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» The floor in the garage is made of planks on the ground. How to make a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands: step-by-step installation technology. Garage floor requirements

The floor in the garage is made of planks on the ground. How to make a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands: step-by-step installation technology. Garage floor requirements

In a building like a garage, everything is important. These are the walls and the roof, Garage Doors. But few people pay due attention to such a detail as the floor in the garage. The floors are subject to serious loads - first of all, a car, which presses its weight on the floor covering. There are also various mechanical and chemical influences. The car is not only stored in the garage, but it is also where it is serviced and repaired - often during work, various, sometimes quite heavy, tools can fall onto the floor. Its durability depends on how well the structure is made. Also, garage floors can suffer as a result of leaks of fuels and lubricants and various technical fluids.

It follows from this that the design must have high level strength, increased wear resistance characteristics, as well as resistance to chemical and mechanical stress. Appearance flooring also matters to many. There are many flooring designs - each with its own characteristics.

Types of floors

Based on the requirements for garage floors, we can distinguish concrete coverings, structures made of ceramic materials, wooden structures, as well as self-leveling floors that are popular today.

Concrete floor

Concrete screeds are especially popular among car enthusiasts and garage owners. The floor structure is multi-layered. This screed fully complies with all the requirements for a garage floor.

Reinforced concrete floor is the maximum reliability. This type of base is resistant to moisture and dampness. It is easy to clean with a hose. Also, this coating is non-flammable, which reduces the risk of fire to almost zero. Of great importance for many is the cost of creating a coating - the materials for creating such a screed are not expensive. To equip such a floor for a garage, you will need sand, crushed stone, waterproofing materials, cement, reinforced mesh. This option is easy to implement and making a garage floor with your own hands will not be difficult.

To organize a concrete screed, the first step is to prepare the base. Often this is soil. The top layers of this soil are removed. The depth should be approximately 30-40 cm. Then sand is poured into the resulting pit. The layer of this material is made small - about 10 cm. The sand is poured with water and then compacted using a vibrating plate or other hand tools. Then it is leveled using concrete mortar with low cement content in it. After the solution has dried, waterproofing materials are applied. It is very important that the waterproofing extends to the walls.

Next, the resulting platform must be reinforced. So, a mesh with a cell of 5x5 mm is laid. It is recommended to raise the mesh slightly above the screed. To control the horizontal level, special beacons are installed. They are located at some distance from each other. It is also necessary to leave a gap between the screed and the wall in case the structure begins to expand under the influence of climate.

The future floor in the garage is made with a slight slope towards the exit. The solution is poured between the beacons and then leveled using the rule. Later, the beacons are removed, and the solution is poured in their place again.

This design has many advantages, but with all this there are also disadvantages - the concrete will flake off and collect dust. To avoid this, you can paint the screed. You can also lay rubber tiles.

Ceramic floor

If the concrete floor in the garage is the most inexpensive solution, then a ceramic-based coating will cost a little more. Lay the tiles on a pre-poured concrete screed. However, professionals do not recommend doing this right away. It is imperative to wait until the garage shrinks.

If the screed is perfectly level, then all that remains is to apply a layer of priming solutions to it, and then you can proceed to the installation of the tile itself. Ceramics do not like low temperatures, so if the building is not heated, it is recommended to use porcelain stoneware instead. It tolerates low temperatures much more easily.

Stacked finishing coat not for solution. There is a special glue for this. Adhesive composition should not be on the outside of the tile. Special crosses are inserted between the tiles. The evenness of the installation can be controlled using a level. After three days, you can begin work on grouting the seams, and after 14 days the surface is cleaned and the garage can be used.

This surface also fully meets all the requirements for a garage floor.

Self-leveling coating

This is a special finishing coating based on polymer substances. It's different unique characteristics. Unlike ceramics, polymer floors are not afraid of frost, moreover, they do not smell and do not generate dust. Their appearance is very presentable. And making such a floor in the garage with your own hands will not be difficult. The pouring technology does not require special skills.

Wood floors

The wooden floor in the garage, despite its high environmental characteristics and high thermal insulation, is excellent appearance, did not become particularly popular. Despite this, many people make just such designs. The cost of such a floor is low, and the labor intensity of installation is also low. The floor has a high fire hazard, and its service life is about 5 years, but if damaged areas are replaced in time, then this is a good choice.

Features of wood floors

Car enthusiasts are divided into two categories. The former believe that a wooden floor in the garage is an economical and optimal option, while the latter are ardent opponents of the former.

However, wood has many advantages. Thus, the durability of wood can be quite high if it is treated with special impregnations. With these substances, the service life can be extended to several decades. At the same time, the floor will not rot and deteriorate.

If some areas wear out, they can be easily replaced - there is no need to redo and renew the site completely. In addition, such repairs do not require special costs and labor.

The wooden floor in the garage also perfectly absorbs excess moisture. This additional protection for the car body. Wooden flooring is not hazardous to health, unlike concrete. Sometimes you have to lie under a car - it’s much more pleasant on a tree.

If you use a thick board and timber large sizes, then in terms of strength such a coating will be in no way inferior concrete screed. The wood can withstand even small commercial trucks well. There is nothing easier than making a wooden garage floor with your own hands. Installation is much simpler than installing a concrete screed. And one more advantage - the wood will not generate dust.

With all the advantages of wood, there are also disadvantages. Thus, wood perfectly absorbs the odors of fuels and lubricants. This is strongly felt if you turn on the heating. Also, wood rots and is very susceptible to rodents and microorganisms. Even wood itself is a very flammable material, and if the floor in the garage is saturated with gasoline, oils and other substances, the risk of fire increases significantly. It is not recommended to use a welder in garages with wood floors.

Let's see how to make a wooden garage floor yourself.

Installation of wood floors

Often, wooden garage floors are installed directly onto the ground. Therefore, appropriate technology will be used during construction. The design can be either double or single.

Creating the Foundation

The first step is to remove the fertile soil layers in the inner part of the base. It is also necessary to prepare a mixture of sand, gravel and clay and pour it into the resulting pit. Experts recommend carefully compacting this pillow.

To furnish the floor will be used wooden beams. Their edges will rest on the foundation. Between the beams it is necessary to install special supports in the form of columns. To do this, small holes are dug under them. The first row of columns from the wall are installed at a distance of 50 cm. Between the remaining columns, a distance of 1 m can be made. A distance of 50 cm is recommended between the beams.

Coarse gravel should be poured into each hole. The layer should be about 20 cm high. Next, the hole is filled with concrete mortar to the ground. When the mortar hardens, a column is made from red brick. This will be the main support for the wood floor in the garage.

It is imperative to lay roofing felt waterproofing between the bricks and mortar, as well as at the top of the supports. In those places where there are no pillars, open areas are also covered with roofing felt or film.

Installing beams

The floor experiences significant loads from the weight of the machine. Therefore for wooden floors in garages it is recommended to use more thick timber. So, its thickness should be from 150×150 mm or more. You can also use sleepers made of wood.

The timber is laid edgewise - this is done to increase the rigidity of the structure. The logs are mounted perpendicular to the gate. Flooring, on the contrary, is done along the movement of the car.

The logs are secured exactly to the level. If there is a need to correct the slope of the garage floor, you can use pads. Also, do not forget that between the wall and the joists it is necessary to maintain compensation gaps of 2 to 3 cm. Along the edges of the room for beams, it is necessary to install supports with a height of 10 cm. Installation can be performed as follows: in the usual way, directly and around the entire perimeter. Free space is left under the beams - this is done for natural circulation air.

Insulation process

If there is a need to lay insulating materials, then a subfloor is laid on the laid beams. Next, waterproofing materials are laid out. Then you can lay insulation - polystyrene foam, backfill or roll materials will do. Also great for insulating garage floors. mineral wool.

A layer of waterproofing materials must be laid on top again. Then the finishing floor is laid.

Laying the floorboard

Such wood floors are best made from special floorboards. Their thickness is 50 mm. A medium-sized room may require up to 1.3 m3 of material. It is very important to purchase well-dried wood for garage floors. Otherwise, there is a risk of deformations and cracks in the floor.

As you can see, there are many options for making your own garage floor. Many of these options do not require special costs, and their installation is not too labor-intensive. As for wooden floors in garages, this decision is quite controversial. If you often have to lie under a car, then this is the best choice.

Car owners are very particular about the arrangement of their garage. This is due to the fact that the room is used not only to protect the car from external threats, but also for other related purposes. For example, repair work or hanging out with your friends. There are many available in the market. However, not all of them can boast such an obviously comfortable advantage as having good thermal conductivity properties. And in this regard, the wooden floor in the garage is admirable. Next, we will describe why wooden flooring is so good and how to make it with your own hands.

The share of wooden floors in the total mass of garage floor coverings is steadily growing every year. This is due to undeniable advantages woods worth listing:

  • The thermal conductivity of the material makes inspecting or repairing a car much more comfortable, especially if it needs to be carried out in a lying position;
  • The durability of wood will be significantly higher if the material is pre-treated with protective mastic or special means that protect it from moisture and fire;

Important. Modern wood impregnations allow wood to absorb excess moisture into rooms, protecting it from dampness and at the same time preserving physical characteristics floor covering.

  • Ease and speed of replacing damaged floor covering elements;
  • A competent approach to choosing the thickness of the floorboard will provide the required strength, which is in no way inferior in this regard to other types of coating;
  • Easy to install wooden planks allows you to get by on our own, without the involvement of experienced professionals;
  • Wooden garage floors do not generate dust;
  • The budget price will pleasantly please car owners.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Attractiveness of wood to insects and some types of rodents;
  • The material is susceptible to odors and stains, which are very difficult to get rid of later;
  • Susceptibility to the harmful effects of moisture, if the wood has not previously been treated with moisture-resistant agents;
  • Depending on the type of wood, the price of the finished coating may vary greatly.

Wood floor protection

Since most of the disadvantages of wooden flooring can be negated if certain rules are followed, it is worth paying special attention to them. It's about about the use of special varnishes or impregnations, which can significantly increase the service life of wood, making it better performance characteristics. In particular, such as resisting moisture, increasing wear resistance, improving fire safety and many others. All these special means can be classified into the following types:

  1. Antiseptics are substances that penetrate deep into the wood and protect it from destruction. They are also excellent protection against small rodents and rotting processes. Empower wood covering fire retardant properties;
  2. Wood varnishes - forming protective covering on outside wooden boards and preventing it from abrasion and physical damage;
  3. Paints serve more of a decorative role, however, they also protect the surface of the coating.

The order of protective work must follow a certain sequence of stages. So, first of all, the wood is thoroughly dried, then treated with antiseptics, and only after that can you proceed to applying varnish or paint.

Procedure for laying a wooden floor, surface preparation

Installation work must be carried out on a solid foundation so that you do not have to regret the money spent later. That is, first of all, installing a wooden floor in a garage involves preparing the surface. Order preparatory work in this case it should look like this:

  1. Purchase required material in the required quantity;
  2. Cleaning the surface from dirt and unnecessary objects;
  3. Laying concrete screed with reinforcing mesh;
  4. Laying a waterproofing film;
  5. A layer of thermal insulation materials;
  6. Installation of transverse joists;
  7. Installation of wood flooring;
  8. Applying special protective agents to the plank floors in the garage.

To carry out such work you will need the following materials:

  • Medium-sized crushed stone for the base of a concrete screed;
  • Cement with river sand for solution;
  • Metal mesh with wire for reinforcement;
  • Roofing material or a special film can act as waterproofing;
  • Mineral wool or expanded clay as a heat insulator;
  • Wooden beam for installation of transverse joists;
  • Wooden boards for flooring.

Note. On the market you can find already tongue-and-groove boards with special grooves provided. Their purchase will help seal the joints.

Wood selection

It is not recommended to use red wood or beautiful walnut for arranging a wooden floor; it is better to use them for other purposes. Strong oak or durable types coniferous trees, also known for their abrasion resistance. The material of the boards should be free of cracks and taken with some reserve.

Sand-cement screed

Before laying the floor screed, you should remove a half-meter layer of soil and level the surface using a level. Next, you should compact the surface of the subfloor, if it is loose, pour a layer of sand, and on top of the same - crushed stone. A reinforcing mesh of metal rods is installed on the resulting “cushion”. They must be tied evenly with wire to form square cells. The resulting mesh is installed at a certain elevation from the top layer of crushed stone and then the concrete solution is poured. The thickness of the liquid layer should be about 10 cm. While possible, carefully level the surface of the solution, and then wait for it to dry.

The degree of humidity is determined by placing a piece of film on the surface and securing it with tape. If after a few days back side If the film still contains condensation or large drops, it will take some more time to dry. Next, you should clean the surface and lay waterproofing materials with a slight overlap on the walls. Roofing material should prevent the penetration of moisture, for which its seams are covered with bitumen mastic.

Cross joists

Bearing beams with an average cross-section are installed at a half-meter distance across garage space and connected with dowels to the screed. For strong fixation it is possible to use metal corners with a small step. It is imperative to leave a gap between the walls and the ends of the joists, since wood tends to become wider or narrower depending on the level of humidity. The beams are connected to each other by boards, and the places of all fastenings are lubricated with bitumen mastic. It is also useful to have a gap between the surface of the screed and the joists, which will ensure free air circulation. Through wooden spacers You can also eliminate unevenness in the cement screed.

Note! Do not forget that depending on the width of the beams and the thickness of the boards, the floor level will rise slightly. This should be provided so that the resulting difference near the entrance to the garage does not come as a surprise.

Thermal insulation

Since the garage is planned to be used during the cold season, the required level of comfort cannot be achieved without this procedure. In order to preserve heat, mineral wool or expanded clay is usually used. Thermal insulation is placed as tightly as possible in the cells between the installed joists so that there is no free space left. The situation is similar with expanded clay, which should be compacted before laying a transparent film over it.

Laying boards

Direct laying of tongue and groove products is much simpler than all previous work. It starts from the far corner and is carried out in a checkerboard pattern so that the ends next to each other do not overlap. The key point here is the density of the seams, to achieve which they are treated with silicone sealant.

Finishing the floor covering

After all work is completed, the dirty wooden floor in the garage should be thoroughly cleaned and treated. To do this, construction debris and dust are removed, then the wood is impregnated with an antiseptic. Then it becomes possible to apply protective paint and varnish materials onto the surface of the boards.

Advice. To increase the service life of the floor covering, it is recommended to additionally lay the rubberized coating (floorboards) in the tracks of the wheels, that is, in the direction of movement of the car. They will be fastened with self-tapping screws in pre-drilled holes.


These recommendations are a universal answer to the question of how to make a wooden floor in a garage with your own hands and are applicable as instructions for laying this flooring. Let installation work and do not look the easiest, however, a competent approach to their implementation will provide a warm and durable floor covering. An environmentally friendly floor will become best friend a car owner who likes to tinker with the device of his car. The material has both its advantages and disadvantages, but knowing about them, they can be leveled out. Or maybe choose?

The safety of a car in a garage depends on many factors. Having strong walls, a strong roof and secure gates are just some of them. The last one is a durable and reliable garage floor. Its durability and reliability will depend on what type of floor will be installed, its insulation, materials and design used. You can create a high-quality garage floor with your own hands.

The garage floor must be very durable to withstand uneven loads from the car.

Garage floor requirements

When creating a floor in a garage with your own hands, you need to know the features of a particular type of floor, as well as focus on certain requirements put forward by the specifics of the place where they are used. The criteria for choosing one type of floor or another are:

  • high resistance to chemical products (gasoline, oils, solvents, etc.);
  • high resistance to mechanical loads;
  • high surface strength;
  • fire safety and high moisture resistance;
  • simplicity of design and its arrangement;
  • durability.

Types of floors

The following types of floors most closely meet the criteria listed above:

  • Ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware;
  • Filled polymer floors.

To be fair, it should be noted that there are also wooden floors. But their compliance with the requirements for reliability, durability, fire hazard and strength as a garage floor is approaching zero. Therefore, we will not consider them in this article.

Garage floor installation - layer cake

Most often, a garage is built on the ground, which is reflected in the structure and design of the floor. When creating a floor on the ground, it is necessary to take into account the level groundwater, the depth of which should be at least 4 - 5 m, and the soil should not be mobile.

All work on creating a floor in the garage should be carried out after the walls have been erected and the roof has been installed. This is the only way to ensure the quality of work performed. The volume of work performed is quite large and consists of several stages:

  1. Arrangement inspection hole;
  2. marking the level of the future floor;
  3. clearing and compacting soil;
  4. laying a cushion of sand, crushed stone and “skinny” concrete;
  5. arrangement of an insulating layer;
  6. reinforcement and installation of guide beacons;
  7. pouring the screed and creating the finishing coating.

It should be immediately noted that when designing a garage and its construction, it is necessary to think about two important points, on which not only the design of the garage, but also the floor itself will depend. The first is the presence of an inspection hole. The second is the presence of a basement. It is possible to arrange both.

Inspection hole

Before making a floor in the garage, you should take care of the inspection hole. Of course, it is not at all necessary to do it, but those who prefer to repair and maintain their car themselves cannot do without an inspection hole.

Important! If the garage is built in a place where the groundwater depth is about 2.5 m, then you will have to do drainage or abandon the pit altogether.

We dig a pit in the middle of the garage to create an inspection hole

First, we dig a foundation pit. We set the dimensions of the pit based on the size of the future inspection hole: width 75 - 80 cm, calculate the depth based on the owner’s height, and add another 30 cm to it, take the length of the hole 1 - 1.5 m longer than the length of the car. To these dimensions we add another 50 cm for convenience. brickwork and its waterproofing.

The floor of the inspection pit can be made of concrete, and the walls can be made of bricks

Having dug required sizes pit, we begin to compact the soil in it. To do this, pour a small layer of clay and compact it with an ordinary log with nailed handles. Since there will be practically no load on the floor in the pit, compaction can be done not very tightly. After this, we lay roofing material on the bottom and pour concrete on top with a layer of 7–10 cm. The result will be the simplest one with minimal waterproofing.

After the concrete has dried and you can stand on it, we begin laying brick walls. We use any brick or aerated concrete blocks. We carry out the laying and make sure that its upper edge is 5 - 7 cm below the level of the threshold in the garage. This is important, since a 5x5 corner will lie on top of the brick, into which the boards covering the hole will be laid.

Having completed the brickwork and given it a couple of days to dry, we proceed to its external waterproofing. This is where it comes in handy big size pit. We treat the surface of the masonry with a primer deep penetration, let it dry and apply waterproofing by simply coating it with bitumen mastic outside brick walls. This can be done by heating the mastic over a fire and spreading it with a roller or brush. This simple insulation will help avoid the accumulation of excess moisture in the pit. Having completed all the work, let the mastic dry, after which we fill the remaining voids behind the walls of the pit with soil and compact it tightly.

Marking the level of the future floor

First of all, it should be noted zero level floor. For these purposes, you can use a laser level or a water level. If there laser level, then we simply install it in the middle of the room and draw a line using the laser beam.

But in the case of a merman, you will have to work hard. First, measure the height 150 cm from the threshold level and set a mark. After this, take the water level and transfer the mark to the adjacent wall. To do this, apply one end of the level to the mark, and the other to the adjacent wall. By moving the second end of the level up or down, we ensure that the water level on the other side coincides with the mark. Once this happens, put a mark on the second end. We perform this operation for all walls, making 2 marks on each. From these marks we measure down 152 cm and put new marks. Connecting the two bottom marks on each wall with a colored paint cord, pull it back and release it. The result will be a straight line on all walls - this will be the zero floor level.

Clearing and compacting soil

Having completed the markings, you can begin to remove excess soil. We remove all construction debris and remove about 30 - 40 cm of the top layer of soil. Then we pick up a familiar log with handles and begin to compact the soil. If the soil in the pit could not be compacted very tightly, then the soil under the floor in the garage itself will have to be compacted more tightly. Pour a small layer of clay and sand, moisten it with water and begin to tamp. Of course, a log with handles is not the most best tool for compacting soil. Therefore, if possible, it is better to rent a special vibrating plate. In any case, the result of all compaction efforts should be a surface on which only slightly noticeable traces remain when walking.

Laying a cushion of sand, crushed stone and “skinny” concrete

We carefully compact each layer of bedding (pillow)

Any ground floor that is not wood is a multi-layer cake, and a garage floor is no exception. Therefore, after compacting the soil, add a layer of gravel. Its thickness will be about 10 cm and, to make it easier to navigate, we drive in several rows of pegs, leaving them sticking out above the ground surface at the height we need. As soon as we fell asleep required quantity gravel, we begin to compact it. We try to achieve maximum density. When we finish compacting, we remove the pegs and fill the voids with gravel.

After gravel, the next layer will be sand. The thickness of the sand layer is the same as that of gravel - 10 cm. To easily control the thickness of the layer, we drive in the pegs again. To achieve a more dense compaction of the sand, water it with water and compact it. It should be noted that when choosing sand for a cushion under the floor, you can choose ravine sand. It contains small admixtures of clay, which is only to our advantage. Having compacted the sand, we remove the pegs and fill the voids.

Important! To ensure that the floor in the garage is level, at the stage of creating a multi-layer cake and compacting all its layers, it is necessary to control the horizontal plane using a two-meter spirit level.

The next layer after sand will be crushed stone of a fraction of 40 - 50 mm. Fill a layer of 5 cm and compact it as tightly as possible. Pour a thin layer of sand on top of the compacted gravel, moisten it with water and lightly tamp it. It is important that the resulting surface does not have sharp protruding edges.

The next one will be a 2–3 cm layer of “lean” concrete. It will serve as an underlying base for the finishing screed.

Insulation layer

The safety of a car in a garage directly depends on the level of humidity in it. And if ventilation helps fight moisture indoors, then waterproofing is required to reduce the penetration of moisture through the floor.

Important! Some car enthusiasts insulate the floor in the garage, trying to ensure maximum safety of the car. Floors with an insulating layer are called floating. Of course, they fulfill their role, but at the same time their strength suffers somewhat. In this article, we are considering the most reliable and durable ground floor with a waterproofing layer.

A layer of waterproofing is installed on top of a layer of “lean” concrete treated with a deep penetration primer. The following materials are used as waterproofing: bitumen-polymer and bitumen mastics, liquid rubber, roofing felt, roofing felt, polyethylene film, as well as waterproofing membranes.

To waterproof the floor in the garage, you can use welded or coating materials

To make waterproofing from bitumen mastics or liquid rubber, simply apply the material in several layers using a roller or brush.

If waterproofing is installed from roofing felt, roofing felt or membranes, then they can simply be spread over the entire area. The main thing is to lay the canvases overlapping each other and overlapping the walls. In addition, these roll materials can be glued to the surface using hot mastic or by fusing.

Polyethylene film is the cheapest and simplest material for waterproofing. It is laid over the surface and pressed on top with a concrete screed.

Reinforcement and installation of guide beacons

To reinforce the concrete floor in the garage, we use a mesh welded from reinforcing rods so that the floor can withstand heavy loads

Having completed the waterproofing, we proceed to reinforcing the floor, this will give it additional strength. For these purposes, we weld from reinforcing rods 5 mm thick metal mesh with cells 20x20 or 10x10 cm. We lay it out over the entire surface on small supports 1.5 - 2 cm high. The mesh should be inside the screed. Fiber fiber can also be used for reinforcement; this building component is added directly to the concrete mixture.

For getting flat surface We install guide beacons on the garage floor

Now let's install. We use as guides metal pipes with a diameter of 25 mm. We also install them on small supports and make sure that the top edge is level with the zero mark, and the guides themselves are strictly horizontal and at a distance of 1.5 m or less from each other. Lubricate the beacon pipes with machine oil. This is done so that after pouring the screeds they can be easily removed. We fix the guides themselves with a thick cement-sand mortar.

After installing the guides, we make a frame from metal corners for the pit. We simply cut two short and two long 5x5 corners to the required length and weld them together. To prevent the frame from moving while pouring concrete, we insert wooden spacers.

Filling the screed and creating the finishing coating

For the screed, mix a solution with the consistency of thick sour cream and carefully level it over the surface using the rule

All that remains is to make a concrete screed. Mix the cement-sand mortar until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. We lay it out between the guides. We throw a lot on small area, after which we take metal rule and begin to pull off the excess along the guides. We fill the entire surface with concrete. After this we leave it to dry for several days. As concrete gradually dries and shrinks, cracks may appear. To prevent this from happening, after 3-4 days we scatter sawdust on its surface and moisten it with water. Let the floor dry for another 10 days, after which we remove the sawdust and leave the floor open until completely dry. This may take up to 20 days.

After the screed has dried, the floor in the garage is virtually ready. Many also make a coating from floor tiles or paint special paint. Here is someone who likes what they like best. The main thing is that the surface is resistant to various auto chemicals.

A garage, like any other room, needs some finishing, albeit not as beautiful and expensive as in an apartment. For example, here you can insulate the walls, paint them or cover them with panels. Wooden floors in the garage are also often installed, because thanks to this coating the room can be made much more comfortable and warmer than in the case of.

Wood is one of the easiest materials to work with when finishing garage floors. You can work with wood quickly, because installation is quite simple. However, before learning about how to create a wood floor in a garage, you should familiarize yourself with other flooring options that can be installed in this room.

Most often used for arranging the floor inside the garage mortar cement-based - concrete floor is poured. This is especially true for premises that are used very intensively and for their intended purpose. For example, in a garage, car repairs are often carried out and there are often cases when various technical liquids get on the floor. It is the concrete floor that is ideal in this case - it practically does not absorb chemical compositions(if you remove them immediately) and are easy to clean from them.

Attention! If on concrete floor If you leave oil or gasoline for a long time, they will be absorbed into the pores of the concrete and cannot be removed.

The service life of such a floor is more than 20 years, however, if the pouring technology was violated during installation, there is a risk that the base will quickly become covered with cracks and become unusable.

Porcelain stoneware slabs are also one of the commonly used materials for flooring inside the garage. They look attractive, are very practical and reliable. Porcelain tiles do not absorb any substances, and therefore are easy to clean by simply washing them. But installing such a floor will cost the garage owner a pretty penny - this material is very expensive, so only wealthy people usually use it. Also, all work on laying this material is very labor-intensive, and the material itself is considered somewhat fragile in relation to mechanical shocks.

Attention! It is advised not to install porcelain tiles immediately after building a garage. It is best to wait about 2-3 years for the soil under the building to settle a little.

Features of a wooden floor

If everything is decided Finishing work in the garage, then experts recommend using only the most simple materials, with the installation and installation of which there will be no problems. One of these materials is ordinary wood, because even those who have only a general understanding of construction and working with materials can cope with its processing.

A wooden floor is much inferior in price to the two previous options, both in terms of installation and in terms of the cost of materials. This is enough warm covering, moving around which will be much more comfortable, and in winter period, if the garage is not equipped with a heating system, a wooden floor will better retain heat inside it.

On a note! A wooden floor inside a garage is relevant if the vehicle does not particularly need constant repairs, and does not spend much time inside the garage.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden floors

The properties and characteristics of any material can be divided into positive and negative. Knowing them, you can do it right choice and decide whether such a basis is necessary. Thus, we will highlight the main advantages of using wood floors inside the garage.

The disadvantages of wood garage floors are given below.

Choosing wood for a garage floor

While creating wooden base in the garage it is the choice of wood as the main one finishing material plays a decisive role. It is important to approach the purchase of boards responsibly. The material should not be damaged, there should be no chips, cracks, or knots that may fall out over time. You should not buy damp or old wood or darkened boards. The fresh board has a nice yellow and the rich aroma of fresh wood.

It is important to pay attention to the dimensions of the board: its thickness should not be less than 2.5-3 cm, and its length should not be less than 2 m. Moreover, the stronger the pressure exerted on the coating by vehicles standing on it, the more securely you need to select or lay boards them in such a way that they do not bend. And the thicker the board, the longer distance may remain between the joists.

Typically used for laying flooring wooden joists, which should also be quite durable and high quality. Usually this is a thick beam 10x10 cm thick. Also, concrete pillars can be used to install a wooden floor, or the boards can be laid directly on concrete base.

Attention! Before making a purchase, it is important to make all the calculations and calculate the required number of boards, so that later you do not have to buy them additionally and again spend money on transportation. Calculations are made based on the area of ​​the room. The quantity of fasteners – nails, metal corners, etc. – is also calculated.

Floor made of tongue and groove planks

The best material for finishing the floor in a garage is a tongue and groove board that has special connecting elements - grooves and protrusions. When laying the flooring, their presence will make it possible to firmly connect individual elements and reduce the risk of cracks forming.

Prices for tongue and groove floor boards

tongue and groove floor board

Chipboard or plywood floor

As a material for creating a wooden base in a garage, you can use sheets of plywood or chipboard. But these materials can only be laid on a concrete base. Otherwise, the floors may break. In this case, the strength of the flooring will directly depend on the thickness of the plywood or chipboard. So in this case, it is better to buy thicker versions of the material and preferably those that will not allow moisture to pass through. It is best to paint these types of coatings after installation.

Attention! Chipboard does not like temperature changes, so it is not recommended for use in a garage that does not have heating.

Table. Methods for arranging a wooden floor.

Option to create a deck in the garageDescription

The most familiar and best option Arranging a wooden floor inside a garage involves installing boards on wooden joists. In this case, the entire support of the flooring will fall on them. In turn, logs are installed on any base - concrete floor or soil. The beams are attached over the entire area of ​​the subfloor - it is most convenient to connect them together using metal corners. The latter are installed so that they are located parallel to the entrance to the garage and have a maximum pitch of 50 cm. Main disadvantage laying the floor on joists is that in this case the level of the base rises. Here you need to consider how the entrance to the garage will ultimately be equipped. Otherwise, you may end up with an awkward step.

This option is suitable if a concrete screed has already been poured in the garage. The material covers previously poured concrete. However, experts recommend even in this case to create a base from logs. Dowels or anchors will help secure the boards to the concrete screed. But laying wood can only be done on level base. If it is severely curved or damaged, it is first recommended to fill it with a self-leveling mixture so that the floor level is the same everywhere. Otherwise, the boards or plywood may simply break. Also, installation of boards cannot be done on top of a damp screed.

If your garage already has a wood subfloor, you can simply reinforce it and decorate it with clean, fresh boards. In this case, the floors become much stronger and can withstand significant loads. The boards are secured with fastening material and placed perpendicular to the previously laid ones. Installation may only be carried out on a solid base. If the subfloor is partially damaged or destroyed, it is better to dismantle it and make it again.

Wooden floors can also be installed on top of the ground. Before starting work fertile layer is removed, the soil is covered with sand, gravel-sand mixture or expanded clay. The poured material is carefully compacted. The method is reminiscent of installing a floor on joists, only in this case it is necessary to install concrete or brick supports for them. Also in this case, laying insulation and waterproofing material. Otherwise, the floors will be cold and will quickly rot under the influence of moisture coming from the ground.

Prices for chipboards (chipboards)

Do-it-yourself wooden floor in the garage

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to install a wooden floor in a garage. Work begins with preparation. First of all, the foundation is prepared. This, depending on the chosen type of arrangement of the wooden floor, may include pouring a screed, installing a sand cushion, or leveling the finished base with a self-leveling mixture. All construction waste is also removed, no interior items should be left in the garage, etc.

Ecowool floor insulation is another possible option

If installation is required brick foundations or concrete pillars, then when placing them you need to focus on the place where the car will be placed. This will help you figure out where the strength of the floor should be maximum. The distance between each column should not exceed 1 m. If the base is concrete, then there is no need to install supports - just put logs on top.

Features of installing a wooden floor in a garage

Before starting work, it is important to study and take note following rules. They will help you lay the boards as efficiently as possible.

  1. The logs are always installed perpendicular to the direction the car leaves the garage.
  2. There should be a compensation gap of several centimeters wide between the wall and the flooring so that in the future, when the level of humidity and temperature changes, the boards do not deform.
  3. There is also a gap of 3 cm wide between the joists and the wall.
  4. Floor boards should be fastened in the direction of movement of the car inside the garage.
  5. All wooden materials are processed protective equipment before installation. Otherwise, they will quickly become unusable.
  6. The humidity of the board should be about 12%. Do not lay raw material.
  7. The joists or base of the floor must be strictly horizontal and level.
  8. The space under the deck must be ventilated.

Installation of wooden floors in the garage

Step 1. Before use, floor boards and future logs are treated with products that protect them from moisture or rotting. The material dries well, it is advisable to do this outside in the sun.

Step 2. Roofing felt is cut into small strips, which are then stapled to the ends of the boards, joists and to those places that will be in contact with concrete supports.

Step 3. The boards that will be used as joists are installed edgewise on a base partially covered with sand inside the garage. They are laid on timber supports installed along the walls of the garage. Fastening to the base is done using galvanized tape.

Step 4. Sand is poured into the voids between the boards and compacted. After which the sand is well leveled.

Step 5. Floor boards are laid across the edge-mounted boards. They will be oriented in the direction of movement of the car. In this case, laying is done from the edge of the inspection hole to the walls. The boards are nailed to the joists using nails. The individual boards fit tightly together.

Step 6. If necessary, all boards and beams can be sawn in accordance with the taken measurements of the room.

Attention! It is better to carry out all work on sawing boards wearing safety glasses and a respirator.

Step 7 After finishing work on laying the boards, their surface should be painted or varnished to protect the wood coating.

Video - Installation of wooden floor

Floor surface treatment

Table. How to cover a wooden floor?


Allows you to preserve the natural color of the wood, but at the same time forms a film on the surface that will protect the material from moisture. The material does not crack when temperatures change, it is very resistant, and does not deteriorate for a long time.

It will help give the floor absolutely any color. Protects the surface from moisture. However, paint may peel over time and does not last as well as varnish.

This product protects the boards from the effects of insects, fungi, etc. Among them are those that have fire-fighting properties.

Advice! A solution of silicate glue (400 g of glue per 1 liter of water) can help replace the antiseptic. copper sulfate(100 g per 10 liters of water) or boric acid(50 g per 5 liters of boiling water with the addition of 1 kg of salt).

Insulation of floors

It will not be superfluous to insulate the floors while creating the flooring. To do this, not only a moisture-proof layer is placed under the floor between the joists, but also thermal insulation material. This could be polystyrene foam, mineral wool, etc. The work of laying pieces of insulation is simple, but it will allow, by slightly increasing costs, to create a warmer floor in the garage, which will undoubtedly respond a hundredfold in the winter, when the issue of preserving thermal energy inside garage is especially acute.

Wooden garage flooring is one of the simplest and most quick ways create a strong, reliable and durable foundation. The main thing is to carry out all work according to the rules and in accordance with certain requirements, and then the floorboards will serve faithfully for many years.

Making a wooden floor in the garage: installation secrets from professionals

If you decide to arrange the floor in the garage. then there are several options to do it yourself. The most popular of them are wooden and concrete floors. There is a lot of disagreement among car enthusiasts about which option is better to use.

In this article we will tell you how to make a wooden floor in a garage and why it is better than concrete.

Metal garage with wood floor

Features of a wooden floor

The first half of people consider wood flooring for the garage the best option, and the second part, on the contrary, is categorically against the use of this material.

If you decide to make such a coating, you should familiarize yourself with its pros and cons:

  • Wood has good durability, especially if treated with impregnation. For many, it has been lying there for decades, without any signs of rot.
  • You can easily redo and renew the entire coating in case of damage.
  • A big plus is the ability of wood to absorb moisture from the air, so the car body will remain intact longer and will not rust.
  • On wooden flooring It is safer to work for your health, unlike cold concrete. Therefore, this option is often chosen if you plan to repair the car yourself.
  • In terms of strength, when using thick floorboards and timber, a wooden floor is not inferior to a concrete screed; it can even be used for small trucks.
  • Easy to install, it is much easier to find good workers than to fill a screed, which can crack if the technology is violated.
  • Unlike concrete, wood does not create dust.

The disadvantages of wood include:

  • Absorption of odors from automobile oils, this is especially noticeable when the heating is turned on.
  • Susceptible to rotting, rats and microorganisms.
  • Wood itself is a fire hazardous material, and after impregnation with flammable liquids it will become even less safe. Therefore, it will not be possible to use welding in the garage.

Installation of wooden floors in the garage

We'll tell you how to make wooden floors in a garage using the example of installation on the ground. To do this, you need to use ground floor technology. It is shown in the diagram.

Floor on the ground on joists

Installation of posts

Single and double plank floor construction

  • To do this, you first need to remove the fertile layer of soil from the inside of the foundation and make preparations from a sand-gravel mixture and clay. Compact the filling layer thoroughly.
  • The edges of the beams will rest on the sides of the foundation, and supports from posts will be made between them.
  • To install the posts, dig holes for them 40*40 cm, with a depth equal to the depth of the main foundation.
  • The first row from the wall should be installed with a distance of 50 cm, and the distance between the remaining supports should be no more than 100 cm. The distance between the beams is 50-60 cm.
  • Place a 15-20 cm layer of coarse gravel at the bottom of each hole.
  • Fill with concrete fine fraction gravel hole to ground level.
  • When the concrete has hardened, lay the columns of red bricks (2-3 rows will be enough). They will become the basis for laying the beams; try to make them as equal in height as possible.

Example of ready-made columns

  • Be sure to lay a layer of roofing felt waterproofing between the concrete and brick and on top of the supports.
  • We cover the remaining exposed clay with waterproofing made of polyethylene film or roofing felt. Although there will be no water, the humidity from the ground will become high.

Advice! Calculate the position of the posts so that they are under the wheels of the car when it is parked and driven in. Also in these places, use stronger beams if possible and increase the number of supports.

Also, instead of brick pillars, you can use homemade poured piles for supports.

The technology for their manufacture is very simple:

  • Using a 200 mm hand drill, holes are made to the required depth.
  • A pipe is rolled up from roofing felt in several layers inside the hole.
  • The reinforcement is inserted inside in a triangle and filled with concrete according to the level.

Installation of beams

Since the load from the car on the floor in the garage will be high, it is better to use thick timber 150-200 mm, or sleepers, for the beams.

They need to be laid edgewise to increase rigidity.

  • The logs are installed perpendicular to the entrance, and the flooring, on the contrary, is installed along the movement.
  • You need to secure them firmly and level. If necessary, you can make shims to correct the slope of the floor.
  • Do not forget to maintain a gap of 2-3 cm between the joist and the wall.
  • The edges of the beams must have supports of at least 10 cm (grillage, plinth or posts).
  • Installation can be done either directly or with preliminary tying around the perimeter.
  • Free space must be left under the beams for free air circulation.

Ladder storage space


Laying insulation on waterproofing

  • If it is necessary to insulate the garage, first a subfloor is laid on the beams.
  • The next layer is waterproofing made of polyethylene film.
  • Almost any filler, sheet or roll material. The most effective and popular among them are extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool.
  • The insulation is covered with waterproofing on top and sheathed along the joists with a floorboard (finished floor).

Laying floorboards

Do-it-yourself wooden floors in the garage are best made from 50 mm thick floorboards. A medium-sized garage will require approximately 1-1.3 cubes of wood, and the price of each cube is 7,000 rubles, which means you will spend approximately 7-9 thousand rubles on floor covering. It is important when buying boards to take only dry wood, otherwise after installation they will appear large gaps in the floor and it may become deformed.

Advice! To make cleaning the floor easier and increase durability, place strips of roofing felt or a rubber band under the wheels of your car.

Assembled rubber mat for wheels

Inspection hole

IN wooden floor You can also organize an inspection hole for the car.

Instructions for its construction:

  • Dig a pit of the required depth and lay a rectangle of brick (laid flat, perpendicular to the future walls) on its bottom.
  • Then you need to lay out the walls of the inspection pit from sand-lime brick, laid edgewise.
  • The void resulting from laying the walls between the bricks and the ground must be filled with concrete as the height increases.
  • When the masonry becomes higher than ground level, you can continue laying bricks on the masonry. Thus, it is necessary to bring the height of the masonry to the level of the logs.
  • The floor boards will partially rest on the masonry, and the frame will be laid on the remaining part from the corner with the shelf inward (see photo below). Boards will be placed in it to cover the pit.

Inspection hole in a wooden floor

Laying planks on a concrete floor

If you already have a concrete base in the garage, and you have not yet decided how to cover the cold floor, then you can lay plank flooring on it. It will be much warmer and more comfortable to work on wood even in winter.

In this case, it is advisable to leave ramps under the car wheels 40-50 cm wide, and cover the rest with wood.

Before laying the boards, you need to apply roofing felt waterproofing. Additionally, it is recommended to treat the boards with impregnations .

The boards are laid along the entire length of the garage and fastened together with nails or screws for reliability.

It is not necessary to lay all the boards closely; if there are gaps up to 5 mm, it’s okay, sometimes they are even made specially. This will make cleaning more convenient, but if you drop something small, it will be difficult to get it out of the gap.


Wooden flooring in the garage remains a rather controversial decision, which has its pros and cons. The choice depends on your needs. If you often need to work in the garage, then it is better to choose this option so as not to spoil your health by lying on cold concrete.

More details about installing a wooden floor in a garage are shown in this article: