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» Features of planting and growing goji berries on a personal plot. Goji berries: beneficial properties and cultivation on the site

Features of planting and growing goji berries on a personal plot. Goji berries: beneficial properties and cultivation on the site

There are few people who have never heard of goji berries. Over the past few years, Internet sites have been filled with attractive advertisements for this “miracle from the East.” Goji is often promoted as a "magic" natural remedy for weight loss, but the plant is also known to contain many invaluable micronutrients, useful to the body person.

But is it really necessary to constantly buy them for decent money in order to eat goji berries? After all, conditions for growing this miracle plant can be created in Russia. Anyone who dreams of trying goji as a means of losing weight, is looking for a source of microelements and vitamins, or simply wants to diversify their summer cottage with some unusual plant will certainly be interested in knowing what a goji berry is, planting, growing and caring for which is quite possible and on Russian soil.

Eastern miracle

Tibet is considered the birthplace of the miracle berries and the area where they first learned about its usefulness. In China, the history of eating goji dates back tens of thousands of years. Since the last century, goji has gained incredible popularity in many countries around the world. For its healing properties, goji berries are rightfully recognized as one of the most useful natural herbal remedies. The shrub with oblong bright red fruits has many names: Tibetan (or Chinese) barberry, wolfberry, Chinese wolfberry...

Benefits of goji berries for humans

Goji berries, the planting and care of which in Chinese provinces have already acquired an industrial scale, are incredibly valued in the traditional medicine of China and Tibet.

The properties of these “magical” berries are difficult to overestimate. Goji is an invaluable source of more than twenty minerals, a set of natural vegetable fats and carbohydrates, 18 rare amino acids, linoleic acid, proteins, fatty acids, fiber, essential vitamins C, E and group B.

Of course, goji berries, planted and cared for in Russia, are noticeably inferior in the amount of minerals and vitamins to similar fruits grown in the mountains of Tibet or China. But even “goji from the dacha” can provide human body daily norm of all the above substances.

In addition to using these berries for the most advertised purpose - weight loss, eating goji solves many medical and physiological problems: improve metabolism and skin condition, reduce blood sugar levels, regulate melatonin levels, help with depression and sleep disorders, improve immunity and promote rejuvenation of the body. There is an opinion that the consumption of goji is the secret to the success of athletes from the Middle Kingdom, the reason for their incredible endurance.

Climatic conditions and soil for growing goji

Externally, the common wolfberry is tall bush With small leaves and thin flexible, rather prickly branches. flowering bush covered with delicate purple flowers, and the fruits of the wolfberry, known as goji berries, are oblong, medium-sized, and bright red in color. The ability of wolfberry to grow and bear fruit in the harsh mountain climate of the Himalayas suggests that the plant is highly resilient and can withstand frosts down to -15 degrees.

“Berry of happiness and longevity” feels great in the Russian temperate climate, in a place where there is a lot of sunlight and average humidity. The soil on which dereza is grown can be any, so the plant is very unpretentious. Goji berries, the planting and care of which are discussed in the article, can be successfully grown in the Moscow region on summer cottage.

Goji seedlings from cuttings

How to grow goji berries in your own garden? You can grow a wolfberry seedling from seeds or from cuttings.

Cuttings can be obtained by layering. To do this, in the middle of summer, on an existing bush at least three years old, bend it to the ground and dig in strong branches. Before the first frost, the branch is cut and planted.

The cuttings can be cut separately. Cuttings about 10 cm long are carefully cut from the mother bush, and be sure to cut it so that at least 1 cm is “old” wood. The edge is treated with root, and the cuttings are planted in the greenhouse. IN winter period An insulated balcony is also suitable for this.

How to grow seedlings from seeds

If it is not possible to obtain cuttings, then you can grow a wolfberry seedling from seeds extracted from ripe goji berries. Planting and caring for seeds is somewhat different from cuttings.

The seeds are extracted from fully ripe goji berries. They do not need to be germinated before planting; it is recommended to simply soak them in an immune system stimulant - zircon or epin - for a couple of hours. Seeds are placed in a medium-loose, drained, neutral soil mixture containing compost and sand. The seeds are planted close to each other in a greenhouse or other fairly bright place with a stable warm temperature and covered with film. Watering is carried out using a spray bottle.

After two leaves appear on the bush, the plants are seated in deep containers and the tops are pinched. In greenhouse conditions, the dereza is kept for at least a year, after which it is planted in the ground.

Planting in open ground

Next important stage in growing goji - planting and caring for seedlings. It is best to plant wolfberry in the ground in the spring. Since this is a cross-pollinating plant, it is necessary to plant at least two shrubs nearby.

A wolfberry seedling is planted in a hole about 40 cm deep and about 50 cm wide. The distance between each goji berry bush should be at least 1.5 meters. The soil intended for backfilling the plant is mixed with big amount compost, approximately 8-10 kg (peat or humus is suitable) with the addition of 200 g of superphosphate and 40 grams of wood ash or potassium sulfate. The seedling should be buried a little, covered tightly with prepared soil, and watered well. Cover the surface of the ground around the seedling protective film or straw.

And valuable information for those who don’t have a summer house, but want to have their own goji berries. Planting and caring for this plant is also possible at home. To grow healthy berries At home you will need a large pot so that the powerful roots of goji can grow freely. For creating favorable conditions, you will need to provide the goji berry bush with plenty of light. The place in which the goji berry will grow, planting and caring for which is planned at home, should be located where the plant is not exposed to cold running air from a window or door and unnecessary high temperatures, for example, from a heating radiator or stove. The rules for regular care of such an indoor bush are simple: do not apply at the same time as organic fertilizers. mineral supplements, provide constant, but not too strong, watering. And it will be comfortable for the goji berry bush to “overwinter” at a cool temperature. Among the disadvantages of “homemade” goji - useful substances they will contain a minimum, much less than in a “country” copy.

Shrub care

The main advantage that goji berries have is that planting and caring for this plant is quite simple. wolfberry after planting is as follows:

  • Water as needed, twice a week in dry times.
  • You can feed the plant, but only during the growing season.
  • If desired, to give aesthetically pleasing, you can trim the plant and trim the branches.
  • For the winter, either carefully cover the goji with branches or transplant it into a deep container and send it to “winter” in the basement.

As you can see, it’s easy to grow goji. The berry, planting and caring for in the Moscow region, which is described in the article, is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners.

Harvesting: features

No less important information than growing goji berries, planting, care - how to pick ripe bright berries correctly. There is a peculiarity here. A shrub grown from seeds produces a harvest of goji berries only in the third or even fourth year after planting.

You only need to pick ripe berries when they have acquired the required bright red hue! Berries that are not ripe on the branch should absolutely not be eaten, as they can cause poisoning.

Additionally, contact of fresh goji with exposed skin should be avoided. If you pick berries with your bare hands, the juice getting on your skin can cause irritation and stain your hands when they oxidize. dark color. The most traditional way to harvest is to shake the berries from the branches onto a spread cloth. If further processing is necessary fresh berries It is better to protect your hands with gloves.

How to store and eat ripe berries

To preserve beneficial elements in ripe berries, drying should only be done naturally without separating the stalk, placing the berries in the shade. Both the use of preservatives and the effect of oven drying or direct sunlight will negatively affect the quality of dried fruits.

A sign that the berry has dried to the desired state is peeling of the skin. After this, the goji must be separated from the stalk and placed in storage containers, and then kept in a dark, dry place.

It is important to remember that you should consume it immediately a large number of Goji berries are not safe - the body still has to get used to them. An “overdose” can result in dehydration and kidney problems. Safe daily dose of this herbal remedy- one tablespoon for an adult.

You can eat goji berries in any form. The easiest way is to brew the berries in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 150 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the drink is ready for use; it should be taken along with brewed berries.

Goji will also be an excellent addition to any dish: soups, desserts, cereals, salads, sauces... In addition to berries, dried wolfberry root bark and dried leaves of this shrub are used for medicinal and tonic tinctures and tea. Despite the miraculous properties of goji, you should remember to take precautions, and before you start consuming the berries of this plant, consult a doctor and become familiar with the existing contraindications.

The foothill regions of Tibet gave us an amazing plant - goji, also called Tibetan barberry and common wolfberry. The bush has slightly hanging soft vines. They have spines and can reach up to 80 cm in length. The leaves are lanceolate-shaped, tapering to the tip, green, with a gray tint. The flowers are five-lobed and reach 3 cm in diameter. The flowering period lasts from early June to mid-August. Color purple. The growth of the perennial ranges from 6 to 9 meters. The berries are bright red, oval, no more than 2 cm in length.

Goji has one peculiarity: when touched by a person, it causes an oxidation reaction, at which point the skin turns black. Therefore, during harvesting, they do not pick up the fruits with their hands, but stretch a special flooring and shake the branches. IN natural conditions found at an altitude of 3 thousand meters above sea level. Habitats include China, Australia, America and Africa. It is actively used not only for decorative, but also for medicinal purposes.

Use in landscape design

Tibetan barberry is an indispensable element of garden design. Specialists, by cutting and modeling it, create exquisite compositions. It is actively used by gardeners to create hedges, group and single plantings, as a way to zone a site.

This unpretentious garden plant thrives in winter gardens and container plantings. In any case, the common wolfberry perfectly complements the landscape. The perennial has long become a permanent participant. In them, it acts as a lawn frame, protecting fragile flower beds from wind and trampling.

Combination with other crops

Most often combined with different varieties. Can be used as the main or background. Bright flowers and prominent berries appropriately fill contrasting accent areas. Harmonious compositions can be created in partnership with:

  • azalea;

The lower tier of the ensemble is filled with:

  • asters.

When selecting “neighbors”, it is important to take into account agricultural requirements and color compatibility.

Plant propagation


Small sizes planting material do not provide pre-planting preparation. But for better germination you can soak them for 3 hours in the Zircon solution. The soil must be prepared in advance (a mixture of loam and peat in a ratio of 3:1). You can purchase ready-made products in a specialized store. soil mixture, with a neutral reaction.

The seeds are not buried in the ground, but sprinkled on its surface in a thin layer. They are covered with a small layer of substrate on top. The container is placed on a well-lit, sunny side. Humidity and temperature regime must remain stable. There should be no drafts or heating devices. After the first shoots appear, the pot can be moved to a more shaded place.

As soon as 2 or more full leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into individual containers. But you shouldn’t be late with your dive: root system develops quickly. To enhance branching, pinch the tops.

Strengthened plants are planted on permanent place in a planting hole 35 cm deep. A complex of mineral and organic fertilizers is first added to it. For a more favorable effect on the roots, they are mixed with soil. The seedling is slightly deepened, and the soil around it is carefully compacted. The process is completed with abundant watering and mulching. Goji are planted in pairs.

Planting and care

Site selection and soil preparation

IN natural environment"berry of happiness" grows in the most extreme conditions. Therefore, there are no special requirements for site selection. Garden planting feels equally good in the shade and in sunny flower beds.

The plant adapts well to different soils. It is important to choose a soil with a neutral reaction. In acidic species it grows poorly, flowering and harvest are poor.

Landing requirements

It is better to plant the eastern miracle in mid-spring. Cross pollination requires 1-2 more representatives to be located nearby. Suitable size holes - 35 cm deep and 45 cm wide. The optimal distance between them is 130-140 cm. The distance between the rows is at least 250-300 cm. The soil that is poured into the planting hole is mixed with compost in large quantities.

The root zone, after planting, is mulched or covered with straw. The tree can be strengthened with a support; its height should not exceed 2 meters.

Loosening and mulching. Have a beneficial effect on growth and development. It is important to carry out shallow loosening so as not to damage the root system. During this process, all weeds are also removed. With the help of humus or peat, young plants are protected from moisture evaporation during planting.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering should be scanty but regular. Over-watering should be avoided. This is especially true for young seedlings. They are more sensitive to both the abundance and lack of water. Drying out of the soil and the formation of crusts is unacceptable.. If there is heavy rainfall for a long time, the root zone is covered with plastic film to prevent the roots from rotting. Instances planted without a drainage layer are covered on the very first day of heavy rains. The irrigation regime is closely related to weather conditions. During drought, it is carried out every 3 days. Young specimens are watered more often. Unlike adults, they are not able to withstand dry soil. Inhabitants of sunny areas require more moisture.

As for fertilizing. Unpretentious shrub able to grow even in poor soil. There are no special requirements for minerals. It is enough to add compost and a complex with phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium in the spring.

Diseases and pests

The most common problem is the appearance powdery mildew , during the rainy season. It does not cause significant harm to the ornamental bush. For prevention, the bush is sprayed with a soap solution. Special chemicals do not apply. They can start on young shoots Colorado potato beetle, caterpillars and aphids. The affected areas are treated with a strong wormwood solution.

Pruning and preparation for winter

Pruning begins with the formation of the “skeleton” of the garden planting. The method is very similar to crown formation grapevine: only fruit “shoulders” are left on the main branches (branches no more than 30 cm). By pruning and shaping, you can create a columnar shape of a perennial with drooping branches. The standard is selected to be 100-150 cm high. It is supported by a metal rod. During the period of crown creation, support is required.

Severe winter conditions will immediately destroy a useful representative of the flora. It is very important to conduct a thorough and proper preparation to the cold season.

IN middle lane In Russia, the shrub is carefully removed from the soil, having previously dug up its root circle, and, together with a lump of earth, is placed in a deep container.

It is transferred to the basement until it warms up completely, winter Garden or a warm veranda. If the climate is mild, then mulching the trunk will help protect against temperature changes. The first layer is applied from sawdust. It must be at least 13 cm. They are covered with spruce branches on top.

Species and varietal diversity

To date, more than 35 species of this useful representative of the flora are known. Shrubs and their fruits, different varieties, have significant differences:

  • variety " New big". Appeared thanks to the work of breeders from Poland. Its height is 340-350 cm. It is grown as a shrub or vine. Fruits decorate the branches in the first year. The eastern miracle grows very quickly: adding up to 90 cm in height per year. The variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious and very decorative. The berries ripen in September-October.
  • Chinese. The semi-drooping representative reaches 180-200 cm in height. Resistant to diseases and insect pests. The preferred planting location is slight shade. Young plants are planted in pairs. The pulp of the berries is sour, with a characteristic bitterness. Ripens earlier than other representatives. The fruits hang on the branches until the first frost.
  • Lhasa. Height 300 cm. The branches are arched, dotted with small thorns over the entire surface. It is very popular due to its high yield. One bush can produce up to 5 kg of berries. The flowers are purple and self-pollinating. The fruits are orange and large in size.

IN Lately Unusual goji berries came into fashion. Some say that this is a 100% weight loss remedy. Others believe that these miraculous berries are a storehouse of useful and vital microelements

Recently, unusual goji berries have come into fashion. Some say that this is a 100% weight loss remedy. Others believe that these miraculous berries are a storehouse of useful and vital microelements. In this article we will learn not only about why this plant is so useful and valuable, but also about how to grow goji berries at your dacha.

Mysterious goji berries are called “dereza” in Russian and scientifically. Actually, only the fruits of the Chinese wolfberry can be considered goji berries - Lycium chinense, or common wolfberry (barbary) - Lycium barbarum. Dereza is also popularly called wolfberry(but this name goes to a number of different plants, including non-poisonous ones like wolfberry), lure. You can often hear the name “Tibetan barberry”, but wolfberry and barberry ( Berberis) - absolutely different plants from different families - don't confuse them! They may slip you barberry seedlings under the guise of goji. The name is “goji” ( Goji) came in English language from Chinese dialects - this is what dereza is called in China .

The Chinese wolfberry is native to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, in northwestern China. It was she who gave rise to so many legends and rumors about long-lived monks.

The common wolfberry is practically not inferior to its commodity in properties, but its distribution area is wider - you can find this berry in the east and center of China, throughout Southeast Asia, and here too: in Central Asia, in Kuban, in Primorye, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine, in central Russia.

Dereza belongs to the nightshade family; it is a deciduous shrub, reaching 3 meters in height, with drooping, prickly branches and small leaves. The crown can reach up to 6 m in diameter. The root system is powerful with deep, strong roots that form many root shoots.

The plant, if cultivated, is quite decorative: the branches are a pleasant light yellow color, the leaves are light green on top and bluish below.

It will begin to bloom in June and will be pleasing to the eye until October. Pink, purple, sometimes even brown-violet flowers have a soft, pleasant scent.

The berries are oblong, orange, crimson-red in color, up to 2 cm in length, enveloping the shoot like a scattering. It will begin to bear fruit 3 years after planting, sometimes earlier.

Goji Reproduction

  • Seeds- propagates well by seeds. They are sown in a greenhouse without stratification in the spring and left for the winter. When the seedlings begin to grow, the top of the shoot is pinched to make the bush thicker.

Vegetatively- can be propagated by semi-lignified cuttings about 10 cm long, but you should make sure that there is old wood on the shoot. To do this, dip part of the cut with root and plant it in a greenhouse or under film in July-August. When propagated by lignified cuttings, it takes root faster. You can root in a cool place or a cool but insulated balcony from autumn until the end of winter.

In the Caucasus, dereza often reproduces by self-sowing.
Goji planting

For common wolfberry, the soil reaction can be slightly acidic-strongly alkaline, but in principle it can grow on any soil composition. For planting, preference should be given to sunny places. Dereza does not like stagnant water. Best time for planting - spring. Goji is rarely planted in autumn; it is akin to extreme gardening, because most often it can freeze out in winter. But there are also favorable outcomes for autumn planting in more warm regions. The tests were carried out at breeding grounds in St. Petersburg. With shelter in cold winter froze to the level of the root collar or to the end of the snow cover. Can tolerate cold temperatures down to -15 °C. Many sources (German nurseries) say that even down to -25 ° C, but in the middle zone this is extremely risky. In the south of Russia it can winter without shelter.

We prepare a hole 50-60 cm wide and about 40 cm deep for a goji seedling. We place holes for several plants at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. Add 150-200 g of superphosphate, 8-10 kg of compost (humus, peat), 30-40 g of potassium sulfate or wood ash to the soil for filling and mix thoroughly. The seedlings need to be buried a little. After planting, water thoroughly and mulch with peat or humus.

Goji care

Watering: You can water the wolfberry only after planting and not even more than 2 times a week, depending on the dryness of the summer.

Feeding: Dereza grows even on poor soils, but best quality fruits are observed on soils with average fertility. You can feed young plants during the growing season; they do not need further feeding.

Trimming: Goji tolerates haircuts and pruning well. New shoots will grow from old wood. In ornamental gardening, it tolerates shearing well even with special mechanical devices.

Shelter for the winter: In winter, goji can freeze out, to be sure to protect itself, many gardeners plant the plant in deep containers and store it in basements until spring. But there are also gardeners whose dereza does not freeze and, covered only with spruce branches and snow, overwinters until spring.

Medicinal properties goji berries

It is believed that goji berries contain vitamin C, many different minerals and polysaccharides, B vitamins, as well as essential fatty acid. In addition, they contain a huge amount of proteins, thereby surpassing even grain crops. A decoction of goji berries tones the body, perhaps due to its tonic properties in combination with proteins, in Chinese folk medicine used as a strong natural aphrodisiac. Conducted Scientific research indeed confirmed an increase in testosterone in the blood. Due to the high content of zinc and iron, they are often used for anemia. In combination with other herbs, they can be used as a remedy for chronic fatigue and improve immunity. Useful as a means of combating hypertension. In modern medicine, the antitumor properties of goji have not been confirmed. But it has been scientifically proven that a special polysaccharide has been isolated from the common wolfberry, which helps with initial stages diabetes

Which parts of the plant should you use?

1. Goji berries usually used in dried form. You should not pick berries with your bare hands, as fresh juice from wolfberries can irritate your skin (much like the juice from fresh pineapple). It’s better to spread a cloth under the bush and knock the berries off the branches. The fruits should be harvested when they turn bright red and have reached full ripeness. Unripe fresh berries can cause poisoning. No wonder one of their names is wolfberry.
First you need to dry the berries, then separate them from the stalk. To purchase raw materials medicinal properties, the berries need to be dried until the skin begins to peel off. Drying can only be done naturally, without the use of ovens or preservatives.

2. Goji root bark - It is used for coughs, fevers, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and is also used as a diuretic and laxative. To obtain raw materials, you need to dig up the roots, wash them, remove the bark and dry them thoroughly in the sun. Then make decoctions from the bark.

3. From goji leaves They make invigorating teas.

Keep in mind that the Russian body, unlike the Chinese or Tibetans, is not characterized by a large consumption of goji berries. Our body is not able to immediately adapt to high consumption fruits and other parts of this plant. In this regard, those who are heavily addicted to wolfberry may experience kidney problems and severe dehydration.

Goji berry varieties

The most famous in our time is the decorative variety “New Big” (NEW BIG) - the brainchild of Polish selection. The fruits are round, large and sweet. It is an excellent honey plant and has good resistance to urban conditions (wind, heat, smoke).

The other two varieties suitable for growing in the middle zone are “Goji Lhasa” and “Chinese Goji” (Goji Lyciet). "Chinese Goji" has a high yield and is mid-season. “Goji Lhasa” begins to bear fruit early - already in the second year after planting, unlike other varieties that bear fruit in the 3rd-4th year. This is an early ripening variety with large berries.

Today, many hybrid varieties are also sold (the traits of which are mostly transmitted only through vegetative propagation, and not through seeds), for example, “NR1 Lifeberry” - frost-resistant and resistant to diseases and pests.

Only the lazy don’t know about goji now. Sweet and sour red berries, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, are loved by many, especially people seeking a healthy lifestyle.

One problem is that the price of goji berries is obscenely high. After all, they are adored by Hollywood stars, are presented as a panacea for a whole bunch of diseases and are grown in distant China.

Should I try growing goji berries in my dacha? Ordinary barberry grows well and winters in our area, so why not grow Tibetan barberry? Let's find out how to grow goji from seeds yourself and achieve good harvests this miracle berry...

In fact, the Tibetan barberry bush can grow and bear fruit even in the northern regions, and even more so in the middle zone. In nature, goji is found mainly in mountainous areas; it is completely unpretentious and very hardy. Drought or rain, frost or heat - this plant doesn’t care about anything. That's why special conditions and goji berries practically do not require special agricultural technology. It has few pests and diseases.

The only, but, let's be honest, small difficulty in growing goji is getting seedlings and planting them correctly. Of course, you can search through nurseries and buy a ready-made young plant, but it is much safer to grow seedlings yourself from seeds.

Ideally, for planting, you need to take seeds from fresh berries, which is not feasible in our realities. It’s not scary, seeds from dried berries also germinate well, especially if you soak them for an hour in one of the growth stimulants before planting: epine, zircon, or any of them.

The soil for planting seeds is prepared from two parts earth and one part peat. You can add a small amount of ash to the soil mixture.

First, the seeds are sown in one box, in shallow grooves and covered with a half-centimeter layer of peat. It is recommended to cover the box with film and place it in a warm, dark place until the first shoots appear. Then the container with the seedlings is placed on a bright windowsill. Soil moisture is maintained using a sprayer, as goji seedlings are very flimsy at the beginning.

After the appearance of the fourth true leaf, the plants are planted in individual containers. It is better to take deep cups of 500 milliliters, because the root system of goji develops mostly in depth. Therefore, when replanting, it is important to pick up the seedling as deeply as possible and replant it together with a clod of earth.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed (in May-June), young goji plants can be planted in open ground.

As a permanent residence for the Tibetan barberry bush, it is better to choose a sunny area, a hillock - in general, a place where the snow melts quickly in the spring and the water does not stagnate. Goji can grow in any soil, but prefers alkaline and rocky soils, so when planting a seedling in a hole, be sure to add ash. Future bushes are placed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other.

For small seedlings grown from seeds, it is enough to make holes 20 centimeters deep, fill them halfway with a mixture of humus and ash, and then plant the plants.

For larger seedlings from the nursery, you will need holes half a meter in diameter and 40 centimeters deep. A bucket of compost, peat or humus and a liter jar of ash are poured into the bottom of such a pit. If you are not the enemy mineral fertilizers, then you can add 150-200 grams of superphosphate to the soil mixture.

After planting, goji seedlings need to be well watered, mulched and a support or trellis installed - the branches of young bushes often bend towards the ground, so it is recommended to tie them up immediately.

Further care for goji: pruning, shelter, reproduction

Caring for goji barberry comes down to forming a bush by pruning and covering the plant for the winter. Watering and fertilizing in in this case are not necessary (unless in very dry summers you will need to water the bushes no more than twice a week).

You can shape goji in the classic way or in one stem. Pruning is best done in the fall.

With classic pruning, in the first three years, three to five of the strongest and longest branches are selected, and the rest are cut out. In the fourth year, one or two shoots 20-50 centimeters long are left on each skeletal branch. These shoots will become a kind of fruiting shoulders. The next year, 3-4 strong fruiting branches are left on the fruiting shoulders. In the future, the fruit branches of the current year are pruned annually, leaving 1-4 buds on each. Such severe pruning stimulates the growth of young shoots, on which the harvest is formed.

When forming a goji bush in the form of a tree, from the second year after planting, all branches except one of the longest and most powerful are cut out. She is immediately tied to a high peg. In the future, they continue to cut out all excess shoots until the main stem reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Then, as in classic version prunings form fruiting shoulders and branches.

In addition, do not forget to cut out weak, thin, dry branches, branches that did not have berries, and lower branches (lower than 40 centimeters from the ground).

In general, the technology for pruning goji is in many ways similar to pruning grapes. If you grow grapes at your dacha, then you don’t need to invent anything new; feel free to follow the usual pattern.

Goji can withstand temperature drops down to -15°C, but at more severe frosts It may still freeze. So it’s better not to take risks and cover the bushes in the fall with spruce branches, tops or covering material.

Tibetan barberry reproduces well vegetatively - by shoots. To do this, in mid-June, take a young branch, bend it to the ground, and place it in a small Plastic container and dig into the ground. If necessary, the shoot is watered. By autumn it will give its own roots, and next spring it is separated from the mother bush and replanted.

Finally, I would like to note that with due light mode(with additional lighting in winter time) goji berries can be grown and bear fruit even at home, in a bowl.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Few people know what conditions goji berries require, however, planting and caring for the plant requires a careful and responsible approach. If you follow certain recommendations, you can grow a shrub in your garden. Thus, you will receive a real Tibetan healer for personal use, because the fruits of the bush have numerous healing properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of various diseases.

Propagation by seeds

Another name for the goji plant is Tibetan barberry, common wolfberry. The shrub reproduces in several ways - by seeds and vegetatively. It depends on whether the person has the opportunity to find mature plant to cut a small branch from it.

Goji seeds are best collected from fresh berries. Since the tree is mainly distributed in Tibet, this will be quite problematic. However, you can also use dry fruit, the seeds of which are preserved important properties and are characterized by high germination due to their thin outer shell.

Before sowing, the material should be soaked in a growth stimulator for several hours to increase the chances of success. For this purpose, you can use any available drug - Zircon, Epin, etc.

You must first prepare suitable soil- mix 2 parts earth, 1 part peat and add a little wood ash. The soil should be placed in a shallow box, moistened well and small grooves made. The seeds are sown at a distance of about 1-2 cm from each other and sprinkled with a thin layer of peat, the height of which should not exceed 0.5 cm.

Goji berry "New Big"

To create the elevated temperature and humidity necessary for rapid germination, it is advisable to cover the box with plastic wrap and place it in a warm place. As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to move the container to a windowsill or other bright place.

The soil needs to be watered regularly. This must be done using a special sprayer so that the soil is moistened evenly and gently. This is necessary so as not to accidentally damage weak shoots. As soon as 4-5 leaves appear on the seedlings, each plant should be transplanted into a separate cup. Since wolfberry is characterized by a developed root system, 500 ml containers should be used for picking.

It is advisable to plant common wolfberry in open ground no earlier than May. This will prevent any adverse effects spring frosts on immature goji plants. The hole must correspond to the volume of the glass in which the seedlings grew, since the plant must be moved together with all the soil.

Vegetative propagation

A very simple way to propagate wolfberries is by cuttings or rooting lower shoots. It is available only to those people whose relatives or neighbors grow this plant.

Growing shrubs using cuttings means that in July you should cut lignified shoots about 10 cm long. You need to make sure that each part contains at least 4-5 buds and at least 1-2 cm of old bark.

All cuttings must be dipped in a growth stimulator and planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse. This is where they are present optimal conditions for rooting shoots. The ideal soil is a mixture of peat and sand. The shoots must be buried at least 3-4 cm in order for a sufficiently powerful root system to form.

Most easy way propagation of shrubs - digging in the top or lower stems. The shoot, located underground, must be watered regularly to create sufficient moisture. In addition, this will allow roots to form faster. It is necessary to separate the new plant from the mother bush in early or mid-autumn in order to transplant it to a permanent place before frost and cover it well to prevent freezing.

Choosing a site for goji berries and planting features

Tibetan barberry grows well in any soil. It can be slightly acidic or highly alkaline soil, which does not affect the development of the bush at all.

The area for goji berries should be sunny, as the plant loves bright sunlight. You cannot place the bush in a lowland, as it reacts poorly to stagnant water. Optimal time planting is in spring, but with the vegetative propagation method, after separation from the mother bush, the seedling must be immediately planted in a permanent place.

To ensure optimal conditions for the rapid growth and development of goji berries, you must first prepare a special hole up to 40 cm deep and about 50-55 cm wide. Fertilizers should be poured into the bottom - 150-200 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate or wood ash, and also about 10 kg of humus or peat. Mix all ingredients well. Deepen the roots of the seedlings slightly into the resulting soil and sprinkle with soil on top.

When growing Tibetan barberry from seedlings landing pit will be much less, depending on the volume of the root system.

It is advisable to have at least 2 plants in 1 plot to achieve successful fruit set. This is due to the fact that the bush is cross-pollinated.

Care and fertilization

Planting and caring for goji berries in the Moscow region involves the use of the same measures that are carried out in other regions. The main feature is shelter for the winter, which is due to at different times the onset of frost and its intensity.

You need to care for the plant constantly, but especially in the first year after planting. This is the most important period, on which future fruiting largely depends. In the absence of precipitation, it is necessary to water young bushes, loosen the soil for sufficient penetration of oxygen into the soil, remove weeds, and apply fertilizer to the ground. In general, Tibetan barberry is very unpretentious and grows very well. There is no need to treat the bush with insecticides, since it is extremely rarely affected by pests.

Fertilizing is applied only at the time of planting, further enriching the soil nutrients It is advisable to carry out once a year, preferably in the spring. For this purpose, you can use special ready-made mixtures containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, and also use organic fertilizers in the form of compost.

An important part of caring for the common wolfberry is pruning and shaping the bush. There are 2 options for carrying out this work - classic and 1 stem:

  1. Classic pruning. In the first year of the growing season, 3-4 of the most powerful branches should be left, the rest should be completely removed. This principle must be adhered to over the next 2-3 years. Starting from the 4th year of growing season, on each main branch it is necessary to leave 3-4 shoots (fruit arms) 20-40 cm long. Such pruning will have a stimulating effect on the intensity of growth of new stems and thus the formation of a rich harvest.
  2. Pruning to 1 stem. It makes it possible to grow not a bush, but a small tree. The essence of the method is to leave only 1 branch on the plant and remove the rest. To prevent the goji berry from falling, it must be tied up immediately, since it must reach at least 1.5-2 m in height. In the future, pruning of the plant is carried out in a classical way, the main principle of which is the complete removal of weak, lower and thin branches.

Pruning a goji plant is very similar to shaping grapes, and if garden plot If you eat this berry, there will be no problems with Tibetan barberry.

In the first year of the growing season, the common wolfberry must be covered with spruce branches, tops or any other similar material. After all, a young plant can withstand frosts only down to -15°C. Subsequently, the goji berry grows quite thick wood and its frost resistance increases significantly (up to -30°C).

By growing Tibetan barberry in your garden or summer cottage, you will get unusual plant, which has a lot of useful properties.