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» Letter of recommendation from an employer to a speech therapist. How to write a letter of recommendation

Letter of recommendation from an employer to a speech therapist. How to write a letter of recommendation

Nowadays, not everyone is interested in a sample letter of recommendation for an employee, since such information is not key about the applicant. At the same time, the presence of such a document demonstrates the positive aspects of the employee.
If written correctly, the letter will be a great addition to your resume, increasing your likelihood of landing a good position.

About letters

In our country letter of recommendation from work was not distributed for certain reasons:
. Availability of a work book - a document mandatory for everyone, which indicates the reasons for dismissal from previous jobs. If this happened for reasons negative for the employee, the letter is unlikely to improve the situation.
. A letter of recommendation does not affect the authority of the person or company on whose behalf it is written. This makes it possible to provide any letter the applicant needs, which may not always correspond to reality.

Most often, international companies, where such practices are common, are asked to provide this type of description.

The Labor Code states that the applicant has no right to require documents other than those established by law. And this list does not include a sample letter of recommendation for an employee. At the same time, the employer may well ask for a reference, resume or other documents.

If this happens, there is no need to take the request with hostility: such a strange reaction will allow the recruiter to assume that the applicant is incompetent. About half of modern companies pay attention to the presence of a letter of recommendation, and about 40 percent of HR employees consider it a strong argument in favor of one of the candidates under consideration.

Presenting a resume at an interview has become a common practice, since in this way the “headhunter” can quickly weed out those who are obviously unsuitable for the applied position.

And in order to select the best candidate from relatively equal ones, a letter of recommendation may be required. This complements the summary of the resume by describing the candidate's strengths and giving insight into his or her personality.

Who is compiling

The receiving party prefers that the letter be drafted by a person occupying the highest possible position. This means that getting a document signed by the head of the department is better than getting a document signed by a colleague, but worse than getting a document signed by the director.

It is even better that as many former leaders as possible give former employee letters of recommendation.

What must be specified

A sample letter of recommendation for an employee usually only provides general recommendations, as a result, the person responsible for writing comes up with the one that is suitable for the particular case. However, it must include:

Personal qualities of the employee.
. Successes and personal achievements.
. Description of experience gained and existing skills.
. Length of work in this company and projects in which he took part.

There are no style or minimum length requirements for writing. However, it is not advisable to adhere to a strictly business style or to use artistic expressions, slang words or vernacular words.

Often those who are competent to write such documents suggest that the employee compose a letter for himself, citing lack of time. They offer to provide a sample letter of recommendation for an employee or help with advice, but nothing more.

This is an irresponsible and unprincipled request, illuminating the “responsible” the best side. In addition, not every person is ready to praise himself. However, if there is no choice, you will have to do it.

Document structure

In the upper right corner you should indicate either the details of the company to which the applicant is sent, or leave a note such as “to the interested organization”, “present at the place of request” and others. This line does not affect the meaning or effectiveness of the letter.

Below in the center is the title of the document. To understand how to write a letter of recommendation, you should know about the structure of its body. It is divided into conditional parts:

Introduction. It must contain the data of the recommender, indicating not only the full name, but also the position, career relationship to the recommended one (mentor, colleague, manager). Be sure to indicate how long the joint activity with the employee lasts.

Main part. First of all, it is necessary to indicate the professional qualities of the applicant. After this, they write down his position, responsibilities, tasks performed, projects in which he participated, awards received and achievements achieved. A bonus for the employee is an indication of the place his personal professionalism occupies in the overall success of the enterprise. It is equally important to characterize moral qualities employee. This may include a responsible attitude to business, initiative, the ability and desire to work as a team, communication skills, a tendency to lead, and resistance to stress. Although this assessment is subjective, it allows the representative of the future employer to decide whether the applicant can fit into the existing team at the enterprise.

Conclusion. This part should summarize what has been said, reflecting your opinion on the reasons why you consider the candidate suitable for a particular position. There is no need to indicate the reason why the employee left the company - if necessary, he himself will tell the employer about it.

A sample of this document is easy to find. You can download it and leave it in the instructions for the future or search for it every time new sample, receiving relatively various options. It is worth remembering the “grading” of persons certifying documents: a letter of recommendation to a seller can be written by a merchandiser, store director, supervisor, etc., while, for example, a branch manager should turn to the director of the chain for recommendations.


Phrases that are most often used in such documents will help make writing a letter easier.

During the period of work in the organization Ivanov I.I. showed himself to be a _________ worker. In place of the space, you can specify the following characteristics:
. pedantic;
. punctual;
. conscientious;
. executive;
. responsible;
. proactive;
. hardworking;
. successful;
. independent;
. sociable, etc.

. Enjoys well-deserved respect from colleagues and authority.
. Proficient in sales techniques.
. Knows the consumer market very well.
. Knows how to negotiate.
. Managed to increase sales.
. He has a long experience in this position.
. Has excellent organizational skills.
. Managed to implement new technology.
. Successfully completed assigned projects.

Worker without outside help, completely independently performed duties on time and in accordance with requirements. The high-quality performance of his duties enabled Ivanov I.I. get a new position in __ years.

Bottom line

A correctly and competently written letter to a job seeker helps to find a job faster, increasing his competitiveness.

At the same time, for the employer it is a kind of guarantee of the “quality” of the applicant, confirming his value as a specialist capable of bringing the greatest benefit to the company.

The letter of recommendation contains brief description professional skills, achievements of a person, his main successes during study or work, strengths. With the help of recommendations, the employer can see a clearer picture professional activity candidate, find out the opinion of him as an employee from people who worked or studied with him. Not all employers require a letter of recommendation, but when looking for a new job, it is better to make sure that it is available and, like the letter, attach it to it - this will give greater credibility to the applicant’s candidacy.

For a university graduate, a person without work experience, the recommender can be a teacher, head of the department, dean of the faculty, for a person with work experience - his immediate supervisor, director of the organization or a colleague (occupying a higher position) at a previous workplace.

First, the title of the document is indicated.

After this, you can indicate the appeal if the letter of recommendation from work is drawn up for a specific employer. The appeal need not be used if it is made for any potential employer.

This is followed by information about where and when the applicant worked (studied), and who he was related to the recommender. For example, if the recommender is an immediate supervisor, you can indicate: “Mr. Komarov worked at Lavanda LLC under my leadership from May 12, 2011 to August 10, 2013,” if a colleague, then: “I collaborated with Mr. Komarov from May 12, 2011 to August 10, 2013, etc.

Then we're talking about about positions held, functional responsibilities, professional skills, achievements and successes, personal qualities of the applicant.

The next part of the letter directly presents the recommendations and wishes of the recommender (example text of a letter of recommendation: “Mr. Komarov’s professionalism allows us to recommend him for further work in a similar position. I hope that the acquired knowledge and skills of working in our company will allow Mr. Komarov to be a sought-after employee. I wish him further success and prosperity in creative activity»).

Whenever possible, this letter is certified by the signature of the head of the company or personnel department and the seal of the company.

When looking for a new job, a letter of recommendation from a previous employer will be a huge plus for a job seeker. For a potential employer, the letter is a guarantee that the applicant left a good impression of himself at his previous job.

This special kind document characterizing the employee. A former employer writes a letter of recommendation to provide for a new job.

When submitting documents to new job, it is attached to the applicant’s resume and other documents required for employment. The letter indicates not only professional knowledge and skills, but also personal ones related to the implementation of assigned tasks. The work for the previous period is also assessed and recommendations are made.

Substance of the document

For employers, this non-official document is an absolute plus when considering a potential employee. It is drawn up at the request of the dismissed person - this is not a mandatory procedure, the employer may refuse to draw it up. To avoid such a situation, you should not conflict with your superiors. This fact is a guarantee positive feedback about your work.

It is drawn up by the immediate supervisor, head of a department or division. In some cases, the recommendation is completed by a secretary or HR employee.

As stated above, the recommendation available upon request. To get it you must write an application addressed to your boss with a request to issue a letter of recommendation.

This fact can be disputed, since Labor Code The Russian Federation has established an exhaustive list of documents required when applying for a job.

How to compose correctly

Since the form of the letter is not established by law, Each employer draws up a document in any form. The main thing is that it complies with the rules of the Russian language and office work, and is correctly compiled.

The document should be concise, strictly to the point, without any introductory words or deviations from the topic. Special terms and rude slang expressions cannot be used.

Special terms can be inserted if really necessary.

In the document such information is indicated, How:

  • name of the employing organization that draws up the document;
  • its logo, if any;
  • individual taxpayer number - organization;
  • contact information about the company (legal address, phone number, email address or website page address, etc.);
  • date and place of document preparation;
  • last name, first name, patronymic and position of the person who made this recommendation;
  • last name, first name, patronymic and position of the person in respect of whom the recommendation is being made;
  • the main characteristics of the person being dismissed, his professional and business qualities, his performance, responsibility, diligence, learning ability, etc.;
  • information about dismissal, its reasons.

It also makes no sense to provide knowingly false data and information. When such facts are revealed, not only the reputation of the person looking for work, but also the organization that issued the document will suffer.

You can compose it like on the form and on simple sheet A4, in printed or written form. If the letter is printed on a computer, then it is necessary to align it in width, set line spacing, and indent it. If it is filled out by hand, then be sure to leave a red line, it will go beyond the conventional boundaries, etc. The presence of the organization’s stamp does not required condition, but a signature is required.

We bring to your attention a video that shows how to write a letter of recommendation.

Regulatory regulation

Although the document is not official, approved by legislative acts, it must still meet the requirements of business records management. This kind of documents is regulated by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 N 65-st “On the adoption and implementation of the state standard Russian Federation"(together with GOST R 6.30-2003. State standard Russian Federation. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements").

Sample letter

Savage LLC

INN 6487008525

Atkarsk 03/29/2018

For employers:

I confirm that Mikhail Vladimirovich Sergeev worked under my leadership at Savage LLC as a call center operator from 02/14/2015 to 04/25/2017.

Thanks to his responsible approach to business and leadership qualities, by order dated April 26, 2017, Sergeev M.V. transferred to the position of head of the outgoing calls department. And until March 28, 2018, he was in this position, showing himself to be exceptionally good.

Obtaining recommendations for potential new employees is a fair desire of employers when searching for candidates for vacant positions. Sometimes it is written in the text of the vacancy as a request, and then it is better to try to ensure its availability among other documents provided to the employer. The employer cannot refuse a candidate due to her absence, but there will be those applicants who will fulfill this request, and their chances of getting a new position will be much higher.

In contact with

A recommendation from a place of work is a review provided to an employee by an employer in order to confirm seniority in the organization and describe professional skills and personal characteristics specialist, demonstrated in the performance of his official duties.

It can be provided orally and in writing. In the first case, HR managers independently contact the recommender, asking him questions about the candidate. In the second, the time for the recruiter to obtain additional information about the applicant is significantly reduced, since it is received in the form of a letter of recommendation.

For an employer, receiving a recommendation can be either a pure formality or a significant stage in the selection of candidates. Thanks to her, the future employer makes conclusion about the reliability of the applicant and the absence of conflicts at previous places of work, because a brawler or a slacker is unlikely to be able to receive recommendations, and even on official letterhead with the organization’s seal. At the same time, recruiters understand that with current technical capabilities, you may be faced with providing a high-quality fake, but this can be easily verified with one call to the company.

For an applicant, a letter of recommendation from an employer is an excellent addition to a resume, since it is not his personal assessment of his own professional qualities, A opinions of those who worked with him when solving real work problems.

Recommendation-characteristics can be drawn up by different specialists of the enterprise. But it is important for the employee that it is signed by the immediate supervisor. The higher the status of the recommender, the greater the weight and significance of the presented characteristic. Have the greatest value letters signed by top officials organization or CEO. But not everyone has the opportunity to get them.

Recommendations for top managers provided by colleagues of equal status look illogical. Also, reviews received from managers under whose direct subordination the specialist has never been will have less weight.

How to write a letter of recommendation so that it is favorably received by the addressee? There are two main forms of letters depending on who exactly is the object of the characterization: either the employee or the organization itself.

Typically, the document is drawn up on the letterhead of the company indicating its details. But there are some cases when the recommender may be a private person. In this case, there may be no form as such, and the author himself chooses the form for presenting information. Most often, this option is used when it is necessary to provide protection to a well-known person.

A letter of recommendation (a sample is given below) from one organization to another is of particular importance at the beginning of cooperation, when sending commercial proposals, in order to confirm the quality of the services provided.

To characterize the company, a review from an ordinary buyer can be used - individual. An example of this is the reviews on the pages of online stores, which are written by people solely at their own request and in free form, containing information about the quality of service and recommendations for cooperation.

Design rules

  • use of the official letterhead of the organization;
  • indication of the organization's details;
  • presence of a signature indicating the position, surname, first name and patronymic of the recommender.

Most often, a characteristic recommendation is drawn up without specifying a specific company, in which it will be presented in the future. Therefore, instead of filling out the right side of the form indicating the recipient’s details, the standard phrase “For presentation at the place of requirement” is written.

Letter structure

Uniform requirements There is no recommendation regarding the structure of the provided recommendation. Each employer draws it up at its own discretion, and sometimes creates a form of letter of recommendation - sample for structural units to facilitate the task of providing references to resigning employees.

The document may include the following sections:

  1. The general part with the details of the enterprise.
  2. Introductory information about the company and confirmation of the employee’s period of work.
  3. The main part with the employee's characteristics.
  4. The final part with praise and compliments.
  5. Visa of the person providing the information.

What to include in a letter

The main task of the introductory part is to confirm the fact that the specialist works in the organization. To do this you can specify:

  • period of cooperation;
  • position and structural unit in which the employee worked;
  • information about the immediate supervisor;
  • information about internal movements indicating a specialist’s career growth.

In the main part you must provide description of the specialist’s qualities. What can be included in the characteristics:

  1. Key functions of the position in which the specialist worked, or areas of his responsibility.
  2. The results he achieved, his effectiveness.
  3. Professional competencies that allowed us to achieve results.
  4. Personal properties that influenced interaction in a team and are necessary for interaction, for example, with company partners.
  5. If necessary, you can indicate the reasons for the specialist’s dismissal.

When preparing this part of the text, the question often arises whether it is necessary to write about what skills the employee needs to develop further. Of course, this is left up to the author, but it is important to understand that a characterization that is too smooth and “combed” can be alarming due to its ideality. If a decision was made to reflect not only best quality employee, then the information can be presented in the form brief description possible development prospects, for which the employee has all the capabilities.

In the final part, it is necessary to confirm your readiness to recommend a specialist for consideration for a vacancy, compliments about the employee’s qualities. It is appropriate to supplement this section with the contact information of the recommender and express readiness to provide verbal explanations and additions if necessary.

Example of a letter of recommendation

In order to simplify the task of preparing recommendations, we provide examples of letters of recommendation for an employee from his previous place of work (sample) and for the company.

Ivan Arkadyevich Smirnov worked at Commerce Center LLC as a key account manager in the Sales Department under the leadership of the head of the sales department, Natalya Ivanovna Guryanova, from 02/10/2015 to 01/22/2017. Having joined the company as a sales manager, a year later he was transferred to the position of key account manager.

Ivan Arkadyevich performed the tasks of supporting the company’s key clients. Created commercial proposals, conducted presentations and negotiations with heads of sales departments of client companies, prepared proposals to expand the range, was responsible for the timeliness and quality of shipments, and successfully resolved issues related to accounts receivable from partners. During his work, he regularly fulfilled sales plans.

Ivan is a leader in the team, has a calm and non-conflict character, and knows how to provide support to his colleagues.

The specialist left the company due to at will in connection with moving to a new place of residence.

I recommend Ivan Arkadyevich for consideration for the position of manager or leading specialist in working with key clients. I am sure that he will be able to contribute to the development of the business of the company where he will be hired. If necessary, I am ready to provide Additional information by phone +7 (xxx) xxx-xxx-xx or I will answer your request by e-mail: [email protected].

Head of Sales Department of Commerce Center LLC Guryanova N.I.

Business LLC has been working with Consult LLC since 2011. During our cooperation with the company, 12 projects were completed in the field of describing our company’s business processes, developing regulations and procedures for processes, and assessing the qualifications of our company’s personnel.

Consult LLC is a professional team of consultants capable of solving complex problems within the time limits specified in the contract. Thanks to completed projects, our organization was able to make changes to its work processes, which allowed us to increase business efficiency, change staff motivation, and create a personnel reserve for the company.

CEO Business LLC Kulikov Ilya Mikhailovich

Applicants are not always able to provide written recommendations and therefore provide contact information for references to provide verbal feedback. However, there are times when companies refuse to provide information over the phone, and the HR manager has to send an official request to receive data.

In order to do this, it is necessary to clarify email address employee who could characterize the candidate and send a written request. It is acceptable to send it using fax.

When applying in writing, you must indicate:

  • Goal of request;
  • the name of the vacancy for which the applicant is being considered;
  • the range of questions that need to be answered;
  • words of gratitude for the time spent providing information;
  • contact information for sending a response to the request.

Important! Do not ignore the received request, rules business etiquette require employers to prepare a written review for an employee who has moved to a new job and send it in response to the request received.

Preparing letters of recommendation requires some preparation, but is not overly challenging task. The main thing is to decide what information needs to be reflected in the document, and remember that the provided characteristics will help the employee find a job and continue his career Professional Development and realize ambitions.

If you need to write or receive letter of recommendation sample the composition of which you want to find, for example, on the Internet and cannot do this, then this article is just for you. Below we will answer the question of why a letter of recommendation is needed at all, how to write it correctly and what is best reflected in it.

Letters of recommendation are, from a legal point of view, nothing more than a relic of the past. No employer has the right to demand the provision of such a letter, much less put it forward as mandatory requirement during employment.

A letter of recommendation is a free-form description that reflects the professional qualities of the applicant. Such a letter is drawn up at the place of the citizen’s previous work or at the place of his training and reflects important qualities for the employer that the former employer or educational institution is ready to attest to.

For sample letter of recommendation does not exist (if we talk about an established model, or the most common applicable form). Since this paper is for informational purposes only, when writing a letter you should be guided by standard rules used when writing business letters. Such rules include the use of a business style of speech (excluding artistic, non-meaningful phrases that are used to decorate speech), compliance with the requirements for addresses (you, colleague, partner, etc.), indicating a specific originator, certification of the document signature of the person who compiled it.

So, as we said above, such papers are drawn up locally former job or the applicant's studies. Upon registration sample letter of recommendation it is not necessary to follow. However, in very general terms sample letter of recommendation, looks something like this:

  1. In the upper right corner, the specific employer for whom the applicant expects to work is indicated (if he is known), and if unknown, then the purpose of the letter can be indicated - “for presentation at the place of request”;
  2. In the middle of the sheet the name is indicated: “LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION”;
  3. What follows is the direct text of the letter, which may be something like this: “I (full name) during the period of time from “__”______20__. by "__"_____20__ was the leader of Ivanov I.I. During this period, Ivanov I.I. held the position of __________. In his job responsibilities included the following responsibilities:______________. In the course of professional activity in the specified position, Ivanov I.I. mastered the following skills:___________. During his time at Lyutik LLC, Ivanov proved himself to be a positive side, as further evidenced by such successes and achievements as ___________.”;
  4. The next part of the letter usually indicates the reasons for dismissal from the previous job;
  5. The information part of the letter ends with a subjective assessment of the applicant’s professional qualities. the former employer expresses his opinion about the employee. Talking about sample letter of recommendation, then its ending looks something like this: “In view of the above and guided by our own assessment of Ivanov I.I.’s professional qualities, we note his full compliance with his previously held position and readiness to perform similar duties in the future. We wish Ivanov I.I. further professional success and improvement in the chosen area of ​​activity";
  6. At the very end, the signature of the official who compiled the letter of recommendation and the date of compilation are placed.

Most often, the letter of recommendation contains the signature of the applicant’s immediate supervisor (this may be the head of a department, branch, or structural unit). Currently, in view of the development and expansion of the powers of personnel services and the so-called “personnel managers,” there is a tendency to draw up such documents directly by them.

If the letter of recommendation is not drawn up at the applicant’s former place of work, but, for example, at the place of his studies, then the student usually has to sign letters of recommendation from the head of the department, the dean or (much less often) the rector.

If the applicant has attended any preparatory courses or additional education (advanced training) courses, then drawing up and signing a letter of recommendation falls on the shoulders of the head of these courses.