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» UFO time travel. Interesting facts about time travel. Development of Thorne's theory

UFO time travel. Interesting facts about time travel. Development of Thorne's theory

Throughout the history of mankind, a huge amount of facts have been accumulated that indicate that time travel is real. In the ancient chronicles of the era of the pharaohs, the Middle Ages, French Revolution and world wars, the appearance of strange machines, people and mechanisms was recorded.

In May 1828, a teenager was detained in Nuremberg. Despite a thorough investigation and portraits sent throughout Europe, it turned out to be impossible to find out his identity, just like the place from which the boy came. He was given the name Kaspar Hauser, and he had incredible abilities and habits: the boy saw perfectly in the dark, but did not know what fire or milk was. He died from an assassin's bullet, and his identity remained a mystery. However, there were suggestions that before appearing in Germany, the boy lived in a completely different world.

In 1897, a very unusual incident occurred on the streets of the Siberian town of Tobolsk. At the end of August, a man of strange appearance and equally strange behavior was detained there. The man's last name is Krapivin. When he was taken to the police station and began to be interrogated, everyone was quite surprised by the information that the man shared: according to him, he was born in 1965 in Angarsk, and worked as a PC operator. The man could not explain his appearance in the city in any way, but according to him, shortly before that he felt a strong headache, after which he lost consciousness. When he woke up, Krapivin saw an unfamiliar town. A doctor was called to the police station to examine the strange man and diagnosed him with “silent insanity.” After this, Krapivin was placed in a local insane asylum.

In July 1941, near Orsha, as the writer Viktor Kandyba writes, a strange movement in Time happened near Orsha: “During reconnaissance in force, Private Terekhov was stunned by a mine explosion, he came to his senses already in a German dugout. Seeing the enemy machine gunner, he immediately attacked him. Embittered by the prisoner's actions, the Germans decided to shoot him. When Private Terekhov was led to the nearest forest, suddenly the sky lit up with a blinding light and a piercing whistle was heard. Opening his eyes, the Soviet soldier discovered that he was lying on the green grass among the trees, and his guards were nearby, unconscious. He quickly collected their machine guns, pushed them aside and, ordering them to raise their hands up, led the Germans in the direction where his unit was supposedly located. Soon, to Terekhov’s amazement, the forest ended, and on the road he saw an approaching cart in which an old man and a girl were sitting. The girl said that he, along with the captured Germans, was on Far East, and it’s the summer of 1948.

The NKVD, suspecting some kind of provocation, carefully studied the soldier’s dossier and established that he had actually participated in the ill-fated reconnaissance in force near Orsha and was then listed as missing in action. Several soldiers from the unit in which Terekhov served were called to Vladivostok. They identified their colleague and were surprised to note that over the past seven years he had not changed and looked as if he had been “preserved in alcohol.” Tireless security officers in one of the prisoner of war camps on the Volga found an officer from the company in which the Wehrmacht soldiers captured by Terekhov served in 1941. He confirmed their testimony." (Kandyba V. “Miracles and Mysteries” / St. Petersburg, “Lan”, 2000, p. 370)

In 1954, after civil unrest in Japan, a man was detained during passport control. All his documents were in order, except that they were issued by the non-existent state of Tuared. The man himself claimed that his country is located on the African continent between French Sudan and Mauritania. Moreover, he was amazed when he saw that Algeria was in the place of his Tuared. True, the Tuareg tribe did live there, but it never had sovereignty.

In 1980, in the Paris suburb of Cergy-Pontause, 19-year-old Frank Fontaine disappeared after his pickup truck was covered by a brightly glowing ball of fog. Appearing again in the same place exactly a week later, Frank for a long time believed that he had been absent for only five minutes. (“Volgogradskaya Pravda”, 04/2/1983; reports from France-Presse, Reuters, Tribune de Lausanne newspaper, Switzerland for 1983).

In 1985, on the first day of the new school year A second-grader at Moscow School No. 67, Vlad Heineman, played war with his friends during recess. To throw the “enemy” off the scent, he dived into the nearest gateway. However, when the boy jumped out a few seconds later, he did not recognize the school yard - it was completely empty. The boy rushed to the school, but was stopped by his stepfather, who had been looking for him for a long time to take him home. As it turned out, more than an hour and a half had passed since the moment he decided to hide. But Vlad himself did not remember what happened to him during this time.

In the late 1980s and early 90s, the Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wen Po wrote several times about an unusual boy known as Yung Li Cheng. IN summary its complicated history goes like this: in 1987, to local Hong Kong scientists (one can understand that we're talking about about psychiatrists) a boy came in for research who claimed that he “came from the past.” The result of the study (a survey of a boy with great passion) greatly confused some people - the “newcomer” spoke ancient Chinese well, retold the biographies of long-dead celebrities, knew well beyond his years the history of the past of China and Japan, mentioned many events that are currently the time was either not remembered at all, or was known only to a very limited circle of historians, highly specialized in certain periods or events.

The strange boy was also dressed the same way as the residents dressed. Ancient China, so his appearance was either a well-planned “provocation” of some powerful organization (for example, a television company) seeking to obtain a sensation, or... It was difficult to believe the version of the boy himself, besides, he himself did not understand how he got there V modern city Hong Kong.

Nevertheless, as the newspaper reported, historian Ing Ing Shao decided to check the boy’s not very harmonious story and delved into the study of ancient books stored in the temples. Finally, in one of the books his attention was drawn to stories that were almost completely identical to Yung Lee’s oral retellings; all the dates, names of places and names of specific people coincided. In one place, the historian came across a record of the place and date of birth of a boy; he was almost sure that it was about “his boy,” but in order to be completely convinced of the amazing discovery, he had to talk with Yung Lee again. However, already in May 1988, having spent only a year in our time, the boy-traveler unexpectedly disappeared for everyone, no one saw him again.

The disgruntled historian Ying Ying Shao sat down to read his books again and in one of them, immediately after the name “Yung Li Cheng”, he found the following entry: “...disappeared for 10 years and reappeared crazy, claimed that he was in 1987 according to Christian chronology, I saw huge birds, large magic mirrors, boxes that reach the clouds, multi-colored lights that light up and go out, wide streets decorated with marble that rode in a long snake that crawls at a monstrous speed. He was declared insane and died 3 weeks later.”

Elena Krumbo, especially for the “World of Secrets” website

Every year hundreds of thousands of people disappear without a trace on our planet. Of course, the main reasons for this are crime, bloody military conflicts and accidents. No one even thinks of the rather fantastic idea that some missing people could simply be lost in time...

Aliens from the past

In the 50s of the last century, an amazing case became known to the press. A man in 19th-century clothing suddenly found himself in the midst of cars on a busy New York street and was crushed by one of the cars. The driver swore that the deceased suddenly appeared in front of his car, as if he had fallen from the sky; there was simply no way to slow down.
Trying to establish the identity of the deceased, the police searched his pockets; they found an identity document issued 80 years ago... It turned out that the man was a traveling salesman and lived on a street that was demolished 50 years ago. This story interested the police so much that they took the time to delve into the archives and find lists of residents of the area indicated in the document for the end of the 19th century, in which they discovered a mysterious traveling salesman.
Further searches led to an unexpected meeting. An elderly woman with the same last name as the deceased told detectives that 70 years ago, her father disappeared under very mysterious circumstances. He went outside to breathe before going to bed and seemed to disappear; all attempts to find him led to nothing. After rummaging through a box of photographs, the woman found a photograph of her father. The police simply gasped when, in a photograph dated April 1884, they saw exactly that unfortunate traveling salesman who fell under the wheels of a car...
An even stranger incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. A frightened old woman, unknown to anyone, appeared on his street, dressed in an old-fashioned way. She literally shied away from passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted curious people: after all, in this town everyone knew each other and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed. When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around in despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.
In 1966, three brothers were walking early on New Year's morning along a Glasgow street. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.
In the 90s of the last century, one of the Hong Kong newspapers told the world an amazing story about the boy Yun Li Chen. In 1987, doctors from one of the psychiatric clinics in Hong Kong contacted scientists; the police brought to them a very strange boy who claimed to have arrived from the past. Doctors did not find any brain damage in him and came to the conclusion that he was quite healthy, but the boy’s unusual stories puzzled them and made them doubt his mental health.
Scientists became interested in the doctors' story and visited the boy. First of all, they were struck by his clothes, cut from fabric that was clearly hand-woven, it resembled exhibits from museums discovered in ancient burials. Yun Li Chen spoke fluently one of the ancient Chinese dialects, and told historians such details about the distant past that he simply brought them into a state of real shock.
They decided to check the boy’s story using temple books. In some of them, several centuries old, the historian Ying Shao unexpectedly discovered the names of places and even the names of people, reported by a strange boy. The amazed scientist decided to seriously begin to study this amazing case, but bitter disappointment awaited him - Yun suddenly disappeared, as if he had evaporated from a closed chamber, which was under vigilant control.
Disappointed, Shao again turned to the ancient chronicles and suddenly discovered in them a mention of Yun Li Chen! It was reported that Chen disappeared for more than ten years, but then returned without having matured at all and began to say that he had visited the distant future, where he saw flying iron birds, carts moving without horses and houses with their roofs resting on the clouds. Of course, no one believed the boy, he was considered crazy, and three weeks after his return he unexpectedly died.
“Year after year, unusual manipulations with time are repeated with amazing regularity. We have a certain number of reports of missing people who seem to have been swallowed up by time and not by any other force,” the famous foreign researcher of anomalous phenomena, John Keel, expressed his opinion about the mysterious disappearances of people in one of the conversations.
Time trap for... submarine
It is quite possible that not only people, but also other living beings fall into the “traps” of time. This can explain the mysterious appearances of Bigfoot in the most unexpected corners of our planet, as well as quite numerous sightings of prehistoric animals like Nessie.
Time plays nasty tricks not only on individuals; it can also play tricks on very impressive objects. American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon has classified a striking incident that occurred with one of the submarines. The submarine was in the waters of the notorious Bermuda Triangle when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later a signal from it was received from... the Indian Ocean.
However, this incident with the submarine was not limited to just moving it in space over a huge distance; quite a significant time travel also occurred: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds! Information about this unique case was published in 1993 in the American weekly magazine " The New s".
Researchers of anomalous phenomena have tried to collect statistical data regarding cases of time travel. They found that between 1976 and 2001, 274 such cases occurred, and aircraft often became victims of “holes” in time. The most trivial case, which is repeated most often, is when an aircraft suddenly suddenly disappears for a moment from the radar screen, and then it turns out that the pilots’ watches, and all passengers’ watches, are several minutes behind.
However, sometimes worse things happen to airplanes. In 1997, W magazine W. News spoke about a mysterious DC-4 plane that landed in Caracas (Venezuela) in 1992. This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon we managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was scheduled to land at 9:55 a.m. on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: “Where are we?”
Stunned by the pilot's message, the air traffic controllers told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave him permission to land. The pilot did not answer, but during landing everyone heard his surprised exclamation: “Jimmy! What the hell is this! The American pilot was clearly surprised by the jet plane taking off at that time...
The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot was breathing heavily, and finally he said, “Something is wrong here.” When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed, “Oh God!” They tried to calm him down and said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, seeing airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: “Don’t come closer! We're flying out of here!"
The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers through the windows, and the DC-4 pilot cracked open his cockpit window and waved a magazine at them, demanding that they stay away from the plane. He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in due time? Unfortunately, further fate The crew and passengers of the plane are unknown, since the magazine did not report any historical investigation into this case. As evidence of this unusual incident, a recording of conversations with the DC-4 and a calendar for 1955, which fell out of the magazine that the pilot was waving, remained at the Caracas airport...

Chrononauts willy-nilly

Time travelers are often called chrononauts. However, there is no evidence yet of the invention of a time machine in the near or distant future. Many modern scientists generally deny the possibility of time travel, believing that it is irreversible.
True, not everyone thinks so, for example, a number of physicists put forward the hypothesis that on Earth there are zones of so-called temporary faults, in such anomalous places the past and the future sometimes merge with each other, and a transfer of information and energy occurs, during which material bodies - people, animals, airplanes - can be captured...
There is also a hypothesis that with temporary disturbances in the structure of space and time, special tunnels are formed in them, connecting different eras.
Some researchers believe that unwitting time travelers only momentarily travel into the past or future and are then transported back to their own time. However, there is reason to believe that this does not always happen. The most deplorable option is quite possible - to be stuck in someone else's time forever.
In this case, travelers from the past to the future will most likely face the unenviable fate of a patient in a psychiatric clinic... Imagine what a policeman would think about a strangely dressed man declaring his service in Napoleon's troops...
Those who find themselves from the future to the past, with a certain self-control and resourcefulness, can more or less get settled. Perhaps it was precisely such an unwitting time traveler who built the famous Baghdad battery, which provided current 4000 years ago...
Some of the researchers of anomalous phenomena seriously suggest that Leonardo da Vinci was a chrononaut against his will... He arrived in the 15th century from the future and got stuck in it forever. They consider Leonardo's numerous diverse inventions, which were significantly ahead of their time, to be proof of such a hypothesis.

Scientists have been able to prove that it is possible to travel through time... Thus, according to the research of Israeli scientist Amos Ori, time travel is scientifically substantiated. And at present, world science already has the necessary theoretical knowledge to be able to claim that in theory it is possible to create a time machine.

The mathematical calculations of the Israeli scientist were published in one of the specialized publications. Ory concludes that to create a time machine, gigantic gravitational forces must be present. The scientist based his research on the conclusions made back in 1947 by his colleague, Kurt Gödel, the essence of which is that...

The theory of relativity does not deny the existence of certain models of space and time.

According to Ori's calculations, the ability to travel into the past arises if a curved space-time structure is shaped into a funnel or ring. Moreover, each new turn of this structure will take a person further into the past. Moreover, according to the scientist, gravitational forces, necessary for such temporary travel, are probably located near the so-called black holes, the first mention of which dates back to the 18th century.

One of the scientists (Pierre Simon Laplace) put forward a theory about the existence of cosmic bodies that are invisible to the human eye, but have such high gravity that not a single light ray is reflected from them. The beam must overcome the speed of light in order to be reflected from such a cosmic body, but it is known that it is impossible to overcome it.

The boundaries of black holes are called event horizons. Every object that reaches it falls inside, and from the outside it is not visible what is happening inside the hole. Probably, the laws of physics cease to apply in it, time and space coordinates change places.

Thus, spatial travel turns into time travel.

Despite this very detailed and significant research, there is no evidence that time travel is real. However, no one has been able to prove that this is just a fiction. At the same time, over the entire history of mankind, a huge amount of facts have been accumulated that indicate that time travel is still real. Thus, in the ancient chronicles of the era of the pharaohs, the Middle Ages, and then the French Revolution and world wars, the appearance of strange machines, people and mechanisms was recorded.

To be clear, here are a few examples:


In May 1828, a teenager was caught in Nuremberg. Despite a thorough investigation and 49 volumes of the case, as well as portraits sent throughout Europe, it turned out to be impossible to find out his identity, just like the places where the boy came from. He was given the name Kaspar Hauser, and he had incredible abilities and habits: the boy saw perfectly in the dark, but did not know what fire or milk was. He died from an assassin's bullet, and his identity remained a mystery. However, there were suggestions that before appearing in Germany, the boy lived in a completely different world.


In 1897, a very unusual incident occurred on the streets of the Siberian town of Tobolsk. At the end of August, a man of strange appearance and equally strange behavior was detained there. The man's last name is Krapivin. When he was taken to the police station and began to be interrogated, everyone was quite surprised by the information that the man shared: according to him, he was born in 1965 in Angarsk, and worked as a PC operator.

The man could not explain his appearance in the city in any way, but according to him, shortly before he felt a severe headache, after which he lost consciousness. When he woke up, Krapivin saw an unfamiliar town. A doctor was called to the police station to examine the strange man and diagnosed him with “silent insanity.” After this, Krapivin was placed in a local insane asylum.


The tourists asked for directions, but instead of helping, the men looked at them strangely and pointed in an uncertain direction. After some time, the women met strange people again. This time it was a young woman and a girl, also dressed in old-fashioned clothes. This time the women did not suspect anything unusual until they came across another group of people dressed in ancient clothes.

These people spoke an unfamiliar dialect of French. Soon the women realized that their own appearance caused amazement and bewilderment of those present. However, one of the men pointed them in the right direction. When the tourists reached their destination, they were amazed not by the house itself, but by the appearance of the lady who was sitting next to it and making sketches in an album. She was very beautiful, in a powdered wig, long dress, which was worn by aristocrats of the 18th century.

And only then did the English women finally realize that they had gone back in time. Soon the landscape changed, the vision disappeared, and the women swore to each other not to tell anyone about their journey. However, later, in 1911, they jointly wrote a book about their experience.


In 1924, British Royal Air Force pilots were forced to make an emergency landing in Iraq. Their footprints were clearly visible on the sand, but soon they broke off. The pilots were never found, although in the area where the incident occurred there were no quicksand, no sandstorms, no abandoned wells...


In 1930, a country doctor named Edward Moon was returning home after visiting his patient, Lord Edward Carson, who lived in Kent. The lord was very ill, so the doctor visited him daily and knew the area very well. One day, Moon, going outside the estate of his patient, noticed that the area looked a little different than before. Instead of a road there was a dirt path that led through deserted meadows.

While the doctor was trying to understand what happened, he met a strange man who was walking a little ahead. He was dressed somewhat old-fashioned and carried an antique musket. The man also noticed the doctor and stopped, clearly in amazement. When Moon turned to look at the estate, the mysterious wanderer had disappeared and the entire landscape had returned to normal.


During the battles for the liberation of Estonia, which were fought throughout 1944, near the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance battalion commanded by Troshin came across a strange group of cavalrymen dressed in historical uniforms in the forest. When the cavalrymen saw the tanks, they fled. As a result of the pursuit, one of the strange people was detained.

He spoke exclusively French, so he was mistaken for a soldier of the Allied army. The cavalryman was taken to headquarters, but everything he told shocked both the translator and the officers. The cavalryman claimed that he was a cuirassier of the Napoleonic army, and that its remnants were trying to get out of encirclement after retreating from Moscow. The soldier also said that he was born in 1772. The next day, the mysterious cavalryman was taken away by special department officers...


Another similar story is connected with the Kola Peninsula. For many centuries there was a legend that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea was located there. In the 1920s, an expedition was sent there, supported by Dzerzhinsky himself. The group, led by Kondiaina and Barchenko, went to the area of ​​Lovozero and Seydozero in 1922. All materials upon the return of the expedition were classified, and Barchenko was later repressed and shot.


No one knows the details of the expedition, but local residents say that during the search a strange hole underground was discovered, but an incomprehensible fear and horror prevented scientists from getting there. Local residents also do not risk using these caves, because they may not return from them. And besides, there is a legend that either a caveman or a bigfoot was repeatedly seen near them.

This story might have remained secret if, as a result of intrigue, it had not ended up in Western publications. One NATO pilot told reporters about a strange story that happened to him. It all happened in May 1999. The plane took off from a NATO base in Holland on a mission to monitor the actions of parties conflicting in the Yugoslav war. As the plane flew over Germany, the pilot suddenly saw a group of fighters heading straight towards him. But they were all somehow strange.

Having flown closer, the pilot saw that it was a German Messerschmitt. The pilot did not know what to do, because his plane was not equipped with weapons. However, he soon saw that the German fighter was targeted by a Soviet fighter. The vision lasted a few seconds, then everything disappeared. There is other evidence of penetrations into the past that occurred in the air.


So, in 1976 Soviet pilot V. Orlov spoke about how he personally saw ground military operations being conducted under the wing of the MiG-25 aircraft he piloted. If the pilot's descriptions are to be believed, he was an eyewitness to the battle that took place in 1863 near Gettysburg. In 1985, one of the NATO pilots, taking off from a NATO base located in Africa, saw a very strange picture: below, instead of the desert, he saw savannahs with big amount trees and dinosaurs that grazed on the lawns. Soon the vision disappeared.


In 1986, the Soviet pilot A. Ustimov, during a mission, discovered that he was over Ancient Egypt. According to him, he saw one pyramid that was completely built, as well as the foundations of others, around which many people were swarming. At the end of the 80s of the last century, captain of the second rank, military sailor Ivan Zalygin found himself in a very interesting and mysterious story. It all started when his diesel submarine was caught in a severe thunderstorm.

The captain decided to surface, but as soon as the ship took the surface position, the watchman reported that an unidentified craft was directly ahead. It turned out to be a rescue boat, in which Soviet sailors found a military man in the uniform of a Japanese sailor from the Second World War. During a search of this man, documents were found that were issued back in 1940. As soon as the incident was reported, the captain received an order to proceed to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence representatives were already waiting for the Japanese sailor. The team members signed a non-disclosure agreement for a period of ten years.


A mysterious story happened in 1952 in New York. In November, an unknown man was hit and killed on Broadway. His body was taken to the morgue. The police were surprised that the young man was dressed in antique clothes, and in his trouser pocket they found the same antique watch and a knife made at the beginning of the century.

However, the surprise of the police knew no bounds when they saw a certificate issued about 8 decades ago, as well as business cards indicating the profession (travelling salesman). After checking the address, it was possible to establish that the street indicated in the documents has not existed for about half a century. As a result of the investigation, it was possible to find out that the deceased was the father of one of the centenarians of New York, who had been missing for about 70 years during a regular walk. To prove her words, the woman presented a photo: it had the date on it - 1884, and the photo itself depicted a man in the same strange suit who died under the wheels of a car.


In 1954, after civil unrest in Japan, a man was detained during passport control. All his documents were in order, except that they were issued by the non-existent state of Tuared. The man himself claimed that his country is located on the African continent between French Sudan and Mauritania. Moreover, he was amazed when he saw that Algeria was in the place of his Tuared. True, the Tuareg tribe did live there, but it never had sovereignty.


In 1980, a young man disappeared in Paris after his car was covered in a bright glowing ball of fog. A week later he appeared in the same place where he had disappeared, but at the same time he thought that he had been absent for only a few minutes. In 1985, on the first day of the new school year, second-grader Vlad Heineman played war with his friends during recess. To throw the “enemy” off the scent, he dived into the nearest gateway. However, when the boy jumped out a few seconds later, he did not recognize the school yard - it was completely empty.

The boy rushed to the school, but was stopped by his stepfather, who had been looking for him for a long time to take him home. As it turned out, more than an hour and a half had passed since the moment he decided to hide. But Vlad himself did not remember what happened to him during this time. An equally strange story happened with the Englishman Peter Williams. According to him, he found himself in some strange place during a thunderstorm. After being struck by lightning, he lost consciousness, and when he came to, he discovered that he was lost.

Walking along a narrow road, he managed to stop the car and ask for help. The man was taken to the hospital. After some time, the young man’s health improved, and he could already go for a walk. But since his clothes were completely ruined, his roommate lent him his. When Peter went out into the garden, he realized that he was in the place where the thunderstorm had overtaken him. Williams wanted to thank the medical staff and a kind neighbor.

He managed to find a hospital, but no one there recognized him, and all the clinic staff looked much older. There were no records of Peter’s admission in the registration book, nor was there any roommate. When the man remembered the trousers, he was told that they were an outdated model that had not been produced for more than 20 years!


In 1991, one railway worker saw that from the side of the old branch, where there were not even rails left, a train was coming: a steam locomotive and three cars. It was very strange-looking, and clearly not made in Russia. The train passed the worker and went in the direction in which Sevastopol was located. Information about this incident was even published in one of the publications in 1992. It contained information that back in 1911, a pleasure train left Rome, in which there was a large number of passengers.

He walked into thick fog and then drove into a tunnel. He was never seen again. The tunnel itself was blocked with stones. Perhaps this would have been forgotten if the train had not appeared in the Poltava region. Many scientists then put forward the version that this train somehow managed to pass through time. Some of them attribute this ability to the fact that almost at the same time as the train set off, a powerful earthquake occurred in Italy, as a result of which large cracks appeared not only on the surface of the earth, but also in the chronological field.


In 1994, a ten-month-old girl was discovered in the northern Atlantic waters by the crew of a Norwegian fishing vessel. She was very cold, but she was alive. The girl was tied to a lifebuoy that had the inscription “Titanic” on it. It is worth noting that the baby was found exactly where the famous ship sank in 1912. Of course, it was simply impossible to believe in the reality of what was happening, but when they raised the documents, they actually found a 10-month-old child on the Titanic passenger list.


There is other evidence associated with this ship. Thus, some sailors claimed that they saw the ghost of the sinking Titanic. According to some scientists, the ship fell into a so-called time trap, in which people can disappear without a trace and then appear in a completely unexpected place. The list of disappearances can be continued for a very, very long time.


There is no point in mentioning all of them, because most of them are similar to each other. Almost always, time travel is irreversible, but sometimes it turns out that people who have disappeared for some time then return safely. Unfortunately, many of them end up in insane asylums, because no one wants to believe their stories, and they themselves do not really understand whether what happened to them is true.

Scientists have been trying to solve the problem of temporary movements for several centuries. It may well happen that this problem will soon become objective reality, and not the plot of science fiction books and films.

« Each of us has a time machine: what takes us into the past are memories; what carries into the future - dreams»

Herbert Wells. "Time Machine"

What does a person dream about if his head is not occupied with war and mercantile ambitions? He dreams about his future, about the stars, about the well-being of those around him. This fact was reflected most colorfully in our area during the existence of the Soviet Union, when state propaganda within the framework of cold war and the space race convinced people that science is the engine of progress. And there was nothing wrong with that.

Having seen the successes of mankind in the exploration of outer space, as well as achievements in other fields of science, people began to dream of what previously seemed only fantasy. For example, about eternal life and youth, perpetual motion, traveling to the stars and other galaxies, understanding the language of animals, levitation and even about a time machine. However, science has again intervened in the matter, which time after time clips the wings of dreamers with its formulas, which prove that some dreams are unrealistic:

The creation of a perpetual motion machine of the first kind is impossible within the framework of the law of conservation of energy. The first law of thermodynamics prohibits us from doing this, so we can only wait for the next breakthrough theory in the field of physics and mathematics.

Understanding the language of birds and animals is, for obvious reasons, still a fantasy. Scientists are only in the early stages of deciphering the sounds animals make. The greatest success has been achieved in deciphering the language of dolphins, but this is still more like a ghostly future.

We will not be able to live forever, because our cells are programmed to die. There are no adequate theories about reprogramming yet and are not expected, so human life is only possible.

You can endlessly smash the dreams of humanity against the rocks of science, but there are things that are not prohibited by science. For example, time travel. One of the craziest, at first glance, ideas turns out to be real, because it does not contradict the modern laws of physics.

Humanity's first thoughts on time travel

It is impossible to establish when a person first thought about returning to the past or going to the future. Most likely, this thought has visited many throughout the entire existence of our species. Another thing is the rejection of ordinary dreams and an attempt to describe the idea of ​​time travel within the framework of the relativity of time periods. And it was not scientists who were the first to notice this, but science fiction writers. Creative people are not constrained by scientific frameworks, so they can give free rein to their imagination. In addition, it turned out that most of the writers’ prophecies regarding our future came true.

In literature, time travel was described depending on the era in which its creators lived. For example, in novels of the 18th century, when religion still retained its weight in society and prevailed over other facts, writers associated everything unusual with divine intervention.

The first science fiction book about time travel is considered to be Samuel Madden's novel “Memoirs of the 20th Century. Letters concerning the State governed by George VI... Received by revelation in 1728. In six volumes.” In a book that was written in 1733, main character received letters describing events from the end of the 20th century, which were brought to him by a real angel.

The appearance of the "Time Machine"

The first mention of a certain man-made mechanism that allowed time travel appeared only at the end of the 19th century. In 1881, a story by American journalist Edward Mitchell, “The Clock That Went Backward,” appeared in one of the New York scientific journals. It talks about a young man who was able to travel back in time using an ordinary room clock.

Edward Mitchell is considered one of the founders of modern science fiction. He described in his books many inventions and ideas long before they appeared on the pages of other science fiction writers. He talked about faster-than-light travel, the invisible man, and more before anyone else.

In 1895, an event occurred that turned the world of fantastic prose upside down. In the English magazine The New Review, the editor decides to publish the story “The Story of the Time Traveler,” the first major work of fiction by H. G. Wells. The name “Time Machine” did not appear immediately, and was adopted only a year later. The writer developed the idea of ​​the story “The Argonauts of Time,” written in 1888.

“The idea of ​​the possibility of time travel arose in 1887 after a certain student named Hamilton-Gordon, in the basement of the School of Mines in South Kensington, where the meetings of the Debating Society were held, gave a report on the possibilities of non-Euclidean geometry based on the book Hinton "What is the fourth dimension"

A distinctive feature of the novel is that some moments of the protagonist's time travel were described using assumptions that later appeared in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. At the time of writing the story, it did not even exist.

Einstein phenomenon

Since ancient times, man has perceived the space around him as the value of three dimensions: length, width and height. Talking about time was the lot of philosophers; only in the 17th century the concept of time was introduced into science, as physical quantity, however, scientists, including Newton, perceived time as something unchangeable and linear.

Newtonian physics assumed that clocks placed in any part of the Universe would always show the same time. Scientists were satisfied with the current state of affairs, because it is much easier to carry out calculations using such data.

Everything changed in 1915, when Albert Einstein stood up at the podium. Report on the Special Theory of Relativity (SRT) and General theory relativity (GR) brought Newton's perception of time to its knees. In his scientific works, time existed inextricably with matter and space and was not linear. It could change its course, speed up or slow down, depending on conditions.

The supporters of the Newtonian universe gave up. Einstein's theory was extremely logical, all the basic laws of physics continued to work flawlessly in it, so the scientific community could only accept it as a given.

« Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution».

Albert Einstein

In his equations, the scientist presented the curvature of space-time caused by the gravitational component of matter. They took into account not only the geometric features of objects, but also the density, pressure and other factors that they possess. The peculiarity of Einstein's equations is that they can be read both from right to left and from left to right. Depending on this, the perception of the world around us and the interaction of space-time will change.

First representations of time travel

After science community recovered from the shock, it began to actively use Einstein’s achievements in its research. Astronomers and astrophysicists were the first to become interested, because the theory of relativity worked for the Universe around us, which will undoubtedly help answer a number of questions that were previously considered rhetorical. At the same time, it turned out that the scientific works of the German physicist allow for the possibility of the existence of a time machine, even several of its types.

Already in 1916, the first scientific works on time travel with theoretical justification appeared. The first to announce this was a physicist from Austria, whose name was Ludwig Flamm, who at that time was only 30 years old. He was inspired by Einstein's ideas and tried to solve his equations. Suddenly it dawned on Flamm that with the curvature of space and matter in the Universe around us, peculiar tunnels could arise through which we could pass not only within space, but also within time.

Einstein warmly accepted the young scientist's theory and agreed that it met all the conditions of the theory of relativity. Almost 15 years later, he was able to develop Flamm's reasoning, and he, together with his colleague Nathan Rosen, were able to connect two Schwarzschild black holes with the help of a space-time tunnel that widened at the entrance, gradually narrowing towards its middle. In theory, one can travel through such a tunnel in the space-time continuum. Physicists called such a tunnel the Einstein-Rosen bridge.

To people outside the scientific world, Einstein-Rosen bridges are known by the simpler name “wormholes,” which was coined by Princeton scientist John Wheeler in the mid-20th century. The name “wormholes” is also common. This expression quickly spread among supporters of modern theoretical physics and very accurately reflected holes in space. Traveling through a wormhole would allow a person to cover vast distances in much shorter periods of time than traveling in a straight line. With their help, one could even go to the edge of the Universe.

The idea of ​​"wormholes" has inspired science fiction writers so much that most science fiction since the mid-20th century tells us about the distant future of humanity, where people have mastered the entire space and easily travel from star to star, meeting new alien races and interacting with some of them. them into bloody wars.

However, physicists do not share the writers’ optimism. According to them, traveling through a wormhole may be the last thing a person sees. As soon as he falls beyond the event horizon, his life will stop forever.

In his book The Physics of the Impossible, the famous scientist and popularizer of science Michio Kaku quotes his colleague Richard Gott:

« I don't think the question is whether a person in a black hole can go back in time, the question is whether he can get out of there to show off».

But don't despair. In fact, physicists still left a loophole for romantics who dream of traveling through space and time. To survive in a wormhole, you just need to fly faster than the speed of light. The fact is that according to the laws of modern physics this is simply impossible. Thus, the Einstein-Rosen bridge is impassable within the framework of today's science.

Development of the theory of time travel

If traveling through a “wormhole” allows us, in theory, to get into the future, then with our past in this regard everything is much more complicated. In the mid-20th century, Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel once again tried to solve the equations created by Einstein. As a result of his calculations, a rotating universe emerged on paper, which looked like a cylinder, in which time ran along its edges and was looped. Such a complex model is difficult for an unprepared person to even imagine, however, within the framework of this theory, it was possible to get into the past if you circled the universe along the outer contour at the speed of light or higher. According to Gödel's calculations, in this case you will arrive at the starting point long before the start itself.

Unfortunately, Kurt Gödel's model also does not fit into the framework of modern physics due to the impossibility of traveling faster than the speed of light.

Kip Thorne's Reversible Wormhole

The scientific community did not stop trying to solve the equations of the theory of relativity, and in 1988 a scandal occurred that put the whole world on its ears. One of the American scientific magazines published an article from the famous physicist and expert in the field of gravity theory, Kip Thorne. In his article, the scientist stated that he and his colleagues were able to calculate the so-called “reversible wormhole”, which will not collapse behind the spacecraft as soon as it enters it. For comparison, the scientist gave an example that such a wormhole will allow you to walk along it in any direction.

Kip Thorne's statement was very reliable and supported by mathematical calculations. The only problem was that it went against the axiom that lies at the foundation of modern physics - events of the past cannot be changed.

The so-called time paradox of physics was jokingly called “the murder of grandfather.” This bloodthirsty name quite accurately describes the scheme: you go back in time, accidentally kill little boy(because he pisses you off). The boy turns out to be your grandfather. Accordingly, your father and you are not born, which means you will not go through the wormhole and kill your grandfather. The circle is closed.

This paradox is also called the “Butterfly Effect,” which appeared in Ray Bradbury’s book “A Sound of Thunder” long before scientists developed the theory, in 1952. The plot described the story of a hero who went on a journey into the past, into the prehistoric period, when giant lizards reigned on the earth. One of the conditions of the journey was that the heroes had no right to leave the special path, so as not to cause a time paradox. However, the main character violates this condition and leaves the path, where he steps on a butterfly. When he returns to his time, a terrifying picture appears before his eyes, where the world he knew before no longer exists.

Development of Thorne's theory

Because of time paradoxes, it would be stupid to abandon the idea of ​​Kip Thorne and his colleagues; it would be easier to solve the problem with the paradoxes themselves. Therefore, the American scientist received support from where he least expected it: from the Russian astrophysicist Igor Novikov, who figured out how to get around the problem with the “grandfather.”

According to his theory, which was called the “principle of self-consistency,” if a person finds himself in the past, then his ability to influence events that have already happened to him tends to zero. Those. The very physics of time and space will not allow you to kill your grandfather or cause the “butterfly effect.”

At the moment, the global scientific community is divided into two camps. One of them supports the opinion of Kip Thorne and Igor Novikov regarding travel through wormholes and their safety, others stubbornly deny it. Unfortunately, modern science does not allow either to prove or disprove these statements. We are also not yet able to detect wormholes in space due to the primitiveness of our instruments and mechanisms.

Kip Thorne became the chief scientific consultant on the famous science fiction film Interstellar, which tells the story of a man's journey through a wormhole..

Creating your own space-time tunnel

The wider the imagination of a modern scientist, the greater heights he can achieve in his work. While skeptics deny any possibility of the existence of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, supporters of this theory offer a way out of the situation. If we are not able to detect a wormhole in our immediate vicinity, then we can create it ourselves! Moreover, there are already developments for this. For now, this theory is in the realm of science fiction, however, as we have already seen, most of the predictions of science fiction writers have come true.

Kip Thorne, along with his supporters, continues to work on the theory of wormholes. The scientist was able to calculate that it is possible to provoke the birth of a wormhole using the so-called “dark matter” - a mysterious building material in the Universe, which cannot be detected directly, but according to physicists, 27% of our universe consists of it. By the way, baryonic matter (the one that we are made of and can see) accounts for only 4.9% of the total mass of the universe. Dark matter has amazing properties. She doesn't emit electromagnetic radiation, does not interact with other forms of matter except at the gravitational level, but its potential is truly enormous.

According to Thorne, dark matter could be used to create a reversible wormhole large enough for a spacecraft to pass through. The only problem is that for this you need to accumulate so much dark matter that its mass will be commensurate with the mass of Jupiter. Humanity is not yet able to obtain even a gram of this substance, if the concept of “gram” is applicable to it at all. In addition, no one has canceled the need to travel at the speed of light, which means that despite all the achievements of mankind in the field of science, we are still at a cave level of development, and we are very far from real breakthrough discoveries.


Ideas for inventing a real time machine, which would allow us to discover the mysteries of the past and see our future, are still unrealistic. However, this does not change the fact that the theory of relativity developed by Einstein continues to work for each of us. For example, finding a real time traveler will not be difficult even now. The faster a person moves, the slower time goes for him, which means that he is slowly but surely moving into the future. Airline pilots, fighter pilots, and especially astronauts working in orbit are real time travelers. Even if only by hundredths of a second, they were ahead of us, people living on Earth.

Time is perhaps one of the most mysterious and inexplicable phenomena of our lives. Everyone exists in it, but no one knows what it really is. From a physical point of view, time serves as a certain quantity, per unit of which human brain processes a certain amount of information. He is considered a revolutionary in the field of practical study of the concept of space and time. Before him, only science fiction writers talked about traveling into the past and future.

According to the theory of the great scientist, time can slow down when it reaches a speed equal to or close to the speed of light. The idea of ​​creating a time machine excites the minds of both world-class physicists and “Kulibins of the people” who are trying to comprehend the laws of the universe. Despite the controversial opinions, there are many facts about temporary teleportations - more than two hundred are stored in the annals of the British Royal Metapsychic Society alone, and what can we say about the archives of other organizations and media.

Fiction or truth? Everyone decides for himself, but it would also be wrong not to take into account the huge number of stories about travel in space. Here are just a few of them.

The photograph, stored in the Bralorne Pionner virtual museum, still raises many questions and surprises. The photo commemorates the opening of the Golden Bridge in Canada and dates back to 1941. Everything would be fine, but in a crowd of people it’s easy to spot one man who stands out strikingly from the rest of the onlookers. His whole appearance does not correspond to the spirit of that time - a T-shirt with a modern print, a sports jacket, sunglasses, a hairstyle, and to top off the picture is a portable camera, the production of which was not even in the project in the 40s of the 20th century.

In 1950, in France, a young guy named Rudolf Fetz died under the wheels of a car. The police who arrived at the scene of the tragic accident noted with bewilderment that the man was dressed in ancient clothes of the last century. During the investigation, it turned out that the deceased was listed as missing in the police archives in 1876. Not only the descriptions of his appearance and clothing coincided, but also the things he had with him before his disappearance: Business Cards, business papers, beer flask. All of the listed items were found in the pockets of the deceased, without any signs of aging.

Rita Harsfeld, who lives with her family in Louisville (USA), still keeps a postcard from her case, received in 1955. It depicts the German Frankfurt am Main, and the date of issue of the postcard is 1983. Many of the buildings featured in the picture were not yet built in the 50s, so it is not surprising that the strange postcard became a real highlight of the family album.

Another portion from the “obvious-incredible” series

Facts about time travel can be confirmed in the most different situations. For example:

At an altitude of 2800 m in the Altai region, Mongolian shepherds discovered an ancient burial, the highlight of which was a woman whose feet were wearing shoes that clearly resembled Adidas sneakers. According to archaeologists, the find dates back to approximately 500 AD, so the found remains can be considered a kind of greeting from the future. Several photographs from the excavations hit the Internet, which created a real sensation among history and paranormal enthusiasts.

Mobile phone in Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus"

The keen eye of one documentarian, looking at DVD materials for the film “Circus,” filmed in 1928 with the participation of, found an interesting detail. The video clearly shows a woman walking down the street and talking on her cell phone. The device is almost completely covered by the palm, but the position of the hand and the facial expressions of the passerby clearly make it clear what she is doing at the moment she enters the frame.

Ghost trains going from nowhere to nowhere

Fans of time travel stories have probably heard about the mysterious ghost train that imprisoned more than a hundred people within its walls and disappeared without a trace in a tunnel in Lombardy (Italy). The events unfolded on June 14, 1911, when the Rome Railway Company staged an advertising presentation for an elite pleasure train, giving passengers a free sightseeing trip to explore local attractions and a new tunnel dug into the rock, a full kilometer long.

The enthusiastic audience was delighted with the upcoming event, but everything did not go according to plan. The train fell into the darkness and never came out into the light, literally disappearing into thin air. Only two men managed to escape, they jumped from the steps, intuitively sensing the danger. The incident seriously frightened the Romans and received noisy publicity in the press. The iron line ceased to be used, and the tunnel itself was walled up. Later, during World War II, a bomb hit it, which irrevocably destroyed the entire structure.

In the monastery near the Casta Sole estate there is an ancient chronicle that tells about a giant iron cart that once rolled up to the entrance of the holy monastery and belched clouds of black acrid smoke. The terrible sight caused panic among the monastery servants, and when several clean-shaven and strangely dressed people came out of the devilish machine, all the monks began to read prayers in chorus and ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Thanks to God's powers, the vision disappeared, and the fact of its appearance was recorded in the chronicle book.

The medical records of psychiatrist José Saxino, who practiced in Mexico City in the 1840s, describe the amazing story of how more than a hundred people were admitted to his hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Moreover, all the people stated clearly and confidently that they were Italians and came from Rome by train. How could they get there? railway from Italy to Mexico across the ocean was incomprehensible, so the doctor had no choice but to place everyone in a mental hospital. The further biography of the unfortunate “crazy” is unknown.

In the fall of 1955, Pyotr Ustimenko, who worked as a switchman near Balaklava and joined the service, almost turned gray when he saw a train running towards the barrier. The locomotive was not running according to schedule, but this was not what terrified the poor man - the unannounced “guest” was rushing where there were no rails. In appearance, it was a pre-war train consisting of three small carriages without lighting. Crossing himself, the switchman lowered the barrier, and the train disappeared into the darkness as quickly as it had appeared.

You may or may not believe in the mysterious journeys of the Italian ghost train, but real facts, captured in chronicles and described by eyewitnesses of our time, make us think - maybe all this is true?

Tricks of scientists

Some scientists who admit the possibility of time travel approach the issue not only from a theoretical point of view, but also try to obtain real facts to confirm their scientific hypotheses. From the outside, their actions often look funny and strange, but, you see, “he who does not take risks,….”

One of famous physicists modern times, he has repeatedly published statistical observations regarding temporary teleportations and even said that he knows how to design a time machine. In 2009, he conducted an interesting experiment, which, alas, was never successful. They organized a party for tourists from the future, and the trick of the experience was that no announcements were given about the upcoming meeting. That is, according to the scientist’s idea, someone in the future was supposed to find out about this event and go on a time travel, jumping over N number of years (or centuries).

Stephen Hawking is not the only one who has tried to hook tourists from the future. A few years before his fake party, Amal Dorai, a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts, had already tried something similar, deciding to call an entire time travel convention as bait. Only he did not act secretly, but, on the contrary, with maximum PR scope. The scientist launched a large advertising campaign involving top newspaper publications such as the Washington Post and the New York Times. But not a single “walker” from the future announced the fact of his real existence, but in the journalistic environment, the ambitious scientist was trolled to great effect.

Michigan Technological University researchers Teresa Willson and Robert Nemiroff decided to use the Internet as a tool to test their hypotheses. According to their version, time travelers had to leave evidence of their presence through some kind of posts and publications - in other words, appear on the network and post facts from the future that have not yet happened in the present. Having searched the length and breadth of Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms, desperate scientists did not find anything suspicious that could attract their attention. But they themselves came under the radar of television cameras and were notably ridiculed by more than one entertainment show.

Time travel through the eyes of filmmakers

Not only writers, but also film directors love to explore the vastness of the universe in search of adventure. Sometimes such fantastic stories are born in their wild creative minds that one can only wonder how multifaceted and unpredictable human imagination can be. Does anyone remember these films?

"Back to the Future". Martin McFly has become one of the most memorable time travelers and a favorite of millions of viewers. WITH light hand half-crazy inventor friend Doc, he manages to travel back in time and not only look at his young parents from the outside, but also get into a real love triangle with their participation.

It was not easy for him to be thrown into the future with no less exciting and dynamic events. “Is this possible in reality?” – a question involuntarily arises while watching the trilogy. Not a fact, but more than 20 years have passed since the film was released, and it’s interesting to watch it, even when you already know all the scenes and dialogues of the actors by heart.

"Groundhog Day" The Inimitable, who embodied the gloomy and sarcastic Phil Connors on the screen, finds himself hostage to the same day, in which he stews from morning to night and slowly goes crazy.

And only a happy coincidence of circumstances pulls him out of this vicious circle (not without love spells, of course), preventing him from completely turning into a schizophrenic. Despite the comedy format, the movie opens up another facet of what time travel can be like and what it can lead to in the end.

"12 Monkeys" The film takes place in the future, and its picture is far from idealistic. The year is 2035. Almost 99% of the population was destroyed by a monstrous virus, which literally only a few were able to resist. The lucky survivors are forced to hide underground, turning into half-living dead, not knowing what will happen to them tomorrow.

The task of saving humanity falls to the lot of criminal James Cole, who voluntarily decided to go on a dangerous journey through time and collect all the facts and evidence to help scientists solve the mystery of the mysterious virus.

"Time loop". Fulfill an order to kill yourself, who arrived from the future? This can only happen in a dream nightmare, but no - it turns out that the scenario works in reality, when the mafia gets access to a time machine and begins to carry out its dark deeds with its help.

It falls to the lot to figure everything out and turn back time - where would we be without him, this professional world saver. The action film is watched in one breath even by those who skeptically deny the very possibility of movement in space.

Believing in time travel or supporting the company of skeptics is a personal choice for everyone, but you must agree that the topic is very fascinating. At least from the perspective of “let’s talk...”.