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» Plants for the winter garden. Compositions and plants for the winter garden. Palms and trees

Plants for the winter garden. Compositions and plants for the winter garden. Palms and trees

The winter garden is slowly but surely becoming an integral part of country house like a garage or fireplace. A thin line separates plants from the harsh winter, which is impressive and pleasing. The winter garden can become your office, a place to relax or an office for business negotiations. It’s quite simple to create, the main thing is to choose the right plants!

What plants will take root in a greenhouse?

The highlight of the garden will be the plants, blooming in winter. It's about about such specimens as phalaenopsis, anthurium, hippeastrum, passionflower, hibiscus. It is important that the plants match each other, and not only in appearance. You can make a real paradise out of your garden by placing fountains near the flowers.

What should a winter garden for orchids be like?

Orchids – great option for the greenhouse. At the same time, plant in winter garden absolutely possible different plants. But you still have to comply with some conditions:

  • if the temperature in the garden at night does not drop below 16 degrees, you can grow phalaenopsis in it;
  • in low-heated rooms (10 °C) cymbidiums will take root well;
  • does the temperature reach 12 degrees at night? Cattleya, odontoglossum, miltonia, coelogina, dendrobium nobilis will get along well in it.

It is not necessary to place orchids in the ground on the floor of the greenhouse. Plants look great in special hanging baskets.

Majestic anthurium

The anthurium plant is an eye-catcher. It has beautiful glossy flowers in shades of pink, red or white. In the middle of each flower there is a spadix that is purple, white, yellow, brown or green.

Caring for Anthurium is not easy. It does not do well in a confined space, but would be just right for a winter garden.

Anthurium loves light, but direct sunlight should be avoided in this case. The temperature in the garden should reach 15 degrees. It is advisable to provide it with high air humidity and completely protect it from drafts. With proper care, anthurium blooms from November to February!

Hippeastrum: a beautiful flowering plant in the winter garden

Hippeastrums are good, first of all, because they bloom during the winter holidays. Even happier is that they bloom for a long time - 1.5 months.

The presented plants feel great in a cool winter garden. It is important not to confuse hippeastrum and amaryllis. The latter have much smaller flowers, and they bloom in the fall.

Hippeastrum bulbs are planted in the winter garden at the end of September. For this purpose, containers are used, each of which holds 4 onions. Flowering occurs in early December. However, in order for this long-awaited event to happen, the plant needs to be provided with good lighting and feeding. mineral fertilizers.

Mysterious and unique passionflower

Don’t forget about winter garden plants such as passionflower. The liana blooms almost non-stop.

Another name for the plant is “Cavalry Star”. Blue passionflower blooms until frost. When fertilized, growth can reach a meter per week!

Passionflower is photophilous. Optimal room temperature in winter period should reach 13 degrees. In summer, watering should be plentiful. In winter it is reduced. If the plant stems become too long, they are shortened. Despite its very exotic appearance, the flower is easy to care for.

Beauties flower: hibiscus

Hibiscus will be an excellent addition to the winter garden. It is especially suitable for those who dream of creating a Mediterranean corner in the greenhouse. It is better to plant the plant in a place where it will have enough light - in the south, southwest and southeast.

Indispensable companions of hibiscus are rose and lavender.

It is believed that hibiscus has strong love energy. That is why any married couple is recommended to plant it in their winter garden. Then harmony and comfort will always reign in your family.

Design Features

At first glance, creating a blooming greenhouse requires large quantity effort. But it is not so. Moreover, even poor people can equip a winter garden; if you do everything yourself, including selecting plants, it won’t cost you that much money.

  • To get started, try making a plant placement plan. Preference should be given to flowering specimens.
  • The selection of plants is based on bioecological requirements. You can divide the garden into several climate zones.
  • So, orchids require a lot of space. If you plant other plants next to them, the orchids may wither. Other plants, on the contrary, do not see anything wrong with having “neighbors” next to them.

Winter garden in our house (video)

How to care for flowering plants

Before you start choosing plants for the winter garden, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what the greenhouse will be used for. If the garden will be used as a place to relax, you should give preference to unpretentious specimens.

Among other things, the biological needs of flowers should be taken into account:

  • attitude towards water;
  • temperature;
  • light;
  • humidity.

You should not place too many plants in a greenhouse. This can negatively affect the health of the plants - they will become more likely to become infected with diseases, and the “air” effect in the composition itself will disappear.

So, selecting flowering plants for the winter garden is a responsible and time-consuming job.

And if you are not confident in your abilities, it is best to give preference to unpretentious species, for example, anthurium.

In winter, the surrounding landscape becomes a little monotonous. Therefore, thinking about landscape design garden, it’s worth thinking about the aesthetic possibilities of winter. In order for the garden to be interesting in winter, it is necessary to use ornamental plants with a stable structural shape: spherical, weeping, umbrella, pyramidal, evergreen. Also, it is worth paying attention to individual elements plants - unusual shape branches, decorative coloring of branches, fruits. We present to your attention ten of the most interesting ornamental plants for the winter garden.

1. Snowberry (Shymphoricarpos)- unpretentious, graceful shrub with abundant fruits white(fruits are also pink, red and black). Amazing in its beauty and resistance to winter frosts. Shade-tolerant, suitable for urban landscaping, tolerates pruning well.

2. Barberry (Berberis)- very beautiful ornamental shrub, with incredibly varied leaf colors. Clusters with red fruits remain on the branches almost all winter. Red berries stand out especially against the white background of snow. Unpretentious, but cannot stand being soaked. All of them are photophilous, but varieties with green leaves grow well in partial shade, are suitable for urban conditions, and tolerate shearing well.

3. Mahonia aquifolium is a magnificent evergreen shrub with clusters of dark blue berries. Leathery, shiny leaves, rich green in color, become brownish-purple in winter, up to violet shade. It is unpretentious and winter-hardy, but young plants need to be covered with spruce branches in the first years. Shade-tolerant, suitable for urban conditions, good in borders and low hedges.

Rowan berries, viburnums, and decorative apple trees, pyracantha, rose hips.

4. White dogwood (Cornus alba)- an ornamental shrub with thin, coral-red or red-brown in winter, upward-pointing branches. The turf stems are brighter in color on the illuminated side, and against the background white snow or green evergreen needles look especially impressive. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, suitable for urban landscaping, as well as for creating decorative container compositions.

5. Purple willow (Salix purpurea)- a dense, branched shrub with purple-violet bark near the branches. Shade-tolerant, not very winter-hardy, tolerates pruning well. Thanks to round shape The bush looks good even in small-sized compositions.

6. Blood red dogwood “Midwinter Fire” (Cornus sanguinea “Midwinter Fire”)- an ornamental shrub with a spreading crown and red-orange shoots, perfect for decorating a garden in winter. Unpretentious, high frost resistance, suitable for urban landscaping.

7. Blue spruce (Picea pungens)- a very decorative, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant tree. It grows slowly and tolerates pruning well. The “Hoopsie” variety is distinguished by its silver-blue needles, conical, dense crown shape and small size. Photophilous, smoke- and gas-resistant, frost-resistant. Suitable for landscaping ceremonial places and city landscaping

8. Larch (Larix) on a trunk- marvelous beautiful tree with abundant fluffy branches. This elegant garden decoration always looks representative, is unusually decorative in winter, and does not like stagnant moisture.
What is certain is that conifers necessary in the winter garden. Junipers, thujas, pines, yews - they all diversify the impression, especially in the form of trimmed forms and hedges.

9. Iwa Matsudana (Salix matsudana) - a small tree with serpentine-curved branches, making it surprisingly decorative in winter. Requires shelter for the winter; planting in places protected from the wind, surrounded on all sides by other trees and shrubs, is suitable for urban landscaping. Used in single plantings and to create landscape corners.

10. Irga Lamarck (Amelanchier lamarckii (canadensis)— Decorative thanks to the wide umbrella crown. High winter hardiness, light-loving, tolerates partial shade, but blooms more profusely in the light. Suitable for urban landscaping.

By definition, a winter garden is a very bright, heated room designed for growing beautiful exotic and indoor plants. In terms of structure, it is not much different from a greenhouse, with the only difference being that a winter garden is a more decorative building that can be entered directly from the house. Although this condition is not mandatory. In the past, in many wealthy estates around the world, winter gardens were located at a distance from the residential building. These were beautiful buildings with rich external and internal decoration.

While seedlings are usually grown in greenhouses, decorative foliage and flowering plants are placed in winter gardens. In addition, the winter garden has a more romantic purpose. In the dull autumn and cold winter a person strives to extend this comfort zone, where, regardless of the picture outside the window, it is carefree and warm, and the air is filled with wonderful aromas.

Unlike greenhouses, a winter garden is created mainly for the convenience and comfort of people. This is a kind of small oasis, where the beauty of plants is emphasized by decorative floor and wall coverings, frame bindings and an abundance of glass. Even a small-sized winter garden, unlike a greenhouse, cannot be called budget project. This is an expensive and beautiful building, where the amount of light, heat and decor are carefully thought out.

As many years ago, the winter garden is an indisputable decoration of the house and emphasizes the status of the owners. Although modern technologies have greatly simplified the construction process, yet the winter garden remains a serious engineering structure that requires compliance with many design and construction standards. To stop summer and enjoy marvelous plants all year round, it is necessary not only to design and build correctly, but also to ensure proper operation and maintenance.

Winter Garden– this is not only the building structure itself. Today it is a complex mechanism, the operation of which involves such factors as lighting and illumination, heating and watering, soil composition and decorative design. All this requires careful planning and serious costs. The “correct” climate in the winter garden is ensured by high-tech devices that regulate temperature and humidity, automatic watering and air ventilation.

There is another type of building for growing plants - a greenhouse. Unlike a winter garden, a greenhouse creates conditions that are favorable exclusively for plants, and, as a rule, for one species (for example, palm trees or lemons). The creation of certain climatic conditions is often a necessary factor for their development. It is uncomfortable for a person to rest in such a room due to the increased temperature and humidity.

Location of the winter garden according to cardinal directions

If there is a choice, the eastern side is considered the best option for placing a winter garden. Glass located to the east does not overheat too much from the winter sun. At the same time, the amount of light is sufficient.

The “Western” location also has advantages. Glass construction retains the heat accumulated during the day for a long time. However, this advantage is only important in winter time of the year.

The south side of the house is the least good option for placing a winter garden. If in winter the plants in the “southern” garden will most likely feel comfortable, in the summer, due to severe overheating, the costs of ventilation and watering will have to increase.

The design of the winter garden, located on the north side of the house, will quickly give off its heat. For this option you need good heating in winter.

It must be said that the orientation of the winter garden to the cardinal points depends on many factors. The final choice is made after a complete analysis of the house’s architecture and parameters garden plot, some other technical capabilities, and also depending on the tasks that you have assigned to your future winter garden. Do you just want to admire your favorite plants or are you planning to set up an office or studio in it? And of course, a lot depends on the type of plants you want to place in your garden. Do they need increased heat, moisture, light and ventilation?

Also, when planning your winter garden, do not forget about the habits and lifestyle of your family. For example, a garden located to the east is favorable for breakfast. The western orientation of the garden is good for those who like to have dinner with their family and admire the sunset for a long time. Consider all options before starting construction.

A modern winter garden today is an attached or separate glazed room attached to the house. In essence, this is a high-tech engineering structure consisting of interconnected wall and roof profiles. It must be said that the role of glass architecture has recently grown significantly. This trend can be traced both in city-wide construction and in private construction.

Modern technologies used in the arrangement winter gardens, make it possible to meet increased consumer requirements for the amount of light and heat, as well as the reliability of structures during bad weather. Today, glass in the winter garden space is present not only in ordinary double-glazed windows. It can replace the roof, bay window, and also be independent decorative element, included in the design.

Translucent structures in the winter garden solve two problems at once: modern glazing while preserving all quality characteristics(such as strength, durability and comfort) and expressive design that attracts the eye from the outside and reveals beautiful landscape from the inside.
In this regard, I would like to especially emphasize the importance of choosing a contractor company that would guarantee the quality of the manufactured structures for the winter garden. We advise you to pay attention to one of the leaders in the production of glass structures - the Veyron company.

The design of the winter garden can be:

  • Rectangular lean-to
  • Rectangular gable
  • Corner internal
  • Corner external
  • Single-pitch bay window
  • Gable bay window
  • And etc.

In addition, the winter garden can be made in the form of a multifaceted gazebo. Also, the design of the winter garden depends on the chosen one.

Winter garden areas

As a rule, the interior space of a winter garden has 3 main zones. Each zone has its own functional purpose.

Decorative zone. Designed for placing and growing plants. You can also place an aquarium or small pond here. Small architectural forms - figurines, vases, fountains, etc. will only enhance the effect of admiring plants.

Recreational area. Designed for relaxation and receiving guests. This part of the winter garden should become an area where it is convenient to have lunch or just retire with a book. Furniture should match the setting, and it is advisable to consider its choice at the garden design stage.

Communication zone. This includes all walkways through your conservatory, as well as workplace, on which you can care for plants.

The amount of heat required directly depends on the size of the winter garden. The choice of heating system can also be influenced by the type of plants and how often the garden is used. For example, if you want to grow tropical plants in your garden, they require temperatures above 20 degrees. Consequently, heating costs will be significantly higher.

Heating of the winter garden can be:

  • Electric heaters
  • Split systems
  • Stove or gas heating
  • Warm floor
  • Air heating

They all have their pros and cons. They choose the type of heating after a thorough analysis of the situation and cost calculation.

Lighting and illumination in the winter garden

Even with a fully glazed winter garden, plants may experience a lack of lighting in the cold season. With the onset of winter, the days become much shorter, and this can negatively affect the growth of many plants. This is especially true for thermophilic southern cultures. Therefore, additional lighting in the winter garden is simply necessary.

Phytolamps are used today to replenish light. These are lamps specially created for these purposes. Today they come in two types - energy-saving LED and fluorescent.

A good option for lighting plants in a winter garden are lamps with a mirror bulb. They can be adjusted so that the light flux is redirected only in the desired direction, and all the light falls only on the leaves of the plants.

An additional timer system will help you set the lamps to turn on and off at a certain time. This is very convenient, as it allows you to extend daylight hours without extra costs for electricity.

Conventional incandescent lamps are not suitable for lighting a winter garden at all. Because they do not contain blue rays, which are so necessary for plants for the process of photosynthesis. In addition, due to the large amount of heat generated, incandescent lamps can cause burns in some cases.

There are several types of winter garden ventilation.

Transverse. Fans are located on opposite walls and provide horizontal air exchange.

Diagonal. Air exchange occurs diagonally - from the lower floor level on one side to the upper part of the opposite side.

Roofing. This is the most effective type of ventilation. Air exchange is carried out from the bottom of the wall and exits through the roof.

In addition, ventilation can be divided into natural and mechanical. At natural ventilation a system of windows and transoms is created, the total area of ​​which should occupy at least ¼ of the entire wall area. With mechanical ventilation, air flow is carried out through open windows and vents, and outflow using various fans.

The disadvantages of mechanical ventilation include high level noise and high energy costs.

Plants for the winter garden

For a winter garden, it is better to select plants that have similar growing conditions. Plants must be good neighbors and not oppress each other. These can be tropical or desert plants, medicinal or fruit-bearing, flowering or decorative foliage. The main thing is that the conditions for caring for them are similar.

When arranging plants, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are plants with short and long daylight hours. They need to be placed in different sides winter garden, and for each group choose its own lighting. This is the only way you can achieve the desired flowering or fruiting.

Plants are placed in all kinds of pots, tubs and flowerpots. These can also be large stationary containers with soil, imitating flower beds. The most expensive option is to fill the space with bulk soil. In this case, special preparation of the winter garden area is required. For decoration landscape composition Pebbles, dry driftwood, as well as natural and artificial stone are often used.

An important rule when selecting plants is that they must be diverse. Plants of different heights create interesting contrasts and transitions, thereby bringing the image closer to the picture of living nature. The most successful is the principle of three-level placement, when there are hanging, ground cover and plants in tubs. Decorative rock, located on the lower level, successfully complements the picture.

For a tropical garden it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range from +18 to 26 degrees. Many plants native to the tropics grow naturally in the shade of the jungle. They are not used to brightly directed light, so it is better to create diffused lighting for them. Required humidity is 80%. Common plants of this group are calla, nymphea, dracaena, dieffenbachia, anthurium, calathea, etc.

Plants of the subtropical group require cool wintering. Optimal temperature for them should be kept in the range from +6 to 12 degrees. Required humidity is 70%. Such conditions are preferable for many indoor plants, which, with the onset of winter, begin to get sick in overdried apartments. Common plants of this group are lemon, azalea, oleander, olives, pomegranates, roses, various vines, etc.

Plants of the “desert” group in winter they feel good at temperatures not lower than 12. Watering is rare. Typical representatives of desert plants are all succulents, aloe, agave, nolina (elephant's foot), yucca, etc.

When choosing plants for your garden, do not forget about the time and spectrum of flowering. Perhaps you like a monochrome garden. The first impression of the simplicity of such a garden disappears after a few minutes of contemplation. The color of a monochrome garden can tell a lot about its owner. For example, various shades red ones speak about a person’s sensual nature, white ones - about his restraint, pink ones - about romance, blue ones - about modesty and external coldness.
Alternating shades in a monochrome garden only enhances the impression.
To create a monochrome garden you need to select plants with continuous flowering. Of course this is very difficult task. After all, in order to select plants from the same group with similar growing conditions and with different terms Flowering requires acquiring a lot of knowledge, investing a lot of effort, time and money. But this applies to all garden work.

Once you love your garden, you will be driven by a thirst for knowledge and daily work, so that ultimately you can be proud of the fruits of your efforts and share this joy with others.

The soil

The composition of the soil in the winter garden must meet the requirements of the selected plants and contain all the necessary nutrients. Application rules remain the same as for an open garden.

Winter garden care

Cleanliness in the winter garden is necessary not only for good appearance. Dirty glass significantly reduces illumination, which is especially important in winter and spring. It is also important to ensure that a green coating does not appear on the glass. In this case, the usual washing procedure is not enough. Requires special detergents from algae and fungi.

If the structure of your winter garden is made of wood, once every two years it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic that is safe for plants. The presence of rot can be determined by soft wood. If a steel awl can easily penetrate it, it is quite possible that the tree is infected. Small areas can be repaired using a hardener. If the contamination surface is large, it is better to replace such a board.

Windows, vents and doors are the main structural elements of a winter garden. They actively participate in ventilation and therefore must always be in good working order. At the first jamming of one of the transoms or doors, all faults must be eliminated.

If the winter garden is equipped with gutters, they must be cleared of leaves and other debris twice a year. A clogged drain or water overflowing the edge of the gutter can lead to undesirable consequences. Water can get on the frames and windows, and as a result, algae may appear on the glass and rot on the wood.

Snow from the roof of the winter garden must be removed regularly. The steeper the roof, the better the snow rolls off it. Sometimes weather conditions It may not be enough to melt the snow. In these cases, additional heating of the gutters and drainpipes. If you use electrically heated glass when building a roof, then snow will never accumulate on it in winter.

Considering the above, we can state the fact that a winter garden is a really expensive project. And although many aspects can be simplified or made cheaper by doing the work yourself (with the proper level of professionalism), it must still be recognized that this construction requires serious financial or time expenditure. If you comply with all the required building codes, have design taste and the golden hands of a gardener, you will finally get your dream. Winter evening When a snowstorm is blowing outside the glass and the trees are bending from the wind, you will be delighted by an exotic flower that has just blossomed.

Photos of winter gardens

It is a heated room in which exotic and indoor flowers are placed. Plants for the winter garden require regular care and high-quality lighting.

Garden landscapes are divided into several types:

Subtropical garden;

Garden of the Far East;

Desert Garden.

A subtropical conservatory is characterized by plants with lush foliage that prefer warmth, moisture and sun all year round. The most elegant plant in such a garden is the palm tree. Walls and partitions can be decorated with vines: monstera, philodendron, epipremnum. Such plants can also be used for shading. These are all plants of the “upper floors”. The natural division of space into levels can be created by low herbaceous bushes up to 1 m high: calathea, aglaonema, spathiphyllum, flowering anthurium.

The atmosphere of the Far East is usually associated with bonsai, unusual flowering plants, birdsong, fountains, silence and soft music. Suitable for such gardens are: fatsia, ficus with elongated leaves, some types of bamboo (Phullostahys), flowering camellia. Rattan furniture, mats, vessels coated with red varnish will contribute to creating the atmosphere of the East.

Desert Garden If you don’t have a lot of time to care for plants, then add cacti and succulents to your winter garden. These plants accumulate water in their leaves and trunks and do not require frequent watering or spraying.

Several large specimens are needed to attract attention and separate zones. The vertical can be set using hanging succulents. Agaves, yuccas, cacti - desert-style garden plants. To enhance the character of the garden, we recommend filling the space with sand, stones and rock fragments.

Prices for plants for the winter garden

Types of plants intended for creating a winter garden

Crops that are intended for growing in a winter garden can be divided into several types:

  • Decorative deciduous, representatives of this group of plants have very dim flowering, but due to the attractiveness of their foliage they have high decorative properties all year round and that is why these houseplants form the basis of compositions for phytodesign of any interior.
  • Blooming ones such as orchid, anthurium, hipeastrum, hibiscus and many others.
  • Cacti and succulents. This category of plants can diversify the garden. The advantage of such a garden is its ease of care.

Unusual plants for the winter garden:

A winter garden can become a real paradise for plant gourmets. The dream of many greenhouse owners is such unusual plants as agave, eucalyptus, banana, citrus trees, as well as for the oriental garden - bonsai, fuchsia, bougainvillea, bamboo.

With the right choice temperature regime in winter, all these plants will turn into a real oasis. Often this is a light and cool winter at a temperature of plus 10 degrees.

For example, decorative dwarf banana or the correct Latin name Musa, is actually a herbaceous plant and not a tree. It is often confused with a palm tree due to its false trunk, which is simply leaves wrapped tightly around each other. Banana grows quickly and requires a lot of space over time. It will be an undoubted decoration of your winter garden.

Camellia japonica is a flowering plant with a pleasant scent. Pleases the eye with the beautiful shape of the bush and splendor. Necessary condition for flowering and growth: wintering at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees. It has a large palette of flower colors and shapes. An amazing and unusual plant.

It's hard to imagine a winter garden without aromatic plants. Not only the abundance of colors, but also the smell can become a feature of your garden. With the right selection of plants, aromas can be heard all year round.

For example, citrus trees bloom almost all year round with pale white inflorescences. In addition, they have beautiful dense foliage and bear fruit. Recently, citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, kumquats) have become very popular. They lend themselves well to cutting and shaping; many species can be grafted onto a standard. The fruits are decorative and have no table taste. Citrus trees will bring a riot of yellow and orange hues to your winter garden during fruiting season and fill your garden with a strong aroma.


  • If it is possible to make the floor covering inside and outside the winter garden the same, you will thereby expand the space;
  • Choose plant pots that match the style of your garden. The vessel and the plant must be in harmony;
  • Pay attention to accessories: sculptures, furniture, lighting will help you maintain your chosen style.

Selecting and purchasing plants for the winter garden

Many people set up a winter garden in country house or in an apartment, it is important to regularly care for the plants and create the most comfortable climatic conditions for them. Of course, you must first select the optimal plants for the winter garden that will look great.

A winter garden is a floral corner in a home, where plants delight the owner with lush greenery and color all year round, even when there is a snowstorm and frost outside. In conditions middle zone For Russia, the idea, at first glance, seems impossible. You need a bright room in which a comfortable temperature and humidity are constantly maintained. However, it is quite possible to organize such an oasis in a private house or even an apartment if you choose the flora wisely. In our article we will talk about the best plants for the winter garden.

Design of a winter garden in a private house

As a rule, in a private house there are many more options for the location of a green island than in an apartment. Attic, warm veranda, terrace - all versions are good.

Tropical oasis

In a tropical corner on an insulated veranda, it is necessary to maintain air humidity of about 75%, and the temperature in winter within 15-17 degrees. What crops will take root here?

Liviston palm

Lush tropical beauty with cuttings covered with thorns. One of the most beautiful fan palms. Loves light and moderate watering warm water, spraying. It spreads wide, so it needs space. Often the Liviston palm tree is given a place in the center of the composition, giving it a solo role. Place the tree in a large tub so that the root system can develop comfortably.

Liviston palm


A spectacular, unpretentious bamboo palm, its beautiful carved leaves will decorate any room. There are 2 varieties: low and high. If the height of the ceilings allows, place a high tapestry on the veranda. It stretches up to 3 m in height, but does not spread out in breadth. The plant overwinters at a temperature of 10-16 degrees, which makes it ideal for placing next to a window opening, or near a door leading outside. Rapis respects timely fertilizing and regular irrigation, and does not tolerate soil drying out.


Date fruit

Another large resident of the tropical winter garden. Loves the light good ventilation, feels comfortable in winter at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. The tub with the palm tree must be periodically rotated relative to the falling rays of the sun so that the foliage grows evenly.

date fruit


Blooming profusely, dwarf plant with glossy leaves. Flowerpots with azaleas are placed next to large representatives of the flora. At the age of 4-5 years, azalea begins to bloom wildly with red, white, purple buds, depending on the variety. The culture does not tolerate direct sunlight and loves diffused light. Date leaves or livingston palm trees will perfectly shade it and provide the flower with a comfortable existence.


Creeping ficus

This representative of the flora is often decorated with the wall of the veranda and window openings. Its shoots curl beautifully and gracefully, bending around all kinds of supports. By placing a frame next to the ficus, you can form fancy compositions. It sends its roots into tubs of neighboring flowers, thereby creating a unique landscape design.

creeping ficus


Capricious, beautiful orchids love space, plenty of light and high humidity air. There are varieties that tolerate temperatures of about 16 degrees. If the windows of your veranda face south and it is well heated, the flower will take root there wonderfully. Place the pots near the wall adjacent to the room to prevent the orchid from freezing.



Flexible climbing fern. It is grown both in hanging pots and in tubs. The plant resembles a flowing green waterfall; individual leaves are almost impossible to see. The color of the leaf plates changes depending on the lighting. The brighter the room, the brighter the lygodium looks.


Winter vegetable garden

A practical oasis for those who want to receive vitamins all year round.


Plant leafy greens in all kinds of tubs, containers, flowerpots:

  • lollo rossa salad;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • cilantro.

It is necessary to harvest the crops on time, constantly replant new crops, and feed the soil. Green shoots need to be actively moistened, and seeds need to be provided with Greenhouse effect, covering them with film. Such a winter garden is not an activity for the lazy.


Hot pepper

The perennial with pungent, colorful fruits looks impressive and creates a bright atmosphere in the room. He can please the owner with a harvest for 5 years in a row. Reaches a height of 50 cm. Peppers love diffused light and clay pots with peat soil.


Lemon Tree

Bright citrus will decorate your home flower garden. Caring for it consists of promptly wiping the leaves with a damp cloth and watering with settled water. It is better for the lemon tree to immediately identify permanent place, it doesn’t like “moving”.



An evergreen tree can be sprouted from a seed yourself or purchased in a store as an adult plant. Mandarins are grown in wooden tubs. It needs to be fertilized frequently, drying branches removed in a timely manner and the tops pinched. If you do not neglect these rules, in a few years the seedling will delight you with a harvest of bright fruits. The best varieties for the winter garden:

  • marcotte;
  • unshiu;
  • shiva-mikan.


Organization of a winter oasis in the apartment

You can create a year-round herbal corner in an apartment in a room with a bay window, French window, on an attached loggia or insulated balcony. The ideal location of windows is east or west. Select plants from the same climate zone so that all inhabitants of the oasis feel equally comfortable.

Desert landscape in the room

One of the simplest, most compact options. Drought-resistant succulents do not require an abundance of light or frequent watering. Such a corner can be organized in a small apartment on a cold windowsill.


Our grandmothers' favorite flower, home healer. Currently, florist shops offer many varieties of succulents. Aristata, Cosmo, and Snow Flake are suitable for the winter garden. Combine types to create a unique composition. The surface of the soil in pots with aloe can be covered with small pebbles to imitate natural conditions flower habitat.


American agave

A plant with short, thick, fleshy stems with a prickly edge. Loves light, coolness and a voluminous tub. Agave is ideal for placement near a cold wall.



False palm with a short tree-like stem and a lush “hairstyle”. The leaves are hard, sword-shaped, collected in voluminous rosettes. Yucca loves the sun the best place for her - the southern bay window. In the cold season, the palm tree is additionally illuminated with phyto lamps. She prefers to winter at a temperature of 10-12 degrees.



A succulent with short, hard, dark green leaves covered with a scattering of whitish streaks and spots. It feels great at moderate air temperatures, and winters at 6-12 degrees. Sometimes it blooms, but not on north windows. It does not like abundant watering and reacts to it by rotting of the rhizome.



Another representative of the home first aid kit, absolutely not picky and hardy. Able to forgive the owner all the flaws of care, except for constant exposure to the scorching rays of the sun. Ideal for growing on the north and west side. With proper care, it blooms in winter with caps of white buds.


Garden on a balcony or loggia

If the heating radiator is placed on the balcony, or a heated floor system is installed there, the garden can be divided into loggias. Depending on which side the window faces, it is necessary to provide shading with curtains or additional lighting with phyto lamps. What plants are suitable for a balcony?


Pike tail is the king of the winter garden. It is incredibly hardy, practically does not need watering, and adapts to any conditions. Sansevieria tolerates temperature changes and drafts well. Tall specimens in elegant tubs can be beautifully placed around the perimeter of the balcony, miniature ones can be placed in the center of the oasis.



Suitable for growing on spacious loggias. Its spreading stems stretch up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are narrow, drooping, 25 cm long. Place the cyperus in the darkest corner of the balcony; it looks more elegant in the shade. It feels comfortable at temperatures slightly above 10 degrees, and reacts to lower temperatures by dropping leaves.



A perennial herbaceous representative of the flora reaches a height of up to 1 m. The foliage is lanceolate in shape, purple underneath. Outer side leaf blades are spotted and variegated. In winter, calathea does not need watering, but it does not tolerate drafts.


Prickly pear

A cactus with rounded, flattened leaf blades. Depending on the variety, it can reach 20 cm in height. Miniature views have a place on the most modest balcony. Prickly pear blooms readily with regular feeding.

prickly pear


An ideal “decorator” for a loggia. The dark green vine tolerates short-term temperature drops of up to 5 degrees and readily grows in the shade. Hang a pot with Antarctic cissus from the ceiling, or place the flowerpot on a bracket attached to the wall. Periodically trim the shoots to maintain decorativeness.



Hardy long-liver with lush basal leaves. Aspidistra will survive even in a beginner's conservatory. The main thing in care is good shading and protection from drafts.



An excellent option for vertical gardening of a loggia. The oblong leaves of chlorophytum curl beautifully, cascading down. It is ideal for placement in hanging flowerpots. Not picky about lighting, but does not like drafts.



A liana with star-shaped leaf plates is not afraid of cold weather. It has many aerial roots that cling to any supports. Provide ivy with bright, indirect light and moderately cool temperatures, and it will grow at an astonishing rate.



Violets are one of the few plants that will decorate a balcony with flowers in the cold season. However, only a heated loggia is suitable for their cultivation. Comfortable temperature for Saintpaulia - 16-18 degrees. They don't like straight lines Sun rays. Place pots of violets in the shade of the foliage of larger plants, where they will feel “protected” and bloom willingly.



One of the most common vines for landscaping window openings. The main advantage of the flower is its shade tolerance. If your windows face north, but you really want to set up a winter garden, buy scindapsus. Its foliage responds to the amount of light. When deficient, it becomes completely green and responds to moderate diffuse lighting with a variegated color.



The optimal temperature for growing pelargonium is 10-15 degrees. The likelihood that it will not take root on a warm balcony is almost zero. The main condition for cultivation is an abundance of sunlight. But do not place the flower pot in direct sunlight. In order for geranium to delight you with flowering in the cold season, actively moisten the soil, pick out fresh branches and do not replant the flower in large pots, even if it grows.



Euphorbia is considered an office flower. However, it can complement your winter oasis compositionally. Choose non-trivial varieties - Canary, jellyfish head, cereus. They look interesting and are not picky about watering, temperature, or light. One of the most frost-resistant species- white-veined milkweed. It actively reproduces by self-seeding, so several plants can grow in a large tub at once. This composition of “umbrellas” looks extremely attractive.


In this article we introduced you to the best options plants for the winter garden. Caring for such an oasis is quite a painstaking task, but it can turn into a real exciting hobby if you approach it with soul and choose the right crops.