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» First, stretch the ceiling or glue wallpaper. Whether it’s a suspended ceiling or wallpaper first – all the pros and cons of both options. If you first make suspended ceilings

First, stretch the ceiling or glue wallpaper. Whether it’s a suspended ceiling or wallpaper first – all the pros and cons of both options. If you first make suspended ceilings

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

When renovating an apartment, you sometimes have to deal with various contradictions and controversial issues. For example, it is not always clear where to start: or . Stretch ceiling are gaining popularity, they contain non-toxic components, such designs are durable and safe. No installation process required special knowledge and it happens quickly.

The stretch ceiling is special film made of polyvinyl chloride, stretched over a durable frame. The result is a perfectly flat and smooth surface. The shade of the ceiling can be chosen to suit every taste, it all depends on the design of the room itself. The film can be selected as a regular plain film, or with an imitation of marble, brick, plaster, or with an ornament or pattern.

PVC stretch ceilings are stylish, comfortable and modern solution for interior decoration. Let's consider two main ways to install this structure:

In some cases, suspended ceilings are made of fabric, which significantly reduces the risk of sagging during operation. This is explained by the fact that the fabric is much denser than PVC fabric. Installation of this structure is carried out without pre-heating with a gun. You can also place artistic painting on the material, as well as additionally paint it in any color.

There is no clear answer to the question of what comes first: wallpaper or ceiling. This will be influenced by several factors affecting technology and working conditions:

Wallpaper first

This is the most convenient and common option for most craftsmen and beginners, since there is no need to level the top edge of the wallpaper. In this case, the edge will be hidden behind the cornices and fasteners, without spoiling big picture and aesthetics of appearance.

First, you need to level the walls in order to paste the wallpaper, and then stretch the ceiling. When leveling, a spatula with sharp edges is used, which can easily damage the PVC sheet, so the ceiling should be stretched later. It is necessary to wait until the wallpaper sheets are completely dry before proceeding with further work and repairs.

What problems may you encounter:

Advantage this method is the fact that this way the suspended ceiling is protected from glue and other contaminants that may appear during the process of finishing the walls. In addition, if you are gluing wallpaper for painting, you should only stretch the ceiling after the decorative paint has completely dried.

First the ceiling

Tensile structures can be installed before or after wallpapering the walls; the technique depends on many circumstances. If you have chosen the method of installing the ceiling before applying the wallpaper, you must quality training surfaces of all walls in the room. As a result, they should be as smooth and perfectly even as possible, without flaws or defects.

The advantages of this method:

Disadvantages of this technique:

If you use a fabric stretch ceiling, all skirting boards must be secured using a special sealant. Installation on the film sheet is done using liquid nails.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what work should be done first: gluing wallpaper or making a suspended ceiling. You will have to resolve this issue yourself, based on your personal financial and professional opportunities, as well as working conditions. It is worth noting that installing a suspended ceiling in an apartment is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, you should take care of the safety of the material and the aesthetic side of the issue.

Repair is a word that scares almost everyone. Of course, I want to change the situation and update the interior, but the process itself does not bring pleasure. High costs, a huge scale of work and nuances arising in the process can lead even the calmest person into a dead end. Often, questions arise: where is it better to start, from the walls or the ceiling? What do you do first: glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling? Let's try to understand this issue further.

Work can be carried out in any order if it is performed by highly qualified specialists. But if repairs are done by people who do not have sufficient skills, then unpleasant nuances may arise. Before proceeding to the main stage, you should complete preparatory work. They include:

  • Cleaning old walls and ceilings finishing materials.
  • Coating surfaces with antifungal agents.
  • Minor defects and cracks are eliminated.
  • The walls and ceiling are puttied and plastered.

After this, all necessary measurements and calculations are carried out, materials are purchased in the right quantity. The final stage is the fastening of the baguette at the base of the structure.

What will come first: pasting the walls or installing tension fabric, is influenced by the upper design you choose. There are several types of ceilings that are popular now. This:

  1. The tension fabric will not be placed along the entire perimeter of the room, but a box will be inserted. This design involves preliminary installation of drywall of oval, round, square or any other shape. The surface is puttied, painted, and only after that the tension fabric is installed. From the above it follows that the room must be as ready as possible, all finishing work must be completed, before installing the ceiling.
  2. The stretched fabric is decorated with baguettes. With this option, a strict work procedure is recommended. First, the walls are puttied, then the tension covering is installed. Lastly, the baguette is attached. It is puttied at the joints and painted. Only after all the described procedures are the walls finished.
  3. The stretch fabric covers the entire perimeter of the top. Here you can choose any sequence. It all depends on how easier it will be for you and how much you can cope with the nuances that will arise in the process.

The rough work is done and the fun begins. Let's consider both options and possible consequences their applications.

First, wallpapering.

Many people choose this option, believing that the glue, paint or solvent used in the pasting process will heavily pollute the ceiling. Some compounds can cause irreparable damage to the canvas, ruining it appearance or invoice. This is especially true for paints if you are gluing wallpaper that you will then treat with them.

Disadvantages of the chosen method and options for their solution:

  1. When installing a baguette, many holes are drilled. This often leads to dirty wallpaper. To prevent this, you can use a hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner. It will not protect against all dust, but it will reduce its amount to a minimum.
  2. Installation of a stretch ceiling occurs when high temperature. The room heats up to 60 degrees above zero. Such conditions may cause the wallpaper to peel off. But this situation arises due to a violation of technology. The canvas should be installed only after the wallpaper has completely dried. This takes about 6 days, with room temperature, therefore, do not rush. After finishing gluing, invite measurers to order a stretch ceiling. As a rule, it is made within a week. This time is just enough for the wallpaper to dry.
  3. Careless use of tools such as a spatula or scissors can damage the ceiling. Here, when cutting the canvases, jeweler's precision is required.
  4. Re-replacing the wallpaper after the renovation is completed will be much more difficult.

First the ceiling, then the wallpaper.

Stretch ceilings can be installed using two methods:

  1. Harpoon method. First, the parameters of the room are measured to make the canvas. Afterwards, specialists install the baguette on nails hammered into the wall in advance. This method will remove up to 4 centimeters of height. Using a special gun, the fabric is heated, stretched and snapped into place. After some time, it hardens and looks perfectly smooth.
  2. The second method is without a harpoon. The canvas is clamped like fabric in a hoop. This is a cheaper method that does not require preliminary measurements. But, in case of poor installation, the ceiling may sag.

In addition to film ceilings, there are fabric ceilings. Their peculiarity is that they do not warm up during installation. There are no seams on them, which makes this stretch fabric quite durable. Installation fabric ceiling It starts not from the corners, but from the middle. It turns out something like a cross. Already guided by it, the material is pulled from the central part to the corners. Installation is carried out with a special spatula. The edges that hang down are trimmed with a knife.

Important! If wrinkles occur during installation of the fabric, do not panic. They can be easily fixed with a hair dryer.

When the method of installing a stretch ceiling has been chosen, we will consider the arguments of experts in favor of the fact that the wallpaper should be glued afterwards. The main one is that you can cover the canvas with film so as not to stain it. Otherwise, the ceiling cannot be protected in any way. Also, heat treatment of PVC coating will not affect the wallpaper in any way.

In addition to contaminating the ceiling with painting and adhesive materials, the disadvantages include cutting the wallpaper. After gluing the technological tape, it will be quite difficult to align the canvas.

Installation of the ceiling in stages, as an option for a costly compromise

This method is rarely used by professional builders and people who do repairs themselves. It's all about what it requires more money and time to work. But if you are interested in a quality result, then you should pay attention to it.

The installation scheme takes place in several stages:

  • walls are leveled;
  • a baguette is installed;
  • wallpaper is pasted;
  • ceiling sheet is installed.

How to apply wallpaper to a suspended ceiling

The service life of suspended ceilings is usually at least 10 years. But at the same time, you will want to change the wallpaper much earlier, after 4-5, for sure. What to do in this case, because replacing everything will be quite expensive? You can paste wallpaper without damaging it ceiling covering. This work is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, remove the disturbing furniture and apply masking tape to the edge of the ceiling. Of course, this will not help against damage from cutting objects, but it will save you from being touched with a brush.
  2. We clean the walls of old wallpaper. To do this, we cut them as close as possible to the base of the profile. Choose the sharpest possible tool to make a straight line.
  3. Wallpaper is wetted warm water to make them easier to remove. If there are minor defects and irregularities on the walls, they need to be eliminated. But leveling with plasterboard and putty is not recommended when there is already a suspended ceiling.
  4. Prepare the walls for gluing by treating them with a primer. Near the ceiling, this must be done as carefully as possible, because it will be difficult to remove contamination.
  5. Before wallpapering, you should decide whether there will be a baguette in the room. Experts advise using it. This decorative element serves not only as a decoration for the renovation, but also covers uneven cuts of the wallpaper and the junction of the ceiling with it.
  6. Cutting the canvases and adjusting the design should be done on the floor. After all, leaving this matter for later, you risk damaging the stretch ceiling with sharp objects.

Wallpapering when there is a suspended ceiling is quite painstaking work. Having completed simple recommendations specialists, you can do the job efficiently.

How to combine stretch fabrics and wall decor

If you already have a decision on what to do first: install a suspended ceiling or glue wallpaper, but have not purchased the materials yet, you should think about how to choose them correctly.

  • If you have ordinary apartment or house, with standard height walls, you need to choose the right one color scheme. It should not make the room visually smaller.
  • Windows that face north do not allow maximum illumination of the room. Even during the day it looks dull and gloomy. Bright colors, such as orange, will make the room brighter and sunnier.
  • The opposite situation is when the windows face south. Too bright an environment will interfere. There will always be a desire to lower the blinds. In this case, you should choose calm colors, such as sea ​​wave, turquoise and pastel shades.
  • You can make the room taller by choosing a light-colored tension covering. At the same time, the bottom should be dark. This combination will work in contrast.
  • If there are no windows in the room, you should choose light shades for the top. When your taste only tells you dark colors, then buy a stretch fabric with a glossy effect. The walls will be reflected in it like a mirror. This will visually stretch the room.

Secrets of wallpaper stickers near a stretch ceiling video

You can peep the secrets of wallpapering and installing a stretch ceiling on the Internet. There are many videos where experts give their recommendations on how to implement repair work. We present to your attention one of them:

Pledge perfect renovation- correct chronology of actions during its implementation. The most questions arise about the order of finishing the floor, walls and ceiling. Everyone must decide in advance what will be more convenient for him - first glue the wallpaper and then install the suspended ceiling, or vice versa. It’s not difficult to decide on this - even a beginner in repairs can handle it.

Why is it so important to decide in advance?

You need to decide on the order of repair stages before it begins, so that you can then calmly follow the planned plan.

From the point of view of manufacturability and compliance with SNiP (building codes and regulations), first of all, you can deal with both wallpaper and suspended ceilings. Both options can be equally effective and efficient. However, one wrong decision can not only ruin the subsequent stage of repair work, but also worsen the final appearance of the entire room. Therefore, it is important to make a choice in advance.

Lay finishing flooring possible between finishing the walls and ceiling or at the final stage of repair.

General preparatory work

Those who are doing renovations for the first time often invite professionals for rough finishing, and do the finishing themselves

Rough finishing work includes the following items:

  • removal of old finishing materials from repaired surfaces;
  • work with electrical wiring;
  • leveling walls;
  • treating surfaces with an antifungal primer, which helps prevent mold;
  • elimination of cracks, chips and other minor defects;
  • treating walls with plaster or putty.

After completing this work, it’s the measurers’ turn. They calculate the dimensions of the ceiling metal structure for installing a stretch ceiling and the volume of material required for wallpapering. The final stage of preparation is the installation of a special frame to the base, sound insulation of the ceiling, partitions and walls (if provided).

There is no need to level the ceiling with plaster - all errors will be hidden by the tension fabric.

First wallpaper, then suspended ceiling - pros and cons

For better “adhesion” of wallpaper to the wall, before gluing it, it is better to apply 1–2 layers of primer over the dried putty

After finishing the preliminary work, you can begin finishing. Quite often, craftsmen first glue wallpaper, and only then install the ceiling.

The edge of the wall covering under the slats is carefully trimmed with a sharp blade or construction knife before assembling the tension fabric. In this case, the risk of accidentally cutting the fabric is eliminated.

You can start gluing wallpaper only after the putty has completely dried. The walls are left until completely dry, and only after that the workers begin decorating the ceiling.

The advantages of wallpapering before installing the tension fabric:

  • perfect looking top wall outline;
  • no risk of damaging or contaminating the ceiling.

This option also has disadvantages:

  • To attach slats for a suspended ceiling, installers will have to drill holes in the wall for fastening. This leads not only to a violation of the integrity of the wallpaper, but also to its contamination. A hammer drill with a dust collector will help to cope with this problem. Although it will not help to completely get rid of dirt, it will remove a significant part of it.
  • During installation of a stretch ceiling, the temperature in the room can reach 50–60 °C. Such heating can cause the wallpaper to begin to peel off. To prevent this from happening, finishing the ceiling begins only after the walls have completely dried. Usually it is enough to wait 4-6 days.
  • Among the disadvantages of this option, difficulties arising when cosmetic repairs in future. However, despite the fact that the wallpaper will be pressed tightly metal slats, re-gluing them will not be difficult. It is enough to trim the canvas with a sharp blade and remove it with a spatula. Dismantling will be easier if you pre-moisten the wallpaper with water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

However, most of these disadvantages are easy to eliminate.

When installing complex ceiling structures With plasterboard, there is only one option - to first repair the walls. Since the sheets need to be attached to the “bare” ceiling, this option will not work with film.

First the ceiling, then the wallpaper - advantages and disadvantages

If wallpaper glue gets on the ceiling, it can be removed with glass cleaner and a soft cloth.

During installation, specialists install the lighting and attach the ceiling to pre-installed slats made of durable metal. If the choice is made in favor of this option, then you need to remember one rule: it is necessary to level and putty the walls for wallpaper before starting all types finishing works. If you fix the baguette on uneven surface, then it will look ugly. Such a defect cannot be corrected with decor, and the ceiling will be damaged.

When gluing walls, you need to be especially careful in the upper part so as not to damage the ceiling plugs.

Advantages of finishing walls after ceiling:

  • the wallpaper will remain in its original form;
  • if necessary, the walls can be easily re-pasted;
  • the walls will not be exposed to high temperatures.

Disadvantages of this option:

  • During operation, there is a possibility of staining the ceiling. For example, solvent, glue, or paint may come into contact with it. Most of these stains are difficult to remove. Therefore, if the list of repair work includes finishing the walls with wallpaper for painting, experts recommend carrying out this stage first and then installing the ceiling.
  • We must not lose sight of the fact that the wallpaper can be covered with film during repairs to protect it from possible damage, but this is impossible to do with the ceiling, so the chance of ruining it is much higher.

How to make the right decision

If you have entrusted the repair to professional finishers, it makes sense to listen to their opinion - they will certainly tell you how best to do it in your case

The choice between the two methods will depend on a number of factors:

  • Fastening system. Profile under fabric ceiling narrower and has fewer fasteners, so there won’t be as much construction debris while drilling the walls. If so, you can first decorate the wall with wallpaper, and then start finishing the ceiling.
  • Materials for wall decoration. Low-quality wallpaper will quickly become unusable. Therefore, in order to simplify their further change, you can first decorate the ceiling, and then proceed to the rest of the finishing. Wallpaper in pastel shades is also better to paste last.
  • A type of stretch ceiling. If you abandon vinyl in favor of fabric, then electric heat gun will not be required, which means you can hang the wallpaper first without fear for its safety.
  • Availability decorative plinth. It is more convenient to glue it onto an “empty” wall after the ceiling is ready.

If you do everything yourself, without a team of installers, then it is better to choose the third option. Ceiling installation is divided into 2 stages, which are broken up by gluing wallpaper. Procedure:

  1. Install the metal profile.
  2. Cover the walls with wallpaper.
  3. The final stage is the installation of the stretch ceiling.

According to professionals, carrying out repair work in stages is the safest option.

Video: What comes first - ceiling or wallpaper

There are pros and cons to each option. That is why everyone chooses what to do first - glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling. The sequence of actions will depend on many factors. However, responsibility for the choice in any case will lie with the owner of the apartment.

Stretch ceilings are increasingly gaining a place in our apartments and for good reason. Made from non-toxic substances, they serve us long and faithfully without replacement for more than five years. And the installation procedure is quick and hassle-free. In addition, they can be wiped clean from dust.

Stretch ceilings are a thin film of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fabric that is stretched over a certain frame under the ceiling. Subsequently it looks like a perfectly original surface. The colors of the canvas can be any - it all depends on your design idea and the combination of the color of the ceiling and wallpaper. Films can be plain colored with patterns, ceiling lights, but it is also possible to imitate marble or any other material.

A little about the methods of installing suspended ceilings

If an entire room is being renovated, the question often arises, what comes first: wallpaper or suspended ceiling? Opinions differ on this matter. Therefore, let's first look at the structure and. There are two of them:

  • Harpoon method. The room is measured in advance for the production of a certain size of canvas, then the installers of the company you choose install a frame (in other words, a baguette), mounted on special nails driven into the walls. This design will “steal” no more than 4 centimeters of wall height. Then the special fabric is heated with a heat gun, stretched over the entire area of ​​the ceiling and snapped into place. Although, if you wish, you can make a suspended ceiling with a recess for curtains or even stretch it over only part of the room. As it dries, it becomes harder, but remains perfectly smooth.
  • Harpoonless method - the canvas is clamped like fabric in a hoop. This method is considered simpler (in terms of price and quality) since it does not require preliminary measurement and fabrication. However, sagging is also possible.

Stretch ceilings are also made from fabric. In the case of the fabric version, the risk of sagging is reduced, because the fabric is thicker. Installation of such a product is carried out without heating it. Material suitable for artistic painting and even painting yourself.

And yet: what comes first?

Now that you know everything or almost everything about suspended ceilings, it’s time to approach our main question. What comes first: stretch the ceiling or glue wallpaper?

First of all, the answer lies in the frequency of your wallpapering. If the previous wallpaper has not been changed for ten years, then before attaching the PVC baguette, you can safely glue the wallpaper, over which the canvas will subsequently be stretched. You should not worry about their damage during the installation of the ceiling - real professionals will do everything as neatly and cleanly as possible - when stretching, no dirt or construction debris remains in the room.

If you are a follower frequent repairs and like to refresh the room with new wallpaper, it would make sense to glue the wallpaper from the bottom of the plastic edge along the edge of the stretch ceiling - this way, when gluing new wallpaper, you can easily remove the old ones as you did when regular ceiling without touching the tension structures.

If you decide to install a stretch ceiling, you should also not forget about the preliminary leveling of the walls. This should be done strictly before stretching the fabric. Otherwise, the ceiling will stretch unevenly and the appearance uneven walls will spoil the impression of interior renovation.

Video: preparing the room for installation

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)


    Alexey said:

    It’s not entirely clear how to level the walls without removing the wallpaper? This goes to this:

    If you decide to install a stretch ceiling, you should also not forget about the preliminary leveling of the walls. This should be done strictly before stretching the fabric.

    Sveta said:

    We first made suspended ceilings, and the price is much better. And then they glued on the ceiling plinths, which they also painted so that they didn’t look like foam plastic. There were gaps between the baseboards and the walls, which were sealed with white putty, and only after that the wallpaper was hung up. The wallpaper fit perfectly, and when we do the next renovation, we’ll just tear off the wallpaper and glue new ones, and leave the ceiling skirting boards, they are beautiful and matte, everything looks great.

    Deniz said:

    Zdrastvuyte, U menya zakioncilsya remont. Quite expensive I sovkusom. No problema v nerovnim potolke na kuxne. ​​Pri dnevnom svete eto ne vidno, daje vsyo idealno rovno. eshyo mesyas oni porabotali,no rezultate net.Predlagayut pozvat drugix malyarov,ctob viravnivali potolk,no ya ustala,ne xocu snova grazi,pili.Oboyi menyala dvajdi I za pili.Xocu sdelat natejnoy potolok.Posovetuyte pojaluysta mojno ispravit situasiyu I na skolko potolok sniz itsya, za ranee thankdaryu.

When organizing the process of finishing an apartment, a dilemma inevitably arises: when to install a suspended ceiling - after wallpapering or before? There is no clear solution to this problem, which is why it would be more correct to choose one or another solution depending on the circumstances.

The main difficulty in solving this issue is the fact that this work is carried out by different specialists: finishers are invited to paste the wallpaper, and installers are engaged in stretching the ceiling. Each of the teams does not want to take responsibility for possible damage to the amount of work already completed, so the contractors try to persuade the customer to complete their task first.

Indeed, if you install suspended ceiling After wallpapering the walls, there is a risk of damage to the trellises during installation, especially when drilling holes for attaching the profile. At this moment it appears a large number of concrete dust, which inevitably gets on the wallpaper.

Clean the textured material from this kind of clogging without loss original form wallpaper, it will be very difficult. In addition, when tensioning the sheet, it is necessary to create an increased temperature in the room, which can also affect the structure of the adhesive composition and lead to the sheets peeling off from the walls.

You can also understand the finishers - when adjusting, they have to manipulate the wallpaper at the junction of the wall with suspended ceiling: trim, level, sometimes apply additional liquid glue to dried trellises. Carrying out such work close to an expensive canvas is very difficult and not everyone is ready to take responsibility, since the risk of damage to the material is high, and the cost of installation and a new canvas is quite high.

To get away from the problem of when to stretch the ceiling - before or after the wallpaper, it is recommended to break down the sequence of processes for performing the tasks of both teams. Installers can begin fixing the profile by waiting for the walls to be leveled and primed before wallpapering, and work with the film after the finishers have had time to glue the walls. But, unfortunately, neither finishers nor installers like to break down the stages of their work.

So all that remains is to substantively study the stages of work and establish what needs to be fixed first - the wallpaper or suspended ceiling, for which you should evaluate the sequence of actions in both options.

If first the wallpaper and then the ceiling

Let's consider positive points and the risks of the option when it is decided to first start gluing the walls, and then stretch the ceiling fabric.

In this case, several conditions must be met:

  • Before starting work on installing the ceiling, at least five days must pass from the end of the pasting so that the trellises are securely glued to the walls. Otherwise, when using a heat gun in the process of stretching the ceiling, the trellises may peel off;
  • Before starting work on installing the profile for tensioning the canvas, you should take care to cover the finished walls with plastic film, otherwise the dust generated when drilling the walls will spoil the appearance of the wallpaper;
  • If you start gluing initially, top part wallpaper appears under the ceiling profile. On the one hand, this provides an even line of contact, but if it is necessary to renew the wall covering, it will not be easy to properly dismantle the old wallpaper.

If first the ceiling and then the wallpaper

If the installers insisted on their way, and it was decided to do the ceiling first and then glue the wallpaper, other problems and positive aspects arise.

Positive aspects of the initial installation of the ceiling:

  • to begin work on pasting walls, no break is required - you can begin work immediately;
  • debris generated during installation of the profile can be easily removed from the room;
  • the thermal effect necessary to tension the fabric does not have negative influence on unpasted walls.

Negative points that arise when installing the ceiling in the first place:

  • when carrying out work on pasting walls, cuts of the stretched ceiling sheet are possible;
  • the need to adjust the trellis along the upper edge leads to contamination of the ceiling material;
  • When installing ceiling molding, which smooths out imperfections when installing trellises along the upper edge, damage and contamination of the canvas is also possible.

Which is better first - arguments for and against

Having considered the negative and positive sides sequence, it can be stated that the sequence is not particularly important, since there are ways to minimize all risks and the possibility of organizing safe work.

First, let's look at options for correcting undesirable situations during the initial installation of wallpaper:

  • You can protect the surface of the wall covering with plastic film, which is attached with tape along the upper border of the wall. After such preparation, you can drill without loss to install the ceiling profile;
  • Protecting the wall surface covered with wallpaper vinyl wallpaper, is also possible when using film. The film will protect the trellises from active thermal effects when stretching the ceiling fabric.

With regard to problems that arise when the ceiling is installed before gluing, the following solutions can be envisaged:

  • Avoid contamination of material when working with wallpaper glue possible by pasting the perimeter of the canvas masking tape. This material does not have a strong adhesive base, and therefore is easily separated from the surface without leaving marks. You cannot use traditional adhesive tape for these purposes, since it will not be possible to remove the remaining glue after it;
  • To avoid damage to the canvas when cutting the top edge of the wallpaper, it is enough to take the exact measurements of the height of the wall, and then mark each sheet on the floor according to measurement. As a result, no adjustment will be required. If you still need to cut off the extra strip from the trellis at the top, you need to use wide spatula as a basis for making a cut and a sharp stationery knife. In this case, there will be no problems with precise cutting, and the ceiling will remain undamaged.

In order not to argue with the builders over the fact that the first thing is wallpaper or suspended ceiling, it is better to invite a team that is able to perform the entire range of finishing work. In this case, the master himself will decide which work to perform first in order to prevent damage to the material and disruption of the fine finish.

When performing work by one team, the following algorithm of actions is acceptable:

  1. The walls are being prepared for wallpapering, and at the same time the surface of the ceiling is being prepared (remains of paint or whitewash are removed, cracks are puttyed, and a primer is applied).
  2. A profile for the ceiling covering is installed.
  3. The walls are being wallpapered.
  4. The canvas is stretched.

This sequence of actions allows you to avoid any problems when gluing and installing the ceiling.

What can influence the choice of work order?

When making a decision, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Gluing trellises involves installing ceiling plinth or not.
  • What material is the basis for installing wallpaper.
  • Type of wallpaper and quality characteristics glue used.
  • What profile system is used to install the canvas.
  • What type of canvas is planned to be installed?
  • Estimated date of next repair.

Taking into account all the above points, you can decide that first you need to install wallpaper or a suspended ceiling, but it is not recommended to rely on the opinion of employees who defend their own interests.