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» Charming and eccentric Irina: the secrets of the name. Church name, saints. How is Irina’s health?

Charming and eccentric Irina: the secrets of the name. Church name, saints. How is Irina's health?

The meaning of the name Irina (Arina): This name for a girl means “calmness”, “peace”.

Origin of the name Irina (Arina): Greek

Diminutive form of name: Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irusya, Irusha, Irenka, Arinka, Arishka, Aryusha.

What does the name Irina (Arina) mean: The energy of the word is simple, joyful and bright. The meaning of the name Irina is hope, intelligence and decency. She attracts people, is successful in her career, is surrounded by friends and is happily married. Practical Irochka is not prone to daydreaming and sentimentality, so it is difficult for vulnerable people to work with her.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Irina celebrates her name day twice a year:

  • April 29 (16) - Holy Martyr Irina and her sisters Agapia and Chlonia, pious Christians, in the 4th century. died as martyrs for the faith of Christ.
  • May 18 (5) – The Holy Great Martyr was of a noble family; baptized St. the Apostle Timothy; through preaching and miracles she converted parents and thousands of people to Christ; suffered great torment for this, but remained unharmed among them; died in a cave in the 2nd century.

Signs: April 29 - Irina - ripping up the coast, snatching up the snow: around this time, according to a popular remark, it begins to melt off the coast: “The hollow water washes away the coast.” May 18 - Arina the seedbed: they are burning grass in the fields - "On Irina, thin grass is out of the field!" - and they plant cabbage seedlings in the garden, saying: “Don’t be long-legged, but be pot-bellied; don’t be empty, but be tight; don’t be red, but be tasty; don’t be old, but be young; don’t be small, but be big.” !"


  • Zodiac – Taurus
  • Planet – Venus
  • Irina's color is pale blue
  • Auspicious tree – chestnut
  • Treasured plant - lily of the valley
  • Patron - owl
  • Talisman stone – opal

Characteristics of the name Irina

Positive features: The name Irina gives decency, restraint of feelings and emotions, poise, endurance, and reliability. She grows up as an obedient, cheerful child. She does not cause any trouble to either parents or teachers. She studies well and is often an excellent student. In her youth she is independent, can live separately from her parents, although she is very attached to them. She is a materialist, objectively assesses the situation, and does not give in to illusions. Ira has no unfulfilled desires or dreams. She really assesses her abilities and knows what she wants and what she can achieve. She is sociable and strives to enter high society.

Negative features: The name Irina brings excessive prudence. She is also characterized by skepticism, pride, vanity, resentment, coldness, and hidden pride. Irochka is alien to subtle manifestations of the soul; her poise and skepticism can repel people and interfere with sincere and trusting communication. The meaning of the name Irina is the desire to always try to enter the society of influential people and for the sake of this to sacrifice even heartfelt affection.

Character of the name Irina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Irina? She grows up as a timid, submissive girl, most afraid of dogs and boys. He studies well, attends clubs, loves to splash in the lake and pool. She is attracted to contemplative sciences: geography, astronomy, botany, but it is possible that she will become a pediatrician, lawyer, or politician.

Already in childhood, Irochka feels a kind of maturity and independence. He loves his father very much and enjoys playing with him. When there is a group of adults in the house, he does not interfere, prefers to mind his own business. It’s better not to pay attention to Ira, not to demand poetry readings or demonstration dances. Arina can do all this, but when she becomes the center of attention, she fades away and “swallows her tongue.”

The girl studies well at school and it does not require much effort from her. She is talented, draws, sews, knits well. Likes to read detective novels and watch Hollywood films. She is not sentimental, she will not cry over the suffering of the heroes of foreign TV series, they are simply funny to her. Ira has many friends, but she does not limit her communication with them, she is attracted to the company of boys, and with them she also finds mutual language. Likes to attend sports clubs, especially the pool, swimming.

Irina knows how to control herself, there is a sense of balance in her words and actions, but in certain situations she is often aggressive. There is a lot in her words and actions common sense, she has her own opinion, delicate taste.

She always knows what she wants. If a girl named Ira does not get married early, she can master several professions, in parallel with the main one - learn a language, work on a computer, photography. She does everything slowly; thoroughness is of particular importance to her. A girl with this name is a smart leader; she will never raise her voice to a subordinate; her internal balance and prudence will allow her to get along well with both subordinates and superiors. Ira gravitates towards pure women's professions: works in design bureau, a music teacher, a salesperson, a cashier, a nurse, a designer, a fashion designer, a hairdresser, etc. Irochka does not always work with concentration and get things done, but she always brings a personal touch to the matter, and works better when she is praised. She is a good diplomat and psychologist, knows how to feel the mood of the interlocutor, skillfully uses it.

Irina and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The name has a successful marriage with Alexey, Andrey, Anton, Bazhen, Bashilo, Belyay, Bogolyub, Boris, Danila, Ivan, Igor, Lyubomir. The name Irina is also combined with Miroslav, Sergey. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Anatoly, Denis, Kirill, Nikita, Oleg, Leonid, Rostislav, Stepan.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Irina promise happiness in love? She has an amorous nature, but she never loses her head. She chooses as a husband, if not a wealthy, then a promising man. She is a devoted, faithful wife. The woman named Irina attaches great importance to the latest pedagogical methods.

A girl named Ira is an amorous person, but she doesn’t lose her head in hobbies, she always knows what kind of husband she needs and strives to find her ideal. Irochka is cold, but she doesn’t know it herself, she simply considers herself a reasonable and sober person. At the same time, it is difficult for her to be left alone, and she is ready to make some sacrifices just not to be left alone. The name Irina is very popular among men. A girl with this name loves male company, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of what is permitted.

In marriage there is almost always a faithful wife, a good mother who will do everything for her child, but at the same time will never completely subordinate herself to the hearth and home. A woman named Irina does not strive to become the head of the family; she will completely rely on her husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Career and profession matter for Ira great importance. A high standard of living is an incentive to study at school and to enter a prestigious university. She can become a highly qualified specialist in the field of exact and technical sciences. The meaning of the name Irina is tact, pragmatism, sharp mind. Ira's ability to communicate high society predisposed to the profession of diplomat and lawyer. Ira, who failed to obtain a prestigious profession, tries to improve in any other chosen field of activity.

Business and career: She needs a high standard of living and tries to maintain it with honest work and with the help of connections in society. Speculation, fraud, risk and adventure are alien to her.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Irina: In infancy, a child with this name is very calm, but does not eat very well, which is why the girl does not gain weight well. When teeth appear, her temperature rises. In general, the girl is developing well. She is prone to sore throats and dermatitis.

Weak organs of “September” Ira: throat, stomach, bronchi. “Summer” - susceptible to stress, vision declines early, prone to dermatitis, dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In summer she suffers from sore throat more often than in winter. However, you should not remove the tonsils; they serve as a protective barrier.

“Noyabrskaya” is prone to disorders in the cardiovascular system; heart murmurs are detected in her at an early age. IN school years The name Irochka can get whooping cough.

She Irina is susceptible to metabolic disorders, many become very fat with age, do not adhere to a diet, and do not limit themselves in nutrition. From early childhood you should not overfeed her; Ira does not suffer from lack of appetite anyway. Completeness is characteristic mainly of the “December”, “June” and “July” Ira.

“Summer” - during the period of maturation, she is subject to stress, very vulnerable, and sensitive to insults. When considering a name for your child, pay attention to the fact that “winter” Ira has frequent cases of ectopic pregnancy, develops mastopathy with age, sharply decreases vision, and may suffer from liver disease. Mastitis occurs in the postpartum period. The intestines are weakened. “Spring” Ira has problems with gynecology, and her ovaries are often inflamed. Mostly they give birth to girls, rarely boys.

Irina's fate in history

What does the name Irina mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Irina Fedorovna is the sister of Boris Godunov, the wife of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich. Her marriage took place at the behest of Ivan the Terrible in 1580 and served as a new step for the rise of Godunov, whose influence on Fyodor Ioannovich was largely based on the tsar’s love for Ira. She did not interfere with her brother’s plans, but she was not his active assistant either. Died in 1603
  2. Arina Rodionovna is A.S.’s favorite nanny. Pushkin, about whom he writes with love in his poems.
  3. Irina Nikolaevna Bugrimova (1910-2001) - famous trainer, the first woman in our country to train predators. I. Bugrimova came to the circus in 1929. Together with A.N. Buslaev she had a theatrical performance “Sleigh Flight”. Since 1976, Bugrimova has not worked in the arena, but has led an active social life. She was the chairman of the Veterans Council of the Russian State Circus Company, a member of the presidium of the Central House of Artists, the Animal Welfare Society. In 2000, she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.
  4. Irena (Irena) Sandler, Irena Sendler, Irena Sendlerova (1910 - 2008) Polish resistance activist. During World War II, Irena Sendler was an employee of the Warsaw Health Administration and a member of the Polish underground organization- Council for Aid to Jews (Zhegota), - often visited the Warsaw ghetto, where she looked after sick children. Under this cover, she and her comrades took 2,500 children from the ghetto, who were then transferred to Polish orphanages, private families and monasteries.
  5. Irina Slutskaya - Russian figure skater, two-time world champion (2002, 2005), the first seven-time European champion in figure skating(1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006), Honored Master of Sports.
  6. Irina Khakamada is a politician.
  7. Irina Muravyova is a theater and film actress.
  8. Irina Rodnina is an outstanding Soviet figure skater, three-time Olympic champion, ten-time world champion, Russian public figure.
  9. Irina Chashchina is a rhythmic gymnastics athlete.
  10. Irina Bogacheva - singer of the Mariinsky Theater.
  11. Irina Arkhipova - Bolshoi Theater singer, teacher.
  12. Irina Alferova is a theater and film actress.
  13. Irina Kupchenko - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  14. Irina Rozanova is a theater and film actress.

Irina in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language the name is translated as Irene (Irene), in German: Irene (Irene), on French: Irina (Irin).

Each name has its own meaning. It determines the character, characteristics, and fate of its owner. What is the meaning of the name Irina? What does the future hold for this girl?

The origin of the name is ancient Greek. It is translated as “peaceful”, “calm”. This used to be the name given to girls in upper-class families.

Variants and forms of the name: Ira, Irinka, Irisha, Irusya, Irochka, Irene, Irukha, Irchik, Eirena. Full: Irina.

As a child, Irochka was cute and calm child. She prefers reading fairy tales and “communicating” with dolls to noisy games with peers. She can be alone for hours without disturbing adults.

Also, the meaning of the name Irina for a girl implies thriftiness and a desire for order. The baby’s room is always clean, all the toys are neatly placed on shelves. She also loves to help her mother in the kitchen.

Young Irochka is a diligent student. She often graduates from school with a gold medal. She is especially interested in geography and history. She perfectly remembers all dates and numbers, knows the biographies of all historical figures perfectly.

Women named Irina are wonderful wives and housewives. When guests come to Ira, they always have a perfect wait clean house and delicious food. And Irochka’s husband jokingly calls her “saint,” because she is never against his home gatherings with friends, she even prepares them various goodies.

What does fate have in store for the girl?

The fate of this woman is characterized in the same way as the translation of the name Irina - peaceful and calm. Many events will happen by themselves, without an application special effort. All his life, Ira seemed to go with the flow, taking everything that happens around him for granted.

The origin and history of the name Ira suggests that the girl has a sense of beauty. This means that she will try to surround herself with beautiful, unusual things. Therefore, for Irina’s name day, it is best to give her something original.

Ira's work is often associated with creativity. Fate rewarded her with an excellent ear for music and artistic abilities. When she works in her element, she is filled with energy, and the woman seems to blossom.

Adult Irina has many friends. Often this is absolutely different people. The fact is that Ira is a very versatile person, and she is interested in communicating with everyone. Also, the interpretation of the name suggests that the girl will have a devoted best friend in her life.

The female name Irina characterizes its owner as a good mother. From early childhood, she accustoms her little ones to cleanliness and order. Her children grow up well-mannered and educated.

Most often, Ira gives birth to two children - a boy and a girl. Mom prefers to choose names for them according to church calendar. On which saint’s day her baby will be born, that’s what she will name him.

Ira’s family reveres church holidays and traditions. On Irina's angel day, she organizes a special feast. The girl invites her closest people and cooks their favorite dishes. Guests are always satisfied with the efforts of the hostess.

Irusya starts a family early. Her chosen one becomes a man a little older than her. He must have such personal qualities as kindness, a sense of humor and a desire to improve. A man’s financial situation is not very important for Ira.

The beautiful name Irina gives its owner intuition and the ability to enter into someone else's position. That is why there are practically no quarrels or misunderstandings in the girl’s family. She sincerely loves and understands her household.

Irusya will travel a lot around different countries. She is inspired by new places, the descriptions of which she carefully studies in advance. In her photo album you can see many photographs against the backdrop of mountains, the sea and various attractions.


The characteristics of the name Irina determine its compatibility with the names of the stronger sex. With only men, a girl's lungs will develop, pleasant relationship, with others it may be more difficult.

Suitable for Irina:

  • Vladimir.
  • Oleg.
  • Igor.
  • Novel.
  • Alexei.

And Evgeniy, Ivan, Denis and Nikolai with the girl Ira are a little different.

Mikhail is one of those who can make Ira happy. In this case, compatibility can be called ideal. Vladimir, like Mikhail, is also capable of making Irusya happy and accepting her as she is. Vladimir will also become a good friend for her.

Alexey and Irisha are made for each other. The secret of the name Irina suggests that they will become wonderful spouses, lovers and friends for each other. Alexander will be Ira’s patron: he will always take care of her and protect her from troubles. The compatibility of these names is excellent.

Maxim will always support Ira and find the right words to console her. Irina and Maxim are a couple who have every chance of living a long, happy family life. Igor understands Irochka perfectly. He will fulfill any of her wishes, even the craziest ones.

The compatibility of the names Ira and Roman is quite successful. Although the partners are different, they will complement each other perfectly. The fate of Irina and Oleg will turn out favorably if Oleg treats the creative inclinations of his chosen one with understanding.

The abbreviated name Ira and Irina do not have very good compatibility with the names Dmitry, Sergey, Andrey, Denis and Evgeny. These young people will try to “tame” Ira, but they are unlikely to succeed.

Nikolai and Irinka rarely find a common language. The reason for this is Kolya’s somewhat skeptical view of life. Ivan treats Irochka with caution: the guy is a little frightened by her inexhaustible energy and charisma.

By Orthodox calendar Irina's name day falls on the following dates: 29.04 (Holy Martyr Irina), 18.05 (Holy Great Martyr Irina), 01.10 (St. Irene of Egypt).

When a child is born into a family, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a name for him. It is imperative to find out its origin, interpretation and compatibility with other names. This way you can independently determine the fate of your child. And if you do right choice, then your child’s life will be beautiful and happy!

Many women's names appeared a long time ago, in ancient times, and have survived to this day. This is the name Irina - beautiful, common and very lyrical.

It is inherent in strong and intelligent ladies who attract attention and charm with their inner light. But what does the name Irina mean, what is its origin and what fate awaits its owner?

The meaning of the name Irina is very interesting. It is originally of ancient Greek origin. The ancient Greeks had a goddess of peace and tranquility - her name was Eirene. From her came the name Irina, which is translated from Greek as “peace”, “peace”. The name Arina was common in Rus' - it is a form of Irina. The name is church, Orthodox and ancient.

Complete female name Irina comes in many forms. The common form is Ira, affectionately - Irochka, Irusya, Irunya, Irunchik. Foreign forms - Irene, Ira, Irene, Erin. They all have the same origin and mean “peace.”

Bringer of peace and tranquility

The initial meaning of the name Irina for a girl whose parents decided to christen her that way already predetermines her future fate. She is a fighter for peace and justice, and her life will never be passive and boring. Since childhood, Ira loves adventures, sports, loves reading detective stories and adventure stories, fantasizing and playing.

She is distinguished by great courage, she is not afraid to stand up for the little ones and protect the weak, she will even rush into battle with the boys if necessary. She takes on the character of her father and is drawn to him, and is very dependent on her father’s upbringing.

Ira is an amorous girl and loves the attention of the opposite sex, always trying to please guys and attract their glances. However, from her youth she has been independent, does not lose her head and never submits to feelings, maintaining a certain amount of inaccessibility. It is almost impossible to conquer her completely; she will always be guided by your own desires and protect freedom, personal space and your habits.

As a rule, she has many boyfriends in her youth, she does not “jump out” to marry the first person she meets and is not in a hurry to start a family. But when he decides to do this and gives his hand and heart to his chosen one, he does so consciously and responsibly. Therefore, women with this name rarely get divorced.

Ira is a good mother, a faithful and intelligent wife and the keeper of the hearth, but in the first place she still has her own destiny and development. She strives to achieve a lot, build a brilliant career, learn everything and be the best in what she loves and chooses.

So spending whole days in the kitchen or fussing around with children for days are not her priorities. She would rather give her children to good teachers, and she herself will build her own life. Her strong and assertive character helps her create a destiny - the one she desires.

Irina is conscious and understands what she wants, rarely submitting to other people's influence or someone else's desires. She does not waste time on empty thoughts and worries, easily “moves away” from grievances and is not subject to strong emotions.

Ira is partially endowed with masculine qualities: her character is strong, she has a strong will, she is smart and reasonable. Knows how to gain authority among others already from school. Therefore, the fate of a leader awaits her; she knows how to lead people, inspire respect and trust, without showing brute force.

This woman should be in charge - her wisdom tells her where to bend a little and where to push. Always behind her the last word, she will never, under any circumstances, tolerate it if she doesn’t like something, she hates waiting - she prefers to act right now. Thanks to these qualities, her fate is almost always successful, and among Irin you rarely find weak-willed and unhappy women.

Irina loves to develop, does not stand still, and is passionate about everything new and progressive. She is like this in everything - in work, in relationships, in raising children. He is not lazy to read, study, learn new things, try. In everything that interests her, she achieves success thanks to perseverance, curiosity and lack of laziness.

He strives for perfection and loves when everything is perfect: he brings his work to perfection, if he cooks, then it’s great, if he cleans the house, then it shines in every corner. Her firm and calm character and desire for excellence make her successful, the best among the rest.

In relationships with people, Ira also shows firmness, reasonableness and honesty. She is not too emotional, but if she falls in love, she will love her forever. Loyalty and honesty are crucial for her, and Irina demands this from her chosen one, from friends and relatives.

She will not forgive betrayal or deception and needs to be appreciated. In return, she is ready to give a lot: she always remains faithful, does not know how to deceive, and her actions are pure and noble. She values ​​tranquility, peace and stability very much, therefore she values ​​relationships and knows how to preserve and protect them.

With men

This woman has been looking for her chosen one for a long time, making a responsible and informed decision, knowing firmly what she wants and what her husband should be like. Loyalty, honesty, and decency of a man are important to her, and Irina is looking for the most better man as husbands, paying attention not to appearance, but to character and habits.

This reasonable woman rarely trusts horoscopes, and if she believes in the compatibility of names, it is only partially, trusting more to common sense and logic. For her, in fact, it doesn’t matter what the man’s name is – Maxim, Evgeniy, Alexey. She will be able to build a relationship with any of them if she really wants, but compatibility is still important, because names predetermine character, and a lot depends on whether the man’s name is Maxim, Oleg or Evgeniy.

The greatest chances of creating a strong, happy union with men: Leonid, Boris, Ivan. , Evgeny and Sergey can also make an excellent match for Irina. These men have exactly the set of qualities and traits that this woman is looking for in a chosen one. Love at first sight, deep understanding of each other, spiritual kinship are quite likely. Often it is these men who become husbands for Irin.

Good compatibility also with men whose names are: Alexey, Pavel, Rostislav, Valery. Provided that both partners love each other, are sincere and want to maintain a strong relationship, their union will be strong, harmonious and will develop into real understanding and kinship of souls. Marriage is quite possible.

Difficult relationships will develop with Vitaly, Konstantin, Mark, Ruslan and. These people have qualities that contradict Irina’s nature, and therefore conflicts are possible. There will be rivalry, misunderstanding, even fighting. But if love arises, then everything can be overcome, so if both partners wish, everything is possible.

Name days

The main name day for Irina is May 18th. This is the day of the Holy Great Martyr Irene of Macedon, who lived in the 1st century and converted Christian faith tens of thousands of pagans. You can also congratulate the birthday girl on Angel Day on April 29, May 26 and October 1.

Irina is a beautiful female name, the owners of which always live an active, rich and bright life. They are not afraid of loneliness or troubles; they know how to cope with any adversity and protect their loved ones. This means that the name can be called truly happy! Author: Vasilina Serova

Perseverance, determination and independence distinguish girls named Ira. They find it easy to get along with other people and surround themselves with many friends. More details about how Irina behaves, the character and fate awaiting the girl are described below.

The meaning of the name Irina for a girl is brief

The exact meaning of the name Irina for a girl is briefly presented below:

  1. And - honesty, directness, harmony in thinking and appearance. Since this letter is repeated twice in the name, it enhances the listed qualities.
  2. P - the ability to listen to the interlocutor and the prevailing sense of self-esteem.
  3. N - craving for the spiritual. Care about physical health and the pursuit of excellence.
  4. A - leadership skills and activity in achieving one’s own goals.

Today this name is one of the hundred most common names on the planet in different variations. Translated, this name means “rest” and “peace”. Historians have found that it came from Eirene, an ancient Greek goddess. The sonorous name spread throughout Rus' with the birth of Christianity. It was called both very young children and adult women during baptism. Most nobles gave it to their daughters when they were born. During times Soviet Union this name was one of the most common.

What does the name Irina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Many parents would be interested to know what the name Irina means according to the church calendar. Irins need to celebrate their name days on January 16, February 27, May 18, August 17 and November 2. Those with this name have several patron saints:

  • Irina Korinthskaya;
  • Irina Egyptian;
  • Irina Aquileiskaya.

In the Christian tradition, this name is most often associated with the Byzantine great martyr - Irene of Macedon. The girl was born into a noble pagan family. One day, waking up in the morning, little Irina saw a bird with an olive branch in its beak. Then two other birds flew in with a snake and an olive wreath. Irina Makedonskaya interpreted these symbols as overcoming passions and decided to become a Christian.

Therefore, she turned to the Apostle Timothy, who soon baptized her. With the help of her sermons, Irina brought a huge number of people to Christianity, including her parents. But the girl was burned alive by the pagans. Now Saint Irene of Macedon is the main patroness of all Irenes.

The secret of the name Irina: what are its features?

If you decide to name your daughter Irina, the meaning of the name, character and fate of such a girl are very interesting. Owners of this name are very insightful and can see “through and through a person.” Ira always thinks soberly and rationally. There is no romanticism in it. At the same time, she looks very feminine. Girls with this name have very well developed intuition. Some may think about a decision for several years, but Ira makes it right away. And, as a rule, it is balanced and wise.

The secret of the name Irina reveals to us that its owner does not always know how to act in the love sphere. She may put pressure on her partner, which will scare him away. Such girls lack softness in character. They go all out in relationships, and often their feelings are not reciprocated. They need to learn to calm down and wait until the young man himself shows his interest.

Often the reason for the end of a friendship or relationship is control by the owner of such a name. Despite the fact that they try to do this not so obviously, some people around Ira really do not like such actions.

Origin of the name Irina and its meaning for children

What is the origin of the name Irina and its meaning for children? This name has ancient Greek roots. As for the meaning, Iras are easily hardened from birth and have good health, so they very rarely complain of illnesses. It is worth saying that the owners of this name have a rather weak nervous system. Her explosive, unbalanced character is to blame for this.

In order for Ira to be calmer, it is necessary to support her in difficult moments and make sure that she does not overload herself with worries. Despite this, the girl can adapt to different conditions life. Little Ira loves to help animals. Her love for her four-legged friends will carry over into adulthood. Therefore, Irina, the meaning of her name, whose character and destiny are very multifaceted, may become a veterinarian in the future.

As a child, Ira loved to read, especially detective stories. But if she is faced with a choice, take a walk with noisy company or stay at home, she prefers the first. A girl named by this name is interested in literally everything. From early childhood, Ira begins to be interested in the world around her. In addition, an inquisitive child tries to learn new things. And it doesn’t matter what it is, bead weaving or cycling.

Character of a girl named Irina

The character of a girl named Irina combines many contradictory traits. Such girls are born with a strong-willed character. Ira tries to look at all things with optimism. But sometimes she can fall into a prolonged blues. Irina is a little cruel and completely unsentimental. At the same time, she loves children, animals and her family. The owner of such a name will always come to the rescue, regardless of who needs it - a loved one or a stranger.

In appearance, Irina gives the impression of a calculating and cold person, but this is absolutely not the case. The fact is that she easily manages to hide her mental anguish under the guise of an independent woman. Ira has a diplomatic gift, which allows her to resolve any conflicts. Despite the fact that the owners of this name have a subtle sense of humor and are the life of the party, they often irritate people.

As for character type, Ira is an extrovert. They respond very sharply to any criticism of their family or themselves. Such a girl can easily tell her offender everything that she doesn’t like. Ira fits well into any team and has many friends. But the girl has only a few friends. She quickly gets offended and moves away just as quickly. She's not vindictive. The owner of this name loves to travel and take care of her appearance. Irinas often change the scope of their activities. This applies to both hobbies and places of work.

How does the fate of a girl named Irina turn out?

Irina is a very feminine girl with a strong-willed and decisive character. This interesting combination This character trait allows a girl to achieve great success in life. The owner of a similar name leaves her parents' home early. The fate of a girl named Irina is very changeable. The girl is inclined to show independence and independence. She will be very stubborn if anyone dares to get in her way. A character trait is excessive self-examination.

Ira, Irochka Irina is an unusually beautiful and at the same time simple name, which has not lost its popularity for several centuries. For a long time, the name Irina was given only to representatives of the upper classes; it was often worn by royal or princely daughters.

The name has Greek roots - it is derived from the name of the goddess of peaceful life, Eirene. Translated from ancient Greek, Irina means “peace” and “tranquility.”

In the Middle Ages, the name Irina (Arina) was widespread, as evidenced by many proverbs. For example, such as “Aunt Arina spoke in two ways” or “Ignat is not to blame, but Irina is innocent, only the hut is to blame for letting Ignat into the night.”

Among women there are many famous owners of this wonderful name. Such as athletes Irina Slutskaya and Irina Rodnina, singers Irina Allegrova and Irina Bilyk, actresses Irina Muravyova and Irina Alferova, as well as many others.

Name days and patron saints of Irina

In the Christian tradition, the name Irina is most often associated with the first woman to become a great martyr in Byzantium - Irina the Great. Once upon a time, this woman was born into a noble pagan family, but then a miracle happened: a dove flew into her window, and there was an olive branch in its beak. Leaving the branch on the table, the dove flew away. An hour later, an eagle flew into the window, in its beak there was an olive wreath. The last one to fly into the window was a raven - he brought a snake with him.

The dove symbolizes virtue, the olive branch symbolizes goodness, the eagle symbolizes high spirit, and the wreath symbolizes overcoming passions. The raven and the snake symbolize the devil. Irina the Great took these offerings as a sign of the need to convert to Christianity.

Irene of Macedonia was baptized by the Apostle Timothy. With sermons and miracles, she first brought her parents and then thousands more people to Christianity. For her holy faith in Christ she was burned alive by the pagans.

Irene also has several other patron saints, such as Martyr Irene of Aquileia, Martyr Irene of Egypt, and Martyr Irene of Corinth.

Irina celebrates her name day several times a year: January 12 and 16, February 26, April 29, May 18 and 26, August 17 and 22, September 30, October 1 and November 2.

Characteristics of the name Irina

Although the name Irina is translated as “peace” and “tranquility,” the character of its owner is far from angelic. This “peaceful” name endowed its owner with optimism and a strong-willed character, capable of withstanding both enemies and circumstances.

Irina is not at all sentimental, even a little cruel. Self-control is Irina’s main character trait, helping her get out of the most difficult situations. life situations. Direct and harsh in her judgments and statements, she gives the impression of a cold, businesslike, independent woman. However, this is absolutely not true. Ira just knows how to pretend that she is unfamiliar with mental anguish and torment.

Lack of sentimentality, ostentatious cheerfulness and apparent carelessness are the main character traits of Irina.

Irina is a subtle diplomat, and she skillfully uses this quality. It is not for nothing that Irina has been considered a symbol of peacemaking and common sense in Rus' since ancient times. She has an inquisitive mind and excellent memory, she is moderately curious and inquisitive. Ira has a great sense of humor, but with her impeccable behavior she can irritate people. We can say for sure that a woman lives more with her mind than with her heart.

Ira knows how to make friends, she is kind and unforgiving, but she reacts very sharply to any insult or injustice - she will tell her offender right in the face everything that she thinks about him. It is difficult to deceive her, since Ira feels people very subtly. Due to her toughness and straightforwardness, Irina does not have many friends, and this despite the fact that Irina easily makes new acquaintances and feels great in any company.

Irina is very touchy - she is easily offended by a careless word, and at the moment of offense she can say too much or even commit an act that she will later regret in the depths of her soul, but, as always, will not show it.

By personality type, Irina is an extrovert who knows how to adapt to life’s difficulties. Very patient and reserved, she tries never, under any circumstances, to show her mental anguish. Ira will greatly value her independence all her life.

Irina has been self-educating all her life, reads a lot, and loves to travel. He can change several professions, but will never rush into any adventure. Irina is a crystal honest person who will never covet someone else’s things.

Irina in childhood

The girl Irina is the dream of any mother, as she is growing up as an obedient, problem-free child. Noisy active games she prefers quiet solitude and can play with dolls or look at books for a long time. As he gets older, he spends a lot of time reading. From early childhood, there is something of an adult in the child; she is serious and independent.

If guests come to the house, Irochka will not sit at the table with them or otherwise draw attention to herself. You shouldn’t ask her to sing a song or recite a poem - Irochka doesn’t like that. It's better to leave her alone, the girl doesn't like to be the center of attention.

Studying at school is easy for Ira - she good memory and a sharp mind. The girl gets along well with both boys and girls; teachers love her for her good studies and diligent behavior.

If parents send their daughter to the sports section on time, Irina can completely devote herself to sports and achieve significant results. Playing sports will also help the girl learn to overcome laziness, which is also common to all Irinas. Managing Irina is not easy; her parents will only have to gently guide her.

You can be sure that upon graduation, Irina will definitely try to get higher education, since an idle lifestyle is not for her. The girl understands perfectly well that education is the path to independence and independence.

Irina's health

Adult Irina loves holidays and feasts, loves to eat well and drink strong. A woman needs to watch her weight and proper nutrition, but she has no natural inclination towards alcoholism. Irina has had an excellent appetite since childhood; she should not overeat.

A woman may have problems with gynecology, often inflammation of the ovaries, and an ectopic pregnancy may occur.

In general, Irina is the owner good health, but she needs to take care nervous system. All her illnesses are from nerves.

Irina's sexuality

Irina has many fans, as she is pleasant to talk to and always looks great. A woman loves flirting, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of a foul, but she will never be captured by truly deep and strong feeling. She lives with her mind, not her heart. Through love and male worship she asserts herself. For this reason, Irina rarely experiences unhappy love.

We can say that after reading novels about love, Irina loves love itself, and not a specific man.
Irina is able to give her partner a sea of ​​tenderness and affection, however, it will be difficult for her to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

Marriage and family, Irina’s compatibility with male names

Irina often falls in love, but she will choose her husband thoroughly. Family will be of great importance to her, however, a woman will never devote herself only to it. She will not completely devote herself to the interests of her husband and children, since self-realization is very important for Irina. Her husband will have to become the head of the family.

Irina will become a good housewife and caring wife, and will be respected by her husband and children. It is very important for a woman to feel needed and loved - only in this case will Irina be happy. If Ira does not feel her husband’s love, her moral principles will allow her to cheat. However, divorce is possible only as a last resort, since Irina values ​​​​stability and acquired wealth.

The habit of approaching everything seriously will also affect family life. Irina will raise children using the latest methods, prepare dishes according to new recipes, and will devote a lot of time to work and hobbies. Ira will support her husband in all his endeavors and will help him make a successful career.

A successful marriage for Irina is possible with men named Andrey, Alexey, Yuri, Sergey, Anton, Danil and Boris. You should refrain from an alliance with Oleg, Stepan, Anatoly, Nikita, Kirill, Denis, Roman and Leonid.

Business and career

Irina strives for high level life, but she will always achieve success exclusively through honest work. Any machinations, risks and adventures are alien to her. A woman knows how to quickly establish the necessary business contacts and easily meets people, which contributes to the successful development of her own business.

Wherever Irina works, she will always be a responsible and valuable employee. Ira may become good specialist in the field of technical and exact sciences, work in a design office or in the field of engineering. And her diplomacy, sharp mind and ability to communicate will help her make a career as a politician, diplomat, lawyer or lawyer.

Irina knows how to get along well not only with management, but also with subordinates, so she will make an excellent leader. Ira will never raise her voice, humiliate or insult a subordinate, but everyone will obey her unquestioningly.

Talismans for Irina

  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Happy time of year is spring, Happy day of the week is Friday.
  • The colors that bring good luck are blue, yellow and light blue.
  • Totem plant - lily of the valley and chestnut. Lily of the valley symbolizes love, fidelity and peace. Chestnut will give vital energy, give strength, and remove pain and malaise.
  • Totem animal - termite and owl. The termite is a symbol of change and vital activity, and the owl has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and loneliness.
  • Talisman stone - opal and rock crystal. Opal has medicinal properties- it treats nervous diseases, insomnia and depression, relieves negative emotions. Rock crystal attracts joy, prosperity and love.

Horoscope for Irina

Aries- a simple and sincere nature, infecting everyone around with her vital energy. There is always a lot of noise and fun around her, she is always the life of the party. Irina-Aries attracts many people to carry out any task, but no one is offended by her. Men, too, can rarely resist the pressure of her passion.

Taurus- a meticulous and persistent person who pays great attention to detail. She can go towards her dream for many years, and will definitely achieve it. Having met the man of her dreams, she will give him all her affection and care, but will never forgive his betrayal.

Twins- an absent-minded and fussy person, which extremely irritates those around him. She knows how to create the appearance of vigorous activity, but then she happily pushes everything onto others. You should never take her words and promises seriously. In love, Irina-Gemini is also promising, but fickle.

Cancer- a vulnerable and fearful personality, with a fine mental organization. He tries to please everyone and ultimately loses his individuality and the respect of others. Irina-Cancer is afraid of any changes and changes in life. She needs a strong and confident man for her husband, who will instill in her confidence in herself and in the future.

a lion- extremely selfish and narcissistic Irina, who doesn’t care about those around her. For her, there is only one correct opinion - her own. She has no qualms about using people to achieve her goals. She has few friends, and she doesn’t need them. In relationships with men, she feels like a queen whom everyone should admire.

Virgo - creative person with a bright personality. It can breathe a sparkle into the most routine task, make it interesting and educational. Irina - Virgo has an analytical mind, knows how to think rationally and plan her budget, as she is used to relying only on her own strengths. She is a huge success among men, but she needs a man who can appreciate her bright personality.

Scales- a delicate and sophisticated woman who knows how to listen and hear. Always takes into account the opinions of others, never imposes his vision of the situation, and knows how to admit when he is wrong. Irina-Libra is capable of compassion and will never refuse to help someone in need. A big coquette, she loves flirting, but always remains faithful to her man.

Scorpion- hot-tempered and emotional, has an extremely hot temper. She loves to be the center of attention, but she is not liked in society because of her intemperance with her tongue. Irina-Scorpio always considers herself right, does not know how to admit her mistakes, and always notices those of strangers. She always looks impressive and extravagant, which attracts fans. Irina is amorous, but not constant.

Sagittarius- a born leader with the gift of persuasion. Her suggestions and ideas are always fresh and rational, she knows how and loves to work for results. She enjoys the respect of others and great success among men. Irina-Sagittarius easily starts new romances, breaking many hearts along the way. Only true love can stop her.

Capricorn- unemotional, businesswoman. She knows how to completely immerse herself in work, without being distracted by extraneous matters. Gives the impression of a closed, gloomy person who does not know how to relax. However, this is not entirely true - Irina just needs the right company in which she will feel comfortable. Her personality is fraught with many secrets that will only be revealed to a close person.

Aquarius- a cheerful optimist with an excellent sense of humor. Able to think rationally and approach any problem objectively. Gets along well with people, especially men. Able to work both in a team and independently. Men adore her for her humor and easy-going character.

Fish- a selfish person prone to narcissism. He always has a high opinion of himself and demands the same from those around him. Dedicates a lot of time to his appearance, likes to read fashion magazines and go shopping. Demands worship and admiration from men. There is no way to bring her down from heaven to earth, all that remains is to come to terms with it.