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» Newton short biography for children. The great mathematician Isaac Newton: biography of the inventor of the principles of natural philosophy

Newton short biography for children. The great mathematician Isaac Newton: biography of the inventor of the principles of natural philosophy

There is probably not a single person in the world who does not know who Isaac Newton is. One of the world's most outstanding scientists, who made discoveries in several fields of science at once, giving rise to scientific directions in mathematics, optics, astronomy, one of the founding fathers classical physics. So, who is Isaac Newton? Today it is widely known short biography and his discoveries.

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The story of a scientist and explorer

One could say about him in the words of the poet Nikolai Tikhonov: “I should make nails out of these people. There couldn’t be any stronger nails in the world.” Born before his due date, very small and weak, he lived 84 years in perfect health, until a ripe old age, devoting wholeheartedly to the development of science and engaging in government affairs. Throughout his life, the scientist adhered to strong moral principles, was a model of honesty, and did not strive for publicity and fame. Even the will of King James II did not break him.


The scientist believed his birth on the eve of Catholic Christmas special sign providence. After all, he managed to accomplish his greatest discoveries. Like a new star of Bethlehem, he illuminated many directions in which science subsequently developed. Many discoveries have been made thanks to the planned they are on their way.

Newton's father, who seemed an eccentric and strange man to his contemporaries, never found out about the birth of his son. A successful farmer and good owner, who lived only a few months before the birth of his son, left the family a significant farm and money.

WITH teenage years Having had a tender affection for his mother all his life, Isaac could not forgive her decision to leave him in the care of his grandparents after she married for the second time. The autobiography, compiled by him as a teenager, tells of outbursts of despair and children's plans for revenge against his mother and stepfather. He could only trust paper with the story of his emotional experiences; in life, the famous scientist was closed, didn't have close friends and was never married.

At the age of 12 he was sent to Grantham School. His closed and unsociable disposition, as well as his internal focus, turned his peers against him. From childhood, the future scientist preferred classes to boyish pranks. natural sciences. He read a lot, was interested in designing mechanical toys, and solving mathematical problems. Conflict situation with classmates encouraged the proud Newton to become best student at school.

Studying at Cambridge

Having been widowed, Newton's mother really hoped that her 16-year-old son would begin to help her with farming. But with joint efforts school teacher, the boy's uncle and especially Humphrey Babington, a member of Trinity College, managed to convince her of the need for further education. In 1661, Newton took an exam in Latin and enters Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. It was in this institution that for 30 years he studied science, conducted experiments and made world discoveries.

Instead of paying for his studies at the college, where the young man first lived as a student-sizer, he had to carry out some errands for richer students and other economic work around the university. Just 3 years later, in 1664, Newton passed the exams with honors and received an advanced student category, as well as the right not only to free education, but also for a scholarship.

His studies fascinated and inspired him so much that, according to the recollections of his classmates, he could forget about sleep and food. Still engaged in mechanics and designed various things and tools, was interested in mathematical calculations, astronomical observations, research in optics, philosophy, even music theory and history.

Deciding to devote his years of life to science, he gives up love and plans to start a family. The young pupil of the pharmacist Clark, who has school years He lived, also did not marry, and retained a tender memory of Newton throughout his life.

First steps in scientific activity

The year 1664 was an inspiring year for the young scientist. He compiles a “Questionnaire” of 45 scientific problems and sets himself the goal of solving them all.

Thanks to the lectures of the famous mathematician I. Barrow, Newton made his first discovery of the binomial expansion, which allowed him to subsequently develop the method of differential calculus, which is used today in higher mathematics. He passes the exam successfully and receives a bachelor's degree.

Even the plague epidemic of 1665 - 1667 could not stop this inquisitive mind and force him to sit idle. During the rampant illness, Newton went home, where he continued to engage in scientific activities. Here, in the privacy of home, he does most of his great discoveries:

  • establishes basic methods of types of calculus - integral and differential;
  • deduces the theory of color and gives rise to the development of optical science;
  • finds a method for finding roots of quadratic equations;
  • derives a formula for the expansion of an arbitrary natural power of a binomial.

Important! The famous apple tree, the observations of which helped in the discovery, was preserved as a memorial bench for the scientist.

Major discoveries

Isaac Newton a brief description of his activities. He was not just a genius, a famous scientist, but a person with diverse interests in many areas of science and technology. What is he famous for and what did he discover? A keen mathematician and physicist, he was equally well versed in both exact sciences, and in the humanities. Economics, alchemy, philosophy, music and history - in all these areas the genius of his talent worked. That's just short description great discoveries of Isaac Newton:

  • developed a theory of the movement of celestial bodies - determined that the planets revolve around;
  • formulated three important laws of mechanics;
  • developed the theory of light and color shades;
  • built the world's first mirror;
  • discovered the Law of Gravity, thanks to which he became famous.

According to existing legend, Newton discovered the famous law while observing apples falling from an apple tree in his garden. Biographer of the famous scientist William Stukeley describes this moment in a book dedicated to the memories of Newton, which was published in 1752. According to Stukeley, it was an apple falling from a tree that gave him the idea of attraction of cosmic bodies and gravity.

“Why do apples fall perpendicular to the ground?” - thought Newton and, reflecting, deduced new law. In the garden of the University of Cambridge, students revere and carefully care for a tree considered to be a descendant of the same “Newton’s apple tree”.

The falling of the apple was only the impetus for famous discovery. Newton went to him for many years, studying the works Galileo, Bullialda, Hooke, other astronomers and physicists. The scientist considered Keller’s Third Law to be another impulse. Is it true, modern interpretation He compiled the Law of Universal Gravitation a little later, when he studied the laws of mechanics.

Other scientific developments

The basis classical mechanics laid down Newton's Laws, the most important in the field of mechanics, were formulated in a scientific work on mathematics and the principles of philosophy, published in 1687:

  • first law uniform motion in a straight line, if no other forces act on the body;
  • the second Law is , which in differential form describes the influence of acting forces on acceleration;
  • the third Law is about the force of interaction between two bodies at a certain distance.

Currently these Newton's laws are an axiom.


At the end of 1669, the scientist received one of the most prestigious positions in the world at Trinity College, the named Lucasian professor of mathematics and optics. In addition to a £100 salary, bonuses and scholarships, there is the opportunity to devote more time own scientific research activities. Doing experiments in optics and the theory of light, Newton creates his first reflecting telescope.

Important! The improved telescope became the main instrument for astronomers and navigators of the time. With its help, the planet Uranus was discovered and other galaxies were discovered.

Studying the celestial bodies through his reflector, the scientist developed a theory of celestial bodies and determined the movement of planets around the Sun. Using the calculations of my reflector and applying a scientific approach to Bible study, I made my own message about the end of the world. According to his calculations, this event will take place in 2060.

Government activities

1696 The great scientist holds the position of keeper of the Mint and moved to London, where he lived until 1726. Having carried out financial accounting and established order in the documentation, he becomes Montagu's co-author on carrying out monetary reform.

During the period of his activity, a branch network of the Mint was created, and the production of silver coins increased several times. Newton introduces technology, allowing you to get rid of counterfeiters.

1699 Becomes manager of the Mint. In this post he continues to fight counterfeiters. His actions as manager were as brilliant as during his scientific career. Thanks to the reforms carried out in England economic crisis was averted.

1698 a report was presented on economic reform Newton. While in England, Tsar Peter met with the famous professor three times. In 1700, a monetary reform similar to the English one was carried out in Russia.

1689 -1690. He was a representative of Cambridge University in the country's parliament. From 1703 to 1725 he served as President of the Royal Society.

Attention! In 1705, Queen Anne of Great Britain knighted Isaac Newton. This was the only time in English history that knighthood was awarded for scientific achievements.

Biography of Newton, his discoveries

The life of the great scientist Isaac Newton

Completion of life's journey

The last months of his life the professor lived in Kensington. The great scientist died on March 20, 1727. He died in his sleep and was buried in the grounds of Westminster Abbey in the tomb of kings and most outstanding people England. All the townspeople came to say goodbye to their famous contemporary. The funeral procession was led by the Lord Chancellor himself, followed in the funeral procession by British ministers.

The name Newton is familiar to every graduate high school. Unfortunately, acquaintance with his works is limited to physics. Who exactly was this guy? outstanding scientist- a physicist or a mathematician, an astronomer or an alchemist? What is his contribution to the treasury of human knowledge?

Newton's childhood and youth

The scientist’s homeland was England, a village in Lincolnshire. He was born in 1642 into the family of a poor sheep farmer.

Due to his poor health and introverted character, the boy avoided communication with his peers and did not excel in school. The conflict with his classmates changed his attitude towards his studies. He I decided to gain authority among the kids and teachers with my excellent knowledge. His academic success became so brilliant that, on the advice of his teachers, he continued his studies at college at the University of Cambridge. In those days it was the most prestigious educational institution not only in England, but also in Europe.

Within the university walls

For more than three decades, Newton's connection with the university was not broken. For the first four years, he served wealthy students for the right to study for free. Finally, in 1664, he himself received a student card. And a year later he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.

His student years were filled with preparation for subsequent scientific discoveries. Lecture notes are full of his own remarks and names famous physicists and mathematicians. Newton makes scientific instruments, enthusiastically studies astronomy, various branches of physics and mathematics, and music theory. Twenty-three year old student compiles a list of 45 unsolved scientific problems, and begins to work on solving them. The idea that popped into his head excited his inquisitive mind young man until the decision became completely clear.

His stay at the university was interrupted by a plague epidemic that broke out in England and affected the campus. The young man leaves the university for two years and goes to his village.

Scientific activity in the “plague years”

In the silence and solitude of his native estate, Newton makes a significant part of his discoveries. He already had extensive knowledge of the most various areas sciences, including mathematics. It was the scientist’s love for this subject that determined him discoveries in mathematical science. The most significant of them:

  • proof of the opposition of the operations of integration and differentiation;
  • method of finding roots of quadratic equations;
  • derivation of Newton's binomial formula - the formula for decomposing an arbitrary natural power of a binomial (a+b) n into a polynomial and others.

Young scientist summarizes the results of observations of the movement of celestial bodies and establishes the law on this basis universal gravity. The legend about the apple falling on Newton's head is far from true. This made it possible to explain the whole chain natural phenomena, calculate the masses and densities of the planets.

Return to Cambridge

When his forced absence from the university ended, Newton returned to Cambridge. He earns a master's degree and a position as a college professor of mathematics. During this period, the scientist was very attracted to optics. He designs and creates a reflecting telescope, gained very wide popularity. The telescope created by Newton made it possible to more accurately determine time using the celestial bodies, which was immediately appreciated by navigators involved in the navigation of sea vessels. Thanks to this invention, he becomes an honorary member of the Royal Scientific Society.

Newton argues with his great contemporaries about the nature of light. Publishes the work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”, where:

  • introduces the concept of mass, momentum, etc.;
  • formulates 3 laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical physics (Newton’s laws);
  • referring to experiments with a prism, proves complex composition white light;
  • describes the orbits of celestial bodies;
  • makes a significant contribution to the substantiation of the heliocentric system. In parallel with his research in the field of physics and mathematics, Newton devotes a lot of energy to alchemy. Newton's biography contains pages describing his work as director of the Royal Mint and a member of the British House of Lords.

Isaac Newton's services to world science are enormous. But he did not create this scientific heritage from scratch. Scientist benefited from the vast arsenal of knowledge of his predecessors. They were rethought by him, verified by observations and elegant experiments.

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On the statue of Sir Isaac Newton(1643-1727), erected in Trinity College, Cambridge, the inscription “In mind he surpassed the human race” is carved.

Today's post contains brief biographical information about life path and scientific achievements of the great scientist. We will find out when and where Isaac Newton lived, in which year he was born, as well as some Interesting Facts about him.

Brief biography of Isaac Newton

Where was Isaac Newton born? The great English mechanic, astronomer and physicist, creator of classical mechanics, President of the Royal London was born in the village of Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire in death.

Isaac Newton's date of birth may have two designations: according to the one in force in England at the time of the scientist’s birth - December 25, 1642, according to which began in England in 1752 - January 4, 1643.

The boy was born premature and very sickly, but lived 84 years and accomplished so much in science that would be enough for a dozen lifetimes.

As a child, Newton, according to contemporaries, was withdrawn, loved to read and constantly made technical toys:, etc.

After graduating in 1661, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge University. Even then, a strong and courageous Newton had developed - the desire to get to the bottom of everything, intolerance to deception and oppression, indifference to noisy fame.

In college, he immersed himself in the study of the works of his predecessors - Galileo, Descartes, Kepler, as well as the mathematicians Fermat and Huygens.

In 1664, a plague epidemic broke out in Cambridge, and Newton had to return to his native village. He spent two years at Woolsthorpe, and during this time his main mathematical discoveries were made.

At the age of 23, the young scientist was already fluent in the methods of differential and integral calculus. At the same time, as he himself claimed, Newton discovered universal gravitation and proved that white sunlight is a mixture of many colors, and also derived the famous formula of “Newton’s binomial”.

No wonder they say that the greatest scientific discoveries are most often committed by very young people. This happened with Isaac Newton, but all these epoch-making scientific achievements were published only twenty, and some even forty, years later. The desire not only to discover, but also to thoroughly prove the truth always remained the main thing for Newton.

The works of the great scientist opened up completely before his contemporaries new picture peace. It turned out that celestial bodies located at enormous distances are interconnected by gravitational forces into a single system.

In the course of his research, Newton determined the mass and density of the planets and found that the planets closest to the Sun are the most dense.

He also proved that it is not an ideal ball: it is “flattened” at and “swollen” at the equator, and is explained by the action of gravity and the Sun.

Scientific research and discoveries of Isaac Newton

In order to list all the scientific achievements of Isaac Newton, more than a dozen pages are needed.

He created the corpuscular theory, suggesting that light is a stream tiny particles, discovered light dispersion, interference and diffraction.

He built the first one - the prototype of those giant telescopes that are installed today in the largest observatories in the world.

He discovered the fundamental law of universal gravitation and the main laws of classical mechanics, developed the theory of celestial bodies, and his three-volume work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” brought the scientist worldwide fame.

Among other things, Newton turned out to be a wonderful economist - when he was appointed director of the British court, he short time put money circulation in the country in order and established the issue of new coins.

The scientist’s works often remained misunderstood by his contemporaries, he was subjected to fierce criticism from his colleagues - mathematicians and astronomers, but in 1705, Queen Anne of Great Britain elevated the son of a simple farmer to knighthood. For the first time in history, the title of knight was awarded for scientific merit.

The Legend of the Apple and Newton

The story of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation - when Newton's thoughts were interrupted by the fall of a ripe apple, from which the scientist concluded about the mutual attraction of bodies with different masses, and then mathematically described this dependence with the famous formula - is simply a legend.

However, for a whole century, the British showed visitors “that same” apple tree, and when the tree grew old, it was cut down and made into a bench, which is preserved as a historical monument.

Isaac Newton's work was complex - he worked simultaneously in several fields of knowledge. An important step Newton's activities became his mathematical ones, which made it possible to improve the calculation system within the framework of others. Newton's important discovery was the fundamental theorem of analysis. It made it possible to prove that differential calculus is the inverse of integral calculus and vice versa. Newton's discovery of the possibility of binomial expansion of numbers also played an important role in the development of algebra. Newton’s method of extracting roots from equations also played an important practical role, which greatly simplified such calculations.

Newtonian mechanics

Newton made the most significant discoveries. In fact, he created such a branch of physics as mechanics. He formed 3 axioms of mechanics, called Newton's laws. The first law, otherwise called the law, states that any body will be in a state of rest or motion until any force is applied to it. Newton's second law illuminates the problem of differential motion and says that the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the resultant forces applied to the body and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The third law describes the interaction of bodies with each other. Newton formulated it as the fact that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton's laws became the basis of classical mechanics.

But most famous discovery Newton's law of universal gravitation. He was also able to prove that gravitational forces apply not only to terrestrial but also to celestial bodies. These laws were described in 1687 after Newton's publication on the use of mathematical methods in.

Newton's law of gravitation became the first of numerous theories of gravity that subsequently emerged.


Newton devoted a lot of time to such a branch of physics as optics. He is as important as the spectral decomposition of colors - with the help of a lens he learned to refract white light into other colors. Thanks to Newton, knowledge in optics was systematized. He created essential device- a reflecting telescope that has improved the quality of observations of.

It should be noted that after Newton's discoveries, optics began to develop very quickly. He was able to generalize such discoveries of his predecessors as diffraction, double refraction of a beam and the speed of light.

When studying Newton's laws at school, some students memorize only their theoretical data and formulas, but are absolutely not interested in how great the man was who made such important discoveries. Newton made a huge contribution to the development of man's ideas about the world around him in the 18th century.

Isaac Newton is a famous English mathematician and physicist. The great scientist was born on January 4, 1643 according to the Gregorian calendar (December 25, 1642 according to the Julian calendar) in small Woolsthorpe in England.

Isaac Newton is famous for creating theoretical basis astronomy and mechanics. His achievements include the invention of the reflecting telescope, the discovery of the law of universal gravitation, and the writing of extremely important research work, as well as the development of integral and differential calculus. Is it true, last work was done by Newton together with another famous scientist Leibniz. Isaac Newton is considered the founder of "classical physics".

The great scientist came from a farming family. Little Isaac studied first at Grantham School, then at Trinity College, Cambridge University. After graduation, the future scientist was awarded a bachelor's degree.

The most productive years on the path to great discoveries were the years of seclusion. They fell in the years 1665-1667, when the plague was raging. At this time, Newton was forced to live in Woolsthorpe. It was during this period that the most important research was done. For example, the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.

Isaac Newton was buried in Westminster Abbey. The date of death of the scientist is determined as March 31, 1727 according to the Gregorian calendar (March 20, 1727 - Julian style).

Dr. Richard W. Hamming, in his lecture “You and Your Discoveries,” explained how to make a great discovery. He emphasized that any average person is capable of this. The main thing is to correctly apply the efforts of your mind. Hamming summarized his experience at Bell Labs, where he worked side by side with the great scientists of our time.


First you need to throw away all conventions and ask yourself one honest question: “Why don’t I do something significant in my life?” Any person is capable of this. The main thing is intention.

You need to stop believing in luck and believe that a great discovery is the result of hard work. “Fortune favors the prepared mind.” If your mind is prepared, sooner or later you will achieve results and catch your luck. Luck is the result of your efforts.

It takes courage to make a great discovery. The courage to put forward ideas and the courage to defend them. The courage to articulate your thoughts and the courage to question and wonder.

You can only be bold in expressing your thoughts if you believe that you will be able to make a great discovery.

You need to work on small tasks. Small, but important. The tasks must be within your capabilities. As soon as you try to decide right away global problem, you fail. Remember, the mind must be prepared.

A great discovery is often made in working conditions that are generally considered difficult, imperfect, and uncomfortable. The creative process needs boundaries. When you find yourself in difficult work conditions, it is important not to give up. It is important to think how to overcome them. Look for solutions to how a disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

Isaac Newton is a great English theoretical scientist. Newton's years of life are 1642−1727. Life did not spare the great genius. The scientist suffered a lot of grief, pain and loneliness. Financial difficulties, social pressure, rejection of ideas, death of mother, mental disorder. The great Newton survived everything and gave the world his brilliant ideas devices of the world and the Universe. Brief biography of the scientist presented in this article.

Childhood of a young scientist

Newton was born into a farming family with little income. A few months before his birth, his father died. The child was born very weak and premature. All relatives believed that he would not survive. Infant mortality in those years was simply monstrous. The baby was so small that it fit in a wool mitten. The boy fell out of this unfortunate mitten twice onto the floor and hit his head.

At the age of three, the boy remains in the care of his grandparents, as his mother marries for the second time and leaves. He will later be reunited with his mother.

Isaac grew up as a very frail, sickly child. It was absolutely introverted personality- “a thing in itself.” The child was very inquisitive, making various objects: paper kites, carts with pedals, mills, and so on. His interest in reading awoke very early. He often retired to the garden with a book and could study the material for hours.

In 1660, Isaac entered Cambridge University. He was one of the disadvantaged students, therefore, in addition to studying, his duties included serving the university staff.

Study of optical phenomena

In 1665, Newton was awarded the degree of Master of Arts. In the same year, a plague epidemic began in England. Isaac settles in Woolsthorpe. It was here that he began to study optics in order to understand the nature of light. He is studying chromatic aberration, performs hundreds of experiments that have become classics and are used in educational institutions still.

While studying optics, the scientist at first professed wave nature of light. Light moves in the form of waves in the ether. Then he abandoned this theory, realizing that the ether must have a certain degree of viscosity that would impede the movement of cosmic bodies, which does not happen in reality.

Over time, the scientist comes to the idea of ​​the corpuscular nature of light. He conducts experiments on the refraction of light, the processes of reflection and absorption of the spectrum.

Laws of mechanics

Gradually, from experiments with light, the scientist’s understanding of the physics of the surrounding world begins to emerge. It will become the main brainchild of I. Newton. Newton studies matter and the laws of its motion in space:

  1. Thanks to studies of motion, he comes to the idea that if there are no significant influences on an object, then it will move uniformly and rectilinearly in space. This conclusion is called Newton's first law.
  2. The second states that moving bodies can acquire acceleration under the influence of forces applied to these bodies. Acceleration is directly proportional to the forces applied to the body and inversely proportional to the mass. It is from the consequences of this law that the understanding of the problems of applied forces comes: what kind of forces they are, how they act, how they arise.
  3. And finally, the third law is the law of counteraction. The action force is equal to the reaction force. With the same force I press on the wall, with the same force it presses on me.

Law of Gravity

One of Newton's main achievements is the discovery of the law of universal gravitation. There is a myth that a scientist was sitting under an apple tree in the garden and an apple fell on his head. This dawned on the scientist: all bodies are drawn to each other. Miscalculations began on paper, endless formulas and, finally, the result - the force of attraction between bodies is proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This formula explained the movement of planets and cosmic bodies. Many physicists met this theory with hostility, since its application seemed very doubtful.

Work in Cambridge

After the plague subsided, Newton returned to Cambridge and joined the mathematics department in 1668. By this time he was already famous in narrow circles as the author of binomial, fluxion theory - integral calculus.

While working as a teacher, he is improving the telescope - creating a reflective telescope. The invention was evaluated representatives of the Royal Society of London. Newton receives an invitation to become a member. However, he refuses under the pretext that he has nothing to pay membership fees. He was allowed to be a member of the club for free.

In 1869, Newton's mother became seriously ill with typhus and was bedridden. Newton loved his mother very much and spent 24 hours a day at her sick bedside. He himself prepared her medicine and looked after her. However, the disease progressed, and soon the mother died.

Membership in the society was painful for Newton. His ideas were often perceived as very oppositional, which greatly upset the scientist. This also affected his health. Constant stress and anxiety resulted in a mental disorder. In 1692 there was a fire and all his manuscripts and works were burned.

That same year, Newton became seriously ill. He suffered from mental illness for two years. He stopped understanding his own works.

The constant need for money and loneliness also caused his illness.

In 1699, Newton was appointed caretaker and director of the mint. This improved the scientist’s financial situation. And in 1703 he was elected president of the Royal Society of London and was awarded a knighthood.

Published works

Let us list the main works of the scientist that were published:

  • “Mathematical principles of natural philosophy”;
  • "Optics".

Newton's personal life

Newton spent his entire life alone. There are no surviving references to his partners and life partners. It is believed that Isaac was lonely all his life. This, of course, influenced his sublimated switching of sexual energy into creative potential. But this same fact served as the basis for his emotional disorders.

In his mature years, the scientist had great financial wealth and very generously distributed his money to those in need. He said: if you don’t help people during your life, it will mean that you have never helped anyone. He supported all his distant relatives, donated money to the parish in which he was raised for some time, and appointed individual scholarships for talented and capable students (for example, Maclaurin, the famous mathematician).

Throughout his life, Isaac Newton was extremely modest and shy. He did not publish his works for a long time for this reason. Having the rank of director of the Mint, he was very lenient with employees. He was never rude to students or humiliated them. Although the latter often made fun of the professor.

During his lifetime, Isaac Newton did not take photographs, since photography had not yet been invented at that time, but there are a huge number of portraits of the scientist.

Since 1725, Newton, already at an advanced age, stopped working. In 1727, a new wave of plague epidemic began in Great Britain. Newton falls ill with this terrible disease and dies. In England, mourning is being held in honor of the great scientist. He is buried in Westminster Abbey. On his tombstone there is an inscription: “Let those now living rejoice that such beauty of the human race was in their world.”