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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» A collection of poems and stories about professions. We study various professions together with children

A collection of poems and stories about professions. We study various professions together with children

Everyone is familiar with this children's rhyme. The counting rhyme has a simple continuation: choose any title and continue the game. Life, baby, is not that simple. Well, think for a minute, who will you really be when you grow up? A king? King? - I would probably like to, but - alas!.. What if I become a shoemaker? Or a tailor?

How hard do you have to work? different people so that everyone has a table and a home, books and clothes and many other useful things. People simply obtain some useful things from nature. But people don’t use natural things very often these days. Almost all useful things these days they make themselves from different materials. To useful thing to do it, you need to select the appropriate material and tools. It also takes skill and time. In general, it's time to talk about professions.

Once upon a time, people lived only in warm countries. They took refuge in caves from bad weather and enemies. These ancient people dressed in palm leaves or animal skins, obtained food in the forest or in the water. They cooked food over a fire. In those ancient times, people did not yet know how to make things from natural materials useful things, tools and machines. There were no craftsmen or workshops then. There were no professions in those ancient times.

Nowadays there are a lot of professions. There are so many that it’s impossible to list them all. But we will not do this. We will tell you only about the most important and necessary ones.

History of professions

The first king appeared in Rus' 600 years ago. His name was Ivan III. Letters and books have been preserved from those ancient times. Here are the professions they call: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, armorer, gardener, huntsman, fisherman, pipe maker, sexton, miller, duck maker, falconer, gardener, carpenter, silversmith, stoker, sufferer, merchant, cloth maker.

It is clear what the shooter, cook, gardener, fisherman, miller, gardener, carpenter, silversmith, merchant, mason did. But what did the pipe maker, the clerk, the duck maker, the falcon maker, the armor maker, the bread maker, the sufferer, the pischalnik and the pearl maker do? Probably even mom and dad don’t know about these professions! Professions such as doctor, pharmacist and engineer with an assistant are also mentioned in ancient letters. They write that Tsar Ivan the Terrible invited these masters from England.

In the old days, people took pride in craftsmanship. In the old days, people didn’t go to the other end of the city to work, but lived where they worked. The streets were named according to the craftsmen's occupations. In ancient cities there were Oruzheinye, Myasnitsky, Kuznetsky streets. These ancient names are still preserved in Moscow. Sometimes entire cities were named after the profession of their inhabitants. For example, the town of Bronnitsy near Moscow!

Now all professions cannot fit on one porch. There are already many thousands of them. And new ones appear all the time. Many professions are now taught in special institutes. (But first you still need to finish school!)

Profession They call something that is done every day and that is useful for other people. The profession requires special training. Each such case has its own rules. For example, a carpenter must know how to hold a plane and how to remove chips. The violinist has different rules. A violinist needs to be able to hold a bow in his hands, not a plane. Of course, the violin is made of wood, but it is not the shavings that need to be removed from it. The violinist moves the bow along the strings and produces musical sounds.

Each profession has its own tools (like a carpenter has a plane, and a musician has a bow). Some professions require very complex machines. For a pilot - an airplane, for a captain - a ship, for a scientist - a computer.

How to choose a profession?

It is very important that you enjoy the work. Only then can you become a master of your craft.

Let's say a person loves nature. Then he will like the work of a geologist, agronomist, gardener, vegetable grower, veterinarian, shepherd, milkmaid, farmer, fish farmer, forester, game warden or biologist. Almost everyone who later chose such professions loved all living things as children. Were young people. They collected collections. Grown at home or in the garden and beds cultivated plants. Took care of pets.

Another person is interested in everything related to people. Such a person likes to be a tour guide, teacher, nanny, coach, educator, waiter, salesman, cashier, investigator, judge, librarian. Nowadays there is new profession- manager.

What about technology? Isn't this interesting? There are so many important and useful things to do for those who love cars and mechanisms! Technology is a very complex and responsible matter. You need to know the technique very well. In skillful hands, any machine or mechanism is a wonderful helper. In the wrong hands, this is a terrible evil. There are many different professions in technology.

It's one thing to process materials. To do this you need to know everything about the properties of this material. Need to be able to use suitable tools. Metals are processed by turners, drillers, and millers. Joiners and carpenters process wood. Leather is produced by tanners. Spinners make thread from cotton, wool and silk. Weavers make fabrics from these threads... And all these professions are related to technology!

And how many professions are there where you have to collect something useful from finished parts! This is an activity that many kids enjoy. Very little children collect pyramids from colored rings. Older children play with construction sets. Children love to collect pictures from colored pieces. Adult assemblers assemble houses and bridges from huge parts. They are helped by huge tower cranes and other machines. A watch assembler sits in a cozy chair and assembles a very precise mechanism from tiny parts - a watch. Assembly mechanics assemble cars, tractors and machine tools.

What about work in transport? There are so many professions here that it’s impossible to count them all. Drivers, tractor drivers, carriage drivers, pilots, captains transport people from place to place by road, by air and by water. And there are also such mobile machines as excavators, bulldozers and combine harvesters! Each such machine must be known well so that it is useful and does not cause harm.

What if one of these machines fails? Who will treat her? Doctor? Vet? Well, of course not! There are repairmen and adjusters for this.

And isn’t modern electronic technology interesting? Who among the guys does not dream of operating a computer or even spaceship? Have you probably already tried turning on the TV or radio? Who repaired this equipment after you? Do not know?

There is also a very complex and interesting technique For scientific work. Microscope, for example. You can even see one molecule in it. Or a telescope. You can see the most distant star through it.

But let’s leave technology aside for now... All children love to dream, listen to fairy tales, and draw everything in the world. There are many adult professions where it is not immediately clear what a person is doing. He sits at his desk. Nearby is a sheet of paper and a pencil. No animals, no plants, no machines, no other people. And the man is busy. He works, as they say, by the sweat of his brow. What is he doing? What kind of profession is this - sitting at a table? Maybe this is a writer, or maybe an accountant or a cryptographer. You can't guess it just by looking at it!

There are a lot of such professions. To make things work, you need a very precise plan. And a very accurate calculation. Nowadays people are helped to make plans and carry out calculations special machines- computers. They are even called “artificial brains.” Programmers help operate these machines.

There are a lot of professions - thousands! But among them there are several dozen that people especially value and respect. One day a year is considered a holiday for such professions!



Tell children about professions

“On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor - who will you be?”

Everyone is familiar with this children's rhyme. The counting rhyme has a simple continuation: choose any title and continue the game. Life, baby, is not that simple. Well, think for a minute, who will you really be when you grow up? A king? King? - I would probably like to, but - alas!.. What if I become a shoemaker? Or a tailor?

How hard different people have to work so that everyone has a table and a home, books and clothes and many other useful things. People simply obtain some useful things from nature. But people don’t use natural things very often these days. These days they make almost all useful things themselves from various materials. To make a useful thing, you need to select the appropriate material and tool. It also takes skill and time. In general, it's time to talk about professions.

Once upon a time, people lived only in warm countries. They took refuge in caves from bad weather and enemies. These ancient people dressed in palm leaves or animal skins and obtained food in the forest or in the water. They cooked food over a fire. In those ancient times, people did not yet know how to make useful things, tools and machines from natural materials. There were no craftsmen or workshops then. There were no professions in those ancient times.

Nowadays there are a lot of professions. There are so many that it’s impossible to list them all. But we will not do this. We will tell you only about the most important and necessary ones.

History of professions

The first king appeared in Rus' 600 years ago. His name was Ivan III. Letters and books have been preserved from those ancient times. Here are the professions they call: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, armorer, gardener, huntsman, fisherman, pipe maker, sexton, miller, duck maker, falconer, gardener, carpenter, silversmith, stoker, sufferer, merchant, cloth maker.

It is clear what the shooter, cook, gardener, fisherman, miller, gardener, carpenter, silversmith, merchant, mason did. But what did the pipe maker, the clerk, the duck maker, the falcon maker, the armor maker, the bread maker, the sufferer, the pischalnik and the pearl maker do? Probably even mom and dad don’t know about these professions! Professions such as doctor, pharmacist and engineer with an assistant are also mentioned in ancient letters. They write that Tsar Ivan the Terrible invited these masters from England.

In the old days, people took pride in craftsmanship. In the old days, people didn’t go to the other end of the city to work, but lived where they worked. The streets were named according to the craftsmen's occupations. In ancient cities there were Oruzheinye, Myasnitsky, Kuznetsky streets. These ancient names are still preserved in Moscow. Sometimes entire cities were named after the profession of their inhabitants. For example, the town of Bronnitsy near Moscow!

Now all professions cannot fit on one porch. There are already many thousands of them. And new ones appear all the time. Many professions are now taught in special institutes. (But first you still need to finish school!)

Profession They call something that is done every day and that is useful for other people. The profession requires special training. Each such case has its own rules. For example, a carpenter must know how to hold a plane and how to remove chips. The violinist has different rules. A violinist needs to be able to hold a bow in his hands, not a plane. Of course, the violin is made of wood, but it is not the shavings that need to be removed from it. The violinist moves the bow along the strings and produces musical sounds.

Each profession has its own tools (like a carpenter has a plane, and a musician has a bow). Some professions require very complex machines. For a pilot - an airplane, for a captain - a ship, for a scientist - a computer.

How to choose a profession?

It is very important that you enjoy the work. Only then can you become a master of your craft.

Let's say a person loves nature. Then he will like the work of a geologist, agronomist, gardener, vegetable grower, veterinarian, shepherd, milkmaid, farmer, fish farmer, forester, game warden or biologist. Almost everyone who later chose such professions loved all living things as children. Were young people. They collected collections. Cultivated plants were grown at home or in the garden and beds. Took care of pets.

Another person is interested in everything related to people. Such a person likes to be a tour guide, teacher, nanny, coach, educator, waiter, salesman, cashier, investigator, judge, librarian. Nowadays, a new profession has appeared - manager.

What about technology? Isn't this interesting? There are so many important and useful things to do for those who love cars and mechanisms! Technology is a very complex and responsible matter. You need to know the technique very well. In skillful hands, any machine or mechanism is a wonderful helper. In the wrong hands, this is a terrible evil. There are many different professions in technology.

It's one thing to process materials. To do this you need to know everything about the properties of this material. You need to know how to use the right tools. Metals are processed by turners, drillers, and millers. Joiners and carpenters process wood. Leather is produced by tanners. Spinners make thread from cotton, wool and silk. Weavers make fabrics from these threads... And all these professions are related to technology!

And how many professions are there where you have to assemble something useful from ready-made parts! This is an activity that many kids enjoy. Very little children collect pyramids from colored rings. Older children play with construction sets. Children love to collect pictures from colored pieces. Adult assemblers assemble houses and bridges from huge parts. They are helped by huge tower cranes and other machines. A watch assembler sits in a cozy chair and assembles a very precise mechanism from tiny parts - a watch. Assembly mechanics assemble cars, tractors and machine tools.

What about work in transport? There are so many professions here that it’s impossible to count them all. Drivers, tractor drivers, carriage drivers, pilots, captains transport people from place to place by road, by air and by water. And there are also such mobile machines as excavators, bulldozers and combine harvesters! Each such machine must be known well so that it is useful and does not cause harm.

What if one of these machines fails? Who will treat her? Doctor? Vet? Well, of course not! There are repairmen and adjusters for this.

And isn’t modern electronic technology interesting? Which kid doesn't dream of controlling a computer or even a spaceship? Have you probably already tried turning on the TV or radio? Who repaired this equipment after you? Do not know?

There is also a very complex and interesting technique for scientific work. Microscope, for example. You can even see one molecule in it. Or a telescope. You can see the most distant star through it.

But let’s leave technology aside for now... All children love to dream, listen to fairy tales, and draw everything in the world. There are many adult professions where it is not immediately clear what a person is doing. He sits at his desk. Nearby is a sheet of paper and a pencil. No animals, no plants, no machines, no other people. And the man is busy. He works, as they say, by the sweat of his brow. What is he doing? What kind of profession is this - sitting at a table? Maybe this is a writer, or maybe an accountant or a cryptographer. You can't guess it just by looking at it!

There are a lot of such professions. To make things work, you need a very precise plan. And a very accurate calculation. Nowadays, special machines - computers - help people make plans and carry out calculations. They are even called “artificial brains.” Programmers help operate these machines.

There are a lot of professions - thousands! But among them there are several dozen that people especially value and respect. One day a year is considered a holiday for such professions!

It is common to think that career guidance is a matter of the distant future, if we're talking about about younger children. Certainly, children about professions they talk about it in kindergarten and at school, and parents answer their questions on this topic from time to time, but many still cannot say who and where their father and mother work.

In fact, if you systematically talk with your child about what professions there are in the world and why they are interesting, this will help develop his horizons, speech, and awaken interest in various types activities.

It is important for children to understand that there are no “bad” and “good” professions, “necessary” and “unnecessary” - they are all important and benefit people. It’s just that each person needs to choose what he likes, get the appropriate education and get to work.

How did professions appear?

Telling children about professions, it must be said that they did not appear immediately. At first, people lived on their own, existing as best they could. They wore the skins of killed animals, roasted their meat at the stake, made arrow and spear tips from the bones, etc. Everyone created it for themselves and their families. No one was doing this professionally.

But many, many years passed, and six centuries ago Tsar Ivan III began to rule in Rus'. In the documents preserved from those times, the names of professions remain. So we learned that even then there were shooters, and cooks, and gardeners, and millers, and carpenters, who still exist today. But pipe-makers, duck-makers, armor-makers, sufferers, pishchalniks, and barn-makers have become history.

Previously, the work that a person did was not called a profession. Each had mastery in some area, which was passed on through generations. And the craftsmen worked where they lived. Hence the names of the streets where the craftsmen lived: Armory, Kuznetskaya, Plotnitskaya.

Today, entire cities have names associated with professions: for example, the city of Bronnitsy near Moscow.

Gradually, the concept of a profession was formed as a matter that is useful for oneself and others, which needs to be specially trained, and then follow its rules. For example, a firefighter must understand how to act in case of a fire, and a doctor must understand how to treat illnesses.

To help people called professionals, special devices were created: machines, machines, musical instruments, high-precision computers, etc.

How to choose a profession?

When talking with children about professions, you can also mention how people understand what they want to do in their lives. Just like in ancient times, today they also strive to get a profession related to what they like:

  • those who love animals receive specialties as a veterinarian, livestock breeder, dog handler, zoologist, etc.
  • educators, teachers, children's doctors are those who want to take care of the younger generation
  • those who like to design, invent, come up with new mechanisms go into science or production and become scientists, engineers, mechanics, designers, etc.

It’s good if there are relatives in the family who will talk to the child about their professions in a language he understands and answer his questions.

Nowadays, children's interest in professions is formed at special exhibitions, where in interest groups children can try themselves as cooks, and design a model of the car of the future, and make crafts with their own hands. Typically, such exhibitions are perceived by children very emotionally and help awaken their interest in various professions.

To the kindergarten program and extracurricular activities at school must be included in the city's enterprises. Many impressions remain after visiting bakeries, where children are treated to the freshest baked goods, as well as enterprises where their parents work.

In some cities, career guidance programs “Young Railwaymen”, “Young Traffic Police Assistants”, “Young Firemen”, etc. have been implemented. An additional benefit from them is learning the rules of the road, as well as developing respect for professions. After participating in these programs, many children dream of connecting their destinies with these professional fields in the future.

So there are many ways to tell children about professions, and parents are able to help the child get involved early enough in the business to which he, perhaps, will devote his life.

Children grow up quickly and ask more and more questions every day. And I really want to tell them everything as interesting and colorful as possible! This time we will try to tell children about professions. There are a lot of them, they are all interesting, but we will try to explain to children what a profession is and tell them about the main professions.

So, we tell children about professions with the help of a fairy tale!

A Tale of Lost Professions

There lived two little girls - Katya and Lera. They were sisters and were very curious. Every day they asked their mom and dad so many questions that they simply did not have time to answer them:

- What for?

- And why?

And that’s why mom and dad called them why. And then one day the little girls were walking in the yard and playing happily. Katya took out the candy she had taken with her from home from her pocket, unwrapped it, quickly put it in her mouth and threw the candy wrapper on the ground. Lera, seeing how cheerfully the wind picked up the piece of paper and carried it onto the road, did the same with her candy wrapper. The girls laughed merrily and wanted to continue their game of catch-up, but then they saw how some old man in a smeared apron and with a broom in his hands picked up the candy wrappers they had thrown and sadly shook his head:

- Is it possible to do this? - he asked. Which one of you will grow up?

- I will be a princess! – Katya said

- And I will be a princess! – Lera confirmed.

“Every girl dreams of becoming a princess...” answered the old man. But what use are princesses? You would better think about what profession you will choose for yourself when you grow up.

- Profession? - Katya asked - what is this? Is she tasty? Big? Why is it called that?

—You don’t know what a profession is? – the old man was surprised. But you are already so big! Every person in this world benefits others by doing their work. Doctors treat sick people, drivers drive buses, hairdressers give people beautiful hairstyles and cut their hair...

But the old man did not have time to finish; the girls interrupted him in unison:

- Fiiii... this is boring! We will have fun and play and order everyone around!

The old man shook his head sadly again and tapped his broom on the ground three times, and then said the magic words:

Spin the whole world in place,

The winds blow above me,

Let professions be like animals

Every single one of them will run away!

And at that moment everything began to spin around the girls - houses, trees, and even swings from the playground were flying. Katya and Lera covered their eyes with their palms out of fear and huddled close to each other. When everything was quiet, they opened their eyes and saw that everything was in its place, but something was wrong.

There was a lot of garbage on the street, there was a terrible smell...

“Eww...” said Lera. – Why doesn’t anyone clean here?!

“Yes,” answered Katya, “there’s definitely no place for princesses here!”

And the girls decided to go home - they no longer wanted to play. But an unpleasant surprise awaited them at home - the house was somehow different - it was all cracked, ugly, as if no one had renovated it for a long time.

- Mom, can we have something tasty? – Lera asked.

“Alas,” said mom. You know that all professions have disappeared in our city. Nobody bakes sweet buns anymore because the baker has completely forgotten how to bake. And no one works at the chocolate factory anymore - all the confectioners have forgotten how they made chocolates and candies. And you can’t buy anything else in the store - there are no more sellers there, and it was closed. People have forgotten how to do useful things, they have forgotten their professions.

- But won’t we be able to buy anything now? – Katya was surprised.

“We can’t…” Mom sighed sadly. After all, for the store to start working again, a salesperson is needed - a person who will sell what is in the store, take money from customers and give them what they want, and put goods on the counter. And there’s nothing left to sell. We used to have a baker - he baked delicious pies and buns, various breads.

- And he walked around in a white cap and apron! – Katya finished for her.

“Yes,” my mother answered. - but he no longer knows how to do this - his profession has disappeared somewhere. And the driver, who drove the car and brought groceries to the store, forgot how to drive. He can't bring anything.

Katya and Lera got upset and went for a walk - after all, it was boring at home. The city has become completely different. No one swept the paths, no flowers grew in the flower beds, there were broken swings on the playground and no one repaired them.

Doctors no longer visited the sick. After all, being a doctor is also a profession. It is the doctor who cures all diseases - and sore throat, and a runny nose, and if someone gets hurt. Doctors always rushed to help those who were sick, and when help was needed very urgently, they came in a special car, which was called an “ambulance.” The girls knew all this, and remembered that there was always a red cross painted on that car. But only now they realized that a doctor is a necessary and useful profession, without which it is very bad.

Buses no longer traveled around the city - all people had to walk, no matter how far they had to get. After all, the driver’s profession has also disappeared. Yes, these are the same drivers who drive buses every day and transport many people around the city.

But the worst thing was that the teachers in the school also disappeared. kindergarten, and teachers - there was no one else to teach children useful things and literacy. After all, a teacher is also a profession. Teachers teach children to count, read, write, tell them about how our world works, what it was like before, and much more. And the teachers teach the little ones simple, but very the right things- sculpt, draw, learn rhymes, dance, and even just behave correctly both at the table and while walking.

Katya and Lera looked at each other and realized that they had done a great stupidity and offended that old man. After all, professions are really important and necessary, and every profession must be respected.

- What kind of profession is a princess? – Lera asked Katya.

“I don’t know...” answered Katya. - This is probably a useless profession. And in vain we chose her...

- But how can I get everything back now? After all, it is because of us that all people have forgotten how to do their jobs! – Lera asked.

“Maybe we just need to correct our mistake?” Do you remember how mom and dad always said that if you did something wrong, you just need to ask for forgiveness and correct your mistake? - Katya answered

- Yes exactly! – Lera agreed. Let's run quickly! We need to find that old man!

The girls ran back to the yard, but the old man was not there. Only mountains of garbage - after all, few people save the work of the janitor, and many simply throw garbage on the ground.

Katya and Lera saw their candy papers lying among all this garbage. Lera picked up her piece of paper, threw it into the trash can, and said:

- But when I grow up, I will become a cook!

- Why a cook? – Katya asked, throwing her piece of paper into the trash can.

— Because I want to cook delicious food for everyone!

- This is cool! - said Katya. - And I will be an artist and will draw the most beautiful pictures so that everyone's home is beautiful!

And then a miracle happened. Everything around began to spin and spin again, and a minute later everything came back as if nothing had happened.

And the girls joined hands to go home and help their mother cook and clean the house. They no longer wanted to be princesses, they realized that there are many interesting and useful professions, and every child and adult can choose the one that he likes the most. But the most important thing is that every profession benefits other people!

This is how, with a fairy tale, you can tell children about professions in an interesting and relaxed way. And, you see, there is something here to think about and talk with the child, starting with an elementary question for the child: “What professions do you know?”

And to complete the topic “children about professions” I would like to add a few poems (this time the author is not me :)), which will help you more fully reveal this interesting topic to children:



We offer materials that will help introduce children to various professions. The child will be able to get acquainted with the characteristics of professions and find out when people in certain professions celebrate their professional holidays.

“On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor - who will you be?”

Everyone is familiar with this children's rhyme. The counting rhyme has a simple continuation: choose any title and continue the game. Life, baby, is not that simple. Well, think for a minute, who will you really be when you grow up? A king? King? - I would probably like to, but - alas!.. What if I become a shoemaker? Or a tailor?

How hard different people have to work so that everyone has a table and a home, books and clothes and many other useful things. People simply obtain some useful things from nature. But people don’t use natural things very often these days. These days they make almost all useful things themselves from various materials. To make a useful thing, you need to select the appropriate material and tool. It also takes skill and time. In general, it's time to talk about professions.

Once upon a time, people lived only in warm countries. They took refuge in caves from bad weather and enemies. These ancient people dressed in palm leaves or animal skins and obtained food in the forest or in the water. They cooked food over a fire. In those ancient times, people did not yet know how to make useful things, tools and machines from natural materials. There were no craftsmen or workshops then. There were no professions in those ancient times.

Nowadays there are a lot of professions. There are so many that it’s impossible to list them all. But we will not do this. We will tell you only about the most important and necessary ones.

History of professions

The first king appeared in Rus' 600 years ago. His name was Ivan III. Letters and books have been preserved from those ancient times. Here are the professions they call: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, armorer, gardener, huntsman, fisherman, pipe maker, sexton, miller, duck maker, falconer, gardener, carpenter, silversmith, stoker, sufferer, merchant, cloth maker.

It is clear what the shooter, cook, gardener, fisherman, miller, gardener, carpenter, silversmith, merchant, mason did. But what did the pipe maker, the clerk, the duck maker, the falcon maker, the armor maker, the bread maker, the sufferer, the pischalnik and the pearl maker do? Probably even mom and dad don’t know about these professions! Professions such as doctor, pharmacist and engineer with an assistant are also mentioned in ancient letters. They write that Tsar Ivan the Terrible invited these masters from England.

In the old days, people took pride in craftsmanship. In the old days, people didn’t go to the other end of the city to work, but lived where they worked. The streets were named according to the craftsmen's occupations. In ancient cities there were Oruzheinye, Myasnitsky, Kuznetsky streets. These ancient names are still preserved in Moscow. Sometimes entire cities were named after the profession of their inhabitants. For example, the town of Bronnitsy near Moscow!

Now all professions cannot fit on one porch. There are already many thousands of them. And new ones appear all the time. Many professions are now taught in special institutes. (But first you still need to finish school!)

Profession They call something that is done every day and that is useful for other people. The profession requires special training. Each such case has its own rules. For example, a carpenter must know how to hold a plane and how to remove chips. The violinist has different rules. A violinist needs to be able to hold a bow in his hands, not a plane. Of course, the violin is made of wood, but it is not the shavings that need to be removed from it. The violinist moves the bow along the strings and produces musical sounds.

Each profession has its own tools (like a carpenter has a plane, and a musician has a bow). Some professions require very complex machines. For a pilot - an airplane, for a captain - a ship, for a scientist - a computer.

How to choose a profession?

It is very important that you enjoy the work. Only then can you become a master of your craft.

Let's say a person loves nature. Then he will like the work of a geologist, agronomist, gardener, vegetable grower, veterinarian, shepherd, milkmaid, farmer, fish farmer, forester, game warden or biologist. Almost everyone who later chose such professions loved all living things as children. Were young people. They collected collections. Cultivated plants were grown at home or in the garden and beds. Took care of pets.

Another person is interested in everything related to people. Such a person likes to be a tour guide, teacher, nanny, coach, educator, waiter, salesman, cashier, investigator, judge, librarian. Nowadays, a new profession has appeared - manager.

What about technology? Isn't this interesting? There are so many important and useful things to do for those who love cars and mechanisms! Technology is a very complex and responsible matter. You need to know the technique very well. In skillful hands, any machine or mechanism is a wonderful helper. In the wrong hands, this is a terrible evil. There are many different professions in technology.

It's one thing to process materials. To do this you need to know everything about the properties of this material. You need to know how to use the right tools. Metals are processed by turners, drillers, and millers. Joiners and carpenters process wood. Leather is produced by tanners. Spinners make thread from cotton, wool and silk. Weavers make fabrics from these threads... And all these professions are related to technology!

And how many professions are there where you have to assemble something useful from ready-made parts! This is an activity that many kids enjoy. Very little children collect pyramids from colored rings. Older children play with construction sets. Children love to collect pictures from colored pieces. Adult assemblers assemble houses and bridges from huge parts. They are helped by huge tower cranes and other machines. A watch assembler sits in a cozy chair and assembles a very precise mechanism from tiny parts - a watch. Assembly mechanics assemble cars, tractors and machine tools.

What about work in transport? There are so many professions here that it’s impossible to count them all. Drivers, tractor drivers, carriage drivers, pilots, captains transport people from place to place by road, by air and by water. And there are also such mobile machines as excavators, bulldozers and combine harvesters! Each such machine must be known well so that it is useful and does not cause harm.

What if one of these machines fails? Who will treat her? Doctor? Vet? Well, of course not! There are repairmen and adjusters for this.

And isn’t modern electronic technology interesting? Which kid doesn't dream of controlling a computer or even a spaceship? Have you probably already tried turning on the TV or radio? Who repaired this equipment after you? Do not know?

There is also a very complex and interesting technique for scientific work. Microscope, for example. You can even see one molecule in it. Or a telescope. You can see the most distant star through it.

But let’s leave technology aside for now... All children love to dream, listen to fairy tales, and draw everything in the world. There are many adult professions where it is not immediately clear what a person is doing. He sits at his desk. Nearby is a sheet of paper and a pencil. No animals, no plants, no machines, no other people. And the man is busy. He works, as they say, by the sweat of his brow. What is he doing? What kind of profession is this - sitting at a table? Maybe this is a writer, or maybe an accountant or a cryptographer. You can't guess it just by looking at it!

There are a lot of such professions. To make things work, you need a very precise plan. And a very accurate calculation. Nowadays, special machines - computers - help people make plans and carry out calculations. They are even called “artificial brains.” Programmers help operate these machines.

There are a lot of professions - thousands! But among them there are several dozen that people especially value and respect. One day a year is considered a holiday for such professions!

Introducing primary schoolchildren to professions

About professions with love

Time flies tirelessly

Life passes by like the shadow of clouds.

More expensive than all awards and prizes

Words of love from my students.

They come from their hearts

Speaking of pure feeling...

They are with me - and I immediately believe

That life is not lived in vain!

Currently, the issue of forming and developing a successful personality that confidently adapts to the changing conditions of the modern world is becoming increasingly relevant.

Preparing schoolchildren to make an informed choice of profession seems to be one of the important tasks schooling and education. Career guidance work today - an integral part of programs to improve the quality of education. Modernization concept Russian education for the period until 2020 provides for “the development of specialized training, including expanding opportunities for professional training of students with an increased emphasis on socialization, development of abilities and competencies.”

The question “Who should I be?” is vital. The answer to it has an impact on a person’s future life. Properly constructed career guidance work can solve many problems. Since the list of proposed professions is large, it is important not to get confused, find your place in the world of professions, and realize your capabilities. So, there are a great many professions. There are those who are especially attractive in terms of earnings - economist, banker, oil engineer, producer. There are professions “for the soul” that do not pay as much money, but give satisfaction to ambitious ambitions - actor, TV presenter, manager. But what if you are not Mozart, whose musical abilities manifested themselves at the age of three, and not Karl Bryullov, who entered the Academy of Arts at the age of nine, not Edison, who made his first inventions as a boy, and not the father of cybernetics Norbert Wiener, who entered science since childhood and told about it in the book “I am a child prodigy”?

So that students learn to understand themselves, objectively evaluate their success in different types activity, it is necessary to start this work from the youngest school age.

The purpose of career guidance in primary school :

  • expanding knowledge about the world of professions and developing interest in knowledge and the world of work, through the organization of a variety of leisure and research activities;
  • expanding initial ideas about the role of work in people’s lives, about the world of professions and providing students with the opportunity to “try on various professions” in a game situation;
  • development of motivation for study and work through a system of active methods of cognitive and career guidance games;
  • Identification of general trends in the development of a child’s abilities in joint activities with parents and teachers;
  • Development of children's creative abilities in the process of learning about professions.

The problem in elementary school is that lessons about learning about professions within school curriculum occupy a small part. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adult life, already in elementary school it is necessary to introduce him to the maximum number of professions, starting with his immediate environment, that is, the professions of people they know well, whose work children observe every day.

Have I, a teacher with extensive experience, ever thought about the importance of this problem? No. The decision came later. Much has to be done in the process of working on this problem.

I started getting acquainted with the professions in my class in 2010–2011 academic year. In 2011 – 2012 I continued this work. The children of my class got acquainted with 9 different professions: pastry chef, long-distance sailor, pilot, kindergarten teacher, architect, geologist, journalist, doctor, polar explorer.

The first professions that a child learns about are the professions of his parents and those people he often encounters in life. Everyday life. The child observes every day how people work and what they do at work. Parents usually talk about their work only in the most general terms, without overloading the child with unnecessary information, so random details are sometimes presented essential feature professional activity parents. Outer side The activity of adults remains more significant for children than its meaning.

The words “work, work, at work” are one of the first words in a child’s vocabulary. He knows that if mom is not at home, it means she has gone to work. Dad should not be disturbed when he is working. You need to work in order to have money with which people buy everything necessary for life: food, clothes. Medicines, etc. All adults must work; Only sick and elderly people who have already retired do not work. The children don't work either, but they go to school first. kindergarten, and then to school to learn and choose a profession.

It often happens that a child continues to do what his parents did - a “working dynasty.” To navigate the world of adult professions, to understand what you like to do and why. It’s good to observe adults’ work in advance. A person who loves to work lives a joyful life, loves when the work turns out well and brings joy to others.

In my career guidance work, I used a wide variety of forms of work: meetings with parents, with people interesting professions, master classes, creating presentations about various professions, competitions, drawing exhibitions, reading books, cool watch, quizzes, creating a poetry album “All works are good, choose to your taste”, “Wise thoughts about work and choosing professions” and other types of work.

Excursions to enterprises,

Class hour “About professions with love”

Tasks: arouse children's interest in the world around them,

expand knowledge and understanding of professions;

enrich lexicon, develop coherent speech;

What is a profession?

Do you know what a profession is?

Profession Let's remember some of them together. (Children's answers)

Every morning, the adult members of your family go to work. Tell us what their professions are. What do your family and friends do? What is your mother's job? And dad7 Would you like to have the profession of your dad or mom? Why7 (Children's answers).

Adults rush to work.

Your calling

The builder will build us a house.

And we will live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The teacher will teach you everything -

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you'll grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

What's first?

Will the cat learn?

- Grab it!

What's first?

Will the bird learn?


What's first?

The kitten will grow up to be a cat

The same as everyone else in the world.

And the children read

And children dream.

What is your dream profession? Why?

What character qualities do you think will help you master this profession?

What is your favorite activity? Tell us about it.

There are so many different professions,

We can’t count them all:

There are doctors and divers,

There are turners and miners.

The teacher teaches us at school,

And the tailor sews suits.

Builds new house builder,

The captain leads the ship.

The main thing is not to make mistakes,

Choosing who to become?

Hairdresser, singer.

Or fly to the moon.

Let's choose a profession together

Journey through the pages of magazines

We can learn about what people in different professions do and what is interesting about each profession not only from books, but also from magazines. So many issues of children's magazines are devoted to different professions. Here they are - in front of you. (Different magazine files are shown)

From them you can learn in detail about such specialties as designer, ecologist, teacher. physician, journalist, etc. I will read excerpts from these magazines, and you can guess what profession we are talking about. (Klepa Magazine)

Until now, people in this profession argue about how to evaluate the knowledge of schoolchildren. In our country, an A is the best grade, but in Germany the best grade is considered to be one; in France, a student’s results are assessed using a ten-point system; in the USA, instead of numerical grades, the first letters of the alphabet are used: A, B, C, etc. It is not clear how to get praise from parents? If only these teachers could come to an agreement among themselves!

(Excerpt dedicated to the profession of “teacher”).

You can also learn about professions from poetry. For example, the answer to the question “Who should I be?” It will help you find a poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky, which is called “Who to be?” And the answer to the questions “What color is the craft?”, “What does the craft smell like?” Gianni Rodari will give us.

Let's find out what different professions smell like by reading the poem and filling in the missing words.

Those who wish are given the texts of the quatrains of the poem. The guys take turns reading, inserting the missing words.

Every business has a special smell,

The bakery smells of dough and... ( baked goods),

You walk past the carpentry workshop -

It smells like chips and fresh... ( board).

The painter smells like turpentine and...( paint),

The glazier smells like a window... ( putty).

The driver's jacket smells... ( gasoline).

Worker's blouse - machine oiled.

The confectioner smells like nutmeg.

Doctor in a robe - ... ( medicine) pleasant.

Loose earth, field and meadow

It smells like a peasant walking behind ... (plough).

Smells like fish and sea... ( fisherman).

But there is no smell of idleness.

Children write poetry

traffic light - driver

look - prosecutor

cheese - cashier

assistant - shoemaker

example - officer

airplane - pilot

ocean - captain

nights - working

princess stewardess

insidious - fireman

cucumbers - sellers

talent - musician

spectator - tamer

whistle - tractor driver

leaf - journalist

gooseberry - gardener

with grain - agronomist

resident - builder

choir - conductor

well done singer

The world around us is very interesting, and if the guys, in addition to their future profession If you find some kind of hobby, passion, then your life will become brighter,

more varied and meaningful.

"Look for the error"

Our familiar boy Petya

Not a bad guy, but...

He says that everything in the world

He has known for a long time.

Somehow the guys got together

There's a crowd in our yard.

ORDER, - asked Nata, -

Who else is this?

AND THE CALLMAN? – asked Seryozha.

FECTER who – I don’t know either...

“Wait,” Vova shouted, “

Let's ask Petya Ivanov.

Petya said this: - Friends!

I will answer you everything!

I know all professions.

So! Attention! I'll explain!

ORDER - rushes on a sled,

Nothing will happen to him!

Don't argue with me here!

Over the mountains, over the passes

Everything goes on. The MINER is tired.

He has long been accustomed to the mountains,

He will conquer the mountain peak.

A cheerful whistle to Morse code

The sweater will be knitted for you by the signalman,

He's in knitting

Our best specialist!

The STOREMAN is looking for treasures

And he finds it at the same moment!

And then he these treasures

Carefully stored in warehouse.

The bath attendant collects cans,

And then stores it in Sberbank.

Values ​​them very much

He guards the bank with a gun.

MILLER whitens walls with chalk

And draws in between times -

On the asphalt, with chalk too,

Portraits for everyone. So similar!

In the office WAITER

Show everyone your talent:

In an instant the papers will be blown apart,

He'll call you on the phone.

Here's the driver in the car

Re-lays the sheet.

From start to finish.

Operation in progress:

Blood is poured into the patient...

He is already healthy and at home.

And the BAKER bakes cookies,

Very tasty with jam!

Maybe bake a bun.

Oh, if only there was a stove!

Our dear children!

What did Petya mix up here?

He made a lot of mistakes!

Why? What's the matter?

Help as soon as possible

Find out what's what...

If Petya arrives in time,

Explain to him too!

At the end of the lesson, children are asked to come up with funny stories about what would happen if some work was performed by people of a completely different profession.

What would happen if:

  • a ballerina swept the yard;
  • lessons at school were taught by a tiger tamer;
  • the doctor baked rolls and rolls;
  • a diver extinguished fires;
  • a librarian treated the sick;
  • the writer built the houses;
  • the suits were made by sailors;
  • books in the library were handed out by a janitor;
  • The musician was fishing.

All works are good, choose what you like,

This is what we are talking about.

Our Classroom hour ends!

Master Class. Getting to know the most delicious profession “CONDITIONER”

There are thousands of professions in the world, each person chooses a profession to his liking. It’s good that you are already thinking about what to become because you need to prepare in advance for choosing a profession. There are a great many professions, and today we will get acquainted with one of them with the most delicious profession.

What kind of profession is this? (CONFECTIONER)

The mothers of our class, Elena Nikolaevna Zadushnova and Victoria Petrovna Kolotilova, helped us get acquainted with this profession. They held a master class on making pastries and cakes with the children of our class, and introduced them to the history of the emergence of this profession. And at the end of our meeting, the guys and I drank tea with our products.

The profession of “confectioner” has always been of special importance. In some European countries, confectionery producers had to have not only knowledge in the field of their preparation, but also the ability to draw. Sculpt and create intricate geometric shapes. The art of confectionery began to develop most actively in Italy in the 15th century. Until then, only Arabs brought confectionery products to Europe. To this day Arab countries are famous for their variety of sweets; moreover, it was the Arabs who first began to use boiling sugar to produce new types of confectionery products. However. The main achievement in the manufacture of confectionery products of antiquity is considered to be the discovery of sourdough, thanks to which, even in Ancient Egypt They began to bake yeast pies. The first marmalade began to be produced in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean during the period crusades: Greek confectioners evaporated and thickened fruit juice in shallow metal saucers that were placed in the sun. In Europe, fruit confectionery appeared in the 16th century. When cheap American sugar began to enter the market. In France, marmalade began to be produced in the 18th century from apples, quinces and apricots, and to this day the marmalade made from these fruits is considered the best.

Profession: sailor

Meeting with dad - long-distance sailor Andrey Pavlovich Maltsev

Andrei Pavlovich spoke about the difficulties of being a long-distance sailor, showed models of ships, and the features of these ships. He gave examples of unusual incidents that happened to him during his long journeys. Showed the kids corals sea ​​urchins, various sea shells. The guys prepared and recited a poem about the profession of a sailor.

My dad is a captain

Dad knows everything in the world

Knows where the wind is born

How the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world,

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the seas turn blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you everything -

He's been everywhere!

I'll grow up and become one too

I, like dad, am a captain!

Profession GEOLOGIST

To find diamonds,

Gold and ores

We don't have to wait

No miracle.

The path to such treasures is

It will be difficult, long,

But he will always get through to them,

And a geologist will find it.

He's getting ready in winter

For the summer expedition:

You need to take a compass with you,

So as not to get lost.

Map, hammer, backpack.

And there’s no way

On a hike without a notebook.

To describe the breeds

And remove doubts

Where should a geologist look?

Then the deposit.

He'll get it for us

Precious stone.

Oil will cause a fountain

From underground layers.

Tells you where to stand


Even if you object

It will become a brown bear.

And in the taiga, where cedar grows,

And in the hot desert

The geologist bothers us

Gifts from the earth.

Someone hid them from us,

A pile of those gifts,

Coal and gas –

Blue miracle.

We can't do without them,

Neither in winter nor in summer.

Study to be a geologist

Reveal the Earth's secrets!

In his story, Alexey Nikolaevich Special attention stopped at minerals. He talked about how minerals are natural formations grown under certain conditions and under a certain pressure. They have a certain chemical formula and are most often formed in the form of individual crystals or their aggregates (intergrowths). A rocks consist of many “mixed” minerals and, therefore, have a very complex chemical composition. Introduced him to the Children's Encyclopedia, a book by academician A.E. Fersman "Entertaining mineralogy". Alexey Nikolaevich showed a real collection of various minerals. He showed several brightly illustrated books about minerals and rocks, spoke about the peculiarities of the formation of oil, gas, coal deposits, gold deposits and other minerals.

The world around us is very interesting, and if the guys, in addition to their future profession, find some kind of hobby, passion, then their life will become brighter,

more varied and meaningful.


My mother helped us get acquainted with the profession of journalist -

Zakharova Maria Alexandrovna

Reading newspapers and magazines, each of you guys comes across the work of a journalist. He collected, processed, and then competently, literary, interestingly and accessiblely presented the information received in the form of a small note or a large article, essay, report or interview with famous people. Not only newspapers and magazines are created by the golden pens and talent of journalists, but also television programs (that is, the media are means mass media). But in addition to the ability to write, journalists have another opportunity to travel and often visit places where ordinary people entry is prohibited - they must cover certain events. And this, of course, is a very tempting prospect. A journalist must be a sociable person, this is indisputable. And brave. After all, you have to work in “hot spots”, and participate in criminal investigations, and obtain classified information. And to achieve success in this profession, you just need to work hard and conscientiously. And love your job.

Maria Alexandrovna explained and took her to game form how to properly interview an interlocutor.

These meetings help children learn about many necessary professions, evoke a feeling of pride in their parents, and a desire to get acquainted with other professions.


  1. Magazine “Read, learn, play” No. 3, 2012 pp. 50-53 “About professions and more” Lyudmila Ivanovna Khlystova Miass, Chelyabinsk region
  2. Children's encyclopedia "I would go to work..." professions that are always needed and always held in high esteem. No. 5 2012.

Educational magazine for girls and boys

3. Magazines “Holidays at school” - “Step into the profession” 2012

pp. 17 – 24 “About professions with love”, pp. 43-50 “Respecting all work”, “Day open doors» 2011 pp. 99 -120 “A word to professionals”, “On the wings of dreams”, 2007 pp. 3 -15 “About professions with love”, p. 16 -32 “When we read our favorite books, we choose professions”, p. 118 -125 “Every profession is the most important”

Maltsev Andrey Pavlovich

About professions with love

  • to form realistic ideas about people’s work;

Work on career guidance in primary school is propaedeutic, however, the key task is to form internal readiness for conscious and independent choice life and professional path in adulthood.

One of the forms of training is excursions to enterprises, Where do the students' parents work? Excursions provide not only an idea of different professions, but also help to cultivate respect for working people, interest in labor activity adults, careful attitude to the results of work.

The game helped reveal children's knowledge about professions "Look for the error"

After reading the poem by V.V. Agafonova and O.L. Soboleva “Confusion about professions”, I ask the children to find the mistake and tell what kind of work people in these professions do.

Our familiar boy Petya

Not a bad guy, but...

He says that everything in the world

He has known for a long time.

Somehow the guys got together

There's a crowd in our yard.

ORDER, - asked Nata, -

Who else is this?

AND THE CALLMAN? – asked Seryozha.

FECTER who – I don’t know either...

“Wait,” Vova shouted, “

Let's ask Petya Ivanov.

Petya said this: - Friends!

I will answer you everything!

I know all professions.

So! Attention! I'll explain!

ORDER - rushes on a sled,

Nothing will happen to him!

He's a master of luge, after all.

Don't argue with me here!

Over the mountains, over the passes

Everything goes on. The MINER is tired.

He has long been accustomed to the mountains,

He will conquer the mountain peak.

A cheerful whistle to Morse code

The sweater will be knitted for you by the signalman,

He's in knitting

Our best specialist!

The STOREMAN is looking for treasures

And he finds it at the same moment!

And then he these treasures

Carefully stored in warehouse.

The bath attendant collects cans,

And then stores it in Sberbank.

Values ​​them very much

He guards the bank with a gun.

MILLER whitens walls with chalk

And draws in between times -

On the asphalt, with chalk too,

Portraits for everyone. So similar!

In the office WAITER

Show everyone your talent:

In an instant the papers will be blown apart,

He'll call you on the phone.

Here's the driver in the car

Re-lays the sheet.

Knock-Knock! The lines rushed

From start to finish.

Operation in progress:

A ROOFER donates blood here.

Blood is poured into the patient...

He is already healthy and at home.

And the BAKER bakes cookies,

Very tasty with jam!

Maybe bake a bun.

Oh, if only there was a stove!

Our dear children!

What did Petya mix up here?

He made a lot of mistakes!

Why? What's the matter?

Help as soon as possible

Find out what's what...

If Petya arrives in time,

Explain to him too!

What questions should we ask?

What is a profession?

Profession- this is the work to which a person devotes his life. There are many professions! How do we know about them? (From stories of parents, teachers, friends, from books).

We will talk about some of them.

Sometimes a person searches for his calling for a long time and painfully, changing profession after profession, and yet, in the end, he finds something he likes, which brings joy to himself and other people.

Every day, millions of people leave home early and rush somewhere. Where are they heading so early?

Adults rush to work.

What do you need to go to work every day with joy and pleasure?

To do this, you need, first of all, to find something you like, to choose a profession so that it brings joy and pleasure

Choosing a profession you like is not an easy task, but you still have time to think and dream about what you will be when you grow up.

Your calling

The builder will build us a house.

And we will live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The baker will bake the bread in the bakery,

The teacher will teach you everything -

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you'll grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

What's first?

Will the cat learn?

- Grab it!

What's first?

Will the bird learn?


What's first?

The kitten will grow up to be a cat

The same as everyone else in the world.

And the children read

And children dream.

And even their moms and dads don't know

What will the children become and how will they grow up?

1. Profession – sailor

Meeting with parents.


My dad is a captain

Dad knows everything in the world

Knows where the wind is born

How the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world,

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the seas turn blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you everything -

He's been everywhere!

I'll grow up and become one too

I, like dad, am a captain!

Profession GEOLOGIST

Meeting with driller - geologist Alexey Nikolaevich Kholodko.

To find diamonds,

Gold and ores

We don't have to wait

No miracle.

The path to such treasures is

It will be difficult, long,

But he will always get through to them,

And a geologist will find it.

He's getting ready in winter

For the summer expedition:

You need to take a compass with you,

So as not to get lost.

Map, hammer, backpack.

And there’s no way

On a hike without a notebook.

To describe the breeds

And remove doubts

Where should a geologist look?

Then the deposit.

He'll get it for us

Precious stone.

Oil will cause a fountain

From underground layers.

Tells you where to stand


Even if you object

It will become a brown bear.

And in the taiga, where cedar grows,

And in the hot desert

The geologist bothers us

Gifts from the earth.

Someone hid them from us,

A pile of those gifts,

Coal and gas –

Blue miracle.

We can't do without them,

Neither in winter nor in summer.

Study to be a geologist

Reveal the Earth's secrets!

Meeting with the pilot

Poetic game "Burim"

The presenter distributes cards with rhymes written on them.

Children write poetry

traffic light - driver

look - prosecutor

cheese - cashier

assistant - shoemaker

example - officer

airplane - pilot

ocean - captain

nights - working

princess stewardess

insidious - fireman

cucumbers - sellers

talent - musician

spectator - tamer

whistle - tractor driver

leaf - journalist

gooseberry - gardener

with grain - agronomist

resident - builder

choir - conductor

well done singer

An airplane takes off into the sky

It is controlled by an ace pilot.

And a helicopter is waiting on the ground,

When they take him on a flight. (Masha Lomanova)

There is a science, guys,

What will tell us about flights:

Aviation is not a simple thing -

Airplanes, sky, pilots. (Zakharov Ilya)

An airplane is flying in the sky

And its engine is noisy.

We took flight

To celebrate the New Year! (Masha Veshchikova)

I dream that I am a pilot!

I'm starting my plane!

I rise to the skies -

I see mountains and forests,

The sea is blue,

golden meadows

And green fields -

There, below is my Earth!

High above her rushes,

Either the wind or a bird.

Swift-winged miracle – board –

My favorite plane. (Moruchkov Yuri)


Hero of Antarctica

Career guidance work in elementary school.

About professions with love

Currently, much attention is paid to school as one of the main institutions of socialization of the younger generation, including such important aspect as human self-determination. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2020 provides for “the development of specialized training, including expanding opportunities for professional training of students with an increased emphasis on socialization, development of abilities and competencies.”

The question “Who should I be?” is vital. The answer to it has an impact on a person’s future life. Properly constructed career guidance work can solve many problems. Since the list of proposed professions is large, it is important not to get confused, find your place in the world of professions, and realize your capabilities. So, there are a great many professions. There are those who are especially attractive in terms of earnings - economist, banker, oil engineer, producer. There are professions “for the soul”, not so monetary, but giving satisfaction to ambitious ambitions - actor, TV presenter, manager. But what if you are not Mozart, whose musical abilities manifested themselves at the age of three, and not Karl Bryullov, who entered the Academy of Arts at the age of nine, not Edison, who made his first inventions as a boy, and not the father of cybernetics Norbert Wiener, who entered science since childhood and told about it in the book “I am a child prodigy”?

In order for students to learn to understand themselves and objectively assess their success in various activities, this work must begin from primary school age. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in high school and later in adult life, already in elementary school he must be introduced to the maximum number of professions, starting with his immediate environment, that is, the professions of people they know well, whose work children observe every day.

The goal of this stage is the development of cognitive abilities based on different impressions about the world of professions, the formation of a conscientious attitude towards work.

Objectives of professional activity in primary school:

  • introduce you to the diversity of the world of professions;
  • give general information about the content of labor of different professions;
  • generate motivation and interest in work activities;
  • arouse interest in the world around us;
  • to form realistic ideas about people’s work;
  • develop intellectual and creative capabilities;

Career guidance work in elementary school is propaedeutic, however, the key task is to form internal readiness for a conscious and independent choice of life and professional path in adulthood.

One of the forms of training is excursions to enterprises, Where do the students' parents work? Excursions not only give an idea of ​​different professions, but also help to cultivate respect for working people, interest in the work activities of adults, and a careful attitude towards the results of labor.

This academic year I got acquainted with the world of professions in my

2 "A" class. There are 27 different children in it: boys and girls.

The game helped reveal children's knowledge about professions "Look for the error"

After reading the poem by V.V. Agafonova and O.L. Soboleva “Confusion about professions”, I ask the children to find the mistake and tell what kind of work people in these professions do.

Our familiar boy Petya

Not a bad guy, but...

He says that everything in the world

He has known for a long time.

Somehow the guys got together

There's a crowd in our yard.

ORDER, - asked Nata, -

Who else is this?

AND THE CALLMAN? – asked Seryozha.

FECTER who – I don’t know either...

“Wait,” Vova shouted, “

Let's ask Petya Ivanov.

Petya said this: - Friends!

I will answer you everything!

I know all professions.

So! Attention! I'll explain!

ORDER - rushes on a sled,

Nothing will happen to him!

He's a master of luge, after all.

Don't argue with me here!

Over the mountains, over the passes

Everything goes on. The MINER is tired.

He has long been accustomed to the mountains,

He will conquer the mountain peak.

A cheerful whistle to Morse code

The sweater will be knitted for you by the signalman,

He's in knitting

Our best specialist!

The STOREMAN is looking for treasures

And he finds it at the same moment!

And then he these treasures

Carefully stored in warehouse.

The bath attendant collects cans,

And then stores it in Sberbank.

Values ​​them very much

He guards the bank with a gun.

MILLER whitens walls with chalk

And draws in between times -

On the asphalt, with chalk too,

Portraits for everyone. So similar!

In the office WAITER

Show everyone your talent:

In an instant the papers will be blown apart,

He'll call you on the phone.

Here's the driver in the car

Re-lays the sheet.

Knock-Knock! The lines rushed

From start to finish.

Operation in progress:

A ROOFER donates blood here.

Blood is poured into the patient...

He is already healthy and at home.

And the BAKER bakes cookies,

Very tasty with jam!

Maybe bake a bun.

Oh, if only there was a stove!

Our dear children!

What did Petya mix up here?

He made a lot of mistakes!

Why? What's the matter?

Help as soon as possible

Find out what's what...

If Petya arrives in time,

Explain to him too!

The topic of the first lesson is “PEOPLE’S PROFESSIONS”

What questions should we ask? (What is a profession? What is a specialty? What professions are there? Do you need knowledge about professions? For what?)

What is a profession?

Profession- this is the work to which a person devotes his life. There are many professions! How do we know about them? (From stories of parents, teachers, friends, from books).

We will talk about some of them.

Sometimes a person searches for his calling for a long time and painfully, changing profession after profession, and yet, in the end, he finds something he likes, which brings joy to himself and other people.

Every day, millions of people leave home early and rush somewhere. Where are they heading so early?

Adults rush to work.

What do you need to go to work every day with joy and pleasure?

To do this, you need, first of all, to find something you like, to choose a profession so that it brings joy and pleasure

Choosing a profession you like is not an easy task, but you still have time to think and dream about what you will be when you grow up.

Your calling

The builder will build us a house.

And we will live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The baker will bake the bread in the bakery,

The teacher will teach you everything -

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you'll grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

What's first?

Will the cat learn?

- Grab it!

What's first?

Will the bird learn?


What's first?

The kitten will grow up to be a cat

The same as everyone else in the world.

And the children read

And children dream.

And even their moms and dads don't know

What will the children become and how will they grow up?

Meetings with representatives of different professions

1. Profession – sailor

Meeting with parents.


My dad is a captain

Dad knows everything in the world

Knows where the wind is born

How the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world,

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the seas turn blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you everything -

He's been everywhere!

I'll grow up and become one too

I, like dad, am a captain!

Profession GEOLOGIST

Meeting with driller - geologist Alexey Nikolaevich Kholodko.

To find diamonds,

Gold and ores

We don't have to wait

No miracle.

The path to such treasures is

It will be difficult, long,

But he will always get through to them,

And a geologist will find it.

He's getting ready in winter

For the summer expedition:

You need to take a compass with you,

So as not to get lost.

Map, hammer, backpack.

And there’s no way

On a hike without a notebook.

To describe the breeds

And remove doubts

Where should a geologist look?

Then the deposit.

He'll get it for us

Precious stone.

Oil will cause a fountain

From underground layers.

Tells you where to stand


Even if you object

It will become a brown bear.

And in the taiga, where cedar grows,

And in the hot desert

The geologist bothers us

Gifts from the earth.

Someone hid them from us,

A pile of those gifts,

Coal and gas –

Blue miracle.

We can't do without them,

Neither in winter nor in summer.

Study to be a geologist

Reveal the Earth's secrets!

In his story, Alexey Nikolaevich paid special attention to minerals. He talked about how a mineral is natural community, grown by nature in its underground laboratories. It has a certain chemical formula and is most often formed in the form of individual crystals or their aggregates (intergrowths). And rocks consist of many “mixed” minerals and, therefore, have a very complex chemical composition. Introduced him to the Children's Encyclopedia, a book by academician A.E. Fersman "Entertaining mineralogy"

Meeting with the pilot

Poetic game "Burim"

The presenter distributes cards with rhymes written on them.

Children write poetry

traffic light - driver

look - prosecutor

cheese - cashier

assistant - shoemaker

example - officer

airplane - pilot

ocean - captain

nights - working

princess stewardess

insidious - fireman

cucumbers - sellers

talent - musician

spectator - tamer

whistle - tractor driver

leaf - journalist

gooseberry - gardener

with grain - agronomist

resident - builder

choir - conductor

well done singer

These are the poems the guys wrote after meeting with pilot Alexander Alekseevich Kononov

An airplane takes off into the sky

It is controlled by an ace pilot.

And a helicopter is waiting on the ground,

When they take him on a flight. (Masha Lomanova)

There is a science, guys,

What will tell us about flights:

Aviation is not a simple thing -

Airplanes, sky, pilots. (Zakharov Ilya)

An airplane is flying in the sky

And its engine is noisy.

We took flight

To celebrate the New Year! (Masha Veshchikova)

I dream that I am a pilot!

I'm starting my plane!

I rise to the skies -

I see mountains and forests,

The sea is blue,

golden meadows

And green fields -

There, below is my Earth!

High above her rushes,

Either the wind or a bird.

Swift-winged miracle – board –

My favorite plane. (Moruchkov Yuri)

The world around us is very interesting, and if the guys, in addition to their future profession, find some kind of hobby or passion, then their life will become brighter, more diverse and more meaningful.

MASTER CLASS (confectioner profession)


Hero of Antarctica

Career guidance work in elementary school.

About professions with love

Currently, much attention is paid to school as one of the main institutions of socialization of the younger generation, which includes such an important aspect as human self-determination. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2020 provides for “the development of specialized training, including expanding opportunities for professional training of students with an increased emphasis on socialization, development of abilities and competencies.”

The question “Who should I be?” is vital. The answer to it has an impact on a person’s future life. Properly constructed career guidance work can solve many problems. Since the list of proposed professions is large, it is important not to get confused, find your place in the world of professions, and realize your capabilities. So, there are a great many professions. There are those who are especially attractive in terms of earnings - economist, banker, oil engineer, producer. There are professions “for the soul”, not so monetary, but giving satisfaction to ambitious ambitions - actor, TV presenter, manager. But what if you are not Mozart, whose musical abilities manifested themselves at the age of three, and not Karl Bryullov, who entered the Academy of Arts at the age of nine, not Edison, who made his first inventions as a boy, and not the father of cybernetics Norbert Wiener, who entered science since childhood and told about it in the book “I am a child prodigy”?

In order for students to learn to understand themselves and objectively assess their success in various activities, this work must begin from primary school age. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in high school and later in adult life, already in elementary school he must be introduced to the maximum number of professions, starting with his immediate environment, that is, the professions of people they know well, whose work children observe every day.

The goal of this stage is the development of cognitive abilities based on different impressions about the world of professions, the formation of a conscientious attitude towards work.

Objectives of professional activity in primary school:

  • introduce you to the diversity of the world of professions;
  • give general information about the content of labor in different professions;
  • generate motivation and interest in work activities;
  • arouse interest in the world around us;
  • to form realistic ideas about people’s work;
  • develop intellectual and creative capabilities;

Career guidance work in elementary school is propaedeutic, however, the key task is to form internal readiness for a conscious and independent choice of life and professional path in adulthood.

One of the forms of training is excursions to enterprises, Where do the students' parents work? Excursions not only give an idea of ​​different professions, but also help to cultivate respect for working people, interest in the work activities of adults, and a careful attitude towards the results of labor.

This academic year I got acquainted with the world of professions in my

2 "A" class. There are 27 different children in it: boys and girls.

The game helped reveal children's knowledge about professions "Look for the error"

After reading the poem by V.V. Agafonova and O.L. Soboleva “Confusion about professions”, I ask the children to find the mistake and tell what kind of work people in these professions do.

Our familiar boy Petya

Not a bad guy, but...

He says that everything in the world

He has known for a long time.

Somehow the guys got together

There's a crowd in our yard.

ORDER, - asked Nata, -

Who else is this?

AND THE CALLMAN? – asked Seryozha.

FECTER who – I don’t know either...

“Wait,” Vova shouted, “

Let's ask Petya Ivanov.

Petya said this: - Friends!

I will answer you everything!

I know all professions.

So! Attention! I'll explain!

ORDER - rushes on a sled,

Nothing will happen to him!

He's a master of luge, after all.

Don't argue with me here!

Over the mountains, over the passes

Everything goes on. The MINER is tired.

He has long been accustomed to the mountains,

He will conquer the mountain peak.

A cheerful whistle to Morse code

The sweater will be knitted for you by the signalman,

He's in knitting

Our best specialist!

The STOREMAN is looking for treasures

And he finds it at the same moment!

And then he these treasures

Carefully stored in warehouse.

The bath attendant collects cans,

And then stores it in Sberbank.

Values ​​them very much

He guards the bank with a gun.

MILLER whitens walls with chalk

And draws in between times -

On the asphalt, with chalk too,

Portraits for everyone. So similar!

In the office WAITER

Show everyone your talent:

In an instant the papers will be blown apart,

He'll call you on the phone.

Here's the driver in the car

Re-lays the sheet.

Knock-Knock! The lines rushed

From start to finish.

Operation in progress:

A ROOFER donates blood here.

Blood is poured into the patient...

He is already healthy and at home.

And the BAKER bakes cookies,

Very tasty with jam!

Maybe bake a bun.

Oh, if only there was a stove!

Our dear children!

What did Petya mix up here?

He made a lot of mistakes!

Why? What's the matter?

Help as soon as possible

Find out what's what...

If Petya arrives in time,

Explain to him too!

The topic of the first lesson is “PEOPLE’S PROFESSIONS”

What questions should we ask? (What is a profession? What is a specialty? What professions are there? Do you need knowledge about professions? For what?)

What is a profession?

Profession- this is the work to which a person devotes his life. There are many professions! How do we know about them? (From stories of parents, teachers, friends, from books).

We will talk about some of them.

Sometimes a person searches for his calling for a long time and painfully, changing profession after profession, and yet, in the end, he finds something he likes, which brings joy to himself and other people.

Every day, millions of people leave home early and rush somewhere. Where are they heading so early?

Adults rush to work.

What do you need to go to work every day with joy and pleasure?

To do this, you need, first of all, to find something you like, to choose a profession so that it brings joy and pleasure

Choosing a profession you like is not an easy task, but you still have time to think and dream about what you will be when you grow up.

Your calling

The builder will build us a house.

And we will live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The baker will bake the bread in the bakery,

The teacher will teach you everything -

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you'll grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

What's first?

Will the cat learn?

- Grab it!

What's first?

Will the bird learn?


What's first?

The kitten will grow up to be a cat

The same as everyone else in the world.

And the children read

And children dream.

And even their moms and dads don't know

What will the children become and how will they grow up?

Meetings with representatives of different professions

1. Profession – sailor

Meeting with parents.


My dad is a captain

Dad knows everything in the world

Knows where the wind is born

How the ocean rages

After all, my dad is a captain!

We'll get a map of the world,

Let's study together.

Here is the high peak of the Pamirs,

Here the seas turn blue.

This is southern Anapa,

This is northern Yamal.

Dad will tell you everything -

He's been everywhere!

I'll grow up and become one too

I, like dad, am a captain!

Profession GEOLOGIST

Meeting with driller - geologist Alexey Nikolaevich Kholodko.

To find diamonds,

Gold and ores

We don't have to wait

No miracle.

The path to such treasures is

It will be difficult, long,

But he will always get through to them,

And a geologist will find it.

He's getting ready in winter

For the summer expedition:

You need to take a compass with you,

So as not to get lost.

Map, hammer, backpack.

And there’s no way

On a hike without a notebook.

To describe the breeds

And remove doubts

Where should a geologist look?

Then the deposit.

He'll get it for us

Precious stone.

Oil will cause a fountain

From underground layers.

Tells you where to stand


Even if you object

It will become a brown bear.

And in the taiga, where cedar grows,

And in the hot desert

The geologist bothers us

Gifts from the earth.

Someone hid them from us,

A pile of those gifts,

Coal and gas –

Blue miracle.

We can't do without them,

Neither in winter nor in summer.

Study to be a geologist

Reveal the Earth's secrets!

In his story, Alexey Nikolaevich paid special attention to minerals. He talked about how a mineral is a natural community grown by nature in its underground laboratories. It has a certain chemical formula and is most often formed in the form of individual crystals or their aggregates (intergrowths). And rocks consist of many “mixed” minerals and, therefore, have a very complex chemical composition. Introduced him to the Children's Encyclopedia, a book by academician A.E. Fersman "Entertaining mineralogy"

Meeting with the pilot

Poetic game "Burim"

The presenter distributes cards with rhymes written on them.

Children write poetry

traffic light - driver

look - prosecutor

cheese - cashier

assistant - shoemaker

example - officer

airplane - pilot

ocean - captain

nights - working

princess stewardess

insidious - fireman

cucumbers - sellers

talent - musician

spectator - tamer

whistle - tractor driver

leaf - journalist

gooseberry - gardener

with grain - agronomist

resident - builder

choir - conductor

well done singer

These are the poems the guys wrote after meeting with pilot Alexander Alekseevich Kononov

An airplane takes off into the sky

It is controlled by an ace pilot.

And a helicopter is waiting on the ground,

When they take him on a flight. (Masha Lomanova)

There is a science, guys,

What will tell us about flights:

Aviation is not a simple thing -

Airplanes, sky, pilots. (Zakharov Ilya)

An airplane is flying in the sky

And its engine is noisy.

We took flight

To celebrate the New Year! (Masha Veshchikova)

I dream that I am a pilot!

I'm starting my plane!

I rise to the skies -

I see mountains and forests,

The sea is blue,

golden meadows

And green fields -

There, below is my Earth!

High above her rushes,

Either the wind or a bird.

Swift-winged miracle – board –

My favorite plane. (Moruchkov Yuri)

The world around us is very interesting, and if the guys, in addition to their future profession, find some kind of hobby or passion, then their life will become brighter, more diverse and more meaningful.

MASTER CLASS (confectioner profession)


Hero of Antarctica