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» Open balcony: photo, design, decoration. How to make a balcony in a private house - requirements, basic diagrams and additions How to make a large balcony in a private house

Open balcony: photo, design, decoration. How to make a balcony in a private house - requirements, basic diagrams and additions How to make a large balcony in a private house

During construction own home, every future homeowner considers many layout options. As a rule, many of them are thinking about whether to build a balcony in a wooden house, especially if the future building will consist of two floors. Let's try to understand what types of balcony structures there are in wooden houses and what you need to know to build one.

Types of balconies

Mostly, country houses are built on the basis of standard designs. And it’s no secret that many future owners are trying to introduce some differences into the project that will give their future home individuality. Many future owners choose a balcony as such an addition. In addition, it will become a certain decoration and be assigned certain functions. The balcony structure can become a canopy over the lower floor, under which you can arrange a recreation area for the whole family. In addition, this structure significantly increases the living area of ​​the building. The main thing is that it fits harmoniously into architectural solutions, taken during the construction of the building and then a wooden house with a balcony will look like a completely finished structure.

In a log house, it is possible to arrange two versions of such a structure - external and internal, sometimes called built-in. Accordingly, they are constructed using different methods:

  • on racks;
  • on releases.

Both of these types have a number of advantages:

  1. Aesthetics. A properly designed balcony structure becomes a real decoration of the building as a whole.
  2. Additional area. On it you can arrange a kind of additional space intended for leisure activities.
  3. Safety. Through it you can leave a building on fire or, in extreme cases, sound an alarm.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that its presence causes certain inconveniences:

  1. The appearance of extra points of heat loss. This is often facilitated by the presence door design. This defect is typical for cantilever structures.
  2. Difficulties in carrying out calculations and in constructing this structure.
  3. Extra expenses. It should be understood that the construction of an additional structure is a source of extra costs associated with the complication of calculations and additional construction work.

This type of balcony is located outside the perimeter of the main building. To install it, you may need to install additional supports under the front of the base.

A balcony of this type is placed directly under the roof of the building and the walls and ceiling beams act as the base of this structure.

A balcony in a private house is a room that can have different functional purpose. If a number of conditions are met, it is possible to organize a playground on it.

Waterproofing layer

Hydraulic insulation must be carried out in any case. Water will be absorbed into the floor, as a result of which the slab may begin to collapse if the base is made of concrete or mold if the balcony structure is made of wood.

A balcony built in a wooden house needs hydraulic insulation more than its stone (concrete) counterparts. This is due to the fact that wood is susceptible to the destructive effects of atmospheric phenomena. In addition, it is susceptible to biological contamination. All of these factors lead to rapid destruction of the structure.

When performing hydraulic insulation of an open structure, it is important to ensure that it slopes towards the street. This will help avoid the accumulation of excess moisture on its surface. The slope of the base from the wall to the edge can be 40 mm. In addition, this solution avoids destruction of the laid insulation.

The most important role is played by waterproofing a balcony in a wooden house. There are many materials intended for its arrangement. This list includes rolled materials, mastics, membranes, etc.

The quality of insulation largely depends on when it is performed. Of course, its quality will be higher if it is completed at the construction stage.

If it has already been built, then the most in an inexpensive way there will be a laying on top concrete screed, a liquid mixture containing liquid rubber. It is possible to use special sheets that can be laid as a base flooring.

Waterproofing made on the basis of liquid rubber shows high protection results balcony design from the action of water. It is applied to the surface of the wood using a sprayer. But the use of this technology requires the use of specialized technological equipment, which is used only by specialists performing hydraulic insulation work.

Waterproofing a closed balcony

Methods for hydraulic insulation of a closed structure are not much different from those used to protect an open structure. The only thing you need to remember is that, in addition to the floor, on a closed structure it is necessary to insulate the walls and ceiling.

Balconies made of various materials

Concrete balconies

Often, homeowners build a balcony with a concrete slab at its base. It can be purchased at the nearest concrete goods plant. When creating such a structure, it is necessary to carry out work to strengthen the structure of the house as a whole and distribute the load arising from the installation of this slab.

Wooden balconies

Wooden houses are made mainly of wood. Beams with a section of 100x150 or 150x150 mm are used as load-bearing beams. The creation of such a balcony structure implies that work will be carried out to hydraulically insulate the base.

A balcony in a wooden house can be equipped during the construction of the house, or it can be added after the construction of the building is completed. Before attaching a balcony to a wooden house, it is necessary to assess the possibility of the building's design in terms of distributing the resulting load from the attached structure.

Wrought iron balconies

When talking about forged balconies, we mean a forged fence that can be installed. When deciding to install a fence of this type, you must take into account the fact that a parapet of this type creates additional load. That is, it will be necessary to carry out additional work to strengthen the balcony.

French balcony in a private house

Ideally, a French balcony is a small area that protrudes beyond the building's façade long distance. Forged or welded lattice is used as a fence.

Balconies with canopies are used quite often. To organize a canopy they use different materials, for example, ondulin or slate. But polycarbonate can be considered optimal for forming a canopy. To secure it, there is no need to perform complex operations; in addition, it provides protection from ultraviolet radiation.

The balcony can be placed both on the front side and on the reverse side. This allows, if necessary, privacy from neighbors. Such a balcony can be built on the roof of the veranda. As a rule, the existing support posts for the veranda are sufficient to withstand the loads that will occur during the construction of the balcony.

Beams from which the base is assembled frame house They are characterized by high strength, but at the same time they are flexible and resilient. The balcony design must have sufficient rigidity for normal operation. The load created by it must be evenly distributed between all frame elements. This is necessary to reduce the likely deformation of the floors installed between floors.

IN frame houses Two versions of balcony structures are used. In one case they use Wall panels, which include elongated beams. In another case, the basis for observation deck I can be ceilings. To increase the reliability of this design, struts are used. These are beams that one end rests against the facade, the other end supports the edge of the balcony base.

To create decking on the balcony, boards made of pine or larch are used. Before installation, they must be treated with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds. After laying them, it is necessary to apply to their surface finishing coat, but understand that it needs to be updated periodically.

Any restrictions on use different types there are no fences. That is, which parapet will be installed on the balcony depends entirely on the taste of the owner and his financial capabilities.

SNiPs for balconies

Before starting work on the construction of this structure, it makes sense to read the following documents

SNiP 11-25-80 – Wooden structures.

SNiP 01/31/2003 – Residential multi-apartment buildings.

Video on the topic: balcony in a wooden house

1 Balcony waterproofing

3 wooden house with balcony

A balcony can decorate a house and make it more comfortable, or it can turn into a source of additional costs during construction, and then practically not be used. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of this structure.

A balcony is a platform that protrudes from a wall and has fences and railings on three sides.

This structure is intended to allow you to relax in the fresh air without leaving your home.

Many people dream of a balcony, but in reality it turns out that two-story house You can easily do without a balcony, since it’s easy to go down from the second floor and go out onto the terrace.

And in general, in our latitudes, an open balcony is used for six months at best, and the rest of the time it not only sits unused, but also requires funds for operation.

In general, the answer to the question of whether a balcony is needed depends on the lifestyle of family members.

4 advantages of a balcony

1. The beauty of the facade. An additional element that breaks the monotony of the façade

2. An additional place to relax when you want to be alone, you’re too lazy or you can’t go downstairs.

3. Scenic view. These expectations are met only if the balcony faces a river bank or forest, and not a neighboring plot

4. Extra space that is always in short supply

4 Disadvantages of a balcony

1. Requires floor waterproofing. Snow and rain water sk
stains on the floor, corners rot and mold

2. Disturbs the insolation of premises. The room adjacent to the balcony gets less sunlight

3.Complicates the design of the façade. As a result, its construction and Maintenance are more expensive

4. Increases heat loss. Balcony door- This big square glazing plus frequent opening


You should not make a balcony facing a noisy street or the nearby façade of a neighboring house. In a children's room, the balcony will become a source of increased danger and will be closed most of the time.

Where and when do you need a balcony?

Most often, a balcony is placed on the front facade of a building. In this case, it can serve as a canopy over the entrance to the house. This arrangement is also convenient because the walls
the premises under the balcony (vestibule, veranda or terrace) can become a support for the balcony slab. The main disadvantage of this option is the lack of privacy. More often main entrance It is oriented towards the street, and you won’t be able to relax on the balcony.

For private relaxation, a balcony facing the garden would be more useful - in the bedroom of a smoker, in the room of an elderly person who has difficulty going downstairs, in an office - for short breaks while working.

A balcony may also be needed if the area is small and there is not enough space to relax. In this case, the roof over the terrace can be replaced with a balcony.

Basic requirements for a balcony

Balcony must have minimum width at least 80 cm. In this case, you can not only stand on it, but also sit on it. To place a set of furniture for relaxation (chair, table, chaise longue), a width of 120 cm is desirable.

If two or more people are expected to rest, the width should be at least 150 cm. A balcony wider than 105 cm will require additional support in the form of columns or walls of the room located underneath it. Safety requirements are met by a balcony railing with a height of at least 105-110 cm.

The permissible width of the balcony door opening is at least 70 cm. You can make a wider exit and even double door, however, you need to remember that any door facing the street increases heat loss in the house.

According to the terms fire safety On the sides of the balcony door and glazing, blank partitions of at least 120 cm are required. In this case, it is better to refuse spectacular glazing across the entire wall.

Ideal shapes for a balcony

The simpler the shape of the balcony, the easier its design.

However, it should be taken into account that narrow and long balconies are inconvenient to use - it is impossible to place furniture on them. Wide balconies allow you to divide the space into functional areas and place the necessary set of furniture in them, but will require additional supports.

In principle, a balcony can be located anywhere on the front of the house. But it is better if it fits into the structural and planning structure of the building and uses its features. Bay windows, projections and differences in the plane of the facade can be effectively used when creating balconies unusual shapes– semicircular, trapezoidal, etc.

Designs and materials for balconies

To ensure the strength and safety of the balcony, it is better to involve a specialist in its design. The material and type of supporting structures are selected depending on wall materials and constructive solution of the building.

Metal and wooden beams with laid on top of them wooden flooring suitable for walls made of any materials. In a house with stone walls use reinforced concrete slabs or metal beams. There are several types of balcony design solutions: cantilever, attached and supported.

Types of balcony designs

1. Cantilever or hanging balcony mounted on beams protruding from outer wall building. It is limited in width, but does not require additional supports and can be placed anywhere on the façade.

2. Leaning balconies there are different types. Essentially, these are the same cantilever balconies, but with additional supports in the form of columns resting on the ground, or in the form of triangular brackets that transfer the load to the wall of the house. Structures with supports do not limit the width of the balcony and allow the use of any materials. However, with this constructive solution there is a danger of uneven shrinkage of wall foundations and supports.

3. Extended balcony being added to an existing building. In this case, the balcony together with the supports is an independent structure. There are no restrictions on the shape and size of the balcony, but installing a separate foundation for supports requires additional costs.

Attention, dampness!

The most important issue in constructing a balcony is maintaining a slope of 2% (2 cm per 1 m of length) in the direction opposite to the house.

Otherwise, water will stagnate on the balcony, which will damage the flooring. Surface cantilever iron concrete slab should be carefully waterproof to avoid corrosion of the reinforcement located in its upper layer. A properly made balcony slab has a wedge around the perimeter of the lower surface - a groove that prevents water from flowing onto the wall.

If there is a continuous fence on the balcony, drainage should be provided. When laying a wooden floor, the boards are placed at intervals for natural water drainage and ventilation. We should not forget about the threshold between the floor levels of the room and the balcony. To melt or rainwater do not flow into the room, its height should be at least 15 cm.

Balcony as a home decoration

As a rule, a balcony serves as an important style accent of the house. Its decoration uses materials identical to or in harmony with the decoration of the building. The greatest attention is paid to the balcony railing.

IN wooden building it is most often made of wood, often decorating the balustrade with spectacular carvings.

However, wooden balconies are also appropriate in houses made of other building materials.

A universal fencing is a black forged lattice - it is used in buildings of almost any style. In houses designed in a distinctly modern, minimalist spirit, chrome-plated steel, glass, plastic, and composite panels are often chosen for fencing.

The same material is used in canopies as on the roof. If there is a lack of sunlight, you can arrange transparent canopy made of polycarbonate.

In the photo: 1. Cantilever balcony on a reinforced concrete slab 2. Extension balcony on wooden supports 3. Cantilever balcony on metal beams

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Typically, private houses do not necessarily require a balcony. Some will consider this architectural element unnecessary even for two-story house, some will be deterred by certain difficulties in its construction and finishing, while others will find this idea too expensive. As a rule, a balcony in a private house is replaced by spacious terraces or verandas.

However, many owners of country mansions and cottages still prefer open and closed balcony spaces as cozy place for rest, sleep or work.

Advantages and disadvantages

A balcony, like any other architectural structure, of course, has a number of certain advantages and disadvantages, which must be weighed at the stage of developing the design of the future home.

The advantages of a balcony include the following:

  • Possibility of using the balcony area as additional living space;
  • Attractive appearance, beautiful facade decoration;
  • Free access to the street. It's always a good time to spend time in the fresh air with a pleasant conversation or a cup of coffee. Besides, Fresh air in close proximity to living space can be a real salvation for people with disabilities;
  • Depending on the design features the balcony can serve as part of the porch, roof or veranda;
  • In case of critical situation the balcony can always be used as an emergency exit to the street.

In addition to the advantages, a balcony in a private house also has its disadvantages. Among them:

  • Extension of a balcony to an already existing house always financially very costly;
  • The attached balcony is a high-risk structure. Incorrect calculation or installation error can lead to the collapse of the structure;
  • The balcony door leads to significant heat loss in the room. Unless we are talking about a completely isolated extension.


Balconies can be closed or open. The open structure consists of a base slab with a fence. A closed balcony requires mandatory glazing of the area.


Most often, private houses are decorated with open balconies. This design is used as decorative element, so the special meaning is removed from the selection finishing materials and fencing design. One of the most beautiful and stylish options, which is gaining increasing popularity in last years, is the use of forged fencing.

In addition to unconditional external attractiveness forged fencing has its own characteristics:

  • its size should not exceed the size of the load-bearing slab and the balcony opening;
  • Before installation, it is necessary to carefully assess the condition of the slab, because metal structure will add a lot of extra burden to her;
  • It is necessary to start installing a metal grill or other metal structure only after full recovery reinforced concrete slab (elimination of cracks and chips, leveling).


Glazing significantly increases functionality premises, allowing you to use the balcony not only as a place to relax, but also as one of the living rooms.

Glass protects the balcony space from cold wind and precipitation, birds and annoying insects, and excessive noise. An enclosed balcony is a great place for growing heat-loving plants that love excess sunlight.

Various options glazing (panoramic, partial, using stained glass) provides new opportunities for original and aesthetically attractive facade design.


Durable and durable materials are used to make balconies. Most often it is concrete and wood.

Concrete balcony

This architectural structure has its own characteristics:

  • load-bearing structures are recessed into the wall. The reliability of the structure depends on the thickness of the wall; if it is not very strong, then additional supports are used;
  • the balcony overhang is at least 1 meter in length;
  • if the house is brick, then the base slab is inserted into the wall along its entire length;
  • the upper level of the slab is set 5-8 cm below the expected level of the floor covering;
  • the concrete base must be thoroughly waterproofed;
  • The height of balcony railings should not be less than 1 m.

Wooden balcony

Usually inferior to concrete in size and reliability, but superior in decoratively. Externally, the balcony resembles a cozy one wooden house or a hut. Wood is a material that has many advantages. First of all, it is the atmosphere of comfort that natural wood creates, its smell and appearance. Wood goes well with different finishing materials.

Device Features wooden balcony:

  • for the manufacture of load-bearing structures, beams with a cross section of 10*20 cm are used;
  • the minimum depth of beams in a stone facade should not be less than 25 cm;
  • the beams are fastened to the walls with bolts or metal angles;
  • mounted on the console vertical racks(boards 4*10 cm) and longitudinal (5*10 cm);
  • flooring and handrails are installed;
  • All wood and metal elements are processed oil paint, gratings and handrails are coated with frost-resistant and waterproof varnish.

The gaps between the lattice bars for any structure should not be wider than 10-12 cm.

Balcony in a wooden house

Most often, balconies are located directly in the roof. These can be pediments, roof structures or balconies-windows. Pediment and roof structures can protrude beyond the facade of the house or be recessed.

If the project plans to create a pediment balcony, then during the construction work one of the pediments is made deeper to the width of the future structure. The basis for the roof will be a hanging rafter system.

The base slab of the future structure is covered with insulation and a layer of waterproofing, and a screed is placed on top. The next step is the installation of metal, brick or wooden fencing.

How to install a balcony in a private house yourself in the video below.

Types of structures

Regardless of appearance and size, all balconies have mandatory structural elements. Among them:

  • base plate, which bears the main load;
  • fencing (parapet);
  • additional elements(visor, wind screen).

Main structural element is a slab made of reinforced concrete or wood. The first option is applicable only for buildings built from durable materials (stone, brick, reinforced concrete blocks). The wooden slab is lightweight, so it can be installed on the facade of any building.

Depending on the method of attaching the slab to the wall, balconies can be:

  • with a cantilever beam clamped in the wall ( reinforced concrete slab is recessed into the wall during the construction stage, and the overhang of the structure cannot exceed 1 m);
  • with a cantilever slab and support on beams (beams are recessed into the wall, on which a reinforced concrete or wooden slab is placed on top, while the width of the balcony can reach 1.2 m);
  • with a slab supported on triangular brackets (this option is used when the balcony is attached to an existing building);
  • with a slab on supports (an attached balcony rests on columns, walls, and beams standing near the facade).

The French balcony also belongs to the category of balconies, although, in fact, it is only a beautiful enclosure of a window opening.

Location options

Design projects may include different locations of balconies, for example, above the veranda or open terrace, above the bay window or porch.

Most often, a balcony adorns the central part of the building’s facade and is located under a common roof with the house. E This option is ideal for small buildings. This balcony serves great place for relaxation in both sunny and rainy weather. The room is spacious enough to be taken out onto the balcony. small table, a couple of chairs or even a sofa.

The log triangular balcony under the roof looks very interesting and unusual. Glazing allows this room to be used as a winter garden.

A balcony over any structure (porch, veranda or bay window) usually performs not only a decorative, but also a purely practical function. Such structures require a roof, and the balcony slab plays its role. A practical option that significantly reduces the cost of construction.

If there is no such need, then the balcony can be located on any side of the building, usually on the second or top floor.

A beautiful and cozy private house with 1-2-3 floors cannot be imagined as complete if it does not have a balcony. Beautiful and varied in shape, area, glazing, insulation, placement, balconies delight the eye and give the outside of the house its unique appearance. Of course, not only him external view is the goal, it also carries a number of functional loads that increase the value and dignity of the house in general.


It must be remembered that constructing a balcony for a finished building can lead to high costs, so its design must be carried out together with general layout Houses. A balcony can become a high-risk area, so it is better to entrust its design and construction to specialists.

A balcony extension can serve as a place of relaxation, entertainment and even a workplace creative person. Many books and scientific works were written by thinking people sitting in armchairs and sun loungers on the balcony. A balcony with its base can serve as a roof over the porch, protecting it from rain, snow and other influences of natural and human factors. A balcony installed above the veranda helps divide the facade of the house into two parts and creates the effect of a large air space and increases the apparent volume of the house.

And one more point - fire safety. This refers to the possibility of evacuating through such an emergency exit in case of emergency.


  • complexity of design and construction,
  • partial heat leaks through balcony doors,
  • in the case of concrete cantilever slabs, heat leaks through technological thermal bridges are possible,
  • the need to agree on the visibility from the balcony at the planning stage external environment and neighbor's buildings,
  • additional structures on the facade of a private house complicate and lead to higher costs at all stages of the construction of the house.



This is the most common type, but it requires a special approach. The concrete base of the balcony is quite heavy and puts a significant load on the walls of the house. If the walls are not massive enough and there are doubts about their strength, additional supports are installed. Of course, they must be well made and match the overall design of the house.

Balcony slabs can be attached to the wall of a house in various ways:

  • a slab clamped into a wall is only suitable for concrete and brick houses because of its weight. The width of such a balcony is up to 1 meter;
  • a slab laid on several beams clamped into the wall at a distance of at least 80 centimeters from one another. Balcony width up to 1.2 meters;
  • slab on thrust brackets, where the strut can approach the edge of the cantilever part. This fastening makes it possible to decorate the structure with any finish from attic to modern. Width up to 1.5 meters;
  • the support at the end of a cantilevered slab in the main wall significantly expands its width;
  • the balcony slab on 4 supports already stands on its base and the balcony can be built after the main construction of the house is completed; it is practically a terrace on the second floor.

The reach and depth of a balcony on a concrete base with embedding in the wall should not exceed one meter, the angle of inclination of the balcony slab from the horizontal position must be about 2%. A water-repellent coating must be installed on the surface of the concrete slab, which must be covered with a cement-sand screed. Metal racks are welded to the embedded steel elements, artistic form you need to worry about it in advance when deciding on the overall design.

The parapet handrails are attached to the risers, the ends of the handrails are securely inserted and secured into load-bearing wall. The height of the parapet is not lower than 1 meter. Artistic metal lathing the balcony should not have cell sizes that pose a danger to children. The balcony door should have a threshold 10 centimeters high.

Bay windows

The word bay window, rarely used in everyday life, does not even make many people think, just like many foreign words. This word means one thing - it is a balcony-type structure protruding beyond the facade of a building. Almost the same glazed balcony, but inside it is a continuation of the room. Bay windows can be of any shape; this is a huge field for imagination and real implementation.

Meet Various types designs: rectangular, semicircular, with many edges, divided and solid windows, colored, mosaic and many others. The bay window is part of the wall of the house, it is not an extension element and the base under it is the same as that used by the house. Above the bay window, part of the structure is made in the form of slopes, but even here they try to add some kind of addition in order to distinguish it from the neighboring house. Often above the bay window you can see something similar to a turret. A bay window is hidden very well outside under a roof, usually a gable one.

One of the main functions of a bay window, as well as a balcony, is to change the shape interior space, in increasing its area and illumination due to additional windows. Interior decoration, design, furnishing of a bay window makes it possible to turn this small corner of the room into a fabulous location. It all depends on the desires and tastes of the owners of a private home.


First, we make beams, for which we use a wooden beam measuring 10x20 centimeters. The beams will become the load-bearing elements of the balcony. The beams are impregnated with DL-3 solution and covered with waterproof materials. To a depth of at least 25 cm, every 80 cm, the beams are attached to the load-bearing wall with steel corners. You need to attach racks made of 4x10cm wooden blocks to the beams. Then we lay and fasten 6x9 centimeter boards on the cantilever beams at a distance of 30x40 cm between them. Next, we lay the floor using 40 mm boards.

We fasten the fencing made of boards 3x13 cm with screws to the posts, handrails made of wood measuring 4x9 cm are attached to the posts and are firmly fixed in the load-bearing wall. There should be no burrs or unevenness on the wooden handrail. The entire surface of the handrails must be thoroughly sanded and coated twice with water-repellent frost-resistant varnish. All elements of a wooden balcony are either oiled or treated with hydrophobic paint.

It is always advisable for cantilever structures to be supported by vertical columns to ensure the stability of the structure for a long period of time.

A little about the French balcony

As a rule, the balcony in a private house is open to be closer to nature, the fresh flow of forest air, and the smell of herbs. But there is also closed type, the so-called "French". In a private house, you can decide to install all kinds of extensions in accordance with the tastes and wealth of the owners. Closed, fully glazed with wrought iron grille, with beautiful windows made of clear or tinted glass, with a stylish frame, such a balcony will decorate any home.

But there is one peculiarity in this. It's not the balcony we tie to general appearance home, but on the contrary, even at the design stage of the entire house, you will have to coordinate the entire external design with the future French balcony. Detailed step by step instructions According to this design, this is a separate complex topic. It is necessary to coordinate the design of the room associated with the French balcony, their interior decoration, color scheme. All these are topics for the inspired work of artists, designers, and creative blacksmiths to create genuine masterpieces.

The need to independently build a balcony often arises among owners of private houses or residents of apartments in which the presence of such a room was not initially provided for by the design.

The work of constructing and finishing a balcony can be handled on our own. Read the instructions provided and get started.

Construction options

There are 2 main options for building a balcony, namely:

If the structure is attached to the second and higher floors, it must have additional supports. It is prohibited to attach the building exclusively to the wall - it will not hold up.

The function of supports is most often performed by columns. They fit well into the surrounding environment and complement the architecture of the house.

Before starting work, draw up or order from a specialized organization a balcony project with a detailed diagram.

Construction of a balcony on a foundation

If the balcony is attached to the first floor, a simple strip base will be sufficient. In the case of arranging an extension on the higher floors, build.

In general, the order of arrangement concrete foundations remains almost the same. The following are instructions for constructing a strip-column foundation. By removing the pole installation recommendations from the manual, you get ready-made instructions for installation of strip base.

First step. Mark the future foundation on the ground. Use pegs and string to mark.

Second step. Get rid of the top layer of soil. Dig a trench of the required depth (determined in accordance with the soil characteristics of the area) and holes for the posts.

Third step. Drive (screw in) the support piles. You can also make supports yourself from pipes, concrete pillars or other suitable materials. To ensure additional strength of the installation, before installing the pillars, the bottom of the pits can be filled with a 20-30 cm layer of concrete. The empty space between the walls of the pits and the pillars after their installation is also filled with mortar.

Fourth step. Compact the bottom of the trench, fill it with a 10-centimeter layer of crushed stone and a 15-20-centimeter layer of sand. Thoroughly compact each layer of backfill.

Fifth step. Assemble the formwork from durable boards.

Sixth step. Lay the reinforcing frame. Use reinforcement with a diameter of 10-14 mm. As a result, you should get a reinforcing mesh with a cell size of no more than 150x150 mm.

Seventh step. Pour the concrete and give it a month to gain strength. It is recommended to dismantle the formwork after the concrete has completely hardened.

Eighth step. Cover the frozen foundation waterproofing material(bitumen, roofing felt).

Ninth step. Fill all voids with soil.

Tenth step. Tie the pillars along the upper edges using a channel. The height of the balcony foundations must match.

Balcony design

First step. Place a wooden or reinforced concrete slab on the finished base.

Second step. Using a hammer drill, create an opening in the wall for installing a balcony block.

Third step. Install the balcony block. After installation, level the slopes using cement mortar and seal the existing cracks with polyurethane foam.

Fourth step. . The most convenient way to do this is to use building blocks, for example, from foam concrete. They have a relatively light weight and will put a noticeably less load on the foundation compared to the same brick.

The thickness of the walls should be at least 25-30 cm. Bring the walls to the upper ceiling.

During the construction of walls, perform reinforcement every 3 rows.

Finally, all that remains is to arrange the roof. Roof structure must be made with a certain slope in the direction from the house.

To arrange the roof, it is enough to lay wooden joists or mount a metal frame and then lay the finishing roofing material.

Will cope perfectly with the functions of support columns wooden beam square section. Select the parameters of the timber individually. Most often, supports with a side of 100 mm are sufficient. You can use another one instead of timber suitable material at your own discretion.

The columns must be installed strictly vertically, otherwise there will be no question of the reliability of the balcony structure. To ensure verticality, support the columns with temporary struts while the foundation dries.


Lay a 4 cm thick planed board on the floor. Pre-treat the material with an antiseptic and fire retardant.

Lay the boards across the support beams. Leave a 2-3 mm gap between the boards to drain precipitation.

Use self-tapping screws to secure the boards. The heads of the fasteners should be slightly recessed into the material.


And lastly structural element The balcony has railings. The choice of manufacturing material, design features and appearance of the railing remains at the discretion of the owner. If you wish, you can do without them altogether by making fences of suitable size from concrete slabs.


You can use wooden frames or metal-plastic structures. At this point, everything also remains at the discretion of the owner.

Balcony insulation

Necessarily . Start from the floor.


Foam boards are good for flooring. The material is characterized by high thermal insulation properties and can easily withstand various types of loads.

Level the base and glue the foam boards to it using an adhesive specially designed for this purpose. Provide additional fixation of the slabs using plastic dowels.

Place the mounting mesh on top of the insulation with glue, and then fill the entire structure with a self-leveling mixture.

Instead, you can make a wooden sheathing on the base, fill the voids with insulation, and fill the top with plywood or boards.

Linoleum is a good choice as a finishing floor covering for a balcony. You can also use waterproof laminate and other materials with similar properties.


Attach the frame to the walls wooden slats. The spacing of the slats is determined by the width of the insulation.

Cover the frame waterproofing film. Use a construction stapler to attach the film. Be sure to seal the joints of the waterproofing material with tape.

Fill the sheathing cells with the selected one. Place a vapor barrier on top of the insulation. You can also fasten the material using a construction stapler.

Place a second batten on top of the finished insulating pie, perpendicular to the first, to install the finishing material.


The ceiling can be insulated using mineral wool.

Nail a sheathing of 10mm thick boards to the ceiling. Fix the boards edge down.

Fill the gaps between the boards with insulation.

Cover the insulation with waterproofing material and nail additional cross slats. They will retain heat and moisture insulation, as well as provide the necessary ventilation gap between the insulating cake and the finishing material.

Prices for popular types of insulation


Lining is well suited for a balcony. The material has excellent properties even without extra effort attached to the sheathing using clamps.

Exterior finishing of a structure is most often done using siding. This material is characterized by high reliability and excellent performance, has an attractive appearance and is easy to install without the involvement of third-party installers.

In general, when choosing a finish, focus on your personal preferences and available budget.

Good luck!

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels

Video - How to make a balcony with your own hands