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» Inexpensive bathroom furniture: layout options. DIY bathroom furniture DIY bathroom furniture

Inexpensive bathroom furniture: layout options. DIY bathroom furniture DIY bathroom furniture

If desired, you can make a functional and beautiful furniture for the bathroom with your own hands, thereby creating a truly original interior in this room, which is important for the life of every person.

Nowadays, offered by stores, can satisfy almost any request. But even with such a variety of items for arranging a sanitary facility, it is not always possible to choose the optimal option for furnishing it. This is especially true for small rooms. In such situations, home craftsmen make bathroom furniture with their own hands. This process is the right approach adding to it will save the family budget and create a chic interior in the bathroom.

Sink cabinet

First you need to decide what kind of furniture you want to see in your bathroom. Typically, in rooms for water procedures the following is installed:

  • Vanity cabinet. This piece of furniture is very practical. IN homemade cabinet It’s easy to install a sink and use the inside of the cabinet to store cosmetics and detergents. In addition, such bathroom furniture makes it possible to rationally use the space of the room and hide unattractive types of siphons and water pipes.
  • Shelves or cabinets hanging type. Such structures are installed on the walls (in their upper part) using reliable brackets. Externally, hanging cabinets look small. At the same time, they are very roomy. It’s hard to imagine a more intelligent use of empty walls in the bathroom.
  • Wardrobe for storing linen. This design is placed in cases where there is empty corner, which is not used in any way. It is advisable to have two compartments - a large one (you can store laundry that needs washing in it) and a small one (for soap, shampoo, cosmetics).

Also, the bathroom must have a mirror. Unfortunately, in many sanitary facilities there is simply no room for it. The way out of this situation is simple - make mirrored doors on hanging cabinets. They'll look great without you having to figure out how to squeeze a mirror into the meager space. square meters your bathroom.

Next, you need to select the materials from which you will make items for the bathroom. Operational Features This room requires that the furniture for it have good moisture-resistant qualities. The following materials meet these criteria:

  1. Waterproof fiberboards (MDF) and chipboards (chipboards). The first products have a lot of color options - you can choose the optimal shade for the furniture. Chipboard manufacturers use more modest colors. But this material can be processed with your own hands without any problems. In addition, chipboard in terms of water resistance looks more preferable than MDF. Here you can cheat - make the façade of furniture from wood-fiber products, and its body from wood-fiber products.
  2. Plastic. The most rational and economical option. This material very light, characterized by a huge variety of colors, absolutely not afraid of moisture, but is fragile. Therefore, you cannot make a vanity cabinet out of it. It is unlikely to support the weight of the sink.
  3. Stone and glass. Now these materials are in great demand, especially among lovers of unusual interiors. The stone is good for making countertops and shelves. But let us immediately note that working with this solid material at home is very difficult. Shelves for cabinets and furniture facades are most often made from glass.

MDF furniture

Some home craftsmen are eager to make furniture items from aluminum or of stainless steel. These metals look beautiful and are moisture resistant. But experts do not recommend using them. Firstly, such materials will make the bathroom room “cold”. Secondly, they are difficult to process on your own.

If you dream of an elite homemade furniture, try making it from natural wood. But remember that wood does not tolerate high humidity (it can change its color and sometimes shape). Such material cannot be called practical. And its cost is quite high. Pros recommend making furniture for sanitary facilities (if you really want to use this particular material) exclusively from solid teak.

When you decide on the type of furniture and the material for its manufacture, start measuring the sanitary unit. Measure the height of the room, its length and width. Based on this data, it will be possible to make drawings of homemade furniture. Arm yourself with a ruler and a pencil, draw the objects you need, and figure out how beautiful they will look in the bathroom. It’s even easier to find a specialized site on the Internet that has special programs that facilitate the process of designing homemade furniture. After this, details of future structures should be made. Calculate and write down the quantities of all the items you will need.

Sink countertop

Buy parts with a reserve. There is always a possibility of damage to any element when processing it with your own hands. After careful calculations and double-checks, go to hardware store. Immediately purchase fixtures and fittings for furniture. Don't buy plastic fittings(door awnings, legs for cabinets, various handles). Such products will quickly lose their appearance, and after a while they will break down completely. It is better to buy fittings made of chrome-plated metal alloys or stainless steel. Mounts also need to be chosen wisely.

Dowels are affordable. They can be used in cases where you plan to install furniture once and for all. Dowels allow the production of exclusively non-separable objects.

But the Euro-ties, which are popular nowadays, make it possible to assemble furniture that, if necessary, can be disassembled without the slightest problem. It is also allowed to use confirmat for the manufacture of furniture. But let’s say right away that this type of fastener does not look the best. The next step is cutting the purchased materials to the required sizes. If you are confident in your abilities, perform this operation yourself. In other cases, contact workshops for help. Craftsmen will cut any materials without defects, quickly and with a minimum amount of waste. After preparing all the parts, you can begin assembling the furniture.

It’s easy to make a visually attractive and practical stand for a washbasin, equipping it with additional functional glass shelves, using affordable chipboards. You will need 15–20 mm thick chipboards, self-tapping screws, furniture corners, sandpaper, tape (required double-sided), fittings, putty and primer compositions. Also buy 7-9mm glass.

Making a sink cabinet

The assembly process of the structure we are interested in looks like this:

  1. Take measurements of the cabinet and decide on geometric parameters shells.
  2. On the chipboard sheet, mark the recesses for the pipes and the place where the siphon will be located.
  3. Cut the wood chip product so as to obtain the bottom and two walls of the future structure. You fasten these elements with wood screws. The heads of the hardware must be recessed into the chipboard. Proceed with caution - the sheet may be damaged. Don't forget to drill holes in the frame. They will be needed to install the shelves.
  4. Cut out the doors, but do not attach them to the cabinet frame yet.
  5. Place the fruit of your labors in its rightful place in the bathroom. Level the bedside table and attach it to the wall surface using 2-4 metal corners. The fasteners must be installed at the top of the bedside table or directly under the tabletop and secured with metal screws.
  6. Putty the chipboard ( increased attention pay attention to the places where the hardware is located). Ideally, you should have a perfectly smooth surface. Problem areas can be treated sandpaper. If desired, you can paint some unusual decorative image on a fresh putty layer.

When the putty has dried, the cabinet should be painted or varnished. Apply the paint composition with a spray bottle or paint brush. It is recommended to treat putty areas with a primer before painting. After the paint has dried, all you have to do is carefully hang the doors and install glass shelves. The glass must be cut in advance (it is better to do this in a workshop). However, you can prepare our future shelves yourself using a glass cutter. Be sure to sharpen the edges with a fine-grit grinding wheel. glass products, giving them a rounded shape.

Now install the prepared shelves in the cabinet. The topmost glass will serve as a tabletop. It can be fixed with double-sided tape. Install the remaining shelves on special mounts. That's all! You've made your own vanity cabinet. Enjoy the results of your work.

The bathroom is perhaps the smallest room in our apartments. But this does not make it any less significant. The mood with which we leave it in the morning determines how our day will go, so it is very important to combine functionality and comfort in it. What do you need to know to renovate your bathroom in accordance with your chosen goals?

Basic stages of bathroom planning

Bathroom renovation is a responsible, lengthy and labor-intensive stage. It is necessary to carefully consider the layout and competently draw up a bathroom project in order to “forget” about construction work there for ten years. First, you need to take measurements of the bathroom, marking on the plan the location of all communications, drains and pipe entries. Secondly, consider the option of adding a toilet to the bathroom. Thus, it is possible to achieve an increase in the area of ​​​​the room and its functionality.

Third, make a preliminary list of necessary equipment. Choose between a bathtub and a shower stall, decide on the location of the washing machine (you can place it, for example, in the kitchen), decide whether a urinal or bidet is needed in the room.

Fourth, consider the possibility of transferring communications. Modern manufacturers offer many options for this: flexible water hoses, corrugated pipes And so on. With their help, you can easily move your plumbing fixtures to a new location.

Among other things, replacing outdated pipes with new ones will help solve the problem of leaks. The technologies used to produce new pipes make them durable and easy to maintain.

In conclusion, it is necessary to prepare several projects for placing plumbing fixtures and furniture inside and, finally, select the appropriate one.

Number of bathrooms in residential premises

So how many bathrooms are needed in a room: two or one? Is it worth combining two rooms together? There is no clear answer. Everywhere has its pros and cons.

Positive sides:

  • Increasing the area of ​​the bathroom.
  • Everything is in one room, there is no need to go to the bathroom after visiting the bathroom.
  • Reduce material costs for one wall.
  • There is scope for implementing bold design solutions.

Negative sides combinations:

  • If the family is large, then there may be queues to use the bathroom.
  • Inconvenience of taking a bath near the toilet.
  • Demolition interior partition requires official permission, which is not always easy to obtain.

In any case, the decision will be yours; you just need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Space zoning and redevelopment

To increase the functionality of a room, designers use the zoning method, that is, dividing the space of a room depending on its purpose. According to this principle, the bathroom can be divided into three zones: an area for taking water procedures (bath, shower, sink), an area for personal hygiene and natural needs (toilet, urinal, bidet) and a utility area (washing machine, cabinets for storing cleaning equipment) .

Zoning can be done different ways: combine plumbing fixtures and furniture for their intended purpose in one place or highlight an area using design techniques. These include the use of contrasting colors or finishing materials, multi-level ceilings and flooring, lighting. When remodeling, it is important to choose models of furniture and plumbing fixtures that allow you to use the space with maximum benefit. Engage the corners. Take a closer look at the corner bathtub and toilet - they take up less space, and functionality does not suffer from this.

Convenient too corner shelves and open shelves made of stainless steel. You can place towels and other bath accessories on them.

Instead of a tandem of floor and wall cabinets, it is better to use a tall pencil case. It is more spacious and, if desired, can act as a partition, separating the toilet from the water treatment area. In addition, the shape of the pencil case very successfully expands the space of the room.

Good result To expand the space in the bathroom, you can create additional structures. For example, washing machine or the sink can be hidden in a niche, and the installation of an additional partition will allow you to place more items.

Installation systems also allow you to save space in the bathroom - special structures with the help of which a wall-mounted toilet is secured. Moreover, all systems are built into the wall, which means they are hidden from view.

Unusual design solutions in small bathrooms also help solve the space problem. A bathtub installed diagonally or in the center of the room allows you to use the freed walls for installing additional furniture or plumbing fixtures.

Good idea- placement of the washing machine under the sink. So you will have free place. Be sure to read our article about this.

How to make a design project correctly

A huge help in redevelopment work will be a design project that takes into account all aspects: the size and configuration of the room, ceiling height, placement of communications and includes plans, drawings, selection and arrangement of furniture and equipment, accessories, as well as three-dimensional visualization of the interior . You can simplify it significantly, leaving only the most significant moments. There are special programs for drawing up projects, but to do the work efficiently and without errors, professional experience and skills are required. It is difficult to understand such programs on your own and takes a lot of time.

The average person can be advised to use free online services that are available on the Internet. Most often they can be found on sites that sell ceramic tiles, they can also be used to calculate the required amount of materials. The disadvantage of such programs is that they are more than modest functionality, they are designed for standard bathrooms.

Who can you trust to design your bathroom?

Based on the above, let us give ourselves advice to entrust the redevelopment to the masters. Mistakes made at the design stage can lead to irreparable consequences: the shower stall will not fit into its intended place, and the washing machine will not be able to be connected to the electrical network because they forgot to make an outlet. Special programs do not create the interior on their own; they are only a tool in the hands of a professional, designed to satisfy your desires in reality. Designers, with extensive experience, will find the most convenient, technically feasible solution for your bathroom.

The living minimum is a bath of about 3 square meters. meters

By properly thinking through the design of a small bathroom, designers can turn it into a functional space. Let's consider an option with the original dimensions of the bathroom being 1.5 m long and 1.37 m wide. In this case, you can combine it with a bathroom by dismantling the partition between them and blocking one doorway. In the resulting room with an area of ​​2.9 m², a toilet can easily fit, corner bath and a sink. You can choose it for your washbasin convenient wardrobe and there will be room for a washing machine and a tall cabinet.

We divide the space - bathroom 4 sq. m.

If you have a bathroom combined with a bathroom that is 2.5 m long and 1.6 m wide, then the space between the personal hygiene areas and the washing area can be divided using a partition. This layout involves replacing regular bath shower stall, then there is space for additional cabinets. In this project, the toilet and sink are installed directly next to the partition.

Bath 5.9 sq. meters - with shower and double sink

If you are the happy owner of a large bathroom with an area of ​​​​as much as 5.9 m² and also a family man, then consider an interior design with two wash basins. First you need to remove the excess masonry next to the bathroom. This will allow you to place a washing machine there, and if you remove the closet, then there will be enough space for a shower stall. Now two family members can shower at the same time in the bathroom. Instead of a single washbasin, we install a double one. Such a project will be relevant in large families.

All at once - a bathroom with an area of ​​7.2 square meters. meters

This redevelopment is suitable for a room of 7.2 m² and aims to create an intimate corner for taking water treatments. The bathtub is placed in a corner and separated from the rest by a special translucent screen, which additionally serves as splash protection. In addition, space is freed up for installing cabinets or a washing machine. You can ditch the double sink in favor of a bidet or urinal and, if desired, hide them behind a partition.

Here you can choose between taking a shower or bathing, washing your face alone or in the company of your beloved family members. A bathtub is placed against the wall opposite the entrance, next to which there is also a shower stall. Instead of a single sink, a double sink is placed; to do this, you have to move it slightly deeper into the room. On the left behind the door there is a washing machine, and next to the shower stall there is a toilet.

Bathroom from 10.3 sq. meters - we use the large space wisely

The 10.3 m² bathroom has an additional niche. If you do correct placement, then in such a room you can easily organize a guest area. To do this, you will need to move the interior doorway and install three small partitions. This area houses a washbasin and toilet for guests. The entrance to the master bathroom can be made separate, or it can pass through the guest area - this will free up additional space for placing cabinets. The bathtub and washbasin for the owners are located on a raised platform, with the bathtub bowl placed diagonally and recessed. This is the case when zoning is emphasized by different floor levels.

The bathroom is not like the other rooms in your apartment. Here water constantly flows, steam rises, and the air temperature changes. Items in the bathroom are susceptible to aggressive influence environment, therefore they must have increased resistance to wear, and especially to moisture. For example, if we talk about walls, then the most ideal material for a bathroom is, of course, ceramic tiles.

Bathroom filling can be divided into three groups:

  • Plumbing equipment.
  • Bathroom accessories.
Bathroom plumbing will be discussed in separate articles, but now let’s talk about bathroom furniture.

It's hard to imagine a bathroom without furniture. Banks with detergents, chemicals, soap, etc. you need to put it somewhere.Bathroom furniture setmay include not only a sink cabinet, but also all kinds of cabinets and shelves. What should they be made of so that they do not swell from moisture and last a long time...?

Production of bathroom furniture not much different from the production of ordinary furniture. The difference is in the materials used. Bathroom furniture can be made from:

  • Plastic;
  • Metal;
  • Glass;
  • Artificial stone;
  • Painted MDF.

All these materials resist steam and moisture well, and in addition to long and reliable service, they also provide an attractive aesthetic appearance.

The most popular material used in the manufacture of bathroom furniture is painted MDF. When painting, there is no question of protecting the ends - the part is painted on all sides, ensuring that the material is impermeable to moisture. MDF is a practical and inexpensive material. It is easily processed with ordinary tools for making furniture, resistant to mechanical damage, and any damage that occurs, such as scratches, can be easily removed. Caring for furniture made from MDF is simple - the material has a glossy or matte - but smooth surface and is easy to clean. There are always standard bathroom furniture items on sale, usually white, but if you make furniture to order, then you have the opportunity to make it in any color scheme.

Furniture bodies, shelves and facades are made from MDF. If money allows, you can order more expensive furniture, for example made of plastic. Modern HPL plastics have high strength, wear resistance and an attractive appearance. But thick plastic has too unattractive a price, so furniture made from this material is not often found.

For tabletops, shelves, some kind of bent decorative elements can be used fake diamond , for example Corian. The stone looks good and resists moisture and mechanical damage. The palette of colors and decors includes dozens, if not hundreds of varieties. You can also use cheaper polymer concrete, but there are an order of magnitude fewer colors. Another advantage is that Corian is made in the form of a thin layer 10 mm thick, glued to chipboard or MDF, which makes it lightweight and easier to install.

Artificial stone significantly expands the design possibilities of a bathroom. For example, the countertop and sink can be made as one unit.

Glass shelves will look good in the bathroom - they don’t visually reduce the small room, but add lightness. If you use glass in the bathroom, please note that all fasteners must be metal. Glued glass elements that use UV glass adhesive are undesirable as this adhesive is not water resistant. Adhesive joints on silicone do not look very neat. It is desirable that the glass be reinforced with a transparent film - triplex, or at least covered with a transparent oracal. This will protect against injury from shrapnel if the glass accidentally breaks. Best option- strained glass.

You can also use glass in the doors of hanging cabinets. It is advisable to make, or buy, cabinets with doors in which glass is inserted into an aluminum frame. This façade is more durable due to its metal protection. Doors made from glass often break at the edges and crack where the hinges are attached.

You can also make countertops and washbasins from glass, or even a whole product if you use a metal, usually aluminum, profile as a frame.

In general, of all materials, glass is the least susceptible to aggressive environmental influences, but most susceptible to mechanical damage such as impacts. You can protect yourself from broken glass by tempering it.

It is advisable to use metal in the bathroom, first of all, for the legs. In general, all bathroom furniture should be either hanging or on legs. The legs will protect the furniture from water that constantly collects on the floor, and will also make cleaning the bathroom easier.

Metal can also be used as a frame for furniture. It could be aluminum system, which was mentioned above, or a nickel-plated frame... The main thing is that the metal is reliably protected - by anodizing or powder coating. Ordinary paint will peel off the metal in a few years, like paint on a washing machine.

If your bathroom furniture has drawers, then it is better to let them also be metal, for example using the Metabox system. In general, some models of bathroom furniture were once made entirely of metal, but they looked like a cabinet in a gym dressing room.

Naturally, handles, hinges and other fittings also remain metal.

When choosing a set of bathroom furniture, you should proceed from three points:

  • Reliability;
  • Functionality;
  • Aesthetic appearance.

For a modern person, functionality alone is not enough - he also needs comfort. Therefore, you need to find a reasonable combination of these qualities.

Since the bathroom is small in size, one should strive not just for the functionality of the furniture, but for its versatility. For example, a bathroom mirror can also be a flat cabinet for storing bottles. The depth of such a box is 50 mm + doors 20 mm, together - 70 mm. The doors are made of MDF, on front side stick the mirror on without any gaps. There are no handles, but the height of the door is 20 mm larger size box. To open the door, grab the protruding lower part. From the front you can’t even see that this is not just a mirror, but a box.

When planning bathroom furniture, pay attention to the corners and niches of the room itself - they can and should be used. Such places can be on the toilet, in a niche for communications, on and under the washing machine.

You can, for example, install a washing machine on a small podium, 300-400 mm high. Thanks to this, we get two benefits: the loading window of the washing machine will rise and a more convenient height for loading laundry, and we will install it in a place under the podium drawer, for example, for chemistry. The podium should be welded from steel square pipe 30x30 mm, and then cover it with MDF.

Bathroom lighting also plays a big role. We must see what we are doing when we take a bath or shave with a razor. Therefore, it is better not to install lamps with shades - let it be cold white. Lamps must be in protective shades.

Mirror lighting is also required. If the bathroom does not have a stationary lighting fixture, then when purchasing a bathroom mirror, you should pay attention to the presence of lighting in it. The lamps on the mirror should not shine into your eyes, nor onto the mirror itself. The light should spread along the mirror, it is better if it is scattered by the lampshade.

Well, I guess that's all this time. In conclusion, we can add the following: a lot of different furniture is sold nowadays in stores and markets, with which you can easily furnish a bathroom, but if you want comfort, practicality and reliability, then it is better to contact specialists who make custom-made bathroom furniture - right away get both interior design and quality furniture just for your bathroom.

.: New on the topic

Repair is an extremely troublesome task. Many people prefer to start it spontaneously, thinking only about the colors and texture of finishing materials. Is it any wonder that the result then rarely satisfies them. Practice shows that renovation work The bathroom, like any other room, requires careful preparation. The first stage is a well-designed bathroom design project, which includes not only the proposed design, but also a description necessary work, and a detailed estimate.

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the room. We take measurements of all planes very carefully and write them down. Subsequently, based on these values, it will be possible to make a drawing of the room, which will be needed for arranging equipment, furniture and decor, as well as for determining the exact consumption necessary materials. The diagram can be drawn on paper, or you can use a special program. An online bathroom project has many advantages, the main one of which is the opportunity to see with your own eyes the design of the room being created. This software can be easily downloaded and installed completely free of charge.

An example of a bathroom design project made in an online editor

Choosing interior design

After creating an accurate drawing, you should select general direction room decoration. “For inspiration,” you can consider design projects of bathrooms, photos of which are posted on specialized websites or in magazines. By adding your own ideas or choosing ready-made solution, we decide on the decor style, select accents and think through the interior equipment of the room. It is best to choose the style and decor of the interior taking into account the characteristics of the room.

There are certain types of decoration that look great in spacious rooms and are completely unacceptable for small ones. This applies to large prints on wallpaper, massive equipment, floor-to-ceiling photo panels and similar elements. Color solution is chosen based on the same considerations. Saturated, dark and very bright colors in small bathrooms will only be appropriate in the form of well-placed accents that enliven the room. The main shades should be light and neutral.

A large pattern in wall decor is very appropriate for spacious bathrooms and completely unacceptable for small ones.

We select furniture and plumbing fixtures

The next step is choosing equipment and furniture. We must try to create optimal layout, which will be not only convenient, but also functional. To do this, you should properly optimize the space, this is especially true for small rooms. To simplify your work, you can take a schematic design of a bathroom, cut out models of furniture and equipment from paper, and “try on” several layout options. Online planners will make this even easier.

You need to know that equipment connection areas are not necessarily located permanently; they can be moved. Plumbing fixtures are selected in accordance with the design style of the room and its dimensions. The same applies to pieces of furniture. Don't forget about lighting. At this stage, the locations of lamps or illuminated areas are determined. It is better that the lighting in the bathroom is diverse and, if possible, multi-level.

Proper organization of space is extremely important for rooms of any size

We select materials and determine the sequence of work

Competent design projects bathrooms include a detailed list of materials needed to furnish the room. Coatings should be selected taking into account special conditions bathroom. This high humidity and significant temperature changes. Decoration Materials must withstand them without compromising their characteristics. In conclusion, you should determine for yourself the sequence of work. They usually start with preparatory work: dismantling old equipment, preparing walls, ceilings, floors, etc.

Then sewerage, water supply, heating and electrification cables are laid. Only after this can you move on to finishing works. They can be made in different sequences depending on what materials are chosen for decoration. Usually the floor is finished last, although this is not at all necessary. At the final stage, we draw up a final estimate, which includes the costs of materials, equipment, furniture and the cost of services for their laying, installation and finishing.

Bathroom design project – required document. It gives a complete picture of upcoming works, materials required for their implementation and financial costs. It is quite possible to compile it yourself, but if you have no experience in such work, it is better to turn to professionals who will quickly and competently prepare the necessary documentation.

Ready-made design projects

Bathroom on the attic floor

Today furniture has become a must-have attribute of any bathroom. It is almost impossible to imagine this room without a washbasin cabinet, wall cabinet or shelves. Of course, you will have to pay a considerable amount for high-quality and attractive products. However, there is a way to save a little by purchasing bathroom furnishings.

A well-known postulate says that only very wealthy people can afford cheap things. Paradoxical as it may seem, there is some truth in this. To purchase bathroom furniture cheaply, you will have to thoroughly study this market to determine a reasonable balance between the cost of the design and its quality.

When purchasing furniture, try to choose reliable, but not the most expensive models

Therefore, when choosing a bathroom set, you must approach this task wisely. Considering the specific features of the room, it is worth considering how long models made from the simplest and most moisture-resistant materials can last. Of course, damaged furniture will entail additional costs for its repair or the purchase of a new set.

Remember that the best option will be the purchase of a headset in the mid-price segment. It should be borne in mind that products are worldwide famous companies always costs slightly more than similar, but not branded, products. In this case, you will overpay not for quality, but for the name.

The cost of furniture may depend on its shape; rectangular models will be slightly cheaper

It is advisable to pay attention to the range of domestically produced products. Very often, the quality and appearance of such products are slightly inferior to foreign ones, but, as a rule, they are a little cheaper due to the peculiarities of trade in the domestic market.

Ways to reduce cost

Sometimes there are situations when there is not enough money to purchase truly high-quality furniture, but a purchase must be made. In this case, you can try to limit yourself to choosing a set of dubious quality and furniture varnish.

To extend the life of the product, simply cover it with two layers of paint and varnish products. Special attention At the same time, pay attention to the lower ends, which are constantly in contact with the floor, and the facades. If the edges are not treated, it is better to cover them with plastic before impregnating them with varnish. This can be done by contacting any furniture manufacturer.

However, this method is not a panacea. Remember that such a surface does not resist very well mechanical stress, so you need to use such lockers with extreme caution.

Varnishing inexpensive furniture will extend its service life

The optimal solution, of course, would be inexpensive bathroom furniture made from moisture-resistant materials.

A detailed consideration of the features of each of them will greatly facilitate the choice of product.


Plastic furniture sets are a pretty reasonable purchase for the bathroom. This substance is not at all afraid of moisture and small temperature changes. The range of such products pleases with a variety of shades and shapes. In addition, these products today have a very affordable price.

Plastic furniture is not afraid of moisture and looks attractive However, such cheap bathroom furniture also has disadvantages. These usually include fragility and significant ductility due to the influence of too much high temperatures

. These structures cannot withstand significant loads and mechanical stress.


Another not very expensive, but suitable material for the bathroom. The main thing is to choose furniture made from sheets of waterproof chipboard or MDF. The second option will be more preferable, since such a sheet has a high density and is more hygienic. Moreover, it is better to choose painted products, since a layer of acrylic dye and varnish will provide better hydrophobicity than a polymer film. However, such headsets are slightly higher in price than those made from chipboard, although they will last a little longer.

Sets made of chipboard and MDF are quite roomy and practical

A common disadvantage will be the possibility of swelling of furniture made from these materials due to possible mechanical damage to the coating or the appearance of microcracks.

Glass Large glass furniture is different high cost , however, purchasing several shelves from this material is available to everyone. Glass is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes; its surface prevents mold from growing on it. In addition, such furniture looks very aesthetically pleasing and can add lightness to the interior. In a bathroom of any size and stylistic direction

Glass shelves will complement any interior style

If we talk about the disadvantages of such shelves, usually these products require careful handling and careful maintenance to maintain their original aesthetic appearance.

Purchasing furniture as a set

Today, many manufacturers produce furniture for bathrooms with complete modular headsets. This allows the consumer to choose the set of products they need a little cheaper than buying them separately. In addition, each of the presented collections is designed in a single stylistic and color scheme.

So, for bathrooms with a modest area, it is usually enough to purchase a washbasin with a cabinet and a wall cabinet above it and several glass shelves. This set can be rationally fit into a room of any size and geometry.

Do not clutter the room with a large number of cabinets

Large bathrooms will require additional furnishings to this mandatory minimum. In this case, one of inexpensive options The purchase will include the choice of a pencil case and an additional wall cabinet.

It is important to choose multifunctional products. Purchasing a separate mirror will require additional costs, so choose cabinets and pencil cases with mirrored fronts. The capacity of the structures also plays an important role here. Sometimes, ordinary wall cabinet holds a sufficient number of items for personal hygiene, and the cabinet under the washbasin - household chemicals. In this case, you can refuse to buy a pencil case, and purchase an additional corner laundry basket and several shelves from the same collection.

Plastic chests of drawers will replace a full-fledged pencil case


Undoubtedly handmade bathroom furniture will be cheap compared to purchasing already ready-made structures. In addition, you can always create a unique set, so unlike everything else Standard products. Also, making furniture yourself will help you use your bathroom space more efficiently. In addition, you can always guarantee a certain quality of systems if all necessary technologies for their assembly and painting are observed.

For this purpose, moisture-resistant boards of wood-based materials or regular boards. The only thing that needs to be said is to choose only hardwoods that are resistant to high humidity. good quality drying. This seemingly insignificant nuance will help extend the life of the product by several years.

Furniture can be given an attractive look using acrylic dyes and varnish. So, you can paint the set at your discretion. If the style involves preserving the natural texture of wood, it would be appropriate to use stain and varnish the product in several layers.

Even a novice craftsman can make such furniture

Even for a novice craftsman, it will not be difficult to build several shelves and cabinets. Collateral successful work There will be serious theoretical training and the acquisition of the tools necessary to carry out the work. Usually the following kit is sufficient:

  • drill and screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • wooden and regular hammer;
  • pliers;
  • set of hexagonal furniture keys.

Of course, you can’t do without a tape measure with a pencil, a square with a hacksaw and special fasteners. It would also be a good idea to purchase wood putties, special glue and fittings.

General operating principles

Of course, all technological process It’s quite difficult to describe, but there are general approaches for this type of work. You should start with a detailed drawing of the future product indicating all its parameters. You should also calculate the dimensions of all furniture components in order to cut out the necessary parts.

Having no experience in making furniture, it is better to start with simple designs

At this stage of work, it is optimal to contact specialists, since even a minor error in calculations can lead to disastrous consequences. In addition, you can cut high-quality material in most furniture companies and even in construction supermarkets. Doing this at home without special equipment will be very problematic.

Finished parts should be immediately treated with antifungal impregnation and at least one coat of paint. So, you will increase the hydrophobicity of the material. After all, coloring already ready product, you won't be able to get to hard to reach places. It is best to first mark the parts for fasteners and drill holes, and then paint them.

When assembling elements into a single whole, try to maintain right angles, since even minor distortions can negatively affect the overall aesthetics and quality of the furniture. Experienced craftsmen First, the structure is completely assembled, and the fittings are installed on the finished object. This principle will help to avoid accidental miscalculations with its hanging. Remember, accuracy and lack of haste in this matter are very important.

If you do not have furniture making skills, do not take on overly complex furniture systems. For example, an excellent solution in this case would be a shelf on ready-made consoles or ordinary rectangular cabinets. It is better to postpone the production of corner and other fancy shapes for a while. You can add originality to a product of even the most ordinary configuration using various decor - stencils or painting different shades, as well as unusual fittings.

You can make bathroom furniture from anything