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» Landing days for May. And the pepper will be healthy

Landing days for May. And the pepper will be healthy

For lovers of gardening and vegetable gardens, a crucial time begins in May. Calendar dacha work is full of activities that include sowing vegetables and flowers, fertilizing trees and bushes, planting seedlings indoors and open ground.

Experienced gardeners and gardeners know: to get good harvest, it is not enough to rely only on your knowledge. Very often nature makes its own adjustments. Taking into account the phase of the moon, as well as its location relative to the zodiac signs, you can correctly distribute the stages of planting and caring for plants to obtain the best results.

Total two rules will help you always have high yields:

  1. when the moon is growing, it is recommended to sow greens and vegetables; root crops are planted 5-7 days before the new moon;
  2. During the new moon and full moon, you should not carry out planting work, since crops planted during this unfavorable time will grow slowly and give poor results.

Lunar sowing calendar for May 2016: table with recommendations

The sowing calendar, which is presented below, is an invaluable assistant for summer residents, as it contains information about favorable and unfavorable days for sowing vegetables and flowers, planting trees and bushes.

Moon phase

Zodiac sign




You can sow vegetable and flower annuals, including for seedlings; plant seedlings in a greenhouse; trim trees and shrubs; water the plants and feed them with organic preparations.


At this time, lettuce, mustard, arugula, cilantro, spinach, and radishes are sown; loosen and weed the ground; remove shoots and trim perennials.

new moon

Unfavorable period for sowing and planting.


A good time to plant potatoes, flowers, annual vegetable crops, and strawberries.



Favorable time for loosening and mulching the soil; weeding and thinning of seedlings; sanitization and pruning of plants.


Annuals are sown; plant potatoes and vegetable seedlings; feed the plants mineral fertilizers. It is not recommended to plant perennials, since those planted at this time will have low winter hardiness.


A good time to lay and repair the lawn; soil, trees and vegetable crops We don’t disturb them - during this period they need rest.


At this time, you can plant flowers, cabbage seedlings; divide and replant garden bushes. It is not recommended to sow vegetable seeds; the yield will be low.


Time to sow melons and flower plants; plant tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings. It is not recommended to get carried away with watering the soil; its humidity at this time is normal.



A good time to plant beans, peas, and lentils; lawn mowing; watering plants. You should not prune in the garden - there is a high probability that the wounds will become infected.

full moon


The right time to trim and remove mustaches garden strawberries; pinching and pinching seedlings in a greenhouse.



During this period, you need to pay attention to loosening the soil; treatment of plants against diseases and pests. It is not recommended to water and feed crops - their roots at this time need air, not moisture.


Flower and vegetable annuals are planted; water and feed the seedlings. Perennials do not plant, they will have reduced winter hardiness.


They loosen the soil; weed and thin out the seedlings.

Work at the dacha in May 2016

May is the time for trees, shrubs and early flowers to bloom. There is a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden at this time and it is very important to properly organize time and distribute energy. In May, fruit and berry and ornamental plants, vegetable seedlings and flowers are planted, and seeds of herbs and spices are sown. Although there are many warm days this month, night frosts are still possible, so there is no need to rush to plant heat-loving crops. At the end of May the first greens appear: parsley, sorrel, green onions, young garlic.

In May, the following events are held in the garden and vegetable garden:

  • perennials are inspected and pruned;
  • shelters for flowers are opened, plants are treated with special copper-containing preparations that kill and prevent rot;
  • young people land fruit trees and bushes or transplanted to a new location;
  • the soil is loosened, dug, mulched and fertilized;
  • beds for seedlings are being prepared;
  • seeds of greens, carrots, beets, and legumes are sown;
  • After the return frosts have passed, seedlings of cold-resistant vegetable crops are planted.

In order not to reduce the frost resistance of plants, in May it is not recommended to fertilize with fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

Works at the beginning of the month

At the beginning of the month, it’s time for a big cleaning at the dacha. In the garden and vegetable garden, it is necessary to remove all coverings, remove debris and remnants of last year's leaves.

In the first ten days of the month it is advisable to carry out weeding And loosening land in tree trunk circles garden trees and bushes. For every plant fertilizer is applied, produced watering And mulching. Fruit trees are fed with urea before flowering.

During this period, it is recommended to complete the planned renovation of the garden and plant or replanting perennials. Until mid-May, this can be done with plants that have an open root system; if planting occurs later, then the roots should have a large lump of earth.

Raspberries also require special attention: dry branches are cut out, young shoots are tied up. The grapes are lifted onto the trellis and fixed.

The strawberry beds are being weeded and loosened. The roots, exposed after winter, are buried in the ground.

After the soil dries, the grass cover of the lawn is combed with a special rake, and debris and leaves left over from the fall are removed.

Works in the middle of the month

In the second ten days of May in a film greenhouse seedlings are planted tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. You can also sow cucumber and melon seeds in protected soil.

In the middle of the month, mid-season and mid-season potato tubers are planted. late ripening varieties. Seeds of bush and climbing beans are also sown.

After the 10th of May, checking the lunar data sowing calendar, you can plant cabbage seedlings of not early varieties.

In mid-May, the flight of pests such as onion and cabbage flies begins. To combat this pest they use chemicals or ash, tobacco dust.

By the middle of the month it becomes active perennial growth(asparagus, sorrel) or winter-sown annuals (onions, radishes, spinach). At this time, it is already possible to harvest the first harvest of greenery.

Work at the end of the month

At the end of May, you can sow everything: corn, melons, greens. Seedlings of heat-loving vegetables are planted in open ground, including cauliflower, zucchini and pumpkin seeds. In order for the seedlings to take root well and adapt to changes in night and day temperatures, it is recommended to spray them with a zircon solution.

To protect against rot and other diseases, peonies and other ornamental and fruit plants are sprayed.

In the third ten days of May it is recommended feed berry bushes with organic and mineral fertilizers. Complex fertilizer It is also necessary to feed the garlic by dissolving 2 tablespoons of the product in 10 liters of water. It is recommended to fertilize early or winter sown carrots with urea; the product must be applied between the rows.

Work at the dacha in May: video

May is the busiest time for summer residents. During this period, the most important soil cultivation work takes place: flowers and herbs are sown, vegetables are planted, flower beds are laid out. Before planting, the soil is dug up and fertilizers are applied.

This month it is important to make an audit gardening tools, check the watering hoses.

To avoid losing your harvest, you need to carefully monitor the weather forecast. Because of spring frosts The ovaries on the trees may die, so on cold nights summer residents light fires, enveloping the garden in smoke. Seedlings of vegetable and flower crops are covered with covering material.

On hot days, it is necessary to water thoroughly; a lack of moisture can lead to the plants being frail and sickly, which will have a worse impact on the yield.

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener for May 2016 Ukraine is not only the most educational, but the most useful reading this time of year. At the beginning of May, the earth, warmed by the spring sun, bloomed and turned green and is waiting - can’t wait for the start of gardening and field work. But the main goal of a gardener is a high-quality harvest, and it is influenced not only by how diligently and diligently the work was done. The phase of the moon is very important for the final result. Writes

Not auspicious day: sowing, planting.

Auspicious day: for planting celery (seedlings) and radishes. Also on this day, it is recommended to thin out the beds, pinching (removing unnecessary stepsons), pest control (pollination, spraying) and pinching plant diseases. Fertilizing the soil with natural and chemical fertilizers, loosening (digging the soil), as well as cultivation (cultivating previously loosened soil to improve the quality of water and air balance, activating useful substances, and watering is also recommended by the gardener’s calendar to be carried out on May 2.

Unfavorable day: On this day, the gardener's calendar recommends not to plant or prune trees and shrubs.

Auspicious day: watering the beds, cultivating the soil, planting potatoes, sowing garlic, radishes, onions, carrots, sorrel, parsley, broccoli. Today it is good to work with greenhouse plants: plant seedlings of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cucumbers either in greenhouses or under film cover. The lunar sowing calendar also recommends taking care of indoor and balcony flowers, fertilizing flowers, and garden plots mow lawns.

Not auspicious day: plant, trim trees, bushes.

Auspicious day: for work such as pest and disease control, plowing, loosening the soil and planting tomatoes. It is also recommended to work with vegetables (weeding, mulching the soil, watering, fertilizing), and it is also very good to fertilize fruit trees and shrubs today. An ideal day for planting late varieties of cabbage seedlings in the ground.

Not auspicious day: The lunar sowing calendar on this day advises all gardeners and gardeners to refrain from pinching and picking roots, as well as sowing and planting.

Auspicious day: today is a good day for watering, weeding, fertilizing, pest control (dusting, spraying).

Not auspicious day: carrying out planting and sowing work

Auspicious day: The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener notes that today is an exceptionally good day to sow and plant sprouted potatoes, as well as for fruit and grain crops. It is also recommended today to fertilize root crops, garlic and onions.

Not auspicious day: for sowing, planting, transplanting and other work with plants.

Auspicious day: loosening the soil, mulching the soil (surface covering of the soil with mulch, good for weed control). It is also possible to plant potatoes and tomato seedlings in greenhouses (only in the morning). On this day it is better to remove garbage, spend renovation work in the garden.

Not auspicious day: sow, plant, replant.

Auspicious day: today the gardener’s sowing calendar celebrates favorable days for sowing crops such as melon, beans, fennel, mint, parsley, peas, spinach. It is also good to protect the plant from pests and diseases, weeding, hilling (as a result, the roots receive more air, their nutrition improves), loosening is recommended without watering.

Not auspicious day: watering plants.

Auspicious day: loosening, weeding beds, spraying, planting flowers. Today is the lunar sowing calendar for May, which recommends caring for climbing plants (beans, peas, rose flowers, grapes, lemongrass, melon, strawberries). On this day it is good to plant and replant them.

Not auspicious day: watering plants, fertilizing plants, you should refrain from replanting indoor plants.

Auspicious day: the sowing calendar recommends devoting this day to weeding. It is good to plant strawberries, dill and legumes.

Not auspicious day: Today it is better not to touch and refrain from pruning trees and bushes.

Auspicious day: The gardener's lunar sowing calendar marks this day as favorable for all crops that are in seedlings. Today it is good to fertilize plants, plant flowers (including indoor ones), and divide rhizomes. A good day to mow the grass.

Auspicious day: This day is good for lawn care, it is recommended to water the plants. A good day for planting grape seedlings, as well as sowing and planting leafy vegetables, herbs and strawberries.

Auspicious day: Today is a favorable day for sowing fennel and sunflower. The sowing calendar marks the right time for such work as spraying, loosening, and also for planting fruit plants.

Not auspicious day: according to the phases of the moon, the gardener's calendar advises to refrain from sowing and planting.

Auspicious day: pruning trees and shrubs and soil fertilization will be effective. If necessary, you can sow green crops.

Not auspicious day

Auspicious day: today the lunar sowing calendar recommends carrying out procedures for loosening the soil, doing hedges, as well as processing strawberries and laying out shoots berry bushes for rooting. A good day for caring for vegetable crops growing in a greenhouse and replanting indoor and balcony plants...

Not auspicious day: bad time to harvest

Auspicious day: The lunar calendar for May defines today as favorable for flowers: sowing annual flowers, as well as those that are susceptible to disease (for example, dahlias or gladioli). It is also good to plant seedlings of sweet peas and gillyflowers and other plants that do not require large quantity water It is possible to spray cabbage and radishes against pests folk remedy infusion of vinegar.

Not auspicious day: bad time to harvest

Auspicious day: the lunar calendar recommends storing tubers and hay. This day is favorable for planting stone fruits. fruit trees, flowers, as well as creating floral patterns on the lawn. Haymaking and watering on this day will also be effective. It is recommended to carry out preventive measures with pests, as well as planting potatoes in the ground and caring for pepper seedlings.

Not auspicious day: tree pruning.

Auspicious day: Today is a good time for sowing, planting seedlings and watering. Weeding (pumpkin, siderites, watermelons, legumes, eggplants, cabbage, melon, asparagus, zucchini, lettuce) and hilling of plants is also possible.

Not auspicious day: unfavorable time for watering plants.

Auspicious day: on this day, the lunar sowing calendar for May recommends doing such work as planting aromatic herbs, legumes, cabbage seedlings in the ground and strawberries in open ground. A favorable day for vaccinations and transplants.

Not auspicious day: but on this day there is no need to collect herbs, propagate by roots, and planting trees is also not advisable.

Auspicious day: The May sowing calendar considers today a good day for watering and fertilizing newly planted plants. These are favorable days for planting tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, pumpkins, and cucumbers. A good time for pruning trees and shrubs, grafting, watering and fertilizing, as well as spraying.

Not auspicious day: the day is not suitable for planting, transplanting, sowing, pruning.

Auspicious day: Today is a better day to devote to housekeeping work and spraying, as well as cutting out root shoots.

Auspicious day: The gardener's lunar sowing calendar marks this day as favorable for planting garlic, onions, herbs, peppers and other fast-growing plants, as well as medicinal herbs(for seeds). A good day for fertilizing and planting plums, honeysuckle, strawberries, and also flowers - they will bloom faster. It is recommended to care for seedlings planted in open ground on this day.

Not auspicious day: It is better to refrain from planting, with the exception of onions, potatoes and garlic.

Auspicious day: Today it is recommended to fertilize seedlings, do chores and spraying, and vaccinations.

Not auspicious day

Auspicious day: The gardener's lunar sowing calendar marks this day as a good day for planting seedlings: flower (rose, honeysuckle), and fruit (apple, cherry, pear). This day is favorable for pruning, loosening and fertilizing the soil ( organic fertilizers). You can't do sowing.

Not auspicious day

Auspicious day: The crop calendar marks this day as favorable for pest control, soil cultivation and fertilization, and grafting.

Not auspicious day: all work on planting and sowing seeds.

Auspicious day: The lunar sowing calendar calls this day favorable for working with seedlings in greenhouses or under film: planting tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers. Planting fruit and berry plants and dividing perennial vegetables is also effective.

Not auspicious day: all work on planting and sowing plants.

Auspicious day: the calendar recommends this day for sowing crops such as cabbage (white and cauliflower), greens, siderites. A good time for weeding, fertilizing and spraying.

Not auspicious day: planting and replanting vegetable crops.

Auspicious day: According to the lunar sowing calendar, today good result will provide such work as soil cultivation (weeding, cultivation, fertilization); watering, spraying, and pruning.

Not auspicious day: planting and replanting vegetable crops. You should not trim trees in your garden.

Auspicious day: Today is a good day for planting and sowing leafy vegetables, watering plants.

Not auspicious day: You cannot plant or trim trees in the garden.

Auspicious day: The lunar sowing calendar recommends planting potatoes, carrots, parsley and other greens, beets and rutabaga on this day. You can plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, strengthen strawberry tendrils, water and fertilize the plants.

Not auspicious day: planting, sowing (radishes, potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes, celery, onions, garlic).

Auspicious day: Today, according to the lunar calendar of crops, is favorable for three types of work: pruning, watering and fertilizing, sowing root crops. You can also plant green and spicy crops, peas and cabbage for pickling.

Not auspicious day: planting, sowing (onions, garlic).

Auspicious day: on the last day of May, the gardener’s lunar calendar advises planting onions, summer radishes, and garlic. Plants cannot be replanted. It is recommended to water and fertilize the soil, as well as planting greenery and annual flowers in open ground.

IN sowing lunar calendar for May 2016 you will find tips for the month and for every day. With this knowledge, any gardener will be able to reap an excellent harvest!

Boarding days for May 2016

Let's feed the cabbage

In early May, it is recommended to feed cabbage planted in April. Early ripening varieties of cabbage should not be overfed with nitrogen, because this leads to a delay in setting heads. It is good to fertilize with potassium; it makes cabbage more resistant to disease.

Protect tomatoes

Tomatoes - reliable protection from asparagus rattle, aphids, sawfly and moth. In this regard, it is recommended to grow them close to asparagus, melons, cabbage.

It is useful to plant several tomato bushes near gooseberries, which often suffer from moth.

And the pepper will be healthy

Having planted sweet pepper seedlings in open ground, do not forget to pay attention to the leaves of the new shoots, especially during cold weather. If the temperature outside stays below 12 degrees for a long time, the root system of heat-loving crops (and peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes are just like that) stops working, and the plants begin to starve. To maintain the growth point, they take away nutrients from the leaves, they turn yellow and then fall off.

If cold weather lasts more than 5-6 days, you cannot do without feeding the leaves with calcium nitrate (half a tablespoon per bucket of water). In addition, in such weather it is appropriate to spray the plants with ecoberine, novosil (Silkom) or epin-extra: these drugs will help them survive stress.

Radish without bitterness

The radish will taste less pungent and be more juicy and crunchy if the furrow is lightly salted with table salt before sowing, and then the bed is generously watered in the morning and evening. But you shouldn’t do this in hot weather: the water will immediately evaporate through the leaves, without making “weather” inside the root crop.

How to feed onions

To guarantee a harvest, onions need to be fed a couple of times during the growing season. At the end of May, 10-15 g are added to the soil. ammonium nitrate on square meter beds or for the same area a bucket of an aqueous solution of slurry (concentration 1:6).

Three weeks after the first feeding, a second feeding is carried out: 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt per square meter of planting.

At the same time, do not forget to water the onions.

Thanks mustard

Mustard, as a green manure, enriches the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and partly clears the beds of mole crickets and wireworms. If this crop is sown next to peas, the harvest will be twice as large. And onions grow better after mustard.

While young

It is advisable to harvest rhubarb petioles when they are young. Old ones contain much less vitamins and much more oxalic acid, which, after heat treatment, becomes a prerequisite for the formation of oxalates (kidney stones).

For the bow

The bow will resist more actively powdery mildew if you water it warm water(not lower than 18 degrees). And when the bird cherry blossoms and wakes up onion fly, the row spacing should be sprinkled with tobacco dust or lime to protect against the pest.

Fertilize currants

Currants are responsive to fertilizers. Therefore, to ensure good productivity, you need to add 2-4 kg of compost or manure, 20-30 g of urea, 30-50 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride per square meter annually.

Foliar feeding with microelements is also effective. We remind you that zinc increases resistance to fungal diseases, boron promotes better flowering and fertilization, manganese - increasing yield. Foliar feeding is carried out during the flowering and ovary formation phases, in the evening or in the morning after the dew has dried.

Sowing calendar for each day of the month of May in 2016

Unfavorable days for planting: 1, 6, 7, 12, 13, 22, 26 (from 17:29), 27, 28.

May 1 - Spring Festival. Sunday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio - Holy Resurrection of Christ.

May 2. Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio - Dill, spinach, sorrel, onions, rhubarb, other greens

May 3. Tuesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio/Sagittarius (18:52) - From 11:36 - we plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removing mustaches on strawberries

May 4 and 5. Wednesday and Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius - We plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removing mustaches on strawberries

May 6 and 7. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn, new moon (6th) - Caring for the garden and vegetable garden, collecting medicinal herbs

May 8 and 9 - Victory Day. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Capricorn/Aquarius (9:00) - Peas, momordica, climbing flowers, garden care

May 10 and 11. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aquarius/Pisces (11:32) - Re-planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, sowing lettuce, sorrel, onions, and other greens

12 May. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Protective measures against pests and diseases of the garden and vegetable garden

may 13. Friday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Garden and vegetable garden care

May 14. Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Aries/Taurus (14:37) - We are planting perennial faded flowers, planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, fertilizing, weeding

May 15 and 16. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Taurus - Planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, fertilizing, weeding. Flower care

May 17 and 18. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Gemini - Planting cauliflower and kohlrabi seedlings for autumn, green. Picking cucumbers and zucchini

May 19. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Cancer - We sow green cucumbers to get a second harvest closer to autumn, we take care of the plants

May 20 and 21. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Cancer - We sow spinach, lettuce, dill and other greens and cucumbers for the autumn harvest. Planting cauliflower seedlings

22nd of May. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo, full moon - Plant care

May, 23rd. Monday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Leo/Virgo (14:25) - Sowing greens, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control

May 24 and 25. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Virgo - Potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

26 of May. Thursday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Libra - Until 17:29 - potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

May 27 and 28. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Libra - Thinning, pinching, watering, loosening the soil, pest control

May 29 and 30. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Green. Picking berries for wine and liqueurs

May 31. Tuesday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Scorpio/Sagittarius (2:57) - Green. Collection of cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. Plant care

May works for gardeners and gardeners- the foundation of the future harvest. Almost all plantings, with the exception of a few crops, are carried out at the end of spring, when all nature comes to life. The lunar calendar will help you choose the best day for sowing, planting seedlings and other work.

Work in May in the vegetable garden, garden and flower garden

In the garden. Ends spring pruning of all fruit trees - dry, damaged and branches growing inside the crown and vertically upward are removed. Seedlings are planted, and this must be done before the first leaves appear, and mature trees are grafted.

Before flowering, the garden is treated from pests, primarily from moths, ants and aphids. At the end of May, hedges are also tidied up - approximately half of the new shoots are cut off.

In the garden. It is necessary to plan the placement of beds on the site. On the northern slopes and in the lowlands, beds are allocated for cabbage, root vegetables and onions. Elevated areas and southern slopes are best left for tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini. In this case, you need to take into account the rule of crop rotation: do not plant the same crop in the same place, remember the beneficial neighborhood different plants, suitable predecessors.

warmed up under sun rays the soil must be manured and plowed, beds must be formed, paths must be compacted, and sides and slopes must be strengthened. It is necessary to finish preparing the soil for planting in the first ten days of May.

The soil, ready for planting, is slightly moist, does not stick to the shovel, and easily crumbles into fine fractions. If the soil oozes water, sticks and smears, or the lump is too dense, it is not ready yet, and it is too early to plant.

When planting seedlings and sowing seeds, only furrows and holes are watered if necessary. You cannot water the beds from above - a dense, heavy crust can form, which quickly dries out and makes it difficult for seedlings to emerge.

In accordance with the lunar calendar of the work of gardeners, gardeners and flower growers, seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers are planted. At the same time, we must not forget about the possibility of late frosts, so it is necessary to provide for the possibility of protection from cold weather, especially at night. When planting, it is necessary to take into account the norms of seed sowing, the recommended distance between plants, sowing density, illumination of the bed, and layering (this is especially true for the organization of the flower bed).

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for May 2019

The calendar shows Moscow time.

  • Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
  • Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
1st of May 2019, Wed, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Pisces until 13:21, then in Aries The permitted time for planting potatoes and other vegetable crops is only in the first half of the day until 13:21. Then watch the next day.
May 2 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Aries, IV quarter Fruit Days. Aries is not a fertile sign. You can sow radishes, beets, carrots, rutabaga, turnips and other root vegetables, but the resulting harvest will not be stored for long and will not be suitable for seeds. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers, pinching. You can cut out unnecessary growth in the garden. Fighting diseases and pests. Adding compost. Sowing green manure.
May 3 2019, Fri, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Taurus from 23:18
May 4th 2019, Sat, New Moon days, Moon in Taurus Root Days. On the days of the New Moon, any work with plants in the garden is prohibited. We advise you to conduct general cleaning in the house and on the site.
5 May 2019, sun, New Moon at 1:47, Moon in Taurus
the 6th of May 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Gemini from 6:38 Flower Days. Good days for planting climbers, hanging plants and vines, especially decorative ones. Plant strawberries, wild strawberries, beans, peas, melons, dill, parsley, as well as those plants that can cling to supports with their tendrils. Standard care for plantings, seedlings, and indoor plants. Just refrain from pruning.
May 7 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon in Gemini, 1st quarter
May 8 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Cancer from 12:05 Leaf days. The best days of the sowing calendar for plants that are grown for their greenery and leaves. Plant green, spicy, medicinal and leaf crops in the days of leaves on the waxing Moon, and your pets will delight you with the freshest, most appetizing, fragrant and abundant green mass.
One drawback is that you should not plant tall plants, the stem will not be strong enough. The harvest will please you, but you will have to eat it as soon as possible - the juicy and tasty fruits will not be stored for long.
Plant and sow everything you consider necessary in the garden: root vegetables, including potatoes, melons, and other low-growing vegetables and berries. Planting, replanting perennial flowers, planting seedlings in beds. Almost all types of work in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden are welcome. Seed the lawn. The use of pesticides on water sign days is prohibited. Have time to complete all landings by 16:00 on the 9th.
9th May 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon in Cancer, 1st quarter
May 10 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon, 1st quarter, in Leo from 16:12
May 11 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon in Leo, 1st quarter Fruit Days. Leo is one of the most infertile signs. You can only sow sunflower, basil, rosemary, and marjoram. Give the plants a rest. Loosening, weeding, thinning, treatment against pests and diseases - all types of simple garden and gardening work without fanaticism). Mowing the lawn followed by mulching the beds with cut grass. Watering is not recommended.
12 May 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon, in Virgo from 19:21, 2nd quarter from 4:13
may 13 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon in Virgo, 2nd quarter Days of the Root. Virgo is the average sign of the lunar calendar in terms of fertility. Ideal these days are sowing annual and biennial flowers, weeding, thinning, picking and replanting. Flowers turn out beautiful, and fruit and vegetable crops produce not a rich, but tasty harvest. You can replant strawberry and wild strawberry tendrils, plant dill and other leafy crops. Plant seedlings of fragrant town and Shabot cloves.
14 May 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Libra from 21:51
May 15 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon in Libra, 2nd quarter Flower Days. Plants planted these days will provide you with a tasty harvest that can be stored for a long time and will be suitable for collecting seeds. And ornamental crops will delight you with beautiful flowering.
Planting all tuberous vegetables and flowers, including potatoes, cucumbers, melons, legumes, cabbage, pumpkins, and lettuce. Particularly beneficial for peppers and tomatoes. Transplanting strawberry tendrils, replanting and dividing perennial flowers. Good days for harvesting flowering medicinal plants. Planting, shaping and sanitary pruning various types shrubs and trees, cuttings. Watering, vaccinations and spraying are contraindicated.
16th of May 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon in Libra, 2nd quarter
May 17 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Scorpio from 0:26 Leaf days. Scorpio is a very fertile sign. Ideal days of the Lunar calendar for sowing and planting all your planned crops. Plants will have a strong stem, developed root system, the fruits will be tasty and suitable for seeds. It is also an excellent time for all gardening and garden work with soil and plants, except for pruning and dividing rhizomes. Don't forget to sow green manure.
May 18 2019, Sat, Full Moon days, Moon in Scorpio On the days of the Full Moon, sowing, planting and any other work in the garden and vegetable garden are not advisable. Do not disturb the plants or soil.
There is time to finish repairs in the house and other dacha buildings, since very soon an invasion of children and schoolchildren is expected in villages and dachas.
May 19 2019, sun, Full moon at 0:13, Moon in Sagittarius from 4:24
May 20 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter Fruit Days. A low-fertility sign, although plants planted under Sagittarius produce seed material of very high quality.
You can plant potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, Jerusalem artichokes, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, radishes, green and spicy crops. Planting spring garlic. Among the flowers, planting biennials is good: mallow, daisies, violas.
In the garden - complete care for seedlings and plantings. In the garden - spraying trees and shrubs against diseases and pests, especially plums, cherries and other stone fruits. Weeding and mulching of tree trunk circles.
May 21st 2019, Tue, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Capricorn from 11:01 Root Days. Ideal days of the Lunar calendar for planting crops grown for the underground part. Waning Moon + Root Days - have time to carry out all your planned planting of root crops. You can also plant legumes, cabbage, peppers, onions, and tomatoes.
Although the vegetables and fruits will not be large, plants planted during Capricorn will grow resistant to weather conditions, damage, diseases and pests, and will delight you with wonderful seed material.
Gardeners - planting seedlings. Pruning fruit trees. Watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers. Loosening, weeding and mulching, cuttings of plants
Planting, dividing and replanting indoor plants is prohibited. You should not carry out any work with plant roots. Watering is not recommended. But start work on the 21st no earlier than 11 am.
22nd of May 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Capricorn, III quarter
May, 23rd 2019, Thu, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Aquarius from 20:51
May 24 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter Flower Days. An excellent time to dig up the soil and loosen it. The main task is to saturate the soil with air, which is especially favorable during air signs on the waning Moon.
These are not the best for sowing and planting better days. Carry out hilling, pinching of tomatoes, measures aimed at combating pests and diseases, sanitary pruning. You can prepare medicinal plants. An excellent time for breeding work.
May 25 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter
26 of May 2019, Saint, Waning Moon, IV quarter from 19:35, in Pisces from 9:08 Although Pisces is fertile, it is better not to disturb the plants when the Earth’s satellite changes quarters.
May 27 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter Leaf days. Pisces is a fertile sign of the Lunar calendar. The plants will have strong roots and stems and will reward you with delicious fruits. You can plan any sowing, planting and transplanting for this day. Plant cabbage seedlings in open ground. Best time for planting drought-resistant ornamental crops - succulents and cacti. Application of various fertilizers. Lawn mowing.
May 28 2019, Tue, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Aries from 21:31
May 29 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Aries, IV quarter Fruit Days. Ideal days for picking vegetables, fruits and berries. The harvested crop when the Moon is in Aries in phase 4 will be perfectly stored. (But I have a hard time remembering that in St. Petersburg, where I have a dacha, the season ripens at the end of May) So this bonus of the Lunar calendar is only for the southern regions.)
Aries is not a fertile sign. At your discretion, you can plant only easy-to-use crops that grow well in your soil.
There is time to finish cleaning the house and area, prepare a lot of healthy goodies and wait for the grandchildren to arrive at the dacha.
May 30 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Aries, IV quarter
May 31 2019, Fri, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Taurus from 7:39 Root Days. Fertile day of the calendar. Planting seedlings in open ground, any planned sowing and planting of vegetables and flowers. Watering and organic fertilizing, weeding, crumbling and mulching of beds and tree-lined circles.

Gardening is a state of mind. Summer residents spend hours in the garden, standing in uncomfortable positions, blown by winds and baked by the sun. And all this is by no means in pursuit of a super harvest, but out of love for art. And yet, after months of weeding, watering and fertilizing, it is very disappointing to collect a couple of gnarled peppers and half a kilo of potatoes, the size of peas, from the plot.

Experienced gardeners and gardeners know that the harvest depends not only on diligent work on the plot, but also on the lunar cycles. And so that your efforts bring best result, study the gardener’s lunar calendar for May 2016: landing days for various crops, days for hilling and pest control.

The last spring month of this year has surprisingly few favorable days for planting. The harvest depends not only on whether the moon is waxing or waning; in May 2016, even in the waxing phase, there are many zodiac signs unfavorable for gardening: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius. But days in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are ideal in any lunar phase.

Remember that it is better to plant crops with “ground” fruits on a waxing moon, and root crops on a waning moon.
Forbidden days for planting and replanting in May 2016 are: 1, 5-7, 27, 28.

Gardener's calendar

peanut 2, 24-26
watermelon 8-12, 17-21
eggplant 8-12, 16-21
beans 8-11, 16-21
peas 8-11, 16-21
mustard 8-12, 14-21
daikon 2, 23-26, 30-31
melon 8-12, 17-21
zucchini 8-12, 17-21
cabbage (including cauliflower) 10-12, 17-21
potato 5, 24-26
cilantro 8-12, 14-21
corn 8-12, 17-21
bow on feather 8-11, 14-21
onion on turnip 2, 19-26, 30-31,
chard 8-12, 17-21
carrot 2, 23-26, 30-31
cucumbers 8-12, 17-21
parsnip (root) 2, 23-26, 30-31
squash 8-12, 17-21
hot pepper 21-23
Sweet pepper 8-12, 16-21
parsley on greens 8-12, 14-21
parsley on the root 3-4, 23, 30-31
sunflower 10-13, 17-21
rhubarb 8, 16-18
radish 2, 23-26, 30-31
radish 2, 23-26, 30-31
turnip Any day, except unfavorable ones
salad 8-12, 17-21
beet 2, 23-26, 30-31
celery (root) 8-11, 19-21, 23
sorghum 10-11, 17-21
soybeans 8-11, 19-21
asparagus 10-12, 17-21
caraway 8-12, 14-21
tomatoes 8-12, 16-26
Jerusalem artichoke 2, 24-26
pumpkin 8-12, 17-21
dill 8-12, 14-21
beans 8-11, 16-21
fennel 8-12, 14-21
horseradish Any day, except unfavorable ones
garlic 3-4, 23-26, 30-31
lentils 8-11, 19-21
spinach 8-12, 17-21

Gardener's calendar

Plant for planting The most favorable dates for landing
apricot 16-19, 23-25
quince 16-19, 24-25
hawthorn 19-21, 24, 25
grape 8-11, 17-21
cherry 16-19, 23-25
Walnut 8, 9, 17, 18
pear 16-19, 24-25
viburnum 10, 11
strawberry 8-11, 16-21
gooseberry 10, 11, 19-21
hazel 8, 9, 17, 18
raspberries 9-11, 19-21
sea ​​​​buckthorn 10, 11
peach 16-19, 23-25
Rowan 16-19, 24-25
plum 16-19, 23-25
currant 10-13, 19-21
cherries 16-19, 24-25
rose hip 10, 11
Apple tree 23-25

Florist calendar

Plant (seeds, seedlings) for planting The most favorable dates for planting
lawn grass 8-11, 16-18
climbing flowers 8-11, 14-16
flowers from seeds 8-12, 14-19
tuberous flowers 2, 23, 30-31
rhizomatous flowers 2, 23-25, 30-31
bulbous flowers 2, 14-16, 19-25, 30-31

The above sowing calendar is, of course, just recommendations. The most favorable days for planting seeds and seedlings are indicated here, but this in no way prevents you from going out to the site on another day. The main thing is to avoid obviously “barren” dates.

Lunar calendar of work on a summer cottage

Concerns in the garden are not limited to just sowing and planting seedlings. You constantly need to weed, hill up, prune, and treat for pests. To ensure that your plants are strong and healthy, and the harvest is excellent, take the field work calendar as a cheat sheet.

And comply basic principles of “lunar” gardening:

  • plants stretch upward to the growing moon,
  • to decreasing - strengthens the roots,
  • on the new moon (± 1 day) fight weeds and pests, trim trees and bushes, pinch plants,
  • during the full moon (± 1 day), hill up and loosen the soil, get rid of all kinds of pests and weeds.

Field work calendar for May

date Lunar day Zodiac sign andmoon phase What you can do

(waning moon)

  • Water and fertilize.
  • Prune and pinch fruit trees and bushes.

(waning moon)

  • Treat plants against insect pests.
  • Weed the area.
  • But you shouldn’t plant or sow these days.

(waning moon)

  • An ideal day to plant root crops and bulbous plants.
  • Potatoes planted on this day will give an excellent harvest.
  • Start trimming your garden.

(new moon)

  • Take a break from field work.

(Waxing Crescent)

  • Sit down climbing plants and all kinds of legumes.
  • Do some weeding.
  • Destroy pests.

(Waxing Crescent)

  • A favorable period for planting almost all crops.
a lion

(Waxing Crescent)

  • It is better not to plant anything in the garden.
  • But that time is perfect for planting trees or bushes.
  • Mow the grass, trim the branches.
  • Loosen the soil and prepare the beds.

(Waxing Crescent)

  • You should not plant fruit, berry or vegetable crops during this period.
  • Get busy ornamental plants, climbing flowers will take root well.
  • Mow the grass if you want the area not to become overgrown for a long time.

(Waxing Crescent)

  • The best time to plant rhizomatous and bulbous flowers.
  • Also take care of indoor plants.
  • Stone fruit trees will do well.
  • Water the garden.

(Waxing Crescent)

  • Most of the crops planted at this time will take root well and give a good harvest.
  • But it’s better not to work with trees at this time.
  • And wait to collect medicinal herbs.
  • Loosen and fertilize the soil, water.
  • Fight against pests.

(Waxing Crescent)

  • Plant green grass and medicinal herbs.
  • Start planting potted flowers, they will bloom faster.
  • If you are a greenhouse owner, this is the best day to harvest.

(full moon)

  • Fertilize the soil.
  • Prune and graft trees.
  • But it is not recommended to plant anything in the garden during this period.

(waning moon)


(waning moon)


(waning moon)

  • Continue trimming bushes and trees.
  • Do weeding and mowing.
  • But it still doesn’t cost anything to plant.

(waning moon)

  • Grafting and pruning of trees and berry bushes continues.
  • Fertilize and water the soil thoroughly.
  • During this period, you can plant bulbous flowers, onion, radish, radish, celery, daikon and parsnip.

(waning moon)

Use the summer cottage work calendar for May, it will make your life much easier.

  • Firstly, you will already have a work plan and you will not panic and not know what to grab onto.
  • Secondly, the most favorable days are marked for each lesson.