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» Building a room in the attic. How to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic - what is the best way to insulate it. How to properly insulate an attic - execution technique

Building a room in the attic. How to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic - what is the best way to insulate it. How to properly insulate an attic - execution technique

If a residential building has a pitched roof, then a space will be formed under it, which can be called an attic or attic. You need to know the difference between an attic and an attic. This is necessary not only to understand the functionality of the under-roof space, but also to ensure that you do not have problems during the registration of the house, since the total and living area of ​​the house can differ significantly depending on the purpose of the space under the roof.

An attic in a private house is an opportunity to expand the living space. This concept is clearly explained in SNiP number 2.08.01-89. It is this document that the BTI relies on when registering and re-registering a residential building.

In accordance with SNiP, the attic floor is an additional warm living space that is located in the space under the roof. They can be completely limited to stingrays hipped roof or only two slopes and gables of the building. The attic differs from attic spaces in that the height of the wall from the level of the floor surface to the line of its intersection with the slope cannot be less than 1.5 m. If the walls are much higher, then this is already a full second floor, and lower walls can only be attic. The permissible ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m.

The next difference attic floor from the attic is that these are living spaces, and therefore they must be heated, which requires thorough insulation of the roof structures. It is equally important that these rooms need good ventilation and natural light, so the attic must have a sufficient number of windows.

Important! Even an ordinary attic can be converted into a full-fledged attic. To do this, its walls need to be sewn up along the frame so that the line of intersection with the slopes is at least 1.5 m. It is also necessary to thoroughly insulate the roof structure and install attic windows.

The main advantage that an attic gives to home owners is additional living space without the extra costs of building another floor. It has been proven that the cost of such space in a house is 50% less than when constructing a full second floor. The thing is that the cost of insulating a roof structure is much less than the cost of erecting the walls of another full tier.

Attic space

In the minds of many people, the attic should differ from the attic in that it is a space under the roof, littered with unnecessary rubbish. However, in SNiP, an attic is a room under the roof of a house, which is limited by enclosing structures (walls and slopes), is unheated and is not intended for living.

There is also the concept of a technical attic. It is allowed to install technological equipment, pave engineering Communication. Unlike the attic floor, the attic does not have strict requirements regarding the height of the ceilings, the distance from the floor to the line of intersection of the walls with the slopes.

There are two types:

  • Cold. In this case, thermal insulation materials are laid only in the ceiling of the last residential tier.
  • Warm. It is insulated not only in interfloor covering, but also in roof structures. Also, an additional source of heating for such a room can be warm air, which rises from the lower floors through the ventilation system and freely passes through the attic space.

The attic is not only additional storage space in the house. It serves as a kind of heat insulator, because living rooms will be separated from the cold air outside not only by enclosing structures, but also by air in the attic space.

It’s worth knowing: a house with an attic is much warmer than buildings with an attic-free roof. That is why, in the conditions of our harsh winters, it is wise to build residential buildings with pitched roof and the attic.


Let’s summarize and clarify what the difference is between attic and attic spaces:

  1. The attic performs secondary functions and is used as additional storage space or for installing equipment and laying communications. The attic floor is used for permanent residence.
  2. Attic spaces can be warm (but without heating) and cold; attic spaces require thorough insulation and heating.
  3. There are no requirements for the design and shape of non-residential space. Living rooms under the slopes have strict restrictions: their height must be at least 2.5 m, and from the floor to the line where the slopes meet the walls there must be at least 1.5 m.
  4. The costs of furnishing a residential floor are significant compared to the costs of constructing an attic.
  5. The attic tier requires the installation of full-fledged windows for lighting and ventilation of the premises. For a non-residential floor, it is enough to make a couple of small dormer windows to ventilate the space under the roof.
  6. The area of ​​the attic floor is included in the total and living area of ​​the house, which cannot be said about the non-residential space under the slopes.

There is no point in saying that one is worse than the other, since the attic system, if desired and has the means, can be converted into a full-fledged living space. It is only necessary to insulate the roof system, hem the ceiling and sew up the walls so that they meet regulatory requirements.

Therefore, we can say that when building a private house and arranging a pitched roof system, you should make sure that in the future you have the opportunity to convert the attic space into residential attic rooms. This will allow you to minimal costs, without moving out of your home, expand your living space.

As a rule, in dachas, and even in private houses, the attic serves as a place where they go for many years old furniture, rags and other junk. However, it can be used to make exactly that room or useful square meters that the owners always lack. We've collected 17 ideas for decorating a living room in an attic that will inspire you to take action right now.

1. Bright living room

Cozy living room in Scandinavian style with a simple light finish, a small white sofa, hanging chair and laconic wooden details.

2. A place for creativity

A modern-style workplace with a large table by the window and spacious storage systems along the walls is an excellent example of the smart use of attic space.

3. Relaxation area

A cozy place for relaxation and privacy, organized in a small attic, with wooden trim and a small functional bed.

4. Modern bedroom

A stylish bedroom with low furniture that does not disturb the proportions of this non-standard space, and wooden shelves up to the ceiling, which became an interesting detail of the interior.

5. Provence

Charming bedroom in Provence style with white and pink walls, classic bed, a coat rack and wonderful decorative details - a wonderful example of arranging a tiny attic space with a sloped roof.

6. Natural materials

A bright attic bedroom in which the spirit of happiness and freedom hovers, with makeshift bed from pallets, two simple cabinets and a charming hanging chair.

7. Gaming

A small attic can be turned into cozy room for playing video games and watching movies. To do this, you need to cover the walls with any dynamic wallpaper, put a couple of tables, armchairs, a TV and speakers.

8. Children's room

High-quality finishing of the walls and ceiling, two built-in beds with shelving, a small sofa by the window and a dull attic will turn into a wonderful bedroom for children or teenagers.

9. Cinema hall

Calm interior of a small attic space with a bright semicircular sofa, a round table and a large plasma TV on the wall.

10. Informal space

Tiny recreation room in the attic with bright orange wall, a soft mattress, an abundance of colorful textiles and well-chosen decor.

11. Modern

Fantastic attic with OSB boards on the walls, a round window, an elegant table with light textile upholstery, two classic armchairs and a soft carpet in a pleasant coffee shade.

12. Office

A magnificent office, equipped in a small attic, with a classic desk, a vintage floor lamp and a comfortable chair.

13. Rustic chic

An atmospheric bedroom with wood trim that creates a warm feeling, two beds, a simple bedside table, a vintage rug and fairy lights that create a cozy and festive atmosphere.

14. Eclecticism

An attic in the “made from what was there” style, with bare brick walls, a mattress under a bright blanket, wooden rack, a wicker bedside table and an abundance of various decorative details. It is worth noting that despite the lack of a single idea, the room turned out to be quite cozy, harmonious, and most importantly - original.

15. Territory of comfort

Atmospheric space in Scandinavian style.

A unique space with rough wooden beams, a panoramic roof, soft blankets and plenty of... sofa cushions- a fantastic example of arrangement cozy place for relaxing in the attic without much investment.

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If you have not yet decided what you can do with your attic, then continue the topic by reading

For a comfortable stay in a private residential or country house, it is very important how warm and cozy it is.

Feeling of warmth, maintaining an acceptable comfortable temperature with minimal heating costs - important aspect living in a house.

When insulating the walls of a house, many people neglect insulating the attic.

Even if the attic is not residential, it is important to insulate the floor between the attic and the adjacent residential floor during the construction stage in order to reduce heat loss from residential premises.

But it is possible to insulate an already used building to improve its properties. Today we will talk about how to properly insulate the attic of a private house, the types of materials and methods of insulation.

Thermal insulation materials for attic insulation

How to insulate an attic? The following thermal insulation materials, which we offer in a wide range, can be used as insulation: construction market:

  • - mineral wool;
  • — polystyrene foam boards (foam);
  • — polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • — bulk materials (expanded clay, slag, sawdust).

Mineral wool – the most popular material in private housing construction, widely used everywhere. Mineral wool, depending on the material from which it is made, is divided into three types: glass wool, stone wool and slag.

Used for insulation interfloor ceilings, enclosing structures and roofing. Mineral wool is a non-flammable material, with low thermal conductivity and high sound insulation properties, and is resistant to aggressive environments.

Perfect for insulating a cold attic, as the load on the floor between the attic and the ceiling of the living space is minimized. But the work must be done in protective clothing and a mask, since glass wool particles, when they get on the skin, cause itching and leave small cuts.

Expanded polystyrene boards are also a traditional insulation material. This is the most economical type of insulation, which is produced in the form of slabs of foam granules. Rigid thermoplastic is 98% air and 2% polystyrene.

Expanded polystyrene boards almost do not absorb moisture and are resistant to fungus and rot; are light in weight and easy to process and install. The disadvantage is that polystyrene foam is flammable and, when burned, releases toxic substances harmful to human health.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) belongs to the group of gas-filled plastics. Rigid polyurethane foam found wide application in construction as insulation and sound insulation, due to low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

Polyurethane foam can be produced directly on construction site, the spraying procedure is quite simple. It is possible to insulate surfaces of complex shapes; polyurethane foam is ideal for repairing old roofs and ceilings, but requires special equipment and skilled workers.

Most in a simple way insulation attic floor a cold, unused attic is insulation bulk materials, for example, expanded clay .

Expanded clay is poured over a layer of roofing felt; the thickness of the expanded clay depends on the design of the floor and its thermal insulation properties, but, as a rule, it should be at least 15 cm. In this way, you can also insulate the attic in use; in this case, a 50 mm thick screed is made on top of the expanded clay or a flooring is installed from sheets of chipboard and other materials.

We carry out insulation of the attic with our own hands

If the height of the attic space does not allow you to eventually arrange a living or auxiliary space there, then it is enough to insulate only the ceiling. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to waterproof it, then lay the selected insulation between the floor beams, on top of which a vapor barrier film is laid overlapping.

The joints of the film are covered with adhesive tape or special glue. On reinforced concrete floor To lay mineral wool, it is necessary to make a lathing, the pitch of which is equal to the width of the insulating material (roll or slab), and the thickness of the bars is equal to the thickness of the insulation.

IN attic room In addition to the floor, it is necessary to insulate the roof from the inside. The work is carried out similarly to floor insulation.

Mineral wool insulation is laid between the rafters, a vapor barrier is installed on top, and then the sheathing is filled.

Attaches to the sheathing moisture resistant drywall, fiberboard sheets or lining. Between the insulation and the finishing of the walls remains air gap.

If polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene is used to insulate the roof, then an air gap is not required.

Before starting work, it is necessary to inspect all structures. Often, replacement of any wooden elements is required. Next you need to treat with an antiseptic wooden elements. Carry out installation work on hidden electrical wiring.

In an unused attic, ventilation vents must be provided. They are usually done on the gables of the roof. IN mansard roof Vents are also installed for free air circulation under the skin - in the ridge and overhangs.

Modern roll insulation materials are often produced with foil top layer, which serves as a vapor barrier. The slabs are laid in a foil layer inside the room and secured to each other with adhesive tape.

Insulating the attic is not a luxury, but a necessity, as it will subsequently save energy costs and the costs will more than pay off.

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May 25, 2018 No comments

When insulating a house, special attention should be paid to the attic or attic, since it is through this space that the house loses most of the heat.

The reason lies not only in what contributes to this big square roofs. It is known that warm air is lighter and, when heated, it rises to the top, namely to the attic, from where it penetrates outside through non-insulated structures.

As a result, if the attic is not insulated, you will have to constantly heat not only your home, but also the surrounding space. In addition to heat leakage, this will lead to high humidity in the house, the floors in the rooms will always be cold and eventually mold will appear in the house.

There are several options for insulating an attic or attic.

In non-residential premises, it is possible not to carry out full insulation of the entire system; it is enough to insulate the floors well so that air from the lower floors does not penetrate into the attic, and cold from the attic does not seep into warm rooms.

Before starting work, you need to decide what material will be used, how much of this material will be required and what additional fastening materials and tools will be needed to install the structure.

Calculations should be made to determine the amount of heat loss through the attic, on the basis of which the thickness of the layer of insulating material can be determined.

Sometimes a lot of insulation is required, so it is better to choose a material that is not very heavy so as not to overload the entire structure. For example, expanded clay is a fairly heavy material and before using it you should make sure that it will not damage the load-bearing structures of the house.

In addition, the thermal insulation properties of the attic floor must be maintained both in winter and summer in order to avoid both heat loss and overheating internal space Houses.

In order for the insulation to last as long as possible and all financial and physical costs to be justified, it is important to right choice in favor of high-quality material and competently carry out its installation. For example, in a loose heat insulator, regular air circulation occurs (convection cell).

Convection of loose ceiling insulation

It turns out that moving air constantly pulls out the heat retained by the insulation, and the lower the air temperature in the attic, the more intense the convection and removal of heat from the insulation. At the same time, the heat flow into the insulation through the ceiling increases.

Gradually, the throughput of the insulation increases, and the resistance to heat movement decreases, and as a result, the effectiveness of thermal insulation decreases significantly. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully consider the insulation scheme, use high-quality material and install it conscientiously.

Helpful advice

To insulate the attic floor, you can use polystyrene foam, expanded clay or polyurethane foam as a thermal insulation material. In the first three cases, you will additionally need waterproofing material (for example), mounting foam, foam for sealing joints and cracks, as well as floor covering (this can be regular boards, wood boards, etc.). Spraying polyurethane foam will require a special installation.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool

First of all, you should prepare the surface of the attic floor - remove debris and dust. Then the attic floor needs to be covered with waterproofing film.

When placed in a humid environment, mineral wool loses its thermal insulation properties, so it is better to spread the film for moisture insulation with a reserve, placing its edges on the walls or side beams and fastening them with a construction stapler.

The next step is the installation of a wooden sheathing (frame).

To do this, you need to attach it on top of the film. wooden planks in such a way that insulation boards can be laid between them. If they are laid on the attic floor wooden beams, mineral wool can be placed between them. If there are significant heat losses through the ceiling, several layers of insulation will need to be laid.

The last layer of wool must cover the beams. If this is not done, the wooden beams will become cold bridges through which heat will continue to leave the room.

All cracks and voids should be filled with pieces of insulation or filled with construction foam, and seal the joints between the mats with tape.

Then a second layer of vapor-proof film is laid, since mineral wool must be protected on both sides.

This will better protect the insulation from damage when walking on it. If the attic will not be used, it is enough to nail a few boards along which you can move, like on paths.

Expanded clay is used to insulate attic floors in cases where heat losses in the house are unimportant and can be dispensed with a small amount insulation so as not to weigh down the supporting structure.

Expanded clay has many advantages over other insulation materials: it is inedible for rodents, durable and, since it is bulk insulation, it easily fills all unevenness and hard to reach places on a surface. To ensure that there are no voids left when insulating with expanded clay, granules of different sizes should be used.

In addition, expanded clay is not afraid of moisture, so it does not need to be protected from it and you do not need to spend money on purchasing waterproofing material.

However thermal insulation characteristics of this material are relatively low, so for greater efficiency you will still need to pour a fairly thick layer, which will increase the load on the floors of the house. In this case, it is recommended to combine expanded clay with mineral wool, which will make it possible to make multi-layer insulation, making it somewhat lighter due to lighter mineral wool.

Insulation technology using expanded clay quite simple:

You need to pour a layer of insulation onto the attic floor that has been cleared of debris, and then cover it with a cement-sand mortar screed. In the attic, which is subsequently planned to be used as a living space, you can lay laminate or linoleum on top of the finished screed, or limit yourself to flooring made of boards or wood boards.

If there are communication pipes in the attic, they can also be insulated with expanded clay, which will provide the ventilation necessary in such places and protect the structure from fire if the pipes become very hot.

When combining expanded clay with mineral wool, you will need to use insulating film to protect the structure from moisture. First, the floor is covered with a vapor-proof material, then a layer of expanded clay is poured onto which lathing and mineral wool slabs are laid, and another layer of film is laid on top.

After this, you can make a flooring from boards or other material to cover the floor.

Insulation using foam plastic

This material is most in demand compared to others when insulating cold (non-residential) attics. In this case, you can use both slabs and bulk foam. In any case, this material will not weigh down the structure, even if the layer is thick enough. Installation of foam insulation is very simple and can be done alone. The slabs are easily cut with a knife, and if necessary, for better joining, they can be trimmed directly inside the sheathing.

If old-style polystyrene foam was dangerous due to its flammability, now non-flammable types of this material are produced. It is quite cheap and in terms of environmental friendliness will not pose a great danger, since the attic space in this case will be non-residential.

Technology for insulating attic floors with foam boards similar to the installation of mineral wool. First, the ceiling should be protected with waterproofing.

To do this, you can use glassine, having previously cut it into strips so that the material fits between the beams. When laying on the floor, it should be placed 5 cm on the beams, and then secure the ends to the ends of the beams using wooden slats or a construction stapler.

After this, the foam boards need to be cut with a knife so that they fit between the ceiling beams.

Having laid the heat insulator, the remaining cracks and voids should be filled polyurethane foam. The upper edges of the floor beams must be covered with insulation.

A second layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the structure, and then the flooring can be laid (boards, fiberboard or chipboard, linoleum, etc.).

The number of layers of insulation directly depends on the heat loss of the house. Layers of foam can be alternated with mineral wool or expanded clay. In any case, the main thing is high-quality installation the entire structure.

Insulation using sprayed polyurethane foam

Today it is possible to carry out thermal insulation on your own by spraying polyurethane foam using special kits - disposable 2-component installations for insulation and sealing various designs. And although this material is not cheap, it is fully justified.

Polyurethane foam is applied directly to the ceiling by spraying from above - either between the joists of the wooden attic floor, or on concrete slab or a screed, if it is capital. It is important to spray polyurethane foam continuously to obtain a uniform, seamless layer of the required thickness without cold bridges.

The foam easily penetrates even into inaccessible cracks and recesses, quickly hardens and forms an even water-, steam- and heat-proof layer.

The floor surface treated with polyurethane foam does not require additional floor covering and you can walk on it without fear of damaging or compromising the integrity of the structure. However, if the attic or attic is planned to be used as a living space, you will need to cover the floor with wood boards, boards, linoleum, etc.

The thickness of the sprayed polyurethane foam layer is determined based on specific conditions (heat loss at home) and the requirements of SNiP. On average, to achieve effective thermal insulation of the attic floor and attic, a layer of polyurethane foam 7-9 cm thick will be required.

If access to the attic floor is limited, you can spray it from below onto the ceiling inside the living space.

Helpful advice

The method of insulating an attic floor by spraying polyurethane foam is very effective, therefore Lately is becoming more and more popular. This insulation is durable and resistant to chemical substances, microorganisms and temperature changes, inedible for rodents.

The weight of the insulation is small, so the supporting structures are not overloaded and even acquire additional adhesive rigidity. Due to the fact that the insulation layer is very thin, no total area, nor the volume of the attic or attic is reduced.

One of the few disadvantages of this type of thermal insulation is its cost, but in any case it is better to do the job well once than to return to this problem again and again. It should also be recalled that this material, suitable for arranging a cold attic, does not “breathe” and is therefore not very suitable for residential premises.

Video: Insulation of a non-residential attic of a private house

If there is an attic in the house and there is enough space there to arrange a room, then it is important to take the issue seriously so that the room becomes suitable for living by any person. In order for everything to work out, it is important to follow certain rules for the repair and arrangement of this room. Interesting view the room can acquire thanks to interesting stylistic and design ideas in the interior.


Any a private house, whose roof is not flat, has a space that can serve as a second floor if desired. Often people don’t think about the attic space until it’s done. major renovation the whole house. Often after this there is a feeling of limited space, and the residents of such a house want to expand the scope of their home, remembering the room above their heads.

In order to turn a non-residential space into a room suitable for living by any person, you need to take into account many aspects, without which the renovation will be incomplete and problems will remind you from time to time.

The first thing that is important to pay attention to is the purpose of the space. Most often, a bedroom, dressing room, living room or children's room is organized in the attic, and very rarely a shower and toilet.

Once the choice has been made, you can move on to planning the size of the space.

It is worth initially remembering that there is no electricity or heating in the attic, so these issues need to be addressed first. As soon as the frame of the future room is completed, the wiring is placed in it, locations for sockets and switches are determined, and the type of heating for the entire living space is thought out. Only upon completion of this work can the body be sheathed with plasterboard and work can continue until it is completely completed.

Subtleties of arrangement

In order to make real mansions out of a lifeless space that will be pleasant to be in, you need to put in a lot of effort, and most importantly, finances. An important step there will be a decision about what exactly will be located on the second floor of the house. Determining the purpose of the room will help you select all subsequent elements.

If you plan to place a children's or adult bedroom on top, then it is important to take care of good lighting of the room. Can be used for living room or hall different variants design.

The interior of any room will be created according to the conditions that the space has or its modified configurations.

Finishing of any room is carried out only after everything has been done preparatory activities. If there is not a single window in the attic initially, you need to start installing them. If there is no convenient staircase to enter from the first floor to the second, this point also deserves special attention.

Accounting for all aspects during repair work and is called planning. It helps to do everything quickly, accurately and correctly, so that all the moments for the implementation of the main task are completed.


In order to enjoy living in a new room, it is important to insulate it. Staying on the second floor will be comfortable provided that not only the ceiling and walls, but also the floor are insulated. It is complex work that will help achieve the desired result.

The options for the material from which the insulation layer can be created can be as follows:

  • Mineral wool– for such work, a basalt version is used. It has low thermal conductivity, is resistant to biological influences, does not rot, is not a flammable material and is inexpensive.

One of the disadvantages is the ability of such insulation to accumulate moisture. In this case, thermal insulation will be minimal.

  • Styrofoam The characteristics are very similar to the first option, but are not afraid of moisture.

Despite all its advantages, it has a number of important disadvantages - it is flammable, and when heated to a certain temperature, it begins to release harmful and toxic substances.

  • Peonoliurethane– most modern version insulation. It has better thermal conductivity compared to all of the above. In accordance with this, it can be laid in a much thinner layer.

The disadvantages include the expensive cost of the material itself and the need to call workers for installation, because in this case special equipment is needed.

Insulation work is also carried out in a certain order. The floor on which it is initially laid is processed first. vapor barrier film. After this it is laid thermal insulation material, who was chosen for the work. Cotton wool or polystyrene foam should be cut into pieces that will slightly exceed the distance between the beams where it will be laid. This is important for complete floor coverage and the absence of hollow spots. The material fits completely into the compartments designed for it.

Only after these works can another one be laid waterproofing layer, and then cover the surface with finishing material.

Once this work is completed, you can begin sloping the roof. Here the installation goes into reverse order– first comes the insulation, which is cut into certain pieces, and then vapor barrier material. Next, the sheathing for the ventilation shutter is installed, onto which the finishing materials are mounted.

Once the work on insulating the room has been completed, the organization of the space is ready for new steps to turn from a simple attic into new room. What exactly it will be, a studio or a children's room, is decided by the owner himself, the main thing is that non-residential premises became partially suitable for people to stay there for a long time.

The second floor can be a real salvation for large family, where parents crave rest and privacy at least sometimes.

Construction of partitions

For those who spend the whole summer at the dacha, or even live permanently, it will be relevant to have a strong and reliable home, in which you can live and not worry about some aspects. For those who have decided to convert the attic into a room, in order to create coziness and comfort for themselves and their loved ones, they need to correctly plan the progress of the work and purchase necessary materials for this.

You can turn an ordinary attic into a luxurious space, where the whole family will enjoy spending time. A cozy living room will be able to gather all the household members for delicious tea with grandma’s pies, and beautiful bedroom will allow its inhabitant to get a complete, and most importantly, pleasant rest.

In the event that residents country house too much and everyone wants to have personal space, it makes sense to divide the attic room into several zones. The easiest way to do this is by erecting partitions. They can be partial and only visually separate one part of the attic from another, or they can be blind, have doors and completely separate one occupant of the room from another.

Partial partitions can be made of plasterboard, fiberglass, mobile, sliding or stationary. Everyone has the right to choose what they want to see in their space. An ordinary bookcase or shelving can serve as a partition, which, in addition to the function of delimiting space, will also serve as a place to store your favorite books.

If one common space is planned in the attic, then it is not necessary to zone it, and the presence of partitions is not at all necessary.

Choosing heating for the attic

In order to have a home with attic space It was comfortable to live at any time of the year; during renovation it was important to provide a heating system.

There may be several options for how to heat the second floor:

  • Building a real fireplace.

  • Use of heating electrical appliances.

  • Use an autonomous heating system on the second floor.

  • Connect the attic to a fixed heating system.

Choosing each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. A fireplace is chosen by those who want to add extra coziness and comfort to the room. Heating devices convenient in cases where living in such a room will be infrequent. Using offline heating system will require large financial investments. But connecting to an existing heating system is the most logical option.

To do this, you don’t need to do any complicated work; you just need to run the pipe to the second floor and connect a battery or radiator to it. The size of the attic will dictate its dimensions in order to be able to heat every area of ​​the room.

For country houses, in which they live exclusively in the summer, no heating is required; it is better to think about a ventilation system to escape the summer heat.

How to make windows?

Once the decision has been made to convert the attic into a room, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the lack of daylight. Thanks to the presence of windows of optimal size in every home in daytime the day is quite light and comfortable. The attic often has no windows at all, so this situation needs to be changed.

Depending on the type of attic construction, the location for future windows will be determined. If the first floor is separated from the second only by the roof, then the window openings will have to be designed directly in it. If the second floor has fairly high brick walls with an almost flat roof, then windows can be made in the wall.

Walls are a little easier to work with. You need to cut a hole of a suitable shape and install it in it. window frame. After completing the work, it is important to work as much as possible on the seams between the window and the wall so that the room does not lose heat. If the window opening is on the roof, you will have to remove part of the slate or tiles and make an opening the right size. An additional frame is created in this opening, which will serve as a reinforcement of the structure. Only after this can the window itself be mounted, and as soon as the work is completed, the remains ceiling covering returned to its place.

Finishing work

When all the main work in the attic has been completed and it has acquired the appearance of a living space, you can safely rename it an attic. It is this room that needs to be completed so that it can begin to be used. In order to equip the room, you need to carry out finishing work.

For this you can use a variety of materials:

  • Lining;

  • Plywood;

  • Plastic;

  • Drywall.

For lovers natural wood lining is most suitable; for those who do not have any special stylistic boundaries, plywood is also quite suitable, which can be beautifully covered with wallpaper.

Plastic is used in finishing certain areas, for creating partitions, niches and other functional designs with interesting appearance. From plasterboard you can create a room of any style and interior, the boundaries of which are chosen by the owner himself and the room is adjusted to his own taste.

Using plasterboard, you can also make partitions that will fit well into the attic. You can build any structure from it that will complement the interior and have a certain functional load. Once everything is installed, the surface is leveled, puttied and then either painted or covered with wallpaper.

There is no need to perform such actions with the lining; if desired, it can only be tinted with lighter paint. This is especially important in a small room, because White color will visually expand the space, and dark will reduce it. It is worth choosing furniture of the same color for the natural color of the lining, and for painted furniture best choice there will be pure white furniture.

Floor finishing will be carried out depending on the coating. If carpet is laid on the floor, then it is necessary to lay a layer protective coating on the floor and lay a carpet on top. It is fixed in the corners with nails, and covered with a plinth on top. If the floors in the attic are tiled, then you need to level the surface, wait until everything dries, and then work with the tiles themselves. A special solution is applied to it and laid on the floor, after which the evenness of the masonry is checked with a level.

If you decide to lay laminate on the floor, you need to choose the appropriate color, calculate required quantity material and purchase a substrate on which it is laid. Working with laminate is simple and quick, and the floor will be ready within a day. You will need to install more skirting boards along the edges of the room.

Making a staircase

Having an attic in a country house and wanting to convert it into an attic, you need to make sure that you can easily and comfortably get there, for which you simply need a ladder.

There are several options for the material from which it can be made, primarily wood and metal. Wooden staircase you can do it yourself, and the abundance of design options will allow you to choose exactly what suits a specific room. Metal staircase will be a rather unpleasant, cold version of the climb to the top.

When planning this element of the interior, it is important to take into account the fact who exactly will be climbing, and based on this, adjust the size of the steps, the height of the handrails and the sharpness of the turns, if any.

In order for the attic to be an autonomous room, its boundaries must be delineated by a door. When building a staircase, you need to position it so that it leads to a small corridor with a door, opening which you can get to the second floor, into a room that was once an attic.

How to delimit space?

Housing under a roof implies certain changes in the arrangement of the room. If the attic allows you to accommodate several rooms, then you can fit several rooms into its frame at once, such as a bedroom, living room, or children's room. The number of rooms will depend on the size of the living space that actually exists in the attic.

Convenient arrangement of each zone involves separating it from the previous one. In a private home, this can be achieved by dividing it with furniture or using color schemes, but partitions can also be erected. The bedroom area can be separated from the rest by a wardrobe, the children's area can be divided bunk bed, put a large sofa in the living room. The easiest way to divide a room using color is to paint the space of each zone with different shades. Partitions can be made of plasterboard, plastic, or simple material dividing rooms with ordinary curtains.

Whatever option is chosen, the main thing is that it matches the style of the room, is comfortable and can be easily removed if desired or necessary.

Design and decor options

A room that was organized in the attic can have any design; there are no specific trends or decor options for it; each owner chooses it based on his preferences and the purpose of the room. Bedroom design is best done in light colors, while the walls can be painted white or covered with light wallpaper with a floral print, and these options can also be combined.

It is better to decorate a room adapted as a living room different colors , highlighting work area and shading it, and leaving the rest of the space light. The attic window can be decorated using automatic roller shutters, which will rise and fall by pressing a button on the remote control.

You can install the same system for opening a window if it is located high and you cannot reach it by standing on the floor.

Furniture should be selected for the appropriate room and the style that was chosen for it. For renovation in high-tech style, it is better to buy futuristic furniture with rounded shapes, for rustic style It’s better to take massive cabinets, chests, a bed, the nursery should be decorated with bright, environmentally friendly interior items.

It is important to create a beautiful and holistic space in which you want to live.

When transforming an attic, it is important to think through all the materials that will be used. To finish the ceiling, it is best to take plasterboard; it is light and reliable, and it will look good on the walls. It is important to take care of heating the room. A large attic needs radiators, but for a small attic you can make a warm floor, this will be enough.

When choosing an attic design, you can choose any style and direction, but it’s still better to stick to the direction that is already on the first floor country house, and continue it in a new, more improved direction. When making serious renovations in a country house, you need to get rid of everything old and unnecessary, because it will spoil the impression of the finished appearance of the room.

Beautiful examples in the interior

To create your own unique design attic, you need to take advantage of the experience of other people, then the result will exceed all expectations.

When planning the living room in the form of something unusual, you can make the ceiling round in shape, while making it airy by filling the slats not next to each other, but at a certain distance. The design of the room itself is very laconic, the color scheme of the wood is diluted color accents in textiles. The living room area is easily separated from the adjacent room using a light partition made of boards.

Light lovers and those who have a beautiful view from the attic can replace part of the walls with windows and be able to enjoy sunrise, sunset and not turn on the lights for most of the day. If there are houses nearby, it is advisable to consider a system of roller shutters or curtains in order to be able to have privacy. The filling of furniture in these conditions should be minimal, because all attention is paid to the landscape outside the window.