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» Combined bathroom in Khrushchev: photo of interior design. My bathroom: my ideal bathroom project in Khrushchev-era Bathtub-toilet renovation in Khrushchev-era

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev: photo of interior design. My bathroom: my ideal bathroom project in Khrushchev-era Bathtub-toilet renovation in Khrushchev-era

The small size of bathrooms in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings causes certain inconvenience to apartment owners. The lack of space forces you to dodge when placing plumbing fixtures, to rack your brains so that it doesn’t turn out too cramped. But in addition to plumbing, you need to somehow fit into the space at least a small storage system.

In addition, it is not enough to choose the right type of finishing materials; you also need to choose the right color. Visual perception The size of the room directly depends on the color of the walls, floor and ceiling.

Renovation of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev

This section is devoted to the choice of materials for renovating a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building. We will tell you which ones are suitable for walls and floors, and which ones are suitable for ceilings.

Universal materials: tiles, PVC panels and wood

Let's start, of course, with tiles– the leader in popularity among finishing materials for bathrooms. The tiles are used both for walls and for laying on the floor. This material has the following advantages

  • Durability - properly laid tiles will last you 15 - 20 years without losing their appearance.
  • Excellent aesthetic qualities - on sale you will find a lot of tile options in color, pattern and texture.
  • Hygienic and easy to care for. Thanks to its resistance to chemicals, tiles can be washed with fairly aggressive agents.
  • There is a wide range of prices - it is possible to choose a finish to suit almost any budget.

The disadvantages include the complexity of installation: installation work requires certain skills.

Bathroom renovation in Khrushchev: tiles

Attention: tiles should be selected according to their intended purpose. Finishing intended for walls should go on the walls, and for the floor, accordingly, on the floor. So, floor tiles It has a large margin of safety, and in addition, its texture is rougher, which minimizes the risk of slipping.

PVC panels today occupy the second most popular place among finishing materials used for the renovation of bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings. Panels can be used to decorate both walls and ceilings. The following qualities speak in favor of the material:

  • Quick and easy installation.
  • High resistance to moisture.
  • Large selection of colors, patterns and textures.
  • Possibility of integrating lighting into the decoration of the ceiling and walls.
  • Durability.
  • Relatively low cost of repairs.

The material also has disadvantages: it can be easily damaged by a blow from a sharp object, and when PVC burns, it emits toxic smoke.

Repair of a separate bathroom in Khrushchev: PVC panels

Wood can also be considered a universal material. It can also be mounted on the floor and ceiling. The main advantage of wood is its natural origin and environmental friendliness. During operation, the material releases phytoncides into the air, which contribute to the creation of a healthy indoor microclimate.

But this material is used quite rarely for finishing and repairing bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings, since moisture- and bio-resistant wood species are quite expensive. In addition, wood requires strict adherence to fire safety rules.

Wood: combining floor and ceiling finishes

How else can you decorate the walls of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building?

For repairs and finishing of walls in bathrooms Khrushchev can be used moisture resistant drywall. This material provides great opportunities for leveling walls and modeling various kinds of bends and niches on them. After installation plasterboard finishing easy to “bring to mind” finishing– painting or covering the walls self-adhesive film, as in the photo below.

Attention: plasterboard, even if it has markings indicating that the material is moisture resistant, is quite hygroscopic. Therefore, such finishing requires the organization of forced ventilation in the bathroom.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev. Photo of plasterboard finishing

Ceiling repair in Khrushchev

In addition to the PVC panels described above, the simplest, most cost-effective and long-lasting known method finishing the ceiling in the bathroom - painting on plaster. If necessary, the surface is repaired, puttied and painted in the chosen color. The disadvantage is that leveling the ceiling requires some skill.

Small bathroom: ceiling to be painted

Stretch ceiling for bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings began to be used relatively recently. The main advantage of this finish is a perfectly smooth glossy or matte ceiling, which does not require any additional manipulations with it. Otherwise, this finish has the same advantages as the PVC panels described above. Except for the price: suspended ceilings can be quite expensive.

Bathroom renovation in Khrushchev. Photo of stretch ceiling

Layout and design of a bathroom in Khrushchev

As already mentioned in this article, bathrooms in Khrushchev large sizes They can’t boast. That’s why the correct placement of plumbing fixtures and organization of storage areas means so much here.

Departing from the usual layout

The usual arrangement of plumbing fixtures in Khrushchev-era bathrooms makes the room very cramped. And you can save space using the following manipulations:

  • We take a corner bath, it will be shorter than usual.
  • We install the toilet not at the far wall, as usual, but closer to the exit.
  • We choose a narrow sink and install it opposite the bathtub.
  • On the wall
Attention: The photo clearly shows the benefits of such a relocation of plumbing fixtures. There is now storage space - cabinets under the sink and on the wall opposite the entrance. There is a built-in washing machine here, but an ordinary one would also fit. There is still enough space left in the center.

Remodeling a bathroom in Khrushchev

Installing a shower instead of a bath will also significantly save space. The cabin can be corner, as in the photo, or ordinary. The remaining space can be used, for example, for installing shelving or a washing machine, as in the photo.

Layout of a bathroom in Khrushchev. Shower cabin instead of bath

Making the most of usable space

With a standard bathroom layout, use the wall, since it won’t work on the right, since there is a bathtub, and on the left, everything protruding from the wall will simply get in the way. The wall opposite the entrance remains. On next photo good example installation of cabinets. Their lower part hides cistern and sink drain. Upper cabinets small, but you can also place tall ones, up to the ceiling.

Compact bathroom: wall and floor cabinets

You can also place a prefabricated stainless steel rack of any height above the toilet, as on the right side of the photo. And on the left you see good way save space that the necessary little things would take up on the shelves. Paper, air freshener and magazines can be placed directly on the tank, in special “baskets”

Additional storage spaces

And don’t forget about the space under the bathroom, which we most often simply cover with a screen or screen. Today you can find screens of a special design on sale, with folding mechanism and shelves with reverse side. Most household chemicals will fit there.

Small bathroom. Photo of an example of using the space under the bathroom

Bathroom design in Khrushchev

When choosing the design of bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings, the stumbling block is always the lack of space. We must determine the color and pattern of materials, as well as the quality of plumbing fixtures, taking into account the lack of meters. The most important thing to remember:

  • How lighter color, the more spacious the bathroom in Khrushchev will seem.
  • Matte or solid screens “eat up” space – it’s better to choose transparent ones. If you are still thinking about how to separate the shower and toilet, then choose an opaque curtain that can be opened as much as possible.
  • A large frameless mirror will visually enlarge the room.

Bathroom, photo. The design in Khrushchev favors light colors

If the design uses dark colors, then the design should include side lighting in addition to the top. IN Decoration Materials It is better to choose glossy ones. If the height of the ceilings allows, then you can run a horizontal frieze along the walls, as in the following photo of the bathroom design in Khrushchev. It will make the room visually wider. However, this can only be done with sufficiently high ceilings.

Design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev: the frieze will make the room wider

It is better to choose the most miniature plumbing fixtures for a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, so as not to create the impression of a cluttered space. By the way, today you can find glass sinks on sale with glass countertops. This is a very good option for bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings, since the glass is “lost” against the background of the decoration.

Interior of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev: transparent sink

Just recently, some fifty years ago, an apartment in a Khrushchev five-story building was the subject of dreams for many people in the USSR. Today these houses are contemptuously called Khrushchev houses. And, meanwhile, it is still quite possible to live in them. They are, of course, a little cramped and they have combined bathrooms, but still, these are comfortable apartments.

The bathroom is a relaxation room for the proletariat

The most problematic place in Khrushchev's apartments is the bathroom. If all other rooms allow you to easily accommodate them, then 5-6 square meters are in no way capable of accommodating everything that people are trying to cram there.

Bath, sink, washing machine, a bedside table for storing hygiene items and detergents, should not fit in such a small area, but you also need to place a toilet somewhere, where would you be without it? It would also be nice to have a basket for dirty laundry somewhere.

Based on common sense, for most of our people, the bathroom is a place of relaxation, where a person can relax while lying in warm bath, and maybe even sleep.

How can all this happen in such a cramped space is the big question? However, if you approach this issue creatively, it turns out that not everything is as bad as it seems.

A combined bathroom is more of a plus than a minus

If you show a little imagination, the solution to the problem will come on its own, and what seemed like a huge drawback yesterday will turn out to be a big plus tomorrow. For example, everyone thinks that a shared bathroom is very inconvenient. Indeed, having a bathroom and a toilet in the same room does not add enthusiasm to the residents of the Khrushchev.

But if you think about it, the inconvenience here is not too big. The advantages of this layout outweigh everything possible disadvantages. By combining a bathroom and a toilet in one room, the designers received, albeit one, but still not a very small and promising living space.

Rational organization of the bathroom

Looking at photos of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building found on the Internet, you are amazed at how people managed to rationally organize this tiny space. Moreover, there are a great many options for organizing it. The main idea behind all these options is to place everything in the bathroom along the walls and, if possible, on two or even three levels.

That is, walls exist not only to divide one large room into several small ones and to put something next to them (the walls), but, if possible, to attach something on them that does not fit below . This opportunity appears as needed.

Initially, more or less rationally, a bathtub is installed in the bathroom, because it is always located against the wall, therefore, it, most often, does not take up a single extra centimeter of space in the bathroom. Many people believe that since there is a small bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, they can sacrifice the sink and install a washing machine in its place.

Washing machine in Khrushchev

In principle, this option is not so bad, although washing will not be very convenient, but a washing machine in the bathroom, in a Khrushchev-era building, is always more important. After all, of all the rooms in the apartment, only the bathroom and kitchen are suitable for this, because they have the ability to connect to both electricity and a source cold water, and to the sewer.

Considering the tiny area of ​​the kitchen, and, generally speaking, the kitchenette (kitchen is too strong a word), there is simply no other alternative, other than a bathroom, for placing a washing machine. So for the sake of this extremely useful unit, minor inconveniences can be endured.

However, a creative approach to bathroom design in a Khrushchev-era building is creative because it does not require sacrificing one convenience for the sake of another. That is, if desired, both the sink and the machine can be combined without sacrificing a single centimeter of usable space.

This is done simply, the sink is moved slightly higher, and the washing machine is placed under it. Thus, thanks to a solution as simple as all ingenious ones, there is an opportunity in an area of ​​less than one square meter place two large objects at once.

Another advantage of this placement will be the camouflage of the pipe elbow going from the sink to the sewer. By using walls in the organization of the bathroom interior, we get additional space. Following this principle further, we replace the bedside table for storing hygiene items with a hanging cabinet, again, attaching it to the wall.

Dryer placement

Having coped with the task of installing a washing machine, you inevitably face another task, which is a consequence of solving the first one. Since the washing machine is installed to wash clothes, after the clothes are washed in the washing machine, they need to be dried somewhere.

Typically, heated towel rails are used for this purpose. They are very convenient and are designed specifically for drying washed clothes, but it is not possible to dry anything larger than a towel on them.

Therefore, compact clothes dryers mounted to the wall have become widespread in our country. The placement of the toilet in the bathroom should be such that as a result of its installation no large gaps space that is not used in any way and cannot be used rationally.

Toilet installation

To do this, you often have to change old toilet and install a specialized corner or wall-mounted one. Both options allow you to save usable area bathroom. In one case, due to its installation in a corner, and in the other, due to the absence of a drain tank.

In both cases, the count is in centimeters, maybe several tens of centimeters, but in organizing the space of a bathroom there are no trifles.

Corner, sitz baths and showers

If all these measures do not lead to the expected result: significant savings in bathroom space, you can experiment with the bathroom. For example, remove the old large bathtub and install a corner or sitting bathtub. Of course you'll have to buy new bath, which may well be less convenient than the previous one, but the bathroom will fit everything that should be in it.

If relaxation in the bathtub has no value for you, then it would be best to remove it altogether and install a shower instead, which takes up very little space. With just a little time you can choose suitable option a shower that will look beautiful and fit without problems even in the smallest bathroom in Khrushchev.

In addition to the toilet, washing machine, sink and bathtub, the bathroom itself should comfortably accommodate the person himself. Probably, looking far ahead, our designers once developed a bathroom in which a bathtub and a toilet were combined; in Khrushchev this turned out to be very useful.

Bathroom refurbishment

The bathroom is one of those rooms in the house that shapes a person’s mood in the morning, so in order for being in it not to charge a person negative energy, its interior should not evoke negative emotions in a person.

Before you start redecorating bathroom in Khrushchev, it is necessary to draw up overall plan transforming your bathroom. In addition to all of the above, you also need to think about options for finishing the bathroom. So, for example, its walls and ceiling should be painted in bright hues, the floor must be covered with tiles.

Of course, every owner of his apartment is free to decide for himself what to do with it, and is full of his own ideas for the bathroom in his Khrushchev apartment.

Photo of a bathroom in Khrushchev

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

If you decide to do bathroom renovation in Khrushchev, then you will have to face a number of difficulties and problems. The dimensions of the bathroom in the Khrushchev-era building are very small, so during renovations the battle is literally for every meter. To add some space to the bathroom and toilet, a method such as redevelopment is used. First of all, remodeling a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building requires careful consideration of all the nuances - how the plumbing will be arranged, whether the wall you want to demolish is load-bearing, whether the communications system will allow you to do what you have in mind. Also, for redevelopment it is necessary to go through the procedure of approving the project with the housing and household inspection.

If the bathroom in the Khrushchev-era building is combined, then you do not need to worry about moving the walls and you can start renovating. It usually starts with replacing the door. Make sure it opens outwards and not inwards. Also pay attention to the fact that the door material is washable, resistant to dampness and aggressive detergents.

After the door has been replaced, they begin to replace the toilet, but first you need to take care of the water supply pipes, which are usually located behind the toilet and are very damaging appearance bathroom. Therefore, most often they are enclosed in an improvised closet made of panels with a door or roller shutter. A panel made from frosted glass, which can be easily opened if necessary. Most often, renovation of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building requires complete replacement sewer system, so think about it in advance.

After replacing the communications and installing the toilet, it’s time for the bathtub or shower. In order to free up the space of the bathroom in the Khrushchev building at least a little, the bathroom is replaced with a compact one. This option is very convenient and allows you to fit a sink and a washing machine in the bathroom. If your family consists of adults, then feel free to purchase a shower stall. Well, if you have small children, then such a replacement will not be very convenient, because the child needs to be bathed in the bathroom every evening.

So, you've finished installing plumbing and replacing doors, now you need to do the finishing work. A shared bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building requires a special approach to interior design. For walls, choose pastels, gentle tones. Dark colors will visually reduce the already small size of the room. Large-sized wall tiles are undesirable for a small bathroom; mosaic tiles. The colors of the floors should also not be too bright and saturated; opt for floor tiles in grey, blue, pink or light brown, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the shade of the tiles on the walls. Dilute monochromatic colors with bright splashes. Let it be a bright cabinet for hygiene supplies, a colored lamp and a beautiful rug. Mirrors will help to visually increase the size of the bathroom; they will visually expand the space. Scattered points of light will also help with this, as in the photo; it would be good if there were several small lamps placed in a checkerboard pattern.

A small toilet and bathroom are the lot of most apartments on the secondary housing market, so renovating a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building seems to be a complex undertaking, requiring a competent engineering and design approach.

Next, we’ll tell you how to renovate a small bathroom; the photos in the gallery will tell you interesting ideas for creating stylish interior. And of course we will analyze the design features, color palette, planning and finishing a small space so that it becomes not just beautiful and practical, but also as functional as possible.

Bathroom renovation in Khrushchev - what to pay special attention to

The more than modest size of a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building encourages you to carefully think through ideas for renovation, sometimes use a non-standard approach and most fully optimize every centimeter of room space. And first of all, you should decide whether the toilet and bath will be separate or combined.

Separate bathroom in Khrushchev, the idea of ​​​​selecting plumbing fixtures

Remodeling a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building mainly involves demolishing the wall between the rooms, which requires approval using a simplified system, but even such a remodel must be officially reflected in the property documents and BTI plans. If you plan to install additional plumbing (washing machine, sink), which will increase water consumption, then you will need project documentation from an organization that has SRO access for this type of work.

It is advisable to combine a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building only if the family consists of 2-3 people. If there are children and elderly people in the house, then it is better to leave the bathroom and toilet separate.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, zoning with a low partition

Engineering Communication

Water supply, sewerage and ventilation pipes in old houses have long been in need of reconstruction. Therefore, renovation of a bathroom in a Khrushchev building, photo examples will suggest a few practical options how to plan space, you should start with revision and replacement engineering communications.

To draw up a diagram of the pipes, draw a floor plan and arrange the plumbing fixtures - this will clearly help you figure out where to place the outlets for the bathtub, sink, toilet, machine, and shower.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, examples of plumbing arrangement

Important: When drawing up a diagram engineering systems do not forget to provide shut-off valves for each piece of plumbing, this way you will protect yourself from troubles in emergency situations.

A bathroom is a very specific room with a complex microclimate, the main problem in which is temperature changes and dampness, which contributes to the formation of fungi and mold. And here it is important to pay special attention to room ventilation.

Firstly, it is good to clean the old passage; it is better if not an ordinary grille is installed in it, but a hood that will provide forced ventilation. Secondly, the standard layout of a bathroom in a Khrushchev building includes a window that opens onto the kitchen. IN modern interiors this opening is usually sealed tightly. But if you approach the issue more competently and creatively, then it is recommended to leave the window, and even expand and install window system with swing or flaps, which will provide additional ventilation.

An idea on how to stylize a bathroom window in a Khrushchev building

How to close a sewer

The huge problem of the bathroom in Khrushchev is sewer riser, which occupies an area of ​​approximately 350 * 350 + - 30 mm in the corner. IN in this case there are two ways:

  • cover the pipes with a plasterboard box and then finish it, leaving hatches for inspection of valves and meters;
  • make a built-in cabinet around the pipes, with proper design, you can arrange shelves for household needs in it, which is more practical and economical, the doors will serve as decoration, with this approach no finishing will be required.

Bathroom in Khrushchev, a way to hide sewerage and pipes

Pipe routing - installation nuances

We have already mentioned that the bathroom in Khrushchev has common wall with the kitchen, thus, on one side, from below, there will be a bundle of pipes for water and drainage. These communications are usually sewn up with a box, with proper pipe routing, the height of the box is 200-220 mm, the depth is 180-200 mm; it is not advisable to make the box higher, since the protrusion will interfere and will not allow you to install the bathtub at an ergonomic height.

Sometimes the height of the box is specially made 800-900 mm from the floor, then the protrusion serves as a shelf, but the size of the bathroom will not be 1600 mm - the maximum possible in the Khrushchev, but you will have to limit the length of the bath to 1400 mm, or install a shower stall.

Built-in cabinets for plumbing will help hide pipes


Due to the difficult microclimate of the bathroom, it is recommended to pay special attention to the electrical wiring. Here it is important to calculate the thickness of the wire cross-section depending on the load, and it is better to use a cable with copper conductors.

First of all, you need to draw up a diagram and mark where it will be located:

  • main light source, auxiliary spotlights;
  • heating devices (if any);
  • lighting for mirror;
  • sockets for washing machines, hair dryers and other household appliances.

In accordance with the diagram, before laying tiles or facing with other coating materials, it is necessary to make grooves in the walls, treat them with a primer, lay a cable and plaster them. If the walls will be sheathed with panels or gypsum board, then it is not necessary to ditch. Before installing the sheathing, you can lay the wire in a corrugated pipe to protect it from moisture.

Advice: Lamps for the bathroom must be special, with protective shades or gaskets that will prevent moisture from entering.


Waterproofing a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building is perhaps the most crucial moment; the quality of the rest of the repair depends on this. Main stages:

  1. Coat all joints extending 100-200 mm onto adjacent surfaces (especially the floor/wall junction) with bitumen mastic and glue with fiberglass.
  2. Cover the floor with roofing felt and glue it with a lamp, you can also use bitumen mastic or cement waterproofing mixture coating type.
  3. When covering surfaces with moisture-resistant hypocardboard, all joints and ends must be taped and coated with mastic.

Arrangement of plumbing fixtures - principles and dimensions

A compact bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building forces us to look for ergonomic ways to arrange plumbing fixtures. Of course, in order to fit everything you need, you need to choose small items, and sometimes even unusual shapes.

Bathroom, photo, design in Khrushchev, how to choose the right plumbing fixtures

So, in a separate bathroom you can install a large bathtub with additional functions, made in the shape of a drop, angular or narrowed to one edge, a photo of the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev is presented below. A sink and cabinet will fit nearby, and the smooth edge will not cause discomfort.

Repair of a separate bathroom in Khrushchev, an example of how to install a luxury bath

In a combined bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, the plumbing fixtures are arranged according to a linear (along one wall) or radial (all walls are used) principle. Typically, one wall is short - 1650 mm, adjacent to it - 2070 mm, the door is installed narrow, the total width of the opening is 700 mm. On the side of the door, where the bathtub will be, leave 750-800 mm, on the other side 500 mm; a narrow washing machine fits well against this wall, next to the toilet. A cabinet with a sink is installed close to the bathroom.

Interior of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, linear arrangement of plumbing fixtures

To prevent the bathtub from looking bulky, it is better to make it built-in and tiled, so that one surface will merge into another, breaking the boundaries of the room. A compact one is ideal for a bathroom in Khrushchev. wall hung toilet and a sink on brackets no more than 400 mm wide; bedside tables, of course, are more functional, but they look massive.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, photo of proper arrangement of compact plumbing fixtures

Finishing walls, ceilings, floors

The choice of materials for surface cladding directly depends on the interior design of the bathroom in Khrushchev and the budget for repairs.

PVC panels - all the pros and cons

Most economical option– it is finished with PVC panels, they do not rot, are easy to maintain, and reliable. A huge selection of colors, textures and patterns opens up possibilities for a wide variety of design solutions. Easy installation of the planks allows you to do the repair yourself. But in order to cover the walls with panels, it is necessary to make lathing, which will “eat” 50, or even 100 mm on each side, which will make the already small bathroom even smaller. Usually, plastic panels the ceiling is sheathed, and the remaining surfaces of the bathroom are tiled.

An idea on how to divide a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building without cluttering up the space

Floor and wall tiles

Finishing a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building with tiles is a costly and troublesome undertaking, but more practical and durable than pvc panels. Before finishing, the walls should be leveled and primed with antiseptics. The floor is usually done at the end of the renovation.

For walls, you can use tiles with any texture; usually, to solve 2 problems at once, a smooth glossy surface is used, it is easy to clean, and its reflective properties visually increase the space. It is better to lay tiles with a shagreen texture on the floor, which does not slip, even if the surface is wet.

Radial arrangement of plumbing fixtures when installing a bath along the end wall

Other options or design features of a small bathroom

Of course, in addition to tiles and panels, you can use wood, natural and artificial stone in the design of a Khrushchev bathroom, textured plaster, painting and even wallpaper, but it is better to finish the wet area with moisture-resistant materials.

Bathroom design in Khrushchev-era loft style

To make the room look more spacious, it is recommended to use light, pastel colors: sand, cream, beige, light green, blue, muted pink shades. Take beige, white, sand as the base color and zone the space with colored inserts, borders, and artistic panels.

Renovation of a combined bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, minimalism, small mosaic sizes make the interior graphic, but at the same time elegant

The classic option for renovating a bathroom in Khrushchev is an interior in the Art Nouveau style. This design never goes out of fashion and is always relevant. Sand walls finished with tiles or panels with a stone texture are very practical; water drops and stains are not visible on them. And the curved, smooth lines of plumbing fixtures and furniture add comfort and elegance to the interior.

Bathroom interior in Khrushchev in Art Nouveau style


Mirrors and glossy surfaces capable of changing the geometry of a small bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building beyond recognition. Narrow vertical mirror inserts, alternating with tiles or other finishes, visually make the wall wider. Horizontal mirrors at the joint on adjacent walls add perspective to the interior and blur the boundaries of the room, see the photo below for an example.

Design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, mirrors in the interior

To make a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era apartment not just aesthetically pleasing, but also comfortable and functional, discard bulky plumbing fixtures and use glossy surfaces and a light palette in decoration. Built-in furniture will help cover unsightly areas, allow you to use every centimeter of space and tie the interior together.

Choose items with smooth angles, don't be afraid creative solutions: mirrors, bright accent spots, combinations of different textures. When designing a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, strictly adhere to the calculations when choosing and arranging plumbing fixtures. The bathroom should be comfortable and functional, but at the same time it should remain free place for moving.

Team of craftsmen.

Is it time to renovate the combined bathroom in Khrushchev? Armed with the advice of experts, the most daring plans will be brought to life.

Everything will work out!

When a plan for renovating a combined bathroom has been drawn up, it’s time to put it into practice.

“The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing,” says the proverb, so without fear and doubt you can and should move on to practice.

Gratitude from the client for quality work. Bathroom and toilet renovation.

Preparation, work with engineering communications.

Re bathroom installation begins with preparation.

They include dismantling old plumbing and surface cleaning. If necessary, you need to completely free and clean the walls, ceiling, floor of all elements old decoration. This may require a spatula, perforator, or other tools. To protect against dust, you can use a respirator.

How much does it cost to renovate a bathroom in Khrushchevka.

When replacing utility lines, you should not save money on paying for work by qualified specialists or on materials. The expression that “the miser pays twice” is very relevant when performing this type of bathroom renovation.

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Replacement of pipes in a combined bathroom.

In order to secure the new pipes, special plastic clips are used or the walls are tapped. When laying pipes, it is important to remember the need to maintain a slope of 10-20 mm per 1 meter. The slope should not be forgotten when installing a new bathtub.

If new communications could not be hidden, a special box is built for this. It must provide access to taps that shut off water and water flow meters.

Heated towel rail.

Installation cost from 2000 rub.

In a combined bathroom in Khrushchevka, the old heated towel rail must be replaced. If it is water, then it would be advisable to install taps at the points of water inlet and outlet.

Electrical installation of a bathroom in Khrushchev.

The price of the work is 4000 rubles.

Paving electrical cable, in advance, before the start finishing works, it is necessary to mark places for sockets, lamps, and lighting.

Experts suggest using drywall along with wet leveling to level the walls, but this will reduce the area of ​​the room, so it is better to avoid this option.

The most commonly used floor covering in the bathroom today is porcelain stoneware or floor tiles. Before laying the covering on the floor, it makes sense to make a waterproofing and then a screed, this will prevent water from entering the lower floors if it leaks.

Special attention should be given color scheme rooms.

Warm light, beige, sand shades, and glossy surfaces visually enlarge the room. Mirrors and mirror inserts also work to achieve this goal. If you place two mirrors on opposite walls, one opposite the other, then visually the volume of space will not only increase, but will also acquire additional depth.

Stretch ceilings with a glossy surface are also a good option for using reflection techniques.

Colorful patterns and designs, dark inserts, large tiles- not the best best options for limited space. In the bathroom, designers advise combining no more than three colors, with one taken as the main background, and the other two acting as additional ones. A panel, for example, with a marine theme, will look advantageous against a monochromatic background.

How to decorate a bathroom in Khrushchev.

In the interior, a combination of several textures is possible, for example, mosaic and regular ceramic tiles size 200x300 mm. If rectangular tiles are laid horizontally, this will also visually enlarge the bathroom. Floor tiles are laid diagonally, this also works for visual extension space. The seams between the tiles are filled with high-quality, moisture-resistant grout.

When purchasing a set of furniture, mirrors, cabinets, cabinets for the bathroom, you must carefully evaluate the quality of the items.

This should be furniture for rooms with high humidity.

Choosing shelves for a combined bathroom, hooks for towels, hair dryers, toilet paper, glasses for toothbrushes and soap dishes, you should pay attention to models with suction cups. In this case, you will not have to drill the surfaces, and you will also be able to freely change the position of these objects, if necessary.