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» A sample of filling out an estimate for finishing work. An example of an estimate for the renovation of a premises, important points when drawing up. How to make a preliminary estimate for apartment renovation online

A sample of filling out an estimate for finishing work. An example of an estimate for the renovation of a premises, important points when drawing up. How to make a preliminary estimate for apartment renovation online

(We consider examples on the basis of TER-territorial unit prices; similarly, FER-federal unit prices,
according to the Standard Estimate and Normative Base ( new edition))

Let's look at example No. 5 of preparing an estimate, this example will be more complicated:

For example, let’s imagine that the Customer asks to repair the walls in the apartment.

We take a tape measure, a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and go out to inspect the repair site, i.e. We're going to the site.
Arriving at the site, we find out that wall repairs only need to be done in one room.
Here, on site with the Customer’s representative, we clarify what exactly the Customer wants.
The customer wants (for now we are only considering walls without slopes):

1. Clean the walls from water-based paint;
2. Level the plaster of the walls;
3. Apply putty;
4. Paint the walls with water-based paint.

Ask the Customer for all the details, this will help you when choosing prices in the future.
After interviewing the Customer, we agreed that:

  1. We will first remove the old paint from the walls;
  2. Prime the walls before leveling the plaster with a primer, so that the new layer of plaster adheres to the old one (in other words, so that our plaster does not fall off);
  3. Level the plaster walls with a mixture of plaster "Rotband", the thickness of the plaster layer is up to 10 mm.
  4. Then prime the walls again with primer before applying putty and water-based paint so that all this does not crack, does not fall off and adheres tightly to the wall.
  5. Apply putty to the walls to smooth out wall defects after plastering;
  6. And lastly, paint the walls with water-based paint, the coloring was discussed with the Customer, it will be improved.
Stage II:

We have figured out the problem, now we need to decide on the volumes. It would be good if the Customer gives you a copy of the floor plan, which shows the dimensions of the room being repaired. And if not, then we’ll give you a tape measure and measure the width and length of the room, as well as the width and height of the door and window openings tape measure yourself.
Let's assume that when measuring the width of the room we get 4.0 m, the length of the room is 6.0 m, the height of the room is 2.85 m. The height of the doorway is 2.0 m, the width is 1.0 m, the height of the window opening is 1.5 m , and the width is 1.4 m.
Be sure to measure the dimensions of door and window openings in the room. When calculating the volume of walls, we will subtract the area of ​​the door and window openings from the total full area the walls of the room, since the amount of work to level the plaster of the walls is determined by the area of ​​only the surface that will be leveled. (GESNr 81-04-OP-2001 State elemental estimate standards for repair and construction works. General provisions. Calculation of work volumes (2009 edition), clause 2.42. Plastering area interior walls should be determined minus the area of ​​the openings along the outer contour of the boxes and the area occupied by pulled platbands, and the height of the walls should be taken from the finished floor to the ceiling.)

But, the area of ​​​​painting walls with water-based paint is determined without deducting the areas of openings and without taking into account the areas of window and door slopes only if we paint the slopes too. (GESNr 81-04-OP-2001 State elemental estimate standards for repair and construction work. General provisions. Calculation of work volumes (2009 edition), clause 2.51. Painting area internal surfaces water compositions is determined without deducting the areas of openings and without taking into account the areas of window and door slopes, side surfaces of niches, but taking into account the areas of pillars and sides of pilasters.)

But since we do not paint the slopes, but only the walls, therefore the area of ​​​​painting the walls with water-based paint is taken specifically according to the area of ​​​​the surface to be painted.

Having mentally photographed the walls and measured them, we return to our place of work and proceed to the second stage.

We calculate the area of ​​the walls: (6.0+4.0)*2*2.85-2.0*1.0-1.5*1.4 = 52.9 m2.
Now we write in the defect sheet what we need to do:

  1. Manually remove paint from wall surfaces. We write in the defect sheet - Manually cleaning the surface of the walls from paints 52.9 m2.
  2. Prime the walls before leveling the plaster with a primer. We write in the defect list - Priming the surface of the walls with a primer before leveling the plaster 52.9 m2.
  3. Level the plaster walls with a mixture of plaster "Rotband", the thickness of the plaster layer is up to 10 mm. We write to the defective list - Leveling dry wall plaster mortar mixture
  4. Prime the walls after leveling the plaster, before applying putty and water-based paint. We write in the defect sheet - Priming the surface of the walls with a primer before applying putty and water-based paint 52.9 m2.
  5. Apply putty to the walls to smooth out defects after plastering. We write in the defect list - Applying putty to the walls to smooth out defects after plastering 52.9 m2.
  6. Paint the walls with water-based paint. We write in the defect list - Improved painting with water-based compositions on wall plaster.
Notice one important detail, all the details are written on the defect sheet.

Specifically in our case, we wrote not just “Leveling plaster walls with dry mortar mixture “Rotband””; “Improved painting of walls with water-based compositions”, and “Leveling of wall plaster with dry mortar mixture “Rotband” in thickness up to 10 mm"; "Painting with water-based compositions for plaster improved walls" as requested by the Customer.
You will understand why such details are needed later, when searching for prices.
Well, in our case, the defect sheet is ready, see below:


________________ /______________________ /

"______"____________________ 20___



to repair the walls in the room

Item no. Name of work and costs Unit Quantity
1 2 3 4
1. Manually cleaning the surface of walls from paints m2 52,9
2. Priming the surface of the walls with a primer before leveling the plaster m2 52,9
3. Leveling plaster walls with dry mortar mixture
"Rotband" up to 10 mm thick
m2 52,9
4. Priming the wall surface with a primer
before applying putty and water-based paint
m2 52,9
5. Applying putty to walls to smooth out defects after plastering m2 52,9
6. Improved painting with water-based compositions on wall plaster m2 52,9

Compiled by:________________________________________________________________
(position, signature, full name)

(position, signature, full name)

After the defective statement is ready, it is given to the Customer for approval.
And after the Customer approves the defective statement, we begin drawing up an estimate.

Drawing up an estimate.
To draw up an estimate, we will need TERr - Territorial unit prices for repair and construction work; TER-Territorial unit prices for construction work.
If you are already familiar with the estimate program, then all these TERr, TER are in it.
So we have a cleanup from old paint, leveling the plaster, then painting with new paint, i.e. repairs, so we look for prices first in the repair sections - TERR - Territorial unit prices for repair and construction work. And if prices that suit us are not in the repair sections, then we look for them in the construction sections.
But when doing repairs, prices are always initially looked for in the repair sections.
Initially, we manually clean the surface of the walls from paint. Direct quotes for this type there are no works available, so we will look for a quote applicable. Since the first type of work relates to paints, i.e. cleaning of paints, then we are initially looking for TERR-painting work. This will be TERR section 62 Painting works.
Next in TERR section 62. Painting work, we are looking for paint removal. This will be the applicable price TERr 62-41-1.
For the first item in the defective list, we found the price - TERr 62-41-1. We insert it into our estimate.

Now we are looking for a price for the second item on the defective statement.
We will not look for the second type of work - priming the surface of the walls with a primer before leveling the plaster, since priming is usually included in the prices for leveling the plaster.

We are immediately looking for the third type of work - leveling the plaster walls with dry mortar mixture "Rotband" up to 10 mm thick.

Since the third type of work is related to plastering, i.e. leveling the plaster, then we are looking for TERR plastering work. This will be TERR section 61 Plastering work.
Further in TERR section 61. Plastering work, we are looking for leveling the plaster walls with a dry mortar mixture up to 10 mm thick. This will be the price TERr 61-1-9.
We see that the price for TERr 61-1-9 is open, which means that the cost of the main material (in our case, this is the Rotband plaster mixture) must be taken in addition to this price according to TSSC, since in the price for TERr 61-1-9 it (the main material) is not taken into account. Therefore, in addition to the TERr 61-1-9 price, we additionally take the Rotband plaster mixture. The cost of materials is searched using the TSSC collection. TSSC is a territorial collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures used in construction. It consists of five parts:

  1. TSSC 2001 Part I. Materials for general construction work
  2. TSSC 2001 Part II. Building construction and products
  3. TSSC 2001 Part III. Materials and products for sanitary work
  4. TSSC 2001 Part IV. Concrete, reinforced concrete and ceramic products. Non-metallic materials. Ready-mix concrete and mortars
  5. TSSC 2001 Part V. Materials, products and structures for installation and special construction work
Since leveling plaster in our country relates to work with mortars, we are looking for a quote for the cost of the Rotband plaster mixture according to TSSC 2001 Part IV. Concrete, reinforced concrete and ceramic products. Non-metallic materials. Ready-mixed concrete and mortars. This will be the price TSSC 402-0077.

In addition, we take the coefficient for the consumption of the material, the consumption of the Rotband plaster mixture according to TSTS 402-0077 will be 9.6 kg per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm: 52.9 * 9.6 = 507.84 m2

For the second and third items in the defective list, we found the price - TERr 61-1-9. We insert it into our estimate.

Next, we move on to the fourth and fifth types of work - priming the surface of the walls with a primer before applying putty and water-based paint and applying putty to the walls to smooth out defects after plastering. We will not be looking for these types of work just like the second one. Let us first consider the sixth type of work - Improved painting with water-based compositions for plastering walls, and then we will explain why we skipped the fourth and fifth types of work. Since TERR does not have prices for painting with water-based emulsion compositions for improved wall plaster, we turn to construction parts
TER - Territorial unit prices for construction work. Looking for in TER - Finishing work
. This will be TEP part 15. Finishing work.

The price that suits us is TER 15-04-005-03.
Let's look at this price TEP 15-04-005-03 in more detail, it's an interesting price. First of all, we need to find out whether the price for TEP 15-04-005-03 includes primer and putty. We look at GESN 81-02-Pr-2001 State elemental estimate standards for construction work. Appendices (edition 2009), Appendix 15.11 - Composition of work when painting with polyvinyl acetate water-based compositions - improved for plaster. Here, in the table, we see that primer and putty are already included in the price for painting with water-based compositions for improved wall plastering. And therefore, separate prices for priming and putty before painting the walls

water-based painting

Let us clarify that the paint consumption included in the TEP 15-04-005-03 price for improved painting is so high that part of this expense can replace both the primer consumption and the cost of the primer itself. Therefore, there is no point in adjusting this price for primer (see Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2009 No. 22729-IP/08).

Now we can say that for the fourth, fifth and sixth points of the defective list we have found a suitable price - TER 15-04-005-03.

The estimate is almost ready, all that remains is to add all the necessary coefficients from the relevant MDS - Methodological documents in construction, such as, for example, according to clause 4.7. MDS 81-35.2004, if there are complicating factors and conditions for the production of these works, and reducing factors for overhead costs and estimated profits during repairs, this is also from MDS ( read more often and study the MDS before drawing up estimates), and you can release it.
The estimate will look like this, see

Just don’t forget that the estimated prices in the collections and programs are based on 2000 prices. Therefore, you must also multiply the final estimated cost in this estimate by the corresponding conversion index to current prices.
The conversion index to current prices is different for each region.

After all that has been done, the finished estimate can be submitted to the Contractor for approval, and then to the Customer for approval.


A construction estimate is required, which will take into account all costs for the work of builders and materials.

How to make an estimate for repairs yourself?

To begin with, it is necessary to estimate and record the volume of construction work - floor and ceiling area (they differ), wall covering area, length of products calculated in linear meters(cornices, skirting boards), as well as piece work - replacement of windows and doors.

Where can I get the sizes?

Measure yourself! Seven times each name. A tape measure and a calculator (to immediately calculate areas) are best friends.

Where can I get quotes?

Google it - there are plenty of price lists on websites. Take some average cost for your estimate. The cost of all work is estimated per unit of measurement - m 2, pgm, piece work, waste removal in m 3.

How to calculate the amount of building materials?

Calculating the estimate for those who do the repairs themselves comes down to the usual calculation of the required amount of materials.

There are two dangers. Buy a little, and then you won’t find what you need. Buy with a large margin and greatly overpay.

To avoid such scenarios, we apply a simple rule:

  • we calculate the consumption of a unit of each material per unit of length or area (a roll of wallpaper or a can of paint per 1 m2), or the size of a unit of the material itself (the area of ​​one sheet of drywall, porcelain stoneware, etc.)
  • We multiply the consumption by our measurement data - total area, length or quantity.
  • add ~ 10-30%, depending on the material.

What kind of work should be included in the estimate for apartment renovation?

  • Preparatory stage
  • Rough work
  • Related works
  • Finishing
  • Purchase of materials
  • Garbage removal

For each stage you will receive a separate mini-estimate.

Do you need a budgeting program?

No special programs are needed. MS Excel and basic knowledge are enough. 1st column - type of work, 2nd - units of measurement, 3rd - cost and 4th - total (multiply 2 and 3 columns).
You can place each stage of repair on different tabs of the document.

This is just the most simplest option. With certain skills, you have room to expand - the possibilities of Excel are inexhaustible!

Estimate for the preparatory stage of repairs

The estimate always includes dismantling work. They include:

  • dismantling floor coverings- linoleum, carpet, tiles,
  • cleaning the ceiling from whitewash and paint,
  • cleaning wallpaper and dismantling plaster (all in square meters),
  • removal of skirting boards (in linear meters),
  • piece by piece dismantling of door blocks,
  • all electrical points (chandeliers, sconces),
  • all plumbing points - toilets, sinks, heated towel rails, bathtubs and faucets.

Dismantling of walls is recorded in a separate column. Load-bearing walls cannot be demolished, but special cases openings can be transferred into them. Most often, moving the opening to load-bearing wall costs 3-4 times more than dismantling an entire partition. Please note that such a process must be approved by the housing inspectorate and requires special equipment.

Save on at this stage It is possible if you are able to do some of the listed actions yourself.

Estimate for rough work

At the stage of rough work in repairs, a lot of hidden work occurs, for example, preparing surfaces for finishing.

What work will be included in the estimate:

  • For ceilings - cleaning from plaque, sealing seams, leveling (plaster), putty and primer.
  • For walls - leveling with plaster, putty and primer.
  • For the floor - a screed device, in wet areas waterproofing device, when installing a heated floor, cable layout, installation of sensors and connection to the electrical network

An additional type of work is connecting electrical and plumbing.

The estimate should also take into account:

  • stripping walls for electrical outlets,
  • laying cables in corrugation,
  • laying water pipes,
  • laying sewer pipes.

Estimate for related work

Usually organized by specialized companies.

What work needs to be taken into account when drawing up an estimate?

  • installation of telephone, Internet and TV cables, intercom,
  • installation of air conditioners,
  • kitchen assembly,
  • Window replacement includes installation of slopes and window sills.

The Internet is now most often installed for free, the main thing is that there is a provider in the house. And the rest - you should contact the organization in advance for calculations - calling surveyors is now also mostly free!

Drawing up an estimate for finishing work

After discrediting preparatory work move on to calculating the costs of finishing the premises.

What work can be included in the estimate?

  • ceiling - painting (before finishing the walls);
  • installation of suspended and slatted ceilings;
  • walls - painting, plastering, wallpapering, tiling;
  • floor - laying ceramic tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum, carpet, parquet;
  • moldings - cornices, moldings, plinths
  • installation of plumbing;
  • installation of electrical outlets (sockets, switches);
  • installation of heating radiators;
  • door installation;
  • installation and installation of chandeliers and lamps.

Assembly of furniture and built-in wardrobes can also be included in the estimate. But you can skip it for now, since many furniture manufacturers offer free assembly or include its cost in the total bill when ordering furniture.

Purchase of materials

If you hire a foreman, the purchase of materials is also included in the estimate. Most often, purchase and delivery to the site costs approximately 20% of the price of materials.

But if you buy everything yourself, then it can only be renting a car. There are options with free shipping, if you order materials through online stores with a certain order volume.

Garbage removal on budget

Removal of construction waste is included in the estimate after each subsection. It is desirable after dismantling, roughing and finishing work.

Please note that ordering a car, collecting garbage in bags, and cleaning the premises can also be included in the estimate as hidden work. Even the best builders won't do it for free.

For waste removal, containers with a volume of up to 8 m3 and a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons are most often rented.

And again - if you collect everything yourself and can take it out - then all that remains is to order a container. And if there is somewhere to store garbage, then you can get by with its one-time removal.

  • Immediately draw up an apartment plan with dimensions. It will help you when counting consumable materials.
  • Calculate separately each volume of work - the area of ​​walls, floors and ceilings, the length of moldings for all rooms being repaired.
  • Determine if you need to change engineering Communication(pipes, electrics).
  • Count the number of sockets, switches, taps and related fittings, as well as such small things as screws and self-tapping screws.
  • Determine who will be involved in the purchase of materials, delivery and lifting to the floor, as well as removal of construction waste.
  • Distribute the entire volume of work separately among the premises, this makes it easier to control the process.

Be prepared for the fact that it is impossible to accurately calculate the timing and costs of repairs on your own without any experience.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

A huge help for accurately calculating the estimate is the design project of the premises. The likelihood of an error is practically eliminated, unless you want to do something differently than calculated in the project. But the designer is a separate expense item. Whether it is needed is up to you to decide!

If you need an estimate for an apartment renovation, then you can see an example (sample) of how it should look. This section presents a real estimate of the major repairs made by our company.

Please note what the cost of the estimate for apartment renovation depends on:
. depending on the type of house- for example, an estimate for repairs in a panel or monolithic new building
. from the original state of the apartment- needs dismantling old decoration or not, and the scope of dismantling
. from wall material- concrete is more expensive than brick, since it is more difficult to hammer it
. depending on the number of rooms- the more rooms the more expensive, due to more electrical outlet
. from the area of ​​the apartment- how larger area the lower the price per meter, since expensive plumbing/electrician work is spread over a larger area
. from the cost of finishing- painting is more expensive than wallpaper, laminate is cheaper than solid wood

In addition, there are many more parameters that affect its cost; our estimator will tell you about them in detail when we meet at your apartment. The estimate for the apartment includes a photo shoot of what it looks like as a result of the renovation. You can open a photo session by clicking on the tab Photos.

All prices are valid as of the current date. Detailed prices can be found on the Price page. average cost of our services ranges from 6500-7500 rubles per m2.

How to use estimate search

On the tab Apartment parameters- You can see the area of ​​individual rooms, ceiling heights, the presence of window units, etc.

On the tab Choice of finishes- You can see all types of work that were carried out on this apartment: sound insulation, electrical, rough work, plumbing, etc.

Tabs: Options, Finishing, Photos are an excellent addition to the detailed estimate. You can visually touch and see what the implementation of the estimate into reality looks like. If you want to order repairs from us, then you will need to tell our estimator about all this work, room by room.

How to prepare an estimate

An estimate for apartment renovation is the main document for calculating volumes and costs repair work., planned for implementation. To draw up a construction estimate, it is best to invite an estimator to the site. Of course, it is possible to calculate a standard estimate based on a design project, but this estimate usually turns out to be very approximate, the deviation is 10% or more.

The estimate by the estimator is drawn up on the basis of working drawings, therefore it is characterized high accuracy. All prices on the basis of which the cost of work in the estimate is formed are presented on our website. If, after drawing up an estimate, during the work process, the customer does not change his repair task, the estimated cost will not change.

Calculation of rough materials

Other factors affecting cost

An integral part The estimate is a Specification - calculation of rough materials required for each type of work. The consumption of rough materials is calculated in accordance with the standards for their write-off, which are taken from the instructions of the manufacturers or from SNiPs. To calculate the thickness of layers of screed, plaster, tile adhesive, we carry out special measurements on site.

04.04.2018 Read in 13 minutes.

In the photo: Apartment renovation and drawing up a professional estimate from the Fundament Group of Companies

The estimate for apartment renovation should be drawn up taking into account the real prices for work, rough and finishing materials. In this review, we will show you how to do this quickly and online, and also provide a sample from professional estimators from the Fundament Group of Companies.

GC "Fundament" provides a full range of apartment renovation services - creation of a design project, redevelopment, turnkey renovation with designer supervision, interior decoration and furnishing. Clients of our company can choose any of three types of repairs in different price category: standard (from 13,000 rub./sq. meter), business class (from 16,000 rub./sq. meter) or exclusive (from 26,000 rub./sq. meter).

In our company, payment for repairs can be made in installments, you can take out a loan, and when you order the renovation of an entire apartment or house, we will provide a free design project!

Sample estimate 2017-2018 for apartment renovation in Moscow

Download the contract with a sample estimate for apartment renovation 2018 from the Fundament Group of Companies

Speaking about drawing up an estimate for apartment renovation, it is important to know not only such parameters as area, ceiling height and the selected finishing format according to the price category (or style), but also other important aspects. For example, is there a need for redevelopment of the apartment, which significantly increases the cost of repairs, is the apartment located in a new building, or is it a secondary housing where the old finishing still needs to be dismantled.

We always provide our clients with full estimates for signature so that you can see what, how much and when you will pay. Everything is extremely transparent, absolutely every detail is spelled out in the contract. We also guarantee that repairs will be completed within the time period specified in the documents.

Sample contract for repair and construction work with estimates

The agreement between the parties is concluded to guarantee all specified conditions. For the client, this is the exact price for repairs with a detailed estimate, repair time, specific design project, quality of work and warranty.

How to make a preliminary estimate for apartment renovation online?

Brief instructions for calculation on the website of the Fundament Group of Companies

What is the cost estimate for apartment renovation?

  • At GC "Fundament" you will receive a preliminary estimate for apartment renovation ONLINE and absolutely FOR FREE!

Components of the estimate. Prices by type of work

In this review, we will tell you in detail how much it costs to finish walls, floors, ceilings, cladding, dismantling and installing windows, as well as installing decorative partitions during the process of remodeling an apartment. Each price in the price list of the Fundament Group of Companies is constant. Please note that you cannot order services separately from us, only in a turnkey repair format.

Prices for wall decoration in an apartment

In the photo: Leveling surfaces before finishing

In the photo: Prices for plastering walls in an apartment

Wall decoration is one of important stages in apartment renovation. Below you see prices that can be used to draw up an estimate for apartment renovation with the cost of each item. For example, the modern and most quality option plastering walls along beacons with a thickness of more than 50 mm (Rotband) costs 440 rubles per sq. m. at the Fundament Group of Companies. meter, while plastering walls with gypsum compounds, up to 10 mm - 220 rubles per square meter.

Prices for tiling walls in an apartment

In the photo: Prices for tiling walls in rubles per square meter

For the kitchen and bathroom, you will most likely need wall cladding with tiles or porcelain tiles. IN modern design projects Large-format tiles and porcelain stoneware are often used. The cost of facing with such materials is 610 rubles per square meter, while with standard tiles it is 480 rubles per square meter.

Price list for installing partitions of various types

In the photo: Installation of partitions from gypsum plasterboard on wooden frame

In the photo: Prices for the construction of partitions in an apartment

Decorative, brick and other partitions are used in almost every apartment project with redevelopment. The price of their construction, as well as the installation of decorative niches, should also be taken into account when drawing up an estimate for renovating an apartment according to our example.

Prices for installing different types of ceilings

In the photo: Suspended ceiling in a new building on the street. Pudovkina

In the photo: Prices for plastering and leveling ceilings

Like walls, ceilings also require priming and plastering. Above in the price list from the Fundament Group of Companies you can choose any type of plaster that suits your apartment renovation project.

How much do dismantling and construction work for installing windows cost?

In the photo: Prices for dismantling and installing windows and window sills

Dismantling and installing window units requires the attention of a specialist, the cost of which is also indicated in the price list. By the way, such details are often not recorded in the estimate if it is not prepared by a professional.

Price list for installation of heating radiators

In the photo: Heating radiator in the interior of an apartment on the street. Pudovkina

In the photo: Prices for installing heating radiators, Moscow

It's no secret that the heating system in country house takes up a fairly significant part of the budget. But when renovating an apartment, replacing radiators is also necessary. In GC "Fundament" minimum price radiator installation – 1950 rubles per piece.

Prices for electrical installation work from the Fundament Group of Companies

In the photo: Electrical installation work during apartment renovation

In the photo: Cost in rubles per electric installation work when renovating an apartment

It can be especially difficult to calculate the amounts for electrical installation work, since the owners of the apartment are often not entirely clear about the scope of the work. Undoubtedly, you need to route the cable throughout the apartment. But there is still different types wiring, punching holes and installing socket boxes, and when finishing and installation of the socket itself, the cost of which is designer renovation may be quite high.

How much does decorative plaster, wall painting and wallpapering cost?

In the photo: Prices for decorative plaster and wallpapering walls

When the stage of wallpapering the walls or applying decorative plaster comes, you should contact an interior designer. He will select for you the right finishing format for each room. Taking into account your preferences, you can calculate approximately how much the services of the necessary craftsmen will cost.

Price list for turnkey apartment renovation packages

Standard repair

Works (all)

9500 rub./m2

Draft materials

5500 rub./m2

Finishing materials


Installation (replacement) work utility networks(electricians and plumbers), with all walls, floors and ceilings level, but using inexpensive materials(wallpaper, paint, laminate, tiles, etc.). As a rule, it is carried out without a design project.

Business class repair

Works (all)

11500 rub./m 2

Draft materials

7500 rub./m2

Finishing materials


Work is carried out according to individual design project with leveling all surfaces to zero and using more expensive materials and technologies ( decorative plaster, multi-component paint, parquet or solid board, multi-level plasterboard ceilings, etc.).

Exclusive renovation

Works (all)

18500 rub./m2

Draft materials

10500 rub./m 2

Finishing materials


The work is carried out according to a detailed design project with the selection of furniture materials and designer’s supervision, using expensive exclusive materials and technologies ( Venetian plaster with imitation marble and malachite finishing, piece artistic parquet, stained glass, Forged Products, plaster stucco, etc.).

The cost of work is indicated for ALL work – both rough and finishing. Minimum cost of work: 700,000 rubles. The cost of the service is approximate and depends on the complexity of the work and the layout of the premises.

In the Fundament Group of Companies you can order a turnkey apartment renovation at the above prices. So, a standard repair will cost 13 thousand rubles per square meter, including rough materials. That is, this includes not only priming surfaces, but also directly soil mixture.

The cost of finishing materials is discussed separately and depends on the style you choose, prepared by the designer of the design project (which, by the way, is provided free of charge to everyone who ordered a renovation from us!).

There are also business class and exclusive renovation options, which cost 16 thousand rubles and 26 thousand rubles, respectively. Draft materials are also included here. But prices for finishing materials are individual and will be calculated for you during the process of drawing up a design project.

Cost of renovation of a three-room apartment in the Mosfilmovsky residential complex

Apartment area: 120 m2
RUB 1,900,000
Year of repair: 2018

We renovated this apartment in 2018 and now we can both show the real result in photographs and calculate the cost of this renovation. total area apartments – about 120 square meters, there are three here living rooms, kitchen and two bathrooms. The cost of repairs with rough materials is 1.9 million rubles. This amount is given without taking into account finishing materials, only work and rough work.

Living room renovation in a modern style in light colors

In the photo: Interior of a modern living room with a fireplace decorated with white marble

In the photo above you see the renovation, which was carried out by our professionals according to the design of our own interior designers. Marble-like porcelain tiles were used in the finishing, and decorative suspended ceiling with lighting especially for this living room project. Deserves special attention corner sofa and glossy coffee table– fashion trends in interior design 2018.

Beautiful kitchen renovation in a modern style with built-in furniture

In the photo: Kitchen interior in a modern style with white furniture and glass apron

In kitchen interior design, a built-in set in a modern style looks almost futuristic. And all thanks to the special design of the facades - cabinets and drawers without handles, unusual shapes and sizes, different colors, designed both in gloss and matte. This kitchen is not only our pride, it is extremely functional and very convenient for the hostess.

Stylish bedroom renovation with decorative concrete panels

In the photo: Modern style bedroom in gray tones

In the bedroom we moved away from the traditional beige palette in favor of an almost monochrome gray interior. Instead of bright accents he uses some interesting textures, such as shiny curtains, a leather headboard and striking concrete paneling on the wall behind the bed. Please note that this bedroom has a decorative suspended ceiling. Design, finishing, furnishing and decoration - everything was done by specialists from the Fundament Group of Companies; the renovation of this new building was started from scratch.

Bathroom renovation in a modern style with marbled porcelain tiles

In the photo: Bathroom renovation in a modern style with marble finish

The combined wall decoration of this bathroom looks very modern and even luxurious. Marbled porcelain tiles (the same ones that were used to decorate the fireplace portal in the living room) combine beautifully with textured gold tiles with a symbolic imitation of fish scales. By the way, the latter is a global trend in the design of fabrics, tiles and decorative accessories for the interior (for example, trays or vases).

Modern bathroom renovation with wall-hung toilet and bidet

In the photo: Renovating a beautiful bathroom in a modern style

On the picture: Beautiful renovation Art Deco living room

Apartment area: 101 m 2
Cost of repairs with rough materials: RUB 1,600,000
Year of repair: 2018

The renovation of this three-room apartment in the Dubrovka residential complex was carried out by our designers and finishers in an unsurpassed Art Deco style. From the open space of a free plan in a new building, our specialists created cozy home for a small family!

The total area of ​​the apartment is 101 square meters, it is three-room and its renovation cost 1.6 million rubles. This amount includes the work of all finishing craftsmen, as well as high-quality rough materials.

Renovation of a kitchen-living room in Art Deco style with a set in black gloss

In the photo: Luxurious kitchen renovation in Art Deco style

For the design of this apartment, our specialists chose the Art Deco style - legendary, aristocratic, complex and very presentable. An apartment decorated in it immediately acquires a special atmosphere of chic and glamor, as you can see in the photo above.

Here, the open-plan kitchen-living room also includes a dining area near the island and an entrance hall. All this a large room conditionally divided into zones using floor finishing. Practical porcelain tiles are used in the hallway and kitchen, and cozy parquet is used in the living room and dining room.

Modern bedroom renovation with milk chocolate-colored parquet

In the photo: Repair modern bedroom V light colors

The alternation of delicate white and gray tones in this interior looks attractive and very restrained. Thanks to this, the bedroom always has a feeling of spaciousness and tranquility, ideal for relaxation. The designers have provided here a place to work at the computer, an additional chest of drawers opposite the bed with a TV above it, and a built-in wardrobe system.

Bedroom renovation with built-in wardrobe in truffle tones

In the photo: Interior beautiful bedroom in truffle tones

This stylish and glamorous bedroom features decorative designs on the mirrored wardrobe doors. This space uses unique truffle shades for the floors, walls and textiles. This bedroom is the main one in this apartment and is also decorated in Art Deco style.

Luxurious bathroom renovation with designer shower niche in mosaic

In the photo: Bathroom interior in dark colors

In this bathroom, we used decorative gray mosaic tiles for the floor and wall design in the shower niche and ceramic parquet for the walls. The floor is decorated with gray porcelain tiles under a natural stone. An amazingly beautiful combination of these high-quality materials made it possible to create designer interior in a small bathroom.

Cost of renovation of a five-room apartment in the English Quarter residential complex (Moscow)

In the photo: Beautiful living room in neoclassical style

Apartment area: 170 m2
Cost of repairs with rough materials: RUB 2,700,000
Year of repair: 2017

The renovation of this five-room apartment in the English Quarter residential complex with an area of ​​170 square meters cost 2.7 million rubles (work, rough materials). The interior of this apartment, admiring its luxury, is made in the best traditions. modern classics.

Living room with dark chocolate-colored parquet

In the photo: Beautiful living room with new renovation and furniture

The interior of this living room is made in neoclassical style. Conventionally, the room is divided into a living room and a dining room, but there is also an attached corridor. Thanks to a successful planning solution, the latter has become part of an open plan and has access to natural light from the windows. The owners of the apartment got rid of the dark and long corridor, and the living room became much more spacious. We bring such successful ideas to life every day together with our designers and repairmen!

Classic kitchen with luxurious cocoa stone countertop

In the photo: Interior of a neoclassical kitchen in beige tones

The interior of this kitchen in light colors is made in a neoclassical style. The set is an example of impeccably precise execution of this style with attention to detail. For this interior, our designers selected beautiful tiles, table top and household appliances.

Bathroom finished with white and black marble

In the photo: Bathroom interior in black and white

In the bathroom of this apartment you will find a unique combination of materials - porcelain tiles imitating white and black marble with decorative patterns and meanders. To visually unload the space, but provide plenty of space for storing accessories, the furniture was chosen here in white.

Renovation of a four-room apartment in the Alekseevsky residential complex (Moscow)

In the photo: Living room interior in light colors

Apartment area: 150 m2
Cost of repairs with rough materials: RUB 2,400,000
Year of repair: 2017

Renovation of this four-room apartment with an area of ​​150 sq. m. meters in the Alekseevsky residential complex (Moscow) was completed for 5 months. A family of 3 adults with several children lives here. The cost of repairs from the Fundament Group of Companies (with a free design project) amounted to 2.4 million rubles, excluding finishing materials.

Renovation of an open plan living room with kitchenette in an alcove

In the photo: Interior of a bright kitchen-living room with a dining area

In this spacious living room in a four-room apartment, our designers designed an unusual detail - a large aquarium built into the wall. It was he who became the necessary accent of the room, which gives the image completeness. The dining area is located to the right of the kitchen, near the loggia, in the sunniest place!

Luxurious kitchen with dove mosaic accent wall

In the photo: Kitchen interior with white furniture and mosaic finishing

This kitchen design project is realized by our craftsmen as close to the original as possible in the visualizations. The design features luxurious white cabinets, beautiful accent mosaics, and black appliances and countertops that add dramatic contrast to the look.

Major renovation of an apartment in the Right Bank residential complex (Khimki, Moscow Region)

In the photo: Living room interior in light colors and neoclassical style

Renovation of this five-room apartment with an area of ​​265 sq. meters completed in 6 months. The cost of repairs amounted to 4.25 million rubles, excluding finishing materials. Our company is especially proud of this project, made in a neoclassical style, with exquisite finishing and designer furniture with a variety of decorative elements.

Kitchen interior in neoclassical style with lighting

In the photo: Kitchen interior in beige tones

The interior of this kitchen is designed in a modest, but attractive and very delicate way. color scheme based on beige and vanilla tones. The set is decorated with attention to detail, built-in lighting, beautiful buffet modules and a built-in refrigerator that is almost invisible (pictured above on the right).

Beautiful bedroom in pink tones in French style

In the photo: Interior of a beautiful bedroom in pink tones

In the interior of this bedroom, our designers decided to create a romantic bourgeois atmosphere. And then they supplemented it with ethnic details, for example, classic carpets with Arabic patterns and bedside tables made of wood with elaborate carvings self made! Next to the bedroom there is a separate bathroom, which can be seen in the photo below.

Luxurious and romantic bathroom with a French accent

In the photo: Bathroom interior in neoclassical style

And for the interior of the bathroom, our designers chose not only finishing materials, but also all the furniture, accessories, decor, curtains, lamps - everything, down to the very last element! There is a bathtub on legs near the window. Two sinks - practical solution for spouses who live in the same rhythm! Looks especially attractive here accent wall made of tiles with a large floral print behind the mirror!

The best design projects from the Fundament Group of Companies

In the photo: Living room interior in beige tones with glossy accents

You can receive a design project from the Fundament Group of Companies for free if you order a full range of repair work from us. You can see examples of design projects from our portfolio below. Each of them is absolutely individual, many of them were compiled for clients free of charge, included the service of architectural supervision and have now already been implemented in many elite residential complexes in Moscow.

Design project for a four-room apartment in a classic style in the English Quarter residential complex

In the photo: Interior of a kitchen-living room in a classic style

In the photo: Living room interior in a modern style in monochrome palette

On the picture: Classic style in living room design

The design project of this 4-room apartment in the Garden Quarters residential complex was created for one of our beloved clients. In decoration and design, a classic style was chosen, making the interiors as elegant and sophisticated as possible. The total area of ​​this four-room apartment is 155 square meters. Virtual tour you can look at it here.

If for some reason you do not want to invite a specialist, you can draw up an estimate yourself, but you need to remember that its accuracy, as practice shows, will be about 70% and can deviate both up and down.

Many people often simply neglect this point and decide not to bother again. But this is a very important point, comparable to the purchase of materials and carrying out the work itself. Sometimes it happens that the customer simply forgets to buy something in addition or, on the contrary, surpluses appear; an estimate will help to avoid shortcomings. In general, if you are starting a renovation, don’t be lazy and take some time to compile it. In doing so, you must take into account three fundamental points described below:

  • You need to list all the materials that you will need during construction. Take into account even small studs, in fact every little thing is very important;
  • There must be a column containing information about the cost of repair services. It is very important here to take into account all types of work that at first glance are not necessary at all;
  • Also, do not forget about logistics costs, and they are associated not only with delivery! Unloading and lifting to the floor is the main cost that needs to be taken into account;