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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Make a fountain from scrap material. Home fountain: DIY options. Decorating a country fountain

Make a fountain from scrap materials. Home fountain: DIY options. Decorating a country fountain

For any owner, the appearance of a summer cottage or yard has great importance. Its design can be done by specialists, but, if desired, you can do it yourself. A fountain will be a successful decoration for a yard or area. It can also be built according to your own design.

Types of fountains

There are fountains for dachas different types. They are divided into types: by device, by appearance, according to the features of work, etc. Depending on the method of construction, country fountains can be circulation and flow, they are also called “Roman”.

Did you know? The first fountains appeared in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome.

Circulating suggest the water cycle. Water fills a certain reservoir (bowl, vase, reservoir) and is supplied with the help of a pump to a device from which a stream of water directly shoots out.

Everything is arranged in such a way that the outgoing water enters the reservoir and is pumped upward again. Thus, the device does not require water supply from a water supply system or a well. The only thing that is necessary is to add water to a certain mark, since it tends to evaporate or splash.

Flow fountains are arranged using water supply (well) and sewerage. Water flows upward, falls down and goes into the sewer. The method is, of course, irrational, but Such fountains have a number of advantages:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • drinking water;
  • the possibility of using water for watering lawns, flower beds, shrubs and trees.
Based on their appearance and features, fountains can also be classified into single-level and multi-level, single and group, jet, waterfall, cascade, in the form of a ring or tulip, dancing, singing, colored, with a pond, with a reservoir, etc.

Did you know? Tallest fountain in the world- 312 m. It's called a fountain« Fahda» , is located in Saudi Arabia.

Choosing a suitable location

If you decide to build a fountain on the site with your own hands, then, first of all, choose a suitable place for this. If there is a pond or a pond in the country, the choice of location is obvious. Where the pond is located, there will be a fountain. The structure of the pond, of course, will have to be modified and adjusted, but the foundation will remain.

If you are starting from scratch, then you need to choose a place, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. DIY garden fountains perform different functions: they humidify the air in the garden, which is good for trees, create cool conditions, can be used for irrigation, etc.

For this reason, you need to choose a place so that the fountain not only brings aesthetic pleasure, but is also useful. A suitable place for arrangement would be open area between trees, bushes or hedges.

Trees and bushes should not hang over a pond or reservoir to prevent debris from falling into the water and leaves falling. This is harmful to water filters. Also, due to the proximity of trees, and therefore their root system, the underground part of the fountain may be disrupted or even destroyed. If your dacha has plants that cannot tolerate waterlogging, arrange the fountain away from them.

Important! Do not place the fountain near buildings.

There is no need to set up the structure in the open sun, as this can lead to water blooms. There is one more condition: a fountain in the country, made by yourself, must be in harmony with the overall design. Everything should be done in the same style. This should be an area that is clearly visible from the windows of the house and from any part of the yard, because you are building a fountain, first of all, for aesthetic pleasure.

Preparation of materials for construction

When a place for a fountain and its type have been chosen, a project has been developed, you need to determine what materials will be needed for construction. Let’s assume that the project is designed for a circulating jet static fountain with a single release of water, i.e., the “Geyser” type.

At home, to set up a fountain with your own hands, you will need cement, sand, crushed stone, durable polyethylene film and a construction façade mesh the size of the diameter of the structure (both the film and the mesh must be the same size). In addition, you need a plastic container with a volume of about 50-70 liters, depending on the size of the structure.

If you plan to decorate everything with stones, then prepare them right away. It could be a wild stone the right size, cobblestones, granite, large pebbles, etc. To ensure proper operation, you will need a fountain pump.

Pump selection criteria

Depending on the type of fountain you need to choose a pump. For "waterfall" we would choose surface pump, and since we have a traditional fountain, we choose a submersible one.

Usually, submersible pumps perform their function perfectly. They are compact, quiet, easy to install and, importantly, affordable. There are submersible pumps different power. It is calculated in the amount of water pumped per 1 hour (l/h).

The height of the jet will depend on the power of the pump. Maximum height calculated based on the diameter of the “foot” you made. Pump in in this case There is no need to choose according to the principle “the more powerful, the better.” For the arrangement, we need one so that the jet is high enough and so that the spray does not fly beyond the “foot.” For a summer residence, the jet height is suitable from 80 cm to 1 m.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that water does not splash outside the fountain. Excessive humidity can lead to the death of plants and damage to things.

Manufacturers, as a rule, provide in the instructions a table of the relationship between power and jet height. Since we are equipping the Geyser, such a device will require a pump with a capacity of about 7000 l/h.

Installation principle of the pumping system

Pumping system installed 10 cm above the bottom on a stand (laid brick or mounting cabinet). A hose or pipe with water supply is connected to it. Usually the sprinkler comes complete with a pump, but if you don’t have one, you can make it yourself.

To do this, you can take a regular stainless steel pipe. The diameter will depend on the height of the jet and the diameter of the water spray. For small fountain at 0.8-1.0 m a diameter of 2-2.5 inches will be sufficient. The length will depend on how deep the pump is immersed. It is enough to leave 10-15 cm above the water.

To give the stream a shape, you can flatten the pipe, roll it, leaving a hole, drill several holes, or cut a thread and screw on the desired nozzle. Connect to the pump directly or via an adapter (if necessary).

Installation of a fountain. Step-by-step instruction

Master class on installing a fountain in a country house with your own hands step by step photos easy to find on the Internet. Typically, installation takes place in several stages.

2014-11-05 113


There is such a sign: in order to return again to the city that you liked, you need to throw a coin into the main fountain. Probably each of us has done this simple procedure at least once in our lives. For some reason, we childishly believe that our desire will certainly come true.

I wonder why this tradition is connected with the fountain? Perhaps this is a hidden symbol? Water represents the transience of our lives. And the fountain, throwing it up, creates a feeling of celebration, creates the effect of fireworks or a scattering of confetti. The murmur of water is mesmerizing, and the exquisite water patterns reflect Sun rays.

Why do you need a fountain in your dacha?

If you like to invite friends to your hacienda, then a country fountain is a must-have for you. As a rule, such a structure makes an unforgettable impression on guests. Rest assured: on your site there will be new tradition- throw a coin into the fountain. For luck and to return to this wonderful place again.

Relaxing near water is very beneficial. After a working day, it is pleasant to relax, enjoying the melody of the spray of a decorative fountain. The water element will saturate you with energy, relieve fatigue, give you peace and a feeling of complete harmony with the world around you.

Professional designers have long appreciated these qualities and consider garden fountains to be an ideal decoration. Various effects of continuous water transfusion, as well as the use of lighting, allow you to create amazing landscape masterpieces. And building such a structure is not as difficult as many people think. And it’s quite possible to do it with your own hands.

Main types

So to speak, according to the technique of execution, they are divided into two types:

  • submersible,
  • stationary.

The submersible type is installed inside a garden pond.

This design consists of three main components:

  • pump,
  • pipeline that supplies water
  • a nozzle that gives a specific shape to a water stream.

Such fountains for a summer residence make it possible to create a stream flowing from the depths of a reservoir. And visually it looks as if the spray is erupting from an underground source.

The stationary type is reminiscent of the structures that decorate city parks and squares. This is not just a water fireworks display, but a real work of art.

As a rule, it represents some kind of figure: for example, a flower, a young lady with a jug, a boy with a fish, etc. You can come up with absolutely any composition.

Stationary fountains are constructed from artificial stone– polymer concrete. This material has proven itself to be reliable, durable and (most importantly!) frost-resistant.

Decorative aspect

The most common is the jet fountain. This is simply a stream of water directed upward, which is divided into several thin streams. Simple, tasteful, classic, not difficult in terms of implementing the idea. Such a mini-fountain will breathe life into even a small artificial pond.

By shape decorative fountains usually subject to the laws of symmetry. Simply put, when constructing them, strict geometric proportions must be observed. Round or oval, square or with several corners - such designs look impressive.

As a rule, the fountain does not need additional decoration. You should simply mark the sides of the reservoir - for example, create a stucco effect, lay out a border of natural stone or decorative brick. A stationary fountain in the garden can be designed in the form of a sculpture, or a composition made of stones can be created.

The most important thing is that its design style fits into general principles design homestead farming. Needless to say, the principle of proportionality comes into play in this case. The more total area plot, especially since a massive fountain can be built at the dacha. Agree, on a miniature six hundred square meters, a huge structure will be both inappropriate and not functional.

Ideal location for construction

The ideal location for construction will be one that is clearly visible from various points on the site. Just keep in mind that decorative garden fountains should not block the approaches to other country buildings.

It would be great if the water structure would decorate a children’s playground or join a relaxation complex. Near the gazebo or nearby open terrace– this is just a great solution! The fountain will give you positive emotions when you want to relax with its silver song of thin streams.

When planning construction, study the topography of your site. It is better to install the fountain in a low-lying part. Firstly, this technique will help saturate the air with moisture, which will be especially appreciated in hot weather. summer days. Secondly, you can significantly adjust the volume of groundwater in the desired direction.

You should not place the fountain in the center of the garden or near trees. Roots can damage the internal structure and waterproofing, and falling leaves will continually clog the filtration system.

Preparation of materials for construction

There is an opinion that building a fountain with your own hands at the dacha is extremely difficult and this task belongs to the category of “from the realm of science fiction.” I hasten to disappoint you, dear lovers of complicating everything. Such construction is quite within the capabilities of the average summer resident. The most important stage is the selection of materials.

In particular, it is very important to make the hydraulic installation reliable. This design performs the most main function, creates water pressure and throws a stream upward.

If you plan to build small fountain, then a plastic basin or a larger container can serve as a fountain bowl. Plastic is easy to use, but at the same time reliable. For a fountain with a large bowl diameter, it is necessary to dig a pit.

The bottom is lined with sand, the sides with brick, and the whole inner surface– dense polyethylene. Many summer residents, when equipping home fountains with their own hands, use so-called waste material. These are the remains of building materials (natural stone, tiles), as well as what every household has - car tires, glass and ceramics. The only requirement for the material is strength and resistance to temperature changes.

Pump Installation Principles

The service life of the fountain depends on the operation pumping unit. The pump is the center of a given living organism. It drives water through pipes in the same way as the human heart through vessels. Do you wish longevity for your mini fountain? Make sure to purchase a quality pump.

The principle of its operation is very simple. Water from the bowl passes through the drain hole through the pipes. The pump creates the required pressure and throws the jet upward. Such a pump for a fountain in a country house is called a circulation pump, because the water in it flows continuously through a closed circular system. Its power depends on the volume of the bowl, as well as the desired power with which the spray flies into the sky.

Please note that the pump is powered by electricity. Therefore, even at the planning stage, consider the possibility of direct connection to power. If there is no way to power the pump with electricity on the hacienda, do not despair. You can build a waterfall for a natural stream or a dome fountain without a pump.

Such models look more natural and natural, but are only suitable for sloping areas. In this case, water circulation will occur according to the principle of communicating vessels in a multi-tier arrangement.

Special devices

Special accessories – nozzles – will add variety to the fountain design. These simple devices create amazing water patterns. The same fountain in the country will look different when using nozzles of different shapes. The intricate shapes of a geyser or dome, hemisphere or umbrella create an amazing atmosphere.

And the lighting further enhances the romantic effect. When dusk falls and the decorative lighting of the fountain turns on, the mood immediately changes. Relaxing in this magical corner of the dacha, we feel like we are in a fairy tale. IN Lately designers actively use floating lamps and devices that illuminate the water surface from the inside.

It is worth paying attention that the underwater lighting apparatus must be completely sealed. This is a strict safety rule that must be followed.

To ensure that your fountain will delight you for many years, follow the rules for caring for it. For the winter, all removable elements must be dismantled, even if they can withstand severe frosts. With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to drain the water from the fountain bowl.

It is better to do this at the same time as the end of the summer season and not delay until the first frost.

Indeed, under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, the reservoir of a country reservoir can be damaged. Ideally, it is necessary to cover the fountain bowl during non-working periods. A film secured on all sides is suitable - reliable protection from dust and precipitation.

Photo selection

Construction of a fountain in a country house is not as complicated a procedure as it seems at first glance. Such structures are closed water circulation systems. Each system consists of two parts - a smaller one, mounted in open form, and a larger one, hidden under water.

Fountain operation diagram

If we simplify the flow diagram of the fountain, it would look something like this. The element of the system, which is considered to be a fountain, is just a decorative bowl where the ejection nozzle is located. The shape of the bowl, as well as the nozzle itself, can be very diverse (just remember the famous Bakhchisarai fountains).

Ejecting from the nozzle, water fills the container, from where it enters the cleaning filter through a special hole and is fed back to the nozzle. It is typical that to adjust the filling level, the bowl is equipped with a special overflow device.

Main types

Depending on the method of execution, fountains can be of two types:

In the first case, they are similar to architectural structures decorating municipal squares and parks. They are not just water “fireworks”, but a true work of art. Typically, such fountains are based on some kind of figure - for example, a plant or a woman with a jug. For their manufacture, polymer concrete (artificial stone) is used, which is characterized by strength, reliability and resistance to low temperatures.

Submersible systems are created in the reservoirs themselves and consist of several basic elements:

Such fountains are used mainly in suburban areas and from the outside they look as if an underground spring is spewing water spray.

Decorative aspect of the issue

Note! The most popular is the regular jet fountain. In it, a stream of water is directed upward, dividing into several smaller streams. Very primitive, but at the same time original. With such a miniature fountain, the garden pond will look new.

Often the shape of fountains is symmetrical, that is, it obeys all the laws of geometry. They can be round, rectangular, etc. Regardless of the shape, in addition decorative design structures are not needed - the boundaries of the reservoir are simply marked (for example, with stucco or natural stone), the main thing is that the style matches the overall landscape design.

It’s probably not worth mentioning once again that the larger the area, the larger the fountain can be built. A huge structure on a miniature five hundred square meters would look ridiculous.

Choosing a suitable location

The optimal place to build a fountain is considered to be one that is clearly visible from different points in the garden. It would be great to equip a water structure in a recreation area or on.

Note! The fountain should not block approaches to other elements of the garden or buildings on the site.

When planning construction, the relief features of a particular site should be taken into account. It is advisable that the fountain be located in a low area - this provides several advantages:

  • volumes groundwater it will be easier to adjust in the required direction;
  • the air will be saturated with moisture, which is important on hot days.

Note! You cannot install fountains near trees or in the center of the site, otherwise the waterproofing or the entire internal structure will be damaged by roots, and fallen leaves will clog the filtration system.

Regardless of the type of structure, installation involves the following activities:

For a small structure you can use a regular one plastic container, while massive fountains require preliminary construction of a foundation. For water supply it is recommended to use plastic pipes, which do not rust and are connected with a soldering iron.

Note! The main element of any design is hydraulic equipment, which generates pressure and throws water out of the nozzle.

Pump equipment

The service life of a fountain largely depends on quality, so it is better not to skimp on this element. The operation of the pump is quite simple: through the drain hole in the bowl, water enters the pipes and flows through them to the pump intake pipe. That, in turn, creates the necessary pressure and throws it out through the nozzle. Thus the cycle repeats.

Pump power depends on two factors:

  • bowl volume;
  • required ejection force.

Note! The circulation pump requires electricity, so the connection should be taken care of during planning. Don’t despair if you can’t power the device with electricity - a small domed fountain can be made without the help of a pump.

Similar models have more natural look, but they can only be equipped on sloping terrain. Here water circulates according to the principle of several communicating vessels located on different tiers.

When planning, you can already use ready-made options, which have been repeatedly tested in practice:

  • a fountain made of stones;
  • construction from scrap materials.

Let's consider the technologies for their production.

Prices for a linear series of pumping stations

Pumping stations

Option #1. Making a fountain from scrap materials

Required tools:

  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • shovel.


Having prepared everything you need, you can start working. The procedure is as follows.

Step 1. First, stones are selected (they can be found near a pond or a country road). They should be oval or round.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4. Wide inserts necessary to protect the playground or recreation area from splashes are cut out of non-ferrous metal (copper, aluminum, etc.). The inserts are laid and decorated with stone.

Step 5. Smaller stones are placed on the bottom, and lighting is installed (if planned).

Step 6. The circulation pump is installed, the bowl is filled with water. The final decoration of the structure is carried out (depending only on personal preferences and taste - there are no restrictions).

Note! Natural stones will look beautiful in combination with sculptures - a frog, leopard, gnome, etc. The sculptures will merge with the stone and will focus attention on the original decor.

In addition, you need to select bright vegetation (it is advisable to place it in vases), as well as elements made of wood - ordinary branches, wheels, mill blades.

Option #2. Making a stone fountain

Required tools:

  • mounting syringe for filling seams;
  • hammer;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • pipe cutter


  • boards and slats to strengthen the structure;
  • stones (flat);
  • copper pipe;
  • PVC pipe;
  • gravel for the drainage system;
  • coupling;
  • water pump;
  • airtight container for the bowl.

The construction of this type of fountain consists of the following stages.

Step 1. First, a hole is dug 5 cm deep than the height of the container. A small ditch is also made to the outlet.

Step 2. A 5-centimeter “cushion” of gravel is poured.

Step 3. The container and PVC pipe are laid, both elements are connected. The ditch is covered with earth.

Step 4. A pump is installed in the container, outlet holes are marked and made.

Step 5. The container is connected to a copper pipe.

Step 6. Gravel is poured into the bottom of the container and the pump is fixed.

Step 7. The fountain is strengthened - slats and boards are laid on the bowl.

Step 8. Flat stones are stacked on top of each other, and places are marked for making holes in each of them.

Step 9. Holes are made, stones are strung on a copper pipe.

Step 10. Decorating the structure is the final stage of the work. Large gaps between stones are filled with small stones; silicone-based glue is used to fill the gaps.

When the glue dries, the bowl is filled with water, the pump is connected, adjustments are made and that’s it - the fountain is completely ready for use.

Prices for fountains and ponds

Fountains and ponds

Video – Construction of a stone fountain

And in conclusion - another thematic video.

Video - Fountain from a teapot

Any fountain, even the most modest in size, will become bright accent V landscape design. On summer days, this is an excellent opportunity to improve the microclimate in the recreation area, because the fountain acts as a natural air humidifier, and even at noon it will be cool and fresh near it.

Decorative fountains and features of their installation: selecting style, location and equipment

Before you build a fountain in your country house, it is important to ensure that its design matches general style landscape design, and he himself was proportionate to the site. How larger area plot, the more massive and impressive the fountain can be - on a standard six hundred square meters, a large structure with sculptures and high sides will look extremely ridiculous.

Therefore, the type of landscape should be taken into account:

  • classical garden - a garden with a strict, consistent layout is perfectly complemented by a sculptural fountain: ancient gods, young maidens, cupids and monsters
  • natural garden – “natural” fountains, geysers or mini-waterfalls framed in a naturalistic style would be appropriate here natural stone, pebbles and wood. Or it could be a stylization of a spring, in which a timid trickle of water makes its way through a pile of stones
  • modern garden - fountains are built from metal and concrete, natural and artificial stone, polymers and glass. Such a fountain is a thoughtful composition, the stylistic affiliation of which is emphasized by decorative elements that make it rich and interesting. Fountains in the minimalist style are characterized by thin, thread-like streams of water.
  • country– this could be a composition of clay jugs and boulders, stylized as an ancient well. A characteristic element of such fountains is often a mill wheel.

Separately, it is worth mentioning floating fountains - they can be launched into any relatively large body of water. These fountains have a pump with a special float, so it can drift freely over the entire surface.

It is very important to choose the right place:

  • The fountain should not be placed in an area of ​​active sun - the sun’s rays will provoke the development of microscopic algae, and the water will “bloom”
  • At the same time, you should not place the fountain near trees - root system may damage the fountain bowl and break its tightness. In addition, leaves, fluff, seeds and fruits that enter water will clog the filters
  • drops of water should not fall on the plants, garden furniture or the walls of a house - excessive humidity can cause damage to things and cause the death of plants. The recommended distance is at least 50 cm from furniture, walls and plants, but here you should additionally take into account the height of the jet and the possibility of moisture being carried by the wind
  • proximity to an electrical source to connect the pump

The next stage of creating a fountain is the selection of equipment:

  • container – for the fountain bowl, you can use ready-made plastic fonts (containers), which provide reliable waterproofing and are frost-resistant and durable. For a large fountain, you will have to prepare and concrete the pit manually
  • pump – continuous movement of water flow is ensured by connecting a pump. The pump from the bowl, through the pipeline, takes water and pumps it under pressure to the nozzle, thereby the pump acts as the “heart” of the entire system. Based on the installation method, pumps are divided into two types. Submersible (underwater) mounted in a bowl, directly in the water (Fig. 1), they take water directly from the font and supply it to the nozzle through a filter under pressure. They are placed on a slight elevation - this will prevent bottom sediments from getting inside the pump. The main advantage of such a pump is ease of installation and compactness.

A surface pump (Fig. 2) is mounted on land; it sucks water through a filter through a water supply system and then supplies it to the nozzle under pressure. The advantage of this approach is the reliability and durability of the pump, as well as the ease of its maintenance. The pump power is selected depending on the desired jet height (water flow intensity) and the existing fountain bowl.

  • filter – important detail for a home fountain. In most cases, water from the fountain bowl enters the pump with some contaminants. If the water is not filtered, the pump will quickly lose its functionality.
  • lighting - will add decorativeness to the fountain, especially in the evening
  • receiver - a pressure tank, the installation of which will ensure the maintenance constant pressure water entering the nozzle, thereby achieving stable operation of the entire system

If it is not possible to connect to electricity, you can assemble a fountain in your country house with your own hands without a pump. Its design is based on obtaining a fluid pressure difference. To do this, you will need a large container filled with liquid and a nozzle installed 0.5 - 1 m higher than the liquid level. Due to the pressure difference, the water streams will be pushed out, but they will be quite “sluggish” and will not splash much. This option is suitable for stream fountains. In addition, you will have to constantly monitor the liquid level, since the water pressure created with this design is quite low.

An important point is the selection of nozzles. They will help diversify and transform the fountain, creating a variety of water patterns, forcing water to flow in the right direction. The water passing through the nozzle is distributed in a certain way, foams, sprays, and is saturated with air.

How to make a fountain with your own hands in the country: a step-by-step guide

The technology for creating a simple fountain with your own hands is quite accessible; let’s consider it using the example of a fontanel fountain. It will become a spectacular detail in any garden, while it is easy to use, it can be easily cleaned, repaired, and easily stored in the shed for the winter. Having picked up appropriate place, we dig a round hole, the internal recess of which should correspond to the size of the bowl container used for the fountain (Fig. 3). Around the pit we additionally dig out a gutter about 10 cm deep.

Who said that a fountain is exclusively an outdoor fixture? Modern decorations of this type are used with equal success both outside the house and indoors - it all depends on the size and design. For apartments and houses, as a rule, small fountains are used, which are called “home fountain”. It’s about them, or rather about their variants self-made, will be discussed in this article.

A person can contemplate three things for a long time: for a long time he is unable to take his eyes off the flame, flowing water and on how someone else works. It is for this reason that the most common decorations in houses and apartments are all kinds of fireplaces and fountains. In this article we will talk about fountains - together with the Dream House website we will deal with the question of how to make a home fountain with your own hands? We'll consider various options self-production of this decor and, most importantly, we will understand the principle of creating such things, knowledge of which will allow you to independently design these products at home.

Do-it-yourself home mini fountain photo

Home fountain: how it works

Most of you will probably be surprised at how simple a fountain is - one might even say that by the standards of modern technologies This is an elementary thing that does not cause any difficulties in manufacturing. If you understand its design, then it can only be divided into several individual parts. Plus or minus, of course, since there is no limit to perfection, and it can be improved, as they say, ad infinitum.

As for the operating principle of such devices, there is nothing special to understand - the movement of the liquid simply loops. There is a container from which the pump pumps out water and supplies it to the nozzles of the fountain - flying out in the form of a beautiful decorative stream or flowing down like a waterfall, it returns back to the same container, from which, again, it is sucked in by the pump and sent to the next annular cycle. This is the whole fountain.

How to make a fountain at home: options

Among the most common options for making home fountains with your own hands, you can highlight just a couple more or less successful designs. To be frank, only one is completely successful - the first variation, although acceptable for a house or apartment, still has several significant drawbacks.

Depending on the required sizes, you can also install intermediate containers - create a so-called cascade of waterfalls, which will look much more attractive. The principle of manufacturing such fountains is no different from a single waterfall - the only thing that is added here is one or more intermediate containers. In such a situation, water is supplied by a pump to the upper container, from where it flows by gravity into a reservoir located just below. In turn, water will flow from this reservoir into a container located below - with this approach to business, the number of containers can be unlimited.

Home fountain photo

How to make a home fountain with your own hands: installation without a pump

Let me make a reservation right away that this is not a perpetual motion machine, and such a fountain will not be able to work indefinitely - this is an excellent toy that clearly demonstrates the work of the laws of physics and nothing more. Depending on the containers used in the design of such a fountain, you can count on 10, 15 minutes, perhaps even half an hour of operating time - then you will need to recharge, which you will get tired of doing in the very near future.

We are talking about, for the operation of which three containers are required, connected in series to each other by tubes - this is a completely sealed system that works thanks to air lock. From the receiving bowl, water flows into the lowest, and most importantly, empty container - it presses on the air in it, which, in turn, creates pressure in the upper container (it contains water). It is this pressure that causes the water to rise like a fountain. What is most interesting is that the rise of the jet can be quite large and reach 1 m in height. Moreover, this fountain can even be somewhat “automated” - organize its recharging with less time and effort. Undoubtedly, this is a noteworthy invention of mankind, which is worth devoting a separate article to, which we will do in the future.

How to make a home fountain with your own hands: Heron's fountain photo

In conclusion to the topic of how to make a home fountain, a few words about very attractive additions that will allow you to contemplate not only the appearance of flowing water, but also observe various effects. The very first thing that comes to mind here is . You can organize it different ways, but the most interesting of them is the use of a small electrical generator. A small device bought in a store is quite capable of making the LEDs glow - you can place them as you like and anywhere, the main thing is not to forget that water and electricity are incompatible things in principle.