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» New scientific discoveries in the world. The most interesting discoveries in the natural world. "White and fluffy"

New scientific discoveries in the world. The most interesting discoveries in the natural world. "White and fluffy"

Ecological farming: All woody plants reproduce in two ways - seed and vegetative. Seed propagation is carried out by sowing seeds in a nursery and growing seedlings from them

All woody plants reproduce in two ways - seed and vegetative. Seed propagation is carried out by sowing seeds in a nursery and growing seedlings from them. This method is simple, highly productive, and very economical. Woody plants obtained in this way have a powerful root system, are viable and durable.

Vegetative propagation is carried out by parts of the plant - cuttings, layering, root suckers and grafting. Poplars, willows, currants, tamarix, grapes and other plants, as well as spherical, pyramidal, weeping variegated forms of tree species and seedlings of tree crops are propagated in the nursery using this method.

Trees and shrubs begin to bear fruit systematically upon reaching maturity. Fast-growing breeds bear fruit at an earlier age than slow-growing breeds. Thus, acacia fruiting begins at 5-6 years, and common oak - at 12-14 years. Trees in natural plantations begin to bear fruit at a later age than in artificial ones. Thus, pine in natural plantations begins to bear fruit at 40-50 years, in artificial plantations - from 10 years; oak in natural plantations bears fruit from 35-40 years, and in artificial ones (in the south) from 20 years.

All trees and shrubs bear fruit not annually, but after certain periods. Procurement of seeds usually begins with the collection of fruits.

The fruits of tree species are divided into two groups: dry and juicy. Dry fruits are fruits with a uniform-skinned or woody pericarp. They, in turn, are divided into non-opening and opening. Indehiscent includes a nut - a fruit with a hard, lignified pericarp, for example, oak acorn, hazel, beech nut, hazelnut; nut (type of achene) - in birch, alder, linden, hornbeam. Achenes are the winged fruits of ash, maple, and elm trees; under the influence of the wind they spread to long distances. The dehiscent fruits are capsules and beans. The former include bolls of willow, poplar, aspen, lilac, chestnut, and euonymus; the latter include yellow and white acacia beans and honey locust.

There are other types of fruits. Thus, a drupe is a juicy, single-seeded fruit of cherry, plum, dogwood, bird cherry, thorn, viburnum, oleaster, bean, pride, almond, pistachio, walnut and black; berry - a juicy multi-seeded fruit of currants, gooseberries, privet, honeysuckle, Amur velvet, sea buckthorn, grapes, etc. Seed - a part of the fruit developed from the ovule of the ovary, the reproductive organ of all seed-bearing plants. In practice, the fruits themselves are sometimes called seeds, especially when the seeds are difficult to separate, for example, the lionfish of maples, ash trees, etc.

Good seed material can only be obtained from ripened and timely collected seeds. As they ripen, the color of the fruit changes from green in unripe fruits to dark brown, brown, red, black in ripe ones. Some seeds immediately fall off after ripening (birch, poplar, fir, elm), others remain on the trees for a long time, often until the next spring (white acacia, ash-leaved maple, linden, etc.). Seeds damaged by various fungal diseases or pests cannot be collected. Collection is made from growing trees before the seeds fall or from the ground after they fall from the trees.

The seeds are extracted from the cones in dryers at a certain temperature. Maximum temperature in drying chambers for pine 50° C, and for spruce and larch 40-45° C. Drying chambers must be equipped with constant ventilation to quickly remove moisture evaporating from the buds.

Seeds of common elm, elm, and birch bark begin to be collected from the moment the lionfish turn yellow 3-5 days before their mass fall, then they are cleaned of impurities and dried for 4-5 days in a protected place. Lionfish are collected in calm weather (torn off or shaken off) on a specially laid canopy. The collected lionfish are immediately sown.

Large seeds of oak, beech, walnut, horse chestnut, fruits of apple, pear, apricot, etc. are usually collected from the ground. Apple and pear seeds are obtained from the fruits by crushing them in special crushers or manually - the fruits are poured into a barrel, crushed with a wooden pestle, and then washed in sieves.

Juicy fruits of cherries, plums, apricots, cherry plums, honeysuckles, currants, mulberries, etc. are poured into a barrel, a little water is poured into it and crushed with hands or wooden pestles. Then pour in water five to six times more than the volume of the mashed mass, mix and remove the pulp that floats to the top.

After two or three such operations, clean seeds remain at the bottom, which are then dried for several days in attics. After a day or two, juicy fruits must be processed immediately, since in heaps they self-heat, ferment and lose their viability. The seeds are extracted from white acacia and honey locust beans by drying the fruits and threshing them with sticks, chains and threshers, after which they are cleaned on sieves and on a winnowing fan.

Storage and preparation of seeds for sowing.

The period from the moment of sowing to their mass emergence is called seed dormancy. Seeds come with short seed dormancy, quickly germinate, they do not require special preparation for sowing (birch, oak, elm, spruce, Scots pine, white and yellow acacia, mulberry, etc.). Seeds with long seed dormancy, which germinate slowly, require preliminary preparation to speed up the germination period. These include seeds of hornbeam, linden, common ash, euonymus, rose hips, maple, most stone fruits, fruit pome trees (apple, pear, etc.).

Stratification is a method of preparing seeds for sowing, ensuring the germination of seeds that have long-term family dormancy. Seeds that do not sprout in the same year without prior preparation are subject to stratification. The essence of stratification is to create the conditions necessary for the passage initial stage seed germination. It is carried out in special premises, in warm, cold and summer trenches or under snow.

The optimal stratification temperature for most seeds is +4-6°C with permissible fluctuations from 0 to + 10°C. The duration of stratification, depending on the breed, ranges from one to eight months.

The best medium for seed stratification is peat chips (dry peat sifted through a sieve with 5 mm mesh) and clean river or well-washed continental sand (particle size 0.5-1 mm). For stratification, the seeds are mixed well with a triple volume of peat chips or sand (for one part of seeds, 3 parts of peat or sand). The mixture of seeds with peat or sand is moistened to a moderately moist state.

The required sand moisture content (50-60% of the total moisture capacity) is achieved by adding water to it at the rate of 0.15 l/kg. With such humidity, sand does not release water when squeezed in your hand, but it does not crumble and retains its shape. The required moisture content of peat chips is checked in a similar way. If, when it is compressed, water comes out slowly - in rare drops, the moisture content of the peat crumb is considered normal.

Stratification is carried out in wooden boxes installed on racks in rooms specially designated for this purpose. Seeds mixed with sand or peat are poured into boxes 0.3 m high, 0.4 m wide, 0.6-0.7 m long with holes 0.5 cm in diameter in the bottom for swelling excess water and in the side walls - for aeration. The boxes are covered on top to protect them from rodents. metal mesh and placed in basements on the floor or shelves.

To speed up stratification, seeds collected last year are pre-soaked for 3-5 or more days, depending on the structural features of their outer covers. The water is changed daily. Seeds of linden, mackerel, dogwood, and rose hips, which have a harder coating, are usually soaked for 10 days. The seeds should swell well, which is determined by cutting them open. During stratification, the mixture of sand and seeds is periodically (at least once every 15 days) poured out of the boxes, thoroughly mixed and moistened, if necessary, to the initial moisture content.

Reducing the room temperature is allowed to -4°C, but not more than for 2-3 days. In cases where the seeds begin to germinate ahead of schedule, the boxes are taken out of storage to a shady place, where they are buried in the snow so that the thickness of the snow layer above the boxes is at least 1 m, or (if there is no snow) placed on a glacier. On top, to prevent the snow from melting, it is covered with straw or manure. Boxes can be placed in refrigerator and store them there until spring sowing. In the spring, a day or two before sowing, the seeds are separated from the sand or peat, sifted through a sieve (with holes so that the seeds do not pass through them), and then sown immediately so that they do not dry out.

There are a number of other ways to prepare seeds for rapid germination. Scarification is a violation of the integrity of the seed shell by mechanical means.. It is produced by grinding seeds with coarse sand between sandpaper. After scarification, the seeds are soaked in water for 12 hours and sown in moist soil.

Seeds are treated by scalding white acacia, honey locust, tree bladderwort, Japanese sophora, etc. This operation is performed as follows. Seeds are poured into a bucket or barrel, filled with water at a temperature of 80-90°C, stirred for 10-15 minutes and left to swell for a day. Then the water is drained, and the seeds are ventilated on a tarpaulin until they flow, after which they are immediately sown.

Before spring sowing, the seeds are often soaked to soften the shell and swell the embryo.

So, soaking the seeds of pine and spruce is carried out for 12 hours, larch - 12-24 hours, elm, elm, birch bark - 3-4 hours, white mulberry, sea buckthorn, birch - 2-3 days, green ash - 2-3 days , walnut, chestnut, plane tree (in warm water) -3-5 days. When soaking for more than a day, change the water daily. The room temperature should not be lower than 18-20°C. Seeds are poured 2/3 into bags made of rare fabric and immersed in barrels of water. room temperature. Good results gives seed soaking coniferous species in a 0.25% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), while 2.5 g of the substance is dissolved in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes.

Use of growth stimulants.

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with aqueous solutions of microelements increases their germination energy, and, consequently, seed germination. The most effective microelements in this regard are:

for pine - 0.02% solution of zinc sulfate, 0.05% solution of cobalt sulfate, 0.002% solution of potassium permanganate, 0.03% solution of copper sulfate and a mixture (solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate and cobalt sulfate 0.002% each); for larch - 0.029% solution of zinc sulfate, 0.03% solution of cobalt sulfate and 0.1% solution of sodium bicarbonate; for spruce - 0.03% solution of cobalt sulfate, 0.03% solution of copper sulfate and a mixture (solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate and cobalt sulfate, 0.002% each).

Seeds should be soaked in microelement solutions for 10-12 hours, then air-dried in the shade, and then sown immediately. For 1 kg of seeds, 2 liters of solution are consumed.

Seed dressing.

To prevent damage to seeds by fungi and bacteria, which, settling on their surface, interfere with germination and cause disease in seedlings, the seeds are treated.

There are three types of such processing.

Wet dressing is carried out by immersing seeds placed in bags or mesh boxes in a 0.15% formalin solution (1 part 40% formalin in 300 parts water) and incubating for 3-5 minutes or 0.5% a solution of potassium permanganate (50 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water), then dried in the shade and sown on the same day.

Potassium permanganate does not reduce germination even at high concentrations; it is not toxic and therefore has been found wide application in practice. The seeds are kept in it for 2 hours. published

In the constant struggle with human civilization, nature will always remain the winner, and the photographs below clearly demonstrate this statement:

1. This tree that swallowed a bicycle is probably familiar to most Washingtonians. It won the competition for the most unusual places in Washington-Oregon County in 1994. This tree was also featured in Ripley's Believe It Or Not collection and inspired children's author Berkeley Bresed's book Red Ranger Came Calling.

At the moment, this place is very popular among tourists who never cease to wonder how this could even happen. In fact, the bicycle belonged to a child who left it 60 years ago, and since then the tree has continued to grow, wrapping itself around the bicycle and making it part of its trunk.

2. Abandoned truck with a tree growing through it, Graves Mountain Lodge, Syria, Virginia

3. This tree has been voted "the most beautiful Christmas tree ever seen in the suburbs." It all started when Greig Howe decided to give his children a Christmas they would remember for a long time. To do this, he installed a festive fir tree in the house a little over 10 meters high, for which he needed to break through the roof of the house, since the tree did not fit completely. Thus, each floor of the house had its own Christmas tree. To facilitate the installation process, it was necessary to saw it into three parts, after which Greig and seven of his friends used a rope to lift the spruce up. The Christmas tree was decorated with 160 festive balls and two thousand candles.

4. And although many believe that the piano was specially cut and installed around the tree by musician Jeff Mifflin, today it has grown so deeply into the tree trunk that it is practically part of it

5. In the deepest part of northeastern India, in one of the wettest places on the planet, bridges over rivers and streams are not built, but grown. Such bridges are significantly superior to conventional ones in terms of reliability, and are also environmentally friendly organic structures. Cherrapunji's living bridges are created from the vines of the Ficus elastica plant. Over time, this plant grows to such an extent that it forms a real bridge; the main thing is to give it the right direction.

Cherrapunji is considered the wettest place on the planet; new water flows arise here every now and then, whose variability is another argument in favor of tree bridges over conventional ones. Such bridges sometimes reach a length of several hundred meters and are 10-15 years old. These are unusually strong structures that can support the weight of 50 or more people at a time.

6. The unique intertwining of roots was noticed in Guangzhou, China by one of the Reddit users

7. This is a photo of Father Ryan's house in Biloxi, which was completely destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. One of the most eye-catching features of this home is the huge palm tree growing right out of the porch.

8. This tree managed to grow on top of the chimney of an abandoned courtyard in Luque, on the outskirts of the city of Asuncion in Paraguay (photo AP Photo / Jorge Saenz)

9. One Reddit user noticed this tree growing right in front of the speed limit sign while visiting his wife's parents.

10. In Shanghai, China, you can find an amazing house designed by Archi-Union Architects. The house was named Tea House, its area is 3000 square meters, and it itself was constructed from recycled materials. Distinctive feature This home has an outdoor balcony area with a stunning tree growing through it.

11. This amazing photo was taken by Irina Worthy, who managed to capture a lone tree growing from driftwood in the waters of Fairy Lake, near Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

12. Ta Prohm is an ancient temple in Angkor, Cambodia, built in the late 12th and early 13th centuries. Situated approximately one kilometer east of Angkor Thom, on the southern edge of East Baray at Tonle Bati, the Ta Prohm temple has been preserved in the same form as when it was first discovered by researchers. Huge trees, reminiscent of ancient redwoods and oaks, have grown into its walls. Together with the rocks digging into the walls of the temple, they give it an unusually surreal appearance. The indescribable atmosphere of the trees growing from the ruins and the jungle approaching the temple has made it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. If this place seemed familiar to you, let us remind you that this is where filming took place around the world. famous film Tomb Raider.

Seed propagation fruit crops does not require financial costs

According to the nature of their growth, fruit and berry plants are divided into the following life forms: woody, shrubby, subshrub, liana and herbaceous. All of them are perennial.

Woody forms include the following types fruit and berry trees: plum, cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, peach, apple, pear, sea buckthorn, rowan, etc. Shrub forms include plants such as gooseberries, currants, and honeysuckle. Subshrub forms are: raspberries, blackberries. Liana forms - grapes. Herbaceous forms: strawberry, cranberry, lingonberry.

Fruit trees and shrubs reproduce both vegetatively and with the help of seeds. Most fruit and berry crops form full-fledged seeds only as a result of cross-pollination (crossing). As a result, a fusion of varieties, forms and qualities occurs. In this case, the seed offspring inherits the characteristics of both parental forms. A positive factor of seed propagation is the complete exclusion of the transmission of viral infections. The seed propagation method is the simplest and does not require large financial and labor costs. Trees and shrubs grown in this way have an excellent root system, increased vitality and durability. TO negative factors include later fruiting dates and minor (unplanned) deviations in the properties and characteristics of the variety.

As a rule, seed propagation is used by breeders (in nurseries) to develop new varieties or improve the quality of varieties of fruit trees and shrubs. IN in this case maternal properties of plants are not inherited. Saplings obtained from seeds are used as rootstocks for breeding cultivars trees and shrubs.

The seed is part of the fruit that developed from the ovule - the ovary (the reproductive organ in seed plants). Saplings High Quality are obtained only from ripened and timely collected seeds. Seeds, after being extracted from the berries (necessarily fully ripened), give a high percentage of germination only after they are kept under certain conditions. Breeders call the process of artificial ripening of seeds stratification. Under natural conditions, seeds are prepared for germination under a layer of fallen leaves, and in winter time years - under snow cover. When carrying out stratification, breeders create conditions that are as close as possible to natural conditions(water content, aeration, temperature conditions, isolation of seeds from each other in order to prevent the occurrence of fungi). Crushed moss, lowland peat, sawdust deciduous and coniferous trees, perlite, large river sand and even a crumb of foam. Before mixing with seeds, the substrate is moistened and treated with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (preparation of solution: 5 mg of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water). After which the humidity is adjusted to 60-70% (with sufficient humidity, when squeezed in the hand, a small amount of moisture, and the substrate easily retains its shape).

Each fruit and berry plant has its own characteristics of the stratification process.

After analyzing the data in the table, you can see how individual the process of seed propagation is for almost each of the species presented. This table presents average data, which may differ depending on the variety and climate zone of planting.

Name of culture Soaking (number of days) Exposure in the substrate at a temperature of +15-+20°C (number of days) Exposure in the substrate at a temperature of +1-+5°C (number of days) Exposure in the substrate at a temperature of 0°C - -1°C (number of days)
Plum "Ussuriyskaya" 3-4 10-15 60-80 10-35
Apricot 4 10-15 60-75 10-20
Common cherry 5-7 60-80 50-80 50-80
Sea ​​buckthorn 1 - 20-30 -
Schisandra 4 30 30-60 -
Currant 1-2 12-20 150-180 -
Gooseberry 1-2 12-20 90-120 -
Rowan 2-3 8-12 90-100 -
Kalina 4 15-20 280-320 -

When breeding fruit and berry crops using the seed method, you need to take into account some features:

the seeds of stone fruit and berry crops are not dried, but are immediately placed in a moistened substrate and left there until stratification begins;

other seeds are dried until they flow and stored in fabric bags at room temperature in a dry place;

some cultures require strict adherence temperature regime and planting depths (for example: lemongrass seeds are planted in soil with a temperature no higher than +8°C and to a depth of no more than 5 cm); if these conditions are not met, the plant may go into secondary dormancy and not emerge;

honeysuckle and sea buckthorn can sprout without stratification, but will significantly lag behind the stratified ones in development;

For stone fruit seeds, the longer the exposure at temperatures from 0 to -1°C, the more vigorously the plants will sprout.

It is recommended to immediately plant sprouted seeds in special planting boxes and nurseries, and after some time in the ground. The resulting seedlings form one or two pairs of leaves by the end of the growing season. After spring picking, the seedlings become full-fledged seedlings.

Elena Neira

Germination fruit trees from seeds and seeds helps to grow a plant of a rare variety. This method of reproduction is used in selection. Some hobbyists are trying to obtain seedlings by seed propagation for subsequent cultivation in open ground. Others grow trees in pots on their balconies and verandas. One way or another, many are interested in the question: how to grow plums, cherries, cherries, pears or apricots from stones?

Tree seed propagation does not guarantee the preservation of the characteristics of the variety. Such a plant may exhibit wild signs: small or sour fruits. You need to be prepared to graft to make the variety more cultivated if the tree turns out to be “wild.”

Another feature of deciduous trees when germinating from seed is the necessary stratification. That is, the seeds need to be subjected to temperature changes, as happens in nature. If you leave the seeds in the soil or container for the winter, then in the spring you can wait for the seedlings to germinate. In another case, the seeds and seeds are kept in the refrigerator, artificially creating a cold period.

Tropical plants do not require stratification. All types of citrus fruits, mangoes, nuts and other trees grow safely in indoor pots.

In nurseries, this is exactly how (by seed propagation) a seedling of a rare variety is obtained woody plant. People who do not have a garden are increasingly beginning to try to grow trees directly in indoors. Moreover, this is quite possible. The secret to growing them is to keep them outdoors in the summer, giving them full sun, and bring them indoors during the winter months. The tree also benefits from seasonal temperature changes. For example, in citrus fruits they stimulate flowering. And deciduous plants simply cannot live without autumn coolness on the eve of the dormant period.

Home botany is a great hobby.

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Technology growing indoor trees formed back in ancient China, and then in Japan under the name Bonsai. This is not the only style of growing fruit trees. Thus, columnar trees do not have side shoots; their fruits are located directly along the trunk. Such trees have a number of advantages: they do not require pruning, are low-growing and are suitable for growing in pots.

You need to be prepared to buy containers as large as the plant needs. But no more than the volume of a bucket. It is better to place such a container on a stand with wheels.

So, having learned how to germinate seeds and tree seeds, you can transplant the seedlings into the garden or try to grow a tree at home.

Growing cherries from pits

If you need to grow fruitful cherries, you need to keep in mind: there are difficulties with pollination. Another cherry tree must grow nearby, otherwise the harvest will be pitifully small. Frost resistance is also important. If you buy cherries in a hypermarket or market, they may not be suitable for the local climate. Therefore, it is better to take local varieties for germination experiments. Cherries need a lot of sun, more than 8 hours a day, and well-prepared soil. Sometimes dwarf cherry trees are sold, as well as grafted ones.

Ripe cherries - fruits on the tree

Growing a tree full size, in open ground, you need to give it space. Plant at a distance of more than 5 meters from other trees. Cherries can be even larger and require greater distance. You must also be prepared to wait several years to eat from the cherry tree. But you can graft a new tree to speed up the fruiting process. Cherries can still self-pollinate. But for cherries, a pair of trees is required, located within a radius of several meters. It is important that it is a different variety, but compatible, that is, the pollen will ripen at the same time.

Cherries need a winter dormant period at temperatures of 7 degrees C and below. Cherries require up to 32 days of continuous exposure to this temperature. Cherries need about 48 days of cold. Without this, the buds will not develop enough, and the fruits will be worse quality. In cold areas there is a danger of early flowering when frost in the spring can destroy the crop.

Sowing with stratification

The cherry pit has a hard shell. Stratification (cooling period) should be carried out on the seeds in the shell. There is no need to remove the seeds from the seeds. The seeds can be left outdoors or placed in the refrigerator, where they will keep for approximately 90 days. You need to remove seeds from the seed no earlier than 60 days in the cold. In early spring, seeds are sown in furrows in open ground. The soil must be kept moist.

Also, a pot of cherry seeds can be kept outdoors in winter, as well as in the refrigerator. After being freed from the shell, they are placed 1.2 - 2 cm deep into the soil. In a few weeks, when the weather gets warmer, seedlings will appear.

Mango in pots

For variety, consider growing a tropical mango tree in indoor containers. A full-size mango tree is large enough that it doesn't look like it could grow in a pot. But there is dwarf varieties, as well as semi-dwarf ones that grow safely in a pot or indoors.

The mango tree requires a large container, but don't rush into giving it a big pot right away. A new mango tree requires a gradually larger pot. It needs to be replanted once every few years. It's time to replant when roots are visible on the soil surface or the root system is simply crowded. Ultimately, you may need a 15 liter container (but not necessarily). The container must have drainage holes. You need to add some soil to the bottom of the pot. After root system installed together with a lump of earth. The base of the trunk should be approximately 1.2 cm below the edge of the pot. You need to fill the remaining space in the container with soil. The soil should have a pH of approximately 6 or 6.5. The tree needs to be fed and watered regularly.

Watering is required when 2 cm of surface soil is dry and crumbles in your hands. First, pour in enough water so that it immediately seeps through the drain. Then continue watering until the water reaches the bottom of the container. You need to place a tray or saucer under the pot. But after watering you need to remove the water in it. If there is stagnation of moisture in the soil or saucer, air flow to the roots may be limited and the roots will suffocate.

Mango is a plant of sunny climate. It can be kept outdoors all year round, but not when the temperature drops below 9-10 degrees C. Then you need to bring it into the house. The mango pot should be kept in a sunny place for at least 6 hours sunlight daily. Indoors it is better to choose the south side on the window with big amount bright light.

Fertilizers are applied approximately the same as for other tropical or citrus trees. Fertilize 6 weeks after transplanting. After that - once a month. We continuously deliver these nutrients to the mango throughout the year.

Peach from the pit

You can grow a peach from a pit using store-bought fruit. But you should not expect the same result as the original fruit. Typically, peaches grown from the pit do not reproduce all the characteristics of the tree from which the pit was taken. With this method of reproduction there is little hope for success.

But, nevertheless, the seed must be washed before planting; it is advisable that it has just been removed. Wrapping each one in paper napkin, place them in a plastic bag located in the refrigerator. Do not pack tightly to prevent the contents from becoming moldy, leave holes. There will be some condensation, but drying out is not a good thing either. They need to be stored for three months. This is as long as winter lasts. In the spring you can make seedlings from these seeds. Before planting, it is recommended to split them, but do not throw away the leaves; plant them together with the kernels. For example, you can cut off the edge of a seed with a hacksaw without touching the seed. This procedure can be done before stratification.

Germination can be done in a container. And if the climate allows (peaches grow safely in the region), then it is better to plant them in the garden at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Planting it in a pot and watering it after a few minutes is the easiest thing to do. But you can fill the seed with water at room temperature for 3 hours before planting. In principle, if you put the pits for stratification immediately after eating a peach, they will stay in the refrigerator until the beginning of January.

There is vermiculite for indoor plants. It is a mineral used in agriculture, as a soil substitute. Some people suggest filling a bag of seeds with vermiculite and then waiting for germination right in the refrigerator. When the root is already visible (7 mm), transplant the seeds into a pot. Depth - 2 cm, soil is moist. The pot should be placed in the brightest place, since the sprout should receive a lot of natural and sunlight. Water every time the top layer of soil (up to 1.5 cm) dries out. In the spring, when frost is no longer a threat, you can move the peach to open ground. Or try growing it in a pot if the climate is not subtropical. Every year in frosty weather you will need to bring the container into the house.

Of course, beginners may not succeed. For example, if you don’t want to do cooling for at least 1.5 months (stratification), then the plant will refuse to grow. But if you acquire some skill, it is not so difficult. Peaches sprout easily from the pit. Note. Before taking fruit from the store, it is better to take a closer look at the trees that are already growing nearby. They are adapted to local conditions and have a climate-appropriate variety. If you talk to your neighbors, it will be easier with their help to have the same tree in your garden.

Apricot from the pit

In nature, apricots can grow up to 10 meters, although this depends on the variety. It blooms very beautifully with pink or white flowers in early spring. Then juicy golden fruits appear. The northern limit of this growth garden culture south of Moscow, but not by much. In the Baltics there is very mild winter and there you can also find apricots of the Zherdel variety (frost-resistant, small). But this is very rare.

If you take a seed from a grafted or hybrid variety, then all the characteristics of the original plant will not be repeated in the new one. This is most likely. To begin the experiment on seed germination, we take the season in which we can get apricots. This is the height of the harvest, naturally. As with peaches, it is better to choose a variety that grows nearby (local). In addition, there must be another apricot near the flowering apricot, not necessarily of the same variety, for pollination.

For a seed to germinate, you need:

  • remove it from a fully ripened or overripe fruit;
  • Rinse;
  • dry on newspaper for 3 hours;
  • extract seeds (kernels);
  • dry the kernels;
  • place in the refrigerator in a closed jar.

Usually apricot Requires a cooling period for germination. The plant will then be strong and will not die in the first 2 months of growth.

The second method of stratification is to soak the kernels overnight in warm water. Then take sphagnum moss and wet it, drain the water. Place a handful or two of kernels in moss in a jar.

Place the jar in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 7 degrees. Apricots can germinate in up to 6 weeks, you need to check. You can also try to germinate the kernels in sand, but the container must be kept in the cold for at least a month. Peat is also suitable for the germination period. If the weather is still cold, plant the sprouted apricots in pots and place them in the light.

Apricots You can sow directly into the ground. Stratification will then occur naturally during winter period. Germination requires light loamy soil and a sunny place. Make a furrow twice as deep as the size of the seeds. Place the soaked seeds in the furrow at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Cover them with soil. Cover the sowing site with a layer of sand another 12 cm thick. The location should also be marked, fenced, or even a screen made of special fabric. After all, pets can dig up and destroy the seeds. In the spring we observe germination. When small trees begin to appear, you will need to remove the screen or fabric to allow them to grow before transplanting to permanent places. Growing apricot tree- Long procces.

Apple trees from seeds

Breeders sometimes have to germinate apple seeds. For example, to get a rare variety. Growing apple trees is possible in regions with sub-zero temperatures in winter. Seeds can be sown in the ground or left in a container. trees will grow from them. But you should not expect that the fruits of the seedling will be as sweet as the fruits from which the seeds were extracted. varietal characteristics may not be preserved.

Apple trees from seeds after stratification - seedlings 1 year

The photo shows apple trees grown from seeds in a container left to overwinter in the open air at natural sub-zero temperatures. In spring (March) shoots began to appear. By July (at the time of the photo) these were powerful trees up to 32 cm high.

Artificial stratification is done using a refrigerator. You need to wash the seeds and soak for a day. Place them in a damp paper towel, folded into quarters. Pack the towel in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator for 60-80 days. After 6 weeks, germination will begin, depending on the variety. This will be only 30% of the seeds and this percentage should be considered sufficient.

The sprouts are transplanted into containers approximately 8 cm in size. There must be sufficient drainage. The pot should be placed on a sunny window. Water regularly, but not excessively, so that the soil does not become damp. The pot must have holes. After 6 months or even a year, the plant can be planted outside in a sunny position, providing well-drained soil. There should be no stagnation of moisture in the area. Air circulation is also needed. In poor conditions, it is easy to lose an apple tree.

Walnut from seed

Walnut trees are tall when mature. But they easily germinate from a seed (nut), and the soil can be almost any. When sowing in the garden, you need to protect the seed from being dug up by animals (possibly). And also mark the place. Maybe the tree will bear fruit only after 10 years. It is better to take nuts that grew in the local climate, in the same region. You need to start before the first frost.

  • Crack the nuts
  • We dig holes 3 cm deep.
  • Sow, cover with soil and straw.
  • After marking the location, leave it for the winter. In spring the trees will begin to sprout.

IN room conditions Walnut germinates in a pot within 15 days after planting (a sprout appears around mid-November). Active growth is observed during winter. But there should be as much light as possible. Otherwise the plant will not survive. Such a tree must be transplanted into open ground. It is impossible to grow it safely in a pot at home and wait for the fruits. For indoor growing It is better to choose pistachio or cashew.

Every year brings the world new technologies and new discoveries that take humanity to a qualitatively different, more high level development. We have collected in one review latest discoveries from various areas, and each of these discoveries for humanity is a step towards new opportunities.

1. A terrible disease will help cure cancer

Scientists have achieved a breakthrough in finding a cure for cancer by attaching malaria proteins to cancer cells. Human trials should begin within four years.

2. New ape species have been discovered in South Africa

Last September, paleontologists reported that a new anthropoid species had been found - Homo naledi. This conclusion is based on the discovery of fifteen partially preserved skeletons. It is believed that Homo naledi may have lived in Africa about three million years ago.

3. Study Finds Working Longer Increases Risk of Stroke

According to a study published in The Lancet, people who work more than 55 hours a week are 33% more likely to have a stroke than those who work 35-40 hours a week. They also have a 13% higher risk of coronary heart disease.

4. For the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the woolly mammoth genome has been completed

At the same time, a number of reasons were discovered that allowed these animals to survive in the Arctic.

5. The brightest galaxy in the Universe was discovered

Last May, NASA announced that the brightest galaxy in the Universe, WISE J224607.57-052635.0, had been discovered. She is less than Milky Way, but emits ten thousand times more energy (mostly in the form of infrared radiation).

6. Scientists have made progress in creating the first quantum computer

Two major steps in creating a quantum computer were taken by IBM scientists. They were able to find a way to detect and measure both types of quantum errors. It also created a square lattice of four superconducting qubits on a chip just over 6mm in size.

7. The first exoplanet with a visible spectrum was discovered

Astronomers from Chile have for the first time directly observed the spectrum of visible light reflected from an exoplanet. It's about about exoplanet 51 Pegasi b.

8. Three Thousand Atoms Were Caught With One Photon

Physicists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Belgrade have developed a new technique with which they were able to capture three thousand atoms using just one photon.

9. The Amazon forests have begun to absorb less carbon dioxide.

The results of a long-term 30-year study of the South American rainforest, which involved an international team of almost 100 researchers, published rather disappointing data. Rainforests are gradually losing their ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as trees die at an ever faster rate.

10. NASA Discovered Evidence of a Vast Ancient Ocean on Mars

According to NASA scientists, a vast ancient ocean once covered almost half of Mars' northern hemisphere, making the planet a more promising place to search for alien life than previously thought. The huge ocean, according to scientists, was up to one and a half kilometers deep and contained a total of twenty million cubic kilometers of water (more than in the Arctic Ocean).

11. Researchers Used Nanotechnology to Treat Breast Cancer

Iranian nanotechnologists have managed to synthesize a substance with a bioadaptive and biodegradable molecular chain. This medicine can reduce the toxicity of anti-cancer drugs.

12. Scientists have reprogrammed plants to be drought-resistant

Scientists have genetically reprogrammed plants to be more drought-resistant.

13. HIV vaccine

The fight against HIV and AIDS took a huge step forward in 2015 when scientists at The Scripps Research Institute developed a vaccine that was incredibly effective against HIV-1, HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus. The main difference with the new drug is that it actually changes DNA to fight the virus. Previously, injections of a weakened form of the virus were injected into the patient’s body so that the immune system “learned” to fight it. The research is currently in its early stages, but preliminary results are very promising.

14. Brain research can help predict future behavior

An article published in the journal Neuron described a number of recent studies showing that brain scans can help predict a person's future learning, criminality, and health-related behavior. Technology can offer opportunities to personalize education and clinical practice.

15. Human muscles capable of contracting were grown in the laboratory for the first time.

In a lab at Duke University, researchers have grown human muscles that contract and respond to external stimuli (such as electrical impulses, biochemical signals and pharmaceuticals) just like real muscles. The new tissue should soon allow researchers to test new drugs and study muscle diseases outside the human body.

Especially for those who are interested in science and the beyond, we have collected.