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» The heating and hot water were turned off. Where to complain there is no cold water

The heating and hot water were turned off. Where to complain there is no cold water

In the event of an unscheduled water outage, you must immediately contact the housing office or management company . Then, if all are exceeded acceptable standards over time, you can attract other city and regional organizations to your side, and even contact the prosecutor’s office. Please note that planned and unscheduled outages hot water should be compensated by reducing utility bills. True, this only applies to those cases when water meters are not installed in the house or apartment.

Turning off hot water: reasons

Most often, hot water supply is turned off due to maintenance and repair work at thermal power plants or distribution pipelines. In such cases, the operating company warns residents of the area in advance about upcoming service interruptions. hot water. Without warning, the hot water supply is stopped in cases where breakdowns at thermal power plants or in the distribution network.

Today, the heat supply system for residential buildings in many cities is in a deplorable state. This is due to increased corrosion inner surface pipes: the water that flows through the heat pipe has increased hardness, and therefore has a destructive effect on the metal. The strength of pipes affected by corrosion is significantly reduced, which is why breakthroughs occur. To avoid accidents in winter period, the city's municipal services carry out inspections and scheduled repairs of heating and hot water supply systems in the summer. This usually takes several days or weeks.

Where to go if there is no water: action plan

For planned work, you should wait until the repairs are completed. Before this, most likely, the supply of hot water cannot be established due to lack of technical capabilities. Contact the management company Rospotrebnadzor, prosecutor's office and other organizations is worth it if repairs are delayed or deadlines are violated.

In the event of a water emergency, you first need to find out the cause of the malfunction. To do this, call the housing office or the management company to which you pay money for using the water supply system. Call even if your neighbors have already done so: the more complaints you receive, the better. If the timing of turning on the water is unknown or you are not satisfied, call organizations such as:

  • emergency service;
  • State Housing Inspectorate;
  • Housing and Communal Services Committee under the city administration;
  • the city administration itself;
  • reception room of the City Duma.

Call not alone, but together with your neighbors. Mass complaints much more effective than individual workers. Thanks to the support of your neighbors, the chances that services will begin to fix problems will increase significantly.

In addition to making calls, it is worth sending written appeals through the Internet. Leave complaints on the websites of the housing inspection, prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor. There are also special online services where citizens can post messages about problems in the city economy.

In order to have evidence in court and the prosecutor’s office, it is better to make all complaints to supervisory authorities in in writing. The complaint is made in two copies: one is given to the management company, and the second is kept for yourself. Request that on the second copy the company employee put the incoming number of the accepted document and the date of submission of the application.

If the management company refuses to mark a copy of the application, send the document by letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, the notification form will serve as proof that you wrote the application.

Consideration of the application continues within 3 working days. If the company does not take any measures at this time or limits itself to promises, call the prosecutor’s office for help. To compensate for the damage caused, go to court.

Recalculation of water charges in case of disconnection

Payment for hot water should be reduced taking into account the lost services. True, this only applies to those cases when the established duration of water shutdown was exceeded. Recalculation is carried out in the absence of water meters; in other cases, you need to adhere to the meter readings.

For every hour in excess of the hot water shutdown time, the monthly fee is reduced by 0.15%. The amount from which the subtraction is made is based on utility consumption standards if there are no metering devices. Recalculation is not performed if hot water was turned off for a period less than the permissible shutdown duration. Water can be turned off without recalculation for the following times:

  • simultaneously 4 hours in case of an accident;
  • simultaneously 24 hours, if the accident is on a dead-end highway;
  • a total of 8 hours per month in normal situations.

Who controls housing and communal services and where else can you complain?

The work of management companies is controlled by Rospotrebnadzor. Feel free to complain to this organization if the housing office or management company refuses to recalculate or indicates incorrect data on the receipt. Please note that recalculation must be made even during planned hot water outages if time limits have been exceeded.

In addition to Rospotrebnadzor, there are many other organizations where you can enlist support in the fight against the management company or housing office. First of all, these are the city authorities - local Duma And administration. In any city administration there is a housing and communal services committee that deals with issues of arrangement of public utilities.

There are also non-standard approaches to solving the problem. For example, if the water is turned off on the eve of an election, you might want to contact your local branch of a major party. This way you will receive guaranteed support for enough time. high level. If your dispute with the housing office or management company has gone far, but has not brought results, contact the media. By raising a wave of discontent in the local press, you can at least draw attention to the problem.

Lack of water in the tap is always an inconvenience. It would seem that you can endure one day without it, but what to do if there is no cold or hot water for a longer time, and utility services are in no hurry to correct the situation or do not give clear answers about restoring the supply. Let's figure out where to go if you have such a problem.

Reasons for turning off water

Most often, there is no hot water in our houses and apartments during the period of repair and maintenance work at thermal power plants or pipelines. This happens in summer time. At the same time, residents are required to be notified in advance about the start of such work.

Emergency stop of hot or cold water occurs due to breakdowns at the thermal power plant or distribution system. The notification does not come when there is an emergency water supply shutdown.

What interruptions are considered normal?

Government Decree No. 232 of 2017 defines the norms and procedures associated with shutting off water supply. They are the same for all residents Russian Federation paying utilities.

We have the following numbers:

  • Legal shutdown of cold water (in case of an emergency): no more than 8 hours per month, if a one-time shutdown does not exceed 4 hours in case of emergency in centralized cold water supply networks. Every hour of delay saves 0.15% of payment.
  • Reducing cold water pressure by 25% reduces hourly pay services by 0.1%.
  • It is legal to turn off hot water for 8 hours a month (in total) and 4 hours at a time. The exception is accidents on a dead-end main, when the duration of a hot water supply interruption can reach 24 hours due to repair and maintenance work (according to SanPin No.
  • According to Hygienic Requirements No. 20 of 2009, the temperature of hot water from centralized system water supplies should be between 60 and 75 degrees Celsius. Deviations of 3 degrees are allowed in daytime and 5 degrees at night.
  • If the temperature of the supplied hot water does not exceed 40 degrees, it can be paid at the cold rate (this fact must be recorded).

The water was turned off without warning - who to call?

If your water is turned off without warning, outside of schedule or on large quantity days allowed by regulatory documents, first contact the management company or emergency dispatch service for clarification. These structures are responsible for receiving requests and providing relevant information to residents. Do not forget that a water supply shutdown could occur due to breakdowns, network disruptions, or even a natural disaster.

In situations where the supplied water does not meet the required requirements (wrong temperature, rusty color, etc.), and the housing and communal services service ignores your complaints, you can submit complaints to:

  • Department of Housing and Communal Services;
  • Control federal service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection;
  • Administration;
  • Housing Committee;
  • District or regional prosecutor's office.

In this way, it is possible to obtain payment of compensation for interruption of water supply. Experts recommend contacting Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office if the repair of the water supply line is delayed, with a written complaint. It is best if the claim is made from all residents suffering from this problem.

For a collective complaint, the following information is required:

  • address of the house disconnected from the water supply;
  • data of residents filing a collective claim, with signatures of each;
  • date of shutdown of water supply, as well as the total period of absence of water;
  • an indication of the rules of law violated by the lack of water;
  • a brief description of the inconvenience that residents experience due to the lack of cold or hot water supply;
  • please return the water supply and bring those responsible to justice.

If the water rate was not reduced during the period of lack of water supply, be sure to attach receipts to your complaint to prove this. In this way, the prosecutor’s office will be able to check the work of the management company and hold the following accountable:

  • fine;
  • compensation for material damage to injured residents;
  • dismissal of those responsible.

No hot water - where to complain?

Now let's take a closer look at situations when there is no hot water. There is no point in complaining if the hot water supply is turned off during scheduled work. It will be impossible to restore the supply of hot water due to the lack of appropriate technical capabilities.

If the hot water shutdown occurred as an emergency, first find out about the reasons for the situation. To do this, call the Housing Office or the Management Company.

Important: do not be shy, even if your neighbors have already reported the existing problem to the housing office or management company. Practice shows that a large number of complaints reduces the time required to restore hot water supply.

If the time of “return” of hot water is not reported to the companies responsible for this (or for some reason this does not suit the consumer), you can always contact:

  • Emergency service;
  • State Housing Inspectorate;
  • Committee for Housing and Communal Services under the city administration;
  • City administration;
  • Reception of the City Duma.

Another option to speed up the resolution of the problem is to send written requests and applications via the Internet. Corresponding functions exist, for example, on the websites of the Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and prosecutors. In some cities of the Russian Federation, special online services have also been created that receive messages from citizens about problems in the city economy.

Important: written complaints to supervisory authorities make two copies, one of which must be kept for yourself with a mark of acceptance. If an employee refuses to accept your application and does not assign it an incoming number, send it by letter with a notification, this will serve as confirmation of delivery.

The company must review the complaint and take appropriate action within 3 days. If during this period no positive changes occur, and the responsible organization only promises to address your problem in the future, you can safely contact Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor’s office.

There is no cold water - who to call?

Let's now find out where to call if there is no cold water. You can report the absence of cold water in the tap, find out the reason and timing of the return of cold water supply by calling your Management Company. You can find it in the receipt for payment for housing and communal services, at the information stand at the entrance, on the Housing and Communal Services Reform website or on the Internet.

Important: In most cases, emergency dispatch services operate around the clock.

Recalculation of water charges in case of disconnection

In some cases, on a utility bill receipt you can find a “recalculation” column that adjusts the payment amount down or up. Payment may increase, for example, after the meters are checked by responsible organizations. To reduce the payment amount, the recipient of services will have to submit an application for recalculation.

Important: The amount of recalculation of payment for water is understood as the difference between the accrued/paid amount and the one that actually should be paid for the service.

The amount of payment for hot water supply is reduced only taking into account the lost volume of services. This only applies when the hot water shutdown period exceeds the norm.

Important: recalculation of payment for hot water supply is possible only when the user does not have metering devices (meters) installed. If they are available, you need to pay according to indications.

So, every extra hour of the period of absence of hot water supply above the norm reduces the monthly payment for the service by 0.15%. The amount from which the specified interest is subtracted is the standard payment for the service. Recalculation of DHW service is not carried out if the shutdown period does not exceed the permissible norm.

Important: According to the law, during the period of shutdown of hot water supply due to planned work, payment should not be calculated.

If the utility service sent you a receipt for payment for the hot water service during the period of its shutdown, you need to recalculate it. To do this, contact the Unified Information and Settlement Center (UIRC) at your place of residence and leave your application for recalculation, as proof of which attach the receipt received from the utility companies. You cannot submit an application for recalculation via the Internet; this requires a personal contact with the Service.

If the EIRC refuses to recalculate payment for a service, you have the right to contact the following higher authorities:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • City or regional State Housing Inspectorate.

Due to the poor quality of services provided by housing and communal services, recipients often have problems associated with the lack of cold or hot water supply. It is important to understand that such facts not only cause discomfort among residents, but can also cause violations sanitary standards. Do not hesitate to report a lack of water to the appropriate authorities, since drawing attention to your issue will help to quickly restore water supply in your home.

For example, hot supply may be stopped in the following cases:

  • reconstruction of the heating network;
  • repair or maintenance;
  • replacement of equipment.

Before you look for who to call if your hot water is turned off, remember: this is often caused by the need to carry out scheduled technical work before the start of the heating season. After all, it is very important that with the onset of cold weather the equipment operates stably, without causing concern for its general condition. For those responsible for supplying hot water, it is important to check everything thoroughly and promptly repair existing damage or replace non-functioning parts. It is worth noting that these works are planned. They are carried out regularly in the summer, since in the warm season it is somewhat easier to do without hot water. The period set by the authorities usually does not exceed three weeks.

Who to call if the water is turned off, there is no hot or cold water

The “Our City” portal began accepting requests on summer topics - regarding empty sandboxes and violation of the scheduled shutdown of hot water. Two summer themes have been reopened on the Our City portal.

Muscovites can complain online if hot water is turned off ahead of schedule or turned it on later. The topic about the lack of sand in sandboxes at playgrounds is also available again.

An online complaint about non-compliance with the deadlines for disconnecting or connecting hot water can be submitted in the category " Apartment buildings" In the message you must indicate the exact address, as well as write the payer’s financial and personal account number (FLA).

There is no hot and cold water - where to call and complain?

For a collective complaint, the following information is required:

  • address of the house disconnected from the water supply;
  • data of residents filing a collective claim, with signatures of each;
  • date of shutdown of water supply, as well as the total period of absence of water;
  • an indication of the rules of law violated by the lack of water;
  • a brief description of the inconvenience that residents experience due to the lack of cold or hot water supply;
  • please return the water supply and bring those responsible to justice.

If the water rate was not reduced during the period of lack of water supply, be sure to attach receipts to your complaint to prove this.

No water in the house: where to call and file a complaint


This happens in the summer. At the same time, residents are required to be notified in advance about the start of such work. An emergency stop in the supply of hot or cold water occurs due to breakdowns at the thermal power plant or distribution system.

The notification does not come when there is an emergency water supply shutdown. What interruptions are considered normal? Government Decree No. 232 of 2017 defines the norms and procedures associated with shutting off water supply.
They are the same for all residents of the Russian Federation who pay utility bills. We have the following numbers:
  • Legal shutdown of cold water (in case of an emergency): no more than 8 hours per month, if a one-time shutdown does not exceed 4 hours in case of emergency in centralized cold water supply networks.

Where can I complain if the water is turned off without warning?

You can find it in the receipt for payment for housing and communal services, at the information stand at the entrance, on the Housing and Communal Services Reform website or on the Internet. Important: in most cases, emergency dispatch services work around the clock.
Recalculation of water charges in case of disconnection In some cases, on the receipt for payment of utility services you can find the “recalculation” column, which adjusts the payment amount down or up. Payment may increase, for example, after the meters are checked by responsible organizations.

To reduce the payment amount, the recipient of services will have to submit an application for recalculation. Important: the amount of recalculation of payment for water is understood as the difference between the accrued/paid amount and the one that actually should be paid for the service.

The amount of payment for hot water supply is reduced only taking into account the lost volume of services.

What to do if the water is turned off?

Today we talked about what to do if the water is turned off, where to call, where to find out the reasons and timing. First of all, you should first collect information about the services that are responsible for supplying hot and cold water to your home. This can be done in different ways: carefully study the receipts, communicate with neighbors, relatives and acquaintances. Even if you haven’t found a specific number, don’t give up. Visit housing and utility companies, emergency services and management companies in person. Ask the question: “If the water is turned off, who should I call?” - write down the numbers.

And then at any time you can receive necessary information. The most important thing is to understand that you are a client.

In fact, all utility workers receive their salaries thanks to your payments.

Who to call if there is no hot water on tap?

According to the rules, residents must be notified in writing about the upcoming operation and the reasons explained. There are basically two of them: non-payment or renovation work. The latter include prevention, elimination of breakdowns in the central network or inside the house itself. A sudden shutdown of water leads to masses of complaints to the management company. However, it is worth noting that there are times when work may be carried out without warning. For example, an unexpected breakdown, disaster, any threat full-fledged work networks. What do we do? So, if the water is turned off, who is the first thing to call? As in the previous case, it is necessary to find out in advance the telephone numbers of the management company and the emergency dispatch service.

They are the ones who record the fact of the appeal and can provide the information known to them. Many people experience daily shutdowns of cold water at night.

Muscovites will be able to complain online about interruptions in hot water supply

The dispatcher must record your call, write down your name, reason, time and assign a unique number. In turn, he must also introduce himself and provide information.

If she is unknown to him, he will say that the reasons are being established. In this case, you can make another call to the Gorvodokanal. Turning off cold water If the previous case can be understood and quite simply survived, then here everything is somewhat more complicated. Turning off cold water leads to its complete absence. Then there are more problems. It is especially sad when everything happens suddenly, without prior warning. And this could very well happen to anyone. Therefore, you should know where to call if the cold water is turned off. You need to keep at hand the phone number of the management company that is responsible for providing this service.

Where to call and what to do if cold or hot water is turned off

  1. Housing office management.
  2. Housing inspection.
  3. Rosportebnadzor.

The department will consider the complaint within a few days, after which a written response will be sent to the applicant. He will come to the address specified in the citizen’s application. Resumption of water supply - how to find out? As mentioned above, filing a complaint is not always appropriate, even if the hot water is turned off. Who should I call to find out what happened? It is necessary to contact the housing office staff. The telephone number depends on which housing and communal services the residential premises are connected to. You can find out this information from your utility receipt (usually they contain contact phone numbers). You can also call the management company or HOA. In addition to finding out the reason for the shutdown, the citizen will be able to clarify when the water supply will be restored.
Most often, residents encounter the following problems:

  • Despite the planned shutdown of hot water, the bill for it is issued in full.
  • Water supply has been unavailable for longer than expected.
  • Residents are not warned about the upcoming shutdown, or the notice is posted in violation of the deadlines provided for by law.

Let's talk about how to act correctly in such cases. No hot water: who to call? Shutting off hot water supply can be of two types: planned or emergency.

Planned repairs and maintenance work are carried out in the summer, when the heating season is over. A warning about this, indicating specific shutdown dates, is usually posted at the entrances in advance.

The lack of hot water can also be associated with an emergency situation that occurs when there is damage at a thermal power plant or in the distribution system.