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» Dream interpretation of why you dream of black sunflower seeds. Dream interpretation of why you dream about seeds

Dream interpretation of why you dream of black sunflower seeds. Dream interpretation of why you dream about seeds

A very interesting dream that predicts conversations and gossip for you. Usually a person starts cracking sunflower or pumpkin seeds when he has nothing to do and wants to somehow take a break.

Gnawing seeds in a dream is most often done by those who are waiting for something and are nervous about something. If you want to understand what this dream predicts, remember the dream setting and the company in which you clicked the sunflower seeds. This is how the dream book interprets such a dream in various situations.

When the pause gets longer

If you dreamed that you were cracking seeds alone, at home, when no one was there, then you will have to wait a very long time for the result.

Modern sources of information indicate that you will be nervous, since the resolution of some business issue will drag on for an indefinite period of time. Sometimes cracking pumpkin seeds in a dream foretells intestinal or lung diseases. It looks like you will have to undergo a medical examination soon.

Some books indicate that there will be a pause in your personal life or business. For those who are waiting for some kind of answer, husking seeds in a dream is a bad sign, since the matter will drag on, and you will not receive the answer that you are so impatiently waiting for right away.

Clarifying the situation will be difficult, and you will have to deal with a lot of false information.

Why dream of gnawing seeds in the company of friends? This dream predicts gossip. A lot of husks in dreams mean scandals and empty words. In this situation and conversations, it will be difficult to separate the truth from the lies.

The dream book writes that the dream foretells you many small matters and worries that can delay the desired moments and make you waste a lot of time on trifles.

If you roasted the seeds and then began to crack them yourself, beware of intestinal or stomach illness.

Some books indicate that you will have to wait and be alone for a long time. The situation will not develop at all as you planned, and one thing or another will constantly interfere with achieving the result.

Treat and treat

If you dream that a friend offered you a bag or glass of seeds, a conversation awaits you. Tasty and well-roasted seeds predict the receipt of valuable information or advice that will very soon be useful to you in your personal life. The dream book writes that a friend can tell you a lot of valuable and interesting things, which you will use on occasion.

Burnt and bitter seeds mean disappointment. Sometimes such a dream warns of diseases of the liver, digestive system or lungs. If you smoke, and several times you had to feast on burnt seeds in a dream, it’s worth getting checked, maybe you can still get help.

It is also advisable to say goodbye to a bad habit in order to maintain health and get better sooner. But in some situations, such a dream predicts grief and all sorts of troubles. You should not believe what you are told, as someone may deliberately spread false rumors.

Why might you dream of raw, undercooked seeds? You are trying to get information or something interesting too early. The dream book writes that this night vision predicts troubles, scandals or insults for you. However modern books they say that you need to wait, since the situation has not yet formed. Treating others with undercooked seeds means that you will spread false information. It is possible that you yourself have been told a lie or a half-truth that you should not believe.

Giving someone a glass of burnt seeds means you will unwittingly do some harm to that person. If there is smoke coming from them, beware of the risk of fire. Clicking such seeds in a dream yourself means trouble. Some books indicate that in the near future you may suffer from the rampant element of fire.

Buy and sell

Buy yourself a glass or bag of sunflower seeds - for news and conversations. If it contains only skins, and the seeds turn out rotten or burnt, do not believe the promises. This dream brings tears and worries. Selling a glass of such seeds means great grief, especially if the buyers are your close people.

Buying good seeds means valuable information. Selling - you will help another person with good and wise advice. Clicking with a friend means a friendly conversation and a sincere meeting. Your life will become joyful and filled with news, although not the most significant.

Seeds seen in a dream do not at all promise an empty pastime. They often appear in a pleasant, light, unimportant dream, but sometimes they become harbingers of serious events in life. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the details of the dream and appearance seeds seen in it.

Contents [Show]

1 Why do people dream about seeds?

According to popular belief, people's dreams are often infiltrated by the actions they often perform in real life. That is why there is nothing strange if a person who constantly gnaws on seeds has a dream in which he is doing his favorite activity. In this case, it makes no sense to interpret such a dream, since it is just a reflection of reality.

It’s a completely different matter when this process appears in the dreams of people who don’t spend much time on seeds in reality, and such a dream deserves an explanation. When interpreting dreams related to seeds, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • What kind of seeds were in the dream (sunflower, pumpkin or others);
  • What was their color;
  • What size were the seeds?
  • What was their degree of readiness for eating (fried or raw);
  • What actions were performed with them.

What does it mean to see a watermelon in a dream according to various dream books?

2 Key interpretations

One of the main details of the dream in which the seeds appeared is their appearance. Seeing sunflower seeds in a dream is considered less favorable than pumpkin seeds. Due to the fact that sunflower seeds are smaller, a dream associated with them does not promise any important events; it suggests that at this point in time small, insignificant, but not the most pleasant things will happen in life. Moreover, their number will upset the person who is dreaming, will irritate and make him nervous.

Such a dream foreshadows that in reality, things will literally rain down on the person who sees it, and the more sunflower seeds there are in the dream, the greater the risk of troubles associated with numerous issues. For example, uninvited guests will come to a person, he will remember a large number of unpaid fines, all food supplies at home will suddenly run out, and the nearest stores will not have the necessary goods, and all this will definitely happen at the same time.

According to Miller's dream book, seeds are dreamed of by young ambitious people, those who are full of hopes for a bright future, as well as those who are young at heart.

Why do mice dream?

3 Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds appearing in a dream mean pleasant surprises in real life. These events will not be global in nature, such a dream will not be a harbinger of a marriage proposal or the purchase of an apartment, but a person can quite count on a small win in the lottery.

This shows some similarities between dreams associated with pumpkin and sunflower seeds; they always symbolize some minor event, whether pleasant (as in the case of pumpkin seeds) or not (sunflower). An exception is if a young woman dreams of pumpkin seeds: they often promise pregnancy.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

4 Watermelon

Seeing watermelon seeds in a dream means the emergence of a successful thought or idea that can brilliantly come to life. Anyone who sees such a dream will easily find a way out of a difficult situation and solve a difficult life problem. It is important to pay attention to who is having this dream.

It guarantees a schoolchild or student the successful completion of any test and passing the exam with “excellent marks”. A man is guaranteed success, first of all, in business, in business matters. If a person in reality is faced with a difficult choice, then a dream associated with watermelon seeds symbolizes the fact that whatever decision he makes, it will turn out to be correct.

5 Unknown seeds

Unknown seeds (of some other plants, berries, etc.) seen in a dream portend surprise associated with changes in relationships with people. The dream does not say what nature these changes will be.

The dream warns that you should prepare for the fact that soon someone surrounded by a person will show a previously unknown side of themselves. Perhaps this side will be a reason to stop communicating with him.

6 Seed color

Very important detail is the color of the seeds seen in a dream. This characteristic is closely related to the symbolism of the seed type.

When you see seeds in a dream, you should first try to pay attention to whether they are peeled (that is, natural color) or not.

6.1 Black

The black color of dreamed sunflower seeds enhances their negative interpretation. Small things that such a dream promises will cause negative emotions in a person in reality. In this case, the dream should be considered as a warning, a reminder that it is time to solve existing problems, otherwise there is a high risk that they will collapse like a snowball.

Dull black seeds with a whitish coating promise health problems. The exception is the shiny black seeds seen in a dream, which can even be called shiny. Such a rich black color symbolizes unexpected luck that will come to a person when he does not expect it at all. Also, such a dream promises the support of friends who are ready to help if necessary.

6.2 White

The white color of sunflower seeds partly neutralizes their negative symbolism. A dream associated with them foreshadows troubles for a person that will irritate him, but no more, he will cope with all problems with a minimum of effort, the important thing now is not to waste time.

White watermelon or melon seeds in a dream predict a series of pleasant events. It will seem to a person that a bright streak in his life has begun. Plans are being successfully implemented, and some desires will begin to come true. Having seen such a dream, it is worth thinking about the fulfillment of an old dream; fate is now favorably disposed.

6.3 Unusual

The unusual color of the seeds, which is unusual for them in reality, indicates that a person devotes too much time and effort to empty dreams. This idleness prevents him from realizing his plans, and he misses some chance that may not come again.

No matter how beautiful the dreamed blue, pink, and red seeds may seem, such a dream persistently advises a person to come down from heaven to earth. It's time to take a closer look at the world and people around you.

6.4 Natural

Peeled seeds of a natural color, seen in a dream, promise some news in reality; often such a dream promises the revelation of the true essence of what is happening, some secret. In reality, a person will find out what they are trying to hide from him, and he doesn’t even have to take any action: the secret will be revealed by itself, and the person himself will still be surprised how he didn’t solve the riddle earlier.

Having seen such a dream, there is no need to wait for unpleasant surprises and revelations; it is quite likely that everything in a person’s life will simply fall into place, and he himself will find answers to the questions that trouble him. Perhaps someone close to you will ask for forgiveness for deception or fraud behind the dreamer’s back.

7 Dimensions

If the color is actually directly related to the appearance of the seeds in the dream, then a detail such as size becomes more important (provided that the person paid attention to it in his dream). When the first thing that catches your eye is that the seeds are large, such a dream symbolizes wealth, material profit in reality. The more such seeds and the larger they are, the greater the wealth that awaits a person in reality. In addition, seeing large pumpkin seeds in a dream means prosperity in the family, the well-being of all its members.

Small seeds dream of a waste of time, vanity, and insignificant matters. You shouldn't expect serious events in the near future. The main thing is not to get bogged down in the daily routine. Such a dream reminds a person that sometimes adventures and surprises need to be created with one’s own hands, and not expected from fate.

Seeds different sizes(large ones mixed with small ones) mean something completely different, and the symbolism here is quite obvious: they remind you of the need to pay more attention to children or other younger relatives.

8 Fried or raw

Since seeds in real life are a favorite delicacy for many, it is worth paying attention to what they were like in a dream in terms of readiness for eating. Dreaming of roasted seeds is a symbol of the fact that internally a person is ready to carry out his plans, to make a choice, even if he himself has the impression that this is not the case. Such a dream assures the person who sees it that the moment he has been waiting for for so long has come, and now the most important thing is not to miss it. It is especially significant if a person in a dream roasted the seeds until they were ready: this means that as a result he has the right to be proud of his successes, it is thanks to him that his plan will succeed.

Seeing raw seeds in a dream means excessive impatience. A person is in too much of a hurry to implement his plans, forgetting that haste can only do harm. If you dream of seeds that are unsuitable for food, then the business to which much attention has been paid will not work out; you should abandon your idea and switch to something else.

9 What happened to the seeds in the dream?

The most common action that occurs with seeds in a dream is the process of eating them. Clicking seeds means empty talk, gossip in reality. Such conversations will not bring any benefit, they cannot be called a discussion of important matters, but such a dream does not promise any troubles. It’s another matter if a person quite often sees a dream in which he cracks seeds. In this case, this should be considered a sign warning that in reality too much time is spent on talking and not enough on business.

9.1 Fry

Roasting seeds in a dream symbolizes putting all your efforts into some interesting project in reality. Such a dream suggests that efforts will not go unnoticed and promises success.

But overcooking or burning the seeds during cooking in a dream means excessive haste in achieving the result, which will fundamentally harm everything undertaken previously. Think about every step in your projects.

9.2 Plant

Planting seeds is a good symbol. It promises the emergence of new ideas, interesting thoughts. A person who has seen such a dream is doing the right thing, doing the right thing, and following the right path in life.

Such a dream plays a special role for people who have started a business (entering a university, getting a job, taking up a new hobby). For them, it is a sign that the choice has been made absolutely right.

9.3 Share

If a person dreams that in a dream he shares seeds with someone, in reality a pleasant conversation awaits him. Most often, such a dream symbolizes the friendly support that they are ready to provide to the person who sees it in reality.

A dream tells a person that he is not alone, and in reality there are people on whom he can always rely. But if during the division the seeds wake up, promises to help and support will turn out to be empty, and in your close circle there is a so-called false friend who is worth taking a closer look at.

9.4 Unpack

Unpacking seeds or seeing them in a package in a dream means an acquisition, a successful purchase. Such a dream will not be a harbinger of a new acquaintance - it must be considered in a material plane.

But if in a dream a person tries unsuccessfully to open a bag of seeds or, which is really bad, they spill during the unpacking process, in real life the purchase will be unsuccessful and will only bring problems.

Seeing seeds scattered on the floor in a dream is an unkind sign. It portends tears, resentment and grief. The more scattered seeds a person sees in a dream, the greater the degree of grief that will happen in reality. In certain cases, such a dream promises large material losses and damages, and then it should be taken as a warning.

9.5 Feed the birds

The same unfavorable sign regarding health is to see in a dream how seeds or grains are pecked by birds. Such a dream symbolizes that a person sacrifices a lot for the benefit of others, forgetting about himself, which is often fraught with health problems. At the same time, it is a good symbol if a person drives away birds in a dream. In reality, he realizes the need to take care of himself.

An extremely favorable sign is to see a sunflower full of seeds in a dream. This dream promises a person to receive profit, winnings or inheritance. The more beautiful the flower and seeds, the big profit worth waiting for. If the sunflower dries up, looks withered, and there are no seeds in it, in reality you should prepare for troubles in the material sphere; the possibility of deception cannot be ruled out, that they want to force a person to act in a way that would be unprofitable for him.

10 Husk

Another exception is when seeds in a dream are interpreted in relation to the sphere of emotions and interpersonal relationships, is the appearance in a dream of scattered husks from seeds. If its appearance is easily explained (it is formed when a person gnaws the seeds), then the husk does not bring any special symbolic load to the dream. But to see one husk without seeds in a dream means a missed chance, a waste of time, but not harmless, but promising big troubles for a person. This includes a large delay in loan repayments and unacceptable lateness for work, threatening dismissal. In a separate case, such a dream indicates that a person has an advanced disease, so it would not be superfluous to pay attention to your health if you see the husks of seeds in a dream.

11 Conclusion

Despite the fact that many people do not take seeds seriously, and those who like to crack them are considered wasters of time, we should not forget that it is from them that plants grow, thanks to them everything around them grows and blossoms. Appearing in dreams, seeds can give a person a very important sign, draw his attention to key issues life, explain many events that occur.

And a little about secrets...

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The world of Morpheus opens its arms to us and gives us colorful dreams. Not everyone remembers them, but those who remember their dreams often experience curiosity and a desire to unravel the meaning of what they dream. To do this, you can use many dream books that give interpretation to any dreamed events and objects.

If you dream about seeds

In dreams, any details matter. For example, what kind of seeds do you dream about – sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. What did you do with them: fed the birds, ate them yourself, treated someone. All questions will be answered by dream books online or in paper form. Let's try to take a look and read what they predict when they dream of seeds. In dreams interpreted by dream books, seeds can be different.

Generally, seeds are a sign of profit, well-being and career achievements. But considering that this is a small item, you can guess that there are some little things that can distract attention from important matters. This is worth paying attention to. The larger the size of the seeds seen in a dream, the greater luck and prosperity this dream promises.

When you dream of sunflower seeds

  • If you dream about how you crack seeds while idly spending time doing this activity, the dream book says that in reality you will fun awaits and gatherings to discuss something vital. You will have to chat in a cafe with your friends or take part in a live discussion on the forum. Such a dream warns you against careless handling of words. Try not to offend anyone yourself and do not take to heart everything that others say to you.
  • A dream in which you dreamed of a large yellow sunflower full of ripe seeds prophesies positive changes in personal life. Such a dream speaks of mutual feelings for you of someone who is not indifferent.
  • For those who are unwell, dreaming of black sunflower seeds foretells a quick improvement in health. And if you have been unsuccessful for a long time want to get pregnant, the dream book predicts the possible fulfillment of this desire.
  • If you had to buy seeds in a dream, it means it’s time for the necessary rest. Loads and stress become unbearable, and the body sends you a signal that it’s time take breath.
  • Dream: there are a lot of seeds in front of you - it’s time to harvest. You will reap the fruits once sown. A very good dream, foreshadowing joy and satisfaction.
  • Do you dream about collecting scattered seeds? Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the need to manifest child care, not necessarily relatives.
  • Let's say pigeons are pecking at seeds - get ready to lose something important. You'll miss out good opportunity in anything. Or you will suffer unexpected losses.
  • When you are someone treat By giving him your seeds, the dream book says that with your own hands you are giving people the opportunities that fate has prepared. For those who in reality have achieved success in life and have an abundance of material wealth, the dream book suggests that the time has come to share experience, knowledge and resources with people.
  • A dream in which the dreamer counts seeds speaks of a person’s ability to manage his financial affairs competently and skillfully, thanks to which he will never be poor. But he also warns against excessive stinginess.
  • Why dream of sowing sunflower seeds - in reality good investments will be made that will bring great income in future.

When you dream about pumpkin seeds

  • Dreams about pumpkin seeds promise replenishment. This can be either in the literal sense (the birth of a child) or figuratively. Perhaps it will occur to you brilliant idea, or it will be troublesome, but profitable project. In any case, the dream portends joy.
  • When you dream about pumpkin seeds, do not forget about important priority tasks. Perhaps the stable and prosperous state of affairs has allowed you not to remember them, but this is necessary. Your future depends on it.

Watermelon seeds

When you dream about watermelon seeds, this can also be interpreted as a dream about seeds.

  • Watermelon seeds are quite large, so the dream is interpreted positively. It symbolizes prosperity and prosperity, as well as a possible addition to the family.
  • The esoteric dream book interprets such a symbol as acquisition of secret knowledge and understanding the deep meaning, the background of any ongoing event. The person who sees such a dream is inherent in realizing the meaning of things, which is not available to everyone.

If in a dream you saw seed husks

Such a dream is interpreted as a connection between the present and the past. The dream book predicts that you will meet one of your former friends or lovers with whom you broke up a long time ago. Perhaps this meeting will slightly spoil your mood, but at the same time it will reinforce the idea that when you parted with this person, you did everything right.

It is always interesting to read the predictions of a dream book. But we should not forget that a dream reveals the work of our subconscious and there is nothing mystical about it. If you learn to hear these signals, you can improve your life and pay attention to problems in time.

Seeds in dreams

Why do you have a dream where you were lucky enough to click seeds? It’s easy to understand. The dream book indicates your foresight: a pleasant time of leisure awaits you. Perhaps you will find yourself at a party, you will correspond in in social networks, or participate in interesting forums.

I dreamed of a sunflower with too many seeds - the dream promises unforeseen positive changes on the personal front. The dream book believes that at the moment you can rely on mutual sympathies.

If in a dream you are constantly gnawing on seeds, the dream book indicates that what such a vision means is, in any case, interconnected with fun and communication. However, the dream warns that you may upset a stranger with an unconscious statement or inappropriate ridicule. At the same time, you should not take extraneous conversations seriously.

Why do you dream of seeds, the dream interpreter advises to attribute such an image to some kind of warning. You should worry now that in your future life you do not feel resentment for senselessly wasted time - this is the meaning of night vision.

For a sick sleeping person, black seeds mean that his body’s condition is currently getting better. A dream vision can predict the birth of a beloved child. The dream book explains this dream as a sign of prosperity and the implementation of plans.

As the modern interpretation of the dream informs, the seeds dreamed of in it express a penchant for cheerful leisure, conversations and all kinds of gossip. The dream has a neutral meaning, and suggests performing similar actions if they give you pleasure.

A dream in which there are pumpkin seeds in the plot promises a happy event: the birth of a baby. The Dream Interpretation believes that vision also provides an allegorical essence. So, this could be the birth of a unique idea in your head, or the implementation of a profitable business that has given you a lot of worries.

As Miller’s dream book says, seeds are often seen by people at a young age. This can be considered a kind of pattern: in youth, people get to know each other, feel love, create a family home, this is what the dream vision prophesies.

Why else do you dream of seeds in a dream?

Watermelon seeds in a dream, which were examined in night dreams, expresses an internal awareness of the true cause. Night vision indicates that you were able to see the entire plot. By realizing the events that have occurred, you are able to eradicate evil, and resistance with all the difficulties will, sooner or later, end.

Why you dream about seed husks, the dream book compares it not with upcoming events, but with past incidents. The dream notifies you of a likely date with ex-lover, or with old friends. Such a meeting will sadden the dreamer, but will help to understand that the reason for the destruction of the old relationship was significant.

The dream where you bought the seeds literally expresses your need for a break. The plot reflects your fatigue from unnecessary worries, stressful situations and workloads, and recommends that you devote your free hours to idleness.

Why many seeds are dreamed of, the dream interpreter considers it to be a reference to the fact that the time has come to harvest. The dream means that this is a time suitable for making a profit, implementing plans, and enjoying the success of children.

When you had a chance to collect seeds in a dream, the dream book indicates that such a vision is interconnected with children who need your support and care. A dream allows you to perceive its meaning both in relation to your children and other people's offspring.

Did you see seeds in a dream? The dream book will explain what this vision means. Seeds express calm, stable life and confidence in the future. In other words, a positive omen.

The vision of where you wanted to fry the seeds indicates that in real life you can start preparing for a fun event. Good company will soon visit you. The dream book does not indicate who will come to you. This will be some kind of unexpected pleasant event for you.

Despite the fact that white pumpkin seeds are considered a positive dream, the dream book warns of the only trick that will be directed in your direction. Financial well-being and balance oblige you not to remember your primary goals - the dream informs you.

Dream interpretation roasted sunflower seeds. Why do you dream of sunflower seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds?

A seed is a symbol of life, but seeds are a rather bad symbol in a dream, just like cereals. Manipulations made with seeds are associated with the hands and mouth, therefore, on a subconscious level they are perceived as gossip, discussion of something or someone, minor troubles and tears, since tears often have to be wiped away with one’s hands.

Seeing seeds in a dream means opportunities, so you need to pay attention to what exactly you do with them. Planting them means useful work, development, the beginning of a creative path. Husking and littering with husks is a waste of time and energy.

Why do you dream about sunflower seeds? advantageous offers, favor of high-ranking officials. If you receive them from someone, then in reality you will have good chance, which should not be missed. For those who dream of career advancement, promising work awaits. The most important thing is to remember that fate gives you a chance without eliminating the need to work and invest energy in your chosen business. If the seeds are rotten or wormy, you have taken the wrong path and will suffer losses. Collecting sunflower seeds in the dream book promises health, longevity, profit and rewards, the favor of superiors and the ensuing benefits.

Why do you dream of black seeds or white seeds? The symbolic meaning is the same as sunflower seeds.

Why do you dream about a lot of seeds - success, financial well-being, longevity. Perhaps you will be entrusted with a very important task that will help raise your position and get rid of pressing problems. In some other cases, the dream suggests that you are not fully using the opportunities given to you.

Buying seeds in a dream is a good omen. Expect to receive financial benefits or some other pleasant bonuses soon.
In women's dreams, the more husks there are from the seeds, the more relevant it is to interpret the dream - why seeds are dreamed of - not as gossip, but as a harbinger of minor disappointments, minor problems and fleeting tears.

Cracking seeds in a dream means gossip, and seeing a person who eats seeds means that he is a spreader of rumors; husking seeds with someone means “washing someone’s bones” in reality. If the seeds are dirty or rancid in a dream, it means slander and evil gossip.

Roasting seeds means “fried” news, that is, touching on some hot or spicy topics. If you dreamed about burnt seeds, the news will be scandalous or sad.

A dream in which the seeds are in a sunflower is favorable, since the sunflower is a symbol of sunlight, optimism and fun. It is especially good to see a sunflower in the bright sun.
Finding yourself in a sunflower field in a dream means experiencing great luck.

Scattering seeds means that your current difficulties are short-lived and concealed within yourself. hidden possibilities. If you throw them to the wind, then in reality you are missing a good chance, you do not notice or do not want to see a way out of the situation. Scattering seeds to feed the birds indicates unexpected help from friends or acquaintances.

Giving seeds to someone in a dream or treating them to seeds means expecting favor or help from this person, which you cannot receive in reality. Sometimes a dream indicates the need to give in. For a person who lacks self-confidence, a dream indicates his tendency to give to others all the benefits that life gives him. It may also portend simply pleasant communication with a person of interest to the dreamer. For a person who has reached certain heights on the path of self-development, a dream predicts the need to share knowledge and transfer experience.

Collecting seeds from the floor in a dream means missed opportunities. The dream is a warning, so be very attentive to proposals coming in the near future, consider the situation and emerging problems with different sides and take your time. If you are harvesting sunflowers, the dream foretells a long period peaceful life in abundance. All your efforts will be worth it.

Why do you dream of pumpkin seeds - for positive changes in life, revival, transition to a new stage of development. If a girl eats pumpkin seeds in a dream, this may be a harbinger of pregnancy.

Why dream of roasted seeds - soon you will have to experience unexpected events. What you expected will not come true, but the result will still bring joy and a sense of satisfaction. Be careful with strong expressions of emotions, they can harm you now and ruin all your efforts.

Watermelon seeds are most often dreamed of as a sign of a new addition to the family. In general, the dream foreshadows pleasant events and increased well-being.

Seeing peeled seeds in a dream means discovering something new in reality. In some cases, the dream warns against excessive frankness; do not yet reveal your plans for the future to anyone if they are connected with some important changes.

Why do you dream of cracking seeds - a waste of time, marking time in one place. You need to shake yourself up and look at your life from a different perspective, because right now you are not ready to change anything or do anything useful. According to the dream book, gnawing seeds also means a lack of positive emotions, a lack of love, and sexual experiences.

The dream book interprets seed husks as empty worries, panic over trifles. You have accumulated too much processed energy in your soul; you do not know how to get rid of unnecessary negativity. The dream tells you about this, learn to cleanse your subconscious of everything unnecessary and superficial. Spiritual practices can help with this.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

The seeds symbolize financial well-being and good luck in business. Therefore, seeing seeds in a dream may be a sign that the sleeping person will make a profit, or, on the contrary, will lose his property. Dream Interpretations offer different interpretation what this image is about. In this article we have collected the opinions of the most famous interpreters, which determine why one dreams of seeing pumpkin seeds or sunflowers in a dream, if there are many or few of them.

On a subconscious level, the product is associated with wealth and prosperity.

If you dreamed of large and beautiful seeds in large quantities, then things are going well for you. You make a profit without spending much effort, and your business partners appreciate your achievements.

For people who are not involved in business, this image can embody fussiness, lack of composure, and making senseless expenses. If the seeds were sprouted in a dream, then this indicates that some kind of internal conflict. Negative emotions are about to burst out.

Distributing seeds to people around you is a sign that you are not behaving in the best way. You sow discord between people, provoking them to quarrel.

People's dream book

In the classical interpreter there are the following explanations of what the image represents:

  • gnawing grains, of which there are many, and they never end- to gain wealth without effort. The dream also predicts positive changes in life;
  • see the seeds on a sunflower– happiness, marriage and a long, quiet life;
  • if you chew the grains and spit out the husks– get ready for gossip to be spread about you. However, the dream may indicate that you yourself will begin to spread rumors about someone;
  • count the seeds– to calculate profits, which will increase significantly in the near future;
  • see spoiled or rotten product- a symbol that you cherish vain hopes. The vision also warns of possible health problems;
  • pumpkin seeds- a sign of replenishment in the family. The image itself predicts that one of your relatives is expecting a child. If a woman cleans them herself, it means she needs to prepare for pregnancy;
  • roasted seeds dream about the successful completion of a project;
  • see the full bag- to gain wealth and fame;
  • husk symbolizes sad memories and meaningless worries, and also warns against gossip.

Freud's Dream Book

The psychoanalyst considered this image a positive sign. If a man sees that he is sowing something, it means that he is a wonderful lover who is able to satisfy his partner. For a woman who dreams of purchasing grains, the dream predicts an early meeting with the chosen one of her heart. She will leave an unforgettable impression.

Freud believed that seeing black, white or yellow seeds in a dream is a sign that a person’s sexual preferences and sexual partners are constantly changing. If a representative of the fair sex dreams that she is roasting seeds, it means that in the near future she will meet the person with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life. The relationship between lovers will be ideal.

Seeing that you are scattering the product around you is a symbol of gossip spread by enemies. Some may be true, but slightly embellished. To avoid talking behind your back, don't talk about your life.

Why dream of gnawing seeds in a dream for a pregnant woman means that she will give birth to a healthy child on time. To see in a night vision that your lover is gnawing grains - be prepared for his betrayal. It may be caused by the fact that you do not pay enough attention to him, and he is looking for consolation on the side. In this case, separation can be prevented if you openly tell each other about your own needs.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book interprets seeds differently. An image can have a positive or negative meaning, which depends on the details:

  • If you chewed on a product and spat out the husk on the floor, it means that in reality you may encounter law enforcement agencies who will have serious questions for you. You will not be able to influence the situation, and it will most likely not be resolved in your favor;
  • seeing grains that have shriveled, dried out, or become moldy is a sign that you will soon face a serious illness. It may have tormented you for a long time, but now it will enter the stage of exacerbation. To get rid of the disease, you will spend a large amount of money and time;
  • seeing a fully ripe sunflower and counting the grains - you are used to controlling your every step and do not tolerate if something does not go as planned;
  • if the seeds begin to sprout, then this predicts an upcoming journey that will give you many unforgettable moments. After returning from the trip, life will continue to present pleasant surprises.

Vanga's Dream Book

In Vanga’s interpreter, the image is associated with upcoming changes in the dreamer’s life. If you dreamed that birds were pecking at the seeds, it means that life has prepared many trials and troubles. You will not be able to take advantage of the chances of fate either in business or in your personal life.

If you dream that you are planting grains in the ground, in reality you will receive unexpected profits. Perhaps some distant relative left you an inheritance. In addition, this dream predicts that you will learn to spend money wisely.

In a dream, you take one grain at a time - a replenishment is planned in your family. It is possible that you yourself will soon give birth to a child. If you don’t plan to have a baby, but you already have children, then the vision predicts success in raising them.

Dream Interpretation of Avadyaeva

This interpreter determines that seeing birds pecking at grains in a dream is a sign that you will encounter numerous troubles. You will face financial losses, as well as scandals in the family. Buying seeds means the successful completion of a started project. Chewing on them means that you will begin to implement a recently emerged idea. Fry - you will behave correctly in difficult situations.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

In the interpreter of the famous soothsayer, grain is a symbol of the continuation of life:

  • you are harvesting– you will work long and hard to get what you want;
  • planted seeds, but they did not sprout- to the betrayal that a loved one will commit against you;
  • if you dreamed that the product was missing, which means you will be able to move up the career ladder or receive a salary increase;
  • see that the grains appeared suddenly and out of nowhere- you will soon receive news from relatives;
  • in a dream you watch the process of seeds planting in the ground– in reality you need to devote more time to children.

Angelic dream book

In this dream book, the image embodies financial well-being and good luck. If you see that birds have eaten the seeds, get ready for losses. A rotten and spoiled product warns that a dark streak will come in business, plans will be impossible to implement.

Sow something - a surge of creative inspiration awaits you, which will lead to an increase in material well-being. It also means that people who turn to you for advice will receive a lot useful information. Collecting grains is a sign that you will have a tense relationship with your children or difficulties because of them.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Miller's Dream Book

Sunflower seeds have different interpretations depending on the quality and appearance of the seeds. Moldy seeds may portend health problems, deterioration financial condition. If you husk seeds in a dream, in reality you will have to face legal proceedings; it will not be easy to prove that you are right, since they will not want to listen to you. Why do you dream about seeds sprouting in a dream? The trip will give you many pleasant surprises, and when you return home, you will find many gifts and hear good news. Counting the seeds on a sunflower cap means you are a very practical person, you know the price of everything and do only as you see fit.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Freud's Dream Book

Seeds predict many sexual relationships for a man. If he sows them in a dream, it means that in real life he is very fertile and good as a lover. A woman buys seeds - in reality there will be pleasant intimate revelations with her lover. She will not only enjoy his company, but will also fulfill one of her deepest desires.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeds? You collect them one at a time - for successful raising of children, addition to the family. If you sow in the field, you will begin to manage your income more wisely or you will receive an inheritance. Pigeons are pecking at your seeds - get ready for unforeseen expenses, lost opportunities, losses.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Spring dream book

Husk seeds - to a quarrel.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Summer dream book

Husking seeds is a waste of time.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Autumn dream book

Husking seeds means idleness.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Universal dream book

Sunflower seeds, if you constantly gnaw on them in a dream and cannot stop, indicates that you will soon have a lot of fun and get great pleasure from your vacation. Try not to offend your friends and loved ones with thoughtless words and do not special attention to the chatter of others. Why do you dream of Seeds in a sunflower stuffed to capacity? Soon life will change for the better, the object of your adoration will reciprocate your feelings.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Modern dream book

Seeds are a sign of well-being, prosperity, and career growth. On the other hand this small items, which means they symbolize disorganization, excessive fuss, unexpected and meaningless expenses. Try to remember what exactly the seeds from the dream were. Sprouted ones indicate hidden conflicts that have been brewing for a long time, but right now they will burst out into the open. Dream Interpretation Seeds, if they are large and beautiful, predicts good luck in business, you can safely take on any projects - they are guaranteed to bring you profit.

Married woman the dream hints at possible troubles associated with children; for an unmarried girl, it predicts an early pregnancy and marriage. If you distribute seeds to someone in a dream, in reality you are sowing enmity between colleagues or loved ones.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Dream book of catchphrases

SEEDS – “these are all seeds” - small, insignificant.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Idiomatic dream book

“These are all seeds” - small, insignificant.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Online dream book

Seeing seeds is a sign that a great holiday awaits you.

Pumpkin seeds promise you the birth of a wonderful child.

According to the dream book, sunflower seeds symbolize changes in your destiny, and certainly for the better; a long-awaited addition to the family is possible.

See them

If you dreamed of pumpkin seeds, you will still pave your way to the stars through thorns, you will be able to achieve everything, without currently having solid ground under your feet.

A dream in which you are gnawing seeds means that even despite temporary difficulties and the lack of good prospects, you can achieve great success in all areas of life.

If a girl is busy with this and throws husks at her feet

If you dreamed that you were cracking seeds, your cherished dream will certainly come true, but for this you will have to stock up on endurance, make every effort, and not be afraid to risk what you have for the sake of high ideals.

You dreamed of seed husks - this is a warning that you do not make rash decisions and do not stop halfway, you will succeed, you just need a little more time and your efforts, all your efforts will be generously rewarded.

According to the dream book, buying seeds means a successful release from problems and troubles; everything will work out as if by itself.

Roasting seeds in a dream means you will meet an extraordinary person who can teach you very valuable lessons of wisdom and pass on her invaluable experience to you.

You dreamed of watermelon seeds - it means that you are waiting for some unpleasant event, the culprit of which will be you, or the receipt of information that will greatly upset you.

But women have such a vision

Why do you dream about seeds?

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of Seeds - this is a sign of well-being, prosperity, and career growth. On the other hand, these are small objects, which means they symbolize disorganization, excessive fuss, unforeseen and meaningless expenses. Try to remember what exactly the seeds from the dream were. Sprouted ones indicate hidden conflicts that have been brewing for a long time, but right now they will burst out into the open. Dream Interpretation Seeds, if they are large and beautiful, predicts good luck in business, you can safely take on any projects - they are guaranteed to bring you profit.

For a married woman, the dream hints at possible troubles associated with children; for an unmarried girl, it predicts an early pregnancy and marriage. If you distribute seeds to someone in a dream, in reality you are sowing enmity between colleagues or loved ones.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about Seeds:

Why do you dream about Seeds? You collect them one at a time - for successful raising of children, addition to the family. If you sow in the field, you will begin to manage your income more wisely or you will receive an inheritance. Pigeons are pecking at your seeds - get ready for unforeseen expenses, lost opportunities, losses.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Seeds in a dream:

Sunflower seeds have different interpretations depending on the quality and appearance of the seeds. Moldy seeds can portend health problems and deterioration in financial condition. If you husk seeds in a dream, in reality you will have to face legal proceedings; it will not be easy to prove that you are right, since they will not want to listen to you. Why do you dream about seeds sprouting in a dream? The trip will give you many pleasant surprises, and when you return home, you will find many gifts and hear good news. Counting the seeds on a sunflower cap means you are a very practical person, you know the price of everything and do only as you see fit.

Dream book of psychologist S. Freud Why do you dream about Seeds:

Seeds predict many sexual relationships for a man. If he sows them in a dream, it means that in real life he is very fertile and good as a lover. A woman buys seeds - in reality there will be pleasant intimate revelations with her lover. She will not only enjoy his company, but will also fulfill one of her deepest desires.

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream about Seeds:

Sunflower seeds, if you constantly gnaw on them in a dream and cannot stop, indicates that you will soon have a lot of fun and get great pleasure from your vacation. Try not to offend your friends and loved ones with thoughtless words and do not pay much attention to the chatter of others. Why do you dream of Seeds in a sunflower stuffed to capacity? Soon life will change for the better, the object of your adoration will reciprocate your feelings.

Why do you dream about seeds?

Sunflower seeds are a favorite snack for a huge number of people. Many people like to spend time in front of the TV, cracking grains. Having seen seeds in night visions, you have absolutely no idea what such a dream could portend. To correctly interpret what you see, you need to use a dream book and take into account the actions performed with the seeds.

Why do you dream about seeds?

If you see a sunflower filled with seeds, it means that you should soon expect unexpected changes in your personal life that will be positive. Perhaps it's time to meet your soulmate. A dream about seeds can act as a kind of warning that you should not worry about wasting time, you need to pull yourself together and get down to business. Pumpkin seeds are a symbol of a joyful event, for example, the birth of a child. Only the dream book warns that sometimes when you see financial profit, you may forget about your main goals. Watermelon seeds will tell you that you will soon understand the reason for what happened, and you will be able to cope with all the problems. If you sell seeds, this is a sign that you have been deceived.

Why do you dream of black seeds?

For sick people, such a dream is a symbol that the illness is going away and you will soon get better. Another dream predicts a new addition to the family and the fulfillment of plans.

Why do you dream of roasted seeds?

If you want to fry the seeds, then you should prepare for the celebration in the near future, as an interesting company will gather. It is not clear who exactly will be at the party, but it is a fact that the time will be fun and interesting.

Why do you dream of cracking seeds?

Such a dream foreshadows a fun time, for example, it could be various kinds of parties or simple communication with interesting people. The Dream Interpretation recommends watching your words and jokes so as not to offend others. A dream in which you are gnawing on seeds may symbolize the desire to give up everything, but the dream book recommends not to give up, as a little more and your efforts will be appreciated. If you click seeds with great pleasure, it means that the issues that bother you will soon be resolved and conflict situations will come to nothing. Gnawing on seeds, among which you see many empty and spoiled ones, is a sign that unpleasant conversations and situations await you. If you cracked seeds and damaged your tooth in the process, this means that the problems will persist for a long time.

Why do you dream about buying seeds?

In this case, the dream indicates that you are tired of responsibilities, stress, workloads and it’s time to put everything aside and just relax.

Why do you dream about a lot of seeds?

A large number of seeds is a symbol that the time has come to “harvest”, that is, to make a profit on the money invested. Also at this time, you can calmly realize long-planned goals.

Why do you dream about scattered seeds?

If in a dream you collect scattered seeds, it means it’s time to take care of your children and surround them with attention and care. Moreover, this may concern not only your children, but also others, for example, nephews or godchildren. If you collect seeds, it means that in the near future you will be offered a profitable business.

Why do you dream about seed husks?

A dream in which you saw a husk without kernels warns that you will soon meet with a former lover or friend. Such a date will not bring you pleasant sensations, but you will once again be convinced that the reason for the disagreement was quite significant. The husk also predicts that in the future you will learn a secret that has been hidden from you for a long time.

The meaning of sunflower seeds in the dream book: why did you dream about fried sunflower seeds?

Many dream interpreters, before interpreting a vision, recommend remembering everything, especially important fact manipulations carried out by the dreamer with the seeds are considered. For example, if you dreamed of seeds that the sleeper simply sorted through with his hands, then minor troubles await him, which, no matter what, will make the dreamer cry.

The modern dream book assures that seeds symbolize wealth, well-being, rapid career growth, but if they are too small and there are a lot of them, then this characterizes the sleeper as a disorganized and fussy person, who is prone to senseless spending.

It is equally important to remember in what form the seeds appeared in the night vision, for example, if they were germinated, then hidden conflicts that have been brewing for a long time will soon make themselves felt. Large, selected sunflower seeds are dreamed of during the period of the white life streak; such a dream promises the sleeper good luck in any endeavor.

Vanga’s dream book, as usual, has his own opinion, different from others, regarding the interpretation of the dream; the author believes that if the sleeper collects seeds in a dream, it means that a new addition to his family is expected in the near future, and this may also indicate a good upbringing of his children. Sowing an entire field with seeds means that in the future the dreamer will become a more zealous owner and learn to count money, but if the sleeping person’s seeds were eaten by pigeons, then one should be prepared for unforeseen expenses and loss.

A dream in which the dreamer is trying to knock out the seeds from a sunflower, but cannot do this, since they are tightly packed, indicates changes in his personal life; most likely, now is the time when the dreamer can meet his soul mate.

Freud's dream book recommends interpreting the dream taking into account the gender of the sleeper, for example, a woman dreams of seeds if she has a date with her loved one, which will end in an intimate relationship. For a man, this same dream foreshadows many sexual relationships, but if he dreams that the sleeper sows a field with them, it means he is incredibly fertile and will have many children from different women.

The universal dream book believes that husking seeds in a dream promises the dreamer a rest, during which he will be able to have fun; most likely, the sleeper will receive an extraordinary vacation, which he never even dreamed of. You dream of a lot of small seeds scattered on the floor if the sleeper is surrounded by two-faced people who spread bad gossip about him, but the dreamer should not pay attention to this chatter, since it will not bring any harm.

Seeds in a tightly packed sunflower symbolize changes in your personal life; the person the dreamer has liked for a long time will finally pay attention to him and reciprocate. Buying seeds on the market is also considered a positive sign, indicating that the financial situation of the sleeper will soon stabilize.

Miller's Dream Book agrees with Modern dream book and also believes that the appearance of dreamed objects is very important, for example, if you dreamed of seeds covered with mold, then the dreamer may have health problems or his financial situation will worsen. If someone husks seeds in a dream, and the husks fall on the dreamer, it means that in real life the sleeping person will face a trial, where it will be difficult for him to prove that he is right.

Seeds sprouting in a dream symbolize a long trip, which will bring the sleeper many pleasant impressions; this dream may also indicate that the dreamer will soon receive many gifts; as a rule, this interpretation is used before a celebration in honor of the sleeper’s birthday. For a married woman, large seeds in a dream foreshadow troubles associated with children; to a young girl - to a happy marriage and a long-awaited pregnancy. A dream in which the sleeper distributes seeds to his relatives and friends characterizes him as a scandalous person who sows discord among those around him.

As can be seen from the above, the interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed about seeds is quite ambiguous; some dream books claim that they are a good sign, others that dreamed about seeds bring trouble. As a result, in order to understand what the dream portends, it is better for the sleeper to trust his own feelings and draw final conclusions based on them.

Why do you dream of gnawing seeds?

As in all dreams, highest value here it may have an emotional connotation, the mood of the dream. In such an action itself there can rarely be anything frightening or alarming, just like a dream - it hints at small, at first glance not very significant events in the near future.

In most cases, gnawing seeds in a dream foreshadows a fun, relaxing time with pleasant acquaintances, long and mutually pleasant conversations. But here it is necessary to remember the dream itself in detail - with whom, in what company, in what room or place this action took place, what feelings it evoked. In reality, gnawing seeds is a rest, a kind of relaxation, for many it is a way to get rid of problems. In a dream - a hint that a person needs it, he is tired of routine affairs, dreams of a calm, pleasant pastime and needs it.

You should also not forget about the saying “He solves such and such problems like seeds” - yes, a person solves, and successfully, many questions and problems, most often not his own, helps out friends and acquaintances, and even if he does not feel tired and irritation, he may soon experience such feelings and become annoyed at the helplessness of his neighbors.

Gnawing on seeds with pleasure, extracting tasty grains from under the prickly shells is certainly a good dream, foreshadowing a quick and successful resolution of troubling issues and conflict resolution. Seeing the husks of seeds in front of you means you will soon find out the hidden truth about some event or person. Receiving seeds as a gift and treat from someone you know, treating someone yourself is a quick and pleasant meeting with this person. Gnawing on the seeds of not a sunflower, but some other plant that you have never eaten before means a new, but insignificant, acquaintance.

Negative changes or events are promised by an unpleasant dream context - why dream of gnawing seeds, among which there are many empty, burnt or spoiled ones, is clear to everyone - unpleasant conversations, petty discord or misunderstandings. Gnawing and breaking a tooth in the process - misunderstandings can have far-reaching consequences. Someone scolded him for such an activity, say, at work or in a public place - here it’s just the opposite, to get support from a superior person in a disturbing issue. Gnawing seeds and saving seeds for someone also means pleasant events associated with a loved one.

In general, any dream associated with seeds and their consumption as food is rather a pleasant dream that does not promise serious changes in life, neither bad nor good, it gives a prediction only for the very near future. Even if you don’t pay any attention to it, nothing bad will happen.

In general, you should not unconditionally believe dreams, but you need to pay attention to them - they can, if not give an exact indication of an upcoming event, then, in any case, hint and warn, warn about the need to treat what happened correctly. A dream about seeds can mean that you should not take little things to heart, but find joy and pleasure in everything.

A dream in which you are gnawing on seeds (it doesn’t matter which ones - sunflower or maybe pumpkin) can be interpreted from two positions. Firstly, some dream books consider it an omen of a comfortable life, material well-being and prosperity, because if there are seeds, then there will be a harvest.

However, you should pay attention to whether seed husks are present in the dream. It can mean things that are not worth attention, but at the same time take up a lot of your time and effort. You probably want to refuse to do them, but this is currently not possible for various reasons.

Dream Interpretation frying sunflower seeds

Why do you dream of frying sunflower seeds in a dream according to the dream book?

If in a dream you decide to fry seeds, this is a harbinger of unexpected guests. It doesn’t matter who your visitor will be: old friends or relatives - in any case, the surprise will be pleasant.

Feel free to start preparing for the party - cleaning the apartment and choosing an outfit, because the reason to have a great time is already close. Great company, a pleasant dinner and heart-to-heart conversations are guaranteed.

Why do you dream that you look at fried seeds and dream of eating them? The dream speaks of pleasant changes in life. A gift or surprise awaits you, and all started projects will bring significant profits.

Try to make the most of this time so that you don’t have to regret missed opportunities in the future.



She gnawed on seeds in her sleep. Half of the seeds in the bag were black and half were white.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Lynn, probably your dream about seeds suggests that you will be faced with a serious choice.



Julia Dream Interpretation:

Hope, most likely you will meet someone who has wanted to go unnoticed for a long time.


my mother-in-law dreamed about There are sunflower seeds on the floor in the hallway, she tries to sweep them away with a broom, but they just lay there.


I dreamed that an unfamiliar man was trying to persuade me to buy seeds from him for 12 rubles. I do not buy. What is it for???


I dreamed that a woman I didn’t know in light clothes (the outlines were not clear) was holding out seeds at arm’s length.
The seeds are clean, large, black. All the seeds fit in the palm of your hand.
What could this mean?
Thank you in advance.


Natalia, I heard a story when a man took these seeds from a woman in white, he soon died, and when his daughter had such a dream, in the same dream her father appeared and did not let him take these seeds and scolded this woman in white, so I I think this is a bad dream. Some people dream of good-looking people asking for a ribbon, do not give it away under any circumstances, otherwise you won’t wake up at all)))


I dreamed that seeds were growing on my legs and I was digging them out... disgusting sight... why this dream??


I dreamed that I wanted to buy seeds, but my grandmother did not want to sell them to me...


I dreamed that I was sharing seeds with friends while sitting on the grass. What does this mean?


I dreamed that I was walking in someone else's big house according to the carpets of uncleaned seeds, I pulled a couple of pieces out of the carpet, tried it, didn’t like it, turned out to be damp... and went further along these carpets. What do you think this means?


I dreamed that my husband proposed to me again and gave me a large bouquet of pink peonies. Instead of words, I pour handfuls of seeds into his hands. Surprisingly, he was very pleased. What does it mean?


Good afternoon I had a strange dream today, I can’t understand it. it was very colorful, bright, with many events and people.
as if I was organizing a reporting concert for work, with some prizes. and I don’t know why, before the concert my boss instructed me to sort out some cereals. Moreover, it was very urgent. There were peas there, I remember exactly. I dealt with it quickly, my students helped me. and then there was a mixture of sunflower seeds and rice. Moreover, the rice was sticky, like boiled. and the seeds were mixed in places, in heaps. It was impossible to separate them completely cleanly, so we simply picked out and threw away the seeds. Here. tell me what this is for!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there were seeds probably indicates that you may receive instructions to receive an important guest.


Hello!!! I dreamed of seeds covered in chocolate and I fed them to the birds.


I dreamed that someone was throwing seeds painfully at me in the back, and also with cut nails, it was creepy and disgusting


when I dream about seeds, it means that someone will die


Hello. I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, in which I was in a store and someone told me to buy seeds. I buy chocolates. delicious, different types and for some reason the saleswoman puts one type aside and says that she won’t take money for them - it’s a gift, and the rest will need to be paid for. I was happy... but she reminds me of the seeds. I go to the display cases, look at the seeds, they are in transparent packages, but I don’t take sunflower seeds, but choose white pumpkin seeds. I’m worried whether I should fry them or dry them and try them - they are tasty and ready. So I take them along with the sweets...
Somehow strange... Why would this be?


Please tell me the dream: in front of me is a table - on the table there is a pile of black seeds mixed with candies white(nuts in white chocolate), and with some plastic parts. I look - and think - I’ll have to sort through everything, there are still someone nearby - two or three.


I took out a new thousand-ruble bill and gave it to the grandmother selling sunflower seeds, she gave me a plastic bag of sunflower seeds (about a glass), and gave me the change in old, tattered bills. Why this dream?


An elderly woman first offered to buy seeds from her, and then gave them away for nothing, but I didn’t take the seeds from her.


I just saw a lot of seeds and packed them in bags, glued them with an iron and ironed them, gave one bag to a friend and she asked do you grow them yourself, I answered her that I have a plot where I grow


as if me and my acquaintances, three men, were drinking vodka in my parents’ house. I hid 3 bottles, one of them so that they wouldn’t get drunk. In the dream, my late father is alive and he and my mother scold me very much, and then I go into some room and there is a bed the size of for a teenager it’s all filled with a lot of sunflower seeds


I also dreamed of sunflower seeds, I saw them on the table and thought there were too many of them, and then I saw my late father completely filled the table with newly fried sunflower seeds, I clearly felt the pleasant smell of roasted sunflower seeds in my dream.


kak budto moja na4aljnica derzit protvenj s bolj6imi 4istimi 4ernimi seme4kami s mislju,4to ih nado podzaritj i vse-prosnulasj


Hello! Today I dreamed of seeds, a lot of seeds (sunflower). A whole bag of seeds that was torn in my hands, but I held it. However, they were small.


Good afternoon,
I dreamed of roasted sunflower seeds, well, they were black, as if I had eaten peeled sunflower seeds, and our chief lawyer at work gave me sunflower seeds, I looked at it like that and I didn’t like that they were unhulled and black. And I dreamed of mushrooms in the forest, there were a lot of mushrooms, but they were brown.


Hello. I had a dream in which I bought black seeds and they were very tasty.. I had them in the store and I admired how delicious they were.


A man I like, but I don’t have a relationship with him, pours huge sunflower seeds into my hands, and I hide them in my pocket


I dreamed of a man passerby, on whose head another passerby poured a bucket of seeds mixed with earth. Why would I dream about this? Tell me...


I saw black seeds in a cat’s piggy bank in a dream, we have some at home, as if our uncle put seeds in the piggy bank instead of money, and I’m in shock


I had a dream that I was eating white pumpkin seeds, and the eldest son came up all dirty and threw a handful of black pumpkin seeds at me.


Good afternoon. Tatyana, please tell me what can you expect from a dream you had from Tuesday to Wednesday that left an impression and was remembered? And I seemed like I wanted to hide or get rid of the persecution of some man, about 50 years old (his face is half hidden and in general, he’s wearing a cloak of some kind of Inquisition!) - and it seems like he doesn’t specifically want to cause me harm, but he doesn’t lag behind me either. When he overtook me and pushed me from the back of the collar and threw something (at the scruff of the neck, let’s say) ..... I start moving my shoulders, dodging and I see that an ordinary dark brown watermelon seed with specks falls out! (before that, about a month before, I dreamed about the watermelon itself)……….Tell me, is there a dream for something?…..(in general, I almost never remember dreams)…….respectfully, Yulia. Thank you.


Hello, in a dream I saw black seeds everywhere in the house in the yard and on me I scrape the seeds out of me, there are so many of them, and it’s as if the seeds are falling into the rain


I dreamed of two dead mice, and there were a lot of sunflower seeds around without skins... probably they were poisoned especially for them... I swept up all the seeds but there were no more mice... and all this happened at work...


Good afternoon Tanya. I walked with my father through the garden which was filled with fried pumpkin seeds. (Father died six months ago).


Hello! My name is Janna. Today I dreamed that my husband, leaving home, scattered many, many pumpkin seeds - throughout the kitchen, in the hallway, and even outside the apartment door, on landing. And I started collecting them in basins, and there were so many seeds that I had to take several basins for this. My husband is actually away now. I didn’t see him in the dream, I only knew that it was he who scattered the pumpkin seeds. And when I was collecting them, my late grandmother, who died almost 9 years ago, was nearby. She watched as I collected seeds. What could this dream mean? It was the first time I dreamed about seeds. Thank you!


While cleaning up the water in the room, my father poured a large handful of sunflower seeds into my pocket. After this, my colleagues invited me to go for work, and I ate several seeds


I dreamed of a late grandfather who gave me pumpkin seeds and advised me to make a pumpkin roll with meat for my wedding


first I dreamed of my ex-wife who tried to seduce me, the dream was colorful and bright, then I walked somewhere and gnawed sunflower seeds


I was driving a car with my parents, my father was driving, seeing that they were selling plums on the road, I asked him to stop, but he drove on, stopped, but I still got out of the car and bought a kilogram of luxurious prunes for three large sunflower seeds, while , large quantity I still have some seeds in my hand. Thank you.


Some girl (my boyfriend’s friend in the dream) offered seeds. At first I refused, then she offered them to me again (insisting) and I took them.


My ex-husband brings me honey and jam, and it’s as if we’ve made peace or are newlyweds again. I’ve been dreaming about it in different variations for the last 2 weeks.

Zoya Nikolaevna:

I dreamed that I poured sunflower seeds into the hands of my 19 year old son and it turned out to be a big pile. And he, joyfully, throws them to the sides, and stands contented.


I saw that the seeds were not fried and they were not small, I checked them alone to see if they were rotten inside or not, and when I opened them, there was a good kernel of the seed


Today in a dream I saw sunflower seeds. I bought them in large quantities, 3 kg per bag. They were large and clean, they even shone like oil. And I took other products, but I don’t remember what.

Larisa Nagovitsyna:

This morning I saw in a dream a large bag of seeds and they were large. I also saw that my grandmother takes seeds from this bag and washes them. I also saw a large mirror and the reflection of this bag in it. What is this for?


The dream is very short, I rarely dream. The first - today, my husband and I were driving in the car and suddenly for some reason, I don’t know, we drove into a river. The car didn't sink, we got out of it. The water was clean. The second dream is today. I bought a large transparent bag of sunflower seeds from a man. dreams are very brief. Thank you.


Today in a dream I saw how I was in a hotel and I met a work colleague there, and there was one nice guy with him and he introduced us, and this nice Guy wanted me to stay, but I said no, I can’t and then we all went out street, and then we stood on the street and he left me two pieces of seeds and I didn’t understand... Then I decided to stay and went into the hotel and he left a note there and again two pieces of seeds, and the note said that he would be waiting for me at myself in the room and wrote down my room number. And what’s interesting is these two pieces of seeds, and I would like to know what this means?


I dreamed that I was on a walk with my boyfriend (he died 2 years ago). I have a bag of seeds in my hand, half a bag of unpeeled seeds, and half a bag of peeled ones, and I eat them all the time, not even peeled.


I dreamed of a situation, my uncle gives me all his change, I offered to buy him some seeds, he liked the idea, not counting how many coins there are, I give all the change to the seller and buy the seeds, put them in my backpack, but then I find them in my bag and give them away


as if mine ex-girlfriend came up to me in such a bright yellow dress, everything around seemed so bright, then she hands me a package, a large package, I open it and see sunflower seeds there, my gaze shifts to her, she smiles and I smile back at her. Then we go somewhere with her... and the dream is interrupted


Hello! I dreamed that I was sitting in my office general director together with the founder and we discuss business issues, the atmosphere is positive, the founder supports me in every possible way and the general is happy and suddenly the general starts eating black seeds, gives a little to the founder and a lot to me and they scatter on the table, I ate a little then I start collecting them in a bag, then Somehow I step aside and then the general’s daughter comes into the office, they start a conversation about nothing and the dream ends.


I was walking down the street with friends when police officers came to meet us, they stopped and called us, one of them took out a bag of seeds from the trunk and poured us full handfuls, as soon as they drove off we started throwing them. Then the dream simply ended.


On the night from Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream in which I communicated with people I didn’t know in reality, and in the dream I knew them all. I swam in the sea in sunny weather and jumped from a wooden pier or platform (I don’t remember), there were pleasant sensations, then I dreamed of a park on a sunny day and I walked on green grass with a glass of delicious sunflower seeds (I had a feeling that they were delicious), on the way, I wanted to feed them to the birds in the park, but a handsome young man called me and asked for these seeds, and I gave them to him... then I woke up...


The guy invites me to his home and takes me across the bridge. then he gives me some seeds and says, take it for yourself


I was waiting for my wife, about 20 minutes before her arrival bad things started to happen, after 20 minutes a guy came running and said that she had been in a car accident and died before reaching the scene of the accident, he stopped me and I saw her dead


I saw black pumpkin seeds and black sunflower seeds collected in the back of a car. They lay in separate heaps.


I dreamed of seeds, I just saw a lot of them, they were lying on some surface, and then I saw them with sand. It was all in one dream. I saw the dream from Wednesday to Thursday from 24.09 to 25.09. 2014.


everything happened in a fairly familiar place where I lived for 7 years. I was surrounded mostly by people I knew. everyone around was having fun, and I was having fun. I either played with someone or just laughed, but most of the time I spent on the sidelines watching my friends and eating seeds... I either cracked them or ate them with a peel.


I dreamed yesterday that I was at home and really wanted some seeds, but had no money. My ex, whom I love, rings the doorbell and brings me a huge bag of seeds. I said how did you guess? And I woke up.


I started cleaning the room, shook off the tablecloth, and very large seeds fell out. My sister began to collect them again into a tablecloth, she says that they are very good, but I suggested collecting them in a saucer. She shook off the tablecloth again, but seed husks fell onto the floor. And yet, my sister was with her stillborn daughter, cheerful and very active


I dreamed that I was on a bus, wearing bright orange shoes, they were very comfortable and I really liked them. For some reason I unfastened them, but then I had to go out, I put my shoes back on, and they had a golden zipper in the middle, but they fastened quickly, I didn’t even expect it myself. On the way I ate sunflower seeds, they were very tasty.


hello, everything was like this......My dad and my little sister seemed to be walking around the station looking at something, then we went out into the street and saw our friend who was selling sunflower seeds and her son too. I said hello to her but she didn’t.....She still was just wearing a robe


I dreamed that I ate sunflower seeds in the evening under a tree in winter. The whole earth was covered with white snow. I ate the seeds with a girl I know, with whom I occasionally communicate, and one other person. I don’t know him, but I knew him in a dream. The girl and I are just acquaintances. Sleep from Saturday to Sunday. Then suddenly they ran somewhere. It turned out that it was from the police. We ran into the entrance of the house, where the guys jumped into the apartment, but I didn’t have time. A policeman stopped me and began to question me. I answered without any problems, but at the same time I lied. And there was a feeling that the police were also waiting in the apartment


dreamed about it deceased grandmother came to visit us at her apartment where she lived until her death and brought a gift: a bag of sunflower seeds and a bag of some kind of grain - all the seeds were large, clean and full bags


Hello! I sat and in front of me lay a lot of good black seeds. I peeled a few of them and ate them, they were delicious.


I dreamed from December 6 to 7 that I was buying sunflower seeds (black). Or rather, I want to buy them for my mother, but the two grandmothers who sell the seeds refuse me this. They say that I am picky, dissatisfied with everything, scandalous, and they will not sell me such seeds. I'm not scandalous in life, that's for sure. Maybe just picky.


I dreamed of many small and large black cockroaches. The whole floor was covered in them, but when examining them, it seemed to me that they were mixed together with black sunflower seeds


Yesterday I dreamed of a lot of peeled seeds. I saw them, but didn't eat them. There were a lot of seeds, just a scattering of seeds.


I don’t remember the beginning, like a quarrel with my ex. Then there is some place like a bottle behind the market where there are containers standing with a few people I don’t know and something is bothering me from below and I have this feeling in my hands there is a sea of ​​large seeds. In a dream, I open my eyes and I’m driving my car and they are falling out of the steering wheel braid, although I don’t have one. Then I woke up.


I chose seeds at the market. There were a lot of them, whole heaps. Sometimes I tried them. I bought 3 cups of the largest seeds.


I am a student at a medical university, I dreamed that I was at a university during a lesson, we were sitting in a class with all the students and the teacher was explaining something to us and then she gave me a pack of seeds and said give one seed to each student and I start handing out someone takes it more than one sunflower seed and so I woke up


Hello!! I dreamed of something like a window sill………..and there was some kind of niche in’s almost invisible……and I stuck seeds in this niche………


Hello! I dreamed that pumpkin seeds appeared on my legs and there were still wounds and bruises as if there was a disease.


In a dream I scattered sunflower seeds from a bag onto the floor
, and then began to collect them in this package


I dreamed that I was standing and pecking seeds, then I dreamed of my house, I was going to work, then I dreamed of work and that there were a lot of new employees and mostly women!!!


I dreamed of my late father and gave me a handful of seeds in my hands 2 times, the 2nd time the seeds were larger than the first time.


I dream as if I’m standing in a clinic at the reception desk. A girl comes up and I offer her to buy seeds for the parrots. And on the stand there are 2 large slides with seeds and grains.


My name is Lena! I dreamed that women were standing and selling seeds. Seeds in large bowls. I pass by and take some seeds. Then I walk along the road and husk them. That's all. This is one dream. Then another dream. It’s as if I’m walking along the road and see grapes. She stopped and started eating. Tastes delicious - medium size. Pink grapes. When I walked I felt very good mood. Thank you.


I dreamed of black seeds, we went to visit my grandfather (deceased) and my wife, and I bought a box of tea for a hotel, and when we arrived there we saw that there were black seeds in the box, large, good seeds, and I say they must have deceived me, and I started gnawing , roasted seeds, delicious


Good afternoon I had a dream today, I'm in shoe store, a lot of expensive shoes, I liked the boots, I tried them on, then I thought that I had a lot of boots, where else, and I stood looking at them for a long time, I really liked them. Then I came home, sat down on the sofa, a friend came and we started eating the seeds, they were so delicious, I had sunflower seeds in my hand. What is it for? Thank you in advance!


I dreamed that I was cracking seeds with my enemy. At the table she has white seeds, and I have black ones. We seemed to have made up and she slipped her white seeds into my pile, but didn’t mix them.


hello, I’m a salesman selling from a counter and suddenly some man turns over my scales and scatters seeds, I start hitting him and crying at the same time


I don’t remember everything, but what I remember is that I found a pack of seeds in my coat pocket and I wanted them so bad and I don’t remember them anymore.


nephew cracks sunflower seeds


Myself and I are the best best friend we walked through the village in which I grew up and cracked seeds, and then when we approached the village school I caught a hummingbird in my hands


Snitza that I’m walking in the right sunflower seeds, I eat them and in my left hand the husks from them and I’m walking around White snow lies


I saw the devil in a dream, he offered me a deal for my soul, but I refused. He said that if I sold my soul to him, he would heal my sick nephews. Then he said that my daughter was born on Vanga’s birthday, and said that I would wait for the number 15, but did not say why or why. He looked like a young man at first, then fiery hieroglyphs began to appear on his stomach. I thought that this was all real, I was terribly scared, but when the name Vanga appeared on his stomach, I became even more scared. I asked him, who does Vanga belong to? What powers does she come from? He just laughed back at me and took on his real appearance.


In my dream, there are three bags of sunflower seeds in my apartment and I try them one by one. I appreciate that everyone is delicious in their own way.


Hello dear Tatyana, I dreamed that someone asked me for sunflower seeds and I poured them from someone’s bag into an iron box and pressed them, after that in a wooden toilet I found two plates, one was packed in newspaper and I took them for myself, then I found a warm multi-colored skirt and someone asked me to give it to me, I said that I tried it on and took it for myself,


Hello, this morning at 4-00 it’s like my former neighbor gave me a whole handful of pumpkin seeds, you love them, but in the evening we talked about her, I need to go to her to draw up documents...


I dreamed that I was eating peeled seeds and it brought me pleasure. In the same dream: a nice person hugs me, we walk and talk about how we would like to eat something. And then we see: a huge counter with only 2 items - huge red apples and huge ripe tomatoes. we are very surprised. We choose tomatoes and buy them. I don’t remember how I ate it, but I think I felt the taste of pink tomatoes


I collected black seeds from the floor with a vacuum cleaner, some full, some husks. And I didn’t collect all the full ones, I thought that I should leave it to my son, otherwise he would be offended. And on the ceiling, at first, small caterpillar pupae hung in one row and then fell to the floor...


I was in a field with sunflowers, some of the hats were empty, and which ones had seeds, I knocked them out first, there were large seeds, and in one hat there were small, small ones


I go out to the kitchen, I see small black seeds scattered on the windowsill and I think the mouse scattered it, which means she still lives at home, but we seemed to think that she was no longer in the house.


there were bulbs in a large bag, I carried them with difficulty, the bag was open on one side, and from there I poured seeds onto the bulbs

Raisa is an invert:

I dreamed of an old grandmother laughing a lot at her house and she had a lot of pumpkin seeds and I bought them and then she brought a dirty old woman, revived her and she began to foreshadow the future for me, then she spat a lot, it was very creepy




Hello. I dreamed of some kind of conversation, and there were a lot of seeds on the table. When I started getting ready to leave, for some reason I was in a hurry. Uneaten seeds accidentally mixed with garbage and husks. At first, my mother and I collected them, separated the husks from the seeds, and then I did it myself. Mom has gone somewhere. There were a lot of seeds. Some white seeds, not pumpkin seeds, but a variety of white seeds. And there were more blacks. All the seeds are large and large. And I put the separated seeds in a large black T-shirt bag.


I dreamed about how I entered the wooden house where I live and where my daughter sleeps; several sunflower seeds were scattered right on the threshold on the left side. I didn’t collect or touch them. They were quite large


I come to visit my mother, she treats me with sunflower seeds, not very large black ones, among them there are pumpkin seeds in a bag, and next to me is my father (who died 6 years ago), smiling. In general, the dream did not cause any unpleasant sensations, but somehow it occupied my thoughts


In the store I saw a bag of seeds, the bag was transparent, the seeds were ordinary black. I thought I should buy it, but later.


I dreamed that I was looking for something in the pocket of my handbag and from there there were sunflower seeds mixed with small change. Some girl came up to me from behind, but it felt like a friend asked what I was looking for and I was so angry with her, she grabbed her by the collar, she started gasp and I flew in the air with her onto some table and pressed her to it


D.d. I dreamed that someone poured and gave a handful of such selected (I actually saw it) black, very large seeds into the palm of my hand, and I saw this today from Sunday to Monday, why did I dream about it?


I walked through the market and looked for fried seeds to buy more, but they weren’t selling fried ones. And I walked and gnawed on the fried ones that I had. I left the market without buying them.


dreamed about it big pile black seeds, among them the kernels are peeled and I eat them


In a dream, a woman poured large seeds onto my hand, why would I have this dream?




What does it mean if your feet are covered with pumpkin seeds in a dream? And you try to rub them off with your hands, you feel some kind of heaviness and dirt at this time


A dream as if I was standing and suddenly I saw that my legs were covered with pumpkin seeds, almost up to my knees, not peeled. I feel it very disgusting, I take them with my hands and brush them off once and they fall off


I dreamed that I was cooking squid in a frying pan in the kitchen and talking to a guy (he’s dead) and gnawing seeds. And I had a whole fist of husks from the seeds.


Hello. Today I had a dream a strange dream. My man, whom I broke up with 2.5 months ago, came to my house (his parents insisted on marrying someone else). And so, I dream that he came again, but I understand that not for good, but only “for the night,” but I’m afraid to ask him directly about this and about his wife, where is she... He got ready to leave for work and is sitting in uniform (he military man), talking on the phone, and suddenly my late grandmother comes into the room and brings me full handfuls of sunflower seeds, large ones. But I didn’t take it, and even showed some irritation. then she poured them into a large flower pot with the ground (without a flower), and left. And looking at these seeds, I woke up... Please help me understand this dream. For some reason I think this is important.


Hello. I dreamed that I asked my husband to fry some seeds and then some woman gnawed them in her scarf. Why?


I dream of the store where I work (the store is owned by me 1/2) there are a lot of black seeds scattered on the shelves, I remove them but they do not decrease, they are mixed together with the goods.


my daughter hid a whole bag of peeled seeds, I asked her to give them to me, she gave them to me


Hello, I dreamed that you were roasting a bunch of sourdough, and there were sunflower seeds


Hello. I dreamed of large sunflower seeds in pure
oh water in a clean plate, why?