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» Snow guards for soft roofs: features, types and installation. Snow guards for soft roofs: types, design and installation technology Snow guards for soft roofs

Snow guards for soft roofs: features, types and installation. Snow guards for soft roofs: types, design and installation technology Snow guards for soft roofs

Installing a snow holder on a soft roof in our climate with abundant winter precipitation is not just a decorative element, but a necessary protection for property and human health.

How does installing snow guards on a roof made of soft materials differ from other types of roofs? The answer is obvious:

  • Arrangement soft roof a prerequisite is a small roof slope angle (about 15°). In other words, an avalanche-like descent of snow from the roof into in this case impossible.
  • A soft roof has a rough surface, unlike a metal one. In view of this, the chance of snow accidentally sliding off the roof is significantly reduced.

In view of the above, we can conclude that soft roofing requires the installation of less powerful retainers than other types of roofing.

Today manufacturers offer the following types snow guards:

  • lattice;
  • tubular;
  • lamellar (point).

Let's take a closer look at each of these types.

Lattice snow retainers. The structure consists of lattice sections that are attached to the roof using brackets.

Tubular snow guards in their own way appearance reminiscent of window curtain rods. In this case, on the crate or rafter system the roofs are secured with brackets through which they pass in two rows metal pipes. The smaller the step between pipe fastenings, the greater the permissible load on the structure.

Tubular snow guard

Plate snow retainers are most often installed on roofs made of metal (galvanized steel, European tiles, etc.). However, it is also rational to use them for soft roofing in regions characterized by abundant winter precipitation.

Point snow guards – suitable option for soft roof with small snow load and a slight slope.

Installation procedure

Structures for retaining snow are attached at the stage of roof installation; sometimes they are mounted directly on the covering, placing the elements parallel to the eaves. Optimal size the pitch between the retainers varies between 35-50 cm. The method of fastening the elements entirely depends on the chosen type of retainer design.

So, for example, hooks, point and corner structures are placed in a checkerboard pattern, and tubular specimens are placed strictly in one line. Let's take a closer look at the installation algorithm for each type of delay.

Tubular structures can be purchased with fasteners included. They are mounted to the sheathing using ordinary screws. It is rational to place the clamps along the line of the supporting wall, the step between them varies within 0.6-1.1 m.

Important: the holes for screws in the roofing must be sealed with rubber strips, which are included in the design kit.

Snow stoppers or point stoppers are installed during installation roofing material. They are simply screwed to the base and the fastening points are covered with a sheet of roofing material.

If snow retainers are installed on a finished soft roof, it is rational to use rubber seals to avoid leaks at the fastening points.

Luxury or necessity

The absence of snow guards on the roof can lead to dire consequences:

  • threat to human life;
  • damage to property as a result of snow falling from the roof;
  • deformation or breakage of elements of the drainage system;
  • damage to the roof structure frame.

    Important: even if your roof has snow guards, if there is a lot of winter precipitation, it must be periodically manually cleared of snow and adhered ice.

The abundance of snow that falls in most Russian regions in winter has traditionally been a “headache” not only for representatives of utility services. People themselves are ready to fight the threat of snow and ice collapses. According to experts, at 60 square meters roof area can accumulate from 6 to 10-12 tons of snow (the figure depends on the intensity of precipitation, technical features roofing and some other nuances).

The risk of slipping is always present. Firstly, with the advent of the warm spring sun, melting occurs, in the lower part snow mass droplets of water appear, which cool down and turn into an ice crust. Secondly, throughout the winter, the roof under the snow naturally heats up (due to the influence of heat from inside the house).

The snow cap is melting and is ready to fall down at any moment. The consequences can be the most tragic: from damage to property to loss of life.

Today there are many ways to build enclosing structures on the roofs of houses. Properly organized snow retention prevents the sliding of snow layers and ice crust during melting. It is necessary to carefully calculate the load of snow masses based on the area and angle of inclination of the roof. The accuracy of the choice of materials and fasteners also plays an important role.

Attention! Installing snow guards does not replace the need for periodic roof cleaning. Snow retention is only a measure of protection against sliding, but not a means of accumulation (the more snow falls and the longer it lingers on the roof, the faster both the roof and the snow-retaining devices fail).

There is a departmental instruction “Loads and impacts” (SNiP 2.01.07-85), designed to ensure the effectiveness of snow retention systems, taking into account the characteristics of the local climate. The territory of our country is zoned according to the weight of snow cover and is conventionally divided into eight snow regions according to the expected snow pressure.

It is recommended to use the standards specified in the instructions to be confident in the effectiveness of the actions you take. A special map of the snow regions of the Russian Federation indicates what snow pressure to take into account (for roofs with a slope of up to 25 degrees, the table value is taken, for roofs with a slope of 25 to 60 degrees, a coefficient of 0.7 is used). In a snowy area) 80 kgf per 1 sq. meter, then: II – 120, III – 180, IV – 240, V – 320, VI – 400, VII – 480, VIII – 560.

Attention! On roofs with a slope of more than 60°, snow masses do not linger, so there is no need to install snow guards.

Types of snow retention devices

What type of snow retainers (snow catchers) should you choose? Much depends on the type of roof. The priority criteria are: snow area, roof slope, characteristics of the roofing material; secondary: airflow in the wind rose, illumination (the roofs of some buildings are constantly in the shade, while others, on the contrary, are under direct rays of the sun).

By design features Snow guards are:


    corner (a type of plate);

    hook (snow stop) ;



Let's consider their disadvantages and advantages.

Video - Different types of snow guards

Plate and corner

Usually made from the same material as the roofing sheet. They are used on coverings made of corrugated sheets, galvanized iron, and metal tiles. Suitable for slopes up to 30°. They can be easily installed on existing roofs. They cannot withstand large snow caps, that is, they are relatively weak.

Hook (snow stop)

Spot. Acceptable for roofs with a slope of up to 30°, made of euro-tiles, roofing felt, ondulin, bituminous materials. They look like they are not very wide, bent into a triangle at the end. Material – galvanized steel or polymer coated.

Installed only during major repairs roofing. They are installed in rows, in a line or in a checkerboard pattern, “with entry” under each next row of roofing material. They require impressive support underneath - at least two floor beams.

Tubular and lattice

The most reliable of all. Universal (suitable for roofs made of any materials, be it natural tiles, sheet or roll material). Effective even with a large slope of slopes (from 45-60°). They can be installed equally successfully on new and existing roofs.

Video - Installation of tubular snow catchers

They are attached through the roofing material directly to the roof sheathing using brackets. Able to withstand significant weight. Mounted sequentially, section by section, to the required length. Placement: either in 1-2 rows, or in the form of islands in a checkerboard pattern.

Installation on hard roofs

Rigid roofing materials are used in cases where roof slopes have a significant slope - from 30 to 60 degrees. The issue of snow retention is solved using either corner and plate snow catchers, or lattice and tubular ones; hooks are used extremely rarely (because they cannot cope with large masses of snow deposits).

During installation, you must follow some rules:

    The roof sheathing should be further strengthened at the fastening points;

    the distance of the lower element (row) of snow catchers from the cornice should be at least 40-50 cm;

    the rows are always located horizontally - parallel to the cornice;

    if additional rows are needed, they should be placed at a distance of at least 35-40 cm from each other.

There are no particular difficulties with installing snow guards. The configuration is such that all you have to do is sequentially take part after part out of the packaging, install them and move on. The only stage that can cause difficulties is marking the roof.

To do it without errors, invite reliable assistants. Surely you have a house construction plan or a technical passport indicating exact dimensions roofs. Based on them, calculate the required number of snow catchers. Next, having climbed onto the roof, measure each subsequent section using a tape measure and chalk. This is not difficult to do, working with two or three people.

Attention! Remember that working at height requires mandatory safety precautions. Use safety harnesses and ropes. Do not create a risk of falling from the roof and causing injury.

Installation of snow guards on soft roofs

Soft roofs have a slope of no more than 15°. That is, its slopes can be called flat without exaggeration. The risk of avalanches is low, so there is no need to install powerful snow guards. In addition, there is no need to additionally strengthen the supporting base - during installation flat roofs their base is initially made solid. This is where the snow catchers will be attached.

Features and installation procedure

Firstly, snow retention on a soft roof can be carried out during roofing work, and if this is not done, then a little later, after finished roof.

Secondly, installation begins at a distance of 30-50 cm from the cornice.

Thirdly, the placement order depends on the type of snow catchers. Hooks and corner elements are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. As for tubular snow guards, they are attached in one line. Although in some cases - two. Then the distance between the lines (rows) should be ~ 5 m. This technique is popular in climatic zones with big amount precipitation if the roof has large, long slopes.

Attention! In order to balance the load of snow masses on the roof, snow catchers must be placed in line with the load-bearing walls.

Fourthly, the distance between adjacent fastenings ranges from 60 to 110 cm.

Fifth, take care of the rubber seals. They are necessary to seal holes when screwing in screws and protect against water penetration; usually included in the kit. This measure is relevant if snow guards are installed on an already finished roof, covered soft materials. When installing snow guards simultaneously with the installation of the roof, rubber seals are not required, since each subsequent fragment of sheet roofing material covers the junction with the base of the roof.

Before starting work, assess the situation. To do this, engage a competent specialist - knowledgeable people there is probably one in your city or town. Consulting a professional builder will save you from making the wrong decision, from incorrect calculations when determining the snow load, from choosing unsuitable materials. A reasonable approach will ensure that your costs are worthwhile and that you are safe when you are near a house with snow accumulating on the roof.

Video - Do-it-yourself snow retention on the roof

Any roof, including soft roofing, must be reliable and safe. One way to achieve this is to equip it with snow guards.

What are they and are they needed?

Snow retainers are special roofing elements that prevent the spontaneous collapse of the snow cap from the roof downwards. Most often, such phenomena are observed during spring snowmelt or thaw.

In the absence of snow guards, the following occurs:

  1. Mortal danger for bystanders.
  2. Threat of causing significant material damage to objects located in the immediate vicinity of the building. Quite often this happens with cars carelessly left near the house.
  3. The same applies to plants growing near the walls.
  4. When the frozen snow mass comes down, it often leaves deep scratches on the roofing material and breaks off or damages drainage elements.

How snow retention is organized on a soft roof

The design features of a soft roof leave their mark on the calculation of snow retainers for flexible tiles. According to building codes, the angle of inclination of soft slopes should not exceed 15 degrees. As a result, all soft roofs are quite flat, which reduces the risk of sudden collapse of snow caps to a minimum. This makes it possible to limit ourselves to less massive devices for snow retention, compared to a metal roof.

In addition, all soft roofing materials have some roughness, since stone chips are usually applied to them for external protection. This also reduces the likelihood of snow layers sliding down. When deciding whether snow retainers are needed for a soft roof, you should take into account the fact that their installation will not require changes to the frame design.

As you know, under a soft roof, solid sheathing is usually installed, onto which protective elements can be fixed.

What types of snow guards are there?

There are several varieties of snow guards on sale, the design differences of which allow them to perform various tasks:

  • Tubular. Almost universal device. Most often, it is used to equip seam and metal-tile roofs. If a large snow load is expected, tubular elements are mounted in several lines.
  • Lattice. Mainly used on high-rise buildings. However, there are cases of installing snow-retaining gratings on private houses with tiled roofs.
  • Spot. Designed to solve problems under conditions of light snow loads. On soft roofs they are usually mounted in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Lamellar. Metal products that are installed on roofs with a slope of no more than 30 degrees.
  • Corner. Cheap devices that can withstand only minor loads.

Installation of snow guards on flexible tiles

This is best done during roofing work. If the roof was done earlier, then in this case it will be necessary to install it on top of the finished coating. In this case, it is important to observe the parallelism of the arrangement of snow retention elements relative to the edge of the roof, with a distance of 350-500 mm from it. When choosing a fastening method, you need to take into account the type of product design. For tubular snow guards, installation along one line is most optimal. For corner or point fixtures, a staggered pattern is usually used.

In regions with significant snowfalls, it is recommended to equip long slopes with two rows of snow protection: optimal distance between lines - 5-5.5 m. In other cases, it is not always necessary to install snow guards for soft tiles along the entire perimeter of the roof. It will be enough to take care of the most critical areas - above the entrance, near paths, above windows, near the parking lot, etc.

Tubular models are often equipped with fasteners. During the installation process, in this case, you will need to use special screws to fix it to the sheathing. It is best to mount them above load-bearing wall, which will balance the load. The step between the fastening points is usually 60-110 cm. To seal the holes for the screws, rubber gaskets included in the product kit are used.

Soft roofs are usually equipped with snow stops or snow yokes. Externally, these are metal strips bent into the shape of a triangle. The material used is usually galvanized steel or paint-protected metal. It is best to install snow stops for shingles during the roof construction phase: this will allow them to be covered after screwing with the next roofing sheet. When installing snow retainers on a ready-made soft roof, rubber seals must be used to protect the fixation points from leaks.

Additional ways to protect your roof from snow and ice

The simplest and available method– carry out manual cleaning of accumulated snow on a soft roof using a shovel or scraper. In this case, preference is given to wooden instruments. If you have to remove ice, ice axes or similar devices come to the rescue: in the process of using them, it is very important not to damage the roofing material.

Both the roofing surface itself and the snow-retaining elements usually need cleaning. As a rule, during the winter quite a lot of ice accumulates on their surface, which makes normal snow melting difficult. Heat can be used to remove ice from the surface of soft roof snow guards. In soft roof conditions, it is prohibited to use an open flame or heating cables. The best way– combination of heated water and mechanical cleaning. You need to work very carefully so as not to bend the metal plates or hooks.

One of mandatory conditions When installing any roof, including soft roofing, its safety is important. Therefore, during installation, it is necessary to provide for the installation of elements such as snow retainers for soft roofs.

The snowmaker is important element to ensure safety, the main function of which is to prevent widespread, avalanche-like melting of snow and ice during thaws and spring snowmelt.

Lack of snow retention on the roof can have serious consequences, including:

  • Threat to the lives of people passing near the house;
  • Risk of damage to property left near the house, for example, a falling layer of ice can damage a car;
  • Damage to plants planted near the house;
  • Damage to roofing;
  • Breakage or deformation of drainage structures.

And the organization of snow retention on a soft roof has its own characteristics compared to the same measures carried out on a metal roof.

According to the standards adopted in construction, the maximum slope angle allowed when installing a soft roof should not exceed 15 degrees.

That is, the roof turns out to be quite flat, and the risk of an avalanche of snow is not so great. Therefore, it is possible to use less powerful snow retention systems.

The second feature is that the soft roof covering has a rough surface, because upper layer roofing material consists of stone chips. This condition also reduces the risk of snow masses sliding off the roof.

The third feature is that when installing snow guards, you do not have to make major changes to the design of the sheathing, as is necessary to do in the case of a metal roof.

The fact is that for the installation of a soft roof, a solid base is mounted, to which the snow guards are attached.

Types of snow guards

There are several types of snow guards that are mounted on the roof. When choosing the type of device, the planned snow load, as well as the type of roofing, are taken into account.

  • Tubular snow guards. They are an almost universal model, however, they are more often used on metal tile roofs or seam roofs. With a heavy snow load, it is advisable to install such devices in several rows.
  • Lattice snow retainers. These devices are intended primarily for high-rise buildings, but they can also be used in the construction of cottages, especially for tile roofs.
  • Point snow retainers. Devices used where the snow load is low. Can be used on soft roofs, installing them in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Plate snow guards. These are metal structures installed on roofs with a slope angle of less than 30 degrees.
  • Corner snow guards. Inexpensive devices that can be used with light snow loads.

Installation of snow guards on soft roofs

As a rule, installation of snow guards is carried out simultaneously with roofing work. If this was not done in a timely manner, then snow retention devices can be installed over the finished coating.

Snow guards are installed, placing them parallel to the eaves, retreating from the edge of the roof by approximately 350-500 mm. The method of mounting devices depends on their type. Thus, tubular snow retainers are mounted in one line, while corner or point ones are installed in a checkerboard pattern.

If in the region where construction is taking place, it falls a large number of snow, and the roof slopes are quite long, then snow guards should be installed in two rows with a gap of 5-5.5 meters between them.

If the snow load is insignificant, you can not install devices along the entire perimeter of the building, but strengthen them in the most dangerous places– above the entrance, near paths, above windows, near a car parking area, etc.

If you plan to install tubular models, then, as a rule, they are sold complete with fasteners. Installation of such a snow retainer is carried out by attaching it to the sheathing through the roofing using screws.

Advice! Tubular snow guards are installed along the location line load-bearing wall to balance the load on the roof.

The distance between two adjacent fastenings should be 0.6 - 1.1 meters. The holes made in the roofing for screws must be sealed using rubber strips (seals are included in the mounting kit).

For soft roofs, snow stoppers or point snow retainers are more often used. This device is a narrow strip of steel that is bent at the end into a triangle. Snow stoppers are made from either galvanized steel or powder-coated metal.

Installation is best done while laying the roofing material, screwing the snow stoppers to the base and covering the place of its attachment with the next sheet of roofing material.

If a snow retainer for a soft roof is attached to an already finished roof, rubber seals must be used. This will avoid leaks in the mounting area.

Additional measures to protect the roof from the destructive effects of snow and ice

To protect the roof covering and other roof elements, you have to additionally resort to manually cleaning the roof surface from adhering ice and snow. Shovels and picks are used for this.

It is better to use for clearing snow wooden tools, but if it is necessary to break off ice, you have to resort to ice axes or similar devices. However, when working with these tools, you need to exercise maximum caution so as not to damage the roofing with your actions.

It is necessary to clear not only the roofing itself of snow and adhered ice, but also the snow retainers, since ice accumulates on these devices, which prevents the normal melting of snow.

Before you begin installing snow guards, you must complete all necessary calculations, on the basis of which we can understand, first of all, what type of snow barrier we need, how many of these roofing elements need to be installed, where on the roof they will be located, at what stage of the roofing work they need to be installed and how the work process itself will take place.

What determines the choice of snow guard?

The choice of the type of snow retention element is greatly influenced by the type of roofing. For example, yoke snow retainers or snow stops are usually installed on soft tile roofs, and tubular or lattice snow retainers can be mounted on all types of roofs.

On some types of roofing, all types of snow retention systems can be installed, and on some, for example, on roofs made of N-114 corrugated sheets, it is necessary to install only highly specialized systems that take into account the characteristics of such a roof.

When to install snow guards

It is most correct, of course, to install snow retention systems together with the installation of the entire roof. This option minimizes the risk of damage to the roofing due to, for example, an error in determining the location of the rafters and sheathing. In addition, the installation itself is performed to a higher quality.

For some types of snow barriers, for example, for some types of point snow stops for flexible tiles, manufacturers strongly recommend installing them at the time of laying the roofing.

In some cases, when installing snow retention systems on an already finished roof, situations may arise that require partial dismantling roofing covering. The reason for this is usually the need to install additional elements lathing for securing brackets.

If we talk about the time of year, installation can be carried out even in winter. But in winter conditions such an installation occurs in isolated cases, since it is always associated with additional financial costs.

In addition to the roof perimeter, snow barriers should be installed above roof elements that may suffer either from the melting of a large snow mass or from the pressure of snow collecting on them. Such objects, for example, can be chimneys, skylights or ventilation outlets;

If your roof consists of several levels, then snow retention systems should be installed at each of these levels;

Installation of snow guards along the perimeter of the roof is best done in one continuous line;

To ensure the necessary stability of snow retention elements, installation of support brackets should be carried out on the sheathing roofing system;

When snow falls from the roof above the entrance to a building or over the entrance to a garage, there is a very high probability of damage to property or harm to human health. That is why snow retainers should be installed in these areas of the roof first;

At long length roof slope, large angle of inclination and expected high snow load, an additional line of snow retainers should be installed;

Installation of snow barriers always involves working at height and is potentially hazardous. In this regard, the installation of snow retention systems always requires careful adherence to appropriate safety precautions;

Safety equipment for working at height

Safety Equipment

Required Tools

The standard set of tools usually includes:

Cordless or corded screwdriver,

Two pieces of keys (usually 13 keys),



Installation of a tubular snow guard

Installation of this type of snow guard begins with the installation of brackets. Brackets must not be installed directly in front of the roof eaves. It is necessary to make an indentation from the edge of the roof of approximately 60 cm.

When installing a snow guard on a metal tile to level its level under different sides support the bracket different quantities seals included in the kit. Only one 7 mm high seal is installed under the top edge, and two seals are installed under the bottom edge. The height of one of them is 7 mm, and the height of the second is 14 mm.

For standing seam roofing, tiled roof, roofs from natural tiles, roofs made of composite tiles, roofs made of soft tiles and roofs made of corrugated sheets with great height profile (N-60, N-75, N-114) there are special snow retainers with a special bracket shape that takes into account the characteristics of a particular form of roofing.

By general rule, the brackets cannot be installed from each other at a distance greater than 110-115 centimeters.

After installing the bracket, tubes are inserted into its holes, which are the main working body of the snow retainer.

In order to create one continuous row of snow guards, their adjacent tubes are inserted into each other at a special crimping point. The connection point is additionally secured with a nut and washer.

If there is a need to shorten the tubes, then it is recommended to use a jigsaw or a hacksaw for metal, but not a grinder. Although in practice this requirement-recommendation is very often ignored by installers.

Please note that cheap snow guards do not have special crimps on the ends of the snow guard tubes or holes for fixing.

Attaching the tubular snow guard bracket

Connection of snow retainer tubes

When installing the last snow guard, it is important to ensure that the distance from the bracket to the edge of the tube is no more than 30 centimeters.

When simultaneously installing snow guards and a roof fencing system on the roof covering, it is recommended to install snow guards above the roof fencing. As a last resort, they can be combined with each other during installation.

For roofs made of corrugated sheets with a high profile height - N-114, N-60, N-75, specialized snow retainers are used. Their main difference is the presence of special plates, as well as the presence of additional snow-retaining hooks.

When installing such snow guards, first a plate is installed on the wave of corrugated sheeting, secured on the sides using self-tapping screws, and then a bracket is installed on it.

The hooks prevent the so-called “snow copies” from falling off between the waves of corrugated sheeting. In the case of ordinary corrugated sheeting, such “spears of snow” do not pose a particular problem, but on a roof with high profile corrugated sheeting they can become a serious threat due to their large mass.

These hooks must be installed on the bottom row of snow retention tubes so that they are located between two ridges of the corrugated sheet.

Example of a "snow spear"

Snow guards for soft roofs

On a roof made of flexible tiles, either turned snow stops or tubular snow stops are usually installed.

Most shingle roofs have two features. Firstly, they have a slight slope roof slope. Secondly, the coating of the bitumen shingles itself has a certain snow-retaining ability (the exception is collections in which there is no stone chips).

In this regard, the power requirements for snow retention systems on soft tile roofs are significantly lower compared to similar requirements, for example, for metal tile roofs.

Some manufacturers of asphalt shingles, for example, the manufacturer trademark Katepal even allow for the complete absence of snow retainers on their roofing.

Both are installed over the entire roof area.

Example of a snow stopper leg

An example of a conventional point snow guard

Snow stopper on a soft roof

Calculation of snow retainers for roofing made of flexible tiles

When calculating the required number of point snow retainers per one linear meter roofing, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the model and type of snow stop, the characteristics of flexible tiles, the angle of inclination of the roof, the method of attaching the snow stop to the roof (traditional or using glue), the area of ​​the roof and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

You can usually find on the Internet general recommendation install 4 to 5 snow stops per linear meter of flexible tile roofing. But this amount refers to the average roof slope with an angle of inclination from 30 degrees to 40.

As the steepness of the slopes increases, the number of snow stops required per linear meter will increase.

There are also discrepancies regarding the minimum required number of rows of snow stops. For example, Borge specialists recommend installing this type of snow guards in two rows, while Tegola specialists talk about the minimum required three rows, each of which should be located at a distance of about 60 cm from each other.

Point varieties of snow stoppers for soft roofs are represented by two main types: a snow stopper-leg and a regular snow stopper made of metal or plastic.

Here it is also necessary to keep in mind that these are averaged data and that on steep slopes the number of rows should be greater.

Installation diagrams for Borge snow stops

Installation diagram for angles from 40° to 70°

Installation diagram at an angle from 30° to 40° (4.5 snow stops)

Installation diagram at an angle from 30° to 40° (4 snow stops)

Among the general rules for calculating the required number and location of snow stops, two rules can be particularly highlighted.

The first is that point snow stops must be installed in a checkerboard pattern.

The second rule says that it makes no sense to install this type of snow barrier in one row.

Installation of snow guards on flexible tiles

When installing the roofing covering and point snow stops of the “leg” type at the same time, the snow stop support is secured to the continuous sheathing with self-tapping screws or nails. After this, the attachment point is covered with shingles from the next row.

Installation of spot snow retainers is usually carried out starting from the second row of shingles.

In cases where the installation of a snow stop is carried out on an already finished roof made of flexible tiles, the installation is carried out directly on the shingles. In this case, a special sealing gasket is used, which eliminates the possibility of leakage at the installation point.

Some manufacturers recommend using bitumen mastic for additional sealing.

Attaching some types of plastic snow stops to the roof can be done not only using traditional screws or nails, but also using special glue.

The advantages of using such adhesives are obvious. However, there is one disadvantage when working with them, the significance of which depends on the climatic characteristics of a particular region and the degree of caution of the home owner.

The fact is that the calculated possible load of a glued snow stopper is limited to 550 kilograms, while the maximum load of a snow stopper installed using self-tapping screws is 1100 kilograms.

First floor installation of a spot snow retainer

The second stage of installing a point snow guard