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» Application of fiberglass for painting. How to glue fiberglass: adhesive compositions, technology and recommendations Fiberglass application

Application of fiberglass for painting. How to glue fiberglass: adhesive compositions, technology and recommendations Fiberglass application

Fiberglass is used to improve performance decorative covering, often replacing them with a complex of preliminary work in the form of putty and priming of surfaces. This helps to significantly reduce the labor intensity of preparing the base for applying the finishing finish.

General characteristics and properties

Painting fiberglass - gossamer or fiberglass interlining - is a lightweight non-woven material with a soft texture for rough finishing of wall and ceiling panels. The product is made on the basis of glass fibers using the pressing method. Unlike glass wallpaper, the technology of which involves interlacing threads, in canvas fibers of different thicknesses are arranged in a chaotic manner. The front side of the glass interlining is smooth, and the back side is fleecy. The material is produced in the form of rolls meter width, 20-50 m long.

Fiberglass web has excellent reinforcing properties. Due to its low density, it looks like a translucent, fragile canvas, but after gluing to the base, the canvas acquires that same reinforcing effect. Using this material, it is easy to eliminate small cracks on the surface of walls and ceilings, mask joints, and strengthen the base plane before applying the final coating. As experienced builders and finishers note, the use of this resource with a reinforcing effect allows you to create a perfectly flat base. In addition, painting fiberglass helps improve adhesion; as a result, the finish will lie flawlessly and will not deform under the influence of loads of various types.

Fiberglass web is distinguished by its versatility of use; it is attached to any type of base. Reinforcing fiberglass sheets are used for painting, decorative plaster, and wallpaper.

Types of glass interlining

When deciding how to choose and glue fiberglass, you should study the technical capabilities of the product. Depending on the density characteristics of the base, several types of webs are distinguished.

With a density of 25 g/m²

Material of this category is used for rough finishing of relatively smooth surfaces. The product is popular as a ceiling fiberglass canvas for painting: there is no load on the surface due to the light weight of the canvas, and the low density of the product ensures economical consumption dye.

With a density of 40 g/m²

Fiberglass non-woven material for universal use, relevant in the following works:

  • Preparation ceilings with dilapidated plaster;
  • rough finishing of walls and ceilings damaged by cracks;
  • preparation of surfaces with high vibration load.

Fiberglass with a density of 40 g/m²

The performance characteristics of products in this category provide for use in a variety of finishing coat: this and different kinds plasters, paint, glass wallpaper or non-woven fabrics.

With a density of 50 g/m²

The material is highly durable and is used for arranging walls that are affected by deep cracks. Fiberglass lining of this category is used, among other things, in production premises, technical sites where surfaces are subject to intense loads.

The cost of the web varies depending on the density of the model: the higher this indicator, the more expensive product. The glue consumption also increases, which must be taken into account when drawing up estimates.

Advantages and disadvantages

Painting fiberglass is designed to optimize the quality of the finished surfaces; also, when using this material, the risk of deformation of the finishing coating is significantly reduced. Among the advantages of the web are the following:

  • high environmental friendliness - the product consists of natural bases;
  • hypoallergenic - can be used even when arranging interiors with increased requirements for environmental safety, including children's institutions;
  • excellent adhesive properties - ensures a tight fit to different types of bases;
  • high reinforcing properties - the use of glass interlining contributes to a significant strengthening of the processed plane;
  • vapor permeability – fiberglass for painting can provide the effect of “breathable” surfaces;
  • fire safety - the product is not flammable;
  • wide scope of application - glass interlining is relevant for roofing and waterproofing work;
  • high performance capabilities - the material is effective on surfaces subject to high vibration loads;
  • moisture resistance – fiberglass web is suitable for use in the interiors of baths, kitchens and other rooms with high humidity;
  • undemanding to ambient temperature – permissible range of use from +60°C to -40°C;
  • versatility - suitable for finishing different types basics, used for wallpaper or decorative plaster; fiberglass for painting is also actively used.

Fiberglass has high environmental friendliness

The material based on glass fibers is not susceptible to microorganisms, and there is also no static effect. Installation of the canvas is not difficult, which is due to the high elasticity and low weight of the product.

The main disadvantage of the web is the possibility of the formation of tiny fiberglass particles when cutting the web. They can cause burns if they come into contact with exposed skin. To prevent trouble, you should work in protective clothing, use a respirator, goggles and gloves.

A definite disadvantage is also considered high price products, moreover, the high cost is offset by the high performance characteristics of the material.

Criterias of choice

When choosing painting fiberglass, take into account the characteristics of the surface being treated. For finishing ceilings, we recommend a relatively lightweight version of low-density fabric that holds well on a horizontal plane. If you need to strengthen walls that are affected by many cracks of varying complexity, preference is given to high-density material.

When choosing fiberglass, consider the cost

To others important criterion When choosing glass interlining, the cost of the product is considered. When arranging apartments and private houses, universal web with a density of 40 g/m² is most often used. The material is much stronger than lightweight models with a density of 25 g/m², while at the same time it costs half as much as the reinforced versions of 50 g/m².

Features of use: how to glue fiberglass

Work is carried out at a temperature of 15-25°C, and it is necessary to ensure the absence of drafts and direct exposure sun rays, the humidity level in the room is not more than 60%. When deciding how to glue fiberglass, you should prepare:

  • required quantity glass interlining of the appropriate type;
  • specially developed adhesive for fiberglass;
  • tools – spatula, brush, roller, stationery knife;
  • protective clothing and equipment.

Painting fiberglass canvas is glued to the wall from the ceiling to the floor. For convenience, you can cut it into 2 parts and fix one above the other. If you are gluing the ceiling, it is recommended to use a canvas no more than 1.5 meters long.

Experts note following features gluing fiberglass:

  1. Glue for fiberglass is applied slightly wider than the width of the canvas, since the material quickly absorbs the composition.
  2. To remove air bubbles between the glued web sheet and the base, you should iron the canvas with a clean rag, and after a while, run it with a spatula.
  3. After securely fixing the sheet to the wall, front surface the webs apply a generous layer of glue.
  4. The canvases are glued overlapping; after they have completely dried, all protruding elements are cut off with a sharp knife to create a flat plane.

Each subsequent layer is performed only after the previous one has completely dried (a pause of 10-12 hours is maintained).

Is fiberglass needed and where is it best to use it?

Most often, fiberglass is used on drywall, replacing it with finishing putty. The material helps to effectively prevent the formation of flaws, masks joints, irregularities and other surface defects. In addition, fiberglass web finds wide application when reinforcing bases before applying finishing when installing wall, ceiling or floor panels. Fiberglass wallpaper is often used instead of embossed wallpaper, which are popular in interiors of various styles.

When thinking about whether fiberglass is needed, it is worth knowing that the potential of the painting web is also in demand when performing various construction, installation and finishing works:

  • as a basis for bitumen mastic when designing a roofing system;
  • for strengthening and protecting polymer sheets during waterproofing work;
  • when installing drainage systems;
  • to protect pipelines.

It is noteworthy that fiberglass of various densities is suitable for application to all kinds of substrates, including concrete, drywall, and even a layer of paint that has been previously scratched for better adhesion.

Safety precautions when working with material

To eliminate the risk of burns when installing fiberglass-based coatings, it is important to use protective equipment in the form of a respirator, goggles and gloves. You should also ensure that you have closed clothing and appropriate footwear. In the room where gluing or painting of fiberglass painting is carried out, it is necessary to provide access fresh air, but drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations are excluded.

Painting fiberglass web - a popular option for repair finishing materials made of fiberglass. You can recall another similar material, the so-called fiberglass wallpaper - but this is a ready-made finishing coating and is suitable for smooth walls. And if the walls need to be leveled and cracks removed, then it’s better faster than plaster Fiberglass web can handle this. This is a thin (25–50 g/sq. m), opaque and pliable canvas, which, thanks to its texture, perfectly strengthens and levels the walls before painting.

How are fiberglass webs made?

Despite the name, fiberglass web is not woven. Fiberglass canvases consist of glass fibers, which, according to technology, are distributed and interconnected by pressing using an organic resin additive. The fabric undergoes crystallization and is easy to roll. In this form, packaged in shrink film, the cobweb is delivered to the consumer.

Why do you need fiberglass web?

Fiberglass web as a new generation material meets modern requirements for wall repairs. In addition to good plastering properties, fiberglass sheeting creates a reinforced, non-destructive layer on which you can paint or wallpaper. And this, unlike a number of plastering and painting works, is done quickly - by gluing it to the wall.

The finished result is a smooth surface: textureless, rough, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, environmentally friendly, breathable and fireproof. And, most importantly, durable - it can be repainted again and again if desired.

Where can it be used?

Manufacturers recommend fiberglass web fabric for already plastered walls and ceilings, or lined with plasterboard. Fiberglass can be successfully replaced with finishing putty. Especially on surfaces prone to cracking, the web will prevent cracking and the formation of damage and flaws - that is, all those imperfections that we usually see on walls prepared without fiberglass layers.

The use of cobwebs is relevant when walls need additional reinforcement and strength without increasing the load. And also if it is necessary to hide the joints between slabs, in particular, plasterboard (which, when stored in a warehouse, absorb excess moisture and become deformed when drying).

It is advisable to use cobwebs in new buildings: it prevents defects in walls and ceilings that form after shrinkage, greatly simplifies the maintenance of surfaces and guarantees their long-term use.

Due to its properties, fiberglass serves perfectly in rooms with high humidity: kitchens, bathrooms, plumbing rooms.

The material can also be used for roofing works, strengthening walls, protecting pipelines, waterproofing and design purposes.

Why do they prefer fiberglass: the advantages

It is worth buying fiberglass from a specific manufacturer if the description of the material contains the advantages described below. For example, fiberglass web "Vitrulan" made in Germany is environmentally friendly and recommended for use in children's and health care institutions. It can be guaranteed to be used for painting - unlike other brands, Vitrulan does not act as a rough surface beyond the paint layer.

The practice of using fiberglass web shows that it has:

  1. Resistant to moisture accumulation - this is evidenced by water-repellent properties.
  2. Resistant to damage - the surface cannot be scratched or punctured.
  3. Fire safety - fiberglass materials do not ignite.
  4. Reinforcing ability - the fibers of the fabric, after gluing it to the surface, do not stretch and create a monolithic layer.
  5. Environmentally friendly - fiberglass web consists of substances that are involved in the production of glass, therefore it does not contain harmful compounds, is not an allergen, and does not enter into chemical reactions with the environment.
  6. Air-vapor permeability - the canvas “breathes”, that is, it allows air and steam to pass through, preventing the development of mold and mildew, and waterlogging of the premises.

Fiberglass is convenient to transport and work with: the web is sold in rolls of a meter wide and optimal (20 and 50) lengths.

Price for cobweb for repairing walls for painting

Prices for cobwebs per roll 1m x 50m, i.e. for 50 squares from 278 rubles. per roll.

At its low price, fiberglass web creates all the conditions for savings: there is no need for costly rough finishing and plastering work. The cost depends on the density of the canvas and its length in the roll.

In any case, this is an ideal option for developers and customers repair work who want to get effective results quickly.

Choosing glue for web

Traditional PVA glue is not suitable for gluing fiberglass materials - marks may appear on the surface of the coating. yellow spots. You need to use special glue recommended by the manufacturer. For example, Virtulan offers customers its special adhesives and other related products.

You need to buy glue with a reserve, counting on higher consumption compared to regular wallpaper. Dilute according to the instructions, taking into account the proportions - not thicker or thinner than recommended, and then there will be no unexpected surprises.

How to use the web: conditions

When gluing, you need to follow the same measures as for any wallpaper. Desirable:

  • prevent drafts during work and until the walls dry;
  • ensure dryness in the room;
  • avoid direct sunlight on the canvas;
  • support constant temperature air.

Preparatory work

Surfaces (walls, ceilings) are prepared in the same way as for wallpaper, but leaving small cracks - fiberglass will reliably cover them and prevent them from enlarging. But if the cracks are deep and it is possible to apply putty with a spatula, then it is better to do this. After drying, sand with abrasive sandpaper.

Thus, a relatively flat surface is required under the fiberglass web, ideally treated with a primer deep penetration.

Cutting and gluing the first canvas

When unfolding rolls, you should pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions on where the front part is located. It makes a difference even though both parts look the same.

The edge will have to be cut off a little with scissors if the edges of the fabric are curled or damaged.

Apply glue liberally to the prepared surface with a roller or spatula (the width of the roll). When in contact with the canvas, the glue will quickly absorb and there will be no excess that will need to be removed. The glue dries for about 15 minutes, this is enough time to adjust the first canvas.

You can cut the canvas to any length, the main thing is that it is convenient. But if for walls the length can be solid, to the entire height (plus 5 cm), then for the ceiling it is necessary to cut off pieces of one and a half meters. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to work, and the canvas will not stick well.

You need to work from the corner of the room. Applying it to the coated surface, smooth it with your hands, aligning it with the corner, and spread the glue under the canvas with a spatula, removing air bubbles. The standard technique is from the middle to the edge, as is done with regular wallpaper. It is better to glue sheets on the ceiling along the room from the door to the window.

So, the sheet has stuck securely to the surface. You need to cut off excess centimeters if they have “formed” and coat the top with glue again to better impregnation, spreading it with a spatula. If the canvas darkens evenly from the moisture of the glue, it means that it is well saturated.


The next canvas is glued overlapping - and the glue must be applied, accordingly, while gripping the edge of the previous canvas. You need to work with the next sheet in the same way as with the first: stick it, soak it, press it.

It is important to ensure that the butt seam is invisible. To do this, use the blade of a sharp knife to draw a line - cut through both layers from top to bottom. Once again saturate the seam with glue. The seam cutting line may be uneven, but after finishing it becomes noticeable.

It is better to cut the canvas in the corners and apply patches.

Fiberglass may not hold the gap if the joining of the panels takes place next to assembly seam between sheets of drywall, and even more so along it. It is better if the seams of the wall and fiberglass are located a couple of centimeters from each other.

Safety precautions when working with canvas

Observance of basic safety precautions is required: when working, use gloves, tuck in the sleeves of clothing, wear a hat and a respirator. This precaution protects against the penetration of tiny sharp fibers of material onto the skin and into the respiratory tract.

Further processing can be carried out after the glue has dried - usually within a day. Before painting, the surface is puttied. In one or two layers - it’s up to the master, it depends on whether you need to hide the texture and reduce the amount of paint.

In practice, puttying is often skipped and glue is applied liberally instead. The cobweb is excellent for repairing walls for painting; less paint is consumed, but the result is, so to speak, an amateur: when it dries, the structure of the cobweb appears on the surface, and smoothness cannot be achieved in the subsequent series of paintings.

Cobweb for volumetric ceilings

Canvas made from pressed spider web fibers allow you not just to work, but to create. At least this is possible with German quality materials. With Vitrulan fiberglass, for example, you can get creative by using it for 3D ceilings.

Once it came into fashion, the volumetric ceiling has only strengthened and developed over the years. design techniques. Today there are more of them thanks to modern materials. Cutting fiberglass into pieces, gluing them onto protruding curved areas plasterboard ceiling, you can make a strong and durable surface in the shade you need.

What if a crack does appear?

If the fiberglass is of high quality, like Vitrulan, then if the requirements for laying the canvas are strictly followed, the surface will not crack.

But even if we admit this possibility, the defect can be eliminated quickly: with a patch made from the same fiberglass. To do this, you need to cut a piece larger than the crack by 4-5 cm and glue it on top of the putty. Stationery knife cut in the same way as the edges were removed at the joints of the sheets. The line will thus be drawn through two layers of canvas and putty. Now you need to remove unnecessary trimmings (putty along with the canvas) and glue the patch into the resulting “bald” area. Then work with putty again - apply in two layers, i.e. level and sand.

If the fiberglass is damaged

It happens that the buyer receives a roll that is damaged due to improper transportation or careless storage. Damage to the edges will not affect performance in any way. The web can be glued even to curved surfaces. Therefore, you can cut the pieces in parts and glue them overlapping.

Decent results saving time and money

Perhaps you think that the drywall will not crack, or you want to straighten the seams reinforced concrete floors. In these cases, some crafty craftsmen suggest using fiberglass, cutting it into strips and gluing the joints between the plates with them. The stripes will not be visible after puttying and stripping. Of course, the seams must first be leveled with a plaster compound, and then the fiberglass web must be glued on.

However, after trying this method, you will understand why strict adherence to the technology is more reliable, i.e., a full-fledged fiberglass sticker.

If you correctly glue and successfully paint the fiberglass web, the walls and ceiling will be protected from the formation of cracks and emerging defects. This is an excellent solution for decorative plasters. A minimum of problems during the finishing work and a maximum of time between repairs - this is savings.

Fiberglass web has proven itself as a finishing material and has helped get rid of many problems. Today, even in a new apartment many problems arise with repairs. Cracks appear on the walls or ceiling, which are very difficult to get rid of. Even if you plaster them repeatedly, they will appear again. The web mesh is designed to change the situation. The popularity of this material is growing more and more. Its use allows you to avoid possible problems in the future. And it is very easy to glue it. The main thing is to do everything right.

Fiberglass, one of the varieties of materials for puttying or painting. It is a thin non-woven sheet that is pressed from fiberglass threads. It looks like a grid. This material It is manufactured in rolls, one meter wide and twenty and fifty meters long. It should be borne in mind that this material is not intended for finishing. Its area of ​​application is to protect surfaces from cracks.

The web has a density from 20 g/m2 to 60 g/m2. For painting, a mesh of lower density is used, for reinforcement of a higher density. This material allows you to hide microcracks and also allows the walls to breathe. The complete naturalness of the material does not disturb the environmental conditions of the room. When used, the appearance of fungus is prevented; it does not react with chemicals. Can be used in areas with high humidity.

Fiberglass web adds increased strength to the base and prevents cracks

Areas of use

This material can be glued to any surface. It gives increased strength to plaster and putty. If necessary, it can be applied before staining. Very often, cobwebs are used before wallpapering. But this can lead to the formation of bubbles, which appear due to the fact that the drying process takes a very long time.

You should know! Fiberglass has two sides - back and front. They differ in their structure; the front side is very smooth to the touch. The reverse side has lint, it sticks better. Although there is a correct division into sides, if they are confused, there will be no special consequences. The main thing is to maintain the right amount of glue and press the material tightly to the surface.

Pasting mixture

The glue for the “web” should be selected correctly. It needs a special one, which is designed specifically for this purpose. There is no need to try to save money and use other types of glue. This can lead to consequences that could not be expected.

The glue is applied thickly, but without excess. It is very convenient that if there is not enough glue, and the mesh is already glued, then you can coat it on top - saturate it. The spider web mixture has the following advantages:

  • the glue is completely environmentally friendly;
  • leaves no stains or marks;
  • final setting time – 2 days;
  • does not react to cold.

Rules for applying a web mesh

To glue cobwebs, you don’t need any special skills at all. It is important to follow the rules, which are quite simple. But if you have no experience, then it is best to practice a little. You shouldn’t take on large amounts of work right away. A little patience, and soon everything will work out like real masters.

VIDEO: how to work with fiberglass

The process of applying fiberglass can be divided into several stages. A lot depends on the correctness of their implementation.

  1. The surface on which this material will be glued is prepared. It is advisable to remove all irregularities, they can cause bubbles. All dirt is washed off with a damp cloth.
  2. The glue is applied to the wall or ceiling. You shouldn’t skimp on the glue, but you don’t need to use a lot of it either. The fact is that the process of applying a grid is very similar to wallpapering. The same rules apply here.
  3. A pre-prepared mesh web of the required width is applied to the surface. It is best to ensure that the front and back sides are correct.
  4. Fiberglass is smoothed out well. If you can’t do it with your hands, you can use a soft cloth. Using a spatula, remove the remaining air. You should move from the middle to the edge. But it's important to be careful. The web can be easily torn, which should be avoided.
  5. Everything that sticks out is cut off. The glue is applied again. A well-soaked sheet becomes dark.
  6. Subsequent sheets should be properly glued overlapping. Drafts must be avoided. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain.

If external and internal corners are not ideal, then in these places it is best to cut the mesh. Then you can avoid the appearance of voids. Cracks in the corners must be sealed with tape (paper). This should also be done at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

Fiberglass and drywall

If the surface is made of plasterboard, preliminary preparation is required. All seams must be sealed with putty. It is important to know that the joints of the drywall sheets and the mesh should not coincide.

Unlike simple walls or ceilings, when the web is glued overlapping, it must be glued end-to-end onto the drywall. Pruning should also be avoided. If this is not observed, cracks may form in these places.

Final stage

When complete drying occurs, and this can take up to two days, you can begin to putty the surface. If painting is intended, it is better to use finely dispersed putty. It should be applied in several layers. Each layer must be allowed to dry completely. After this, you can begin sanding using sandpaper. We must not forget that, as with simple painting, you must first prime the walls or ceiling.

Nowadays, they are increasingly skipping the puttying stage. This is replaced by applying a generous layer of glue. With this trick you can reduce paint consumption. Just keep in mind that in this case the mesh structure of the web will be noticeable. This will be impossible to change even if you apply many layers of paint. You won't get a smooth surface.

Fiberglass has many advantages, but there are also some minor disadvantages to consider. When cutting the mesh, small particles of fiberglass appear. When they get on open areas of the body, mucous membranes, they cause severe irritation. Therefore, work is carried out exclusively in special clothing and respirators.

But such minor shortcomings cannot cancel out the advantages that fiberglass web has. Its use allows you to avoid many unpleasant moments in the future. In addition, its pasting does not require special skills.

Preparing surfaces for painting is a complex matter that requires high qualifications. But even this does not always prevent small cracks from appearing - the house shrinks, the plaster dries unevenly. As a result, we have small tears that spoil the appearance. Painting fiberglass is a material that makes easier preparation surfaces for painting, and also serves as protection against small cracks.

Painting fiberglass - what is it and why?

When the building shrinks or the plaster/putty dries, small cracks form on the walls and ceiling. They greatly spoil the appearance of painted surfaces. To prevent their formation when plastering, use a painting mesh. It reinforces finishing materials, preventing the formation of large cracks. Microcracks are combated with the help of painting fiberglass. This is a thin non-woven material made from many glass fibers of different thicknesses. The fibers are connected randomly to each other, which prevents cracks from appearing. There may be microcracks, but they are not visible. This determines the scope of application of painting fiberglass - to improve the quality of finishing of walls and ceilings.

To keep painted surfaces even and smooth, use a “cobweb”

The thickness of this material is small - it is translucent. Because of its appearance it received the name “cobweb”. Sold in rolls 1 meter wide, with different densities - from 20 g/m2 to 55 g/m2. The density is selected depending on the application. For interior work 30-40 g/m2 is more often used.

Fiberglass is glued with glue for glass wallpaper onto more or less smooth walls. Small cracks(up to 0.5 mm wide) and it successfully masks unevenness, creating a smooth surface. That’s why this technology is becoming more widespread - it simplifies the preparation of walls for painting (putty), and the result is no worse. The same material can be glued to drywall. It successfully masks joints and prevents the formation of cracks in these places. The main thing when gluing is to place the seams of fiberglass away from the joints of the gypsum board.

Painting fiberglass is inconvenient to work with - the fiberglass breaks, and its smallest particles can get into the lungs. Therefore, you need to work in protective clothing and, preferably, a respirator. After it is glued and hidden with several layers of finishing materials, there is no question of any migration of fiberglass. In this state it is absolutely harmless.

Methods of application

Glue the painting fiberglass onto a flat surface gypsum plaster or on a layer of starting putty. According to the technology, after gluing, leveling is required with a thin layer of finishing putty (for stripping), then a primer, and then painting. With this sequence of work, paint consumption is minimal; for a good result, 2 layers of paint are enough. Despite the additional cost of putty, if you are using expensive paint, it is better to stick with this technique. This method is also used if the paint is glossy or semi-gloss.

There is another approach. The cobweb is glued and painted after drying. No puttying. The end result is a good result - a slightly structured surface with a slight “hairiness”. But it takes a lot of paint, and for a normal result you have to apply at least 4 layers. The first pass, the paint is absorbed very quickly, the consumption is 3-4 times more than normal. At the same time, the appearance of the wall is unsatisfactory: in some places there is not enough paint, in others - where we went over one place with a roller several times - there is a lot of it.

The second coat of paint takes almost half as much and looks a little better. Consumption continues to decrease, but not at the same rate. After 4 layers, the appearance of the wall is already normal, but the total amount of paint composition is impressive.

To reduce paint consumption, after gluing, coat the painting fiberglass with a primer. Can be done in two layers. It will take a lot of primer, but much less paint. Moreover, even the first layer will lie well. For a good result, you will need 2-3 layers, but with normal consumption. So this method is also not bad, but it can be used with matte or semi-matte paint.

Bonding technology

Painting fiberglass canvas is glued to glass wallpaper adhesive. It is important that the glue is good, but it does not have to be expensive. The gluing technology is very similar to wallpapering:

As you can see, nothing complicated. Only all operations must be carried out carefully, achieving best result that you are capable of.

There are several nuances regarding working conditions. There should be no drafts in the room, the temperature should not be lower than +15°C, humidity should be within normal limits. Keep doors and windows closed until the glue dries. If the sun is hot, it is better to curtain the windows. That's all, actually.

General issues

Preparing surfaces for finishing work is a difficult and responsible operation, but repairs of any complexity cannot be done without it. Nowadays, new materials are constantly appearing that are designed to make home transformation much easier. This army of “helpers” was recently joined by fiberglass, another name for it is painting web. Fiberglass saves walls and ceilings from cracks, chips, and other unpleasant defects. But in order to provide the surfaces with an ideal appearance, you need to be aware of how to glue fiberglass, what it is, and know everything about its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

What is fiberglass?

It is better to find out as much information as possible about any material before starting work, so before gluing fiberglass, you need to get to know it better. This is a painting reinforcing mesh - a non-woven material made entirely of glass fibers of various thicknesses. Their chaotic connection, obtained by pressing, makes it possible to make the surfaces reliable and prevent the formation of cracks.

Organic resins are used as a binder for the production of spider webs, so it is absolutely safe. There are several types of fiberglass, they differ only in density (20-55 g/m2). For indoor work, it is recommended to use certain indicators that do not go beyond the limits - from 30 to 40 g/m2.

There is often some confusion with concepts. Fiberglass is called glass wallpaper, or vice versa. These are two absolutely different materials. Cobweb - protective covering, backing for finishing, wallpaper - decorative, having a certain relief. They also differ in density: in the first it is still small, in the second (the highest quality) it is three times higher. Glass canvas has no patterns or relief, so it can be painted many times; wallpaper can be painted a maximum of 12 times, as their manufacturers believe. Another indicator is the price: a simple spider web is at least half the price.

Application areas of canvas

This material is indispensable for finishing work, for production building materials. He takes part in the production of:

  • aqua panels;
  • waterproofing;
  • linoleum;
  • foam glass;
  • printed circuit boards;
  • roll roofing;
  • glass wool in slabs;
  • elements of drainage systems.

Using a painting web:

  • prepare surfaces for wallpaper, painting, drywall, various panels;
  • They make waterproofing and anti-corrosion protection of pipelines, combining it with mastics or bitumen.

Fiberglass is used as a reinforcing layer, which protects the finishing coating from cracks, shedding and other similar defects. The wrong side, the fleecy side is almost always with outside roll. The facial one, on the contrary, is ideally smooth; it is often “hidden” inside it.

Advantages and disadvantages of cobwebs

Fiberglass is not without strong and weaknesses just like other colleague materials. Traditionally, people talk about the benefits first, so let’s move straight to their impressive list. Cobweb:

  • it is considered environmentally friendly, absolutely safe, since it does not contain any harmful or suspicious components;
  • sometimes it makes it possible to get by with only the starting putty, without the participation of the finishing type of this coating;
  • is not noticed in the accumulation of static electricity, so dust ignores it;
  • not afraid high temperatures, their changes, high humidity;
  • durable, she is not afraid mechanical influences, fire, corrosion;
  • makes it possible to carry out work indoors and outdoors;
  • it is vapor permeable, which means that mold does not threaten surfaces;
  • and the adhesive composition for it do not provoke allergies;
  • has no sharp unpleasant odors;
  • does not require serious care.

The material can be safely glued to any surface - wood, concrete, brick, plasterboard, ceilings or walls.

There are also disadvantages, these include:

  1. The ability to “attack” poor quality, inexpensive material, with a short service life. Such products will disappoint due to the inconvenience of working with them, inelasticity, and fragility.
  2. Impossibility of using first grade fiberglass in premises. It contains phenols and formaldehyde resins, which are undesirable components.
  3. Ineffectiveness of the material if there is a need to hide serious defects - large cracks, chips, potholes. They will have to be sealed in advance.
  4. The need for protection (gloves, glasses, masks, preferably a respirator) when working due to fine particles glass
  5. Difficult to dismantle the coating.
  6. High consumption of glue.

One cannot but agree that the disadvantages are still relative, since most of them relate to low-quality products. Therefore, in the “battle” of advantages and disadvantages, the first ones emerge as winners.

Adhesive compositions for fiberglass

Before studying the topic of how to glue fiberglass, it is better to get acquainted with the features of adhesive mixtures for it.

Types of adhesive composition

Building materials stores sell 2 types of such compositions: ready-made, packaged in plastic buckets, and dry powders in paper bags.

  1. Ready-made glue (5, 10 liters or larger volume). When purchasing it, you need to check the manufacturing date on the container. Otherwise, you can purchase expired goods, and the result of the work will be the appearance of bubbles. Another potential problem is peeling of the canvas due to poor adhesion. It is recommended to use open containers in the near future, since there is no guarantee that the composition will not lose its characteristics.
  2. Dry powder. This is a more practical option, since this type of glue costs less, but allows dosed use - only in the required volume. Prepare glue in strict accordance with the instructions on the package. If there are no other instructions, then the powder is poured into warm water, stirring constantly. The prepared composition is kept for about 10-15 minutes, because it must swell. Then the glue is stirred again.

Third possible variant- PVA, but only with one condition. Fiberglass has a fairly low density, so the glue will soon turn yellow in the light. This color change will definitely affect the light coating. If the choice fell on PVA, it is better to choose dark colors. However, special mixtures are better: they contain additional additives that give the material maximum strength.

Glass fiber adhesive brands

Since fiberglass can be glued using the same compounds as glass wallpaper, the range to choose from is quite wide. The most popular brands include mixtures of several manufacturing companies.

  1. Quelyd - French trademark. They release under it a large number of various wallpaper adhesives, wallpaper removers, sealants and mastics. Most hot commodity for glass wallpaper - Optima.
  2. Oscar is a Swedish brand, the compositions are produced in Russia. The glue, ready-made or dry, is characterized by minimal consumption and high strength. Additionally contains fungicides that prevent the formation of mold.
  3. Kleo is another "French". This company specializes in the production of dry adhesives for glass wallpaper and fiberglass. Products are distinguished by high quality, But affordable price, quick cooking mixtures, same drying.
  4. Pufas is a German candidate for surface repair. The manufacturer produces paint coatings, adhesives, primer mixtures. Glass wallpaper products are famous for their excellent adhesive properties.
  5. Bostik is another brand from France. The company produces various adhesive compositions, but the most famous is the parquet mixture. Despite the low price, adhesive mixtures for canvas guarantee the reliability of the coating and easy joining of the canvases.

Other worthy contenders include products from Spektrum (Sweden), Nortex, Wellton, Bolars (Russia).

Folk alternative

There is a recipe that allows you to make a decent adhesive composition with your own hands. To do this, mix:

  • 1 pack of regular (cheap) dry wallpaper glue;
  • 1 kg PVA;
  • 5 liters of warm water.

First, dry glue is mixed with water to obtain a homogeneous composition without lumps. After this, PVA is poured in. This sequence allows you to avoid clots consisting of PVA and dry undiluted powder.

Which option to prefer is up to the owners of the house being renovated to decide. Dry compositions will cost less than ready-made mixtures; the cost price of artisanal glue will be the most affordable; some craftsmen even consider it the best solution for almost all surfaces.

How to glue fiberglass?

The technology is simple enough not to cause any difficulties. Anyone who knows how the wallpapering process works can easily figure out this operation. In order for the work to proceed without delay, everything necessary is first prepared. This list includes:

  • fiberglass in rolls;
  • ready-made adhesive composition;
  • a small container (cuvette) for it;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • roller with long handle;
  • stepladder (table);
  • an ordinary wide and plastic wallpaper spatula;
  • painting knife, ruler;
  • pencil (marker);
  • cutter.

To prepare glue from a dry mixture, you will need a bucket, a drill with a mixer attachment, or a small wooden stick(narrow rail). In addition, they purchase in advance means for reliable protection against glass - glasses, gloves, a respirator. It is best to wear long sleeves.

Preparatory activities

They, as always, involve preliminary preparation of surfaces.

  1. They are completely cleaned of the previous coating, then large defects, such as cracks, must be filled with putty. Determine the need for surgery by checking their size. They do this test with a spatula: if the crack is wider than its blade, then it is necessary to fix it.
  2. When the putty knife refuses to fit into the hole, putty is not needed. The surfaces are cleaned of dust, then the walls (ceilings) are primed with a deep penetration compound or glue not diluted too much with water. Wait for the surfaces to dry.
  3. The bases are marked according to the dimensions of the sheets, leaving a small allowance for overlapping joints. Use a pencil or marker. The rolls are unrolled with the wrong (rough) side facing up.

Then elements for the ceiling and floor are carefully cut out of fiberglass in accordance with the measurements taken. The size of the canvas can be arbitrary: the one that is more convenient to work with. For walls, they can be cut to their entire height at once; for ceilings there is a limitation: sections exceeding a length of 2 meters are extremely difficult to handle, even for two people. On a horizontal surface, the canvases are placed along the room.

What are the features of this job?

How to glue fiberglass? This operation is not much different from working with wallpaper. Exactly the same as in the case of ordinary wall materials, there should be no drafts in the room. But the process itself is somewhat simpler due to the fact that the adhesive composition is spread directly onto the bases.

  1. Apply glue to a section of the wall or ceiling with a roller. In corners and others hard to reach places use brushes. Glue a piece of web. To avoid the formation of bubbles, the surface is carefully smoothed (“herringbone”) with a wallpaper spatula.
  2. The excess of the glued canvas, if any, is cut off, then it is impregnated with glue again. The surface is again passed over with a spatula to ensure good impregnation with the composition. The finished sheet should darken slightly.
  3. The adjacent piece is glued with an overlap, the overlap is from 30 to 40 mm. Then, at the junction of the two canvases, apply a ruler (or wide spatula), along which a cut is made through both layers. Excess tape is removed, and the seam is coated with glue again.
  4. Do exactly the same thing in the corners. The first sheet is bent at 40-50 mm, the next - at reverse side. In the middle (in the corner) the fiberglass is cut, and then the strips are removed.
  5. Each new canvas and joints must be treated with glue. Its excess is removed with a spatula located almost at a right angle. Remove excess adhesive from the surface with a soft cloth.

An additional layer of glue in this case acts as a primer, but applying the original primer before next operation in most cases it is still required. After the surfaces have dried (but not before), you can begin further work, which depends on the chosen finishing coat.

Not all surfaces are covered with this method, the exception being drywall. In this case, the sheets of fiberglass are placed only end-to-end. The reason is the top paper layer of plasterboard, it is easy to damage, and a defect will inevitably lead to cracking of the gypsum “filling”. There is a way to avoid an emergency - dull the tip of the blade on brick or concrete. Such a knife will not touch cardboard, but will easily cut fiberglass.

Fiberglass and finishing

The fiberglass sheets are allowed to dry for a day. After this they move on to putty. Sometimes this stage is skipped: the walls or ceilings are painted right away. In this case, the painted surface will have an interesting “web-like structure”.

If the owners do not set such a goal, then leveling with finishing putty is mandatory. It is recommended to apply two thin layers - from 1.5 to 2 mm. Each of them must dry for 12 hours. Then the surfaces are sanded and primed, ensuring a reliable base and better adhesion, which means less material consumption.

The last stage is painting or wallpapering. In the second case, putty is also required, since heavy materials - vinyl, non-woven - do not really like such a surface. They don't stick well to it. The second reason is overuse of wallpaper glue due to high moisture absorption by reinforced substrates.

At first glance, independent work on gluing surfaces with fiberglass is quite simple. However, even in this case, you can make several mistakes - serious and not so serious. Therefore, advice from professional professionals always helps to avoid troubles where it is easy to do.

  1. Cobwebs do not always become a universal life-saving material. For example, if the seam of two fiberglass sheets is located close to a crack that has formed, then it will be visible in any case. Most often, such “surprises” appear on plasterboard surfaces. To avoid the appearance of a defect, it is advised not to glue the sheets along the gypsum board seams: the distance from them must be at least 20 mm.
  2. Before gluing, you need to carefully inspect the rolls to determine the reverse and front side. More often the latter is hidden inside, but there are always exceptions to any rule. Studying the label is the second way to find the answer to this question.
  3. Fiberglass is needed ideally smooth surfaces, so even the slightest differences in heights (for example, neighboring plasterboard sheets) necessarily require preliminary leveling with putty.
  4. The use of any devices for accelerated drying of materials is prohibited, since these procedures will lead to disastrous results - deformation of the canvas, deterioration of the adhesion of materials.
  5. Paint the canvas quality paints on water based- ordinary or façade. The work is carried out with a roller or brush, or a spray gun.
  6. This type of work requires quite a lot of glue, so it is better to ensure a sufficient supply of it in advance.
  7. The optimal temperature for pasting with gossamer is 18-25°; direct sunlight is undesirable.
  8. Start work from the wall opposite the exit.

The web-web makes it possible to get quality surfaces practically for centuries, but to achieve results, you need to have a good idea of ​​how to glue fiberglass. To see how the process works, you can watch good visual aids. For example, this video: