Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Dimensions of sewer polymer manholes. Sewer manhole - types and characteristics of plastic, cast iron, polymer manholes

Dimensions of sewer polymer manholes. Sewer manhole - types and characteristics of plastic, cast iron, polymer manholes

Sewer manholes at all times are a topic for active discussion. Definitely an important component of any communication system. A person is trying to build it in a private house. None can do without it apartment house. But not everyone understands how to properly install the hatch. Before starting work, it is worth identifying some important features and answering a few simple questions.

What is a sewer manhole for?

Everyone understands that if the length of the pipes is long, then sooner or later repairs and constant maintenance will be required. It is for this reason that one cannot do without the organization of technological wells. They can be reached by different directions human activities. These are not only sewage pits, but also a gas pipeline, communications, etc. For convenience, they put a sewer cover on them, which must meet all the requirements.

It is in such recesses that locking nodes are created and those that must distribute the load. Do not forget that the system should consist of control and monitoring mechanisms. In this case, sewer manholes must have a cover. And it is important in this matter that the protection be as reliable as possible, and no one could open it on purpose and by accident. Otherwise, animals and even people can get there.

During installation, a heavy, reliable cover is made. And here it must be said that the main purpose of the cover is safety for everyone around. The answer to this question is simple. This is done so that the constituent elements can be applied to any similar structures in different regions. There are characteristics and features that each person should be aware of. Creating hatches is not easy. This process is labor intensive and expensive.

Types of hatches

If we draw a parallel, then not so long ago this design was made only of cast iron. Today everything has changed. But it is worth saying that only reliable materials are used for work. They must withstand severe loads, up to a collision trucks. There must be no movement or cracking under the structure. The main sewer manholes made of cast iron can withstand a load of up to 25 tons. Today, when using other material, these conditions are taken into account without fail.

To prevent theft, they began to use polymeric materials and rubber for such work. In addition, you can find a sewer hatch made of plastic. But cars cannot be allowed to move along it, so most often they are on the sidewalks. Such materials have their own advantages (for example, they can be painted in a variety of colors).

The use of polymers to create round manhole covers

This material is unique because it can withstand the load and serve for many years. Such hatches are installed on the roadway, walking paths and even green areas. They are easy to make invisible, and it does not matter where to place them - this feature suits many. As a result, these hatches appear on the plots of private houses.

Installation of such a design is not difficult and is not laborious. Since there is no contact with metal, sparks are completely excluded. Their features also include chemical compounds added to the composition. They will not allow further processing, which means there is no point in kidnapping them. The price for such sewer manholes is low (up to a thousand rubles), which means that you do not need to overpay.

Is there a label?

For ordinary people all hatches on the road are the same, although they are not. There is a special marking on the lid, with the help of which a certain understanding occurs. In the process of creating hatches, letters are placed on them:

  • K - sewerage.
  • B - water supply.
  • D - storm sewer.
  • G - hydrant.
  • TS - heating system.
  • GS - gas pipeline.
  • GTS - telephone network.

Specialists do not need such indicators, since they have special schemes. They are created when laying any communication, so getting permission for any additional work is not so difficult. When manufactured from cast iron, products can be light and heavy. And the designations are performed, respectively, by the first letters of the words. At the same time, each cover of the sewer manhole has its own characteristics, it is performed using a special technology.

What is the installation work?

If you need to install a well on the site of the house, then the choice of cover depends on the financial capabilities of the owners. Since there will not be a large load on it, then there is simply no need to make a thick one. The cost depends on the thickness. If it is a cast-iron structure, then it is easy to purchase for two thousand or a little more. The price of sewer manholes from polymer materials and even cheaper.

There will be no great difficulty in installing the product. The manhole cover is simply placed on the created support rings. They are made of concrete to be reliable and durable. In addition, an important task is to prevent water from getting inside, which means that a slight elevation is made above the lawn. There is an important point: we must not allow the structure to become below the prescribed level.

What do you need to know about operation?

Polymeric materials and other components are simple to use, but in the process of use it is worth knowing some features:

  • Open the lid carefully, without sudden movements. In order not to harm yourself (since it is heavy), a special tourniquet made of durable metal is used.
  • Gases collect inside. If the lid is open, they may ignite. Therefore, fire cannot be used.
  • Cleaning is always carried out by teams. It is impossible for a person to plunge into a well alone.
  • For carrying out processes inside the well, the required special ladder. It must be the correct length.
  • A plastic, cast-iron or any other sewer hatch opens only during daylight hours and with a special fence.
  • They go down into the sewer wells after airing and in special clothes.

It is believed that round sewer manholes are easy to purchase, since this is the most common form that has been around for many years. They are created according to a single project, so they are the same even in different regions. The demand for such a protective structure is always relevant, because there are situations when they are stolen.


Of course, the creation of special alloys for the hatch is beneficial. But an important task (especially in urban areas) is load endurance. They have a long service life, but the time comes and they need to be replaced. Even owners of private houses should create maximum protection for their septic tank. Sewer manholes are in demand, and you need to choose them depending on the purpose, taking into account the characteristics and features.

sewer manhole- this is a rather important detail that performs two functions: on the one hand, it provides access to the sewer or revision well, and on the other hand, it blocks the entrance to it, protecting the contents from damage, and the communications themselves from debris, precipitation and unauthorized entry ( let's be honest - and theft!).

Below I will briefly describe the design of sewer manholes, give recommendations for their selection, and also describe the installation algorithm.

Design overview

Main details

A hatch is a part that is placed in the upper part of the well shaft and blocks its clearance. Wherein important feature the hatch is the possibility of opening it: this is how we provide access to the objects that are located in this well.

The design of sewer manholes is not difficult:

  1. In the upper part of the well shaft there is a neck - an annular or cylindrical part, which ensures the fixation of the entire system on the base. The neck is either fixed in the ground, or (if we have white with plastic or concrete well) is attached directly to the shaft;
  2. A manhole cover is installed on the neck (it is this that is most often called a hatch). It can be removable or folding, i.e. fixed on hinges;
  3. In some cases, the hatch is equipped with two covers: a protective one is placed on top, which prevents mechanical damage to the objects located under it, and a locking one is placed in the lower part of the neck. The main function of the locking part is to block access to the well, therefore it is equipped with locks varying degrees difficulties;
  4. Standard dimensions of structures (according to GOST 3634-99) - 645 / 800 mm. Plastic and composite parts may have other dimensions;

  1. The manhole cover is usually flush with the subgrade or pavement, so that it is made into a corrugated, flat or convex surface. The grooved texture provides traction on the soles of shoes or car wheels, and the shape prevents the accumulation of rainwater: for this reason, concave lids should be avoided.

An important aspect is the shape of the hatch. Most often, such parts are made round: so the lid, no matter how you turn it, will not fall into the neck. It is also possible to install a square hatch on the well, but in this case it is advisable to take a hinged hinged model. So, in any case, you don’t have to periodically go down into the well and pull out the failed cast-iron part from there.

With lock or without lock

The lid is the most important detail hatch, and therefore the manufacturers of such parts try to fix it as firmly as possible.

However, the more reliable the fixation, the more time and effort it will take to open, so it is important to find a compromise here:

  1. A typical cast-iron hatch or a more modern composite product is completed with side protrusions. These protrusions fit into the grooves on the neck and in most cases prevent accidental displacement of the cap. Naturally, with sufficient effort, the structure opens easily;
  2. A hatch on a plastic sewer well can be threaded: the lid is simply screwed onto the neck. This fixation option is only suitable for relatively light products, since trying to twist a heavy cast-iron structure around the well neck is a dubious pleasure. And if the thread also warps, freezes or rusts ....

  1. Products installed on important objects(communication wells, central sewers, etc.) are almost always equipped with locks. The most popular are flag and spacer structures: a key is inserted into the opening of the lid, when turned, the locking elements come out of the grooves on the inside of the neck, unlocking the opening;

  1. Finally, folding models are sometimes simply equipped with external brackets: a lock is hung on the brackets, which is locked with a key.

As a rule, such a system is implemented in designs with two covers: the outer cap protects the lock from moisture and vandals.

Hatch classification

Several types of objects are used for installation on inspection and revision wells. You can compare their main characteristics in the table below:

Type Marking Purpose Cover/neck weight, kg
heavy trunk TM It is installed to block the necks of wells facing the highway. Complete with caps and necks that can withstand significant pressure. 45/50
Heavy T Standard design for installation on highways with various types of surface. Lids are resistant to pressure and dynamic loads. 50/50
Easy L Variety designed for installation on sidewalks, footpaths in green areas, etc. Also, light hatches are mounted on the territory of private households. 30/35
Repair R Temporary plug, installed in the neck of the well during roadworks. After completion of work, it is removed, replaced by a permanent hatch of one of the types described above. — / 35

However, the above classification will be important only to those who are professionally engaged in road work. Almost any light hatch is suitable for installation on its site - anyway, in 99% of cases it is positioned so as to exclude pedestrian and, especially, traffic loads.

Choosing a material

Cast iron

When choosing a hatch for a sewer well, we first of all focus on the material from which it is made. This approach is largely justified, since it is the material that determines the main properties of the product.

A brief overview of the varieties used in private households, I will start with the most popular - with cast-iron hatches.

According to GOST, hatches of this type are produced by the injection method, while the neck is made of material grade SCH15 (minimum), and the covers are SCH45 and stronger. To ensure maximum, I would recommend choosing models that are additionally sealed with a rubber ring.

The advantages of cast iron parts are as follows:

  1. Virtually unlimited service life. For several decades, at such a hatch, the edges of the notch on the lid will be erased at a maximum - and then under the condition of an intense pedestrian load;

  1. Small temperature deformation - both the cover and the neck practically do not change their dimensions, so that the road surface attached to the structure does not collapse for a long time;
  2. Corrosion resistance. Even with prolonged contact with moisture, cast iron does not rust, so there is no need for additional treatment of parts with protective compounds;
  3. Significant mass - to open the lid and gain access to the well, you need to make a lot of effort. In any case, the risk that a child will accidentally do this is minimized.

Cast iron parts also have disadvantages:

  1. A significant mass (yes, that's right - this is both an advantage and a disadvantage) complicates the installation of the product. Opening the lid is also not easy, so a quick look into the well to assess the situation will not work;
  2. Despite their heavy weight, lids are often stolen. So it is almost pointless to install such structures in an unprotected area;

  1. Finally, the disadvantages include the high price. The cost of light models starts from 2.5 thousand rubles, heavy ones - from 3 - 3.5 thousand or more.


Where it is not necessary to withstand the traffic load, cast-iron hatches are gradually being replaced by composite ones. For the production of such parts, a composition based on plastic, cement and quartz sand is used. The mixture is heated to a high temperature (300 degrees or more), after which necks and lids are stamped from it.

The production technology of composite hatches allows you to give them the desired shade. So, the product can be made green / brown so that it is as less conspicuous as possible. On the other hand, some models are specially made painted in bright colors - good visibility of structures reduces the risk of injury.

The advantages of composite material are as follows:

  1. With a relatively small weight (up to 40-50 kg with a lid), the product can withstand quite a significant load - 3 - 15 tons, depending on the model;

If strength is critical, choose products with steel reinforcement. They are heavier and more expensive, but they hold weight loads better.

  1. Hot pressing technology allows precise geometry and dimensions of parts. Thanks to this, the hatches are more airtight;
  2. The absence of metal (at least on the outside) makes the lids unattractive to vandals. Well, no one will obviously steal a composite disk weighing about 15 kg in order to somehow melt it and end up with about 2 kg of a steel bar.

Inside you can install an additional cover - this time from metal

The advantages also apply to the financial sector: the cost of a light model starts from about 1000 - 1200 rubles, which allows you to save a lot, especially if you need to arrange a large number wells.

Other products

Along with cast iron and polymer composite models, other products can be used:

  1. The polymer manhole cover is a lightweight part, ideal for installation on suburban area or in a suburban household, that is, where the pedestrian load on the cover will be minimal. Such hatches are made of PVC and reinforced with steel or composite reinforcement. The strength is quite sufficient to withstand a moderate weight;

  1. Steel products - inferior to cast iron in terms of corrosion resistance, but at the same time they are distinguished by a smaller mass. As a rule, steel products are equipped with reliable locking mechanisms and are installed where it is necessary to securely block a sewer or any other well.
  2. Concrete - just disks made of reinforced concrete with two wire "ears" for transportation. Heavy, uncomfortable, leaky (difficult to fit the shaft) and completely unattractive. Used as a temporary plug mainly during the construction phase.

It is also useful to have such a concrete disc in the barn in case the cast-iron cover is stolen.

I would describe the installation of such products as simple, but time-consuming. The installation procedure itself is quite simple, but you still have to work hard - you still need to work with heavy parts.

In this section, I will tell you how steel, cast iron and polymer-composite structures are installed with my own hands:

  1. First we need to gain access to the top of the sewer well. To do this, we excavate the soil around the perimeter, and also, if necessary, dismantle the asphalt or tile road surface;
  2. After that, we install the neck of the hatch on the upper section of the sewer well. We align the part on the plane and set it in such a way that it is located strictly at the level of the road surface;

The instruction allows the installation of hatches above ground level on lawns, in the area of ​​green spaces beyond the redistribution of footpaths and in other areas - i.e. where the risk of injury from accidental contact with the structure will be minimal.

  1. To line the neck, I usually use small pieces of brick. In this case, a gap is formed between the edge of the well and the part, which must be protected from the ingress of the solution. The easiest way to do this is to install a car chamber in the hole and pump it up: the walls of the chamber will press against the neck, and the concrete will not fall into the well;

  1. Then we prepare the solution: 1 part of M400 cement, 2 parts of sand, 3-4 parts of crushed stone or gravel, plus the water necessary to give the mixture a creamy consistency. We pour the solution into the recess along the perimeter of the installed manhole neck, taking into account the need to restore the road surface (if provided for by the project);
  2. After the initial polymerization of the solution (the process takes about an hour), we lower the chamber and remove it from the hole. With a spatula, remove excess mortar from the inside of the gap;
  3. We install a lid on the neck, after which we cover the structure with polyethylene so that it does not dry out. After polymerization of the solution, we restore the road surface.

These recommendations relate mainly to the installation of hatches on your site. On the road or sidewalk, of course, they try to minimize the drying time of the solution, therefore they use special formulations with hardeners.
Well, or they just lay asphalt faster, and therefore wonder why it sags around the neck.

If the hatch is placed with a ledge above the ground, then a blind area is arranged along its perimeter:

  1. On a circle with a radius of about 1 m, we remove the soil to a depth of about 30 - 40 cm;
  2. We fill the bottom of the recess with a layer of sand with a thickness of about 15-20 cm and carefully ram;
  3. We fill the blind area with concrete, forming a slight slope in the direction from the neck of the hatch;
  4. After polymerization of concrete, we lay about 10 cm of soil on top and return the cut turf to its place. If it was not possible to save the turf, then we simply sow the area with a lawn mixture.


To choose and install a sewer hatch correctly, it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in the field of road construction. It is enough to focus on the above recommendations, study the illustrations and videos in this article, and if you have any questions, contact me or my colleagues for advice either in the comments to the material or in the corresponding forum topic.

Arrangement sewer network on suburban area it is impossible without the installation of various wells: revision, inspection, filtering, and so on. The top of any well must be closed. To do this, use manholes sewer polymer or made of other materials. With the help of hatches you can get fast access to the inside of the well.

Types of manholes

All types of sewer hatches are divided depending on the material of manufacture. You can purchase the following products:

  1. hatches made of cast iron;
  2. plastic hatches;
  3. hatches made of composite and polymer-composite materials.

Cast iron manholes

The cast iron sewer hatch is distinguished by the following qualities:

  • durability (can serve more than 80 years);
  • high strength (withstands loads up to 90 tons);
  • resistance to large temperature changes.

The main disadvantages of hatches made of cast iron are:

  • cost, which is several times higher than the price of other types of hatches;
  • large mass, which complicates the processes of transportation and installation.

Cast iron hatches differ in:

  1. trunk - able to withstand loads up to 40t. Mostly installed on high-speed roads;
  2. heavy - designed for roads with heavy traffic;
  3. medium - used in residential areas and on yard roads;
  4. light - installed in pedestrian areas, on lawns. Light hatches withstand a load of no more than 1.5 tons.

When arranging the sewerage of a country house, it is advisable to use cast-iron hatches only on the roadway.

Plastic hatches

The plastic sewer hatch has the following advantages:

  • long service life (about 50 years);
  • high strength and wear resistance. Hatches are not affected by temperature changes and are resistant to aggressive environments;
  • light weight contributes to the possibility of self-installation;
  • large selection of colors and shapes. The plastic decorative sewer hatch is optimally suited for arranging parks and lawns.

The main disadvantage of plastic hatches is their inability to withstand heavy loads, so they cannot be installed in driveways and parking lots.

Composite and polymer-composite hatches

Composite sewer hatch can be made of:

  • fiberglass;
  • polyester resin;
  • powder filler.

Polymer-composite hatches for sewer wells are produced by pressing under the influence of temperature. Starting materials are plastic and sand.

Hatches made of composite materials have:

  • service life of more than 20 years;
  • high shock resistance temperature regime(from -60ºС to +60ºС), exposure to oil products and other harmful substances;
  • protection against the harmful effects of corrosion;
  • increased sound insulation.

Such hatches have the lowest cost, but can only be installed in places with a small load (parks, squares, lawns, sidewalks, and so on).

The choice of a certain type of hatch should be based on the load produced at the place of its installation and the price characteristic.

Rules for choosing sewer manholes

Round or square

Manufacturers of hatches for sewer wells produce several varieties of hatches. different types sewer manholes can have:

  • round shape;
  • square shape;
  • rectangular shape.

Round sewer manholes are considered the most common. The main advantages of this form are:

  • minimum consumption of materials for manufacturing, which affects the price of the product;
  • complete absence of the possibility of deformation and failure of the product;
  • better load distribution.

Square sewer manholes, as well as rectangular products, are installed in places where a specific design is required, for example pavement tiled.

An example of using a square hatch

There is no difference in the shape of the installed hatch. The choice of form is based solely on the preferences of the consumer.

How to choose a product

  1. dimensions of the manhole. The inner diameter of the sewer hatch must match the outer diameter of the well. The gap between the cover and the body of a quality product should not be more than 3mm;
  2. hatch weight. The lighter the weight of the product, the easier it will be to install it yourself. However, light hatches are not always able to withstand the required load. Thus, it is impossible to rely only on the weight of the manhole. This indicator should be considered in comparison and withstanding load;
  3. the hatch must be cast without visible defects and large cracks. A quality product allows potholes with a diameter of no more than 10mm and a depth of no more than 3mm.

Every hatch storm sewer or a sewer well must be accompanied by a product passport, which indicates information about:

  • date of technical control;
  • release date;
  • warranty period.

These simple rules will help you choose not only the right size product, but also of sufficient quality.

Installation of a sewer hatch

Any sewer hatch consists of a formwork and a cover.

Installation of sewer manholes is reduced to correct installation formwork (second name - shell). To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. it is required to provide full access to the last ring of the well. Most hatches are installed flush with the surrounding surface. You can break this rule on lawns, flower beds, that is, in places where the hatch does not interfere with the free movement of pedestrians and vehicles. To provide access to the upper well ring, excavation or removal of the asphalt (tile) coating is often required;

  1. formwork is installed and fixed on the upper ring of the well. The shell must be set strictly according to the level. Otherwise, water from the lawn or other coating will fall into the well, which is not acceptable. The formwork is fixed with metal or stone elements. Plastic sewer hatches in the formwork have special holes for the best fastening. Cast iron hatches are not equipped with such devices;

  1. formwork is poured with cement mortar. To prevent the mixture from getting inside the well, a simple device was invented. An automobile chamber is installed in the upper ring of the well and pumped up to the maximum. Such a device fits snugly against the well ring and does not allow cement mortar get inside;

  1. After the solution has completely dried, the chamber can be removed and the manhole cover can be installed.

Most modern hatches are equipped with covers that are inserted into special grooves, so it makes no sense to dwell on how to insert the cover into the groove.

The installation of a sewer hatch installed with a protrusion from the surface layer is considered to be fully completed after the blind area has been arranged around it. This device is recommended to be equipped at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m around the hatch cover.

To make a blind area, you need:

  1. take off upper layer soil around the sewer manhole at the required distance;

When removing the soil, it should be taken into account that the blind area should be made with a slight natural slope in the direction opposite to the well.

  1. at the bottom of the prepared pit, a sandy base is laid out and compacted;
  2. the remaining distance is filled with durable concrete.

Decoration of manholes

A do-it-yourself sewer hatch can not only be installed, but also decorated. This is especially true for products located in the green zone.

Decoration options can be:

  • artificial stones that can be purchased for little money in specialized stores. Such a stone, empty inside, is simply installed on the manhole cover. The material from which the boulders are made is durable. It does not deteriorate from impact. sun rays, heavy rainfall, snow. Due to the light weight of the product, it can be easily removed and at the right time to carry out all the necessary work with the well;

  • flowerbed covers. Some manufacturers produce flower bed covers. Such products are usually made of polyethylene. A special recess is erected on top of the usual manhole cover, which can be filled with earth and planted annual plants or fall asleep decorative stones. Flowerbed covers can serve not only reliable protection for the well, but also as original decorative elements.

With any decoration of the sewer manhole, do not forget about the purpose of the device. It is recommended to avoid strong blockages, as they may interfere with the timely cleaning of the well or other work.

Sewer manholes are designed to protect various types of wells from foreign objects, including people, from exposure to precipitation. By installing a hatch on the well, at any time you can access the inside of the well and make necessary actions such as cleaning.

The choice of sewer hatches must be approached carefully, relying primarily on the place of their installation and the load produced. Almost all hatches in the suburban area can be installed on their own. With skillful decoration and right approach to the question, sewer manholes can turn into beautiful design elements.

GOST 3634-99

Group G21




Access manhole covers and storm-flow receivers for manholes. technical requirements

OKS 91.140.70
OKSTU 4859

Introduction date 2001-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by OAO "Kirovskiy Zavod" (Kaluga Region), State Enterprise CNS and a group of specialists

INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) on December 2, 1999

voted to accept

State name

Name of the state body
construction management



Republic of Armenia

Ministry for Coordination, Territorial Administration and Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus (Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus)

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Construction Committee of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazstroykomitet)

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry environment and improvement of the territories of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Architecture and Construction (Goskomarchitektstroy of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

(Amendment. IUS N 3-2016).

3 INSTEAD OF GOST 3634-89, GOST 26008-83

4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on January 1, 2001 as a state standard Russian Federation Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated October 17, 2000 N 105

THE AMENDMENT IS MADE, published in IUS N 3, 2016

Amended by database manufacturer



The standard for manholes and stormwater inlets is developed on the basis of the European standard EN 124-1994* "Manholes and manholes for motorways and pedestrian areas. Design requirements, testing, marking, quality control" and complies with it in part technical requirements, including loads, applied materials, test methods and markings.
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned hereinafter in the text can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site - Database manufacturer's note.

The standard lists the types of hatches, strength loads that hatches must withstand and installation locations that are identical to the European standard: hatch L - class A15; hatch C - class B125, etc. This relationship is reflected in the symbol of hatches and storm water inlets: hatch L (A15); rainwater inlet DM1 (S250). The dimensions of the storm water grating grooves and their location in relation to the curb stone are harmonized with the EN 124-1994 standard.

The following took part in the development: M.Yu. Smirnov, S.V. Tsygankov (JSC "Kirovskiy Zavod", Kaluga region), V.A. GP CNS), Yu.M. Sosner.

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to hatches of wells and chambers (hereinafter referred to as hatches) of underground engineering urban communications: thermal, gas and cable networks, water supply, sewerage, as well as to storm sewer storm water inlets (hereinafter referred to as storm water inlets) designed to receive surface sewage and atmospheric precipitation .

Gutter gratings made in accordance with this standard cannot be installed in the floor of premises and on the roof of buildings.

2 Normative references

GOST 380-94 * Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Stamps
GOST 380-2005

GOST 1412-85 Cast iron with lamellar graphite for castings. Stamps

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 26358-84 Cast iron castings. Are common specifications

GOST 26645-85 * Castings from metals and alloys. Dimensional tolerances, weights and allowances for machining
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 53464-2009 is valid, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms apply with their respective definitions.

manhole- construction in the form of a chamber or shaft for access to channels with underground utilities

Stormwater (rainfall) well- a chamber or shaft for receiving surface sewage and atmospheric precipitation into a storm sewer system

manhole hatch- the upper part of the manhole cover, mounted on the supporting part of the chamber or shaft and consisting of a body and a cover

Storm water inlet- the upper part of the overlap of the storm well, consisting of a body and a grate

Air vent- an opening in the manhole cover of a manhole, designed for ventilation of a chamber, mine or underground channels

Full hatch opening- the diameter of the circle that can be inscribed in the opening of the hatch body or storm water inlet

4 Types, basic parameters and dimensions

4.1 Types, main parameters and dimensions of hatches, their installation location are indicated in Table 1 and in Appendix A.

The type of hatch is selected depending on the installation location.

Table 1

Type (designation
to EN 124)


full opening,
not less, mm

Installation depth of the cover in the housing, not less than, mm

Weight total, reference, kg


Lightweight sunroof

Green space, pedestrian zone


Light hatch


middle hatch

Parking lots, sidewalks and roadways in city parks


heavy hatch

City highways with heavy traffic


Heavy main hatch

Trunk roads


Super heavy hatch

Repair insert

Hatch bodies of types C (B125) and T (C250) with repair work on the roads (when increasing the height roadbed)

* For underground utilities with a channel depth of up to 600 mm from outer surface hatch covers.

4.2 By execution, hatches are subdivided:

1 - general purpose (Appendix A, Figure A.1);

2 - with a locking device on them (Appendix A, Figure A.2). The design of the locking device is agreed with the consumer;

3 - having a recess in the cover structure for filling with concrete of a class not lower than B30 (Appendix A, Figure A.3);

4 - with a device for lifting the cover using a standard lifting mechanism. The design of the device must be agreed with the consumer;

5 - with reinforced sealing of the hull with anchor bolts or special lugs on the hull (Appendix A, Figure A.4). The design of anchors, tides and their number (at least two) is agreed with the consumer;

6 - with a cover consisting of two parts (Appendix A, Figure A.5);

7 - with a cover hinged to the body;

8 - with square or rectangular shape covers and (or) manhole bodies.

4.3 Types, main parameters and dimensions of storm water inlets, their installation location are indicated in Table 2 and in Appendix B.

The type of grille is selected depending on the installation location.

table 2

Type (designation according to EN 124)


Clear area, not less than, m

Lattice installation depth in the housing, not less than, mm

Weight total, reference,

Rain collector small

Pedestrian zone

Large storm water inlet

Parking lots and roadways of city roads


Main storm water inlet

High traffic highways


Heavy duty storm water inlet

Zones high loads(airfields, docks)


On roads (airfields) with longitudinal slopes:

* DB1 - 0.005;

** DB2 - 0.005.

4.4 According to the design, storm water inlets are divided into:

1 - from minimum width the supporting part of the body along the contour (Appendix B, Figure B.1);

2 - with a minimum width of the longitudinal supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb (Appendix B, Figure B.2);

3, 4, 5 - with a minimum width of the longitudinal supporting part of the body adjacent to the curb of the road, and one right (version 2) or left (version 3), or both (version 4) short sides;

6, 7 - with a minimum width of the short supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb (version 5), or both short sides (version 6);

8 - with a single housing for two gratings (Appendix B, Figure B.3);

9 - with reinforced sealing of the hull, for which the latter is equipped with anchor bolts or special lugs on the hull (Appendix A, Figure A.4). The design of anchors, tides and their number (at least two) are agreed with the consumer;

10 - with a lattice hinged to the body.

4.5 The symbol of a hatch or storm water inlet should consist of the word "Hatch" or "A storm water inlet", its type, version or several versions, overall dimensions of the manhole in centimeters and the designation of this standard.

Additionally in symbol hatch, the designation of engineering networks is introduced for which the hatch is intended: B - water supply; G - fire hydrant; K - household and industrial sewerage; D - rain sewerage, TS - heating network, GS - gas network, GKS - urban cable network (including GTS - as agreed with the customer).

Examples of symbols:

light hatch for the water supply network with a square cover and a manhole size of 60x60 cm

Luke L(A15)-V. 8-60x60 GOST 3634-99;

middle manhole for sewerage with a locking locking device and a manhole diameter of 60 cm

Hatch C(B125)-K.2-60 GOST 3634-99;

repair insert for a heavy hatch of any design and names of engineering networks with a manhole diameter of 60 cm

Repair insert R.T-60 GOST 3634-99;

large storm water inlet 2 with a minimum width of the longitudinal supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb, with a hole size of 30x50 cm for roads with a longitudinal slope of 0.005

Storm water inlet DB1(V125)-2-30x50 GOST 3634-99.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Manhole hatches, repair inserts and storm water inlets must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

5.2 Characteristics

5.2.1 Castings must not have defects that reduce their strength. Castings must comply with the requirements of GOST 26358.

On the surface of the castings, shells with a diameter of not more than 10 mm and a depth of not more than 3 mm are allowed, occupying no more than 5% of the surface of the castings. Cracks are not allowed. On the lower supporting surface of the housings, inner surface manhole covers and storm water gratings, slag inclusions are allowed, occupying no more than 10% total area surfaces.

5.2.2 Tolerances of castings must correspond to: dimensions - not lower than the 10th accuracy class according to GOST 26645, weight - the 11th accuracy class.

5.2.3 The upper surfaces of hatch covers of all types shall be embossed. Relief height should be for types:

LM(A15), L(A15), S(B125) and T(S250)

TM(D400) and ST(E600)

The surface area of ​​the convex relief must be not less than 10% and not more than 70% of the total surface area.

The configuration of the relief is set by the manufacturer and must be determined taking into account the magnitude of the rated load, as well as the manufacturing technology.

5.2.4 The design of hatches shall provide for at least one depression or opening intended for the possibility of opening the cover.

5.2.5 Manhole covers, repair inserts and gratings of storm water inlets shall freely fit into their respective housings. The gap between them along the perimeter should not exceed 3 mm per side.

5.2.6 Manhole covers (except for water hatches) must have a hole with a diameter of at least 20 mm for sampling the gas contamination of wells.

5.2.7 Manhole covers, repair inserts and gratings of storm water inlets should fit snugly against the corresponding bearing surfaces of their bodies. The flatness tolerance of their supporting surfaces should not exceed 2 mm.

5.2.8 Hatches of types T(S250), TM(D400), ST(E600), the corresponding repair insert and storm water inlets of types DM(S250), DS(D400) must have an elastic gasket between the cover and the body or provide for machining of both mating supporting surfaces. The design, dimensions of the elastic gasket and methods of its fastening are determined by the manufacturer. It is allowed to install several (instead of one solid) elastic gaskets, provided that the lid does not swing. The hardness of the elastic gasket must be at least 40 units. by Shore.

5.2.9 The grooves in the gratings must be evenly distributed over the area of ​​the grating of the storm water inlet. The area of ​​the grooves must be at least 30% of the net area of ​​the grating of the storm water inlet and must be indicated in the accompanying documentation for the storm water inlets.

5.2.10 The grooves of gratings of types D(A15) and DB(V125) shall have the following dimensions, respectively:

width from 8 to 18 mm, length is not limited;

width over 18 to 25 mm, length not over 170 mm.

The dimensions of the grooves of the DM(S250) and DS(D400) gratings depend on the orientation of the longitudinal axes of the grooves in relation to the traffic in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3


Width, mm

Length, mm

0 to 45° and
from 135 to 180°

All types

16 to 32

45 to 135°

16 to 42

No limit

5.2.11 The bearing surface of the housing shall be designed in such a way that the pressure on the bearing surface when the rated load is applied does not exceed 7.5 MPa.

5.2.12 The design and dimensions of the locking devices for hatches of manholes, hinged joints of hatch covers and gratings of storm water inlets are determined by the manufacturer in agreement with the consumer.

5.3 Requirements for raw materials, materials, purchased products

Cases, covers, repair inserts of hatches, cases and gratings of storm water inlets are made of gray cast iron of a grade not lower than SCH20 according to GOST 1412. It is allowed to change the brand of cast iron, providing the rated load. In addition, it is allowed to manufacture hatch bodies of types LM (A15), L (A15) and storm water inlets of type D (A15) from polymeric materials and cast iron in combination with concrete. Internal locking devices of hatches are made of steel grade not lower than St3 according to GOST 380 with anti-corrosion coating.

5.4 Completeness

Hatches and storm water inlets are supplied as a complete set or as separate parts.

5.5 Marking

5.5.1 On the outer surface of hatch covers of all types and gratings of storm water inlets, a symbol shall be cast, except for the words "hatch", "storm water inlet" and "repair insert" and the trademark of the manufacturer. Name designation engineering network placed on the center line. The month and year of manufacture are cast on the inner surface of manhole covers and gratings of storm water inlets. The dimensions of the markings are determined by the manufacturer.

5.5.2 Hatches and storm water inlets shipped to the consumer must be accompanied by a passport. The passport contains:

name of the manufacturer or its trademark;

symbolic designation of the product;

the number of products in the lot;

guarantee period;

date of acceptance by technical control;

shipment date.

5.6 Packaging

Hatches and storm water inlets are packaged in bags on pallets. By agreement with the consumer, other types of packaging are allowed to ensure the safety of products during transportation and storage.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance of hatches and storm water inlets of all types, repair inserts (hereinafter referred to as products) is carried out in batches. The batch size is equal to the shift output.

6.2 Products must be subjected to acceptance, periodic and type tests.

6.3 During acceptance tests, the appearance of products, the mechanical strength of covers and gratings should be checked. Each hatch and storm water inlet is subjected to a check in appearance; checking for mechanical strength manhole covers and gratings of storm water inlets are subjected in the amount of 3% of the batch, but not less than two pieces.

6.4 Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for mechanical strength during acceptance tests, a second check is carried out for this indicator of a double number of products. The results of the re-inspection apply to the entire lot and are final.

6.5 During periodic tests, check the dimensions, weight of product parts, deviations from the flatness of hatch covers and gratings of storm water inlets and their bodies on at least three products from a batch that have passed acceptance tests, at least once a year, and also after each replacement of technological equipment.

6.6 Type tests are carried out to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of changes in design or manufacturing technology that may affect specifications products.

Tests are carried out on product samples, the design of which has been amended on the basis of temporary documents.

Types and scope of type tests are determined by the manufacturer.

6.7 The user has the right to conduct a control check of the compliance of all types of hatches, repair inserts and storm water inlets with any requirement of this standard, observing the above sampling procedure and control methods.

7 Control methods

7.1 The dimensions of manhole hatches, storm water inlets and repair inserts are checked with universal or special tools, as well as templates.

7.2 Control appearance hatches, storm water inlets and repair inserts are carried out by external inspection.

7.3 The mass of hatch covers, hulls and other parts is determined by weighing on a scale with an error of not more than 0.5 kg.

7.4 The flatness tolerance of the manhole cover or grating of the storm water inlet is determined on the calibration plate using a set of feelers.

7.5 The mechanical strength test is carried out on a press that provides the required force. The press must be equipped with a steel punch. Punch dimensions are given in Appendix B.

For testing, the hatch or storm water inlet is installed on the press frame, while their supporting surfaces must be adjacent to the frame along the entire supporting surface.

The load on the manhole cover or the grating of the storm water inlet must be applied exactly in the middle through a soft pad with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The press force is uniformly increased at a rate of up to 5 kN/s until the rated load is reached. The test load is maintained for at least 30 s.

A hatch or a storm water inlet is considered to have passed the test if no damage (cracks, spalls) is detected.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Hatches and storm water inlets are transported by any type of vehicle in accordance with the transportation rules applicable to this type of transport. When transported by road, hatches may not be packaged. In this case, the loading should be uniform and exclude the possibility of moving the load and damaging it.

8.2 Products must have transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192.

8.3 Hatches storage conditions - according to GOST 15150 group Zh 1.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of hatches, storm water inlets and repair inserts with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

9.2 Warranty period of operation - 3 years from the date of putting the products into operation, but not more than 5 years from the date of shipment by the manufacturer.

1 - lid; 2 - frame; 3

Figure A.1 - General purpose hatch

1 - frame; 2 - lid; 3 - locking mechanism

Figure A.2 - Hatch equipped with a locking device

1 - lid; 2 - concrete; 3 - frame

Figure A.3 - Hatch with a lid having a recess for filling with concrete

Figure A.4 - Reinforced sealing of the hatch body

1 - lid; 2 - frame

Figure A.5 - Hatch with two-piece cover

1 - lid; 2 - frame; 3 - base surface

Figure B.1 - Storm water inlet

Figure B.2 - A storm water inlet with a minimum width of the longitudinal supporting part of the body adjacent to the road curb

Figure B.3 - Drain inlet with a single body for two gratings

APPENDIX B (mandatory). Dimensions of punches depending on the full opening of the hatch


In millimeters

Full opening of the hatch (PO)

Punch dimensions

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Gosstroy of Russia, GUP TsPP, 2000

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Modern life cannot be imagined without basic household amenities. Very important element modern comfort is the presence of water in the house.

The process of installing a sewer system is not very complicated. However, it requires attention and responsibility in the choice of materials, so that later you do not have to carry out costly rework.

The device of the sewer hatch is simple. It consists of a shaft, a working room, a hatch. Availability required closing cover.

All parts of the sewer hatch are interdependent. The working room depends on the type of underground utilities. Depth lines of communications affects the depth of the room. Height does not exceed 1.8 meters.

The shaft is a pipe with a diameter of 0.7 meters. Its depth depends on the depth of the working room. For arrangement sewer well use brickwork, plastic containers , reinforced concrete rings . There must be a ladder to descend.

Types of sewer wells

The main purpose of sewer manholes is injury prevention, accidents and debris getting inside. Also, if necessary, they serve for free access to underground utilities for the purpose of control or repair.

For safety reasons, the sewer well must be should be closed. Forms of hatches are produced square, oval, rectangular, convex, flat. Concave does not exist. Most often found round. In any position round cap won't fall in. Also important is the convenience of transportation - you can roll.

In some American cities, there are triangular manholes indicating the direction of water in the sewers. But because of their lack of security are gradually being replaced by regular ones.

Sewer manholes are usually heavy, from 50 kg and higher. This is necessary to prevent self-opening sunroof on the roadway. All hatches, without exception, have a ribbed surface for greater grip on the surface of the soles of shoes and car tires.

Sometimes there is a very interesting decorative marking hatches. What causes increased interest of collectors from all over the world.

For the manufacture of hatches are used various materials, but the classic option is cast iron.

Cast iron manholes

Pig-iron hatches differ in durability, durability. The service life is not less than 80 years old. Withstand loads up to 90 tons. Resistant to temperature changes. The disadvantage is high price. But given that such a hatch will last a fairly long period, then the amount is quite justified.

Depending on the scope of application, there are 4 types of cast-iron hatches:

  1. Trunk. Withstand loads up to 40 tons. Are established on high-speed roads and highways.
  2. Heavy (own weight reaches 180 kg), used on highways, roads with heavy traffic.
  3. Medium cast-iron sewer manholes. Withstand loads up to 12.5 tons. Installed in residential areas with little traffic.
  4. Light sewer hatches. The recommended load for this type of hatch is no more than 1.5 tons. Mounted on lawns, sidewalks, pedestrian areas. The weight of the hatch itself does not exceed 65 kg.

When installing a sewer in a private house, a cast-iron hatch is mounted only on the roadway. In all other places, it is recommended to use lighter models made from other materials.

Due to the frequent theft of cast-iron hatches, very popular polymer sand, plastic, concrete, composite, rubber sewer coverings.

IN landscape design, mainly applied decorative hatches. From a simple graphic drawing to imitation of natural stone, decorative stump, sculpture.

Plastic hatches

Plastic hatches are durable, environmentally friendly. Have light weight, resistant to temperature changes. Wide range of colors. Unlike cast-iron hatches, it is excluded risk of sparks. Unsuitable for scrapping, they are not stolen. The cost is much lower than cast iron. The disadvantages include the inability to withstand big loads. But these hatches are installed on footpaths, in parks, then this drawback can be considered very conditional. This a good option when installing sewerage in a private house.

Composite and polymer-composite hatches

Composite hatches. They are made of fiberglass, polyester resins, powdered filler. Have light weight, withstand at least 40 tons. They also have a long service life. Resistant to temperature changes do not lose color. The cost is lower than cast-iron hatches, but more expensive than plastic ones.

Polymer-composite hatches (polymer-sand). Manufactured by the method hot pressing from plastic bottles and sand. Such hatches have a number of advantages, namely:

But, with obvious positive qualities also have some disadvantages. Cannot withstand heavy loads 70% sand. It is recommended to install polymer-sand manholes in pedestrian areas and parks. If the sunroof is installed in places prone to snow drifts, use reinforced type, to facilitate the search with a metal detector.

There are 3 types of polymer-sand manholes:

  1. Type L (light). Maximum load 6 tons. Are established in parks, pedestrian zones, on a personal territory.
  2. Type C (medium). Withstand loads of 12 tons. Mounted in parking lots, carriageway of the street.
  3. Type T (heavy). Permissible load 25 tons. This allows you to install such hatches on all engineering communications and city roads. Not suitable for installation on highways.

Scope and safety

Install sewer manholes on wells underground utilities: gas, heat, water supply, sewerage, cable networks.

differ in design the type of communications passing under them (sewage, storm water, cable, pipeline sewage) and the material of manufacture.

Scope of sewer manholes marked with a label. The most famous are V, GV (city water supply), PG (fire hydrant), K (sewerage), T (telephone network), etc.

Also often found schematic notation. Lightning is an electrical network, telephone - respectively, a telephone network.

Most hatches have opening hole with a hook. If there is no such hole, then a handle is welded on top of the lid, which is cut off after opening.

Holes are allowed in sewer, water, storm hatches. Hatches of electric networks, telephone communication are issued without holes.

Due to frequent thefts, manholes are often are poured concrete mortar or they are additionally closed with plastic covers, locks are installed, mainly on telephone communications. IN Lately, modern hatches issued with loops like doors. It's almost impossible to open them.

Sewers of cable communications have two covers at once - protective and locking, which has a lock and is under protective.

Sewer systems perform all the necessary functions to maintain comfortable life. But one control and repair is not enough. Open hatches carry great danger. They cause accidents and even death. Therefore, when an open hatch is detected, it is necessary install a fence and mark the place with flags. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a high stick inserted into the hatch.

The most dangerous are storm and water sewers. They are very deep (6 meters) and, as a rule, with protruding fittings inside.

According to statistics, the highest percentage of injuries occurs among children. It is very important to explain to the child how dangerous games near and on manholes.

If it becomes necessary to lower workers into the well, all safety measures must be observed. First, with a lamp you need check the well for the presence of gas. If there is hydrogen sulfide or methane, then the light from the lamp will decrease. Gasoline vapors change color to blue. Carbonic acid puts out the light. All light gases are removed with ventilation. The removal of heavy gases requires the use of special equipment.

When descending into the well, the worker must have everything necessary equipment. It is forbidden to smoke near open sewers and light a fire. Work is allowed only in a mask and no more than 10 minutes without a break.