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» Methods of fastening facade panels to the wall. Variety of façade panels and installation methods. Installation of FineBer facade panels and auxiliary profiles for them

Methods of fastening facade panels to the wall. Variety of façade panels and installation methods. Installation of FineBer facade panels and auxiliary profiles for them

Installation facade panels Docke-R for country houses- this is impeccable quality reasonable price. Docke-R is produced in Germany by the Docke Extrusion company, which is one of the largest manufacturers of PVC siding and gutters.

Docke-R are created with the most modern technologies, all products are certified. High quality and reliability are confirmed by experience in using products in Europe and Russia.

Photo of a building lined with Deke


Made from polymers using injection molding. They perfectly imitate a wide variety of surface textures - video materials presented on the Internet allow you to navigate the variety offered.

Are being manufactured the following types finishing: brick, stone, sandstone, slate, etc.

They are distinguished by many advantages that distinguish this material from analogues presented on the domestic market:

Features of installation work

Installation instructions for façade panels:

  • To cut products and sheathing, you will need a hacksaw (you can use a saw with fine teeth), a grinder, a jigsaw, metal scissors, and a knife-cutter.
  • For marking you need: tape measure, level, plumb line, pencil, square, coated cord.
  • For installation work You will need a screwdriver and a screwdriver.

Surface preparation, lathing installation

Work is carried out at any time of the year at a temperature not lower than -15 0 C. Wooden or galvanized sheathing is used, the pitch of which is determined by the size of the panels. The sheathing is installed vertically (under vertical fastening points and corners) and horizontally (under horizontal fastening points, under the starting and J-profile).

Rules for installation work

Based on the fact that Docke-Rs expand and contract as temperatures change, there are certain rules that can be followed to ensure a reliable installation.

  • Self-tapping screws should be screwed into the center of the hole strictly horizontally
  • You need to leave a small gap (up to 1 mm) between the surface and the screw head.
  • The products are inserted into each other until they stop - this ensures a thermal gap.

Installation of starting bars

Using a water level, measure the base of the building along the perimeter “to the horizon”.

If the foundation is perfectly leveled, “starting blocks” are installed in the corners of the house. corner strips" Between them (for installing base panels) “starting strips” are mounted horizontally.

If the foundation is uneven, with a slight slope a blind area is made (parallel to the horizontal line measured earlier). Starting profiles are mounted (they are not used if the slope is too great). If the slope is large, the height of the second row of panels is determined.

And from this level it is measured right size, the lower parts of the profile are trimmed to the required size. Facade slabs are mounted by fastening in vertical side and horizontal upper holes. You can make additional holes (in the “seam” areas).

Attention! You cannot screw in self-tapping screws outside the nail holes (directly into the panel) - this can lead to irreversible deformation of the material.

Installation of the universal J-profile

Used for lining internal corners, as an edging profile.

Important! For the effect of a natural look of stone (brick) masonry, each subsequent row is shifted by one brick (or by an arbitrary amount.)

Installation of corners

The corners are installed on the starting strips and secured with self-tapping screws in the upper part (self-tapping screws up to 50 mm long are used). It is important that the corner covers 15 mm of the facade slab, the distance to the inner edge of the corner is 12 mm. The corners are mounted sequentially - after installing each row.

Deke facade slabs are modern, high-quality, outwardly respectable. With proper installation, such a facade will delight you and your loved ones for many years!

Façade improvement is one of the most important stages construction, on which not only the appearance, but also the durability of the house depends. A well-finished façade protects against heat loss and minimizes the impact environment on the walls of the building, increases the service life of building materials.

The fundamental difference between façade panels is that they can be installed both vertically and horizontally. Thanks to this, they are equally effective on flat and convex surfaces.

You can install façade panels yourself, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Material selection

Finishing the facade begins with the choice of material. There are several types of panels:

  • metal siding;
  • sheets with decorative tiles;
  • polyvinyl chloride siding;
  • wood siding;
  • under plaster.

The installation technology for each type is different.

Metal panels are made of high-quality galvanized steel, and a special coating reliably protects the color from fading for ten years. The disadvantage of the material is its heavy weight, which additionally loads the supporting structure.

Often they are finished with metal siding one-story houses and garages.

To install panels of this type, you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • dowels;
  • Bulgarian;
  • screws.

The installation procedure consists of several stages, but it all begins traditionally with preparation.

Stage 1. The walls of the house are measured, which will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of building materials.

Stage 2. In order to visually assess the location of the future frame, a drawing is drawn. If necessary, the design is adjusted.

Stage 3. Installation of the frame. The first profile is attached at an angle of 90? to the ground, all subsequent ones are installed in the same way in half a meter increments. All supporting profiles are secured with dowels.

Important! If the distance between the vertical bulkheads is 50 cm, then the length of the transverse ones should be 60 cm - 5 cm for cuts on each side.

There is another way - to buy an expensive ready-made frame for installing the panels. But this frame must be attached directly to the wall of the house, and materials such as foam concrete, red or sand-lime brick not suitable for this - from large quantity holes they may collapse.

Stage 4. Insulation is installed in the resulting rectangles - mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

Stage 5. All that remains is to attach the metal siding to the frame. To achieve this, the panels have hidden seams that allow you to hide the screw heads and make the structure solid.

Panels with decorative tiles

Such panels are a novelty in the field of finishing materials. They consist of a base (mostly compressed foam) and an outer decorative covering. The panels perform two functions simultaneously:

There are no significant disadvantages, except perhaps the high cost.

Installation technology

Finishing the facade like this decorative panels- the simplest and fastest siding option. This became possible thanks to special grooves that allow you to securely fix the joined panels. No seams are visible.

The panels are installed with construction adhesive applied with a notched trowel. Manufacturers indicate the proportions in which the adhesive solution is prepared on the packaging.

Gluing occurs as follows: the panel is applied to the wall, after three minutes it comes off, and after another two it is glued again. This improves the stability and adhesion of materials.

Important! If the panel does not stick when re-applied, it means that the adhesive mixture is not suitable or was not applied in sufficient quantity.

Installation is carried out in rows, moving from bottom to top. This way the bottom row will support the top row. After laying one row, take a half-hour break to allow the glue to dry (it will take a day to dry completely), optimal temperature environment – ​​20-25?С.

This refers to products made from pressed foam. The advantages of this material are obvious:

Disadvantages include susceptibility to various types of mechanical damage, as well as the fact that if one panel is replaced, it will be necessary major renovation the entire wall.

Important! Installation of such panels is carried out in the same way as in the previous version (panels with decorative tiles).

Such panels can only be used for finishing one-story buildings due to their impressive weight. Despite the special impregnations with which the products are treated, the first care will be required within a few seasons after installation. If handled properly, this siding will last for decades.

Installation technology

As with metal siding, there are two options:

  • install the panels yourself;
  • buy a ready-made design.

Self-plating occurs as follows.

Stage 1. First, the frame is assembled from wooden beam. The first rack is attached perpendicular to the ground, all subsequent ones are installed in the same way in half a meter increments. After this, the transverse racks are installed. Instead of wood, the frame can be built from a metal profile.

Stage 2. The frame (if it is wooden) is treated with stain and antiseptics to protect against insects, precipitation, wind, etc.

Important! Vertical posts cannot be placed directly on the ground - you need to make special linings, otherwise the tree will absorb moisture from the soil and will soon rot.

Stage 3. The space between the racks is filled with mineral wool.

Stage 4. The panels are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

The finished design vaguely resembles suspended ceiling. Installation procedure in in this case quite simple.

Stage 1. The outer guides are attached.

Stage 2. Then step by step, equal to length boards, internal ones are installed.

Stage 3. Siding is inserted between the guides. The first stripe is installed, the second, the third, etc.

Stage 4. After this, the top row is leveled and covered with a wooden frame for fixation.

This installation option has significant disadvantages, including the almost complete lack of thermal and noise insulation.

Important! There is another variety wood panels– long-strip siding. It consists of sheets six meters long, which are fastened with dowels or liquid nails not on the frame, but directly on the wall. A minimum of two people are required for installation.

Polyvinyl chloride siding

PVC panels are a cheap and easy-to-install method of façade finishing, characterized by a wide model range and, therefore, a mass of possible design solutions. The only drawback is the appearance. From a close distance, even with the naked eye it is noticeable that the house is covered with plastic.

Installation technology

PVC panels are installed only horizontally. To work you will need:

  • perforator;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level;
  • punch - a tool for making ears on the edges of sheets of material.

Stage 1. First, a visual inspection of the house is carried out, the location for installation of the first row is determined. This series must match old decoration or close top part foundation (if we're talking about about the new building).

Stage 2. All necessary components are installed - internal and external corners, trim, first strip, etc. You should start from the corners, leaving a small gap of 6.5 mm between them and the eaves of the building.

Stage 3. Installation of the first row is the most critical stage of finishing the facade, on which the evenness of the entire siding depends. First, the boundary of the first row is determined, after which a horizontal line is drawn on the wall. When installing the first strip, this line will serve as a guide.

Important! There should be a 1.27 cm gap between the ends of two adjacent panels.

Stage 4. The appropriate accessories are installed on the door and windows - trims, flashings, final trims. For greater accuracy, the strips of material are joined at an angle of 45?

Stage 5. The remaining panels are installed from bottom to top, focusing on the first row. Each panel is inserted into the profile and nailed (not completely). The interval between panels should be 0.4 cm, and between them and other components - from 0.6 cm to 1.25 cm.

Do the panels overlap one another? factory markings, while vertical overlaps should be avoided - they are more noticeable from the facade.

Stage 6. At the top edge, the sheets are installed in the same way as under the windows. Only whole panels are used; trimming is possible only for gables. When installing the last row, use J-profile with holes Ø6 mm, made in increments of 0.5 m (for draining water from the roof).

  1. Before starting work, gutters, lamps, shutters, etc. should be dismantled. Damaged and rotten boards need to be replaced.
  2. The panels should be installed so that they can be easily moved in one direction or another.
  3. Overlaps do not need to be sealed.
  4. The nails need to be “under-finished” by at least 1 cm so that the material does not deform.

For more detailed information on installation features facade buildings We invite you to watch the thematic video material.

Video - Installation of Holzрlast facade panels

Very detailed instructions on covering a house with façade (basement) panels using the example of the Imabel brand. If you bought panels with a similar fastening, these instructions will suit you.

The Belgian manufacturer, Tecos Europe NV, has developed the ImaBeL brand for polypropylene facade panels. Currently, ImaBeL offers two models of facade panels called “Brick” (“Brique de Bruges”) and “Stone” (“Pierre d’Ardennes”). Brick panels get their name from the shape of brick used in the world famous city of Bruges in Belgium, known for its magnificent architecture. The name of the panels “Stone” is associated with the stone mined in quarries in the forests of the Belgian Ardennes.

Prepared by Tecos Europe installation instructions for Imabel façade panels, however, the company itself does not install ImaBeL facade panels, nor does it monitor such installation. Therefore, you need either install façade panels with your own hands, or Contact us to carry out work on the cladding of your home.

When working with facade panels yourself, you should remember that polypropylene expands and contracts under the influence of temperature changes. The proposed Installation Guide allows you to take into account the expansion and compression properties of the material.
ImaBeL consists of the following elements:

Panel - Panel; Starter strip – Starting strip; Corner - Corner; J-Channel – J-profile

Tools and Fasteners:

To install facade panels you will need a hammer, measuring tape, hacksaw, a circular saw, drill, screwdriver and stainless steel nails or screws.

Installation of panels must be done from left to right, from bottom to top. Installation should begin from the lowest part of the structure. Everything that is recommended regarding nails also applies to screws (self-tapping screws), depending on the fastening method you choose.
Nails should be installed horizontally in the center of the prepared holes. The holes are specially widened to accommodate the expansion and contraction of the panel. Nails should not be driven in completely. A gap of approximately 1.5mm should be left between the nail head and the panel to allow for some movement.

It is necessary to use only stainless nails or screws and drive (tighten the screws) into the hard surface at least 1.9 -2.0 cm. Use five nails for each panel and drive them in at intervals of no more than 40 cm.
To achieve good quality paneling, you need to ensure that the panels and accessories are connected correctly to each other.
Facade panels have variations in shades and colors, which gives them natural look. Once the panels are installed, the company will not accept any claims regarding color matching.
Installation of facade panels and accessories is considered as acceptance of the product in all respects. Do not start installing panels without checking the quantity of products, their quality, appearance and other parameters that are significant to you.
At the first stage of work, it is necessary to install a wooden or metal frame. For metal sheathing You can use a galvanized profile, and all wooden parts of the sheathing must be treated with anti-rotting compounds.

Accessories (starter bar, outer corner, J-profile) are attached throughout the house before installing the panels. At this stage, you once again have the opportunity to check the quantity of purchased material.
You can often encounter a situation where the walls of a house are not level in different planes. This is due to the materials from which the houses are built, the age of the house, and possible uneven subsidence. Therefore, you should first install starting bar at the lowest point of the structure. It is necessary to leave a gap of 10 cm along each edge of the wall to more conveniently secure the outer corner. Drill holes in the starter strip, or drive nails directly through the strip with maximum distance There are about 40 cm between them. It is very important to maintain the horizontal position of the strip, because this will be where all the façade panels on this wall will be attached. Use a large and accurate level.

Make sure that the starter strips are horizontal on the adjacent wall. Start by installing the outer corner of two adjacent walls.

Install J-profile on the sides of the window or door or internal corners. Leave a gap of 0.6 cm (for expansion / contraction) between the panel and the base of the J-profile.

Measure the length of the wall to determine where to cut the first panel. Trim the left side of the panel along a straight line. Insert the panel into the starter strip and slide the panel into the outer corner. You need to leave a gap of 0.6 cm (for expansion/contraction) between the panel and the base of the corner.

After correct installation panel, hammer a nail into the center of the hole in the panel. Then drive a nail into the last hole at both ends of the panel.
If in some part of the panel there is no drilled holes, drill a hole where necessary, aligning it horizontally with other holes.

Install the next panel by sliding it over the previous panel.
Because polypropylene tends to expand and contract, you must be sure to leave enough space between the panels as they slide one on top of the other.

To calculate the distance that must be left between ImaBeL façade panels, both horizontally and vertically, please refer to the instructions for temperature conditions.

Tecos Europe has developed a special temperature device, ImaBeL, to calculate the correct gaps to be left between panels.
The temperature during installation determines which side the temperature device should be installed horizontally or vertically between the panels.
For example, when installing ImaBeL panels at an outside temperature of -5 o C, it is necessary to select the sector of the ImaBeL temperature device from -20 o C to 0 o C and use it to calculate the correct distance between the panels.
If you do not have an ImaBeL temperature device, you must refer to the temperature instructions in the table presented in this Manual for installing Imabel façade panels with your own hands.

Start laying the second row. Make sure that the ImaBeL façade panel is cut one at a time to avoid repetition and to maintain the natural brick/stone effect. Check that the corners are always at the same height as the façade panels.

Repeat the above steps for installing the panels until the top of the facade is reached, the J-profile is installed. You may need to trim the last row to height.

The result is a very beautiful, very natural brick/stone effect wall that is not only easy to install but also very good value for money.

Basement panels allow you not only to decorate the outside of a residential building, emphasizing its style. They also protect the foundation and sub-walls, extending the life of the entire structure, making it more reliable. But how to distinguish plinth panels For exterior finishing at home and install them correctly? Without theoretical knowledge and some practical advice not enough.

Facade panels for walls and plinths - what is their difference

- These are slabs connected in a certain way for the exterior decoration of residential buildings. They imitate a coating made of natural brick or stone. Similar to siding, but characterized by improved performance properties. Among all the variety, panels are distinguished for finishing the plinth - the lower part of the building resting on the foundation. How do they differ from similar wall materials?

  • They have great thickness. Usually it ranges from 15-25 mm.
  • More resistant to atmospheric conditions due to the presence of special polymers in the composition.
  • They have increased strength and are resistant to mechanical damage.

All this is important, since the panels must reliably protect the base from negative external factors. This is frost heaving of the soil, constant pollution, exposure to moisture from precipitation and melting snow.

Due to its performance properties, the material for cladding the plinth can be used to finish the entire facade. At the same time, ordinary facade siding is not suitable for the base.

Types of plinth panels

Panels for finishing external walls can differ in materials of manufacture, design, and sizes. These are the main criteria for their selection.

Dimensions of individual cladding elements

Plinth panels are easy to distinguish not only by thickness, but also by size. Most often they have an approximate aspect ratio of 1:2.5. For ordinary facade siding The length to width ratio is approximately 1:10. Respectively, individual elements for cladding the base are quite short.

But their width can vary significantly and range from 16 to 50 cm. Manufacturers produce such panels for the convenience of decorating a narrow strip at the bottom of the walls. Sometimes it is enough to put them in just one row.

The dimensions of the products are also influenced by the type of material being simulated. Thus, the panels “like chipped stone” will be shorter and wider than elements with a “red brick” decor.

When purchasing, please note that each panel, in addition to the actual one, also has usable size. This is the apparent height and width of the product after its installation.

Panel material

A wide range of products are made from polypropylene, fiber cement, and galvanized steel.

Polypropylene not to be confused with polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Polypropylene sheathing is much more resistant to weather conditions. It is also characterized by a high degree of strength, which is achieved by casting. Finished goods They are light in weight, easy to clean and reliably imitate the relief of natural stone.

Metal panels– these are products based on galvanized steel sheets. They are also coated with a primer, an anti-corrosion compound, and have a decorative and transparent protective layer of polymers.

The metal cladding meets all the requirements for the material for the design of the base. However, it does not always reliably imitate natural material and may be exposed to moisture at pruning sites.

Main Components fiber cement boards– cement, cellulose fiber, water, quartz sand. They are made by pressing high temperatures or pressing with further “maturation” for a month (by analogy with concrete). Finished facades made of DSP are distinguished by a high degree of decorativeness, low thermal conductivity and strength.

Design of plinth panels

Panels for cladding the plinth can imitate several dozen coatings from natural materials. The most popular options:

  • dolomite;
  • granite;
  • rubble stone;
  • sandstone;
  • rocky stone;
  • clinker brick;
  • aged brick.

Facade panels with large imitation stone are associated with a fortress, a castle and visually increase the dimensions of the building, creating a feeling of increased reliability.

If desired, you can use panels with imitation wood chips. It's pretty original solution. It requires careful study if the walls of the house are decorated in a different way.

The panels differ not only in the type of simulated stones, but also in the width of the seams between them. This point is important to consider if you plan to grout them. The wider the seam, the easier it will be for you to work with it.

Pay attention to the relief of the cladding elements. If it is very pronounced, be prepared for the fact that dirt will accumulate on such a coating more often.

Facade panels with insulation

As a rule, the base when sheathing decorative material additionally insulated. This is done using heat-insulating material, which is placed in the cells of the sheathing. An expensive, but time- and effort-saving alternative is façade panels with insulation for the exterior of a house.

They are a “pie” of three layers:

  1. The basis. Its role is played by a substrate or moisture resistant.
  2. Insulation. This could be extruded polystyrene foam, foamed polystyrene. Wherein the best option taking into account the operational properties is polyurethane foam.
  3. Decorative layer. It can be made of metal, ceramics, cement, polymer composition, clinker. Polymer and clinker panels – good decisions in terms of price and quality ratio.

Thermal panels, as well as façade cladding without insulation, presented in a wide range.

Installation of plinth panels

Sheathe the base yourself finishing material you can, even if you are not a master with many years of experience. To do this, you need to know the technology of performing the work and some subtleties.

Preparatory work stage

Before starting work, carefully inspect the surface of the base. If there are protruding elements on it that can be removed, you need to do this. You should also level the work surface if possible.

At the next stage of installing facade panels, markings are applied to the walls with your own hands. Its quality determines the evenness of the frame fastening, starting profile and all the trim. note: the lower edge of the base is placed flush with the ground if it does not freeze in winter time. Otherwise, it is raised by 15-20 cm.

The marking is carried out approximately 5 cm above the specified level. For this purpose, coated or painted cord is used. It is attached to two self-tapping screws screwed into the outer corners, set according to the level. The cord is pulled and sharply released, “beating off” a line on the wall.

Assembling the frame and laying insulation

To cover the base, it is better to use not wooden sheathing, but durable frame made of galvanized profiles. It will support the weight of both polypropylene and metal panels with insulation.

The installation of the structure looks like this:

  1. Special U-shaped brackets are attached to the surface of the wall, oriented towards the markings. The horizontal fastening spacing is ½ the width of the panel, and the vertical spacing is ½ its height.
  2. Guide profiles are inserted into the brackets, setting the distance between them and the wall using fasteners.
  3. The resulting cells are carefully filled with insulation.
  4. The frame can be single-layer or double-layer. In the second case, another layer of galvanized profiles is mounted perpendicular to the guides. Metal screws are suitable as fastening elements. Otherwise the technology is unchanged.

    If you are finishing your house with thermal panels, then the frame will be single-layer, and the cells will have no insulation. In this case, the waterproofing is laid before the installation of the profiles.

    Fastening facade panels

    The first row of façade panels for covering the base is attached to the starting level. It is pre-fixed on the lower guide profile.

    The panels are installed from left to right. In the upper part they are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws with a wide washer. The finishing elements are joined together using a special locking connection.

    note: between the screw head and the frame must be left temperature gap. For this fastener Tighten until the end, and then loosen half a turn.

    The installation of the decorative cladding strip completes the work.

    Thus, the variety of facade panels is an opportunity to creatively approach the design of the house outside. The simplicity of their installation is an opportunity to gain invaluable experience and save money. family budget using the services of specialist finishers.

    Video: typical installation mistakes and how to avoid them

To protect the facade of the house from the effects of precipitation, various facing materials are used. Cladding made of brick or natural stone is considered a classic. But such finishing is very labor-intensive and costs a lot of money. More affordable and in a fast way is the installation of facade panels.

There is an assortment of facade slabs on the market to suit every taste. They are made from a variety of materials, different color range and textures. It is thanks to this that you can select panels with the necessary properties for any facade.

Advantages of finishing with facade panels

Today, facade panels have become widespread and have gained the trust of consumers. This became possible thanks to high operational characteristics material. Let's look at the advantages that cladding a house with facade slabs provides:

  • The absence of “wet” processes allows installation to be carried out in a short time, with a minimum of construction waste.
  • More low price façade panels than cladding with natural materials.
  • Wide choice of material, color solutions and simulated textures.
  • Presentable appearance that is easy to maintain: most structures just need to be washed with water from a hose.
  • As a rule, facade panels have low moisture absorption, which makes them durable and resistant to the formation of mold and mildew.

Another advantage of such cladding is the possibility of additional insulation of the facade of the house. For this, modern polystyrene foam insulation is used.

Types of facade panels

Facade slabs are made from several materials. Let's look at the main types of such cladding:

  • Products made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  • Steel sheets with protective coating from polymer materials.
  • Sandwich panels with insulation between the sheathing sheets.
  • Wooden panels (block house).
  • Fiber cement boards.
  • Thermal panels: a combination of a decorative layer of clinker tiles and polyurethane foam insulation.
  • Glass panels.
  • Slabs made of porcelain stoneware or natural stone, granite or marble.

Advice! Fiber cement boards or thermal panels are most suitable for cladding a private house. They imitate brick and stone masonry, which is the best solution For small house and a respectable mansion.

Installation technology

Facade panels are distinguished by the seasonality of installation work: installation can be carried out in any weather, even negative temperatures. This feature is due to the fact that installation is carried out according to frame technology, mechanical fastenings. Let's look at the stages of work in more detail.

Installation of sheathing

Depending on the chosen cladding material, the lathing is installed:

  1. Wooden frame for light panels (plastic, steel sheets).
  2. For heavier facade slabs (for example, made of fiber cement), a frame is constructed from galvanized profiles or profile pipes.

Installation of the frame is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Vertical guides are installed. The step between them should be kept at 50–60 cm.
  • Then horizontal strips are installed in the places where additional elements are attached: external corners, J-profile and other parts.

Advice! You can lay between the frame slats thermal insulation material for additional insulation of the facade of the house. Best to use sheet materials based on polystyrene foam or basalt wool slab.

Installing the starting bar

After the frame is mounted, they begin to install the starting profile. Its installation makes it easier to install the first row of panels and allows you to accurately maintain the horizontal line. When installing the initial strip, you need to carefully check its evenness using building level. Also, you need to retreat about 10 cm from the corners of the house to install external corner elements.

Panel installation

An important rule for installing any facade panels is that installation is carried out from left to right. Exist various ways installation finishing slabs, different from the material of manufacture. Let's look at the main options:

  • PVC structures are attached using a construction stapler or small screws and nails (on a wooden frame).
  • The steel panels are attached to the sheathing using metal screws.
  • For installation of most heavy structures, metal clamps are used. They are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.

Having completed the installation of facade panels, additional cladding elements are installed:

  • external corners;
  • installation of a J-profile for edging door and window openings;
  • installation finish bar to prevent rainwater from entering behind the casing.

All these additional elements give the cladding completeness and serve to create an aesthetic appearance.

Advice! To install thermal panels, there is usually no need to install a frame. Due to the thick layer of elastic insulation, such panels perfectly hide minor irregularities in the facade. Fastening is done using long self-tapping screws with plastic dowels directly to the outer walls of the house.

Installing panels is an excellent choice for cladding the facade of a house. In addition to their wonderful appearance, such slabs allow you to insulate the house and reliably protect the walls from moisture. Great popularity for this facing material gives lightness and speed installation process, a huge range of textures and a variety of shades.