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» Peonies - when to replant, where to plant, how to care. Replanting peonies - when is it better: in the fall after flowering or in the summer

Peonies - when to replant, where to plant, how to care. Replanting peonies - when is it better: in the fall after flowering or in the summer

Which can turn your garden into a real work of art. Peony is one of them. Of course, growing them is somewhat problematic for beginners, but all the difficulties are worth it.

The question of when and is especially pressing. And this is not accidental, since these flowers are very sensitive to growing conditions. Agricultural techniques must be followed exactly, otherwise you will definitely not get the desired result.

A little history

In our country, the first passionate lover of these flowers was Peter I himself, who brought the bulbs from the Netherlands. Since then, domestic breeders have developed many excellent varieties, some of which are still known today.

Before you ask yourself the question of when and how peonies are replanted, you should think about the advisability of such actions. The fact is that with normal soil cultivation and pest control flower plants they can be left in one place for two decades. In addition, with frequent transplants, peonies stop blooming regularly.

But if such a need really arises, the plant must be transferred to another place entirely. Being divided, it will not only not bloom normally, but may simply die.

Getting ready for transplant

The easiest way (and therefore this method is most often used by beginners) is to replant not the plants themselves, but their rhizomes. This operation is performed around the end of August. The plants are carefully dug up and then removed from the soil. The rhizomes are cleaned of soil as delicately as possible, old and rotten parts are removed, and then they are cut at an angle.

It is best to replant those areas of the bush that have approximately five eyes and the same number of full-fledged roots that are not affected by pests. A little advice: it is easier to divide those roots that are in a state of slight drying.

We begin the transplant

Prepare the pit in advance suitable sizes: its depth and width should be 60 cm. The bottom is carefully loosened by adding a mixture of turf removed from the top layer, humus and small quantity mineral fertilizers. The eyes should be located five to six centimeters below the soil level.

If they are higher, the plant is almost guaranteed to freeze in the spring. If you bury your eyes too deeply, you are unlikely to see full flowering. After replanting the flower, carefully compact the soil around the bush. We have practically dealt with the question of when and how peonies are replanted, but we need to mention some of the nuances of their cultivation.

To get high-quality and annual flowering, you should choose well-lit areas for your “wards” that are maximally protected from the winds. You need to think about this first, asking yourself the question of when and how peonies are transplanted. It is very important!

However, it is not necessary to completely isolate peonies from circulating air, since in this case the likelihood of various kinds of pests and diseases sharply increases.

Therefore, before that summer, carefully inspect your site to find the optimal location.

The best soils are well-dug and fertilized loamy soils. The slightest stagnation of moisture in the soil can put an end to your dreams of a garden with fragrant peonies, so at a depth of approximately 0.7 m it will not hurt to make gravel drainage.

So you have learned about how and when to replant peonies!

Not all summer residents know how to properly divide and plant peonies and properly care for them. But without this knowledge, in a few years it will be impossible to enjoy lush flowering these amazing plants.

Wild peonies thrive in one place for more than 50 years and do not require special care. At the same time, hybrid varieties that gardeners grow in flower beds require regular replanting - at least once every 10 years. Peonies are also divided and planted, but only plants aged 4-5 years are suitable for this. However, to rejuvenate, heal and reproduce the bush, replanting should be carried out more often and at the same time become familiar with all the intricacies of this process. And we will help you with this now.

Today, more than 4.5 thousand varieties of herbaceous peonies are known

When can you divide and replant peonies?

The best time to divide and replant peonies so that they bloom better is the “velvet season” at the end of August - beginning of September. At this time, it is still quite warm and there is no rain, and the plant has time to take root and adapt to the new soil composition over the winter. However, the timing of division may shift depending on climatic conditions and a specific region. For example, for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region the deadline for transplantation is September 10-15, for the southern regions - September 20-30. Peonies planted at this time can more easily cope with the “move” to a new place of residence and by next summer they will give you an abundance of flowers.

Peonies should only be transplanted after flowering plants.

Sometimes you can find advice on replanting peonies in the spring. This is an extreme measure, relevant only when the plant is threatened by something more serious than transplanting to a new location (for example, an attack by rodents or pests). It is not recommended to plant peonies in the spring, as they begin to get sick more often and almost no flowers appear on them.

This is what transplanted peonies look like in spring

Pruning peonies after flowering

The “transitional” moment in the life of peonies is the flowering process. They usually bloom at the end of May - beginning of June, and gardeners do not always accept correct solution concerning further care behind the plant. So, what to do after the peonies have bloomed? There are two completely opposite opinions on this matter:

  • It is strictly forbidden to trim peonies after flowering, because it is at this time that flower buds, which turn into luxurious flowers for next year;
  • Peonies need to be trimmed almost immediately after flowering to prevent the development of diseases and the penetration of pests, as well as to rejuvenate and preserve the aesthetic beauty of the bush.

In our opinion, it is more preferable to avoid trimming peduncles immediately after flowering. It is better to do this immediately before removing the bush from the ground. Firstly, you immediately stimulate the growth of the plant by cutting off all the stems almost to the base and leaving only small shoots 5-7 cm long. Secondly, you make your work easier by performing all the necessary operations - both pruning and replanting - in one step. In addition, extracting a lump of earth with a root system and several sprouts is easier and more convenient than a huge and spreading bush.

Do not forget to take the leaves and stems outside the garden and burn them - harmful bacteria and fungi like to settle in plant debris.

Dig up and rinse peonies

Difficulties with digging up peonies are associated with the characteristics of their root system. Usually by 4-5 years it grows to a great depth, individual rhizomes reach a length of 30 cm or more. The tips of the roots are most often thin and go even deeper into the soil. It is very difficult to dig them out without damage, so you should consider several recommendations:

1. Peonies should be dug up dry and warm weather so that the lump of earth that you will remove along with the roots is not too heavy;

2. Place the shovel 30-40 cm from the center of the bush and place it vertically. If you place it diagonally, you will most likely cut off the ends of the roots;

3. Dig up the bush from all sides and carefully remove it from the ground. You can place a support, such as a brick, under the tray of a shovel or the teeth of a garden fork. Thus, the shovel will act as a lever. Do not use too much force, otherwise you may break the tool. It’s better to dig around the bush more carefully;

4. Under no circumstances pull the peony by its leaves (especially if the bush is more than 5-6 years old). Do not forget that before digging, the stems need to be cut off, leaving stumps 5-10 cm high. It is for them, smoothly and effortlessly, that the plant should be pulled out;

Even if you did everything correctly, some of the roots will be damaged in any case. Clear the rhizome of clods of earth and rinse it thoroughly under running water, since a clean base is easier to mark and divide. This is also necessary in order to assess the condition of the buds and roots. After all, if in last years the plant has stopped blooming, it is likely that it has already begun to rot.

Peony division

Division is an important part of the “life” of a peony. This is a kind of rejuvenating procedure that allows you to rid the plant of dry and dead residues, areas of rot and rodent damage, as well as to stimulate further flowering.

To divide the roots you will need a garden or durable kitchen knife, pruning shears, and sometimes even a hatchet and hammer.

Start dividing the peony about a day after the rhizome is removed from the ground. During this time it should dry out slightly. Before dividing the peony, carefully inspect the root system. From 1 to 3 buds extend from each stem. From them it develops root system, which can be considered separate, since it lags slightly behind the massive rhizome. It is these small divisions with one bud that can be used first, especially if you want to get a small flowering bush already next year.

If you decide to divide a piece with 2-3 buds, this does not mean that the bush will automatically bloom more luxuriantly and abundantly. On the contrary, in this case the plant will spend more energy on healing the tissues in the pruning areas, but the likelihood of root rot will increase significantly.

On some roots, traces of the “barbaric activity” of mice will immediately become noticeable. They literally gnaw out large pieces of sweet and juicy roots. Such damaged roots cannot be transferred to a new place, much less divided and replanted.

IN further process division looks like this:

  • First of all, separate single buds with a small root system. Sometimes they literally lag behind the base on their own and only need to be trimmed slightly. Make sure that a sufficient number of thin suction roots emerge from the bud, which will help the plant survive the winter and provide it with nutrients in the spring;

  • remove dead parts and sprinkle the cuts charcoal. Grind them so that a dense layer of coal is formed. This will help prevent pests from entering;

  • in the future, select parts consisting of 2-3 growth buds. Try to divide while holding the bush suspended, since the base roots are quite fragile, and if you place the bush on them, you can damage the entire rhizome. Keep in mind that the roots of an adult peony are very juicy and dense, and they need to be carefully cut and actively pulled apart from each other with your hands, while being careful not to damage them;

  • Remove old and dry stems and rub all cuts with charcoal. Cut out rotten and rodent-damaged parts. Remove old and tangled rhizomes. From one bush 4-6 years old you can get 3-4 divisions of different sizes;

Planting a peony in open ground

Ideally, holes for peonies are prepared 3-4 months before the intended transplant. The diameter of the planting hole is selected depending on the size of the division. But since it is impossible to predict the size of the division in advance, you should start from standard sizes pits. The average pit diameter is 40-50 cm, and the depth is 50-60 cm. Planting pits large diameter done in order to fill them with nutritional composition.

To fertilize, 20 kg of humus or peat is placed at the bottom of the pit. Also add about 300 g of bone meal or 200 g of superphosphate. Then they all fall asleep fertile soil. For clay soils add a bucket of sand to the contents to sandy soil- a bucket of clay.

After adding fertilizer to the planting hole, you need to allow the soil to settle so that the cutting does not go deep underground. If there is no time for shrinkage, you can compact the soil and water it (if there has been no rain for the last 7-10 days). The resulting hole should be so deep that the buds of the division are 5 cm below ground level. If you plant a peony higher, leaving the buds on the surface or at ground level, they will most likely freeze. If, on the contrary, they are buried, the peony will not have enough strength to drive the buds to the surface.

When planting, lay the cuttings slightly on one side so that the plant can form buds on its own.

When planting without compacting the nutrient mixture, plant the peony a little higher, taking into account that the soil will settle.

Then fill the hole with soil and water the soil to eliminate any “air voids.” After the water has been absorbed, mulch the planting site with dry compost.

Considering that peonies form a powerful and branched root system, when planting completely, each plant should be given enough free space. Therefore, the distance from the center of one bush to the center of another should be at least 60-80 cm. The planting site should be well lit and protected from the wind. Peonies should not be planted near the walls of houses or in the shade of trees.

The best neighbor plants for peonies

Creating a beautiful flower arrangement led by peonies will require you to plant some other plants that combine well with them. Most often, the following flowers act as neighbors of peonies:

  • daffodils;
  • tulips;
  • hazel grouse;
  • Pushkinia;
  • phlox;
  • lilies;
  • delphiniums;
  • geranium;
  • cuff;
  • heleniums;
  • irises;
  • clematis.

Classic mixborder with peonies

How to feed peonies in spring and summer

In spring, peonies actively begin to grow and absorb nutrients from the soil. First of all, the plant needs nitrogen as the basis of its life activity. Nitrogen fertilizing is used from the end of April to the beginning of June, and in total no more than three such fertilizing are done:

  • first feeding carried out at the beginning of bush growth. The most commonly used natural organic fertilizers are: fresh mullein or bird droppings. 1 liter of mullein or bird droppings is diluted in 10 liters of water. You can also add potassium - in the form of 1 cup of ash or 30 potassium salt. The solution is thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew for 3 days. Then the composition is mixed again and applied at the root at the rate of 0.5-1 liters per plant;
  • second feeding usually carried out during the formation of buds. Dissolve 15 g of nitrogen and potassium, as well as 15-20 g of phosphorus in 10 liters of water. Apply no more than 1 liter of composition under the bush;
  • third feeding occurs 1-2 weeks after flowering. At this time, add 10-15 g of potassium and 15-20 g of phosphorus under each bush;

Do not fertilize more than 3 times in the spring - excess fertilizer at this time can destroy the plants

Peony feeding in autumn

In autumn, peony roots continue to grow. Therefore, in mid-September - early October, plants need additional feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. To begin, water the bushes generously. And then carefully scatter 15-20 g of phosphorus and 10-15 g of potassium around each of them.

From organic fertilizers, wood ash is sometimes added (0.5 cups per 1 sq.m.). It is enough to pour it along the contour of the bush and cover it with a layer of mulch no more than 1 cm thick.

The best varieties of herbaceous peonies

The modern variety of peony varieties allows you to select flowers by size, shape and color and create flower beds of stunning beauty. Among peonies, there are several recognized leaders who have long enjoyed the well-deserved love of flower growers.

1.Ama-No-Sode (Ama No Sode) – this is one of the most beautiful varieties so-called " Japanese peonies"The flowers are very large, the petals are two-rowed, pink in color. The bush blooms late, but its flowers emit a pleasant and light aroma.

2. Anastasia (Anastasia) - one of the mid-early crown peonies, which belong to terry varieties. The bushes are of medium height (up to 1 m) and are drought and frost resistant. The inflorescences are pale pink, framing a crimson core with yellow stamens.

3. Barbara (Barbara) – unusual crown peony with a medium flowering period. The petals are bright pink, forming a beautiful edging around modified stamens, which emit a pleasant, subtle aroma.

4. Coral " N Gold (Coral "N Gold) – early semi-double variety with an unusual coral shade of large petals and long stamens yellow color. It shades dark green shrubs very favorably.

5. Etched Salmon (Etched Salmon) – The flowers of this variety are distinguished by pinkish-peach petals, which fade slightly over time and fill the air with the amazing aroma of fresh lemon. The variety is winter-hardy, and the bushes are practically not affected by botrytis (gray rot).

6. Raspberry Sundae (Raspberry Sunday)– the most interesting thing about this spherical, or bomb-shaped, peony is its color. The yellow-cream center is bordered by soft pink outer petals. The bush is compact and small, and the flowers have a stunning pink aroma.

7. Red Charm (Red Charm) another spherical variety of peony with a huge round inflorescence. The flowers reach 25 cm in diameter and do not fade in the sun, maintaining a bright crimson color for a long time. In general, the bushes grow healthy and strong due to their massive stems.

8. a representative of rosaceous peonies, which first of all surprises with its delicate linden aroma and sparkling pink petals on a large bud. The plant can withstand severe frosts and abnormal heat. The bushes are compact, no more than 80 cm in height.

Now you know everything about dividing and replanting peonies. This is a fairly powerful plant that only gets stronger over the years, so don’t delay in “moving” it to a new place. But, most importantly, take your time and do not use excessive force on the plant. And then you will be able to enjoy its flowering and beauty every spring.

Peony, with its large, noble flowers on tall stems surrounded by lush foliage, is a favorite among gardeners.

This herbaceous plant without human help, it forms a picturesque bush up to 1 meter high and grows well in one place for decades.

All this is true when correct landing and proper care.

Sometimes circumstances arise in which The best decision- replant peonies. Replanting in autumn is necessary:

To propagate your favorite variety;

If flowering does not occur or the flowers become smaller;

When changing the garden layout.

Replanting peonies: why in the fall?

For successful wintering and subsequent growth, the young plant requires a well-developed root system. The active formation of the underground part begins when the heat subsides, daylight hours decrease and the plants begin to prepare for winter. From the leaves and stems there is an outflow of nutrients into the root, as a base for flowering in next season. Replacement buds are laid for several years to come.

Future flowering in the spring directly depends on the development of the root in the fall. Peonies transplanted in September - October have time to adapt to a new location, build up a sufficient root mass and a network of adventitious absorbent roots that provide nutrition to the entire bush. A young plant can bloom in the spring.

Helpful advice! The novice gardener is very pleased with the flowers that appear in the first year after planting. But it is better to cut off the first buds so as not to deplete the fragile bush. All nutrients will be used to form leaves and roots, which will ensure full flowering in the second year.

In spring, all the forces of nature are aimed at growth and flowering. If the transplant is carried out at this time, the root, not having time to gain strength, is forced to provide nutrition to the rapidly growing bush. It will be able to form and nourish itself only next fall.

Spring temperature changes and summer heat are more easily tolerated by overwintered rhizomes. Based on many years of practice, experts involved in breeding this crop insist that peonies need to be replanted in the fall.

Preparing the soil for autumn replanting of peonies

A peony can bloom for more than 50 years without replanting if it grows in a good place. Choosing the ideal site:

1. Peonies love the sun; they can react to even slight shading by stopping flowering. Choose a bright area, protected from drafts.

2. The walls of buildings and fences should not be near the flower garden. On sunny days they shield heat, but peonies do not tolerate overheating.

3. The root easily rots even with temporary stagnation of water, therefore good drainage is required. When lying close groundwater should be arranged high bed.

Preparing the site for peonies for autumn replanting begins in the summer. It is advisable to prepare the planting holes a month in advance. Taking into account the diameter of the future bush, the distance between the holes is measured from 1 to 1.5 m. The depth and width of the hole is about 70 cm. This is necessary for the full development of the root system. If you process only upper layer, then having reached dense soil, the root will begin to grow to the sides, become more vulnerable to overheating, frost, and lose part necessary nutrition.

Drainage is placed in the prepared hole (sand, stones, chopped branches, expanded clay), two-thirds filled soil mixture(soil from the garden, sand, humus). Fertilizers are added: 50 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride, a tablespoon of iron sulfate, two glasses of bone meal and wood ash. Stir and water well. Before planting, the soil should be compacted.

Peonies grow well only in neutral soils; if the soil is acidic, liming will be required. You need to check the acidity regularly, because any application of fertilizers acidifies the soil.

Attention! Peat has an acidic reaction, so it is not used when growing peonies. It is advisable not to use it even for mulching and shelter for the winter.

Correct division of a peony bush when replanting in the fall, photo

What could be simpler than dividing the overgrown rhizome into parts and planting it like new plants? But there are some subtleties here too:

Before digging up the rhizome, cut off the above-ground part of the plant;

Dig around with a shovel, carefully remove the root with a pitchfork;

Do not pull on the stems - there is a danger of damaging the buds at their base;

After lightly shaking off the soil, leave the rhizome in the shade for several hours (the root will become less fragile).

It is worth separating for planting the lightest (and therefore youngest) sections of the rhizome, with several large buds. Such “divisions” of peonies for replanting in the fall (pictured) are the best planting material.

To disinfect cuts and breaks, the sections are treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkled with wood ash. Remove old and pest-damaged areas.

One of important conditions When planting, monitor the depth of bud placement. On heavy soils, there should be a soil layer of no more than 4 cm from the top of the bud to the surface of the ground. For light soils, 5–7 cm. It is important to regulate the depth throughout the life of the peony; flowering depends on this, as well as successful wintering.

Fill the hole with ordinary garden soil, compact it and spill it generously. Autumn watering should be regular, to the entire depth of the root system.

It should be remembered that fertilizers in the planting hole are deeper than the level of young roots, therefore organic and mineral supplements must be applied with watering. Peonies respond well to a solution of rotted manure and complex fertilizers. Proper watering Peonies when transplanted in the fall are shown in the photo.

What to do if the peony does not bloom?

Peony is a delicate flower that does not like extremes. Overmoistening, overheating, deep or shallow planting, soil acidification. Any of the factors can lead to the bush not blooming.

The main reasons for the “capriciousness” of a flower:

1. Poor lighting. For full flowering, peony requires 6 hours of light per day.

2. Planting depth. If the planting is shallow, hilling will help; if it is too deep, it is better to replant it correctly.

3. Take care of the leaf mass of the plant, do not remove it until the first frost. When cutting flowers for bouquets, there should be at least 2 leaves at the base on the stem. You can cut no more than a third of the flowers from the bush.

4. Insufficient feeding. For vigorous growth and abundant flowering the plant requires a lot of strength. In spring, nitrogen fertilizing is appropriate; during the growing season, complex formulations are required.

5. Age of the bush. Over the course of several years, a young peony can gain strength and grow its roots. Flowering will have to wait. An adult bush, when flowering has stopped, should be replanted by separating the old rhizome and planting cuttings with live buds.

As long as the root is viable and there are buds on it, everything can still be corrected. Transplanting peonies in the fall will allow you to rejuvenate the plant, propagate the bushes, and avoid annoying mistakes. Peonies will definitely respond to your attention and patience with lush flowering for many years.

Peonies will bloom well if you transplant them to another place every 5 years. Optimal time for this purpose - autumn, since the plant has time to take root before the cold weather. In emergency cases, transplantation can be done in the spring. There are two planting methods for this: in pots and in open ground. The first method is more gentle on the divisions.

Site selection, soil preparation and other nuances

For the transplant to be successful, you need to carefully prepare for the work.


Peonies love open places with sunlight. This allows air to circulate between the bushes and prevent diseases. Light partial shade in daytime has a beneficial effect on plants, but prolonged exposure to the shade will negatively affect flowering. Peonies may not please you with their buds.

The place for peonies should be protected from cold winds. But they cannot be planted near buildings either, since the earth gets very hot in this zone. Optimal distance maintained at 1.5 m.

Flowers experience a lack of moisture if they are planted in the area of ​​the root system of trees, tall bushes. The distance from them is chosen the same as from buildings.

Soil preparation

Flowers live in one place for decades; soil preparation affects the decorative appearance of peonies.

The composition of garden soil can be anything, but peonies grow better in loamy, cultivated and drained soil (pH - 6-6.5). If there is excess clay in the soil, it must be diluted with sand and vice versa. Add lime or dolomite flour to acidic soil.

Flowers respond positively to moist soil, but cannot tolerate wetlands and stagnant water.

The roots stretch to a fairly large depth. Having reached solid ground, they branch out horizontally. If the root system is shallow, peonies do not receive enough moisture. Deep tillage is especially necessary on heavy soils. Aeration and drainage are improved. Organic fertilizers in this case, they are introduced to a sufficient depth.

Algorithm of actions:

  • begin soil preparation a few weeks before planting so that the soil has time to settle (2-4 weeks);
  • The size of the planting hole is 50-70 cm in width and depth. The step between bushes is 1 meter. If the place is low, increase the depth by 20 cm to add drainage. For large plantings, the trench method is used;
  • the bottom is filled with drainage in the form of broken bricks, crushed stone, sand to a depth of 20 cm.
  • the next layer (50 cm) is a nutrient mixture: humus, peat, top layer of soil, 200 g of superphosphate per hole and 400 g of bone meal, 100 g of potassium sulfate;
  • fill the remaining space with earth without additives. 10 cm is not added to the edges of the pit.

The seat is left for several weeks to shrink.

Preparing the plant for division and transplantation

Peonies are transplanted to another place no earlier than after 4 years. The optimal time for this is autumn. In emergency cases, when it is necessary to save flowers, for example, from rodents and diseases, transplantation is done in the spring. Flowering is not expected this year.

Flowers should be replanted in early spring, before they begin to grow, that is, after the snow melts, since fragile buds can be damaged.

Work algorithm:

Now the divisions are ready to be planted in a new place.

Process technique

To transplant peonies to a new place in the spring, you will need to go through the following stages of work:

As soon as a sprout reaches 4 cm from the bud, you should loosen the soil, remove the mulch and sprinkle the root circle with manure and nitrophoska.

Experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant the cuttings in spring in large pots and keep them in basement. To moisten the soil, place pieces of ice; when they melt, they will nourish the soil. In April, take the pots out into the garden and bury them in open ground along with the pot. In September, prepare a hole and replant using the transshipment method.


After transplantation, the plant needs watering. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. After watering, loosen and mulch the soil. This promotes moisture retention and prevents weed growth. Irrigation should be carried out carefully and do not allow moisture to get on the leaves.

Within two years, the buds are pinched. During this period, the root system develops. After 2 years, you can leave one bud. Only in the third year will peonies bloom in full glory.

It is necessary to disinfect the soil near the bushes. To do this, dissolve 2 g of potassium permanganate solution in 10 liters of water and distribute it evenly over the surface of the soil. The procedure has a positive effect on the growth of roots and buds.

Young shoots of the plant are very fragile, strong wind may damage them. Gardeners are setting up fences. The height of the structure is no more than 50% of the bush itself. It is not recommended to tie shoots up to the fence.

For winter, the above-ground part should be cut back to ground level after the first frost hits.

Preventive spraying with antifungal agents or copper oxychloride will help prevent fungal diseases. Dosage: 20 g of the drug per 5 liters of water. For good result carry out prophylaxis twice, in the second half of summer.

Feeding transplanted flowers

In the first two years after transplantation, the plant does not need root feeding. But for better root formation, experienced gardeners use foliar feeding:

  1. Prepare a working solution: carbamide - 40 g, a bucket of water. The prepared mixture is sprayed onto the bushes after green mass appears.
  2. After two weeks, 1 tablet with microelements is added to the working solution and sprayed.
  3. The third feeding is carried out with 2 tablets of microelements.

In the third year of life, peonies need organic matter and mineral fertilizers.

The first feeding is required in the spring, when shoots are actively growing. 15 g of saltpeter are dissolved in water (1 bucket) and applied to the soil in the evening.

During the formation of buds, it is carried out foliar feeding mineral fertilizers. Add 5 g of potassium salt and superphosphate to a bucket of water.

For root feeding in May, use a solution of mullein. A bucket of manure is filled with water (6 buckets) and left to ferment for 10 days. Stir once a day. Before use, dilute with water and water around the bush.

Repeated treatment is carried out during flowering with mineral fertilizers.

After flowering, fertilizers are needed to increase frost resistance and bud growth. Feeding is carried out after 2 weeks with mullein solution.

Contrary to all recommendations for replanting peonies, experienced gardeners prove that it is possible to replant peonies not only in the fall, but also in the spring. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements: choosing the right place, soil - and then luxurious flowers will decorate your garden.

In contact with

Replanting peonies - when is it better to do it, in spring or autumn? The time of transplantation is not particularly important, but still autumn transplant better. At the end of summer, the root system goes into a dormant state. Therefore, peonies adapt more easily and quickly to a new place before winter. And by the time of growth and growing season, the roots will have already become stronger, and all the energy and nutrients will be directed to development and flowering.

We will talk about transplanting peonies and how best to perform this operation in this article. Peonies, despite their unpretentiousness, are very sensitive to transplantation and this operation must be carried out following certain rules.

For successful transplantation of peonies, which can be done either in spring or autumn. You just need to do a few mandatory conditions, on which, in general, the final result of this procedure depends.

Spring transplantation is carried out in April or early May, preferably immediately after the snow melts. Sometimes spring planting leads to death planting material. This is due to frequent changes temperature regime, dry weather and lack of moisture. When planting in the spring, it is necessary to constantly monitor the soil moisture and water the young bushes as necessary. Besides, there is already a lot of work in spring.

Don’t forget about choosing a place to grow this perennial. Peonies love sunny areas, well protected from the winds. Peony prefers loamy, slightly acidic or neutral, permeable, nutritious soil. We transplant this flower into previously prepared flower beds on the site.

Preparing the site for transplantation

About a month before the planned transplant, you should prepare places for new bushes. Dig in a sunny place protected from the winds planting pits at least 60 cm deep.

A layer is poured at the bottom of the pit drainage material(expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles), then a nutrient mixture for the development of the plant. The soil should be quite loose, moisture- and breathable. Soil composition: mix one bucket of compost, peat, sand, and add a glass of wood ash and 50 grams of superphosphate. The remaining volume of the pit is filled with garden soil, cleared of weeds and roots. To shrink, the substrate should be thoroughly watered, and then, if necessary, topped up with soil.

Sequence of replanting peonies in autumn

The end of August or the beginning of September is considered the most favorable period for replanting peonies. Over the winter, the root system has time to adapt to new conditions and grow deep into the soil structure.

Procedure for transplanting peonies:

The entire above-ground part of the transplanted bush is completely cut off. The length of the remaining stump should be no more than 10–15 cm.

  1. Due to the peculiarities of the peony root system, it is better to use a garden fork to dig out the bush. The bush is dug around the perimeter and removed along with part of the soil. This must be done very carefully and carefully so as not to damage the underground part of the peony.
  2. After removing the peony from the ground, it is necessary to clean it of any remaining soil; to do this, the bush is washed with water from a hose.
  3. Inspect the bush carefully; if there is damage or rot, cut it off with a knife. The tool must be clean and sharp, and the cut must be smooth.
  4. The bush is immersed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes to disinfect.
  5. After treatment, the bush should dry out. Do not plant wet.
  6. The bush is placed in the hole, after which it is immediately filled with a large number of water. This measure is necessary to help the root processes straighten and take the most natural position.
  7. It is necessary to wait until the moisture is completely absorbed into the ground, after which the hole can be filled with a mixture of garden soil and compost.
  8. The root collar was flush with the ground surface.
  9. Another watering is carried out, at least 4 - 5 liters of water.
  10. After absorbing moisture, mulch the planting site.

Features of spring transplantation of peonies

Peonies can grow in one place for more than 10 years. They do not like frequent transplants, especially in spring. Experienced gardeners strongly recommend dividing or simply replanting in the fall. With the exception of replanting peonies by transferring a young bush with a lump of earth.

When replanting peonies in spring, the rule applies - the sooner, the better. Therefore, the process should begin as soon as the snow melts. Flooding of the soil by melted snow can also be a good reason for changing the location of the bush.

  • Planting begins before the beginning of the growing season, otherwise it is easy to disrupt the root system during transplantation.
  • When replanting in spring, the air temperature outside should reach +10°C, and the ground should warm up to +3°C - it is at this temperature that the growth and formation of the roots of the bush begins.
  • Peonies transplanted from one place to another in the spring are stunted in growth.
  • With proper planting and proper care, the survival rate of the plant is quite high.
  • It is strictly not recommended to divide peonies in the spring; only move them and transfer them to another place in emergency cases.

Transplanting peonies when dividing a bush

When dividing peonies by rhizomes, the age of the bush should be older than 5 years.

  • An adult bush is dug at an angle with a pitchfork from all sides, the rhizome is carefully removed from the hole and the soil is shaken off it.
  • If the soil is damp and sticks to the roots, you can rinse it off with a hose or watering can. This is necessary so that the kidneys are clearly visible.
  • Specimens with six or more buds are suitable for division, since at least 3 buds must be left on the separated cut part.
  • Sections and broken roots are powdered with crushed coal.
  • We dry the root, cut it with a disinfected knife, treat it with a light solution of manganese and begin planting.

By spring, the peony bushes will get stronger and can delight you with flowering. Experienced gardeners recommend cutting off the first flower so that the plant takes root better, and in the second year enjoy abundant flowering.

Transplanting peonies - useful video