activity of a small cat, we can say with confidence that he will not scoop up the granules from the tray, since they do not rustle like a newspaper and do not awaken the desire to rummage, like sand. Again, wood particles do not get tangled even in very thick and long wool, so the risk of them being carried throughout the apartment is reduced. There is also no fine annoying mineral dust, which makes cleaning very difficult and is a constant companion of many other fillers.

Disposing of used granules is very simple - you don’t have to put them in the trash every time, and you can even flush them down the toilet without fear of blockages in the pipes.

An undeniable advantage of wood fillers is their naturalness. They are made by grinding natural materials, so they do not contain any toxins, dyes or allergens that can cause illness in your pet. Moreover, even if the kitten wants to taste such a filler and accidentally swallows it, then nothing terrible will happen, it will not even lead to digestive problems.

The only thing to be wary of when using compressed wood pellets as a filler is large chips or twigs, which can injure the kitten or cause very painful splinters in the paws.

But protecting your pet from them is as easy as shelling pears - when you pour granules into a tray, such pieces of wood are very noticeable, so you can simply pull them out and throw them in the trash.
When the question of which litter is best for kittens is clear, the next question arises - which manufacturer can you trust? Here opinions may differ sharply, but if you analyze the reviews of both experts and ordinary consumers, you can identify several main companies that have the highest popularity in Russia.

The German company “Cat’s Best” will most likely be in first place. Several types of fillers are produced under this brand. For example, the Oko plus hygienic filler is made from pine and spruce wood, which is not processed, which means it retains all its natural properties.

Toilet and litter

Another type of filler from this company - “Supercat Test” - generally has diagnostic properties urolithiasis. The idea is simple - if a kitten suddenly gets sick, the granules will change color after feces get on them, which will help cure your pet in time and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

The second step can be safely given to the time-tested domestic manufacturer “Clean Paws”. Its “Universal” filler has been in demand for many years domestic market, since it is made only from high-quality wood and absorbs liquid very well - 3 kg of filler is enough to neutralize 12 liters of liquid.

Third place goes to Cats Choice. Its products have long been loved by pet owners for their reasonable quality-price ratio, and by kittens for the absence of small wet sawdust and dust, which can appear after the first day of use and make it very difficult to do “important things.”

There are other manufacturers that cat lovers trust - “Fresh Step”, “Kotyara”, “Pi-Pi-Bent” and others. This is a matter of individual preferences of the owner and his furry four-legged pet. The main thing is that when choosing wood filler, the first place should not be its cost, but its quality, because love, health, trust and affection of a kitten cannot be bought for any money.
And, of course, you should not replace pure wood fibers with sand, newspaper or gel fillers, which can easily cause allergic reactions. No matter what neighbors or acquaintances say, the best filler Wood pellets are used for trays of small kittens, after which the paws and fur remain dry, and the kitten is happy!

Ratings of cat litter can be found in specialized magazines dedicated to pets. When compiling it, many important factors: ease of use, method of disposal, cost-effectiveness and, of course, price. There are dozens of options on sale that can be divided into several categories. Among them it is easy to find one that is ideal for your pet.

The evolution of tray powders

Until recently, the main filler for the tray was newspaper, torn into small pieces, or sand collected at a nearby construction site. Both options were inconvenient to use, required frequent replacement, and emitted an unpleasant odor after the cat visited her litter box.

The only advantage of newspapers and sand could be considered their availability and cheapness. Then a mineral filler appeared for cat litter based on clay, but buyers were frightened by the price and complexity of recycling used waste.

Currently the situation has changed. On the shelves of supermarkets and pet stores are the most different types cat litter. They are sold packaged and by weight; bright bags have different prices. It is not easy for a beginner to understand this diversity.

Manufacturers of cat litter are in no hurry to widely advertise their products; as a result, most pet owners have an idea of ​​only a few of the most popular brands. Independent ratings compiled by statisticians, veterinarians and animal owners themselves will help you understand which product is better to buy.

Topics with titles like “Choosing cat litter” can be found in topical blogs and magazines. Before you go to the store, you need to read independent review, which allows you to get an idea of ​​the type of backfill for trays and the materials from which they are made.

Types of fillers

All cat litters are divided into categories: clumping and absorbent. Both options have their supporters and opponents, and in both groups you can find more expensive and quite affordable brands.

Clumping filler resembles sand or very small granules. The composition may vary. The principle of operation of the product is clear from the name. When liquid (cat urine) gets in, the powdery substance forms dense lumps that are easily removed with a scoop. In this case, the smell is adsorbed, the sticky granules do not stick to the pet’s paws and are not carried outside the tray. The height of the sides does not matter. A clumping product is more convenient to use in a toilet without a mesh.

Cats usually prefertray with filler

The natural cleanliness of cats makes keeping them at home much easier than keeping dogs: there is no need to walk cats, as they easily get used to doing their natural needs in a designated place. The pet industry has taken this feature of cats into account and today offers a huge selection of products that make life easier for cats and their owners.

If earlier we used boxes with scraps of newspapers or sand from a nearby construction site, now cat owners have the opportunity to choose both a tray and filler, taking into account all their requirements. We are considering the option with a tray without filler, as its only advantage is its low cost. Otherwise, it, firstly, does not take into account the cat’s natural need to bury its “deeds”, and secondly, it requires the owner to clean the litter box after each time the cat goes to the toilet. Otherwise, especially clean individuals may refuse to use the litter box and will demonstrate their love of cleanliness in a way that is unlikely to please their owners.

Which litter is better from a cat's point of view?

It is convenient to step on it with your paw pads;

It is convenient to dig into it;

When you dig for cat litter, it doesn’t generate dust;

It has a natural smell;

It does not cause allergies in the form of cracks on the paw pads;

Nothing bad will happen if you try to swallow it;

Which litter is better from the point of view of a cat owner?

It should hold the smell perfectly;

Cat litter should not be spread throughout the apartment on the cat’s paws;

It should not become dusty when you pour it into the tray;

It should be convenient to clean;

It should not cause poisoning or obstruction if the cat suddenly decides to swallow it;

It must be economical because the filler is " consumables", and you have to buy it constantly.

Basically, the cat's and the owner's ideas about the ideal litter coincide. The only thing is that the cat, naturally, does not care about the price of the litter. But a person does not always remember that the smell of a flavored litter that is pleasant to him is not always pleasant to a cat with its sensitive sense of smell.

In order to determine which litter is best for your cat, we will first find out how different litters differ from each other.

According to the principle of action, all fillers are divided into two types:absorbent And clumping.

They appeared on Russian market relatively recently, but have already gained considerable popularity. Their peculiarity is that, unlike other fillers, it can be disposed of directly into the toilet without fear of clogging the sewer. It absorbs moisture well and also reliably retains the smell inside itself.

If we sum it up and try choose the perfect filler, which the cat would like and satisfy all the requirements of its owner, then we can say that it is most suitable for this role clumping clay filler, For example, Russian litter "Pi-Pi-Bent"

It is most similar to what a cat is used to wearing to go to the toilet in nature

It is easy to clean without completely changing it every three days, just removing lumps and solid waste

When used correctly, it is very economical and lasts a long time

When used correctly, it perfectly neutralizes odor

When used correctly, it does not leave whitish marks on the floor.

It doesn't rub off on your cat's paws and fur as much as wood filler.

He's not sad.

Under correct use We understand the use of filler in full accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. The manufacturer requires you to pour a layer of filler of at least 8 cm, which means you need to pour no less. Usually, all complaints about the quality of the filler arise in cases where the owner decides to save money and pours a thinner layer into the tray. An insufficient amount of filler in the tray causes liquid to accumulate at the bottom without forming lumps, soggy clay sticks to the cat’s paws, which then leaves white marks on the floor, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the tray itself.

When choosing one for your cat, you should not lose sight of its uninterrupted supply. Because no matter how good the litter is, the cat will not be able to appreciate its merits if you cannot buy it.
The site will help you purchase the selected filler.

A pet kept in the house requires constant care. The main issue concerns keeping the home clean. If your favorite animal is a cat, then the primary task in caring for it is organizing a toilet. To ensure that your cat does not pollute everything around you, cat litter will help, which will solve problems with hygiene, you just have to choose the right type.

What is cat litter?

More recently, cat litter consisted of sand poured into a tray or cut up pieces of paper. Modern industry quickly adopted a new direction for production, and it was invented special remedy, which copes with the task many times better than sand. It consists of small granules that imitate natural natural environment and do not cause rejection among representatives of the cat family. Granules are made of materials that, once exposed to liquid, absorb it, and some even absorb odor.

Granule sizes

Cat litters differ in granule sizes, which is convenient when choosing products for small and adult cats. After getting wet, the granules may change size or clump together. In this case, there is no need to change the entire composition, you just need to throw away the crumpled elements. The size of the granules (their photos can be seen on the packaging) is chosen based on age, coat length, and sensitivity. If you have a kitten or an adult with sensitive skin, choose small granules. For long-haired cats, it is better to take large or medium-sized litter.

Which cat litter is best?

There are two main types of cat litter: clumping and absorbent. They absorb moisture differently and will take away different time for cleaning. Any of the types can be made from sawdust, silica gel granules, minerals. The main difference is that after use, a clumping product gathers into lumps that will have to be thrown away immediately, while an absorbent product absorbs moisture and crumbles, which does not require daily replacement.


According to the manufacturers, this type of mixture should absorb moisture and turn into lumps. The owner will have to remove them along with solid waste daily, replenishing the tray the right amount granules Problems with the fact that the product does not cope with the task, that is, it does not absorb moisture, but lets it pass to the bottom of the tray, are due to improper use. It is important to pour only 8-10 centimeters of the composition so that it can turn into lumps in time and eliminate the odor.

Absorbent filler

The principle of operation of this type of mixture is completely different. It does not change structure after use, but also absorbs moisture and retains odors. The entire contents of the tray must be changed after it is completely wet. The cat itself will let you know about this when it refuses to go to the dirty toilet. This litter is chosen by owners who have several pets and those who do not want to bother with cat litter every day.

Types of litter for cats

Pet stores can offer about eight varieties of cat litter for you to choose from. They differ in price, materials of manufacture, and absorbent properties. One product may last for a month without any replacement, while another will have to be changed a couple of times a week. In addition to the financial capabilities of the owner, you will have to pay attention to the needs of the pet.


One of the most popular products for a cat's litter box is mineral fillers. They are made from pieces of clay. average price is 100 rubles per kilogram. When choosing, start from following features:

  • Pros: perfectly absorbs moisture, forming lumps that are easy to remove, reasonable price.
  • Cons: does not cope well with odor, produces fine dust, sticks to cat's paws, spreads throughout the house, cannot be washed down the drain, is not suitable for kittens.

In clay granules

This type The products are available in two types: clumping and absorbent. The most best brands are made from bentonite clays, which swell with moisture. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the size of the granules. Large granules can injure your pet. Small and medium grains are suitable for kittens. The cost varies from 50 rubles per 1 kilogram. Sold packaged in 3, 5, 10 kg. When choosing, consider:

  • Pros: natural product, a large number of species, cats like it due to its similarity to ordinary soil, suitable for kittens.
  • Disadvantages: when using and filling the tray, dust may rise and is partially carried throughout the house by the paws of animals.

Woody clumping

These products are compressed wood pellets made from sawdust. Mainly used in production conifers trees. Cats easily get used to this type of product. It is considered one of the most environmentally friendly. For pet owners, the mixture will cost about 100 rubles per 1 kilogram. When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Pros: environmentally friendly, pleasant smell of pine needles, which animals like, allowed to be thrown into the sewer, suitable for kittens.
  • Cons: The only drawback is that fine particles sawdust can spread throughout the house.

Silica gel

One of the latest developments is silica gel filler. It's made of poly silicic acid, photos show that it is cloudy white balls with inclusions. Costs from 190 rubles for 3.8 liters. This product has the following characteristics:

  • Pros: changes once or twice a month, harmless, prevents the spread of odor, quickly absorbs moisture, always remains dry, bacteria do not multiply in it, does not spread, does not generate dust.
  • Minuses: high price, makes a crunching sound that repels many pets, the sound can also irritate people, especially when heard at night, and can be dangerous for kittens if it gets into the esophagus.


Another material for making cat litter is corn cobs. Their finely porous core is used to make corn filler. This species is similar to woody, but is much less common on sale and is more expensive. The starting price is approximately 160 rubles per 1 kg. When choosing, consider the following data:

  • Pros: perfectly absorbs moisture, odors, natural raw materials, economical.
  • Cons: very light, which makes it easy to scatter around the tray, has a specific smell that the animal may not like.

How to use cat litter

Cat litter is easy to use. It is necessary to pour an even layer of the mixture 5-10 centimeters high into the tray. Some manufacturers may indicate the exact amount of mixture that must be followed. Then the product correctly absorbs moisture and forms a lump. The clumping variety is cleaned daily to remove debris and hard excrement. Then add a new portion. The absorbent type is changed completely as it gets dirty (once every 5-10 days). Before replacing the tray, wash it thoroughly. Some products can be flushed down the toilet, others can be thrown away.

How to choose

Often, owners of furry pets have to try more than one type of litter tray mixture before finding one best option for convenience and suitable for the cat itself. Each composition has its own characteristics. The mixtures differ in their ability to absorb moisture and retain odors. They can be hypoallergenic and scented. You should pay attention to these indicators when choosing a filler.

Ability to absorb moisture

The best ability to absorb moisture is observed in clumping mixtures. They not only absorb it, but form a solid lump that does not crumble and does not stain the clean product. The leader in this area is silica gel filler, which remains completely dry for a long time. Wood and corn compositions perform no worse, but they crumble and require frequent replacement.

Odor absorption and retention

In the fight against the unpleasant smell of cat litter, owners are ready to go to great lengths, including not skimping on expensive mixtures that are distinguished by their ability to neutralize odors. Mixtures made from chemical compounds are again in the lead in this parameter. More natural species due to their natural qualities, they eliminate unpleasant aroma worse, and a mixture such as corn itself has an unpleasant odor.

Possibility to flush down the toilet

For many owners, the ability to flush used litter down the toilet is decisive. You don't have to bother with a garbage bag if you buy wood, corn products. Manufacturers warn that the used mixture should be put into the toilet in small portions to avoid blockages. Minerals are not included in this number. They must not be flushed down the drain.

Presence of flavoring

This technique of aromatizing cat litter mixtures is used by many manufacturers. This is one way to deal with unpleasant odors, but often it leads to the opposite result. Many pets simply refuse to go into a nice-smelling litter box. Even if the packaging attracts you with the words “with the scent of lavender” or another popular plant, do not rush to purchase such a mixture. Your cat may not appreciate the noble aroma.


The safety of your pet's health will be ensured by those mixtures that are made from natural materials, such as wood shavings, corn cobs, and clay. The silica gel product loses in this regard, although it is positioned as completely harmless. Allergies can even be caused by natural materials, which raise a cloud of dust when used, since the cat will have to inhale it.


The most economical mixture is considered to be a mixture for trays made from mineral components. Next comes wood. Expensive products include silica gel and corn products. When purchasing, you need to consider not only the cost of packaging, but the frequency with which you will have to empty the tray. Thus, expensive silica gel mixtures turn out to be cheaper than others, because they require replacement only 1-2 times a month, while wood ones, for example, will have to be changed every three days if your cat refuses to go into the already soaked, although still usable, litter.

Rating of cat litter

One of the first in the line of popular products in this category is Fresh Step Extreme Clay cat litter. Buyers note that it does not cause rejection in cats:

  • name: Fresh Step Extreme Clay;
  • price: 1498-1768 rubles;
  • characteristics: 15.8 kg, clay, absorbent, antibacterial, protects against odor;
  • pros: flushes down the toilet, easy to clean;
  • cons: not found.

In second place is N1 Crystals. This is a silica gel filler, one package of which will last for a long time:

  • name: N1 Crystals;
  • price: 1845-1925 rubles;
  • characteristics: volume 30 l, absorbent, silica gel, protects against odor, hypoallergenic,
  • pros: retains moisture well, does not stick to paws;
  • cons: very dusty.

Third place goes to Catsan Hygiene Plus. It is chosen when a small kitten appears in the house:

  • name: Catsan Hygiene Plus;
  • price: RUR 392-836;
  • characteristics: volume 10 l, absorbent, consists of chalk, quartz sand, has unique antibacterial properties, protects against odor;
  • pros: suitable for a small kitten, micropores perfectly absorb odor and seal moisture;
  • cons: not found.

In fourth place in demand among buyers is cat litter for Cat Step toilet. It is purchased in small quantities because it does not require frequent replacement:

  • name: Cat Step;
  • price: 240-304 rubles;
  • characteristics: 3.8 l, silica gel, absorbent, protects against odor, hypoallergenic, for long-haired cats;
  • pros: perfectly absorbs large amounts of moisture and odor;
  • cons: not found.

Another product that cat owners prefer to buy for their pets is Pi-Pi-Bent Classic. This filler is made from natural material:

  • name: Pi-Pi-Bent Classic;
  • price: RUB 399-589;
  • characteristics: 10 kg, clumping clay, protects against the smell of cat urine;
  • advantages: prevents the spread of bacteria;
  • cons: not found.

Where to buy litter for cats

The easiest way is to buy cat litter in one of the many online stores. They provide a wide range of products across affordable prices, where detailed characteristics and photos are indicated, which will make your choice easier. Delivery is paid and free of charge. The first stores on the list are: UniZoo, Zoo1, ZOOshef, Magizoo. You can personally visit the chain of stores “Four Paws”, “Beethoven”, Zoo City and others.


The first filler appeared only in 1947, and later a short time has become an indispensable assistant for almost every cat owner. The variety of materials, methods of use, economically attractive prices and the general availability of litter undoubtedly make it easier to keep pets.

First of all, when choosing a litter, you should take into account the cat’s preferences. Carefully observing your pet's behavior will help you understand whether she likes the new toilet. If you ignore this point, the owner may find himself in an unpleasant situation: the cat, being stubborn, will refuse to use the tray, considering the mat or flower pot more attractive.

The safety of raw materials also influences the choice. An unintelligent kitten can eat delicious-smelling granules. Dust flying while digging gets into the lungs. Scented and/or silica gel litter can cause allergies in both the cat and the owner. Priority should be given to products whose packaging says: “environmentally friendly” pure product", "no additives", "not chemically processed", "safe if swallowed".

Another important point– price. There are a huge number of fillers at bargain prices. However, as a rule, cheap products do not differ in quality: the filler has to be changed after each visit to the toilet, which increases material consumption. High-quality expensive fillers do not require daily replacement.

Based on their properties, fillers are divided into absorbent and clumping. The first include adsorbent granules, which absorb moisture without changing shape. The advantage of this filler is that it only needs to be changed once a week if you pour enough granules into the tray (about 5-8 cm, indicated on the package). Clumping filler requires constant, but partial replacement: granules, having absorbed moisture, form a dense lump that is easy to remove with a scoop. Low-quality clumping fillers do not “keep their shape” well, becoming limp and smeared throughout the container.

Fillers are made from various materials, each of which has its own pros and cons. Some fillers can be mixed, as indicated on the package. The size of the granules depends on the cat's preferences, but in most cases does not play a special role. However, for long-haired cats, large granules are more suitable, as they cling less to the fur.

A new product in the pet industry is biological filler made from wool, grain husks, corn cobs or paper. Safe, environmentally friendly product, can be thrown into the sewer, inexpensive. Cons: lightweight, scatters around the apartment, sometimes stains paws and sticks to long fur.

Wood filler is a little more expensive, but no less harmless. The granules consist of pressed wood shavings, absorb moisture well, do not spread throughout the house, do not stick to paws or fur, and smell pleasantly “forest”. Cons: in large quantities should not be thrown into the sewer; it does not hold the smell of mature animals well. It is excellent for kittens and neutered animals, as their urine does not have a strong odor.

Mineral fillers are made from different varieties clay, sometimes with the addition of other natural materials. They are both absorbent and clumping. Today this is the most popular type of filler. Relatively inexpensive natural material, perfectly retains moisture and odors. Most cats like it. High-quality clay fillers do not create dust and do not stick to paws or fur. Cons: cannot be thrown into the sewer; sometimes the cat leaves white marks on the floor after visiting the litter box.

Silica gel filler consists of granules that have very high absorbency. Moisture is removed from the silicate gel (silicon acid salt) and crushed to form granules. In some cases it is used chemical treatment to increase adsorption. Pros: aesthetic appearance(light crystals suggest cleanliness and freshness), the granules perfectly hold their shape and do not stain the tray, retain moisture well (almost 100% of their weight) and lock out odors, and do not require frequent replacement. Cons: high cost, may be harmful to health if swallowed. In addition, some cats do not like silicate litter because it creates a peculiar crunch when using the tray.