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» Kitchen layout. Straight kitchen - secrets of a convenient layout from the designer Design of a small kitchen 5 m

Kitchen layout. Straight kitchen - secrets of a convenient layout from the designer Design of a small kitchen 5 m

Kitchen area 5 sq. meters is often found in Khrushchev buildings, typical panel houses and old buildings. It is quite difficult to fit a work and dining area into such a tiny space, but it is quite possible. From this material you will learn how much depends on what furniture is selected and how it is arranged, what color the walls are painted, how the light is arranged and what curtains hang on the windows. And here you can get a lot of super ideas for design, renovation, planning and redevelopment from a selection of 50 photos of real interiors.


So that the kitchen has 5 sq. meters to fit both the working and dining areas, there is no other way out than to plan the arrangement of furniture in an L-shape or linearly.

  • L-shaped (corner) layout good because it allows you to arrange the stove, sink and refrigerator according to the “working triangle” rule, as well as use a corner and two walls. Arranged kitchen furniture This way you will have a spacious work area and ample storage space. True, you will have to “save” on the size of the dining area and choose a table/counter for 2 people. Example of a corner kitchen 5 sq. meters is shown in the photo below.

  • The linear layout is more compact, but a little less convenient, since to prepare food the cook will have to run along the entire kitchen line many times. However, in such small room it's not that difficult. But dinner table You can also install a more spacious one - designed for 3-4 people.

If the kitchen is only a utilitarian room, and the dining area is moved to another room, then you can consider a U-shaped or two-row layout.

  • Two-row furniture arrangement scheme - great option For narrow room. As a rule, the kitchen is arranged as follows: the stove, sink, food preparation area and dishwasher are placed on one side, and the refrigerator, oven and microwave oven are on the opposite side.
  • The U-shaped layout is the most convenient, because everything you need for cooking is at hand. The downside is the bulkiness of the U-shaped headset. This option is most suitable for a square kitchen. In the next photo slider you can see the interior of a 5 sq. m kitchen. meters with a U-shaped set and a dining area located in the living room.

When designing your kitchen in a U-shape or in two rows, remember that the passage between the furniture should be at least 90 cm.

Color spectrum

Kitchen area 5 sq. meters must be light and monochrome rather than multi-colored or contrasting.

  • Best visually increases space and solves the problem of lack of light White color. In a small kitchen of 5 sq. there should be more meters of it than any other flowers. In fact, the facades of the furniture, the decoration, the dining area, and even the curtains can be white. Don't be afraid of white surfaces getting dirty. In fact, they are as practical as any colored ones. And so that such an interior does not seem too “hospital”, use several shades of white (from milky to Ivory) and different textures (from gloss to stone).

Design of a small-sized kitchen 5 sq. meters in one-room Khrushchev house

  • To pair with white, you can choose other light shades: light gray, light blue, cream, beige.
  • Try not to use more than 3 colors in the interior, otherwise there is a risk of “overloading” the interior.


  • “Pushing apart” the walls will help correct styling floor. If you have chosen ceramic tiles, then it should be laid diagonally. Wooden floors and laminate in narrow rooms are also laid diagonally or across the room. Ideally dies flooring should be small, folded in a spread or herringbone pattern.
  • A well-known disadvantage of kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings is not only the small area, but also low ceilings. Wallpaper with a rhombus or vertical stripes will help to “raise” them. But be careful, an abundance of vertical lines will narrow a narrow kitchen even more.

Design project for a small kitchen with striped wallpaper

  • It is advisable that the walls be plain and without patterns. But if you want to wallpaper, then choose canvases with small patterns in muted shades. Wallpaper with large and variegated prints is safest to glue on only one wall.
  • Create the illusion of more space Photo wallpaper will help with a perspective image. For example, it could be a city street, a road going into the distance, or a forest path.

  • Another super-effective technique is covering walls with mirrors. If you decorate the entire wall with it or large plot(for example, an apron or a wall near the dining area), the space will visually appear larger. And if the window is reflected in the mirror, then there will be more natural light.

  • To add a feeling of airiness and lightness to a small space, use shiny, glossy or “satin” surfaces in the finishing of the apron. For example, hog tile or glass .

Redevelopment and zoning

Remodeling is always a labor-, time- and financially expensive undertaking, but with its help you can radically change and enlarge a small kitchen. There are two redevelopment options: combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms or moving partitions.

  • Relocation of the partition and enlargement of the kitchen due to adjacent rooms. Pros: increasing the kitchen for a couple square meters, making it possible to arrange a full-fledged dining and work area. At the same time, the kitchen remains isolated - smells and noises will not penetrate into the rest of the rooms. Cons: the area of ​​the living room/corridor is reduced, repairs become more complicated and more expensive due to the construction of new partitions.

Below is an apartment plan with a partition moved and an increase in the kitchen area due to adjacent rooms.

On the following photos The interior of the kitchen is presented in a one-room Khrushchev house, which was enlarged to include a living room.

Keep in mind that the redistribution of an apartment, even with the demolition of non-load-bearing structures, requires approval from housing inspectors.

  • Combining the kitchen with the living room and/or hallway. Pros: the space becomes convenient for family holidays, meals and meetings with guests, the kitchen is enlarged by moving the dining group to the living room area or to the border of two rooms, it becomes possible to arrange a full and spacious dining area. Cons: there is no opportunity for privacy, noises and smells from the kitchen can disturb those relaxing in the living room (and vice versa), clutter in one or another area will spoil general form rooms.

Below are plans for a two-room apartment in a typical Khrushchev-era building before redevelopment and after combining the kitchen with the living room.

Plan of a two-room apartment in Khrushchev before redevelopment

And here it is clear example design of a combined kitchen-living room in a one-room Khrushchev house.

Apartment layouts “before” and “after” remodeling

To make a combined kitchen-living room or kitchen-hallway look orderly, it needs to be zoned. The boundaries of zones can only be indicated by visual techniques (using different finishes walls, floors and ceilings, lighting, carpets) or physical “delimiters”. For example, this could be furniture, a low partition, ceiling beam, partition with arched or open doorway, plants, glass partition, sliding doors and curtains. The following selection of photos shows examples of zoning of combined kitchen-living room areas.


A lot depends on the choice of furniture. Here are some tips to help you plan your kitchen set:

  • Since a tiny 5-meter kitchen is sorely lacking space for storing things, you need to use its height, that is, the walls. Choose a three-tier kitchen set that reaches the ceiling and place on the top shelves those things that are not often needed in the kitchen (glasses, festive dinnerware, food supplies, bottles for pickles, etc.). By the way, you can hide the air duct in the additional tier.
  • Except the top kitchen cabinet You can also use its bottom, namely the base. If you build several roll-out drawers into it, you will get excellent storage for small items.

  • Ideally, the kitchen set should be ordered by custom sizes, because not a single centimeter should be wasted.
  • To visually lighten the interior, you should choose glossy or glass inserts, solid doors without panels and even without handles will also work well.

  • The universal color of the kitchen set is white. It is also good if There is a gas heater in the kitchen. After all, among the white facades, the white box will be practically invisible (see photo).

  • Another good option is a set to match the walls.

You need to be no less scrupulous when choosing a table and chairs. After all, in a mini-kitchen they should be maxi-functional and super-compact.

  • The most “miniature” solution would be a bar counter. In an isolated kitchen, it can be equipped on the basis of a window sill (see photo examples below), and in a kitchen combined with a living room, it can be placed on the border of the rooms.

On corner kitchen area 5 sq. meters, you can carve out a place for snacks by converting the window sill into a bar counter

Example of a window sill table

And here is an example of the design of a combined kitchen-living room with a bar counter.

A mini-bar counter can also be built into a headset niche, as shown in this photo.

  • Another mobile solution is a folding table, which assembled form turns into a hanging shelf.

  • In a 5-meter kitchen, a small round one will also fit coffee table for 1-2 people.

If your lifestyle does not fit in with mini-tables, choose a table for 3-4 people in a rectangular or square shape - they use up space more efficiently. It is desirable that it can be easily folded and unfolded.

  • The chairs are light, compact and functional. For example, these could be folding “garden” chairs, transparent polycarbonate chairs, benches, stools or corners with built-in storage drawers.


To save space in work area, choose small-sized and built-in equipment.

It is better to choose a refrigerator that is narrow but tall, a dishwasher with a width of 45 cm, and a hob with 2-3 burners.

It's good if Appliances will combine several functions at once: multicooker + bread maker, food processor + meat grinder + juicer or oven + microwave.


Proper lighting is the key to comfort. In a small kitchen there must be a lot of it.

  • Penetration daylight Neither curtains, nor furniture, nor unnecessary objects on the windowsill should interfere.
  • It is important to distribute artificial light as evenly as possible throughout the room. The following lighting scenario is ideal: spotlights along the perimeter of the ceiling + furniture lighting for the work area + sconces or chandeliers above the table.

  • Choose the lamps themselves to be miniature and laconic.


All small kitchens tend to feel cluttered and cluttered. Even magnets on the refrigerator can bring a feeling of disorganization to a 5-meter kitchen. Therefore the most main principle her decor is “less is more.” However, there is no need to completely abandon decorations and accessories, otherwise the interior will turn out to be too minimalistic. Pairs of small paintings/posters/photo frames on the wall, a pot of indoor flower And wall clock will be quite enough to create comfort.

As for curtains, short and laconic types of curtains are best suited: Roman and roller blinds, blinds and cafe curtains as in the photo below.

Worrying about a tiny kitchen is not productive. Better think through the design 5 meter kitchen down to the smallest detail, trying to use every square centimeter to good effect.

The fact that this is possible has already been proven by thousands of owners of small kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, who managed to make them not only cozy and beautiful, but also multifunctional.

Furniture arrangement in a small kitchen

On all construction forums, the question about the design of kitchens of 5 sq. m is heard more often than others. Especially when people don’t want to remodel, combining the kitchen with a living room or storage room, but want to fit all the necessary equipment in it without sacrificing storage space. It seems impossible to do this.

Now, when it comes to the design of a kitchen of 8 5 m, there are many examples of how you can beautifully and healthily organize everything in this area. And small kitchens are advised to expand visually, using various design tricks. But these tricks can only affect our aesthetic perception, but not the ability of the kitchen to accommodate everything we need.

Therefore, let's leave talking about styles, textures and color solutions, and we will solve practical problems.

Corner kitchen

Corner or L-shaped furniture arrangement is considered the most optimal for small rooms, especially if it is necessary to squeeze a dining area into them.

The following options are possible:

  • With a sink in the corner. This is the most ergonomic design - a 5 sq. m kitchen is as comfortable as possible for the hostess. A corner wall cabinet with a pull-out mechanism is hung above the sink, allowing for maximum use of space.

  • With hob in the corner. A non-standard solution for those who love to cook and do it often. Electric and gas hobs of a special angular shape are not uncommon today, so you can easily fit them into the design of a 5 m2 kitchen.

For reference. Please note that the price of a corner hob, corner hood and even a corner lower module is usually higher than that of standard analogues.

  • With a sink under the window. A rather complex option to implement, requiring the relocation of the heating radiator and extension of the water and sewer pipes. But the result will definitely please you.

Kitchen without refrigerator or dining table

If you decide to sacrifice a table or a refrigerator, which really take up a lot of space in the kitchen, you will have more opportunities to give your 5 m2 kitchen a comfortable work area.

  • – furniture is located along three walls, allowing you to use everything usable space and create the perfect work triangle. If you are not too lazy and use your own hands to break through a small distribution window into the room adjacent to the kitchen, you will be able to fully maintain the functionality of this small room.

  • Double row kitchen. The furniture is located along two opposite walls. A simplified modification of a U-shaped kitchen that allows you to leave free access to the window and place tall modules for storage and kitchen appliances.

Small kitchen design ideas

If you are a lover of antique sideboards, cute trinkets on open shelves and soft sofas with cozy pillows, then even the design of a kitchen of 8-5 sq. m or more will become a problem for you. In a tiny kitchen, you have to take into account and use every centimeter with maximum efficiency, so country or classic style, where too much space is given to decorative elements, is unlikely to be appropriate here.

You will have to give up bulky and functionally useless items in favor of convenience and ergonomics.

Furniture and appliances

To provide more free space in a small kitchen, furniture and appliances must be chosen very carefully. With today's assortment, this is easy to do.

  • Don't buy a ready-made set. Custom-made furniture always fits better into the design of a 5 sq. m kitchen, leaving even the most inaccessible corners unused.
  • Reduce the depth of the lower modules to 50 or even 40 cm - the kitchen will be much more spacious.
  • Make the most of the full height of your kitchen. Wall cabinets make it up to the ceiling: rarely used utensils can be stored on the upper shelves. Do not cover the bottom part with a plinth; it is better to place baskets under the cabinets for storing vegetables.

Advice. Large refrigerator with freezer You can place it in the hallway or on the loggia, and in the small kitchen you can keep only daily used products.

  • An excellent solution can be a multifunctional appliance, for example, an oven with a microwave function or a multicooker, which can replace both the hob and the oven.

Attention! You should study the operating instructions for such equipment before purchasing so that you can make sure that it really suits you in all respects.

  • When planning your kitchen space, pay attention to folding chairs and transformable tables. The latter can be folding, roll-out, sliding, which greatly saves space in the kitchenette.

For reference. Watch the video on our portal about small kitchens and transformable kitchens. You might be interested in some of the ideas from these videos.

Important little things

  • If we are going to use the space to the fullest, then let’s pay attention to other interior details. For example, the work surface can be increased by using a window sill, replacing it with a wider tabletop. It can also serve as a bar counter or a table for quick snacks. You can also arrange small shelves under the windowsill.
  • If you remove the door to the kitchen or replace it with a sliding one, it will be much easier for you to move.
  • Finally, the rails and hooks are on kitchen apron and on inside doors can become a repository for a huge mass of little things that are so necessary in any kitchen.


Designing a 5 m kitchen is a task for creative and inventive people. Without a certain amount of adventurism, it is better not to take on it - it is better to entrust this matter to professional designers. If you decide to do it yourself, look for non-standard solutions and don't be afraid to experiment.

My name is Pavel and I will share my experience with you budget renovation small kitchen. Our house is old, a five-story Khrushchev building, the apartment is located on the 5th floor. The kitchen in the Khrushchev building is tiny, so arranging the furniture was not easy for me. The window offers a beautiful view, which is why it was decided to locate the work area along the window.

DIY kitchen renovation 5 sq.m.

I did the repairs myself, slowly but carefully.

The first step was to dismantle the old plank floor down to the concrete floor.

Then, using tile adhesive, I laid 2 cm thick sheets of extruded polystyrene foam on the concrete.

I attached OSB sheets (10 mm thick) to them using dowels.

This is what the room looked like when the floor was installed

And linoleum was already laid on top of all this.

I decided to make a suspended two-level ceiling. Mounted metal frame

Primed and painted 2 times, covered with plasterboard, puttyed 3 times, sanded.

Primed and painted 3 times. Installed lamps. I want to say that I am pleased with the result.

After the floor and ceiling were ready, I began installing the furniture.

I chose a corner or L-shaped layout, this is what it looks like in the drawings:

Since I needed the area near the window to arrange a work area, I removed the window sill.

I decided not to open the window. The height from the floor to the tabletop was already 93 cm, the tabletop was ordered by EGGER with a thickness of 38 mm. I needed a tabletop 90 cm wide, so I took a whole sheet 4 m long. This sheet was enough for both the tabletop and the table.

Ready-made furniture for such small area Couldn't find it. At first I thought of doing it myself: ordering a cut according to my drawings, buying fittings and assembling the set. But there was not enough time. Therefore, someone I knew assembled and installed the cabinets.

I can’t say that there were a lot of cabinets; with my little one, I can only dream about it. But I have a comfortable dining area and even a table for a laptop or eating outside the kitchen.

The hanging drawers were mounted on a metal profile.

DIY design

The renovation work has been completed and you can boast about the results:

The bottom was deliberately made much darker than the top; in my opinion, it was more impressive. But I don’t accept white furniture on principle, even though it expands the space.

On the wall opposite the stove, I hung a shelf where you can not only store dishes and all sorts of small things, but also culinary or fiction literature.

A small room does not mean little possibilities for its arrangement. This formulation is perfect for considering the issue of kitchen design with a footage of 5 5 square meters. m. There is, of course, not much space, but there are plenty of options for arranging furniture and interior decoration.

Designers are used to working with spaces that don't respond modern ideas about the area standard apartment. If you are planning a small kitchen, they have ideas that may be useful to you too.

The most important thing is the layout. The interior, renovation with all its stages is the second thing. For a kitchen of exactly 5 5 meters, the following tips will be relevant:

  • We use the corners - in small space you can’t do without it, the layout in the form of the letter L is used most often;
  • We use volume instead of meters: the kitchen area should be occupied in height (cabinets, shelves, maximum usable space);
  • We make the dining area comfortable, but compact - often it becomes an extension wide window sill. Most often, the dining room becomes a place by the window or a wall opposite the entrance;
  • Down with swing doors- they steal a couple of meters that we need (alternative - beautiful entrance, for example, arched);
  • The refrigerator is often moved outside the kitchen, into the hallway;
  • Capacity of cabinets: The wall area where they hang should be used wisely. Cabinets with many cells, comfortable roofs for arranging dishes or necessary containers, transformable, etc.
  • If the family is small, a bar counter is used as a dining table, and in the living room there is a table, which is used for its intended purpose in the event of guests or celebrations.

This is, of course, only a small part useful tips, which may prompt you to independently create a kitchen arrangement plan.

Dining area - ideas

Still, it is worth first considering the option of moving the area to the living room - often redevelopment begins with this decision, making the entrance to the living room directly from the kitchen. But if there are no such events in your plans, you can do differently.

A good option is to extend the window sill. The window sill tabletop itself is made wider and extended, and then the table is turned into a corner. Such a dining area is usually made to individual sizes, and its price will not be high. It turns out to be an L-shaped dining table, not wide, but not too narrow. Three bar stools will fit quite well at such a table.

A folding table is also a good idea. Small on ordinary days, but if the company expands (guests, holiday) it can be easily expanded.

Designers advise in any case to place the table near the window, and to create a more comfortable interior, hang a lamp or lamp above the table, maybe even with a vintage lampshade.

A kitchen is not a warehouse. And sometimes we have everything stored there that is a pity to throw away. It is better to load rarely used dishes onto the mezzanine, or even take them to the country house, village, etc. The kitchen space of 5 5 m is used only rationally!

It is noted that more than half of the kitchen area is occupied by supplies, dishes, and utensils, which almost no one ever uses. We carry out an audit and remove everything unnecessary beyond our small meters.

7 tips on how to choose furniture for perfect interior miniature kitchen:

  • It is difficult to purchase a kitchen set in a store - for small kitchens the range is small, and the kitchen individual project It will be in the category of “what I wanted,” and it won’t cost much more.
  • There are many drawers, quite spacious - they will save space.
  • A folding table is part of a window sill; such an interior solution, as we see, is very popular.
  • Household appliances should be easily integrated into the kitchen set.
  • Hooks and open shelving on the walls – our planners think such features make a lot of sense.
  • The design of the 5 5 kitchen involves an emphasis on the work area: the furniture is lined up, taking into account, of course, the shape of the sink and stove.
  • It is advisable to abandon furniture with hinged doors; a modern alternative to them is shutter doors.

And a couple more tips from experienced designers. Chic, luxury kitchen furniture in a small room looks ridiculous. Therefore, the choice should be directed towards comfort, warmth, and retro style. For example, light, almost monochromatic furniture, which is decorated with homemade napkins, tablecloths and other “goodies”.

Or simple, but of good quality wooden furniture natural shade. Furniture in the shabby chic style is often used in such interiors. Deliberately worn, it serves as a compliment to the vintage look in the interior. In this case, a small kitchen and not the most expensive renovation will be saved by such an original, truly homely solution.

Choosing a technique

When the renovation is completed, the layout is determined, you need to choose equipment. Try to make it built-in.

Today it is possible to purchase a horizontal refrigerator that will not take up extra meters and will be the highlight of your kitchen.

Instead of a stove you can use hob, and build the oven into a niche in the kitchen unit.

Bulky household appliances are hidden behind furniture, and rarely used ones are placed on the mezzanine.

Color and decor

But due to these moments you can hide a rather simple renovation, a lack of meters, and perhaps not the most fashionable interior:

  • reflective surfaces visually increase the space, mirrored ceilings, walls, doors will make the kitchen wider;
  • light in a small kitchen is a big deal, so there shouldn’t be any heavy curtains, but the lighting design can be kept minimal (plan this while renovations are still underway);
  • light colors of furniture (cold, pastel, delicate, made from natural materials) are preferred;
  • glass and metallic also wonderfully expand the space - this always works for the interior concept;
  • I compensate for the lack of meters with relief colorless textures;
  • there should not be too many figurines and all sorts of souvenirs, and let them all find their place on a glass shelf on the wall;
  • but with photos you don’t have to limit yourself - photos in frames, on the contrary, expand the space, they are “loved” by kitchens of 5 by 5 meters;
  • when planning a renovation, you can think about this solution: one wall is yellow and the rest are neutral;
  • brightness in color is good, but not in the case of a small kitchen: renovation in such a room using hot colors will “eat up” the space.

Choosing a kitchen style 5 5

A small kitchen is a guarantee of comfort, if, of course, the interior layout is reasonable. Designers advise you to take a closer look at the Provence style, Scandinavian style, retro. It is better to start repairs when everything is possible variations studied and “tried on” to their space.

Expansion of kitchen space of 5 5 sq. M Video)


Details make up the whole look - handicrafts, cute home crafts, painted boards, bottles, and openwork napkins always looked great in the kitchen. These things distract from the shortcomings of the room, but you also don’t need to get carried away with them, so that the kitchen does not turn into a museum of home creativity.

Good renovation and a warm kitchen where cooking and dining will be a pleasure!

Kitchen design in 5 5 sq. m (photo)

Kitchen 5.5 sq. m - small, but quite functional and comfortable space for the hostess. In such an area you can organize a comfortable workplace for cooking, where all the necessary kitchen utensils will be at hand. With the correct placement of furniture, 5 square meters. m, even for arranging a dining area there will be enough space. What renovation ideas and design innovations for interior improvement do modern specialists offer?

Selecting a layout

First of all, you should develop a project for a future kitchen of 5 square meters. m. Professional experienced designers will help with this, but their services are not cheap. Not everyone can visualize space and develop a design project on their own, so it’s better to immediately arm yourself with a pencil and a sheet of paper and sketch out a plan for the location of the furniture. Determine which zone and how many meters will be allocated. Confident PC users can simplify the task and use the online designer. This program allows you to see the layout of the future kitchen in 3D mode, so you can immediately note all the advantages and disadvantages.

If the apartment is one-room or each family member needs their own personal territory, the kitchen design is 5 sq. m should combine the working and dining areas. In this case, single-row or corner layout.

  • With a linear layout, all furniture is 5 square meters. meters is located in one row along a blank wall. Similar interior It looks very stylish and compact, and also takes up little space. Another advantage is its relatively low cost. To purchase a headset, you just need to measure the length of the larger wall. The main emphasis in this kitchen design is 5.5 sq. m is made into a dining area, in which you can put a round or square coffee table for 3-4 people. Flaw linear layout– non-ergonomic use of space. The kitchen has 5 sq. m with a refrigerator there will be practically no space left for a working surface and for placing another household appliances.
  • L-shaped layout is the most common and convenient option both for the housewife and for the household. This interior involves placing the headset along two perpendicular walls, capturing the corner. Moreover, this angle can be played out in different ways: make it beveled or straight. In the first case, the niche will be much deeper, which will allow you to place a lot of food and utensils. But the right angle is more convenient to use, because it is easier to reach the sink. Housewives really like such small kitchens of 5 meters with a refrigerator, since the so-called triangle principle is preserved. Visually combining the stove, sink and refrigerator allows you not to waste time on unnecessary maneuvers and cook in comfort.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that corner sets are more expensive, since they must be made to order, taking into account individual parameters. But this will allow you to use every centimeter of free space in the kitchen of 5 5 sq. m. m.

If in another room it is possible to arrange a full-fledged dining room, then the kitchen is 5 sq. m. meters is used for its intended purpose, i.e. as a work area for cooking. In this case, you can consider the following planning options.

  • A design based on a U-shaped layout involves placing a set along three walls, covering two corners, sometimes a window. It is only suitable for square rooms correct form. This arrangement method is convenient for housewives who spend a lot of time at the stove. Firstly, the principle of ergonomic space is preserved, and secondly, everything you need is at hand. So that the kitchen has 5 sq. m was not very crowded, the distance between the sidewalls should be at least 1 meter. Original and practical option– combine the work surface with the sink, stove and countertop. The latter can be equipped as a bar counter or as a place for a quick snack. If there are no additional cabinets under the countertop, it is recommended to place 1-2 chairs.
  • Linear double row the layout is suitable for an elongated and narrow kitchen 5 squares. Here the design involves placing the headset along two parallel long walls. To comply with the triangle principle, it is necessary to place the sink and stove on one side, and the refrigerator on the other. As in the U-shaped layout, the distance between the sidewalls should be 1–1.2 meters to make the room comfortable to be in. In such a kitchen there are 5 sq. m, the design of which can be viewed on the website, can accommodate all necessary household appliances, including washing and dishwasher, microwave, coffee maker, etc.


Kitchen design 5.5 sq. m. needs to visual expansion space, so you should take care of installing additional lighting in advance. There is little sunlight, especially in apartments with windows to the north and west, so its deficit must be compensated. Remember that a dark and poorly lit kitchen will look much smaller than it actually is.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range lighting fixtures for every taste and budget: fluorescent, halogen, energy-saving lamps, LED strips, sconces, floor lamps, etc. To save energy consumption, it is important to illuminate each zone. In the dining room, the light may be more subdued than in the work area, so you can choose a sconce and chandelier in the center of the kitchen.

The “floating ceiling” looks very original with LED strip along the perimeter. The only negative: such a plasterboard structure can only be installed if the height of the room allows it. In the work area, give preference to spotlights around the perimeter of the headset and backlight lighting. Mounted in the bottom will help to visually enlarge the kitchen transparent cabinets and open shelves light bulbs.

Color solution

For small kitchens of 5 square meters, the predominance of bright colors is unacceptable. rich colors, which make the space narrower, tighter and more aggressive. Give preference pastel shades, light green, pink, beige, sand, light brown, white colors. Bright interior looks much more festive and elegant, filling the kitchen with space and airiness. Please note that with a pure white color, care must be taken so that the kitchen does not turn into a hospital room. A combination of milky shades and ivory will help with this.

To give the interior liveliness and style, it is allowed to make bright accent on one detail or some decorative elements. Make sure that when decorating your kitchen you do not use more than three different colors, otherwise the room will look tasteless.

Selection of materials

If planned major renovation kitchen, you should update all wall and floor coverings, and also select materials that match the design in color and texture.

The first step is to start screeding, i.e. leveling the floor. This will allow you to choose any coating and ensure its long-term operation. For kitchens 5.5 sq. m, photos of which are presented on the website, laminate, tile or ceramic tiles, linoleum are suitable. Pay attention to the quality of materials: they must be wear-resistant, easy to clean greasy stains and dirt. It’s good if the flooring tiles are small in size: then they should be laid diagonally or in a herringbone pattern. This will visually expand the room of 5 square meters. m.


Paintable wallpaper is suitable for wall design, decorative plaster, Wall panels made of plastic or MDF. Patterns in a vertical line or diamonds will help to visually raise the ceiling. But please note that with such a drawing the room will seem narrower and more cramped. Opt for a plain finish or small, almost invisible patterns. If there is only one free wall left, you can put up photo wallpaper. Canvases with images receding into the distance look very original. For an area of ​​5 meters, a kitchen with similar design looks much bigger and more spacious.

It is recommended to use as an apron finish ceramic tiles or Stalinite. Last option much more practical, because it is made of tempered glass, which can withstand any temperature changes. In addition, panoramic images will be a real highlight for any small kitchen.


For a small kitchen 5 sq. A plain ceiling without prints or patterns is suitable. Stop choosing suspended ceiling, simple coloring or, if height allows, two-tier suspended structure from plasterboard. Pay attention to the glossy PVC film. Such a reflective surface will increase the size of the kitchen.


At 5 sq. meters it is difficult to fit everything you need: furniture, appliances, kitchen utensils, dishes, food. However, there are secrets that will help solve this problem.

  • Choose multifunctional kitchen furniture with built-in appliances, drawers, additional shelves and sections. It’s good if the set is three-tiered: this will provide additional space for storing things. On the mezzanine you can put kitchen utensils that are least needed in everyday life, and keep all the essentials on the lower shelves. The headset base is also great place for storage small items, if you equip the set with drawers.
  • It is recommended to replace a large dining table with a folding or folding one, which is mounted on the wall or in a set. When folded, it serves as a shelf and does not take up much space. As for the chairs, they can also be replaced with folding ones or choose polycarbonate models.

When purchasing, give preference to furniture with a glossy surface, which will help visually increase the kitchen space of 5 square meters. m.


Those who have the financial ability and desire to experiment with a 5-meter kitchen design can consider redevelopment options.

Let's consider the main ways to rebuild this apartment:

First way. Moving the wall and increasing the 5-meter kitchen at the expense of an adjacent room or corridor. To do this you will have to dismantle the wall and install new partition from plasterboard. Thus, the kitchen will gain an extra couple of meters, and the living room or corridor, on the contrary, will become smaller. This option requires significant financial investment, but all premises remain isolated.

Second way. Combination of kitchen and living room. Such redevelopment involves the complete or partial demolition of a wall with an adjacent room. The result is a spacious studio kitchen, which includes 3 functional areas: working, guest and dining. Large space needs frequent cleaning, mandatory zoning. If a lot of people live in the apartment, then a similar design for a small kitchen of 5 sq. m, combined with the living room, will deprive one of the family members of personal space. In addition, odors and noise from operating household appliances will interfere with the rest of guests and household members in the room.

For a kitchen 5 sq. m located in houses old building, the option of any redevelopment is very problematic and costly. Before starting renovations, you should agree on the design of the future premises with higher authorities. This will take time and money, but the permission obtained guarantees the safety of the apartment residents and all neighbors. The point is that demolition load-bearing wall can provoke collapse and landslides, and the transfer of communications (especially gas pipes) – lead to an accident in the form of a fire or explosion. Remember that unauthorized redevelopment threatens with a large fine and an order to return the interior to its original state. If a small kitchen of 5 meters is equipped gas stove, then combination with the adjacent room is impossible.

Repairing and furnishing an apartment is a long and painstaking process that requires a special approach, knowledge and skills. At correct design and even choosing a layout small kitchen, the design of which is presented on the website, will become a favorite place for all guests and household members.

Photos of small kitchens after renovation