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» Curtains for a small balcony. Choosing curtains for the balcony - photos and interior ideas. Not glazed loggia

Curtains for a small balcony. Choosing curtains for the balcony - photos and interior ideas. Not glazed loggia

Curtains on balconies add completeness to the interior, soften bright sunlight, and create unique comfort. The choice of one option or another depends on general style balcony, personal taste and the latest fashion trends. Every season, new offers appear that significantly expand the capabilities of designers and apartment owners.

What types of balcony curtains are there?

Curtains on balconies should be inexpensive, practical and beautiful. Among the main requirements:

  • the ability to vary the degree of shading;
  • ease of care;
  • environmental and fire safety;
  • durability;
  • resistance to bright sun, wind and rain;
  • ease of installation and dismantling.

For balcony structures and loggias are ideal:

  • blinds (horizontal or vertical);
  • Roman curtains;
  • awnings;
  • roll models;
  • light curtains made of tulle or muslin.

Blinds are easy to use, easy to adjust, you can choose the shade and design that suits your needs. different interiors. Blinds made of straw, bamboo or plastic often complement regular curtains for windows, made of fabric.

Roller blinds have gone from a recent novelty to a true classic. Such models for loggias are compact; if necessary, they can be quickly rolled up without impeding penetration sunlight. Roller blinds on loggias will reliably protect apartment residents from prying eyes; this option is ideal for the first floors apartment buildings, private cottages and dachas.

Awnings are usually combined with other types of curtains. They are elegant and provide good protection from the sun and light rain. However, wind and rain can damage them. It is not very convenient to use awnings in multi-storey buildings, but in private cottages and dachas they are simply irreplaceable. There are many options for how to hang such curtains, interesting ideas can be found in design magazines.

Light air curtains will not protect the balcony from the sun, but will prevent insects from entering the home. Such curtains are made from muslin, polyester mesh, tulle, tulle, and synthetic lace. Curtains knitted from cotton, linen or viscose threads look very impressive.

For balcony curtains, plush, satin and other materials that would be appropriate in formal living rooms are not used. Practical cotton and durable polyester are more suitable for decorating verandas and loggias. A variety of plastics are widely used; lovers of eco-style interiors will like curtains and blinds made of bamboo, straw, and impregnated rice paper. Natural materials comfortable and beautiful, but more susceptible to wear and tear. When choosing this option, you need to be prepared to change the curtains on the windows every season.

Fashion trends

The design of curtains for balconies does not change too often, but every season interesting offers appear on the market that need to be taken into account. In 2017, environmental ideas will be especially relevant. Already offered balcony curtains from a variety of natural materials: straw, jute, processed palm leaf. The most current shades are natural. You can choose textiles in brown, beige, cream, green tones. Not only are curtain designs offered, but also ideas on how to hang them. For example, short Japanese panels reaching the window sill, covering the opening, are especially relevant now solid wall. To diversify the design, curtains can be made in different shades of the same range. A beige, greenish, lilac-lilac or black-gray palette looks very stylish.

Roman blinds with classic contrasting stripes are popular for balconies and loggias. It is worth taking a closer look at red-white, greenish-cream, blue-blue combinations. Interesting offer– curtains for a balcony in a rustic style. They are made from printed cotton or polyester and trimmed with lace that imitates hand weaving. Do-it-yourself models look original. They can be crocheted or knitted, woven using macrame or tatting techniques, or using patchwork techniques. To decorate a balcony window, use both 1-2 large curtains and shortened curtains up to the window sill. All craft magazines are full of ideas on how to make curtains for a balcony with your own hands, so choosing the appropriate technique and style is very easy.

Fashionable new items of the season can be found in specialized publications and at exhibitions. But the timeless classic also remains at the peak of relevance. These include curtains made of plain muslin or tulle, as well as a variety of rolled models in calm colors. To decorate windows you need to use the same ideas as for decorating a balcony block. In this case, the interior of the home will be more seamless, which is especially important for small apartments.

Roller blinds for the balcony (video)

Design tricks

The design of a balcony room depends on many factors. When choosing textiles for a loggia, you need to consider:

  • location of the window with the balcony block;
  • climate features;
  • lighting brightness;
  • degree of air pollution;
  • the need for isolation from neighbors or street noise;
  • materials that were used to decorate the loggia or balcony.

A window with a balcony can be decorated in uniform style. On loggias and verandas facing north, light curtains in warm colors look especially beautiful: sunny yellow, cream, golden beige, peach. Passing through the curtains on the loggia, daylight will create the effect of a soft, muted sun. Balcony windows facing south, southeast and southwest should be shaded with cold-spectrum curtains. Blue, green, purple tones in all possible combinations are ideal; the addition of white is welcome. Such curtains will create a Mediterranean atmosphere and introduce notes of freshness, lightness, and ease into the interior.

For example, one composition can include dense roller blinds for shading in the evening, light muslin to protect against insects, removable awnings for especially hot sunny days. Wherein balcony block should not be overloaded. Perfect option– a simple multifunctional design that allows you to easily dismantle unnecessary structures and replace them with new ones.

Roller blinds for balcony windows (video)

How to make curtains yourself

Make curtains for the loggia with your own hands - great idea for a quick and inexpensive interior transformation. They can be made from any available materials. Most affordable option– floral chintz or small check, creating the atmosphere of a country house.

You can knit curtains for a balcony with your own hands from cotton threads. They are usually crocheted using the loin net technique. Curtains can be short or elongated; for greater decorativeness it is recommended to starch them. Suitable threads are white or pastel colors, curtains made from unbleached linen look very elegant, creating an eco-design. You can also make curtains from colored scraps with your own hands; they are more suitable for folk-style interiors and loggias lined with wood.

Many have probably encountered and will remember that delight and admiration when they received or bought an apartment, and found themselves in it large balcony or loggia. The size and location of the balcony is determined by the series of the house and the layout of the apartment itself. Balconies can be smooth, including rounded ones, in other words with bay windows. There are also many types of them in terms of the number of square meters. Sometimes, by the way, the first floors are expanded by loggias, completing their construction. But such a procedure is quite complicated and expensive. Therefore, it is better to go out and ennoble what is.

Moreover, having chosen correct interior and accessories, visually the space can be expanded and given a neat look. The same goes for functionality. Let's look at three first simple recommendations How to improve the atmosphere on the balcony.

  1. Throw away unnecessary trash. The times of scarcity are far behind us, but on many balconies you can still find old cornices, ski poles, rusty sleds and much more - things that are no longer useful at all, and you never got around to throwing away. Therefore, cleansing the space is the first path to its functionality.
  2. Insulation. If you want to have a cozy balcony that you can go out to both in summer and winter, to admire the beauty of the city landscape or other views, of course, the balcony must be insulated. Moreover, it is advisable to do this both outside and inside. In addition to insulation, you will also need finishing. This is also worth paying attention to; it is advisable that this extension of the room does not fall out of the overall ensemble of the entire interior.
  3. Choose the right curtains. Now let's talk about this in more detail.

Curtains can be found to suit every taste and color; if you wish, you don’t even have to leave the house. Just scroll through a couple of photo catalogs on the Internet, and a bunch of ideas will already appear. However, it is also worth noting here that there are still people who are one hundred percent sure that only old and unnecessary things should be “taken out” to the balcony. This also applies to curtains. Indeed, there is an opinion that it is better to hang old yellowed tulle on the windows, because the window will still open, dust will fly in in the summer, and in winter the fabric will be spoiled by frost, rain, sun and everything else. Such thoughts should be abandoned immediately; a person lives to rejoice, and for this all conditions must be appropriate.

So, let's see what curtains the market in this industry offers us today.


This best option for the balcony. It consists of a canvas that is attached to special strips; a small cord is pulled through them, which regulates the height and amount of light transmitted. You can buy such curtains, or you can make them yourself, but more on that later.

Roller blinds

In other words, roller blinds. This option is for self-made complicated, but for a balcony it’s just as good as the previous one. In this case, a special mechanism is attached to the windows, which allows the canvas to lower and rise semi-automatically. Such devices come with PVC fabric, which makes them much easier to care for.


Well, where would we be without pleating, drapery, tails and lambrequins? Classic curtains for a balcony are acceptable, but only if the balcony is properly designed and the height is correctly selected. Too long ones will simply hide all the zest of this small room. And by the way, oh small room, on tiny balconies they will look ridiculous. The classics are beautiful in photos of large loggias, bay windows, etc. Where all the luxury has a place to unfold without reducing functionality.


Let's try to describe how to make Roman blinds with your own hands.

  1. First, you need to measure the windows, because they will be attached not to the wall, but to the window panel.
  2. The canvas must be purchased with a gap. And to do this, first make a pattern with an allowance for the strips. The top bar should be 5 centimeters wider than the rest.
  3. For example, the height of the window is 1.2 m, 6 slats will be inserted into the canvas, 1 - 8 cm, the rest - 3 cm. That is, the indentation will be 40 cm. You can do less, this is individual. This means that for such curtains the fabric will need a cut of 1.7 m with a margin. The fact is that for each strip, separate pockets will be sewn together, respectively, their sizes are also taken into account.
  4. Once the pattern is ready and all measurements have been made, you can sew the pockets.
  5. You will also need a special riveter and a device to make holes in the strips for the laces.

Of course it's not detailed instructions, but then you can make your own products in Roman blinds, guided by logic.

With classic curtains it will be more difficult, because in this case you need cutting and sewing skills.

If we are talking about landscaped loggias or balconies, we certainly imagine a warm, cozy room with high-quality finishing and a pleasant interior. And of course integral part This interior will be curtains. Therefore, it is no secret that people planning to arrange their balcony according to all the rules are especially interested in this design element.

Undoubtedly, the numerous options for arranging curtains on the balcony are clearly and clearly demonstrated by the photos posted in magazines and the Internet. However, in addition to a visual overview, competent window design also requires theoretical material.

Right choice

Today there are a huge variety of ideas and models of curtains for loggias and balconies. They differ from each other not only in the principle of operation, but also in the materials used for manufacturing, textures and colors.

If the balcony room is well insulated and glazed, then the balcony can be decorated as a real room. However, curtains and curtains for a balcony, unlike ordinary room curtains, must have certain characteristics, namely:

  • Curtains and curtains should be made of fabrics that are easy to wash or wet clean, since street dust and wind often directly hit the balcony, intensively polluting the room.
  • If the balcony is clearly visible from the side of the room, then the style of curtains and drapes should be subordinated to the overall interior design.
  • Curtains for a 6-meter loggia or a small balcony are best made from light fabrics in one layer, without using drapery or lambrequins, otherwise they will look too massive and the process of moving them around the perimeter of the window will be complicated.

Design of curtains for a balcony photo

The selection of curtains should be carried out taking into account the goals pursued by the owners of the balcony. For example, to hide from prying eyes and bright sunlight, you can use thicker curtains or blinds, and to simple decoration windows and lighting softening would be better suited tulle on the balcony.

Advice! When choosing matching curtains and curtains, the location of the loggia or balcony relative to the cardinal points should be taken into account. It is not recommended to overshade windows facing north or south, where most often there is very little sun during the day.

The color of the curtains should not be dark, in order to prevent overheating of the room on hot days; it is better to choose calm natural shades of beige, white, yellow, light green, blue or green.

What are they?

All the above requirements are met by Roman, Japanese, and roller blinds. All of them are fabric strips, lightweight, easy to use and allow you to choose the desired color. However, their main difference is different principles actions.

Roman blinds are strips of fabric the size of the window with several wooden or plastic slats sewn parallel and horizontally inside at an equal distance from each other. When the curtain is opened, the fabric is folded and layered, forming transverse folds, shortening and opening up the view. Roman blinds are attached either using a curtain rod or directly to the window frame. They are controlled via a cord.

Photo of Roman blinds on the balcony

Roller blinds for a loggia or balcony, similar to Roman ones, are moved from the bottom up and one canvas is also intended for only one window. But the lifting of the fabric is carried out by twisting it into a roll onto a window frame handset. These curtains are not intended for washing, they are cleaned damp cloth. Despite all the advantages, this option can hardly be called budget - roller blinds will not be cheap.

Roller blinds on the balcony photo

On a note! Owners of roller blinds often complain about the unreliable twisting mechanism, its frequent breakdowns. When purchasing these models, you should not save too much - it is best to use products from well-known, reputable manufacturers.

And finally Japanese curtains for loggias and balconies. These are original fabric panels that do not fold. The fabrics of Japanese curtains are perfectly smooth, since weight strips are sewn into them at the bottom. They can only be swapped with each other or completely moved to one side. Each of the panels moves along its own guide, and therefore Japanese curtains require the presence of a special multi-strip cornice.

Japanese curtains on the loggia photo

On a note! Roller and Japanese curtains can be equipped with an automated sliding system. There are models that can be controlled using a remote control.

If you don't strive for modern trends and technology, but prefer classic sliding option, then you can make light curtains or curtains for the balcony with your own hands or order them from a specialist. You just need to choose a suitable fabric and think about how it will move around the perimeter of the glazing.

Translucent tulle curtains are especially suitable for a kitchen that is combined with a loggia or is part of a balcony. Their ideal length is just below the window sill.

Curtains for the loggia photo

There are two main options for hanging curtains. They can slide along a curtain rod attached to the ceiling or move along a curtain fixed to the wall.

When placing curtains on a curtain, the upper edge of the canvas can be decorated in the most different ways. The curtain can be hung on grommets - iron rings fixed in the fabric.

Not so long ago, for many people, the balcony was a warehouse for storing rarely needed things, but now the majority is trying to use every square meter your apartment.

On the loggia you can arrange a place to relax, a study, a dining area, a gym and much more, it all depends on your wishes and capabilities. After working on turning your balcony into a functional corner, it is important to pay attention to creating coziness and comfort. Comfortable and beautiful curtains will be a necessary addition to your interior design.

It is necessary to take into account several factors when choosing curtains for a loggia or balcony:

  1. Level natural light. It is more practical to decorate windows that face the north side of the house with light-transmitting curtains, preferably in warm shades. If the balcony faces south, it is recommended to use thicker curtains in cool, light colors.
  2. Convenience. Curtains should not impede access to window handles or take up a lot of space with excess volume.
  3. Design of curtains for a loggia. The curtains on the balcony and in the room next to it should be in harmony in color and style; on balcony windows it is advisable to use lighter shades.
  4. Quality of material. The curtain on the balcony should be resistant to bright sun and easily withstand frequent wet cleaning or washing.

There are several tips and little tricks regarding the selection of curtains for the loggia:

  1. Curtains dark shades heat up more and lose color faster.
  2. If you still want to hang curtains on the loggia in dark colors, then it is recommended to use double-sided fabric, but it is better to choose a light material on the street side. With this option, the heating of the room will be slightly less.
  3. If the loggia area is 3 meters or less, it is better not to use curtains with a small pattern, as it visually increases their size.

Popular types

It is clear that not everyone style will suit for a balcony or loggia. For example, heavy velvet curtains a la classic would be completely out of place there. But this does not mean that decorating such a room will cause difficulties, because there are other, ideally suitable options.

Roman style

Roman blinds are a structure made of rectangular fabric panels that do not slide apart like conventional curtains, but rise vertically and are fixed at any height with even frills. They will fit balconies of any size.

If the loggia is combined with a room or kitchen, then long Roman blinds look impressive; they are also suitable for spacious loggias of 6 meters or more. The position of the curtain is adjustable thanks to peculiar laces sewn into the fabric.

Roller curtains

In their operation, they are very similar to Roman blinds, but differ from them in that when lifted, they are carefully rolled into an even roll, which takes up virtually no space on the window, thereby saving space in a small room. This is their undoubted advantage.

They are a continuous sheet of dense fabric. They are manufactured exactly to the size of the window and placed in a rigid frame made of plastic or aluminum.

In addition to ease of opening and closing, roller security curtains have an attractive design.

Practical blinds

They are distinguished by a very large selection of materials (plastic, bamboo, straw, wood).

Thanks to this, with the right combination of color and design, blinds can be easily matched to any interior, and if you combine them with classic fabric curtains, you can get interesting option, created with your own hands.

Blinds can be placed not only on window opening and the wall, but also on each sash individually.

Japanese curtains

Japanese curtains are more suitable for placement on panoramic windows. Long sheets of fabric reaching to the floor move parallel to each other (for comparison, we can take the example of a compartment door). They move in a similar way to blinds, moving along the cornice. This great option for design in Asian style and minimalism.

Classic version

Classics are appreciated because they will always be in fashion, while not only decorating any interior, but also hiding the space of the loggia and room from prying eyes. With well-thought-out sizes and volumes, the curtain will not interfere with the approach to the balcony window.

If the loggia is small, about 3 meters in size, it is not recommended to use dense, bulky, dark fabric - this will visually make the room smaller. You can make classic curtains with your own hands, just a little time and diligence.

DIY sewing

Sewing curtains yourself will save your budget and make you realize design ideas, and they will be unique. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and carefully follow the instructions for implementing the chosen option. You can use any fabric to create curtains with your own hands: dense materials will be convenient for decorating windows on the south side of the house, spacious loggias more than 6 meters and Roman blinds; airy fabric or tulle is suitable for dark or small rooms; synthetic fabric - for low floors, it repels dust and is easy to wash.

It doesn’t matter what material option was chosen for the curtains, the main thing is that it complements the interior of the balcony, the adjacent room and matches the color of the walls, furniture and the overall design of the room.

Suitable for beginners an easy option for sewing classic curtains. To work, you will need the selected fabric, ready-made curtain braid, meter, thread, sewing machine, scissors, chalk and a good mood.

First, you need to take measurements of the future curtain for the balcony with your own hands, but do not forget to leave allowances of at least 4 cm and think in advance whether the curtain needs to be voluminous and folded into waves or hang straight along the window. This determines how much you need to add to the width of the fabric. Then on the finished piece of fabric the right size for convenience, iron 4 cm on the wrong side of the material, then fold the seam allowance and stitch it on sewing machine, then iron the resulting edge again with an iron. This process must be done on all sides of the material except the top. Don't forget to iron the braid.

Now you need to calculate the size of the allowance on the upper edge of the future curtain: measure the width of the braid, for example, if it is 4 cm, then just at these 4 cm you need to fold the fabric and iron it. After this, secure the resulting fold with pins so that it does not move during the process of attaching the braid. Using a machine, sew the braid 1 cm below the ironed fold, fold the edges of the braid inward by 1-1.5 cm. At the end, do not forget to remove the pins.

Your new unique DIY curtain is ready! It is perfect in size, design and material, and it will be very nice to know that this creation was created with your own hands!

An insulated and glazed balcony visually increases the space of the room, makes it possible to be on the balcony at any time of the year and allows you to be closer to nature. No matter how beautiful the inside of the room is, beautiful interior The balcony attracts first of all. Design details are essential for complete comfort. Therefore they use different kinds curtains for the balcony.

It is the curtains that make the room more attractive, the balcony protects from prying eyes, and also protects from too much sunlight.

Rules for choosing curtains

There are balconies different sizes And non-standard forms, and also important window openings, layouts, sizes. Therefore, choosing curtains for such windows is not an easy task.

There are several rules for choosing curtains for a balcony:

  • When buying curtains for a balcony, you should pay attention to which side the windows face. It would be appropriate to decorate windows facing south with thick curtains. If the windows face north, it would be appropriate to decorate them with light translucent curtains.
  • You can choose absolutely any curtains for any of the rooms, but for curtains on the balcony, you should pay attention to the volume and dimensions of these curtains, because every centimeter counts in this room.
  • It is not often possible to find suitable curtains for a balcony in size, volume, and beauty. In this case, it would be more logical to sew such curtains yourself. This will be something more expensive than ordinary curtains, but the master will do everything according to your taste and desire so that your curtains are the most beautiful and pleasing to the eye for both you and your guests.

It is important to remember, no matter how beautiful your curtains are, they should not block the entrance to the balcony or be a barrier to the window.

It should also be noted that in addition to beauty, curtains should protect from prying eyes and excessive sunlight. This must be taken into account when choosing curtains for the balcony.


Types of curtains for balconies and loggias

There are many types of curtains for the balcony. These can be ordinary curtains made of light ordinary fabric, thick curtains in several layers, blinds and curtains. Now we will look at the most common types of curtains for the balcony.

The very name of these curtains speaks for itself about their origin. Also in ancient Rome a look called drapery was born. In this type of curtain, they rise upward in even horizontal folds, somewhat similar to ship sails. The canvas can be made of synthetic or natural fabric, it is attached to the cornice.

A counterweight bar is attached to the bottom. The fabric itself is divided into several ribbons. Rings are attached to these strips, through which cords are threaded to raise and lower the Roman shade. When raised, they do not interfere with free access to the window.

Pros of Roman curtains:

  • High price;
  • Small fabric consumption;
  • Simple mounting to the ceiling for different types of glazing;
  • Combination with classic sliding curtains;
  • Versatility.

This type of curtains can move along the window without obstruction. The slats, which can be attached at the bottom and top, give the curtains evenness and smoothness. They can be collected either different sides, and in one.

Pros of Japanese curtains:

  • Many color options;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Compactness;

These curtains are the simplest and most convenient to use and decorate windows on the balcony. The fabric of such sets is wound on a shaft in the upper and lower parts of the window.

The main feature of such curtains is the absence of a cassette into which the curtains are collected.

Pros of roller curtains:

  • The smallest number of parts that can break;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Easy to maintain.

This type of curtain is universal. Such curtains can be applied to any interior in the loggia. Classic curtains provide great opportunities for original design of a balcony window; you can use any fabric, texture, shades, or combine different furniture.


If your balcony classic style, then asymmetrical type curtains with eyelets will suit you. It is this asymmetry that will add some edge to the traditional interior design, and the mounting method will not interfere with the use of the balcony. Asymmetrical curtains – unusual element design.


But in case of them correct selection, they will significantly change the interior of the entire room. The possibility of such curtains is different lengths of the panel. The right side of the curtain is shorter and the left side is longer. It can be the other way around.


The material of such curtains is silk. They are laced many times along their entire length. With the help of such lacing, the curtains are fixed at a given height or collected at the very edge of the cornice. Very often they are made from light organza, cambric, tulle, silk, veil and add airiness to the space.


Such curtains have long been well known to everyone. They can be used in loggias and balconies of short or long length and combined with tulle or just leave one tulle.

The main advantage of such curtains is low price And appearance material and the ability to hang them yourself.

These curtains can be draped beautifully and easily. The main disadvantage is that such curtains must be constantly washed and ironed, and they must be treated with great care.

If the exit to your balcony is located in the hall, curtained or glazed, then the window can only be decorated with veil tulle or light organza.

The canvas will not fit on such a window thick curtains, and dividing them into two parts also does not make sense, since they will look very inappropriate on the window.

Metal or plastic eyelets are most often chosen for fastening under such curtains. This is done so that, if necessary, the door can be opened to full strength; it will not be difficult and the tulle will not be damaged.

It is important that the shade of the curtains matches the interior of the room itself. A snow-white shade is completely optional in such cases.

Fashionable thing and innovation in 2017 - filament curtains or muslin. This type of curtain is quite unusual and looks original and interesting. These are thin and flowing threads that create an extraordinary play of light in the room. You can make your window either plain or combined more than two shades. In addition to the usual flowing threads, you can combine beads, flowers or many other decorative elements with them.

Such curtains are very practical, because you will not have any inconvenience when going out onto the balcony.

Video on how to care for thread curtains:

Curtains and blinds

Such curtains are modern, do not take up much space and are very convenient to use. They differ from other types of curtains in that they are durable, practical, easy to care for, and also have a wide selection of colors.

Blinds are divided into two types:

  1. Vertical. They consist of synthetic or natural strips. They are fixed on the ceiling, but can also be placed on a window opening. The degree of illumination with light is adjusted. Such models have a movement mechanism. With this mechanism, the blinds can be moved in different directions, which is necessary before opening the window.
  2. Horizontal. These curtains are made from a thin panel of wood, plastic, metal or thick fabric. Their location is horizontal. They can be pure white or multi-colored, with a glossy or matte surface, with patterns, designs, and photo prints. As the strips rotate, the light output changes.



This type of curtain is made of fabric that has already undergone special processing and is packaged in a box made of aluminum or plastic. Such curtains fit tightly to the window. The mechanism for their fastening is special.

Roller blinds are assembled into a roller-chain mechanism, which is why the material of such curtains is always perfectly smooth. They are made from natural and artificial materials.

The main disadvantage of such curtains is their price. But it is always justified by its quality, durability and ease of use.


Such curtains are translucent or transparent, allowing light to pass through, making it diffused and soft. They can be secured semi-raised and thereby free up space for a window sill. More often, long types of such curtains are very inconvenient to use, but they will be appropriate in a loggia.