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» Inexpensive turnkey bathroom renovation. Cheap bathroom renovation The cheapest bathroom renovation option

Inexpensive turnkey bathroom renovation. Cheap bathroom renovation The cheapest bathroom renovation option

The bathroom is one of the most difficult rooms in the house in terms of renovation work, despite the limited space. When choosing finishing materials have to constantly remember high level humidity. Wrong - textures and colors of decoration make a compact space even smaller. The question arises: how to cheaply renovate a bathroom with your own hands so that it turns out correctly and beautifully?

We choose inexpensive materials

Is it planned redecorating or a global reconstruction of the premises, you can always save on materials.

    1. Floor. Linoleum is the cheapest flooring, especially if you choose a roll optimal width(3-5 meters), preventing the appearance of large residues. However, the material cannot be called durable, stable humidity may lead to mold growth. Practical solution- tiles, the most affordable ones are plain products.
  1. Walls. If you want to save money, you can choose plastic panels. They cope with significant mechanical loads and are easy to maintain and install. An alternative choice that is not inferior in practicality to panel finishing is budget monochromatic tiles.
  2. Ceiling. Inexpensive options– suspended ceiling, coated with moisture-resistant paint. If waterproof paint is chosen, leveling with putty must be included in the estimate.

Important. It’s definitely not worth saving on plumbing if you can’t do without replacing it. The sudden failure of low-quality equipment will negate all efforts and ruin relations with neighbors. You can choose other materials, for example, by abandoning tiles in favor of a textured plaster coating.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work includes dismantling old plumbing, removing previous finishing materials, waterproofing, leveling, and laying communications. Depending on the “global” nature of the repair, this list may change.

Dismantling of plumbing

Even if replacing plumbing is not included in the plans, before you do it yourself budget renovation, it is best to temporarily remove the bathtub and sink. It may also be advisable to remove the door.

Dismantling of coatings

Mandatory part of preparation bathroom for repair - removal of old coatings.

    • It is convenient to knock down tiles using a hammer drill. You should definitely knock off the plaster if it is coming away from the wall.

  • To get rid of the paint you will need a wire brush and a spatula.
  • The screed under the tile may need to be replaced if large cracks are present. The floor is easy to clean concrete base using a hammer drill or chisel.

Video guide for removing old tiles:

Attention. It is definitely worth assessing the condition of the sewer and water pipes. Replacing them after repair is a difficult task.

Surface preparation

The next stage of work includes the arrangement of a leveling screed and a primer.

    • The base of the floor is thoroughly dusted, cleaned and primed.
    • To create waterproofing, a special film is required. The material is laid on the floor with placement on the walls.
    • An alternative to film is to apply mastic using a roller or flat brush. The composition covers not only the floor, but also the lower part of the walls.
    • A leveling screed is made on top of the waterproofing.
    • For plastering walls, a special composition is prepared - 1 part cement (M400 and above), 4 parts quartz sand (sifted).

Advice. To make the mixture more plastic, it should be diluted with PVA emulsion, using one tenth of the volume of water in the solution.

  • Before plastering, perforated strips - beacons - are placed on the walls. They are mounted on tile adhesive, wood plugs or cement-sand mortar.
  • You can abandon plaster in favor of finishing with plasterboard, not forgetting about treatment with waterproofing mastic. Also, the walls under the sheathing should be treated with an antifungal agent.
  • For fastening moisture-resistant plasterboard special glue is used (for example, “Perlflix”) or a metal profile.

Attention. If you decide to do without tiles, the choice is made in favor of plastic panels, no alignment required. It is very important to treat the walls using a fungicide or a quartz lamp.

Laying communications

Replacing pipes is a manipulation that follows the dismantling of the old coating. You will have to decide for yourself what to do if the goal is to make repairs in a small room quickly, change or not change the pipes. Leaking old communications will make new repairs necessary.

video on replacing pipes in the bathroom:

In addition to replacing pipes, it is worth installing new electrical wiring. It is necessary to determine a place for electrical appliances, provide the required number of sockets, and replace the switch and wires.

Wall decoration

Tiles and wall panels are the two most economical options for.

Wall covering with plastic

The technology for covering walls with plastic, if given step by step, is as follows.

  • The optimal frame for wall panels– pine timber (30 by 30, 25 by 30). To prevent wood from rotting, you need to treat the material with special compounds before installation.
  • The frame is attached using self-tapping screws; holes with plastic sleeves are pre-drilled in the concrete.
  • Next comes the fastening of the panels; you can use a special stapler or resort to the same self-tapping screws.

Advice. Fastening with self-tapping screws or a stapler will result in unsightly protrusion of the fasteners. Most aesthetic option– “liquid nails” product.

Wall tiling

Before making inexpensive repairs, it is better to calculate the number of tiles. This can help. The top row cannot be trimmed; a preliminary calculation will help save on rework.

Important. The material is calculated so that the tiles have the same width along the edges of the wall. This is an indispensable condition, without which a beautiful renovation is impossible.

  • Spacer crosses must be installed between the tiles. The ideal thickness for the bathroom is 3 mm.
  • As soon as the tiles have set, the spacer crosses are removed from the seams, and the surface of the walls is thoroughly cleaned using a natural dry cloth.

Grouting joints

The consistency of the grout should resemble warm butter. To do this, it is pre-mixed with water.

  • A soft rubber spatula is best suited for grouting.
  • After applying the composition, you need to wait 20 minutes, then treat the seam with your finger (wear gloves). This manipulation will deepen the seam.
  • The final stage is wiping the grout; this action should be carried out after an hour. You cannot postpone the procedure until the next day.

Sealing corners

There are several methods, the use of which improves the appearance of joints in the toilet and bathroom.

    1. The corners are rubbed parallel to the seams. The disadvantage of this technique is the difficulty that self-taught craftsmen encounter when grouting internal corners. The mortar ends up on the tile, the seam looks careless.

Advice. Masking tape glued on both sides along the corner. The corner is filled with grout, and the composition is leveled with your finger. The tape is then removed, resulting in a smooth, neat line.

  1. White silicone sealant. Manipulations that are almost identical to grouting are performed. The advantage of sealant is color preservation.
  2. Plastic corners, they can be external or internal. When choosing the thickness of products, you need to know the exact dimensions of the tiles.
  3. Combined option. Plastic corners are used for external corners, sealant or grout - for internal ones.

Important. The connection points between the tiles and the toilet and sink must be filled with silicone. This avoids the formation of dirt.

Floor and ceiling finishing

Working with the floor and ceiling is in many ways similar to the manipulations performed when decorating walls. However, there are still some differences.

Floor finishing

Floor tiles – the best choice for those who are interested in the question of how to make repairs beautifully and cheaply.

  • The floor, leveled with a screed, is covered tile adhesive. Recommended application area is 0.7-1 sq. m, this is due to the instant drying of most compositions.
  • The tiles are laid on the floor, carefully pressed to the floor and tapped with a hammer with a rubber attachment. Direction: to the edges from the center.
  • The correct installation is checked with a level before the glue dries.
  • Lastly, the cut products are installed - around the pipes, around the perimeter of the room.
  • The seams are rubbed down and the flooring is cleaned.

Ceiling finishing

The most budget-friendly ceiling design options - suspended structures, putty. Putty is relevant if the area of ​​the bathroom leaves much to be desired, the material is applied to concrete slab. A ceiling made of plasterboard or lining is installed in the same way as a wall.

Final stage

The bathroom renovation is almost complete. All that remains is to install the plumbing, accessories and furniture.

  • It is most convenient to install plumbing fixtures after completion finishing works. This will provide full access to all surfaces of the room and protect old or new plumbing from damage.
  • The doors are installed after the plumbing so that they are not damaged during the installation process. Then all kinds of hooks are attached, lighting, mirrors and other small things.

Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation – The best way save.

In the event that you do not feel able to carry out bathroom renovations yourself, professional teams will come to the rescue and do the repairs quickly, efficiently and inexpensively. On our website you can quickly calculate the cost of repairing not only your bathroom, but the entire apartment.
Unfortunately the service is still working only for residents of Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region:

In our difficult times, people often lack finances. But repairs still need to be done. And it is desirable that the bathroom has a decent appearance and at the same time lasts for five to seven years. In such situations, it will be useful to learn how to cheaply renovate a bathroom, spending a minimum of money.

Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation: how to choose budget materials

Today, the industry produces building materials of various price categories, designed for consumers of various income levels. These can be goods of economical, standard and elite classes. There are also very cheap materials on sale, but their advantage is only in their low price. Quality and appearance such products do not stand up to criticism.

Carrying out the dismantling work yourself will significantly reduce costs.

Many works can be done independently, without involving specialists. For example, lining a ceiling with plastic lining does not require any special skills. Installing plumbing is also not difficult. Toilet, bathtub, washbasin - you can install it all yourself. It is only important to take your time, carefully study the assortment, calculate all stages of the work being performed, then a successful result will be ensured.

As for building materials, it is more advisable to choose products of economy class and standard price segment. Both of these types of materials practically do not differ in quality. The same manufacturer can produce similar products under different trademarks. The first will be considered a standard class product, and the second will be an economical option, and they will differ only in cost. International standards provide for certain quality criteria, for example, density building mixtures hardening must not be below a certain threshold. U economical materials this figure will be closer to the lower value. This statement is true for consumables.

You can do without purchasing new plumbing, and restore the old one

Regarding finishing materials, plumbing fixtures and other things, low price is not at all the same as poor quality. It is only necessary to take into account the load conditions to which the product will be subjected. For example, floor tiles must be stronger than wall. At correct selection and installation, tiles in the bathroom can last more than fifteen years.

If you have decided to carry out a budget bathroom renovation, photo samples of which can be seen in the gallery of this article, you should not purchase elite-class building materials. Their quality is no higher than that of budget products, and they benefit only due to their aesthetics.

Painted walls and well-chosen accessories will make the design flawless

Possibility of economical repairs

In order for the result of the work performed to meet your needs, you need to carefully work out the preliminary project, think carefully possible options finishes and choose the one that suits you best.

The main part of the costs consists of the following items:

  • the price of the work carried out;
  • cost of building materials and transport services.

Thus, it is quite possible to reduce the cost of repairs, and you can save on both points. If you carefully study the information on how to make a budget renovation in the bathroom with your own hands, we can come to the conclusion that most of the work is quite easy to do yourself, significantly reducing costs.

Many renovation work you can do it yourself

It makes sense to decide to seek the help of professionals only for complex issues, such as installing electricity, installing a water supply, and laying tiles.

It is very important that electrical work is carried out only by specialists.

Please note that the cable must be of good quality and well insulated. Only solid wire segments can be used, and the distribution box must be placed exclusively outside the bathroom. Question,

  1. How to make cheap bathroom renovations with your own hands worries many owners. To prioritize between savings and quality of room design, you should adhere to the following recommendations: Doing the work yourself
  2. . It is advisable to carry out most of the repairs yourself, since the prices for specialist services may exceed the cost of materials. It is better to carry out all dismantling work on your own. Having your own tool. Need to think about it repairs in such a way as to minimize dismantling work. A basic set of tools will help make the task easier and faster. In addition, this will significantly reduce financial costs. It is recommended to acquire at least a minimum set, which will include a drill with a set of drills (preferably an impact drill), a hammer drill with bits, and a cutting grinder with discs for metal and concrete.
  3. Economical materials. Purchasing budget building materials will help you save significantly. But there are things that you shouldn’t save on, since subsequent replacement may cost more than the initial purchase of quality products. But in some cases, you can wisely cut costs.

Reducing financial costs for bathroom renovations

If you need a cheap bathroom renovation and qualitatively, pay special attention to scrupulous planning of expenses. A detailed estimate will help you save a lot of money. A thorough comparative analysis pricing policy market. In addition, on the Internet, as a rule, you can purchase many materials at a significant discount, especially when purchasing in bulk.

Even from inexpensive but high-quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior

To enliven a boring interior and diversify the static surface, experts recommend purchasing inexpensive accessories and little things that will add coziness to the room and become an appropriate addition to the design. Additional convenience and decoration can be shelves, hooks, soap dishes, rubber mats, curtains and other decorative elements.

No need to buy building materials and equipment famous manufacturers, since you will have to pay extra for the name. Branded items are a priori more expensive. It will be much more profitable to purchase building materials produced by domestic companies, as well as those produced by our closest neighbors - Poland, the Czech Republic, and Finland. These will be high-quality, certified products. Of course, we are not talking about low-price goods from China. However, their products average cost will be quite good. Remember that you cannot sacrifice quality and aesthetics for the sake of savings.

Pasting walls with glass wallpaper will help save money on bathroom renovations

Save on ceiling repairs

To decorate an original and unusual bathroom interior, and at the same time save money, you should first of all pay attention to cheap methods of finishing the ceiling in the room.

A flat ceiling can simply be painted in any color

Tensile structures look attractive and rich, but they differ high cost. However, the appearance of plastic panels is no worse. An important advantage suspension systems is that with their help any unevenness on the ceiling plane is easily leveled. In addition, this type of finishing allows you to create multi-level structures. PVC lining is a moisture-resistant material, which means you don’t have to worry about flooding. Inside slatted ceiling easy to lay electrical cable and install lighting. The price of such a system is quite affordable. Economical options bathroom renovation, photos of samples of which will demonstrate the feasibility of such actions are presented below.

A slatted ceiling made of plastic is slightly inferior in practicality to a suspended ceiling

If the ceiling has only minor irregularities, it can simply be painted. To do this you need to delete the old upper layer coating, apply putty, sand the uneven areas, and treat with a primer. After this, paint is applied in several layers. This type of finishing is very inexpensive and looks quite attractive.

Budget floor finishing

The specificity of the bathroom is constantly high humidity with insufficient air exchange. Therefore, the floor covering must be resistant to moisture and wear. Ceramic tiles best meet these requirements. If you are considering a budget option for finishing your bathroom, You shouldn’t buy expensive elite class tiles – you can get by with domestic analogues. In our country, industry produces a lot of such materials, the cost of which will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, markets and stores often hold sales where you can purchase cladding products at a significant discount.

Waterproof linoleum will become a reliable covering for the bathroom floor

There is even more cheap option floor finishes such as linoleum. Available on the market wide range such coatings of various colors and textures. There are even waterproof varieties of PVC linoleum. The main advantage of this material is that it can be installed literally within a few hours. Linoleum does not require gluing - pressed against the baseboard, it will smooth out and level itself.

Wall finishing options

The best option for decorating the wall surface in terms of price and quality would be domestic tiles, which can be purchased from leftovers at the market or warehouse. By purchasing a discounted product, you can save fifty percent of the cost or even more.

Domestic tiles will cost less than foreign analogues

A plain tile decorated with friezes or decorative inserts will look quite decent. And the price will be completely attractive.

Inexpensive renovations in the bathroom, photos of samples of which are presented in the article gallery, can be done by covering the walls with PVC panels. There is a huge selection of domestic and foreign designs that deserve attention. Plastic lining is available in all sorts of colors and textures. There are also panels with imitation tiles, marble or wood.

Plastic panels can be used to decorate both the walls and the ceiling of the bathroom

Professionals recommend choosing materials intended for outdoor use, since the plastic from which they are made is much thicker and stronger, and therefore will last much longer. PVC panels are easy to install yourself. Such work will not require special skills and will take very little time.

At the right approach, reasonable planning and a well-written estimate, it is quite possible to carry out a budget bathroom renovation. Rational selection of building materials and independent performance of the maximum part of the work will help to significantly reduce financial costs. If you follow the recommendations of experts, beautiful interior will delight your guests and delight you for decades.

Everyone knows the old saying that if you want something done well, do it yourself. Before renovating a bathroom, many people want the whole undertaking to be inexpensive, while at the same time wanting to get quality and a beautiful appearance. However, do high-quality repairs Not everyone can do it on their own due to lack of the right tool, free time or experience.

In this article we will look at how to inexpensively decorate a bathroom, what materials to use and learn a few useful tips from specialists. Before you start planning an inexpensive bathroom and toilet renovation, you need to clearly understand what final results we want to achieve in the end. Typically the purpose of repair is:

  • creating a beautiful interior;
  • safe operation of plumbing fixtures and furniture;
  • creating comfort and increasing functionality;
  • preventing the appearance of mold and fungal bacteria;
  • the longest possible service life of the materials used.

Economical repair in the bathroom it is quite possible to do it using inexpensive materials, while observing all the above points, if you plan everything correctly and choose the right material.

Selecting material for inexpensive repairs

Everyone knows that almost everything construction stores Today they offer an economical option for various finishing materials that differ in workmanship, appearance and service life. These materials are designed for consumers with different income levels and allow you to make budget bathroom renovations. At the same time, you can find materials frankly Bad quality, which are not recommended to buy at all.

It is important to remember that the relatively low cost of a material compared to analogues does not mean that it is of poor quality.

Tile adhesive

For example, when thinking about how to inexpensively make a bathroom, many of course prefer cheaper adhesives for ceramic tiles and choose the tiles themselves at the lowest cost. For example, there are two most common brands of tile adhesive, Ceresit and Moment. Ceresite is considered to be of higher quality and costs significantly more than Moment, which is cheap. But few people know that these types of glue are produced by the same company, only under different brands.

Before you can inexpensively renovate your bathroom, you need to understand the manufacturer’s attitude towards the product. According to international quality standards, each adhesive has a range of hardness, and if Ceresite is endowed with the maximum value from this range, then the Moment is close to the minimum. When carrying out economical or professional bathroom renovations, you can choose any of the indicated adhesives, and you will not notice any significant difference in quality. So you can save a lot on glue and Moment is perfect as a budget option for installing tiles.

Wall decoration

When thinking about how to cheaply renovate a bathroom, during a budget renovation you probably won’t consider expensive Italian high-strength tiles with a non-slip coating and the ideal geometry of each product. Here it is also important to take into account the manufacturers’ policies, which are similar to the situation with the glue described above. When considering cheap bathroom renovations, we do not take into account elite tiles made from special types of clay with all kinds of additives and additives, but look at budget or middle-class products.

In the vast majority of cases, tiles are medium or low price category does not differ in any way in its composition. Inexpensive bathroom decoration made from cheap tiles differs only in the appearance of the glaze. Of course, products in the middle category have a wider range of shades and a variety of texture solutions. IN in this case When renovating an economy-class bathroom, you shouldn’t chase a chic appearance; you can get by with more restrained solutions, but you can beat them with dignity.

For a budget bathroom renovation option, you can define three types of wall decoration:

  • ceramic tile;
  • plastic panels;
  • moisture resistant paint.

Important! If you don't have the perfect smooth walls, which do not require preliminary preparation, then when carrying out budget renovations in the bathroom, it is better to refuse to use paint. Preparing the walls will cost a lot of money to purchase putty and call a professional, which means that inexpensive renovations in the bathroom will no longer be possible.

As for ceramic tiles, to work with this material you also need special tool, certain theoretical knowledge and of course practical experience. Of course, it won’t be possible to renovate a bathroom yourself using tiles without the necessary knowledge and tools. However, in this case you should not be upset, since there is the cheapest and at the same time nice option finishing such as plastic panels.

Inexpensive bathroom renovations using such panels can be done with your own hands without any experience. Distinctive feature such panels can be considered:

  • a large number of color and texture options;
  • ease of use and installation;
  • low cost of material;
  • small specific gravity;
  • the ability to easily replace any damaged segment;
  • possibility of hidden installation of plumbing and electrical fixtures.

However, there is one negative point. A budget option renovating a bathroom using such panels requires the creation of a special supporting frame, which reduces the area of ​​the room by several centimeters.

Floor finishing

Carrying out inexpensive bathroom renovations, as flooring of course it's better to use ceramic tiles, having previously laid a screed 3-5 cm thick to level the surface. Since cheap bathroom renovations are usually carried out indoors small size, then it won’t cost much to buy several squares of tiles, and you can make the screed yourself using special mixtures.

As a temporary option, in order to do a very cheap bathroom renovation, you can use regular linoleum, but it is important to remember that a regular coating will not last long in damp conditions and mold will appear underneath it. A few square meters expensive moisture-resistant linoleum will cost exactly the same as inexpensive, but quite suitable tiles. A cheap bathroom renovation option can be achieved by using a regular silicone or rubber mat, which can be matched to the finish and laid on the floor. But after each bath, this rug needs to be lifted and the floor wiped dry, as fungal bacteria can grow very quickly.

Bathroom lighting

Before you make a cheap bathroom design, take a look at your lighting options. Well thought out lighting installed in in the right places, can turn the most unprepossessing room into a masterpiece of design art. Economical bathroom renovation does not involve installation hidden wiring in the walls or LED backlight. But you can install Wall lights so that they will visually narrow or expand the room.

Budget bathroom decoration includes dropped ceilings made of plastic panels in which spotlights can be installed, they will highlight advantageous places, divide the room into functional areas and hide unnecessary structural or design flaws.

Important! If the room is kept clean and tidy, then even an economy class bathtub repair may be in no way inferior in appearance to a more expensive type of repair.

Plumbing in the bathroom

Before you save money on bathroom renovations, it is important to remember one simple rule. Plumbing and its important components are not things you can save on. If there are problem areas, leaks or other temporary defects in the water supply, they must be eliminated. Low-budget renovations in the bathroom are also quite possible. complete replacement siphons and mixers.

An old cast iron or steel bathtub can be insulated polyurethane foam and renew the enamel coating. If the washbasin has cracks or chips, it is better to replace it with a new, inexpensive model. The cheapest bathroom renovations can be done without even replacing a sink or toilet with old cracks. For these purposes, there are many modern materials that can repair cracks, renew the coating, or in some cases simply clean it of old plaque.

Before you cheaply renovate your bathroom, don’t forget about the market stalls, where you can find many used products in excellent condition, at prices significantly lower than market prices. They come to the market from construction organizations that, when renovating an economy class bathroom at other sites, simply dismantle old plumbing and put on the market for sale. There, worn parts such as gaskets in mixers and shut-off valves are replaced, then sold at significantly reduced prices.

Interior elements

Even the most economical repair bathroom will require some expenses for furnishing the interior of the room. The cheapest option is regular curtain made of film or fabric that prevents water from getting on the floor while taking a shower. A correctly selected curtain can turn an economical bathroom renovation into a luxurious room, taking all the attention and creating a general mood. Beautiful drawing and the right color scheme can work wonders in hiding imperfections and highlighting the features of a bathroom.

It is important to remember that it is better to make inexpensive renovations in the bathroom using curtains made of waterproof fabric. It costs a little more than regular film, but the visual and aesthetic effect is much stronger, and its service life is much longer than that of film analogues.

Any economical bathroom renovation will not look beautiful and cozy without additional accessories such as shelves, hangers, stands for bath accessories. Shelves with neatly displayed shampoos, gels and balms look much more comfortable than all this randomly placed in the corners. Any economical decoration of the bathroom will look many times more beautiful with a lamp installed on the wall. Below we offer photos that show ideas for cheap bathroom renovations, created with your own hands without the involvement of third-party specialists.

Do you often think about renovating your bathroom, but your financial situation leaves much to be desired? No problem, we provide quality inexpensive turnkey bathroom renovation! The best masters Our organization is ready to provide you with our services for dismantling tiles, developing unique interior, finishing the room, installing finishing plumbing and much more.

Economy bathroom renovation: what can we please you with?

Modern society developed competition forces us to create the most favorable conditions for consumers. Our regular customers can confidently assure you of the high level of service, politeness and responsiveness of the craftsmen.

In order to call them to your home for an initial consultation and taking measurements, you can leave a request on the website or simply call the manager. Our managers They will advise you in detail and help you call a specialist. This service is free and has a very high value - a personal meeting with the master will help you decide on what you want and combine them with your budget.

The following features Our services will help you save a lot of money and time, for which our customers especially appreciate us:

· Purchase of materials By wholesale prices. The supply department purchases all materials necessary for repairs independently. They cooperate with a huge number of well-known stores and construction companies, ordering everything they need directly from warehouses. You no longer have to waste your time, spend hours running around markets and looking for the necessary equipment and building materials from resellers at exorbitant prices. Thanks to us, everything will be purchased quickly, cheaply and delivered straight to your doorstep.

· Construction waste removal . Bathroom renovation in Moscow It’s a wonderful thing, of course, but there’s a lot of garbage left behind. However, you don't have to clean it up! Our masters will remove everything themselves, and all you have to do is enjoy the new bathroom and cleanliness, and do what you love.

·Low bathroom renovation price and high quality of work performed. Carrying out “economy” class repairs in our company becomes possible thanks to proper budget allocation. Replacing a more expensive material with a cheaper one, using materials provided by the supply service, adding plumbing equipment - all this will significantly reduce the cost of repairs.

Bathroom design using inexpensive materials

The interior of any room today is its integral part. How visually neat and rich it will look depends directly on the work of the designer. MOSSANTEHSTROY specialists are able to create a cozy bathroom that will look neat and rich even from the cheapest building materials. You won’t be ashamed to show it to your guests and enjoy using it yourself.

The main waste of the budget usually falls on materials for finishing walls, ceilings and floors. Designers can use the following methods to reduce the cost of renovations without sacrificing quality:

· Bathroom finishing with PVC panels is very popular. Firstly, they look good on the walls and are easy to install - joining and attaching couldn’t be easier. Secondly, they cost much less than tiles. They do it often combined options finishing – top part The walls are covered with another material, and panels are attached to the bottom.Bathroom finishing pvc panels has one single drawback - strength. You should be extremely careful with them, as the panel can break even from a slight blow.

The next inexpensive method of cladding isbathroom tiling lowest cost. Even with this you can make a bath that meets all world style standards. For example, if you focus on the seams between plain tiles and add a little color to Alinex, the appearance of the room will not be inferior to the most expensive options luxury class. The supply department will help you purchase inexpensive tiles, and the designers will do the rest.

·Browsing bathroom photo With the use of colorful wall coverings, you will be convinced of the rationality of this decision. This will not only reduce repair costs to a minimum, but will also introduce a degree of asceticism and rigor into the interior of the room. Most often this type of finishing is used in the minimalist style, which is very popular. The masters will do everything in in the best possible way, will qualitatively level the walls and apply a coating.

Turnkey bathroom renovation in Moscow from MOSSANTEHSTROY

Why do our regular customers value our services so much? Primarily due to a one hundred percent quality guarantee and the absence of unexpected surprises. All this is possible thanks to the drawing up of a special agreement between the company and the customer. Both parties can make their own amendments to it and adjust the terms of the agreement. After discussion and conclusion of the agreement, it is legally certified and comes into full force.

The contract also includes an estimate, with full description work carried out and services provided, indicating their cost. It also includes a list of building materials used. Thanks to such a transparent estimateeconomical bathroom renovation will take place without unforeseen incidents, you will know in advance the cost of all repairs and only you can adjust the estimate at your discretion.

In addition to the contract, the main advantage of our company among competitors is the extended warranty. Its term is as much as 5 years. We are completely confident in high quality the services provided and the professionalism of the craftsmen. This is why we provide such a long period of protection. Even if during this time you experience any breakdown or accident, feel free to call us. We will come promptly and fix everything.

Bathroom renovation in Khrushchev

Khrushchev buildings are the most common type of residential buildings in the vastness of our country. They differ in the small size of the kitchen and bathroom, respectively, and bathroom renovation has its own characteristics.

Bathroom tiling should include special design , which can visually expand the space, make the room freer and more voluminous. Our designers can do this! You can see and adjust the new design thanks to a 3D computer model, or by viewing the full layout of the room on paper.

Secondly, the bathroom and toilet in Khrushchev buildings are often combined. However, during the renovation you do not need to leave the apartment anywhere - even the most significant and important work, such asbathroom installation or toilet will not take more than a day.

On average, the period overhaul bathroom or toilet in MOSSANTEHSTROY will not last more than 10 days. During this time, the masters will try not to cause you severe inconvenience. They will use all their skills and abilities to create the bathroom of your dreams that can last for decades.

To call a specialist to your home to take measurements, you can leave a request on the website, or call us by phone and ask our managers all your questions. We are waiting for you among our satisfied regular customers!

I inherited an apartment from my grandmother. A small two-room apartment that hasn’t had any renovations for twenty years. Having entered into legal rights, the first thing I decided to do was make repairs. There was no money to hire a team of builders, so I decided to do everything myself, with my own hands, so to speak. After reading books and watching a bunch of training videos, I decided that I would start making a budget one.

Small room 1.3 by 2.5 meters with a ceiling height of 2.7. I don’t know if it was possible to call the one who created it an architect, but now there was no time for reflection.

Dismantling (remove all unnecessary)

The first thing I did was remove everything that could be removed. A friend and I took out a bathtub (cast iron, on the back we found the date of manufacture of this miracle - 1961!). I removed it, having previously plugged the water supply pipes and the central sewer drain for the bathtub. He tore all the tiles off the walls. (it should be noted very Good work builders, held up admirably.

The floor was not touched, it was practically free of defects and very durable. In a word, I prepared the front of work.

I collected six bags of garbage!

Preparing the walls

I started a budget bathroom renovation from the walls.

I soaked the walls with a primer against mold, looked at the level, and they turned out to be perfectly plumb. I decided that the renovation of the bathroom was not permanent, on a budget, so I would use, not as I wanted, but ordinary wall ones. Since my bathroom renovation is on a budget, this type of wall covering is the most suitable. Cheap and angry. Panels of size (240*2700) are fixed on horizontal guides. I decided to make the guide rails from wood measuring 50*20*2000. Fixing them to the wall using dowels and self-tapping screws.

Pre-painted acrylic paint pipe. I started installing the panels, securing them to the guides with a regular construction stapler.

Installation of PVC plastic panels

I decided to renovate the bathroom not in a dull monotony, but using three colors - blue, white and red.

The most difficult thing when renovating a bathroom turned out to be removing the corner, I suffered for a long time before I realized a little trick - insert it using a construction spatula (narrow) and gradually insert the next panel into the guide ( internal corner)! In short, I dealt with the walls.

The next step was to bring in the bathtub. The most ordinary steel bathtub. Size 1700*750mm with legs

and only after that he continued finishing the wall with panels for better water drainage. The only difficulty was laying the panels in the hot and cold water outlets.

but managed it quite successfully using a wood drill of the appropriate diameter. There were no difficulties in the place where I was Entrance door It turns out that installing PVC panels is very simple, you just need to read the instructions and use a good tool

in order to hide the edges of the cuts, I glued plastic corner 50*50*3000. It turned out very well, the door was simply transformed.
Installing the mixer did not take much time and there were no difficulties.

Ceiling (installation of baseboards and ceiling panels)

Having finished with the walls, I began to work on the ceiling. According to the level I let it go ceiling plinth (special fittings for PVC panels) and with the help of white PVC ceiling panels 500*3000 began to lay the ceiling, making it slightly lower than the original one.

At the same time, wiring the lighting to two spotlights.

The ceiling turned out simply wonderful - my first ceiling in my life!

Laying tiles on the floor

I used sealant along the seams of the bathtub and leveled it using the installation bolts on its legs. The time has come. Since the budget renovation in the bathroom has saved money on the walls and ceiling, you can put tiles on the floor. Moreover, the volume is not large. I had just learned how to lay tiles when the floor was finished.

I used tiles for the floor, two colors blue and red. Having successfully combined them, it even turned out very cute!

I haven’t used it, the gray and blue colors go well together. I connected the bathtub to the sewerage system and put a screen on the bathtub to hide the insides, which are not very aesthetically pleasing. The screen was ready-made, hinged, to simplify the approach to drain cleaning systems.

I decided to use the washbasin together with the floral cabinet tiles on the floor, killed two birds with one stone, hid the sewer drain and decorated the bathroom stylish element decor! The faucet can easily reach the sink.

And the final touch is a mirror above the sink! BEAUTY!

I realized that the most important thing is to believe in yourself and not stop in the face of difficulties! The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing!

We invite you to watch a video on the topic:

Stylish budget renovation in the bathroom