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» DIY shower tray in the apartment. Do-it-yourself shower tray: everything ingenious is simple Do-it-yourself brick shower tray

DIY shower tray in the apartment. Do-it-yourself shower tray: everything ingenious is simple Do-it-yourself brick shower tray

Every year showers are used more and more often. This is due not only to their low cost and practicality, but also to convenience.

Today you can purchase both entire sets of shower equipment and each of its component separately. In the latter case, you can save a lot, especially if you try to make a shower tray with your own hands.

Types of shower trays

The shower tray can be made of almost any material. It all depends on your preferences and means. They all differ not only in design, color scheme, but also practicality. Let's look at each separately before making a shower tray with your own hands.

Acrylic pallets are durable, do not absorb dirt, and do not change color over time. The only drawback is the possibility of their deformation. To avoid this, the acrylic pallet must either be installed on a strong frame, which usually comes with it, or use a support system.

Artificial marble tray - perfect solution for practical people. Such products are strong, hold heat well and do not rattle under running water. But not everyone can do this with their own hands. This requires special material and skills to work with it.

Steel and cast iron pallets are relics of the past. They take a long time to heat up, are very “noisy”, but durable. It is for the first two reasons that they are not in great demand today.

A ceramic tile tray is one of the most common types. It is durable, easy to clean and easy to install.

Should I buy a ready-made pallet or make it myself?

Very often, during a bathroom renovation, certain parameters are required in one situation or another. shower tray. In order to find the one that is right for you, it will take a lot of effort and, perhaps, more than one month. Therefore, if you have at least minimal experience in the field of repairs, then you will be able to make a shower tray with your own hands.

In this situation, you will not only make a shower of the required dimensions and shape, but also save significantly. The latter is explained by the fact that making and installing a shower tray with your own hands is one and the same thing. In addition, the material will cost you much less than already ready product.

What do you need to know before building a shower tray in your bathroom?

Typically, during construction or masonry of a room, the floors are poured with concrete. Based on this, we can conclude that the best material for the pallet you want to make yourself is tile.

The modern choice of this material is so large that you can easily choose the one that perfectly matches your interior in color, size and texture. In addition, these tiles are also used to decorate shower walls. And if you make the walls of the tray higher, then it can also serve you as a full-fledged bathroom.

A great opportunity to turn your ideas and desires into reality is to create shower trays with your own hands. You can see photos of some options in the article. It is worth noting that not every manufacturer can please you the right sizes, shape and configuration of the product.

Shower tray in a wooden bath

If you want to make a shower tray in a Russian bath, then it is made according to the same principle as in the bathroom. The only thing you need to know is that the walls are separated from the concrete screed by roofing felt and plastic film.

In general, a shower tray is a concrete floor covered with tiles, along the perimeter of which a wall of the desired height is laid. The drain hole is usually made in one of the corners of the pan, and a a drain pipe. It is worth noting that the surface is slightly tilted towards the drain hole.

Instead of tiles, some people lay smooth decorative rock on the walls and base of the shower tray. But many people consider this impractical, since dirt quickly gets clogged into a surface that is not smooth enough, and it is very difficult to wash it out.

Water drain system

Have you decided to install the shower tray yourself? The water drainage system is the first place to start. If your floor is already tiled, then this covering must be removed.

Before planning the location of the drain hole, you need to take into account the fact that the sewer drain pipe must be laid at an angle so that the water drains by gravity. Otherwise she won't leave.

As a rule, installing a shower tray with your own hands should be done on a hill. It may be necessary to raise the structure a little. As a result, the pallet will look a little like a pedestal.

Pallet arrangement

When installing the shower drain and drain pipe, it is advisable to use wooden stands different heights. They will provide the required slope for drainage. Plastic pipes replaced iron pipes. This should not be neglected when you make a shower tray with your own hands. They are easily attached to a plastic ladder, and in addition, they will serve you for quite a long time.

After you have secured everything you need for the drain, screed the floor. You can fill the entire bathroom with concrete, or just part of it, the area under the future shower.

Walls around the perimeter of the pallet

The enclosing walls are removed immediately after the screed has dried. This can be done using formwork or brick. The first option is to make two vertical partitions parallel to each other from flat boards or special boards, and pour a solution between them. In the second case, the enclosing walls are laid out of brick, which is then plastered. It is worth noting that a wall made using formwork does not need to be additionally plastered to lay tiles on it. Therefore, here you will save not only time, but also effort. But everyone does what suits them best.

After the walls around the perimeter of the pan are ready, it is imperative to make an additional screed on the bottom with a slope towards the drain. After a few hours, when the concrete has dried, prime and treat it with a waterproofing compound.

Tiling a shower tray

The complete installation of the shower tray with your own hands will be done only after covering it with ceramic tiles. Here it is worth considering what to lay this material You only need special moisture-resistant glue. Otherwise, the tile will not last long.

So, buying glue mixture, consult the seller. He will recommend a manufacturer to you. In addition, do not forget to clarify for what specific purposes you need glue.

Information on how to prepare this solution can be found on its packaging. Be sure to follow all proportions exactly. Thoroughly mix the adhesive mixture with water using a construction mixer.

Start laying tiles from the corner. This is the only way you can correct all the irregularities and errors. The solution is applied using a special notched trowel directly onto the tile, which is placed on the screed and pressed down slightly.

To ensure that the seams are even, insert special crosses between the tile joints during the laying process. After the glue has dried, you need to remove the crosses and put a special water-repellent mixture on the seams.

Finally, wipe the tiles with a damp cloth, then dry.

As you can see, making a shower tray with your own hands is not that difficult. But still in in this case it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of work and take into account some nuances.

Experts advise not to install a massive pallet, as it will heavily load the floor slabs. If you are in doubt about your calculations, it is better to consult a professional in this matter.

If you want to install or repair a shower tray with your own hands in an apartment on the ground floor or country house, then in this case it is better to insulate both the floor and its part under the pallet. To do this, use modern high-quality materials. This can be either mineral wool or foam glass. It is not recommended to install an electric floor under the shower tray.

Only a pallet that has been constructed according to all the rules and from high-quality materials will serve you for a long time and bring pleasure during its use. Plus, you'll definitely be proud that you made it yourself.

High performance indicators have made shower cabins in demand not only for small bathrooms; today they are also installed in prestigious houses or apartments as an alternative to bathtubs. Shower trays are considered one of the main elements of the cabin; the correct installation of them affects the convenience and duration of use. The pallet installation algorithm depends on its design features and material of manufacture.

Before purchasing a specific pallet, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages various options. What types of pallets are there?

Depending on the material of manufacture, linear dimensions and geometric shapes the cost of pallets varies quite widely. These characteristics also influence the installation methods of pallets. Professionals conditionally classify products into the following categories.

Classification indicatorBrief characteristics and features
They can be made from ductile iron, sheet steel, ceramics and plastic. Metal ones are distinguished by increased strength indicators, inner surface covered with durable enamel. Cast iron is much more expensive than steel. The disadvantage is that the cast iron pan remains cold for a long time, which negatively affects the comfort of water procedures.

Ceramic ones are not widely used; in terms of performance and price they occupy an average position.

Plastic ones are currently the most commonly used. In all respects they meet modern requirements and have a large number of different modifications. The price is affordable for the vast majority of users.

Can be mounted in wall corners or frontally. Depending on the installation location, they differ in size and methods of water drainage.
The hole can be located in the center or in one of the corners of the pallet. There is no particular difference from an installation point of view, but when choosing, you should take into account the layout of existing utility networks In bathroom.
The height of the sides ranges from 6–10 cm for super-flat, 10–18 cm for flat and 25–35 cm for deep trays.
Square, rectangle or sector. Sectoral ones are installed only in the corner of the room, the rest are universally used and can be mounted anywhere.

shower tray

It is better to purchase pallets complete with shower stalls. If this option does not suit you for some reason, then separate installation of the pallet is also possible, and safety fences you'll have to do it yourself. When choosing a specific model, it is recommended to pay attention to the following features.

  1. Noisy. The sound of water falling on steel pallets can cause discomfort to others. Especially if you shower early in the morning and interior partitions do not have high noise absorption rates.

    The loudest ones are made from sheet steel, acrylic ones are characterized by less noise, all others do not emit unpleasant sounds. When choosing, take into account the number and daily routine of everyone living in the apartment, the features of the room, and the location of the bathroom in relation to other rooms.

  2. Strength. Cast iron pallets are the strongest, steel comes in second place, and ceramic and plastic have almost the same performance. If you have children, then it is better to choose durable models; if everyone living is an adult, then there are no restrictions on this parameter. The only note is that for plastic ones it is necessary to provide sufficiently strong stops along the maximum surface - this eliminates the possibility of deformation under heavy weight.
  3. When choosing a mounting location, pay attention to the features existing pipes for water drainage and architectural characteristics of the room.
  4. Price. The advice is one and universal - the cost should correspond to financial capabilities. But keep in mind that a high price does not guarantee the same high quality. For example, the most expensive pallets are made from natural stone. But according to actual operational characteristics they come in last place. In this regard, we are not even considering this option.
  5. Design. Choose a tray that fits seamlessly into the existing bathroom interior. As for color, white is considered not only traditional, but also the most universal.

Video - Which tray to choose for your shower

Once a decision has been made on a specific type, installation can begin. Installation depends on the design features of the pallet; this should be taken into account when purchasing and soberly assess your capabilities and skills. Choose pallets that you can easily install. We will look at three examples of installation of pallets; the rest have no fundamental difference.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a pallet on foam concrete

Construction and installation work is among the simplest in terms of complexity, but increased care is required when connecting drains. For example, let's take a universal square plastic pallet.

Step 1. Decide on a specific installation location. We have already mentioned that you should also pay attention to the existing utility network diagram. The outlet of the drain pipeline must be located under the plane of the pan. Making the sewer visible is allowed only in extreme cases. And then in the future it is recommended to take a set of measures to hide the pipelines.

Step 2. Purchase materials and prepare tools. In addition to the pallet itself, you will need a siphon, corrugated drain hose, tape measure, level, silicone caulk, foam concrete, tile adhesive, caulk gun, saw, trowel, tray and pencil or marker.

Step 3. Preparing for installation. The floor must be clean and level, the outlet of the pipe for draining water is under the plane of the pan. Place the pallet in the intended location and trace the outer contours with a pencil.

Step 4. If your pallet model does not have factory legs, then you need to place it on four stands cut out of foam concrete at all angles. The height of the stands is within 10 cm.

Step 5. Prepare the tile lei according to the instructions. Make sure that there are no dry lumps in the mixture.

Step 6. Apply glue to the back of the four stands, set them in place, and place the tray on top.

Using a level, level its position, check all four directions, they must be strictly horizontal. To do this, tilt the blocks in the desired direction with gentle blows of a construction hammer or the handle of a trowel.

Step 7 Wait a bit for the glue to harden. These four corner blocks will be the height guides for the foundation for the pallet. From the same foam blocks, use a hacksaw to cut out pieces for arranging the entire structure. As a result, you should end up with a square that fits the entire perimeter of the pallet.

Practical recommendation. Do the masonry in the usual way, apply glue from the bottom and sides of the blocks. Constantly check the position of each element with a level and correct them if any deviations are detected. Further work can be continued only after 24 hours.

While the foundation is maturing, begin installing the shower and faucet. Place them at a comfortable height, making sure that in places threaded connections there were no leaks.

Step 8 Place the tray on the foam blocks and mark the location of the drain hole on the floor.

Take care of the drain. If necessary, pull the inlet of the sewer drain pipe to the drain hole. In our case, no special precision is needed; the final connection is made with a flexible corrugated hose.

Step 9 Assemble and reinstall the siphon. Very important work. Keep in mind that dismantling a plastic pallet on the foundation without damaging it is impossible. Such manipulations can be done with pallets on legs, but we will talk about their features below.

Make every effort to completely eliminate the risk of drain leakage. What should be done for this?

  1. Read the siphon assembly instructions and check the technical condition of all its elements. Special attention Pay attention to the condition of rubber gaskets and seals.
  2. During assembly, do not use excessive force; install rubber seals in correct position. To facilitate the entry of plastic pipes into the seals, lubricate them with special lubricants, soap or ordinary water. Never try to connect dryly or with too much force. The fact is that the thin edges of rubber seals are very easily damaged, and as a result, a leak will definitely appear. It is impossible to notice it under the pallet in time, to eliminate problems that have arisen due to prolonged exposure to water building construction It will require not only a lot of time and effort, but also financial resources.

Step 10 Spread the upper perimeter of the block stand with glue; the solution is about a centimeter thick.

Place the pan in place, screw on the siphon, connect the flexible hose to the inlet of the drain pipe.

Step 11 Using a level, level the tray horizontally.

Take your time, lower the edges very carefully. If you make a mistake and one edge of the pan is tilted too much, then to eliminate the problem you will have to disconnect the siphon, remove the pan and start all installation operations over again.

Step 12 Seal the joints where the pallet meets the walls. Be sure to degrease the surfaces and clean them of dirt and dust. There is a wide variety of sealants, but we recommend that you use special plumbing silicone ones. They have a slight elasticity, which compensates for the vibration of the edges of the tray while taking a shower. In addition, it contains antiseptics that prevent the proliferation of microflora and pathogenic bacteria.

Notice how unsightly shower stalls look with black mold stripes around the perimeter of the tray. This is a consequence of violating the rules for installing pallets. Flaw silicone sealants– after a few months it is necessary to inspect the tightness of the seam. The fact is that the material begins to peel off in some places.

The application of sealant is done using a special gun. Cut the tip of the tube at a 45° angle and gently push the material into the slot. Do not leave gaps; irregularities can be removed with your finger or any available object of appropriate width and length can be adjusted. To prevent silicone from sticking to it, wet the item in soapy water.

Step 13 Proceed to cover the visible surfaces of the block foundation of the pallet with ceramic tiles. If the tile had to be cut, then it is better to place the cut at the bottom, and to improve the design characteristics, use special plastic or aluminum corners. They are sold in the store along with tiles.

At this point, the work of installing the pallet on the foundation is completed; final installation can be done only after the glue has completely hardened. This will take at least two days.

Installing a shower tray with legs

This pallet is installed much faster; it often comes with a special plastic screen, which allows installation without masonry work. If the screen is not included in the package, then final stage The perimeter of the pallet must be trimmed with blocks or bricks of appropriate parameters and covered with ceramic tiles. Before starting work, check that all pallet installation elements are present and carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 1. Lean the tray against a wall or place it on your workbench. Find the places where the legs are fixed; they have factory markings or are thicker due to molded fastening inserts.

Step 2. Screw the legs. Pre-adjust their height using a tape measure. Exact height adjustment must be done on the floor.

Important. Please note that each leg has a lock nut to secure the element in the selected position. Make sure that all the locknuts are in place, otherwise you will have to remove the legs again to install the nuts.

Step 3. Place the pan in the desired location and decide on the method of connecting the water drainage. Depending on the location of the inlet pipe of the sewer pipe, additional connections will have to be made to connect the siphon. The siphon should be sold together with the tray; if not, buy it separately. At the same time, make sure that the dimensions of the equipment allow it to be installed under a pallet. If it's not enough own experience– consult with the store sales consultant.

Step 4. Assemble the siphon, pay great attention to the quality of all connections, do not allow leaks. Remember that eliminating them will always take much longer than a high-quality assembly. Not to mention financial side issue and possible negative consequences.

Step 5. Place the tray back in place and use a level to set it to a horizontal position. Control all sides and do not allow them to slope in any direction. After adjustment, be sure to tighten the locknuts.

Step 6. If the kit includes metal profiles to support the side surfaces against the wall, install them. Mark a specific location and use a level to check the horizontal position. The metal profiles are fixed to the wall with dowels; drill holes for them in in the right places.

Important. If the walls are already finished with ceramic tiles, then all measures should be taken to prevent them from cracking during drilling.

How to avoid unpleasant situations?

  1. Never drill a hole where tiles meet. When installing metal profiles, it is always possible to move them slightly to one side or another and thus choose a safe place for drilling holes. However, such manipulations will in no way affect the fixation strength of the pallet.
  2. Always work only with serviceable tools and sharp drills. Do not apply much force while drilling.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to use a drill in hammer drill mode; ceramic tiles do not tolerate shock loads. The hammer is turned on only after the thickness of the tile has been passed.

Step 7 Connect the drain.

Never assemble rubber seals with great force; lubricate them with mastics or at least moisten them with ordinary water. It is very easy to damage the seals, but they cannot be repaired; they need to be completely replaced. A problem may arise when searching for an identical replacement. Such troubles especially often arise during the search for spare parts for imported pallets. It is not recommended to use silicone as a sealant when assembling the water drain; it will definitely peel off after a certain amount of time and leak.

Installing the pallet on factory plastic stands

Some manufacturers complete pallets with stand blanks made of durable extruded polystyrene foam. Such structures are very low in height and require a different installation algorithm.

Step 1. Unpack the pallet and remove the stand blanks.

Step 2. Try on their length around the perimeter of the pallet, measure the required parameters. To make breaking off easier, polystyrene foam boards have vertical slots; it is enough to bend the material a little in this place and the extra piece will break off.

Step 3. Turn over the assembled plastic stand, place it on the pallet and mark the locations of the stiffeners. Here you need to cut recesses according to the height and width of the ribs. At the same time, make a hole for the drain pipe.

Screwing in the legs

Step 5. Assemble and attach the siphon to the drain. It should be located exactly in the center of the pallet. Try to make adjustments in such a way that the gap between the floor and the stand is minimal. If the floor is tilted towards the wall, you will have to remove the stand several times, unscrew/twist the legs and re-check the horizontal position.

The master traces the frame with a marker

Step 7 Clean the surfaces from dust, degrease, and moisten with water.

Apply a little foam in the center of the drawn outline. Also apply foam to the top surface of the stand.

Step 8 Carefully replace the stand and the tray on it, and check the location of the siphon again. It must be located exactly under the drain hole, otherwise problems will arise when fixing it to the pan. Screw onto the drain mesh. At the same time, she presses the siphon against the pan.

Installing a pallet on a frame

Step 9 Press the tray with great force and leave it in this position until the foam hardens. In order to eliminate the possibility of the tray being lifted by foam, it is recommended to press it inside with heavy objects.

Step 10 Once the foam has firmly adhered the tray to the floor, begin finishing the perimeter of the base with ceramic tiles. On the second day, you can begin sealing the joints. The algorithm for sealing work is no different from the options described above.

Practical advice. Before installing the pallet, estimate its approximate height. Available in stores today big choice tiles various sizes, there is a chance that you will be able to find the right one. For a precise fit, use the feet. Due to such manipulations, it will be possible to avoid cutting the tiles, and this not only speeds up the process of laying it, but also greatly improves appearance bathroom.

If you do not plan to buy an assembled shower cabin, then draw a diagram of the mounting locations for the brackets on which the protective polyethylene film will be hung. This is a very economical solution, but this option for arranging a shower has more disadvantages than advantages.

Video - Rules for installing a pallet

Before making a shower tray, you should waterproof the underlying surface. This is all the more difficult because the coatings can be different. This is not always a concrete slab or screed, as in a new building. IN old apartment a pattern of tiles may already be laid on the bathroom floor. Then you stand and think: leaving it as it is means you’ll probably wet your neighbors; do it on top of ceramics... what composition? The base largely determines the degree of adhesion of building mixtures. And folding a shower tray with your own hands is not so difficult.

For construction you will need some bricks, cement, tile adhesive, and grout. And the cladding is done with mosaics or full-size ceramic tiles. Sometimes the solution is poured in the center, and this is where the process ends. Moreover, many create removable wooden formwork around the perimeter required height, and the perimeter is also made of concrete. The point of this procedure is that it is possible to obtain a given strength grade, on which the water permeability of the base directly depends. For example, only heavy concrete is used for building foundations.


For waterproofing, mastics of various types and impregnations are used. The first name causes rejection among untrained users. According to the majority, mastic is something soft that is used to rub school parquet. So that it looks beautiful and the bug doesn’t eat it. Therefore, constructing a foundation on mastic is impossible.

Much depends on what the floor material in the house is. Is it concrete, brick, wood or metal. In each case, the types of waterproofing measures will be different. And a tile shower tray is not always appropriate.

Mastic: yes or no?

This is a fundamentally wrong opinion - what was voiced above. There are different types of mastic, but construction mastic is specially made to withstand mechanical deformation. Most of these building mixtures are used for external waterproofing of building foundations. You can imagine the stress there in winter. And bitumen mastic must successfully withstand the vagaries of the weather. Let's look at an example to make it more clear. Slavyanka bitumen mastic is available for sale at a price of 1,500 rubles per 9 kg bucket:

What can we say? We would also be interested in the adhesion strength to acrylic polymers and paint. For the reasons that many will not want to tile the pallet, but will prefer to buy it ready-made. In this case, waterproofing of the foundation is carried out only in the area of ​​the siphon and along the path of the sewer pipe.

Many people do not quite understand what tensile strength is. This parameter characterizes the ability of the coating to withstand mechanical pull-out loads. Surely the given values ​​should be enough for a home shower tray, but you can do some calculations. Let's say the lowest adhesive strength is 0.4 MPa or 400 thousand Pa, which corresponds to 400 thousand newtons per square meter. The area of ​​the average pallet ranges from 80x80 to 90x90 cm. Let's take the smallest of these parameters.

With a pallet side of 80x80 cm, its area is 0.64 square meters. That is, the peel strength of the entire surface will be 256,000 N or approximately 25.6 tons. We believe that it is not a fact that even an elephant will be able to roll our pallet on the bathroom floor if it is glued with such mastic. Thus, all concerns regarding the softness of the mastic are completely unfounded. Ahead of the readers' train of thought, we note that there are not only bitumen mixtures, but also cement ones. And their characteristics are no worse.

Penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating waterproofing works on a completely different principle. The substance penetrates deep into the concrete, forming insoluble crystals with hardening products cement stone. This type of waterproofing is designed specifically for walls and floors. We stated above that Slavyanka mastic is not the most economical material for waterproofing walls. Please note that all the characteristics are centered around mechanical strength, and only one of them concerns water pressure. This is due to the fact that the foundation of the building is affected by frost heaving, and underground sources are not very powerful.

With specialized compounds for pools and containers, everything is completely different. Calmatron manufacturers claim that a bathroom floor coated with their composition increases the water resistance rating by 2-4 units. For convenience, let’s convert this to MPa to compare with bitumen mastic. Each unit corresponds to 0.1 MPa, which is an order of magnitude (10 times) higher than the parameter given above. That is, treating concrete with Kalmatron gives an effect up to 40 times greater than that for bitumen mastic. The hardening time of one layer ranges from 15 to 180 minutes.

What's the catch here? You need to check with the manufacturer for applicability. construction mixture. Judging by the description, it only works for concrete. And even more precisely - for cement. That is, you cannot strengthen brick and wood with it. It is necessary concrete base(the floor screed in the apartment meets this condition). All other things being equal, Kalmatron's consumption is lower (1.6 kg per square meter), and the operating temperature range is much wider. It remains to clarify the price.

On average in Russia, Kalmatron is sold at 75 rubles per 1 kg. For 1,500 rubles you can take a whole bag and process about 12 square meters surfaces. It turns out cheaper than bitumen mastic. Because the specialization of the material is completely different. There are other mixtures on the market that operate on a similar principle.

What's the salt?

The essence of the idea is that the production of a waterproofing layer can be done different materials. The base plays a big role. Calmatron is not suitable for a wooden base (judging by the description), but bitumen mastic will generally be suitable. Because the operating principle is different. Penetrating waterproofing reacts with the products of hardened cement stone, and the mastic forms a surface layer, the main thing for it is to cling to the base.

The catch is that manufacturers of penetrating waterproofing do not provide tensile strength characteristics. Of course, they should be acceptable, but I would like to see specific numbers. In this case, the compressive strength is given and amounts to 25 MPa. This is less than most bricks and corresponds approximately to concrete grade M250.

Based on the cost of materials, we can conclude that you should work economically. You can often see a scheme in which the floor is first covered with mastic, then it is applied on top under the tiles. There is no logical explanation for this. Except that the bathroom floor is completely damp. This doesn't happen in the average home. Moisture rises through the capillaries of the brick, which affects the durability of the structure. This is why the base is processed.

Masonry or concrete?

We have already said that a concrete base is much easier to use. If only because they cost him less waterproofing materials. There is an opportunity to collect small granite, gravel or even rubble somewhere; you should not neglect this. Making waterproof concrete from a high grade of cement using a properly selected recipe is not a complicated process. An additional advantage is that the dimensions of the brick do not affect the design process in any way.

Generally speaking, a homemade concrete pallet can be poured in one piece. Weight is calculated using typical formulas (depending on the brand). This works especially well on a vibration stand. The only problem here is that you need a powerful machine to shake such a huge thing. After installing and covering the pallet with a layer of waterproofing, it is faced with mosaics or other types of ceramic tiles. The tray can be formed directly with the drain, leave a special edge for the corner, mounting holes (for mounting on the bathroom floor, like a toilet), and so on.

You see that the question of what to make a pallet from in the house is not as simple as it seems at first glance. On the one hand, brick structures have proven themselves well. On the other hand, their correct assembly is very difficult. This does not mean masonry with bandaging of seams, but the complexity of waterproofing work.

What to do if the house is wooden

The strength of the board is not very high, and the wood will not escape the process of rotting. That is why installing a pallet in this case has its own characteristics. In a private house, it is better to choose a structure that is as light as possible, and make the foundation in such a way as to ensure by simple means dry bathroom floor. At first glance, it does not seem possible to fulfill these requirements.

In fact, it is still possible to install the cabin in wooden house with an underground floor and other delights of village life. In this case, the main tasks are as follows:

  1. Minimize the weight of the entire structure.
  2. Provide a ventilated foundation.

Amateur craftsmen offer the following to install a shower cabin in a wooden house non-standard solution. The pallet is bought ready-made in the store, but without legs, or the legs are not involved in its installation. Instead, a frame is assembled from polypropylene pipes. It consists of two frames running along the perimeter (top and bottom). Installing a shower tray on such a foundation means solving several problems in the bathroom at once:

  • Easy access to compartment with sewer pipe and drain.
  • Opportunity in decorative panel build in plinth exhaust fan on 12 V to keep the house dry and prevent mold growth on the bathroom floor.
  • If necessary, the pallet can be easily relocated to a new location.

Polypropylene pipes are very simply attached to the floor and serve as the basis for hanging a decorative base. The corner can be bought in a store made of polycarbonate, which will further reduce the weight of the entire structure. You can rant for a long time about the fact that the fan is supposedly difficult to install, but readers should also be aware that for wooden houses Special ventilation (supply) valves are sold for installation into walls, including those with controlled flaps and other features. It doesn't cost anything to set this up to track humidity levels.

In a wooden house, a tiled shower does not always look its best. At least due to its large mass. Of course, no one forbids covering the base with mosaics. Finally, we note that when making a foundation from polypropylene pipe, you need to provide some kind of support for the center of the pallet. Otherwise, the product will easily be crushed underfoot. In this sense, it is sometimes useful in the store to pay attention to deep pallets, which are equipped with supporting metal profile. And then try the option with polypropylene pipes.

The main stage of work when installing a cabin in a bathroom is installing a shower tray. You can do this yourself if you comply with the technological requirements.

The easiest way to install acrylic, ceramic or steel products is that you don’t need unique knowledge or complex tools. But with certain skills in construction and renovation, it is possible to equip a bathroom with a concrete tray decorated with ceramic tiles. The installation of a shower tray made of marble or cast iron must be carried out by specialists due to the large weight of the products.

Choosing the right model

Shower trays come in various shapes - square, rectangular, with rounded edges. The choice here depends on the wishes of the owner. It is much more important to take into account the depth of the structure when installing:

In some cases, a waterproofed floor with drains for draining water acts as the bottom of the shower stall.

Pallets are also built-in and removable. This point must be taken into account during installation.

The thickness of the walls of the selected plumbing element is no less important.

Pallets with thin walls are made of acrylic and plastic. The advantages of such models include ease of transportation and installation, as well as a budget price. But thin-walled models have a number of disadvantages:

  • mechanical deformations from the feet of people washing;
  • surface cracking due to temperature changes;
  • need for a solid foundation.

The coating of steel pallets may peel off, and cracks may appear in damaged areas. rust spots. Acrylic analogues are easy to scratch if, for example, you decide to wash your beloved dog.

Ceramic trays or those made from brick and concrete are more durable. The most durable are cast iron models.

How to choose a shower tray, video:

Which base for a pallet is better?

Installation of a shower tray can be done in various ways:

  • on a brick foundation;
  • on plastic support parts;
  • on a metal frame.

Choose a base depending on the configuration of the model and its technological characteristics. The need for a foundation is due to the fact that the drain hole must be located above the level of the sewer line so that the water drains well. Experts believe that the angle of inclination from the bottom to the entrance to the sewer line should be at least 3 degrees. If it is impossible to make a pedestal or lower it sewer entrance, you will need a special pump to pump out water.

Most deep models are equipped with a special metal profile frame. But if the tray is thin-walled, the feet of bathers will quickly push the bottom between the guides, especially if the owners of the bathtub are not of fragile constitution. In these places, acrylic options may even develop through cracks. Therefore, deep, thin-walled pallets also require a stable foundation.

Installation of a ceramic shower tray is possible without a foundation, directly on a flat floor without an installation gap.

Here it is necessary to monitor the quality of laying the sewer lines so that the drain hole is higher than the outlet and the water quickly leaves the container. The element itself is attached to the floor using glue or cement tile mixture.

Cast iron elements are usually simply placed on the floor. Their height is sufficient for reliable drainage into the sewer. The same applies to stone products. But there may be a problem with the siphon. It will have to be installed directly on the floor surface or connected to a flexible unit and hidden in a specially equipped niche in the wall.

Let's look at how to install different types of foundations when installing shower trays.

Metal or plastic frame

If you choose this type of base, it won’t take much time for installation. The main actions here will be:

  1. Leveling the legs using a building level.
  2. The installation of the shower tray itself.
  3. Connecting to the sewer and fixing the drain hole.

An extruded polystyrene board can be placed under the bottom to insulate the area. In the same way they use polyurethane foam. This is especially important when installing steel pallets. It will also help reduce the sound of falling water.

Once the installation of the shower tray is complete, you need to check its stability. If the pallet wobbles or creaks, additional supports from steel angles or brick columns will be required.

To protect the thin bottom and give the structure stability, you can make removable formwork and pour concrete. The installation of the shower tray will be carried out on the resulting pedestal. This method has disadvantages: it is impossible to check and eliminate the leak. Replacing a sewerage unit and installing a siphon is also quite difficult. Alternatively, you will have to use flexible connections and hide the siphon in a niche in the wall.

This is an excellent solution for most pallets, allowing you to eliminate any deformation and extend the life of your plumbing fixtures. The main thing is to choose the place where the siphon will be installed.

In this case, the bricks are laid not only around the perimeter of the product. Otherwise, the bottom will bend over time. In structures with legs, to eliminate this drawback, additional support is provided in the center. Since there is a convexity, the model is similar to a flat one brick foundation you won't install it. It is necessary to provide a recess for this tubercle.

Correct creation technique brick base is this:

Installation of the shower tray is carried out after 3 days, when the masonry is completely standing.

If the pallet is semicircular, at the bend the bricks are laid out in a fan with the butted edges facing outwards.

A welded frame made of metal corners 20 by 20 mm. It is installed between rows of bricks and secured to the floor with dowel nails. Acrylic should be protected from friction on metal surfaces with a layer of insulating rubber glued to the metal.

A deep tray on a high foundation will require the creation of a ladder to the entrance to the shower stall. Steps can be made of concrete or bricks and covered with tiles. The walls behind the pallet are finished with tiles or other waterproof material. The tile adhesive must also have excellent moisture resistance.

DIY installation of different types of pallets

Each shower cabin comes with instructions for assembling it. Additional tools and materials are also indicated there. But if you decide to choose your technology, then you should take care of selecting suitable tools and consumables. In most cases you will need:

  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker;
  • drill and hammer drill;
  • pliers;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • sealant.

If necessary brickwork, you will additionally need a mixture for the mortar and a trowel.

Preparatory work

Regardless of the type of tray, it is necessary to prepare the bathroom for its installation. To do this you should:

  • waterproof the floor and walls;
  • check the possibility of connecting to the water supply system and sewer lines (pipes should have convenient outlet openings for easy connection of hoses);
  • Close all pipe openings with plugs during installation work.

An important point is the electrical wiring. It must be hidden and moisture-resistant, with a minimum number of twists. For the connection, you should choose a three-core copper wire with a cross-section of 2.5 mm and double insulation. It is laid directly from the electrical panel with the installation of a residual current device.

Installing an acrylic shower tray (step by step instructions)

Most modern shower cabins are equipped with acrylic trays. They are easy to assemble:

Now you can attach the decorative part of the pallet or do this during the installation of the entire cabin. To check the correct installation, you should carefully stand in the pallet and feel how stable and reliable it is.

After completing the work, check all fastening areas, as well as the water supply and drainage. If there is a leak somewhere, tighten the connections a little more. If necessary, additional insulation work is carried out.

Installing a steel shower tray (step by step instructions)

Such structures are made by stamping. They do not involve making the legs integral with the body. The installation of a steel shower tray is carried out on a special stand: a profile laid around the perimeter of the bottom, to which threaded bushings are welded. The legs are screwed into them.

For correct installation necessary:

You can strengthen a steel pallet using supporting pillars, for example, made of brick. They must match the height of the structure. Otherwise, the supporting elements may push through the bottom.

To make a steel pallet look aesthetically pleasing, you can cover the stand with bricks and tiles. It is placed with a slight slope towards the tray so that water does not accumulate.

Installation of a steel shower tray, video:

Installing a ceramic or cast stone shower tray (step by step instructions)

Such products are heavy and massive, so they are installed on the floor without any stands or legs. They sometimes have niches for a siphon, but more often the structures are monolithic, with only one drain hole. In this case, you will either have to use a flexible drain system or install the tray on a pedestal. Last option requires the following actions:

  1. We waterproof the floor and cement screed on top of it.
  2. We create brickwork around the perimeter of the product so that the height allows for the placement of a drainage system.
  3. We connect the pan with the siphon, and the outlet pipe with its outlet pipe.
  4. Installing a shower tray along with drainage system we carry it out onto a layer of cement so that the siphon and drain pipe are placed in the niches intended for them.

The front parts of the pedestal are covered with ceramic tiles or mosaic modules. Joints of products of any type are treated with sealant. If the appearance does not suit the owner of the shower stall, you can strengthen the joints with plastic decorative corners, which are fixed with glue or sealant.

How to veneer the side of a shower tray, video:

Creating a pallet according to individual dimensions (step-by-step instructions)

It is possible to create a shower tray with your own hands, without purchasing a finished product. The advantages of this option are: individual design. You can choose any shape, size and color of the cladding.

How to install a shower tray:

After final hardening, the surface is covered with tiles, mosaic modules or other waterproof decorative materials.

How to create a pallet with your own hands, video:

What should I do if the shower tray was damaged during installation?

Most often, small chips and scratches occur on the surface acrylic products. Don't worry, such damage is easy to fix. With the help of a special restoration composition, it is possible to eliminate even through breakdowns.

  1. To do this you need to purchase suitable composition V hardware store and follow the instructions:
  2. Remove all installed parts from the pallet.
  3. Find out the extent of the damage - whether it is a scratch or a through hole.
  4. Drill holes at both ends of the crack slightly wider than the damage. They will not allow the crack to grow.
  5. In the event of a through breakdown, a strip of fiberglass is glued to the bottom. Used as glue epoxy resin.
  6. Cut off the edges of the crack with a sharp knife so that the composition penetrates better (cut off the chamfers), and fill it.
  7. After the solution has dried, smooth the restored area with soft sandpaper to remove sagging.

Stone castings are restored in the same way.

Ceramic trays are difficult to restore. Even the strongest glue will not last long, and the structure, unfortunately, will collapse quite quickly.

In products made of steel and cast iron, the enamel most often suffers. If there are no through breakdowns, then eliminating the damage is easy. To do this, use liquid acrylic with a hardener. Or epoxy resin is applied, and liquid enamel is applied on top.

It is quite possible to install a standard shower tray with your own hands. However, if you want to create a shower unusual shape, or have purchased an extremely expensive or complex model, it is better to seek help from professionals.

Bathroom renovations often involve replacing plumbing fixtures. Installing a shower cabin with your own hands is possible, but if your budget is limited and there is no money to buy an expensive shower box or bathtub, you can make a shower tray with your own hands.

This solution also allows you to show your own individuality and creativity.

  • metal;
  • acrylic;

  • cast iron, etc.

But it is not always possible to install such a tray in the bathroom.

In old buildings, bathrooms are very small, and in order to fit all the necessary plumbing there, you can make a small and unusually shaped shower tray from brick, concrete or tile.

How to make it yourself

To make a shower tray yourself, you need to carefully prepare the place where this structure will be.

Important! Before installing the shower tray, it is necessary to carry out high-quality waterproofing of all surfaces that are in close proximity to the planned structure.

Made of brick and concrete

One of the most common shower trays that are made at , are trays made of brick and concrete.

Such pallets can be made of any shape and size. A tray made of concrete and brick is an excellent alternative to an expensive shower box.

Materials and tools

Materials and tools required to construct the pallet:

  • brick;
  • cement;
  • plaster lighthouse;
  • metal grid;
  • waterproofing mixture;
  • trowel;
  • drill;
  • mixer attachment;
  • sand;
  • paint brush;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • pan drain;
  • self-leveling mixture;
  • putty knife.

Pallet installation

In order to make a shower tray with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the base.

Photo: site preparation

It is better to make the pallet before the walls and floor are completely finished. In places where the pallet adjoins the wall, it is also necessary to treat the wall with waterproofing to avoid the appearance of mold.

Photo: waterproofing

The waterproofing is applied with a paint brush in a thin layer, first under the screed, then on top of the screed and immediately before the cladding.

In order for the floor in the shower to be warm, you can install an electrical “Warm Floor” system under the finishing screed. Such a system is installed not only under the pallet itself, but also around it.

Photo: heated floor system

After the first layer of waterproofing has completely dried, you can begin to form the outline of the brick shower tray.

Photo: brick outline

Both ordinary brick and silicate brick are suitable for this. The brick is laid on a cement-sand mortar (or a special mixture that is sold in any hardware store). It is also necessary to lay on the base metal mesh so that the base is very strong.

Photo: water drainage system

Important! The water drain must be of high quality, since once the construction of the pan is completed, it will no longer be possible to replace it.

After this, you can install construction beacons and pour rough screed. For a rough screed, you can use a cement-sand mortar with the addition of crushed stone.

Photo: screed

The pouring area is small and a trowel or spatula is used to level the surface. The solution must be compacted using a trowel, immersing it edgewise into the solution with precise movements.

After the rough screed has dried, the surface must be treated again waterproofing mixture. This is done to prevent moisture from getting into deep layers of concrete or onto floor slabs.

Photo: waterproofing again

Also high-quality waterproofing will help prevent the appearance of mold and mildew not only in the bathroom, but also in adjacent rooms.

Video: waterproofing a tile shower tray

Then a self-leveling mixture must be applied to the dry surface. You need to make a smooth depression around the drain so that the water drains smoothly. It is better to purchase a high quality metal water stack.

When the layer of self-leveling mixture has completely dried, you need to apply waterproofing again. This layer of waterproofing must be applied with particular care, especially where the floor meets the walls and around the water drain.

For special safety, it is better to make the sharp edge of the pallet smooth, semicircular.

The next step is to line the shower tray.

DIY tile tray

To cover the pallet, you can use ordinary ceramic floor tiles, but a mosaic will look more beautiful.

Materials and tools

Materials and tools required for tiling a shower tray:

  • floor tiles or mosaics;
  • adhesive mixture for laying tiles (it is better to use water-repellent);
  • notched spatula (comb);
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • rubber hammer;
  • grinder or tile cutter;
  • construction knife;
  • water-repellent grout for seams;
  • rubber spatula;
  • crosses for seams.

Photo: tools for laying tiles

Step-by-step installation of tiles

Before starting installation, you need to prepare an adhesive composition. It is prepared using a drill with a “mixer” attachment in the exact proportions recommended by the manufacturer.

Photo: adhesive composition for laying tiles

Laying tiles must begin from one corner. For high-quality styling the adhesive mixture is applied to the surface with a notched trowel, the tile is laid on the adhesive and pressed down.

Photo: laying tiles

To adjust the level, use a rubber hammer, tapping in the right places. The evenness and uniform size of the seams can be controlled using special plastic crosses.

After installation tiles the entire surface must be filled with a special mixture. It serves to prevent water from getting under the cladding.

The mixture is being prepared in small portions and rubbed into the seams using a rubber spatula.

Next, you need to rinse the entire surface with a damp cloth to remove any remaining grout. To make the seams the same, you can go through them reverse side spatula ( plastic handle special spatula is designed for this).

Photo: finished pallet

After completing all the work, the surface of the tile is washed again and wiped dry.

Step-by-step installation of mosaics

Mosaic is a very beautiful finishing material, which is usually used for cladding shower trays, or for solving other design problems.

Photo: plastic and glass mosaic For bathroom

Mosaic comes in glass and plastic. You can use any mosaic for the pallet.

It is better to use for mosaics adhesive composition white. Laying the mosaic begins from one corner.

The adhesive composition is applied to the surface using a notched trowel, and the tile is applied. The tile is pressed a little, and excess glue must be removed immediately.

In the article: read detailed instructions about the installation of polypropylene pipes.

For ways to hide pipes in a toilet, watch the video.

Installed acrylic bathtub on a frame with your own hands, fits perfectly into the interior of a modern bathroom. How to do it? .

Trimming of tiles is carried out construction knife or with scissors, since the base of the mosaic can be paper or in the form of a mesh.

Photo: mosaic installation

After laying the mosaic, you can begin grouting the joints. The seams are rubbed with a special waterproof grout mixture using a rubber spatula.

Grouting the joints on a mosaic is a very important moment, which must be carried out very quickly and any remaining grout should be wiped off immediately.

Photo: wash and wipe dry

After filling the joints, thoroughly wash the lined surface and wipe dry.

Video: installation of a shower channel