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» Water purification stations for a private home. Water purification systems from wells and wells for a country house. Drinking water quality problems

Water purification stations for a private home. Water purification systems from wells and wells for a country house. Drinking water quality problems

The chemical composition of water depends on the area and from what source it is obtained. Sometimes it is so diverse that it is not worth using this liquid, which certainly cannot claim the name “drinkable”, since in some cases it can even be dangerous. Therefore, after it has been decided to begin organizing autonomous system water supply and the source has been determined, the water should be sent for chemical and bacteriological examination, which can be performed in sanitary organizations or specialized laboratories; equipment supply companies can also offer this service. Based on the data obtained, recommendations will be given on the type and type of treatment plants, in order to obtain an output that is acceptable in quality and sanitary standards water suitable for drinking, cooking, and also for use for household needs: washing dishes, bathing, laundry, etc.

In this case, the use of one type of cleaning device is ineffective, since it will allow you to get rid of one or three elements or will only carry out superficial cleaning of insoluble impurities. It is impossible to determine the composition of water by taste and color, although certain information can be obtained. And after a detailed analysis, specialists will be able to calculate what kind of water treatment system you need to buy for your home. Most often, excess amounts of iron, soluble calcium and magnesium salts are found in water, which is the cause of its hardness, as well as manganese and hydrogen sulfide, which give a characteristic unpleasant odor. In some cases, due to economic activity human, increased values ​​of the content of pesticides, salts of heavy elements, pathogenic microorganisms, etc. can be determined. In addition, water intended for household use may contain insoluble impurities, for example, sand, clay and others. Even the use of a deep well does not guarantee that the water meets all sanitary standards, not to mention from open sources used for these purposes.

But, obtaining a detailed water analysis for initial stage It also has an economic benefit, since it allows you to install exactly the type of complex cleaning system that is guaranteed to be able to cope with the task, but at the same time no money will be spent on installing additional filters, installations, etc. that are unnecessary in this situation.

Main elements of complex systems for water purification

Once the water supply issue has been resolved country house and the equipment has been purchased, you can begin installing a multi-stage cleaning system, which may include the following components and elements for:

  • primary mechanical cleaning from insoluble impurities, sand, clay and others;
  • deferrization – removal of metal particles of iron and manganese;
  • water softening - reducing its hardness by removing ions of calcium and magnesium salts soluble in water;
  • aeration - getting rid of gases that are soluble in water and give it a specific, often unpleasant, smell and taste;
  • disinfection – removal of various organics and microorganisms.

Thus, a full-fledged integrated station should consist of five different components using different ways for water purification:

  • filters for rough cleaning from insoluble impurities;
  • water softening and iron removal systems;
  • various types disinfectants.

Depending on the configuration and choice of equipment, installing one filter can perform several tasks; for example, there are often offers on the market for using the installation for both softening and iron removal of water. Other combinations may also occur, which is quite attractive to the consumer.

It is important when choosing equipment to pay attention to the features of its operation, and above all, to the requirements for its maintenance. Many filters used in complex cleaning systems have the ability to regenerate, but subject to the use of special chemical reagents, for example, tableted salt. Some elements should be washed forcefully or automatically.

But no matter how expensive in price and maintenance it may seem complex system purification, this can be considered a successful investment, since as a result, the water obtained from the autonomous system has excellent performance in all parameters and criteria, and the payback of the installation itself will not have to wait long. According to experts, this happens after 1000 m 3 of water. After this, every liter of water is practically free, except for small expenses for the periodic purchase of reagents, salts for regeneration and service, which is better to trust to professionals, and better for specialists the company from which the equipment was purchased.

Prices for the same equipment as part of different complexes differ! The higher the total cost of the complex, the lower the cost of its components.

Complex 1.

Complex 2.

Complex 3.

Complex 4.

Complex 5.

A country house can be no less comfortable than your main home, but this requires a lot of effort and a comprehensive approach to solving the issue of equipping the house. And no one will argue that the presence of high-quality communication systems in the home is a fundamental factor in creating comfort in the home. In solving this problem, water treatment for a country house occupies an important place.

What is the difference between water treatment for a country house?

Water supply to a country house also requires a serious approach, as does equipment permanent place residences within the city. In most water treatment country house is very similar to the procedure for preparing water supply systems in urban houses, but there are several differences:

  1. There is not always a centralized water supply; water is often supplied from wells, which requires a different approach to installation.
  2. If the house is not used for permanent residence, water can stagnate in the pipes and, as a result, all kinds of heavy particles and scale will quickly remain on the walls of the pipes, which can cause their rapid failure.

Our company’s employees know how to make a water supply and heating system taking into account all these features. As a result of our work, coziness and comfort will reign in your country house, and you will not worry about the proper operation of the system. It will work for many years without failures or unexpected breakdowns. We know exactly how water treatment should be carried out in a country house.

Despite the fact that some may think that it is possible to save money on water supply preparation, we recommend that water treatment be carried out for a country house; the price will be justified within several years. At the same time, you will be sure that the pipes will not suddenly burst and there will be no sudden flooding or other problems.

A person’s health significantly depends on what kind of water he drinks. Special attention its cleaning should be done in a private home, where consumption is often made from wells and boreholes. Water consumed from central water supply, it is also sometimes necessary to filter. For this purpose, a water purification system is used in a private house.

How to make water cleaner

Before we talk about improving the quality of water, we need to understand its composition, why it is produced laboratory analysis. Most often it contains an excessive amount of hardness salts. In addition, there may be heavy metals in the water. Softeners help with both.

Natural water is contaminated with sand, silt, bacteria, and toxic substances. Having decided on its composition, in the future you should install several stages of filtration with target direction. Only then will the system for a private home be effective. The same applies to water from wells and central water pipes.

Types of filters for water treatment systems

  • mechanical cleaning from silt, sand and other particles;
  • softening;
  • removal of nitrates, heavy metals and petroleum products;
  • disinfection.

For each cleaning step, it is important to select the right performance.

Water treatment stages

The water purification system from a well for a private home contains a maximum of 5 stages:

  • mechanical;
  • electrochemical;
  • clarification through catalysts;
  • adsorption;
  • biological.

Mechanical cleaning

The cartridges contain a mesh with small cells. The filter element can be porous polypropylene. Large contaminants are separated: sand, rust, silt, etc. The throughput of mechanical filters is restored by periodic backwashing. At active use The cartridge can last about a year, after which it needs to be replaced. A mechanical cleaning stage is used in all systems.


The cartridges contain highly porous fillers: activated carbon, silica gel, aluminosilicate, zeolites. They capture and retain harmful substances in micropores. organic compounds. The water becomes clear and gets rid of unpleasant odors. Adsorption filters clog quickly and require frequent replacement. With prolonged use, contaminants begin to transfer into the water.

Cartridges with granular loading, which can be washed, can be used for a little longer. But here only mechanical particles are removed. Adsorbed impurities are retained in the pores by forces that sometimes exceed gravitational forces.

Iron removal

Iron is oxidized with a special backfill, after which it forms a sediment and is removed by mechanical cleaning.


The water is softened by filters containing ion exchange resin. It replaces calcium and magnesium with soluble sodium. The cartridge resource is directly dependent on the water hardness. It is usually smaller than other cleaning methods and amounts to 200-800 liters.

Filters are regenerated in solution table salt. Over time, the resin loses its beneficial properties and begins to enrich the water with impurities. This can be visually seen by the release of darkened water.

Membrane filters

Methods of forcing water through membranes are classified according to pore sizes:

  • microfiltration - 0.05-10 microns (fine purification from suspended matter);
  • ultrafiltration - 0.001-0.05 microns (removal of microscopic particles and microorganisms);
  • nanofiltration and reverse osmosis - 0.001 microns or less (retention of metal salts, organic and microbiological contaminants).


Aeration columns remove hydrogen sulfide, iron, manganese from water and prevent the growth of microbes. This requires a compressor to supply compressed air. The advantage of the system is the absence of replaceable cartridges.

Columns with a compressor will cost more, but in the long term they are more profitable.

Aeration is especially effective as a stage of the cleaning system Wastewater for a private home.

Filters for water purification in a private home: how to choose

Can be produced with or without reagents. The former require substances that oxidize pollutants such as dissolved iron. Their price is low, but operation requires expenses. replacement filters to maintain efficiency at a given level. The method is suitable for preparation but not for drinking.

A more modern one is a reagent-free water purification system in a private home. User reviews note that it is more expensive to purchase, but with its help you can purify water to drinking level.

Water filters for a private house. Cleaning system

Filtration is carried out through several stages in stages.

When water enters the house, it is first mechanically purified from large particles. The next stage of final cleaning is to remove salts and small impurities in order to use the water for drinking. Several methods are used here.

  1. Filter jugs. The main filtering agent is activated carbon. Anyone can purchase the device due to its low cost. The speed and volume of filtration here are small, but for household needs it suits many. Despite the ease of use, filter jugs have enough high efficiency cleaning. Most often you can find filter jugs from the companies Aquaphor and Barrier, the price of which is in the range of 250-700 rubles.
  2. Dispenser - household water purifier. It is more used for organizations and public places. It is equipped with multi-stage filters, can be connected to a water supply, and contains heating devices. Large storage volumes and additional functions raise the price of the dispenser to 5 thousand rubles.
  3. A multi-stage water purification system in a private house and apartment, installed under the sink, consists of several replaceable cartridges connected in series to the water supply. For clean drinking water often a separate tap is installed. The throughput is about 3 l/min, the resource is in the range of 4000-15000 l. The most effective is a five-stage water purification system in a private home, the price of which varies widely. The most expensive devices that use the reverse osmosis method. The installations are controlled by controllers that monitor system parameters, water quality, and also give a signal about the cartridges’ resource exhaustion.

Choosing a water purification method

In a private home, in most cases it removes iron and hardness salts. Therefore, the filtration system must be mixed.

Sequential installation of filters allows you to remove different impurities. Before choosing a specific system, you should pay attention to the following.

  1. The performance of the filters must meet the water needs. At low bandwidth the quality of filtration decreases. This is important for mechanical cleaning, where the flow should not be very intense. Only in this case will the contaminants remain in the filter. A filter that is too powerful is also not needed, since it is bulky and expensive.
  2. Cleaning methods are selected according to chemical composition water. If there is excess iron in it, a device is used to remove it, and the water is softened by a system that reduces the concentration of hardness salts.
  3. Filtration is carried out in stages, with the sequential removal of certain types of contaminants.
  4. Filter flasks should be selected so that any cartridges fit them and there are no problems with replacing them.

The main enemy of the house is scale. It fills all systems in the house and has a detrimental effect on the human body. It is imperative to get rid of it in any home. The entire plumbing in the house suffers from the appearance of such plaque. The service life of household appliances is significantly reduced due to scale. This coating has poor thermal insulation and contributes to overheating of all elements. In addition, water purification systems for a country house can solve the following problems:

Taking into account the specifics of a certain type of premises (enterprise, cottage, cottage, country house or apartment), you can buy a water purification system that is the most optimal. This measure will help ensure cleanliness and rid it of unpleasant odors, tastes or other impurities.

Each type of water supply has its own contaminants and characteristics, and therefore requires a specific selection of filters. Comprehensive selection is the most correct solution. Big choice models can be ordered from the Encom service.

Types of filters and water purification systems

The most environmentally friendly comprehensive purification method is the reverse osmosis method. This disinfection method helps to separate all impurities. Biological, chemical and mechanical. Only a water molecule passes through a special membrane. Nothing other than H 2 O enters the water supply network. A reverse osmosis membrane can have several stages of purification. The choice of such a barrier depends on the characteristics of the room that needs water purification.

The fully purified liquid can be used for technical purposes. It is not suitable for drinking as it is completely empty. To do this, you need to fill it with useful elements. Saturation can be achieved using special additional systems.

Filters that require complex assembly can be:

  • mechanical;
  • sorption;
  • deferrization;
  • disinfectants;
  • ultraviolet;
  • coal.

To select the necessary water purifiers online, you need to conduct a water analysis. You can do this yourself. However, if you contact the Encom company, then all these steps are done for you.

Beneficial cooperation

Water treatment must cope with the functions of water supply for the home to the full extent required. To do this, you need to order equipment from reliable services whose employees have enough experience and knowledge.

The service offers the most profitable terms and wide the lineup for choice for clients in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as nearby regions.

Thanks to high quality, the promoted equipment is easy to operate and has a long service life in all types of premises.

You can order and buy cheap at Enkom Consumables and other additional elements to the water treatment network. If necessary, employees will deliver and install the ordered equipment.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

More and more people are faced with the problem Bad quality tap water. And if in cities where there is central water supply, it is still at least somehow cleaned (although not ideally), then in private areas this is not the case. In mountainous areas, with many springs, the situation is better, but in general, water from the water often requires high-quality filtration. Nowadays, a lot of things have appeared on store shelves. various installations for such cleaning. And in this huge assortment of types, companies and models, it’s easy to get confused. Today we will try to figure out how to choose water filters in a private house and which device is needed in a given situation.

A water filter for the kitchen is a must these days.

It has long become not a luxury, but a necessity. In addition, now a person with any income can purchase such equipment. After all, manufacturers offer both quite expensive models and budget ones, such as filter jugs, which can be bought for 500-700 rubles. Of course, more expensive filters connected to the water supply system provide better cleaning, but there are nuances here too. After all, if you choose the wrong cartridges, the quality of the water will not change.

Important information! Before purchasing a treatment plant, you must call specialists to carry out a water examination. Only she can determine which elements are in excess in the water. It is based on the results of such an examination that a conclusion is made about the need to purchase filter elements with certain properties.

Household filters for water purification can be placed under the sink or on the wall, located directly on the pipe entering the living space, or even stand separately, without installation to the mains. It all depends on the quality of the required filtration and the financial capabilities of the person. It should be understood that purifying water for drinking is very important. The health of everyone living in the house depends on this. This means that the need for filtration should never be underestimated.

What determines the need for a water purification system in private homes?

The main problem of the private sector is that wells, like some wells, make it possible to extract precisely groundwater. And human waste can easily get into them. For example, not far from a well or borehole there is a small garbage dump. It rains and everything that it washes out of the waste ends up in the soil. Water with harmful impurities reaches the first solid layer of earth through the soil and rushes to a well or well. Of course, the soil itself filters it a little, but such natural purification does not last forever. Over time, the soil itself becomes saturated on the way to the well water. harmful substances. As a result, even pure water, passing through it, is saturated with pathogenic microorganisms.

Modern home water filtration systems handle these types of problems quite well. At the same time, simultaneously purifying the liquid from excess iron, chlorine and other impurities and even softening too hard. If we talk about filter jugs, which are budget option, then they can be placed anywhere; they do not require a specific installation location. Of course, such a device will only be enough for one or two people. If there are more residents, then you should consider purchasing a flow-through or storage water filter for your home. This acquisition may well provide a clean drinking water several people.

Even if you are quite satisfied with the quality of water from a well or well, it is not always suitable for dishwashers or washing machines. After all, in any case, although rarely, some particles can get into it. For such cases, water purification in a private house can be carried out using main coarse filters. They cost little, but they only stop fairly large fractions.

We’ll talk about the types of water filters for a country house later, but for now we’ll figure out how things stand with this in apartments in Russian cities.

Are water purification systems necessary in apartments with centralized water supply?

There is only a clear answer to this question: they are absolutely necessary. With the rapid pace of construction apartment buildings, as well as the lack of modernization treatment facilities, the quality of tap water nowadays leaves much to be desired. The water in the system requires purification from excess iron, chlorine, limestone, and sometimes even hydrogen sulfide and other quite harmful substances. We should not forget about the old age of communications. After all, rust from pipes also does not add cleanliness. It is for these purposes that coarse and fine filters are installed in apartments.

Water purification systems for an apartment can be just as varied, which means choosing the one necessary in a given case can be quite complicated. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many parameters. Water filters for an apartment, as well as for a private house, can be classified according to various criteria, namely:

  • By installation method– storage, main or flow;
  • By degree of purification– it can be rough or subtle;
  • By basic structure – cartridge or disk.

Also, filters for water purification in apartments and private houses are distinguished by the cleaning method, of which there can be a lot. Today we will definitely analyze each of them in detail, but let’s talk about everything in order.

First, let's try to understand the classification of water filtration systems for apartments and private houses.

How water filters work and their classification

First you need to understand how water filters work. Depending on the number of degrees of purification, the water in them passes through elements (there can be from 1 to 5), which retain certain contaminants or saturate it with necessary substances. Most often, during five-stage purification, the water for the last of the elements is practically distilled. At the last stage, it is saturated with salts and minerals in the quantities necessary for humans.

If we're talking about about jugs, then such a household filter for purifying tap water combines all stages in one cartridge. In this case, it is very important to choose a filter element with exactly the qualities that are required. Otherwise, water will not be purified when passing through the cartridge.

Important information! Filters for purifying water from wells must be equipped with coarse cleaning elements. If such water is poured directly into the same filter jug, then its cartridge will instantly become clogged with larger particles, which will not allow it to perform its functions.

Classification of water filters by installation method

Filters for water purification can be installed on the pipe entering the living space (main) or directly under the sink (flow-through or storage). At its core, a flow filter differs from a storage filter only in the presence of a special reservoir in the latter. Such devices allow you to use purified water for some time even if its supply to the system is stopped.

Now our main task will be to understand what work each of these devices does, what difficulties may arise when installing such equipment, and what you should pay attention to when purchasing.

The nuances of using main filter devices

A main water filter for a private home is considered preliminary. Of course, it purifies water from sand particles, and some models are capable of removing harmful microorganisms, softening water and improving its taste. But it should be understood that such installations will not be able to clean to the same extent as flow-type or storage-type devices.

Important! It is recommended to use main filters for water purification in an apartment together with flow-through filters. In this case, the water quality will be ideal. However, with little contamination, such installations can cope with filtration alone.

Related article:

A rather significant advantage of main filters is the presence of a water pressure regulator. You should definitely pay attention to this when choosing and purchasing. The pressure regulator allows you to extend the service life of not only faucets, but also household appliances such as washing and Dishwasher. The regulator eliminates the danger of water hammer that occurs when the pump is turned on, which is detrimental to household appliances.

The maximum number of degrees of purification for main filters is 3. If a device with one degree is selected, then here we can only talk about removing large particles, such as sand and rust. Such filters require replacing cartridges at least once every six months. In addition, they should be washed periodically, especially if the water is quite dirty and “rusty”.

Features of flow-through and storage water purification devices

The most common location of such filters is under the sink or near the water tap on the wall. It all depends on the availability of the tank and its volume. Until recently, units with five degrees of purification were considered the most effective, but now models with even six have appeared.

Flow filters for water purification in apartments are usually equipped with an additional tap, which is mounted on the sink next to the main one. Moreover, if main filters are installed both on hot and on cold water

Important information!, then flow-through systems are often installed only for drinking water purification. Not all flow-through water filters for private houses and apartments are capable of operating at normal pressure in the water supply system. Some models require additional installation

pump This is the only way it is sometimes possible to create a water pressure of 2.5-3 atm, necessary for the normal functioning of the cleaning device.

And here’s what netizens say about one of these devices from the Aquaphor brand: olga655, Russia, Koryazhma : After its installation in 2013, we used water for cooking and drinking, it has been used for a long time, we changed the filter only in 2015 in April. The installation was easy to do on your own; it is advisable to treat the connecting hoses with sealant to avoid leakage. We ordered fast delivery from the company Aquaphor from the website. Customer Service support works quickly and efficiently. The only drawback is that the faucet started leaking after six months. Convenient flow-through design. We didn't regret the money spent. We change the filter cartridges every six months, the water is no longer hard, tastes good, and we no longer have to descale the kettle every day. More details

on Otzovik:

Classification of devices by degree of cleaning

Important information! When installing a filter with multi-stage cleaning, you should not think that its first stages, considered coarse, can function for a long time without installing an additional main filtration device or at least settling tanks directly after the emergency valves.

Coarse water filtration devices

Such devices are a fine mesh that can trap particles. These devices can be either washable or non-washable. A special feature of coarse wash filters is that they have a special tap. By attaching a hose to the fitting and opening the valve, you can drain all the dirt contained in it. This makes cleaning the mesh easier. If you pay attention to non-flushing ones, they do not have such a function, which forces you to periodically disassemble the device and clean the mesh. It is these coarse water filters that include sedimentation tanks, which are found in almost every apartment or private house. They are installed directly behind the emergency tap or water flow meter. Such elements are also called cleaning filters process water, which contains many large particles.

Important information! Even if the water in your apartment or private house meets the standards, no one is safe from sand, lime or rust getting into it. And this can have a detrimental effect on household appliances connected to the system. It is for this reason that the installation of coarse filters is necessary.

Fine water purification: how it is achieved

The main task of devices that carry out fine cleaning is disinfection, iron removal and water softening. Some devices may have the functions of aeration, ionization and the addition of necessary salts and minerals.

In fact, fine water purification filters for apartments do a tremendous job. At first various elements They gradually purify the water to a distilled state, and then give it the necessary properties and taste. Of course, such devices require periodic maintenance and replacement of filter elements, but this is a secondary issue. But at the same time, the water quality (at correct selection cartridges) becomes close to ideal.

Most often, the installation of filters for fine water purification is carried out by specialists, although, with some knowledge in this area, you can install them yourself.

Important! When purchasing such devices, pay attention to the warranty terms. Some manufacturers terminate warranty service if self-installation. Their requirements contain a clause stating that installation should be carried out only by qualified specialists.

Difference between filters based on their fundamental design

Based on their fundamental design, such filters can be divided into cartridge and disk. We can only say that the latter are used much less frequently, although they are in no way inferior in characteristics to the former. But this only applies to rough cleaning. It is for this reason that such elements are applicable only for trunk type devices. Let's try to understand what the fundamental differences between these filters are and what their operating principle is.

Cartridge filtration systems and how they work

With such systems everything is more or less clear. Water passes through tanks filled with various substances, which first clean it from impurities of one or another composition, and then bring it to the desired state.

Activated carbon is traditionally considered the main element of cartridge fillers. It may be cheaper (birch), or it may have high cost(Coconut shell charcoal). Various chemicals and minerals can also be added.

If we talk about rough cleaning, then often a winding of the finest metal wire or thicker cotton thread is used as a filter element in the cartridge. Such material is quite capable of trapping particles 20 microns in size. This is enough to filter out the smallest particles of dust, sand or rust.

Cartridge water filters have one drawback - the elements must be replaced after a certain period of time. And if at the same time more expensive and quality models

, then such a replacement can result in a decent amount. But at the same time, the range of cartridge filters for water purification is quite large compared to disk filters, which we will now also dwell on in more detail.

Features and composition of disk filters Less common, but not inferior, and in some cases even superior in characteristics to the previous elements. The filter itself is a package containing many polymer disks. On their surfaces there are trapezoid-shaped recesses. Thanks to such design features

The peculiarity of this element is that if it becomes clogged, it is enough to rinse the bag under running water, squeezing and unclenching it a little. In this case, all dirt accumulated in the grooves is removed and the filter is ready for use again.

Here are some specifications disc filters for water.

Table 1. Characteristics of disc filters for water

Thus, it becomes clear that all cleaning indicators are identical to the characteristics of cartridge elements. In addition, nowadays the manufacturer offers similar filters with automatic washing, which is quite convenient.

How filters are divided according to cleaning method

Quite a lot of species can be distinguished based on this parameter. This:

  • Mechanical cleaning filters;
  • Ion exchange devices;
  • WITH reverse osmosis;
  • Aeration units;
  • Ozonation systems;
  • Ultraviolet;
  • Coal.

Everyone will have to decide for themselves which cleaning filters are best to purchase, but we will try to help with the choice. And to do this, it is necessary to more fully understand which of the household filters for purifying drinking water is intended for what and what functions it performs. Of course, the purpose of some elements can be understood just by the name, for example, such as hard water filters for a private home. But many varieties are not so simple, so let’s start.

Related article:

Filters for mechanical water purification and their purpose

Mechanical cleaning is most often called primary, coarse filtration. All main filters can be classified as this type. Let's try to understand which manufacturers present products from this segment on their shelves. The most popular brands here are “Atoll”, “ New water", Geyser" and "BWT".

Table 2. Popular mechanical water purification filters

Make and modelPhotoFiltration rate, l/minMaximum pressure, atmCost, rub
Geyser 1P 3/4 3200910 7 9000
Atoll AFR-1/2CB (set of 2 filters)25 16 10000
BWT Protector Mini 1/2 Н604Р1127 16 5000
PRIO New Water A08215 26 6000

As you can see, the price range is quite wide. And this does not necessarily mean lower quality cheaper products. The point here is more about the brand and its recognition. After all, any company initially works for its name, and then, regardless of the quality of its products, the name works for it.

At all, mechanical filters for water purification these days they sell out very quickly. From conversations with the seller of one of the retail outlets, specializing in such a product, we were able to find out that most often before the weekly delivery there is already a queue of people wanting to purchase main filters. At the same time, there is not enough such products for the entire week.

Ion exchange filters: how they differ from the rest

  • Ultra-high level of cleaning;
  • Removes all bacteria, heavy metals and viruses;
  • Removes dissolved gases of residual chlorine, petroleum products, pesticides, phenol, compounds of hazardous metals and other toxic substances;
  • Household water softener filters retain mineral composition after cleaning;
  • Stabilizes the pH level to optimal for humans;
  • Helps water charge with negative ions;
  • Converts organic salts for easy absorption by the body;
  • Provides high filtration speed, up to several liters per minute;
  • Durable cartridges and easy to replace;
  • Possesses various options for installation;
  • Allows visual control of the degree of contamination;
  • Provides the ability to install additional degrees of purification.

In fact ion exchange– water purification by replacing heavy metals with neutral ones. IN full course Of course, we won’t go into chemistry, but consumers consider this method to be quite effective. On average, the cost of such filters is Russian market stopped at around 1500-3000 rubles. However, you can also find premium models at a price of 90,000-100,000 rubles. The main manufacturers are still the same - “Aquaphor”, “Geyser”, “New Water” and “Barrier”.

Reverse osmosis filters for home are the most common type

Such reverse osmosis devices for water purification are installed under or above the sink. The quality of cleaning systems with reverse osmosis reaches 99%. The cost of such devices is distributed as follows.

Table 3. Atoll filters

Make and modelPhotoProductivity, l/minNumber of purification levelsPrice, rub
Atoll Patriot A-5500,09 5 8000
Atoll A-310E/D-30 STD2 3 5200
Atoll A-211E/D-21 STD3,8 2 5000
Atoll Premium A-560Ep/A-550 MAXp0,18 5 22000

Table 4. "Aquaphor"

Aeration system - what is it?

The name itself speaks for itself. Aeration means saturating water with oxygen. Many may ask - how is oxygen saturation related to filtration? The answer is simple. Aeration by itself does not purify water, but with the help of other substances, saturating it with oxygen, it helps improve the quality of the final result. For example, aeration of water from a well improves not only its taste, but also increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which has a positive effect on human health. Surely many people know what an “oxygen cocktail” is. This is precisely the principle applied here.

The use of a water aeration system is indicated for people with heart disease, hypertension and hypotension, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

But, in any case, first you should consult with a specialist.

Ozonation: on what principle does such a system work? Surely every schoolchild knows that ozone promotes oxidation. That is why water is in some cases purified by ozonation. This means that it is aimed more at deferrization. If there is no excess iron in your water, then such purification is clearly useless. Ozone increases the intensity of iron oxidation, as a result of which the particles begin to be covered with additional processes. Speaking in simple language

Important information!, they “rust”. Having increased, such particles can no longer pass where simple water seeps freely.

Ozonation of water is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Ozone, in addition to its main job, partially remains in the water. As a result, an allergic person, by consuming such water, automatically increases the risk of a reaction. Whether ozonation is beneficial or harmful - this question should be left to the doctor.

But reviews of such devices speak volumes. Denissasha, Ukraine, Chernivtsi : Ozone, in permissible concentrations, has mass useful properties support works quickly and efficiently. The only drawback is that the faucet started leaking after six months. Convenient flow-through design. We didn't regret the money spent. We change the filter cartridges every six months, the water is no longer hard, tastes good, and we no longer have to descale the kettle every day.. You can ozonate drinking water, air, treat food, places of cuts, burns and trophic ulcers. Ozonation of water and products is safe, all microflora and microfauna in the water die, even those that survive chlorination, and the remnants of drugs, hormones and other gifts of big chemistry are washed out of the meat during processing. It has been tested that processing homemade village chicken practically does not produce results; chicken meat bought in stores after processing is almost always covered with nasty mucus that needs to be washed off. How, what and how much to process is written in the instructions for the ozonizer.

on Otzovik:

Here we can say with confidence that such devices fight pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms quite effectively. As an example, we can cite UV lamps, which can be seen in treatment and operating rooms of clinics and hospitals. Like them, ultraviolet water filters completely disinfect liquids. But there are also negative sides. All useful material contained in the water also die.

Carbon filter and its properties

Coal itself is an absorbent substance. This means that any resins, formaldehydes and other similar substances are retained by them. Today, a carbon water filter is considered the best in terms of purification.

In fact, if you think about it, not a single cartridge can do without such a layer. This suggests that the application carbon filter for water purification provides purification from the most common harmful substances.

Average cost of water filters for private homes

Prices for water filters for private houses and apartments may vary. If we compare the most famous manufacturers, then we can understand the average dependence. Reverse osmosis filters are taken as an example.

BrandAverage cost in Russia, rub.
New Water10000

Of course, all prices are given in average terms, but this table can show an approximate concept.

It turns out that buying a water filter for a country house, cottage or apartment is not so difficult. After all, the cost of such equipment is low. And in general, is it worth saving on health?
