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» Why is my pet orchid no longer blooming? Florists have revealed the secret of how to “persuade” an orchid to send out a new arrow

Why is my pet orchid no longer blooming? Florists have revealed the secret of how to “persuade” an orchid to send out a new arrow

Hi all!

Phalaenopsis Orchid - one of the unpretentious types of orchids. Almost all girls and many men like this flower. Phalaenopsis It pleases with its flowering for a long period of time, but there are some peculiarities in the care and maintenance of the flower!

I'll start from the very beginning!

How to choose an Orchid in a store?

Let's look at the leaves, stem and roots! The stem should not be yellow, black or rotten. Looking at the roots - Do not take a flower with a small number of roots, that is, if it is difficult to view the entire root system. Yes, you will come home and be able to examine the roots, but what if it turns out that they are all rotten?

The roots should be dense and thick, or dark green (when they were recently watered or whitish) - These are healthy roots!

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You bought an orchid

Here you already need to think about what to do with it after purchase!

I decide according to the circumstances whether to replant immediately or not.

Yes, for Orchids, moving from the store to your apartment is a big stress. Because the conditions of detention are changing. Before the Orchid came to your home, it was stuffed with various fertilizers without sparing, and was poured in the store.

Replanting after purchase is desirable, but not necessary. (even if it blooms)

When buying in a regular store, I always replant.


  • Not good good quality bark
  • The orchid is always flooded there, and there is swamp and mold in the pot
  • There is always a surprise waiting for you under Orchid's ass. That is, foam rubber! It is good for transporting orchids, because... It retains moisture at the roots longer, but it is also an ENEMY for keeping an Orchid at home if you don’t know how to water an orchid.
  • There is a “Moss-Sphagnum Bomb” under the butt, it retains moisture and the orchid can be watered very rarely. (I didn’t know for more than a year that my first orchid had such a bomb, but I didn’t ruin the orchid...more on that later). But better than a bomb remove and plant in regular bark (more on this below)
  • Flowers fade quickly.

When I buy in a flower shop, where the orchids are well cared for.

  • I don’t touch such orchids until they bloom.
  • The bark retains moisture well, of good quality
  • Rarely have I seen foam rubber in such a pot

BUT! It’s still better to replant after purchase! Because Different suppliers of orchids have different contents and types of transportation.

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Let's talk about transplantation!

How I and many others do it (I constantly communicate with Orchid growers)

  1. Taking the orchid out of the pot
  2. We inspect the root system, remove rotten and empty roots.
  3. We treat the cut area with charcoal.
  4. If there is black rot somewhere on the stem, clean it. It is advisable for such an orchid to lie down to dry for several hours, and only then into the pot.
  5. Let's see how many roots the Orchid has, The pot must match the number of roots. If there are a lot of roots that no longer fit into the pot, then take a larger pot.
  6. Let's plant in the bark! We put the orchid in the pot, and add bark in between. To make it go lower, we pat the walls of the pot, and you can also help with a stick.
  7. From above you can cover the aerial roots with sphagnum moss.


Planting an orchid ONLY IN WET BARK! Do not plant in dry bark under any circumstances.

The experience of many people has shown. Those who plant in dry bark and then don’t water for another 5 days complain after a while that their Orchid is bent!

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Methods of watering Orchids!

There are several ways to water an orchid!

Well, of course, it is clear that the water needs to be settled so that the water is not hard, etc.

Watering methods:

  • I'll start from the very beginning safe method. SPILL METHOD. This method requires 1-1.5 liters of settled water. It depends on what kind of pot the orchid has. Let's take our Flower and go to the bath! We hold or place the pot, as is convenient for YOU! And we begin to SPILL the orchid from above, like an ordinary flower. As soon as you have spilled 1-1.5 liters of water, let it drain completely so that the water does not stand at the bottom (or in a flowerpot or saucer on which the orchid stands)

This method is good because the upper roots also receive moisture, and the water also passes evenly to all areas of the roots.


After such watering, if water gets into the axils of the leaves or at the growing point, remove excess water with a napkin (blot) Stagnation of water can cause rotting of the orchid itself.

  • Second method IMMERSION METHOD. Them I used it for a long time, and I will say that now I have almost given up on it. Firstly, the lower roots receive more water and begin to rot so quickly. Secondly, the upper roots do not receive water and begin to dry out. Thirdly, you may forget that you put the orchid in water.

So about the method itself: Place the orchid in a container of water. And let her drink some water for 5-20 minutes. Then let the water drain.

  • And the third way, I’ll call it COMBO - STRAIT + dive.

This is how I water orchids that have just been transplanted into new bark. Because I don’t know how well new bark absorbs moisture.

The method itself: I take the Orchid into the bath, put it in a container and start pouring a liter of water on top, and leave it in the container with water for 5 minutes.

How often do you water your orchid?

  • You can’t water an orchid, for example, like this: Once every 7 days.

There are various factors.

  1. If the roots are green, do not water the orchid. But there are exceptions! If the orchid did not have a bicycle cover or lived in a very humid environment.
  2. Condensation on the walls of the pot! We see condensation, do not water until it disappears.
  3. After he left, we wait another 1-2 days.
  4. We look at the weight of the pot, it should be light
  5. And we stick our finger into the middle of the pot to a depth of 2 cm) And see if it is humid there) But this is not necessary. For example, I have one orchid living with a “Moss Bomb”, so I have to check it like that!

Then, based on the number of days, you will understand how the bark retains moisture. The longest time I haven't watered an orchid: 3 weeks.

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Resuscitation of orchids if there are few roots and leaves have lost TURGOR

I bought 2 orchids at the same time in one place. And after a while they began to lose their roots, and one orchid’s leaves completely lost their turgor. I didn’t replant the orchids right away and here’s the result! (there was sooo much paralon!!!)

I talked to experts and they told me what and how. And everything worked out!

So. where to start resuscitation?

  • Let's take the Orchid out of the pot! We cut off all the rotten roots, remove the remaining leaves with tweezers, and clean out the rot. Then you need to process all the places. And let it dry. I left the orchid without bark for more than 10 hours because... there was no bark and the University took time.
  • I have There are very few roots left. Therefore, I cut the standard pot in which orchids are sold exactly in half. As I said above, THE POT MUST ACCORD NUMBER OF ROOTS!
  • On top, on the bark, around the stem, covered with damp Sphagoon Moss (sold in dried form)
  • Every day I started spraying moss from spray bottle!
  • Watering was done once every 7 days on average. because pot small size, moisture leaves faster.


A week later The orchid released a root. And after another week, there are already 3 of them. And a month later, the orchid has already produced 7 roots (but they grow slowly) and one leaf.

Second the orchid also had a small number of roots, carried out the same operation, and also produced a new leaf and 3 roots.

I sprayed the moss twice a day.

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I have 7 orchids. I select special care for each one.

For example, one orchid lives in a “sphagnum moss BOMB” and feels great! She produced 3 peduncles and many elastic leaves. She likes everything because I adjusted the watering. The only thing in such a humid environment was that the orchid roots lost the velomen at the roots.

The rest of the orchids grow in clean bark, and some are covered with sphagnum on top.


If an orchid bloomed in a humid environment, for example in moss, then it cannot be immediately transferred to clean bark. This is stress and the orchid is not used to living in such conditions, you will ruin it. If you want to replant, we simply free it from such a bomb and mix it with moss.

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How to make an ORCHID release a flower stalk

I’ll tell you exactly how I made it bloom! Everyone has their own ways of making orchids bloom.

In the summer I watered the orchid once a week. The hotter it was, the moisture quickly evaporated. I took it and forgot about the orchid. That is, she received stress! I didn’t water it for 2 and a half weeks (it was too long for summer). The leaves, of course, drooped from lack of moisture, and after 2.5 weeks I watered it. The leaves have regained their moisture. And after 2 weeks the orchid’s first flower stalk hatched, a month later the second flower stalk hatched, and after another month the third)

Of course, temperature changes also affected, during the day one - closed room, and at night open window.

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About feeding!

An orchid, like all living beings, needs vitamins and nutrition!

In winter, the orchid can be fed once every month. But I don’t do this at all during the dormant period (when leaves and roots do not grow).

In summer you can do it once every 2 weeks. But you can't overdo it! You need to add as much fertilizer as written on the package, but 2 times less. If you overdo it with fertilizing, you can burn the roots!

Advice: Do not buy fertilizer in sticks that need to be inserted into the substrate, because... (according to the experience of many) he burned the roots.

What does an orchid need? _______________________________

NPK - Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. On the packaging they are written in different ratios.

What happens when there is a lack of Nitrogen:

  • Old leaves turn yellow faster
  • Ugliness of shoots, flowers and leaves

In excess?

  • The plant becomes a victim of all kinds of diseases and insects

With a lack of Phosphorus:

  • Plant growth slowdown
  • young leaves turn dark green

For potassium deficiency:

  • Blackening of leaf tips
  • Dwarfism

Orchids also need elements such as Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Sulfur

Well, this is how to CARE FOR ORCHIDS! I think I wrote everything. But I will add to the review, because... a lot can change.

I hope my REVIEW will be useful to everyone! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Most often we are given a flowering phalaenopsis, which pleases the eye with large flowers and retains its color for a long time. appearance. But how to care for your pet so that it produces a flower stalk again and pleases the eye longer? Nothing is impossible if you know all the intricacies of this process. Today you will learn how to make an orchid produce a flower stalk.

Orchids bloom most often 2 times a year. But there are cases when it releases a peduncle, ignoring periods of rest. Lighting is one of the main factors for qualitatively improving the environment in which phalaenopsis can be made to bloom. It is worth noting that it is not suitable for direct sunlight. It is best to place the pot on a window that faces south, but an east window will also work.

Why can’t an orchid be exposed to aggressive sunlight? They can simply burn the leaves and make them painful.

For an orchid to feel comfortable, it needs enough light. In the autumn winter period they need additional lighting. Moreover, ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable here, as they will heat the plant. It is worth using sodium, halogen, fluorescent, mercury lamps with a power of up to 40 kW.

Daylight hours should last at least 16 hours.

Watering mode

In order to force our exotic plant put out a peduncle, you can reduce watering. If everything is in order with the root system, then for stimulation you can dry the flower for 10 days, then water it, while simultaneously immersing it in warm water for 15 minutes.

The beauty should be watered with settled water so that it is not hard.

The best option among the happy owners of this flower is the “spilling” method. To do this you will need 1–1.5 liters of settled water. We take the pot, go to the bathroom, hold the orchid in our hands and pour all the water taken from top to bottom. Then we wait until it drains and return the flower to its habitat.

Thus, both the upper and lower roots receive water, and there is no problem of stagnation of water below, which leads to rotting of the root system.

How do you know when to water? There is no clear guidance on this issue. If the color of the root is green, there is no need to water. When there is condensation on the walls of the pot, you need to wait until it passes and water the flower after a couple of days.

You can also look at the weight of the pot; it should be light.

Comfortable temperature

There are several rules temperature regime. After studying them, you will know how to painlessly force an orchid to produce the desired peduncle.

For her to live comfortably at home, you need to create a difference between day and night temperatures of approximately 4 °C. That is, if it was 20 °C during the day, then at night it should be 16 °C.

When the room temperature is above 25 °C on hot days, these plants readily grow foliage, but orchids will not shoot arrows in such conditions.

In order to stimulate flowering, night temperatures need to be lowered.

In general, temperature changes have a beneficial effect on the flower and force all processes to activate. Therefore, it is likely that very quickly you will be able to observe how a flower stalk grows from your pot.

Fertilizers and care features

When buying a new flower, pay attention to the condition of the roots. If the purchase was made at a flower shop where it was well looked after, there is no point in replanting. You can simply enjoy the blooms.

When the flower is from a regular store, you can find foam rubber in the pot. It is placed for easy transportation as it retains moisture. But you need to get it at home! Flowers can also wilt quickly because they have been watered too much. It should be noted that another surprise may overtake you in the form of mold growing in the pot, accompanied by big amount moisture. In this case, experts advise immediately transplanting the guest to more acceptable conditions.

In order for the orchid to release the coveted arrow, it needs feeding. There are several ways you can feed your pet.

Some experts advise using. It can be bought at a pharmacy. Dissolve 4 tablets of this acid in a liter of water and immerse the orchid in this solution overnight. Don't worry about oversaturation. The plant will take only what it needs. You can use this method once a week. To force phalaenopsis to release a peduncle, you can also add Zircon to the irrigation water, and Bud and Pollen to the water for spraying the leaves.

Experienced owners of this exotic pet advise feeding it once a month in winter, because a dormant period begins. In summer - once every 2 weeks. Do not overfeed the plant useful substances. This may burn the roots.

Your pet simply needs the following elements: nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. They are part of fertilizers that can be found in flower shops. Experts do not recommend taking fertilizers in sticks that need to be inserted into the pot. There is a high probability of burning the roots when using them.

Proper feeding will speed up the flowering process, and soon you will be able to see new shoots.

What to do with a broken peduncle

The released peduncle is very fragile and sensitive. If it suddenly breaks down for some reason, the main thing is not to panic! What to do with the arrow, how to save it?

The first option is to simply throw away the broken peduncle. With proper care of the plant, there is no negative impact associated with the loss of a limb. Since phalaenopsis reproduce by bulbs, there is simply no point in putting such a peduncle in water so that it takes root.

If the arrow does not break off completely, simply cover it with an adhesive plaster. You will understand that it has not taken root if top part will begin to lose strength and dry out. Do not rush to tear off the patch; the “healing” process is slow and can take a long time.

In response to proper care, care and patience, phalaenopsis will answer you with beautiful and bright flowers!

Video “How to make an orchid bloom?”

From this video you will learn how to make an orchid bloom at home.

You can achieve repeated flowering from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and follow a certain care regimen.

How to properly care for an orchid

Looking at blooming orchid, many gardeners don’t even think about whether to buy this extraordinary plant or not. Of course, buy! But will it bloom just as well at home?

Everyone knows that The orchid is a rather capricious plant and requires meticulous care. You can achieve repeated flowering from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and follow a certain care regimen. Then the orchid will bloom for 2 to 6 months. And some genera, like phalaenopsis or vanda, can bloom all year round.

For an orchid to bloom...

The frequency of orchid flowering depends on compliance with certain care rules. For the plant to bloom, you should remember 9 important conditions, contributing to this.

1. Find out the age of the orchid

If you bought a non-flowering plant, and it is in no hurry to please with flower shoots, perhaps it is still too young. Different types orchids bloom at the age of 1.5 to 3 years.

To determine that an orchid is old enough, you need to count the number of shoots. An adult plant ready to flower should have from 5 to 8. If flowers appear on an orchid earlier, this is not always good. The fact is that a plant that is too young may not have enough strength to recover after flowering, and the orchid may die.

2. Don't move the potty

Many people know that moving is a real stress for an orchid. But this flower does not like even minor movements. The orchid reacts to its position in relation to the light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange a pot with a plant, it is necessary to place it with the same side to the light source as it was before. Also, do not move the orchid while watering. Movement adversely affects the growth of the flower, especially at the moment the peduncle appears.

3. Pay attention to the roots

As you know, orchid roots are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis, so it is important to ensure that they have enough light. Since it is not recommended to move the orchid again, it is worth taking care of the roots in advance. For example, instead of ceramic pots, it is better to use transparent plastic containers with plenty of drainage holes.

NIt is not recommended to take containers with corrugated walls for planting this flower, since its roots tend to grow to uneven surface. In addition, sharp edges and elements can injure the root system, which will harm the entire plant as a whole.

4. Take care of lighting

Sunlight is very important factor, affecting the flowering of orchids. Without full daylight (10-12 hours a day), these plants will not bloom. Therefore, in autumn and winter, when natural light very little, flowers should be illuminated with lamps.

Phytolamps are special lamps designed to illuminate plants: they provide a lot of bright light without drying out the air around the flowers.

If an orchid produces a peduncle in autumn or winter, care should be taken to ensure that it does not die due to the short daylight hours. Without additional lighting in the dark season, the peduncle may stop developing or dry out. If it is not possible to illuminate the entire plant, it is enough to provide illumination only for the tip of the peduncle. The main thing is to make sure that neither it nor the plant itself gets hot.

5. Ensure acceptable temperature differences

The catalyst for flowering of many types of orchids is a slight difference between day and night temperatures. Therefore, for an orchid to bloom, the temperature at night must be 4-6°C lower than during the day. Of course, creating such conditions throughout the year can be problematic. But from late spring to early autumn, orchids can be kept outdoors, where the temperature difference is achieved naturally.

In cooler times, when flowers should already live at home, rooms with orchids need to be ventilated. Just do this very carefully, remembering that these plants are very afraid of drafts.

6. Water your orchid correctly

You need to water the orchid after the soil dries out - this will make it possible to avoid rotting of the roots. These requirements apply both in summer and winter and apply to both children and adult plants. However, there are some exceptions here. After the orchid has faded, watering should be reduced by about a month.

In nature, after flowering, orchids begin to set seeds, which should scatter into different sides for several kilometers. This is only possible during dry periods, but not during the rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the orchid with conditions that are as close to natural as possible - then the flower will grow healthy and bloom often.

Before and during flowering, the orchid requires more intensive watering than usual. Further, during the dormant period, specimens with hard leaves and the presence of pseudobulbs should be watered according to the basic principle (after about 10-12 days).

7. Humidify the air around the plant

Another important condition for flowering is air humidity. If there is not enough of it, the orchid may stop growing or unopened buds and flowers may dry out prematurely.

To increase the humidity in the room where the orchid grows, you can place a plate of water next to the flower. Also, during very dry periods (when the heating is turned on in houses), the plant should be sprayed. Suitable humidity for orchids is 60% and above.

8. Choose the right fertilizers

To feed orchids, it is recommended to use formulations based on phosphorus and potassium, as they stimulate the appearance flower buds. In addition, the use of such fertilizers ensures that the plant produces healthy and strong flowers. But it’s better not to get carried away with nitrogen-based fertilizing: this element, on the contrary, inhibits the development of flower stalks.

9. Don’t be afraid to “scare” the plant

Sometimes, to make an orchid bloom, it needs to be given a little stress. It happens that all the conditions for flowering are met, but the flower stubbornly refuses to shoot. This sometimes happens because the orchid is doing too well. In this case, the plant directs all its energy to the growth of green mass. One way to stimulate flowering is to “shock” the orchid a little: reduce watering or move the plant pot to a cooler place.

Dormant period in orchids

After flowering, the orchid enters a period of rest, when it begins to accumulate strength for a new flowering. Care at this time is no different from care during other periods. The flower still needs good watering, high humidity, sufficient lighting and regular prevention against diseases and pests.

As for fertilizing, their frequency and volume during the rest period should be reduced. If there is a need to replant an orchid, then the time to do this procedure is now, when the plant no longer blooms.

Replanting is necessary if roots are sticking out of the drainage hole, or the soil dries out quickly after watering. As a rule, the need for this procedure appears after 2-3 years.

Are orchids suitable for cutting?

What could be more beautiful than a bouquet of orchids? But these flowers do not live long, and not every species is suitable for cutting. Let's try to figure out how to extend the life of an epiphytic bouquet and which orchids to choose.

Phalaenopsis, cymbidiums and paphiopedilums can stand in a vase and retain freshness and aroma for several weeks (and sometimes even a month). Other orchids risk not standing for even an hour, literally withering before our eyes.

If you purchase cut orchids, look first at the petals and sepals. They should be shiny, as if covered with wax, and hard - then the orchid will last a long time.

How to extend the life of a bouquet of orchids

If the flowers were brought from the store, then their cuts need to be updated. The stems should be cut at an angle. It is recommended to carry out the procedure under running water running water. It is advisable to update sections every 2-3 days.

The water for keeping cut orchids should be soft and clean: you can use boiled or filtered water. It needs to be updated periodically by adding fresh water.

Cut orchids, as well as potted home orchids, are afraid of too high and very low temperatures. It is also recommended to protect them from drafts and bright sun.published

When caring for an orchid, a person strives for its longest flowering. IN wildlife in a favorable climate, they are able to bloom buds almost all year round; most domesticated plant species are not capable of this. What to do with the arrow if the orchid has faded?

You can prune an orchid only after it has completely bloomed.

If you don’t wait for this moment, you can simply destroy the plant.

Most often, two methods are used: pruning just above a dormant bud, or almost at the base. However, if you shorten the peduncle from above, the growth of new stems will be slowed down. This happens because the plant begins to spend all its incoming energy on the growth of new buds.

For pruning at home, it is best to use garden pruners. It almost does not injure the plant, does not create burrs into which harmful microorganisms can easily penetrate. Before use, it is advisable to boil the tool or treat it with alcohol. After the procedure, the cut site is lubricated with activated carbon or iodine. Some orchids have a hollow stem that can get caught in water when watered, causing it to rot. To prevent the death of the plant, the wound can be closed with beeswax.

The peduncle has dried out - should we remove it completely?

After the peduncle has fulfilled its function, all the buds on it dry out. In this case, the arrow must be completely cut off. The orchid itself dries out its outdated peduncle and there is no need to force events by trying to shorten it ahead of time. A capricious plant may even die from improper care. The nutrients contained in the drying peduncle will support the orchid and make it healthier.

Once completely dry, prepare for trimming. To do this you will need pruning shears or special garden shears. Pruning should be done as close to the rosette of the bush as possible. Afterwards, it is advisable to sprinkle the wound with cinnamon powder or charcoal.

Sometimes it happens that the peduncle begins to dry out not for natural reasons, but due to a lack of moisture in the soil. In this case, it is enough to start watering the orchid regularly, and soon it will bloom. If there is too much moisture in the soil, then the best way To quickly improve the condition of the plant is replanting.

How to determine whether there will be re-blooming?

Many orchid owners strive to ensure that they bloom endlessly. Unfortunately, this cannot continue forever, because the plant needs rest. The chance of re-blooming increases with the presence of dormant buds. Also good sign there will be the appearance of new stems and buds.

With certain care for the orchid, the likelihood of re-blooming can be increased:

  • keep the temperature in the range from +17 to +22 degrees Celsius;
  • move the orchid to a bright room, but do not expose it to direct sun rays;
  • do not allow excessive soil moisture, it can lead to the appearance of rot and fungus;
  • Apply fertilizers in a timely manner.

It has been noticed that in mature plants cases of repeated flowering are observed much more often than in young ones. An orchid that is older than 2-3 years is considered mature. And for plants that are too young, repeated flowering can even be dangerous; it is especially undesirable for dwarf breeds.

Cutting the peduncle not to the base

If the peduncle is completely dry, then it is cut off to the base. But in some cases this is not necessary and it can simply be shortened. If the orchid has already faded, but the frog remains dense and elastic, then it is not necessary to cut it off at the root. Examine her for dormant buds. If they are, then trim a little higher.

Later, a strong branch will grow from the dormant bud, and after a few weeks a bud will appear. Sometimes the wait for re-blooming can take several months. In order to stimulate the formation of buds, it is practiced to reduce the level of watering and alternate more high temperatures with low ones. In some cases, the cut peduncle dries out; this may be caused by improper implementation of the procedure for shortening the stem or poor condition orchids.

Phalaenopsis orchid has bloomed: pruning rules

If the Phalaenopopsis orchid has bloomed, then you need to observe how the arrow behaves. If it has already dried out and turned yellow, then it needs to be removed at the root. If it is dense and alive, then in a few months new buds will most likely appear on it. The arrow can be shortened if it has become too long. Most often it is cut at the level of the upper bud. This is much faster than growing a new arrow and waiting for the buds to appear. In just a few months, the orchid will again delight others with its beautiful flowers.

How long the plant will rest depends on many factors. Most often, phalaenopsis bloom for 2-6 months, this happens 2 times a year, occasionally 3. In order for the plant to please as long as possible, its roots must be healthy. Timely fertilizing also promotes longer flowering. In order for the plant to be healthy, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime and avoid excess moisture in the soil.

Pruning Dendrobium Nobile orchid

After flowering, the Dendrobium Nobile orchid often requires replanting. You need to start working on it immediately if pests appear on the plant or it is rotten. root system. If the orchid is in good condition, it can be replanted no more than once every 2-3 years.

The pseudobulb must be removed completely if it has dried out and turned yellow. The work is carried out with pruning shears or garden shears, which must first be treated with a disinfectant solution. If it is dense and alive, then new flowers may appear. Orchid stores in pseudobulb a large number of nutrients, so it is better not to touch it unless absolutely necessary.

For quick recovery after flowering, place the dendrobium in a south-west window and protect it from direct sunlight. Water and fertilize on time, so the plant will bloom faster after trimming.

Caring for a faded orchid has some nuances:

  • watering should be regular;
  • It is advisable to irrigate the flower from a spray bottle;
  • when watering, water should not get into the axils of the leaves;
  • it is necessary to protect the flower from direct exposure to sunlight, especially after irrigation with liquid;
  • the number of feedings is reduced to 1-2 per month;
  • application is desirable complex fertilizer for orchids.

End of flowering best time for plant transplantation, so it is better to plan it for this period. The ideal soil for an orchid would be a mixture of moss, peat and pine bark. To monitor the condition of the roots, opt for a transparent pot. Most often, new flowering occurs after 3-6 months. If this does not happen, then at night the temperature is reduced to 16 degrees, and during the day it is raised to 24.

Orchid is a perennial herbaceous plants, the family of which includes about 30,000 species. IN natural conditions it does not grow in the ground, but is fixed on trees. Greenhouses and botanical gardens replenished with orchids in the mid-18th century. The flowers of this plant fascinate with their beauty and variety of shapes. But attempts to grow them at home often result in only the roots and leaves of the plant developing intensively. To find out why an orchid does not bloom, you need to understand the peculiarities of its breeding.

Why doesn't an orchid bloom at home?

Natural environment The habitats for orchids are areas with a tropical climate. If the plant's conditions are very different from natural conditions, you can wait a long time for flowering. The main reasons for the lack of flowers are:

  • Lack of minerals. Orchids usually grow in small pots where the soil becomes depleted quickly. The plant needs to be fed periodically. Mineral fertilizers should contain less nitrogen, it ensures the growth of green mass, and the formation of peduncle buds requires potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. First, water the soil abundantly with water so as not to burn the roots. Dry fertilizers are used to make an aqueous solution of low concentration; an excess of minerals is also detrimental to the orchid.
  • Incorrect watering. The orchid has fairly wide leaves, from which moisture quickly evaporates. During the period of active growth, the plant must be watered quite often, approximately 2–3 times a week. In winter, on the contrary, you should not moisten the soil too much. Water for irrigation should be soft. It is better to use boiled or filtered water room temperature. If the roots are wet, drops of condensation are visible, there is no need to water the plant. Excess moisture contributes to the formation of pockets of rot on the roots.

  • Temperature and lighting violations. Orchids are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The difference between day and night should not exceed 4°C. IN warm time During the year, the optimal air temperature is 18 - 25°C, in winter - not lower than 15°C. Lighting should be sufficient, but it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight so as not to cause burns on the leaves.
  • Unsuitable soil mixture. The soil for the orchid should provide a minimum of moisture around the root and free air circulation. For this reason, plants are never planted in garden soil. The pot is filled with a substrate consisting of moss, peat, and coarse sand. It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture designed specifically for growing orchids.

  • Look to the root: features of the location of the root system in the pot. The orchid puts out strong, strong roots covered with spongy tissue. In nature, they allow them to attach themselves to tree trunks. At home, a pot helps keep the plant upright. He must be from transparent material to provide access sunlight. It is necessary to have holes on the bottom for water drainage, and on the walls for air ventilation. The roots should be freely located in the pot; they often stick out. Transparent plastic pots are best suited for orchids. Through it you can clearly see how the root system develops. When replanting a plant, such a container can be easily cut so as not to damage the roots during removal.

How to water orchids (video)

How to make an orchid bloom: the most effective techniques

IN tropical forests orchids grow under the cover of dense foliage; for them there is no concept of changing seasons. The most unpretentious species is phalaenopsis. It can bloom continuously for 11 months. But it is not always possible to achieve such a result at home. If a favorable climate has been created, but the orchid does not bloom for 2 years, you can use some effective ways for forcing the peduncle.

  • A sharp drop in temperature. During the day, the plant should be in warm room, and at night you can open a window or balcony to lower the temperature to 16 - 18°C. IN summer period The garden is perfect for this. The result is an acceleration of photosynthesis and accumulation carbon dioxide, which goes to flowering.
  • Creating arid desert conditions. It is necessary to increase the time intervals between waterings. In summer it can be 4 days, in winter up to a week. The roots of the plant must be dry. At correct use this method lower leaves will soften a little.
  • Hot shower. Before starting the procedure, the bathroom is filled with steam by turning on boiling water. The plant is placed in a bath and doused with warm water for 15 minutes, the temperature of which is about 35°C. At this moment, abundant moisture absorption occurs through the roots and intense release through the leaves. In about a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.

  • Improved lighting. For various types Orchids require different light intensities. If the plant does not bloom, it may be that there is not enough light. You need to move the pot to a more illuminated place or purchase a special fluorescent lamp.
  • Pruning the peduncle. Each peduncle contains several buds that are in a dormant state. To achieve flowering, the arrow is cut approximately above the third bud.
  • Transfer. Lack of flowering may be caused by soil depletion. This is noticeable in the leaves of the orchid. If the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or are deformed, then the plant needs to be transplanted into new soil.

Some types of orchids produce a flower stalk only after reaching three years of age. If the plant has 5–8 shoots, then it is mature enough and ready to flower. Only healthy orchids can be made to bloom. Weakened and diseased plants should gain strength to produce a flower branch.

Orchids: mistakes in care (video)

The orchid has released a peduncle: what to do next

From the moment the orchid shoots the arrow, about 2 months will pass until the first flowers open. During this period it is necessary to create comfortable conditions so that unopened buds bloom.

You can place a small container of water next to the pot to further humidify the air. If the heating is on at home, the plant can be sprayed with warm water. Watering is done as usual, as the soil dries.

In the cold season, the peduncle needs additional light. For additional lighting, you can use a phytolamp. It does not dry out the air and provides a large amount of bright light. Daylight hours during this period should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like movement and reacts to it by slowing down its growth. When you need to rearrange the pot, place it with the same side facing the light as it stood before.

Before the first flower appears, you can feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of flower buds.

How to care for an orchid after flowering

The period when plants bloom lasts from 5 to 12 months. After the flowers dry, do not immediately cut off the peduncle. You should make sure that the orchid has stopped blooming. The arrow is carefully examined to determine further actions. If there is a green tip, additional buds may appear.

If the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry out, flowering has ended. But the plant continues to receive from the flower branch nutrients. Therefore, the arrow is cut after complete drying.

The cut is usually made, leaving the 3 lower buds; the stump should be at least 2 cm. IN summer time a young shoot may appear on a flower branch - a baby. With its help, the plant is propagated. To do this, the baby is left on the stem for about 6 months, until roots and 2 leaves grow. Phalaenopsis can develop 2–3 offspring on each peduncle.

Otherwise, caring for the plant after flowering does not differ much from other periods. During dormancy, you can reduce the amount of feeding to once a month. If the soil dries out quickly after watering, and roots protrude from the bottom hole of the pot, the orchid needs to be replanted. The period immediately after flowering is the most suitable for this procedure.

Before transplanting, water the plant abundantly and carefully remove it from the pot. The roots should not be unrolled. Blackened and dried shoots are removed. The soil mixture can be pre-heated over a fire to kill pests. To create drainage, a layer of crushed granite stone is placed on the bottom of the pot. The orchid is placed in the new soil at the same level as before. After transplantation, watering is not needed. Spraying can be done.

How to make an orchid bloom (video)

The dormant period lasts 3–6 months, then new flower stalks appear and the plant blooms again.

Create favorable conditions for orchids to bloom is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. By surrounding it with care and attention, you can admire wonderful exotic flowers almost all year round.