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» Insects similar to cockroaches. Types of cockroaches in Russia; decorative and exotic cockroaches. Egyptian and Turkmen cockroaches

Insects similar to cockroaches. Types of cockroaches in Russia; decorative and exotic cockroaches. Egyptian and Turkmen cockroaches

Many people would be curious to know the types of cockroaches that operate in their kitchens. They study their habits and reproductive characteristics. And there is only one reason for such curiosity: the desire to find out everything about pests in order to find the most effective way getting rid of them.

But there are enthusiasts who specifically breed cockroaches in their homes. Some people are seriously into it, others feed these insects to their pets, and a third considers the cockroaches themselves to be their favorite pets.

In the huge diversity of the Cockroach Suborder, every terrariumist can find a species of individuals to his liking. Indeed, today scientists already know more than 4.5 thousand species of cockroaches. And this is not the limit, as entomologists continue to discover new species.

Cockroaches on the territory of the former USSR

In Russia and neighboring countries there are a little more than fifty species of cockroaches. In his home a man with most likely can see only some representatives of this group of insects. Surely, someone will recognize the inhabitants of their own homes in the photos below.

Red cockroach, or Blattella germanica:

One angrily calls him a Prusak, and the other quite peacefully calls him “Stasik”. This look has taken root in apartments thoroughly. The apartments provide simply ideal conditions for his prosperity. Warm all year round, and there is always something to profit from. This is what attracts them.

They came up with an affectionate nickname for him - “car guy”. The creature looks original. A light stripe goes around the entire black body of the cockroach, short light elytra, and males also have bright yellow spots on the pronotum. The insect is very reminiscent of a tiny car with burning headlights.

Therea Bernhardti, or Chess cockroach:

This handsome guy is considered the cutest of the cockroach army. The contrasting black and white coloring is somewhat reminiscent of the appearance of a predatory ground beetle, shooting at its offenders with a liquid with a pungent odor. This similarity serves as a kind of protection for the cockroach. In its homeland, India, it has enemies, so during the day the insect hides under stones and tree roots, and at night it searches for food.

And another cockroach, Blaberus craniifer, has a rather strange appearance and has an intriguing name - “Death's Head”:

The image on the pronotum of the insect is somewhat reminiscent of a mask worn on Halloween.

Cockroaches are record holders

Cockroaches have their own record holders. The largest is the Madagascar hissing cockroach, or Gromphadorrhina portentosa. This type cockroaches are rightly called giant, as the photograph clearly demonstrates:

Yellow-brown individuals, capable of growing up to 10 cm, amaze not only with their impressive size, but also with their unexpected habits. Cockroaches of this species are capable of emitting a threatening hiss. In fact, there is nothing unusual about this sound. This is a kind of powerful exhalation.

At the moment of danger, the insect's abdomen contracts, sharply squeezing air through the breathing holes. Such expressions of masculinity are effective against potential enemies, as well as less fortunate rivals in mating games. Defending the right to a female and territory, cockroaches stage real fights, as a result of which someone may well end up without a paw or without an antennae.

The heaviest type of cockroaches is shown in the photo below:

This is the Australian burrowing rhinoceros cockroach, Macropanesthia rhinoceros. In size it may be inferior to its African relative, but in mass it has no equal. Some specimens weighed 37 grams. This value is comparable to the weight of an average sparrow. The insect, as the name suggests, is capable of digging tunnels up to a meter long in the ground. This type of cockroach holds another record. Rhinoceroses are the longest-lived insects, living up to 10 years.

Individuals of this species can rightfully be called the only flying cockroaches. When the insect unfolds its wings, it becomes truly huge, reaching 20 cm in width.

Evolution of the cockroach

It has been written and said hundreds of times that the ancestors of the Cockroach order are older than dinosaurs. The appearance of modern cockroaches has undergone minor changes since the Carboniferous period, and their lifestyle also remains the same.

Evolution has affected the reproductive system of insects. In the distant past, cockroaches had an ovipositor, which made it possible to lay eggs inside the substrate and leave them there almost to their fate. This entailed the death of most of the offspring.

Later, edema appeared, a protective capsule for the eggs. And some species of cockroaches that exist in the third millennium carry the ootheca with them, parting with it immediately before the larvae emerge, and some even experience viviparity. Caring for the younger generation has allowed cockroaches to more effectively preserve their species.

From time to time, new species of cockroaches are discovered that have not previously come to the attention of entomologists. Insects evolve and adapt to new conditions environment, to poisons. Who knows, the future...

A huge hissing Madagascar cockroach defends itself

Individuals found at home are divided into three groups:

  • Prusak
  • Black
  • American cockroach

They all prefer to settle in human dwellings. There they feel comfortable and safe, they love rooms with high humidity. In rooms where they do not particularly care about cleanliness kitchen tables and dishes, there will definitely be a breeding of Prussians in the apartment

The Prussians do not like the proximity of blacks and destroy their population by devouring the ootecae, in which insect eggs are stored. For a long time you may not realize that you have roommates. Because small cockroaches are great at hiding.

American cockroach

The American cockroach, introduced with the import of fruits and vegetables, also took root and settled in our houses and apartments. In his habits and appearance, he is not very different from the usual Prussian. Sometimes you can see black aliens in our homes. They are much larger than red ones and are less common. This is explained by the fact that Prussians can eat the ootecae of blacks. In addition, black prefers to live in places with plenty of moisture and heat. These are mainly basements and garbage chutes.

You can also sometimes find such an individual as white cockroach. White cockroaches in an apartment are not some kind of separate insect, but simply a moulted ordinary barbel.

The American cockroach came to Europe and America from Africa. Where did they live in tropical forests. And we went on a trip with exported fruits. In the countries of Europe and America they adapted and settled in human dwellings. This insect is more aggressive. When there is a shortage of food, they can bite sleeping people and animals. But it is easier to remove, since it does not tolerate low temperatures at all. So these are tropical insects. He is of African origin.

Black American cockroach

Of particular note is the black variety. This is a bright representative of these insects. IN warm time During the year, they usually live in places where garbage accumulates, and when it gets colder, they move indoors. Since it moves into apartments from sewers and garbage cans, it is the main carrier of such infectious diseases, like cholera, E. coli and many others. There are cockroaches up to four centimeters in length. So them, for real, you might get scared.

Furniture cockroach

Furniture cockroach

Another individual that lives in our latitudes is the furniture cockroach. They differ from all others in that they have a bright red chitinous color and transparent wings. Food cravings they have wallpaper and book spines rich in starch. They were discovered relatively recently, in the central regions of Russia. All these insects, regardless of species, leave marks. Their brethren can use these tracks to find food and water.

How to get them out

Uninvited roommates multiply very quickly. And, if you notice these insects in your home, then you need to urgently take measures to remove them. These individuals live without food for about seventy days, and without water for about thirty. If their access to food and water is cut off, they can very soon move on to their neighbors. But it’s better to start fighting and cultivating your home together with your neighbors. In this case, poison from the Prussians will have a more effective effect and will help get rid of the invasion of these unpleasant cohabitants.

Although it is still quite difficult to eradicate them. Many have tried expensive aerosols and gels and various powders. But it is always necessary to remember that first of all it is necessary to maintain hygiene in the home. Do not leave leftover food and always wash dishes after yourself. In such conditions, the chance that you will have uninvited roommates decreases. It's no secret what cockroaches eat. If there are a lot of scattered crumbs in your home, or the trash in the bin has not been taken out for a long time, then there is a much greater chance that uninvited neighbors will live with you.

Insects are very good at hiding and only come out to feed in the dark. The mustachioed can feed not only on leftover food and waste, but, if there is a shortage of such, also on the feces and ootheca of its relatives. In particular hard times, they can eat anything. They can even bite the hairs, eyelashes and epidermis of sleeping children. This causes inflammation and allergic reactions.

Moreover, there are a lot of different harmful bacteria on their paws and they are carriers of such dangerous infectious diseases. Like E. coli, cholera, worm eggs and many others. And this is just a small list of the troubles that such cohabitants can cause. Everyone has seen photos of domestic cockroaches more than once, and we have also observed insects live. The photograph conveys all the details of their structure.

How do they reproduce?

Due to the fact that they cannot always be detected immediately, an unpleasant neighborhood is revealed only when a whole family is already snooping around your apartment - from small ones to females with new oothecae.

The ootheca is a kind of incubator that contains many eggs.

We can't see what cockroach eggs look like. But you can tell what small cockroaches look like. Small larvae look like adults. They just have smaller sizes. After each moult they become larger and larger. Until they turn into a full-fledged individual.

After each molt, the color of the chitinous cover remains very pale, almost white. And this is not an albino cockroach, their chitinous shell is simply not colored enough yet. Domestic insects of all described species are synanthropic individuals. Synanthropic cockroaches are a category of insect that can live near human homes and in wildlife does not occur. Examples include house rats, house sparrows, some ants and others.

Exotic individuals

Types of cockroaches include a huge number of categories. These include a variety of exotics and cockroaches, the species of which are well known to everyone. And also cockroaches, the varieties of which very few people know. Let us describe some of the exotic cockroaches found. The first of them is a chess cockroach.


This handsome guy permanently resides in India. In our latitudes, the chess cockroach breeds like an exotic insect. In terms of its appearance, it is the most attractive, so to speak about an insect. The coloring of its wings resembles a chessboard in black and white. With its color it resembles a predatory ground beetle, and thus scares away everyone who would not mind eating it. He, like all his brothers, leads a nocturnal lifestyle. During the day it sits out in a secluded place. This is a forest dweller.


Japanese cockroach

Japanese cockroaches - these insects live under stones and in the ground. Therefore, they are also called earthen. Its brown color gradually turns into red. It is also called Turkestan, Moroccan or Chinese. They live outdoors and are able to fly short distances by jumping high and helping themselves with their wings. Adults can reach impressive sizes.

Green cockroach

green cockroach

They are also called banana cockroaches. The green cockroach lives in the tropical climates of Florida and Cuba. For this habitat they got their name Cuban cockroach. Cuban cockroaches or banana cockroaches in the wild live in banana groves and feed on leaves. It is very popular among exotic lovers.

An adult individual can grow to a size of 2.5 cm. The temperature for its maintenance should not fall below 27 degrees Celsius, since this individual has tropical roots. After molting, they have a pale almost white color, and then their wings may turn green.


Mexican cockroach

The homeland of such an individual South America. They live in the ground. The female is larger in size than the male. If necessary, they can fly to long distances. The Mexican cockroach can reach impressive lengths. These are red cockroaches that live in trees and crevices. When falling from a height, red cockroaches glide. Wings help them with this. The temperature for keeping them at home should not be below twenty degrees. Their diet is varied, but it is based on plant foods. The aquarium must have a substrate in which the Mexican will happily bury itself.


Australian cockroach

This is a huge insect that reaches large sizes. In appearance, the Australian cockroach resembles the Madagascan cockroach. In nature, it lives in earthen burrows. Can dig long passages in the ground. For this they call him the rhinoceros. To maintain it, you need to pour a large number of substrate. In such conditions, a rhinoceros can live up to ten years. Their diet is exclusively plant-based. A very interesting and most famous of the exotics is the Madagascar, which hisses when danger approaches. Or in those moments when he fights for the female.

Toy soldiers

Soldier bug

Very interesting insects. Soldiers are not cockroaches. These are bedbugs. But many are accustomed to the fact that soldiers are cockroaches. They have interesting colors, where grey colour alternates with red. The coloring of such an insect resembles a hussar’s uniform, which is how the toy soldiers got their name. Soldiers usually live in the ground and do not cause trouble to people. They eat plant foods. Colonies of these insects usually settle in rotten substrates of plant origin. They are not dangerous for people and are not carriers of infections. They do not settle in human dwellings and have no predilection for human waste.

Cockroaches are very unpleasant household insects. There is no particular harm from them, but who would like to find uninvited mustachioed guests in the apartment? Many people immediately begin extermination, not even suspecting that there are many varieties of these insects. Of course, it makes no difference what types of cockroaches have settled in the room, but, as they say, you always need to know the enemy by sight.

Black (Blatta orientalis)

One of the most popular families indoors is black cockroaches. They easily enter your home, especially if there is a sewer drain, garbage cans or cluttered basements nearby. In the summer, members of the family can feel great outside, but when the weather gets colder they tend to find a warmer place.

An unpleasant odor, a chitinous black shell, and size (up to 3 cm) are the main characteristics of this species of cockroaches. Color can vary from dark gray to dirty red. Adult individuals reproduce slowly, but if you do not deal with them immediately, then such neglect threatens to grow the family to incredible sizes.

The most large cluster individuals can be found in the following places:

  • trash bin;
  • under the stove;
  • behind the refrigerator;
  • in the pantry.

Black cockroaches are the most dangerous insects from this family to human health. Since their favorite place is garbage containers, the number of infections and bacteria on their paws is impossible to even imagine. And together with insects, this accumulation of infection, dangerous for humans, can quickly move into the apartment.

Redheads (Blattella germanica)

If we consider the types of domestic cockroaches, this is the most popular family. It is also known as Prussians. No living space is immune from the appearance of red cockroaches.

It is worth noting that it is very difficult to get rid of them - insects know how to hide well, reproduce with incredible speed, and chemicals or traditional methods killing cockroaches is ineffective.

Types of cockroaches

You can meet red cockroaches almost everywhere:

  • Living spaces;
  • hospitals;
  • public places;
  • utility rooms;
  • country houses.

The body of the cockroach is slightly elongated, the chitinous shell has a reddish tint, which can range from light to very dark. Representatives of such an interesting family live near a large amount of food. Incredibly, they easily manage to penetrate even closed containers.

Interesting facts from the life of red cockroaches - they can find food almost everywhere. Even if you carefully hide all the leftover food, insects will easily find a few grains of sugar spilled a long time ago or stale bread crumbs.

The presence of water is vital for representatives of this family. They can go without food for a long time, but if the taps in the apartment are faulty, then the cockroaches will calmly continue to visit, constantly visiting the source of life-giving for them. They will not disdain indoor plants– young sprouts may be completely eaten.


You can often spot a white cockroach in an apartment. Don't think that this is some strange new species. In most cases, the cockroach has a white tint after molting. During their entire life, insects of this family shed their chitinous shell almost 10 times.

The light, almost transparent color makes the insect much more difficult to detect. After some time, it will be covered with a new shell and acquire a permanent color. How long will it take him to do this? In just two weeks, the mustachioed white cockroach will turn into an ordinary red or black pest.

The appearance of a white cockroach

Chemicals can affect the shade of mustachioed apartment dwellers. This happens especially often if low-quality products for killing domestic insects were purchased. After some time, the natural color will return.

American (Periplaneta americana)

It is not worth judging the origin of an insect by its name. The homeland of this family is hot Africa. Cockroaches made their way to America with cargo ships, and then easily spread across all continents.

Abundant food, a large amount of garbage near houses and unsanitary conditions in public institutions became an excellent incentive to appear in our country. Despite how many species there are, this insect is easy to distinguish - its large size, oval body with a brown shell that looks like folded wings, differs sharply from the appearance of the familiar Prussians.

Another feature that distinguishes American cockroaches from red or black ones is that they cannot tolerate cold weather. Even at a temperature of 0 degrees, the insect inevitably dies. Another unpleasant characteristic is that the American cockroach is very aggressive and can even attack a pet or person.

Furniture (Supella longipalpa)

The central regions of Russia are especially abundant in such types of insects. They were first discovered in an apartment more than 50 years ago, and since then the owners of the premises have been unsuccessfully trying to get rid of such a scourge.

The peculiarity of this family is the presence of transparent wings with dark stripes and a bright red tint. The kitchen is the worst place for these insects. Why? Their favorite foods are wallpaper paste and old books. This is what brings these types of cockroaches to archives and libraries.

Central Asian (Shelfordella tartara)

The south of Russia is a part of the country where you can find another family of unpleasant insects. It is very easy to recognize - only Central Asian cockroaches have a yellow head and a black belly.

Another one of them distinctive feature– insects are able to jump perfectly from object to object, and where it is not possible to overcome an obstacle in one jump, cockroaches simply fly over.

Egyptian (Polyphaga aegyptiaca)

One of the most prominent representatives among insect pests in the south of Russia. They don’t go overboard with housing conditions - they can happily live both in an apartment and in a room for livestock. They do not pose a threat, they are absolutely harmless, although the size of the family can cause many problems.

The appearance is quite unusual. Large, up to several centimeters adults are black in color. The shell is smooth and shiny. This species is often used as food on farms that breed lizards.

A little exotic

Despite the fact that people always think of cockroaches with disgust, some apartment residents cannot resist purchasing the most interesting specimens of the cockroach family.

One of the most beloved pets is the chess cockroach. It is called that because of its original coloring, reminiscent of a chessboard. The insect is nocturnal - it prefers to hide during the day, and when darkness comes, it goes for a walk around the apartment.

Another wonderful representative of a large family is the Death’s Head. Why is it called so unusually? He has an interesting pattern on his back in the form of a scary grinning mask. The peculiarity of this insect is the ability to make long flights.

The huge Madagascar cockroach is a unique insect. Not only can it reach 10 cm in size, but the ability to make sounds is unique to them out of the entire huge family. It sounds like a loud hissing sound, but scientists have proven that it's just noisy breathing.

Cockroaches - what kind of insects are they?

The rhinoceros cockroach is also unique in its kind. The huge weight of these insects is to blame for this. How much exactly? An adult can reach a weight of about 40 grams. Also, such beautiful representatives of exotic insects can live a long life - up to 10 years.

A striking representative of a number of insects Latin America– Megaloblatta longipennis. He not only has huge size, is the only species that flies without difficulty. The wingspan is impressive - up to 25 cm! The shade of this insect is especially beautiful - black, with purple tint. Because of its size, people are afraid to keep it in apartments, so you can only find such beauty in wild nature.

Mutation, crossing of several varieties, living conditions - all this has a beneficial effect on the growth of the family. More and more new species of cockroaches are appearing. Some of them are completely harmless to humans, but most can become the main cause of serious illnesses.

Scientists are confident that modern cockroaches can easily spread cholera or ulcers. That is why humanity has been fighting these unpleasant insects for many years. But so far everything is to no avail - the family continues to successfully grow and reproduce.

Video: Type of cockroaches


The body is flat, oval, length from 4 mm to 9.5 cm (or more). The head is triangular or heart-shaped, flat. Mouthparts are gnawing. Cockroaches have strong jaws lined with chitinous teeth. The eyes are big. Sometimes absent (often in cave forms). The antennae are elongated. The elytra are dense; the wings are membranous and fold under the elytra at rest. Often the elytra and wings are shortened or completely absent.


Cockroaches are heat-loving and moisture-loving, very mobile insects that are predominantly nocturnal; During the day they hide under stones or fallen leaves, in cracks on the soil surface, in rodent burrows, under the bark of stumps and dying trees. Winged birds can fly to the light at night. They feed on plant and animal remains.

Cockroaches are one of the hardiest insects. Some cockroaches can live up to a month without food, and can also hold their breath for 45 minutes and slow their heart rate.

Cockroaches reproduce sexually and parthenogenetically, but in order to begin reproduction, the female must mate with the male at least once. Modern cockroaches lay eggs protected by a special capsule - an ootheca, which is sometimes carried by the female and protrudes at the end of the abdomen. Some species are viviparous; in cockroaches of the genus cryptocercus and some others difficult parenting behavior. The transformation is incomplete, the larvae of wingless species are difficult to distinguish from adults; develop from several months (red cockroach) to 4 years (black cockroach), molting 5-8 times during this period. Many species of cockroaches can fly.

Most cockroaches are heat- and moisture-loving insects. Optimal conditions for them: temperature 28-32°C and relative humidity 70-90%. Tropical species die at temperatures below 20 and above 35. Several hundred cockroaches can live in a dark terrarium measuring 50x50x30 cm if there is a sufficient number of shelters. Which can be made from flower pots, bark or egg packaging. A 50 mm layer of moistened peat, fallen leaves or soil mixed with sand is used as soil. The lid can be made of metal or plastic fine mesh. You can leave the aquarium without covering it at all. If cockroaches can climb on a vertical smooth surface, it is better to lubricate the walls of the terrarium along the edges with Vaseline. In this case, cockroaches will not be able to get out even from an open terrarium.

Cockroaches can feed on almost any organic material (eg cat and dog food, bread), but also need a significant amount of fruits and vegetables (not too much so that the leftovers do not mold in the terrarium). No container of water is needed. It is necessary to clean a terrarium with cockroaches before they appear. bad smell. Good decision Orange slices can also be used to supply cockroaches with moisture. help eliminate unpleasant odors. It is better to use dry food, such as fish flakes.
Cockroaches can eat their smaller counterparts, which helps control the population when overcrowded. Cockroaches can host microscopic mites that do not cause them any harm.

Males are smaller, thinner and have eight abdominal segments, the last of which is equipped with two additional palps. Females have six abdominal segments. The wings of males are longer than the wings of females.
Mating occurs after mutual inspection with the palps and raising of the wings. During the entire process, the cockroaches remain attached to each other. One species of cockroaches reproduces by parthenogenesis.
Adult females make from one to fifteen clutches of 16-45 eggs each. Inside the body, the shell of the egg is soft white, when exposed to air it turns brown and hardens. Nymphs emerge from the eggs within 2-12 weeks after laying. Immediately after hatching, the nymphs shed their embryonic skin.
Most species store their eggs in an ootheca, where nymphs hatch and remain inside the mother's body until their chitinous covering hardens, and in some cases longer.
Other species also retain eggs in the ootheca, but lay them several hours before hatching.
Species of cockroaches that lay eggs weeks before hatching hide their eggs in deep crevices.
Nymphs, which reach 6-12 mm in length, can live with their parents. Depending on the species, they reach sexual maturity within 5-11 stages. The entire process can take 50-275 days.


Domestic cockroaches are classified as so-called synanthropic species, the survival of which in our latitudes is impossible outside of human habitation. Of the 4000 species, only 300 are synanthropic. The most popular species will be discussed.

About cockroaches

Suitable temperature and constant availability food has attracted these insects to human homes for a very long time. Their rapid resettlement occurred for two reasons:

  • Accessibility of travel and migration. The moment human migrations became publicly available - their journeys the new kind can be brought in a suitcase or hat box.
  • Breeding by amateurs. Another factor was man's fascination with exotic insects. This is how the American moon cockroach and other species grown by amateurs in terrariums came to our region.

The largest cockroach in the world is the rhinoceros. This insect is 8 centimeters in length and weighs about 30 grams. Its homeland is North Queensland (Australia).

Other authors consider the Madagascar cockroach to be the largest. His average length is 6 cm, and large individuals can reach 10 cm in terrarium conditions. Except for the sizes. These insects are unique in that they are able to make special hissing sounds, trying to scare a rival or predator, as well as when trying to attract a female. African cockroach is a popular misnomer.

All types of domestic cockroaches cannot survive in cold winters. They have a number of characteristics characteristic of each species. One can only guess how many species of these insects can be found in our latitudes. Despite their different origins, the way cockroaches look allows you to accurately identify any of their species:

  1. Incomplete development cycle. Nymphs emerge from the eggs of cockroaches (the so-called cockroach larva), which are practically no different appearance from imago - adult individuals. Small cockroaches shed their chitinous coverings several times as they grow.
  2. All species are distinguished by amazing omnivorousness, provided by unique microorganisms, gregarines, which are part of the normal intestinal microflora of the cockroach. What cockroaches eat include paper, wallpaper paste and other hard-to-digest delicacies.
  3. The presence of edema is another distinguishing feature these insects. This special education reliably protects cockroach eggs from mechanical and chemical influences.
  4. A flat body, fast movement speed and nocturnal lifestyle allow insects to remain unnoticed in human homes for a long time.
  5. Flying cockroaches. Most species of these insects are only capable of gliding on their reduced wings. The only truly flying species is not found in our latitudes
  6. Dependence of life expectancy on the availability of food and water. How long cockroaches live depends on the food supply. Typically, the life expectancy of red cockroaches ranges from 9-10 months, and large black cockroaches live several months less. Insects spend most of this time in the larval stage. Without water, these insects can live no longer than 7 days.

A white cockroach is an insect that has just emerged from its old shell after molting.. Few people know what domestic cockroaches look like after molting. But sometimes, in closed populations, albino cockroaches can be born, which are not very viable. The molting process is clearly visible in the video:

Types of cockroaches living in houses

Below we list the main types of cockroaches found in our homes. Some of them are frequent guests of our apartments, while others are extremely rare there.


The red cockroach is an ordinary resident apartment buildings, hostels, catering establishments, as well as trains and airplanes. In Russia they are called Prussians, although the homeland of this species is middle Asia. The lifespan of a cockroach of this species without food is up to 50 days. The length of an adult insect is up to one and a half centimeters. Females appear larger and less mobile than males. Adult Prussians have wings and are able to glide. All stages are very sensitive to low temperatures and die at -5 o C. During her life (about a year), the female is capable of forming up to 9 ootheca. The number of young individuals hatched from each of them depends on the living conditions of the colony and its provision of food resources. Nymphs molt several times and by 2 months are already able to bear offspring. This species chooses garbage cans, refrigerators, and sometimes bed mattresses or food storage places as the most convenient. These cockroaches are known to be able to survive in high radiation environments. They easily tolerate doses 15 times higher than those that can kill a person. For the red cockroach, the main factors that can limit its lifespan are the availability of water and air temperature.


Until recently, the black cockroach was not inferior in number to the red one. Black house cockroaches can survive without food for 90 days. A female can give up to 30 offspring in her life. They prefer to live in damp basements, in the attics where it takes place central heating, as well as in lower-floor apartments and low-rise apartment buildings. These large cockroaches (the length of an adult insect can reach 5 cm) can frighten people with their size and terrifying appearance. In the wild, they are found only in the young regions of our country, as well as in the countries of Central Asia.

Eastern peoples at one time considered these insects to be mascots of their homes and took them with them when moving.

When wet, these cockroaches are capable of digesting shoe leather, soap, and hard cardboard. If food runs out, the larvae can emerge from the edema after 5 years if conditions are favorable for them. The eggs of this species hatch into white cockroaches in the apartment, which darken as their chitinous shell strengthens.


The American periplanet cockroach is another cosmopolitan. Moved to us from the New World. These domestic cockroaches are similar to red ones, but they are more aggressive. Do cockroaches also bite? These - yes, they are highly aggressive and can bite children and pets while sleeping. Periplanets are flying cockroaches and are capable of gliding over long distances. Their length reaches 5 cm.

The female’s edema contains from 12 to 15 eggs; the first nymphs emerge from it 20 days after shedding. In total, these insects live up to 600 days, of which 400 are in the adult adult stage.

IN favorable conditions the female can produce 2 oothecae per week. In total, it produces up to 90 ootheca during its life. Unfavorable conditions can extend the life of this cockroach to 4 years. The hatched babies are cared for by several females.

In this species, parthenogenetic reproduction is possible without the participation of males.


The Turkmen cockroach is a medium-sized and light brown insect. Its size reaches up to 3 cm in length. Mainly lives in warm countries of Asia. This species is considered fast growing. It develops within 4 months. Favorite places in apartments are dirty and old floors. In apartments they eat fruit and are very fond of dry food for your household.


These black insects come from sewer pipes in search of food. They happily feed on food waste in garbage cans, and are capable of carrying many dangerous diseases (for example, helminthiases or dysentery). They are able to move not only sewer pipes, but also inside the water supply system, if there is no water in it, as well as through ventilation shafts.

Harmful neighbors

All varieties of cockroaches are extremely unwelcome guests of our apartments and houses. It is important to know in the house what they look like and what they eat in order to choose effective system fight them.

By turning off the water and removing food waste as far as possible from our home, we can reduce the likelihood of these unpleasant neighbors appearing in it and make our life more comfortable without them.