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» Tips for installing ondulin roofing. The Ondulin company produces roofing paints. How to properly paint Ondulin on the roof

Tips for installing ondulin roofing. The Ondulin company produces roofing paints. How to properly paint Ondulin on the roof

To have an accurate answer to this question, you need to know:

  1. firstly, what is it made from, so as not to use paints based on a solvent that Ondulin can dissolve and therefore destroy;
  2. secondly, what is the degree of adhesion (adhesion) of the molecules of two materials - specific paint and Ondulin;
  3. thirdly, how environmentally friendly painting material to be sure that rainwater from the roof can continue to be used to water flowers and tomatoes, as before before painting;
  4. fourthly, how resistant the paint is to the ultraviolet radiation of the summer sun.

Properties and composition of Ondulin roofing

The material from which European roofing is made consists of bitumen (a petroleum product), cellulose fibers (wood), minerals (mainly silicon-based), temperature-hardening resins (essentially technical rubber), and mineral pigments-dyes.

In the process of producing this composite roofing material, cellulose fibers are saturated with a colloidal solution of pigments, crushed rubber and minerals in bitumen at high temperature harden. Therefore, Ondulin has the following useful consumer properties:

  1. Low wettability and insolubility in water.
  2. Flexibility.
  3. Not tall specific gravity material.
  4. Resistance against microorganisms and fungi (bitumen is an ideal antiseptic).
  5. High technology of installation.

The presence of these excellent construction and consumer qualities of Ondulin at the same time means that good adhesion (adhesion) with it from most types of paint cannot be expected, because aggressive solvents simply destroy organic compounds, from which Ondulin consists.

Water-dispersed polyacrylate (acrylic paint)

And it turned out that the easiest way to paint bitumen Ondulin is with water-dispersion paints. True, modern paint and varnish products are fundamentally different from classic ones. Copolymers and polyacrylates with short molecules dry to form stable, water-insoluble solids that have the properties of a liquid. In this they are similar to bitumen. That is, when two solid quasi-liquids come into contact through a layer of water, their molecules enter into dispersion bonds and interpenetrate.

And bitumen-rubber roof surfaces, which are problematic to paint with compositions based on aggressive solvents, can be easily coated with compositions that have similar properties to conventional water-based paints.

New products from Ondulin

It should be noted right away that Ondulin roofs practically do not change their color in the sun, since solid pigmented mineral (inorganic) particles cannot burn out. Ondulin products lose the freshness of their color due to contaminants that are absorbed into it upper layer due to the presence of water-soluble acidic compounds in industrial dust. They are difficult to wash off, especially not with water. And why do this if easier the roof repaint and refresh.

For these purposes, the company that produces Ondulin created a special water-dispersion paint with a silicone-acrylic composition. When dry, this quasi-liquid has high adhesion (adhesion) properties with a very large list of synthetic and natural materials. Acrylic itself and silicone inclusions are related in nature to the components that make up Ondulin. That's why this new paint was called Ondupaint.

As in Ondulina, Ondupane's color is determined by pigmented mineral inclusions that are not subject to decay under the influence of ultraviolet radiation our daylight. After drying, which occurs at positive temperatures in no more than 4 hours, a durable and water-repellent film is formed on the surface to be painted. It is also elastic and retains this property in wide aisles. negative temperatures(up to – 50*C).

Working with Ondupaint is easy. It is ready for use immediately after leaving production. It can be applied to the roof surface with a spray gun, roller or brush. Depending on the condition of the surface to be painted, Ondupane is consumed in the range of 100 – 150 g/m2. After drying, if necessary, you can paint it a second time, eliminating flaws. There will be no noticeable differences in the color of the areas.

The Onduint company produces the same standard colors as Ondulin, that is: green, brown and red. The paint is universal in its application. It can be used to cover not only Ondulin, but also metal, stone, brick, slate, protecting them with a water-repellent thin layer.

The manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty on its paint, but in practice it lasts much longer. So today the question is - how to paint Ondulin for the rabbit? – disappeared.

Experienced roofers often prefer ondulin, a roofing material that is lightweight and durable. But it has one significant drawback - over time it begins to fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Painting ondulin allows you to preserve appearance roofing surface.

Characteristics of ondulin

In 1944, a French company began producing ondulin. Initially, this material was intended to eliminate leaks in roofs covered with slate, tiles or corrugated sheets. Over time, ondulin from the manufacturer of the same name became an independent product.

This material is sold in the form of rectangular sheets with a size of 205x305 centimeters and a wavy profile. It is produced exclusively from natural raw materials:

  • purified cellulose fibers;
  • petroleum bitumen;
  • natural pigments;
  • various modifiers.

Advantages of an ondulin roof

The popularity of using ondulin is explained by a number of its characteristics:

  1. Light weight. A sheet of material weighs only 6 kilograms, which makes it lighter compared to other types of roofing products, so installation requires just a simple installation. rafter frame and lathing. The weight of ondulin makes it possible to lay a new coating without dismantling the old one.
  2. Strength. This property is due to the presence of a fibrous structure in the material. Ondulin is able to withstand snow load with a value of 300 kg/m².
  3. Waterproof and low water absorption. The material is resistant to water. It does not absorb moisture due to the presence of bitumen impregnation.
  4. Long service life. Ondulin is able to withstand 25 cycles, during which it is first frozen and then thawed, without changing its structure or losing its original properties. According to the manufacturer's warranty, the service life reaches 15 years. If the coating is properly cared for, it will last at least 30-40 years.
  5. Resistance to microorganisms. As you know, ondulin is impregnated with petroleum bitumen, which is a powerful antiseptic and for this reason a roof with such a coating cannot be damaged by fungus and mold.
  6. Environmental Safety. The components used for the production of ondulin do not adversely affect human health and environment, and this circumstance distinguishes it from other roofing products, which may contain harmful impurities.

Negative effects of ultraviolet radiation - loss of color

A significant disadvantage of ondulin is its instability to ultraviolet radiation. When hit sun rays onto the roofing surface of this material The pigment that gives the coating color begins to deteriorate.

As a result, ondulin becomes dull and faded, but the most unpleasant thing is that this process occurs unevenly. As a result, the destruction of the pigment leads to a decrease in the decorative qualities of the coating - the appearance of the roof deteriorates. But is it possible to paint ondulin?

Two types of this material are produced, which differ in coloring technology:

  1. Economy class. When manufacturing roofing products, sheets are painted before being impregnated with bitumen. This method allows you to hide destructible pigment under a protective layer. As a result, ondulin retains its color for 6–8 years and is much cheaper.
  2. Luxury class. During the production process, products are subjected to a dyeing procedure 2 times. The first time paint is applied to them before treating ondulin with bitumen, and the second time after. The material is able to maintain color saturation for 10-15 years, but the use of an additional layer of paint increases the cost of the product.

Another disadvantage of ondulin is considered a small amount of options color design. The material is made in only four shades - black, brown, red and green. The limited color palette forces many owners of private houses to think about a solution to the problem of how to paint an ondulin roof.

Choosing paint - what is better to paint?

Such a problem as color loss by ondulin can be easily dealt with. When roof covering finally loses its color and becomes dull, its sheets are coated with special coloring compounds that improve its appearance and at the same time increase the moisture resistance of the roof.

Ondulin paint must have properties similar to those of the coating in order to withstand adverse climatic influences throughout its entire service life. But on construction market there are few suitable options.

As a result of the limited supply of coloring compositions for ondulin, the following are used:

  1. "Ondupaint". The paint is produced specifically for painting this material based on silicone and acrylic. After drying, a durable film is formed on the roof surface. Since this paint is produced by the ondulin manufacturer, compatibility is guaranteed. But the Ondupaint color palette is also limited to 4 standard shades. It takes only 4 hours for the paint to dry completely, and its service life is at least 5 years. The disadvantage of this option is high price, this paint is more expensive than similar compositions.
  2. Acrylic paint. It is made on the basis of water-dispersed polyacrylate. When drying after applying acrylic paint, a film is formed on the roofing surface, insoluble in water and similar in properties to bitumen. Its cost is cheaper than Ondupaint, but it lasts only a few seasons. The advantage of this option is the huge choice color solutions. Usage acrylic composition allows you to paint the roof in any color.
  3. Bitumen mastic. She is also called " liquid rubber" Due to the compatibility of the compositions, mastic is best choice How to paint ondulin if necessary to renew the roofing. When applied, a durable film is formed on the surface of the material, resisting atmospheric influences. A bitumen-based paint composition is more expensive than acrylic paint, but cheaper than Ondupaint. Its service life is approximately 3 years. All shades included in color palette bitumen mastic, matte. The composition dries quickly, only 2-3 hours.

To obtain optimal results, the roofing surface must be properly prepared. First, the stingray is cleaned using water, sometimes this requires a brush with plastic bristles. After drying, the ondulin surface is primed and painted in one or two layers.

How to paint ondulin: paint for an ondulin roof, can it be painted, what should it be treated with?

How to paint ondulin: paint for an ondulin roof, can it be painted, what should it be treated with?

How to properly paint ondulin on the roof

Ondulin roofing materials are painted during the production process. Mineral pigments are included in the raw material, due to which the sheets are painted over the entire thickness and retain color throughout their entire service life.

Due to long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays, the pigment loses its original brightness, but most often the cause of color loss is dust clogging the small pores of the roof.

By painting the roofing yourself, you can return the roof to its original appearance or completely change its design. For this, branded acrylic-silicone paint Ondupaint or acrylic paints for floor coverings on water based.

Before purchasing materials, measure the roof area and check the paint consumption per 1 square meter. m. This will allow you to purchase the required quantity and avoid unnecessary costs.

Preparing the roof for painting

1. Remove from roof foreign objects, old leaves and debris. Clean the ondulin from dirt. If necessary, wash the roof with water.

Advice. Clean with a stiff brush; do not use metal utensils. Ondulin cannot be cleaned with gasoline or white spirit.

2. Carefully inspect the coating for dents, chips and cracks. Minor repairs roofing can be done using bitumen sealant and self-adhesive tape Onduband Pro.

3. Before painting, the roof surface is coated with a primer. This is necessary in order to:

– strengthen the top layer of material;

– increase the adhesion strength of paint to the surface;

– reduce paint consumption.

Water-based acrylic primers are used as a base for acrylic paints.

Ondulin roof painting

1. Acrylic paints have a high viscosity, so they are applied with a brush with short, stiff bristles.

Applying acrylic paints using a sprayer is associated with certain difficulties. When choosing this method, seek help from professionals.

2. Painting is carried out in stripes from top to bottom, along the profile of the sheets. To prevent the joints of the strips from being noticeable, start painting from the north side of the roof.

3. If it is necessary to paint in several layers, each subsequent layer of paint is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

4. To obtain the desired color, the paint is mixed with a colorant for water-based acrylic paints.

In conclusion, a few tips:

– purchase primer, paint and color from the same manufacturer. Please consult the seller before purchasing;

– before using the materials, carefully read the instructions and strictly follow their requirements;

– working at height is associated with a risk to life, so strictly follow safety regulations.

How to properly paint ondulin on the roof

Over time, ondulin roofing may lose its original brightness and attractiveness. The reason for this is exposure to ultraviolet rays and dust clogging small pores. You can update or completely change the color of your roof using acrylic paints.

Is it possible to paint ondulin?

The question of choosing a roof for the roof - key question, which occurs in almost all people when building a house. After all, the roof not only protects the home from weather hazards such as snow, rain, hail, scorching sun, but also gives the entire house beauty and uniqueness. Currently, the choice of building materials is so extensive that it is possible to create a roof of almost any shape and any color - it all depends on the wishes of the customer, his financial capabilities and the designer’s imagination.

Today one of the most popular roofing materials is ondulin.

Today one of the most popular roofing materials is ondulin. Roofs covered with ondulin can be found in almost any cottage village. Ondulin, also known as Euroslate (the name “ondulin” came to us from the name of the manufacturer of this material in Europe), is a corrugated sheet of cellulose fiber and various mineral additives, impregnated with bitumen. Of course, ondulin, like any other material, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Most often, the disadvantages of ondulin are associated with its unstable appearance, namely, with color fading in the sun.

Therefore, in this article we will try to answer the question of how to paint ondulin, since this is one of the main problems in the roof restoration process. But first of all, let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of this roofing material.

The main advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

The main advantages of ondulin include the following:

Scheme of a roof covered with ondulin.

  • environmental safety - ondulin does not contain substances harmful to humans and the environment;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • no condensation if installed correctly;
  • resistance to corrosion and chemicals;
  • biological stability - the material does not rot, is resistant to bacteria and fungi;
  • low water absorption;
  • long service life - about 50 years;
  • ease of transportation and installation due to the light weight of the material.

Of course, in addition to all the above advantages, ondulin has some disadvantages:

  • flammability of the material;
  • limited selection of colors;
  • color instability due to fading in the sun.

Very often, house builders refuse to choose ondulin precisely because it quickly loses its appearance as it fades in the sun. But for many this is not a significant problem, because this roofing material can be painted.

Ondulin roof painting

The annotation for ondulin contains information that when producing this material, the sheets are painted before being impregnated with bitumen. This is done so that the color of the material is resistant to ultraviolet rays. And luxury class ondulin can also be painted after bitumen impregnation. Thus, Euroslate can retain its original color for a very long time.

The best tool for cutting ondulin is an ordinary wood saw.

But in practice it very often happens that the color of ondulin is influenced natural phenomena fades and becomes faded and ugly. How to act in such situations is not indicated in any instructions for the material. And not a single manager or dealer specializing in ondulin will give clear recommendations and advice on this matter. But, nevertheless, ondulin can be painted; some people practice it and share their experience in this difficult matter.

First of all you need to choose suitable paint. It must be weatherproof and resistant to UV rays and corrosion. It is best if ondulin is painted with a special industrial roofing paint made by leading manufacturers of paint and varnish products.

Due to the fact that ondulin is a roofing material made using bitumen, paint must be chosen based on bitumen. For example, the Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila offers matte finish“Killy” for painting roofs made of bituminized fiber boards, fiber cement, roofing felt, etc. This coating is weather-resistant, so it can be used in marine climates.

The paint color can be selected from Tikkurila catalogs. Paint consumption – 250-500 ml/m2 for 2 layers of paint. To apply the Killy coating, use a paint brush or roller. The paint dries at a temperature of 23ºC for about 2 hours. If the air is too humid, the paint will take longer to dry. This coating is very elastic, does not crack in frost, and is resistant to water. It would not be amiss to remind you that before painting the roof must be thoroughly washed and cleared of branches and debris.

Painting a roof is quite a tedious task and requires a lot of effort to achieve the desired result. Painting of ondulin can be done either independently or with the help of external specialists. But it is best to initially approach the issue of choosing roofing material with special responsibility and seriousness. Very often, ondulin is counterfeited, and it is the counterfeit that quickly loses its original appearance. Thus, carefully study the manufacturers in order to avoid the procedure of repainting the roof later. In any case, the choice is always yours! Good luck!

How to paint ondulin: how to choose the right paint

How to paint ondulin? This is a question that many owners of a roof that has lost its original appearance have faced.

How can you paint ondulin at home?

For aesthetic reasons, I would like to have a light-colored roof. The problem is that rafter system designed for light roofing. How can you repaint ondulin sheets in beige or sand color with high quality and for a long time?

A new product has appeared on the construction market, from the Ondulin company, apparently the requests of consumers were heard, the paint is called “Ondupaint”

I understand that this option is not suitable for you.

The other options cannot guarantee anything, as they say, you will have to act at “your own peril and risk.” Ondulin clearly and unequivocally states that their products cannot be painted, the paint is applied before the sheets are impregnated with bitumen and this is a finished material.

If you haven’t purchased ondulin yet, then pay attention to “Lux” class ondulin; such sheets are painted twice, before impregnation and after.

You can try painting ondulin with mastic paint for slate, the paint is called “Vaksa” (VAKSA),

The only thing I can’t understand is why paint ondulin at all, the warranty on paint is 5 years, ondulin 50 years.

Instead of ondulin in this case, metal tiles would be better; they are easy to paint and there is a huge choice of colors.

From all that has been said, we can conclude: It is better not to paint Ondulin at all.

And it’s not entirely clear how you will move on a roof covered with ondulin; break through both the ondulin and the sheathing.

The surface for painting must be perfectly prepared; in outdoor conditions this is extremely problematic.

Friends painted ondulin, and three years later they replaced it with a new one.

There are a lot of fakes on the markets, it is important to buy high-quality ondulin, then problems with paint fading will not arise.

Painting ondulin is not an easy task, but it can be done (how long this coating will last depends on how carefully you prepare the coating for painting; on average, the coating will last three years, under favorable circumstances it can be longer, up to 5 years). There is a huge selection of paints on the market, but only one was made purely for ondulin - Onduline (Ondupaint). Therefore, when choosing paint, it is better, of course, to take industrial paint from leading manufacturers of paint and varnish products. When choosing, you need to pay attention to bitumen-based paint; it must be resistant to ultraviolet rays and corrosion, as well as weather-resistant.

As already noted, Ondupaint paint is produced for painting ondulin - this would be perfect option except complete replacement roofing covering. They praise Tikkurila paint Kilpi based on bitumen (matte colors).

However, painting ondulin will cost you a pretty penny; the material is quite brittle, so not every master will agree to work with it in this way.

To paint an ondulin roof, you can use any acrylic-silicone water-based paint for the floor. The rules for preparing ondulin for painting are simple: clean the roof of dirt by pouring water on it and removing the dirt with a brush with plastic hairs (for example, a car brush). Treat the roof with a water-based primer and you can paint it.

How can you paint ondulin at home?

A new product has appeared on the construction market, from the Ondulin company, apparently the requests of consumers were heard, the paint is called “Ondupaint” (Ondupaint) the base is acrylic and silicone, but there is also a min...

Ondulin is often chosen as a roofing material, and many people are interested in the question of whether there is paint for ondulin and whether it can be painted. It will be much easier to choose the material of the required color, but if this is not possible, then ondulin can be painted in the desired color. Acrylic, vinyl, epoxy-vinyl and other paints are suitable for these purposes. The only condition is that they dry for 2-3 hours.

Composition of ondulin: 1 - mineral coating, 2 - bitumen, 3 - fiberglass, 4 - bitumen, 5 - silica sand.

Roofs covered with ondulin can be found very often, as it is very popular. This material got its name from one of its first manufacturers. It is a sheet shaped like slate (but it is made of cellulose fiber with the addition of mineral components), and then impregnated with bitumen. The material is presented in a wide range of colors, but it is still sometimes necessary to use ondulin paint to obtain the shade of interest.

Like any other building material that is used for roofing, ondulin has its advantages and disadvantages; before choosing it to cover the roof of your house, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Main advantages and disadvantages

One of the main problems that can arise with this material, many experts say, is that its color can change over time, and then when restoring the ondulin coating, the question arises of how to paint the ondulin. It happens that the quality of the coating is good, but the owner had a desire to change the appearance of his house, and he decided to change the color of the roof.

Advantages of this type of coating:

  • it does not contain harmful substances, therefore such material is environmentally friendly;
  • it has good noise insulation characteristics, so noise from the street does not enter the house;
  • if the installation is done correctly, then condensation will not form on the surface;
  • resistant to various active elements and corrosion, does not rot or become covered with fungus;
  • has low water absorption;
  • its service life is 50 years or more;
  • It is lightweight, which makes it easy to transport and install.

Despite the presence of a large number of advantages, like any other construction material, ondulin also has some disadvantages:

  • the choice of its colors is limited;
  • over time, the material fades in the sun and loses its original color;
  • flammability.

Often it is the fact that the specified material loses its color over time that stops some people from choosing it as a roofing material. This will not be a problem for you if you know how to paint ondulin, after which it will again acquire a bright color and will perform its functions efficiently for many more decades.

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Painting the roof from ondulin

If you look at the manufacturing technology of this material, you will see that the sheets are painted in the desired color before they are covered with a layer of bitumen. This is done in order to protect the sheets from fading under the influence of sunlight, namely ultraviolet light.

Modern luxury class material is painted both before and after impregnation with bitumen, which allows it to retain its original color for a longer period of time.

To paint ondulin, you need to use atmospheric paint that is resistant to fading and corrosion.

Under the influence of natural factors, after a certain time, the color of ondulin becomes paler and duller, but this is not very a big problem, since the specified material can be painted and again return it to its original appearance.

To paint ondulin, you need to use atmospheric paint that is resistant to fading and corrosion. Since this material contains bitumen, the paint must also be bitumen-based; special roofing paint is best suited.

When choosing a paint, it must be taken into account that it must be intended for coating bituminized fiber boards, roofing felt and similar coatings and be weather-resistant. As an example, we can point out the famous Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila, which offers Killi paint. The Ondulin company offers Ondupaint paint for these purposes, but you can choose any other manufacturer with suitable paint characteristics.

After you decide on the paint manufacturer, you need to choose the shade you need, for which you can use catalogs. This coating must be applied in two layers, the paint consumption will be approximately 250 ml/m2.

To apply the coating to ondulin, you can use a roller, brush or spray gun. If it is warm outside and the temperature is more than 20 degrees, then 2 hours is enough for one layer of this paint to dry. At lower temperatures or at high humidity Drying time can increase to 3-4 hours.

A special feature of such a coating is that it has high elasticity, so even in very coldy It will not crack, and it is also resistant to precipitation. Before you start painting, be sure to thoroughly clean the surface of debris, rinse it well, and then allow it to dry completely.

You can paint the roof yourself, but if you don’t have free time and have extra money, you can hire specialists to do this. When choosing a roofing material, you need to pay attention to its quality, since now there are a lot of fakes. If you purchase high-quality ondulin, it will serve for a long time and reliably high-quality coating roof, and you won’t have to deal with such an issue as painting it.

When choosing materials for roofing, developers give preference to inexpensive and durable ones, such as ondulin. It is in high demand, but it also has certain disadvantages. One of them is gradual fading in the sun. As a result, the question arises of how to paint ondulin if it is faded.

Sheets attract with a variety of shades and saturation color range. Different from others brands quality and high performance characteristics. On front side There is a marking in the form of the inscription Onduline.

According to the specifics of production, after making corrugated sheets, they are painted using a palette of 4 colors, and then “sealed” by treating them with a bitumen composition with the addition of polymers.

  • For economy class, an additional outer layer to protect and preserve color is not provided. Ondulin fades over time and its color fades. It becomes especially noticeable after 5-6 years of operation.
  • Lux after coating with bitumen composition is repainted. This maintains brightness for up to 15 years, but significantly increases the cost.

The ability to paint roofing material a second time provides a chance to protect it from subsequent fading and leakage. This allows you to renew the roof, change its color, give it the desired degree of dullness and decorativeness, and increase its service life by several years.

Overview of suitable paints

The manufacturer produces roofing sheets using a four-color range: red, brown, green and black. When onduline begins to fade, it becomes dull and unsightly. Over time, bitumen stains may appear on its surface.

The paint was developed by the same company that made the sheets.

  • The basis of this high-tech product is an acrylic-silicone composition with additives that make the paint resistant to UV rays and weathering.
  • Ondulin sheets can only be painted at air temperatures from +5 to +30°C.
  • It is sold completely ready for use, but when thickening it is diluted with water.
  • For achievement desired result At least 2 coats must be applied. The second time the treatment should be performed 4 hours after the first layer.
  • The consistency allows the mixture to be applied with a brush, roller or spray. In the latter case, the need does not exceed 130-150 g/m2.

If you follow the rules specified in the instructions, the manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty.

The Finnish company Tikkurila produces acrylate paint. It can be applied to sheets that contain bitumen.

Highly valued for its elasticity at temperatures below zero degrees and big choice colors. Service life guarantee – 6-7 years.

3. Chief technologist.

Rubber alkyd-urethane paint produced by the domestic company Novbytkhim is designed for protective and decorative painting. Has a wide scope of application. Before use, stir and adjust to the desired consistency by adding water.

  • Resistant to negative environmental influences, cracking, wear-resistant, does not fade.
  • Has a fairly large selection of colors.
  • Withstands temperature regime from -50 to +60°C.
  • Careful preparation of the area and cleaning it of contaminants is required. Sand previously painted areas until matte.
  • Painting can only be done in dry weather, with humidity not exceeding 80% and temperatures from +10 to +30°C.
  • Application is possible in any way available to the performer. It takes 2-4 hours to dry completely, 2-3 layers are needed. Drying the layer is 60 minutes, consumption is 250-300g/m2.

The guaranteed operational period, subject to storage and use conditions, is from 2 to 4 years.

Paint for ondulin will increase its durability several times, but you need to take into account that subsequently this action will have to be performed at least once every three years.

1. The selected mixture must have performance characteristics the same as roofing, not only improving the appearance, but also increasing moisture resistance.

2. The paint should dry no more than 3-5 hours. When applying several layers, the next one is placed after the previous one has completely dried. The exception is special conditions manufacturers.

3. To obtain a specific color, you need to mix the mixture with a color scheme. It is advisable to use ingredients from the same manufacturer.

4. Before treatment, ondulin roofing must be cleaned, dried, and, if necessary, primed.

5. Primers are selected in accordance with the instructions for the specific composition and are applied in 1-2 layers.

6. Depending on the type of coating, sheets are:

  • matte, rough to the touch, painted with acrylic composition;
  • glossy, with a bright surface obtained by adding silicone.

7. Ondulin is made using bitumen, so it is better to choose paint with a bitumen base.

The color scheme used by the manufacturer was not chosen by chance. Red, brown, green and black shades harmonize with almost any surface shade.

Before starting the process, you must read the instructions, since failure to follow the technology can cause swelling and premature shedding of the paint.

Popular roofing materialondulinsuccessfully replaced traditional slate.Rooffromondulinaabsolutely environmentally friendly, as it is made from cellulose fibers pressed and impregnated with bitumen. One of the advantages of ondulin coating is the wide palette of colors offered by its manufacturers. Thanks to this material, any design task for home decoration can be solved.

Unfortunately, such roofing material tends to fade, fade and lose its attractiveness over time. In addition, having a natural basis, ondulin does not have high biological resistance. Already in the third year after installing the roof, moss and fungal colonies. And this leads to the formation of stains on the roof, the appearance of which becomes unpresentable.

Preparatory work, choice of paint

The paint, thanks to bitumen impregnation, does not crack on the surface of ondulin, but tends to fade in the sun. This happens especially quickly if the home owner decides to save on cost. construction work and purchased cheap roofing material. To prevent the painted surface of the roof from swelling, it must be absolutely dry and clean.Roof paintingproduced in spring or autumn, when solar activity subsides, and during mild bitumen roofing you can move freely. If it is necessary to apply a primer or putty on the surface of ondulin, it should be allowed to dry for several days.

Experts recommend using paint on the surface for acrylic base. If the roof surface is covered with real French ondulin, then for its treatment you should purchase a branded acrylic paint or analogues recommended by the manufacturer.

Ondulin roof painting

Roofingfromondulinaafter preparatory work and applying patches, as well as good drying, can be painted.Roof paintingIt is made in two layers, and if the process is performed for the first time, then the ondulin roof must be primed. The viscosity of the first layer should be lower than the finishing one. Such shading is necessary for better wetting of the surface and penetration of paint into all irregularities. Painting the patches is done without sharp pressure on the brush, so as not to disturb the integrity of the edges of the restored roof area.

Processpainting ondulinIt is recommended to start with the ridge and slopes, gradually going down. During the painting process, a hard bristle brush should be rotated periodically to ensure even abrasion. To form an even and high-quality layer of paint, the brush is held in the hand in such a way that the pile is perpendicular to the roof surface. It should be remembered that after painting, each layer must dry thoroughly. The first layer dries for at least 5-7 days, the second - about 10 days.

Order painting of an ondulin roof in Moscow

To perform professionally and reliably:paint the rooffromondulina, just contact the specialists of our company. Our masters have great experience and tolerances for performing dangerous work at height, and can perform high-quality painting of an ondulin roof of any complexity. To do this, you can use the contact numbers listed on the website and get advice at the office of our company.