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» Standard sizes for windows. Standard window sizes for a private home

Standard sizes for windows. Standard window sizes for a private home

The construction of buildings and various structures is a very complex and multi-stage process. The structure of the built house must be strong, earthquake-resistant and, of course, durable. Already created a long time ago special standards(GOST), which the window opening must also comply with. The dimensions indicated therein must be strictly observed. Construction standards regulate materials, sizes of buildings, window and doorways.

Window openings in the construction of residential buildings

For design and construction apartment buildings exist standard sizes window openings. The same rules must be used when constructing a private residential building. By doing this you can save a lot of money as well as a lot of time. That is why many people ask the following question: “What are the GOST dimensions of window openings?”

In fact, there are no particularly strict standards regarding the size of window openings or their height relative to the floor. Therefore, no one bothers you to design windows the way you like. But there are still some rules that are recommended to be followed. In addition, standard window openings have a number of advantages:

  1. Standard double-glazed windows are actually cheaper than exclusive ones.
  2. It will be much easier to choose.
  3. Repairs and maintenance can be done much faster.

The window opening, the dimensions of which must comply with GOST, consists of a certain number of sashes. Currently, either double-hung or triple-hung windows are mostly installed. With their help you can easily provide an excellent overview and open access to the apartment

Window opening: dimensions

The most common sizes for double-hung window openings are the following (height*width):

  1. 1300*1350 mm.
  2. 1400*1300 mm.
  3. 1450*1500 mm.

The most common standard sizes of window openings with three sashes are as follows (height*width):

  1. 1400*2050 mm.
  2. 2040*1500 mm.
  3. 2040*1350 mm.

In addition to the standards that a window opening must comply with, GOST also regulates which is calculated based on the type of room. One of important factors is the presence heating devices or others additional elements decor. IN production premises windows should start from the floor and correspond in height to human height, which provides better lighting.

Standard height of window sills in a residential building

  1. The bedroom is 700-900 mm, this height provides excellent visibility and lighting. It should be remembered that the distance from the radiator to the window sill must be at least 80 mm.
  2. Kitchen - 1200-1300 mm, in this case the height is determined by the need to place kitchen furniture.
  3. Bathroom or bathhouse - at least 1600 mm, this will help protect from prying eyes, which is why the windows are made so high.
  4. Utility premises - 1200-1600 mm, this height is due to the fact that there is a high probability excess humidity due to the influx of cold air.

Types of window openings

Currently, there are only 11 types of window openings:

  1. Regular rectangular window.
  2. Window with a rotating frame.
  3. Window in a niche.
  4. Panoramic window.
  5. French window.
  6. Bay window.
  7. Window with curved top.
  8. Curved window.
  9. Window with sliding frame.
  10. Casement window.

How to take measurements correctly?

Window openings come in two types: with and without quarters - this affects the choice of window size. In a panel or brick house, it is necessary to measure the openings on both sides.

In order to take measurements, you should prepare the following tools: a tape measure, a metal ruler, a screwdriver, as well as a piece of paper and a pen to record the results. Using these tips, you can easily measure a window opening, the dimensions of which must comply with GOST:

  1. It is necessary to determine the width of the opening between the internal slopes in close proximity to the wooden window and, accordingly, along their edges.
  2. Next, the height of the window opening is usually measured between the upper internal slope and the window sill in close proximity to the window, as well as the height between the edge of the upper internal slope and a window sill.
  3. Then you should open the window and measure the window opening from the street side. It is necessary to measure the width of the window opening between The width should be measured both from below and from above the opening.
  4. Using a screwdriver, which has already been prepared, you need to dismantle it from the outside of the opening (it will still have to be removed).

Finishing window openings

Finishing of slopes can be done using several materials. Such finishing material, as siding, has the following technical characteristics:

  • Durability.
  • Practicality.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Moisture resistance.

Siding can be used not only for interior work, but also for outdoor ones. In order to attach the siding, you do not need to level the surface, which is a plus because it will take less time.

When using plaster, you must have experience working with this material. Finishing the slopes of window openings with plaster is the most reliable and practical way. To work you will need:

  • Large and small spatulas.
  • Starting plaster solution.
  • Finishing plaster solution.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Level.

Plastic has good technical characteristics:

  • Durability.
  • Practicality.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Strength.

You only need to clean the plastic damp cloth, do not use abrasive products, as they can scratch it.

More recently, a material for decorating window openings, such as stucco, has appeared. With its help you can give your windows a luxurious and rich look. But you need to remember that the surface must be perfectly flat. Only a professional can do such complex work. The stucco molding consists of plaster and gypsum mortar. It is because of this that it would be best to contact a specialist.

Each type of decoration has its own highlight; it must be selected depending on the interior of the room.

Doorways – required elements any room, and how convenient it is to enter the room and move large objects depends on their size. With a few exceptions, the premises also have window openings, the dimensions of which must provide the required level natural light and access fresh air. The dimensions of doors and doorways, as well as windows, are regulated by standards (GOST), as well as building codes and regulations (SNiP).

This allows you to avoid confusion during design and construction and create normal conditions for the operation of residential, industrial and public buildings and structures. The size of the doorway is selected based on the ease of passage of people, as well as in accordance with the intensity of movement inside and outside the room. There are criteria by which to determine standard sizes windows

Dimensions of openings for interior doors and a standard doorway for an entrance door

Speaking of standard doorway It is also necessary to take into account the size of the door leaf. These are interrelated parameters that affect the convenience of entering and exiting a room. In accordance with GOST 6629-80, the width of the opening is taken from 670 to 1872 mm, and the door leaf from 600 to 1802 mm. At the same time, solid doors have a slightly smaller width than glazed ones. The height of the openings can be 2071 and 2371 mm, and for the canvas this value is 2000 and 2300 mm, respectively.

There is a dependence that is taken into account when choosing conventional swing doors. First, the final dimensions of the door opening are determined, the dimensions of which are 70-80 mm larger than the door leaf. Based on this ratio, the door is selected. Height and width interior doors in accordance with existing standards and requirements less than input. This is due to the need to provide freer passage and carry large items.

Opening dimensions for sliding doors are regulated by the same standard, while door leaf has slightly different dimensions. Unlike regular doors sliding 50-60 mm larger than the corresponding opening parameter. This is due to the fact that in in this case the canvas moves parallel to the wall and should completely block the entrance to the room.

Standard sizes of window openings: how are the width and height of a window opening determined?

For window openings, the dimensions are regulated by GOST 11214-86. This standard also determines the dimensions balcony doors. In accordance with it, the width of windows can be from 870 to 2670 mm, and the height from 1160 to 2060 mm. The value of these parameters is influenced by the area of ​​the room, the required level of illumination, as well as architectural features buildings in general and premises in particular. As a rule, the window area is selected in proportion to the area of ​​the room, as well as the size of the entire house.

The size of the opening affects the glazing pattern of the window, the number of sashes and transoms. GOST 11214-86 also determines the dimensions of doors for access to a balcony or loggia. Balcony doors have a standard height of 2755 mm, but depending on the number of leaves and the characteristics of the leaf, they can be 870, 1170 and 1778 mm wide.

Windows are one of the important constituent elements, influencing the architectural appearance of the building, and therefore they are selected in such a way that they look organically and proportionately on its facades. Standard window dimensions are used for all standard solutions, although in individual projects It is allowed to use other sizes to highlight the original architectural solution.

And a little more about GOSTs

What are the standard window sizes used in residential buildings?

Today, standard window sizes are established by GOST 11214-86 and GOST 23166-99 "Wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing for residential and public buildings." It clearly states technical requirements to structures, types, types, markings and standard sizes of windows and window openings in residential buildings. According to GOST, the standard size of windows is influenced by the dimensions of the opening, the material from which the window is made, and its type. Therefore, standardization was carried out in all directions and standards for opening and window sizes were determined for heights of 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm, and widths of 60, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180. For example, GOSTs offer such dimensions: 560x870 (opening 610x910); 560x1170 (opening 610x1210); 860x870; 860x1170; 860x1320; 860x1470; 1160x870(1170, 1320,1470); 1460x(1170, 1320,1470).

What door sizes can be used in residential premises?

GOST 6629-88 states that minimum width for an internal blind door 670 mm, while the leaf is 600 mm, and for a glass door - 740 mm. As practice shows, this is not always enough for a comfortable stay. It is worth remembering that you may have to bring furniture through the opening, and therefore it is advisable to increase the dimensions of the opening. So for the bedroom and others living rooms The dimensions of the doors must be at least 90 cm, and the clearance must be at least 80 cm, and for the bathroom you can use the door dimensions according to GOST.

Standards for balcony doors

The width of a standard balcony door depends on the type of building. Eg, standard width the balcony door for structures of the Khrushchev era was 680 mm. At the moment, there are no strict SNIP (construction norms and rules) that establish certain minimum standards for a balcony door. Therefore, one should proceed from technical capabilities. For example, the minimum leaf width of a plastic balcony door is 450 mm, but if you install such a structure, it will be problematic to pass through it. And therefore the best option an opening with a width of 610 mm is considered. The figure shows various options installation of balcony doors in residential premises..

The width of the window opening during design. What do you need to consider?

When designing a future home, you need to pay attention to the width of the window opening, its height, geographical position home and the direction the window will face. First of all, the opening area must ensure normal light transmittance of the window unit, sunlight must enter the room for 2.5 hours with continuous lighting, and the ratio of the room area to the window area must be at least 1:8. After the area has been calculated, you need to select the dimensions of the opening. It is best to refer to GOST 11214-86 and use standard sizes for country houses, since non-standard values ​​will lead to additional costs and problems.

Standard window sizes in a panel house. How to take measurements?

The standard sizes of windows in a panel house have long been known. For example, if the house is P-49 series, then the typical window dimensions are 1310 by 1520 mm, if P-46, then 1470 by 1420 mm. But very often the builders made mistakes, and even in the same house the windows can differ in size from each other. This is why it is important to take accurate measurements. To do this you will need a tape measure and a metal ruler. We use a tape measure to measure the width and height of the window, and we push a ruler under the slope and measure its depth. Thus, the sum of the width of the window and the depth of the slope on both sides is the width of the opening. Then you need to check the diagonals, and if they are the same, you can start calculating the window sizes. As a rule, 2-4 cm are subtracted from the width of the opening. As for the height, we subtract 2 cm from the height of the window from above, and from the bottom the height of the profile strip under the window sill.

How to choose the size of the front door?

In order to choose the right size of the entrance door, you need to know the size of the opening, after which you can use the table values ​​​​of the standard sizes of the door and doorway and choose for yourself suitable option. If the size of the entrance door differs from the standard values, then you will have to use a double-leaf or half-leaf entrance door. It is also necessary to remember that a door that opens outward not only saves space in the hallway, but is also safer.

Dimensions of doorways. What do you need to remember?

When choosing door and window openings, you need to remember certain subtleties. First of all, I would like to note that it is best to design door and window sizes that meet the standards. There is a misconception that more is better. The larger the connector, the heavier the structure will be, and this becomes a problem, especially in drafts. Also very often the fittings fail. As for the window, the main thing here is also not to overdo it, since huge windows in small rooms create a feeling of discomfort and insecurity. When calculating dimensions, do not forget to take into account the installation gap and the material of the box, since the thickness depends on it.

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The choice of size of window openings determines the illumination and comfort of residents. And if residents of standard multi-storey buildings deprived of the opportunity to choose required windows, then residents of private houses can easily experiment with increased window sizes. But there is a lot to consider building regulations and properties so as not to reduce the thermal efficiency of the building and not create a threat to the safety of residents.

Window blocks in the house

When choosing the final dimensions, you should clearly understand their dependence on the entire glazing area: when choosing large windows in wooden house it will be cold, if you choose small ones it will be dark, and this will lead to the constant use of additional light sources. You should find a middle ground and focus on building laws and regulations.

The choice of window size in a wooden house will directly depend on their purpose and location.

When choosing the ratio of wall area and glazing, the following principles should be taken into account:

  • Shape and area of ​​the room. For long rooms, two or more windows are needed, but for small ones, one window in the center will be enough.
  • The location of windows relative to the light sides. Place large windows on the western and southern sides - this will provide a larger maximum. In such rooms, house plants will feel very comfortable.
  • Purpose of the premises. Large windows are installed in offices, offices and other rooms where people are regularly present and where it is required a large number of natural daylight.

As a rule, such rooms are located on the south-west side of the building when designing. For the bedroom, high-quality lighting is not particularly required, so it is located on the north or west side, and only one window block will be enough for it.

Finnish style in Scandinavian houses

It is also customary to place the kitchen and other utility storage rooms on the northern sides. Historical fact, earlier big windows installed in Scandinavian houses: because natural daylight improved mood and increased performance, which was important on short winter days. It was pleasant to be in these rooms all the time: bright natural daylight could be additionally enhanced by light and warm and a choice of white furniture.

Of course, it is ideal to copy the Finnish style in Russian houses It’s not always possible, but some elements can still be borrowed.

Standard parameters and properties of window systems

For the manufacture of plastic windows For these structures, you will have to contact a construction company, or, if you prefer, directly to the manufacturer, and they will offer you a standard assortment.

As a rule, the sizes of windows in a frame wooden house are as follows:

Choosing a larger sash size is not entirely safe: glass is a fragile material and requires a special binding. If you are planning on the second floor, then the door dimensions will be standard (height 2100-2200 mm, width 700-900 mm).

All of the listed window sizes are produced by most construction companies, and if you want to make an exclusive order, the window set will be significantly more expensive.

Standard parameters of window structures are designed for the same type of multi-story openings panel houses, and the demand for them is quite high, but orders for custom sizes construction companies perform much less frequently. Therefore the cost is much higher. When designing, take into account the future location of all furniture and its dimensions.

Distance from window to floor

Normal standard window should be located at a height of 80 to 90 cm from the floor: this provides good review for both a sitting and a standing person, and you can put a work table or other piece of furniture under the window sill. The upper edge of the block is usually located at a height of 220 to 230 cm from the floor.

Special requirements apply to indoor windows wooden bath: a bath room does not require good lighting, but preserving and retaining heat is very important. Following these requirements, a standard bath window in a steam room is no larger than 600×600 mm, and in a relaxation room the window can be made larger, for example 1000×1200 mm.

Maximum size of plastic window structure

When choosing large individual window structures with increased sash area, you need to know the existing requirements set out in special building regulations:

  • The area of ​​the entire structure should not be more than 6 square meters. meters. Otherwise, it may not withstand the wind load, and in unfavorable times weather the glass unit may crack and crumble into fragments.
  • You should not ignore safety rules: weather conditions in different regions Russia is changeable and unpredictable. Big blocks must have partitions, and the area of ​​the doors should not be higher than 2.8 square meters. m. Maximum permissible size sashes are 110×240 cm. When designing window openings, keep in mind that a large structure can quickly fail. A metal-plastic profile with a two-chamber (three-chamber) double-glazed window will be very heavy, and due to the large weight, the fittings will soon begin to sag and sag. In this case, the sash will wear out and it will begin to creak; using such a design will be inconvenient and even more unsafe. If you decide to install arched window, then its radius should not be less than 35 cm. The requirements for large sashes will be the same as for conventional rotary systems.

View of windows with panoramic glazing of a house

Failure to comply with these requirements may pose a threat to residents, so you should not ignore them even if. If you want to provide your home with good lighting, you need to order modern designs panoramic glazing from special tempered glass or the so-called triplex. Of course, their cost is much more expensive, but they are much safer and will provide all residents with a good view. When choosing what size window to order for your home, you should take into account the climate and wind load in your region. If winters are cold, then heat will escape faster through double-glazed windows, which means an annual increase in heating costs.

The size of the hole for the window block

Gap for window in frame house

Dimensions wooden windows in a frame house will not coincide with the dimensions of the opening. They will be large; this tolerance is needed for the subsequent installation of the casing and window sill. From the planned height of the lower edge of the window you need to step back about 5 cm: 4 cm is the thickness of the window sill and 1 cm is the layer polyurethane foam. The width of the hole exceeds the window by 14 cm: 5 cm on each side for installation and installation of the casing and 2 cm on both sides for a layer of polyurethane foam for durable fastening.

The opening at the top is about 10 cm larger: this gap is left because it will fall over time. When making calculations and planning, it is worth taking into account the lower edge of the frame; it should not be located at a height of more than 1 m from the floor level. In this case, it is not very convenient to rest your hands on the windowsill, and the lighting in the room will not be enough.

Requirements for profiles and double-glazed windows

When choosing a window unit, you also need to choose the right profile and double-glazed windows. It will be more difficult to choose if you install metal-plastic frames: since the number of offers varies construction market is growing, and you need to know exactly which criteria will suit you best.

Here are some basic and important requirements:

  • The number of cameras in double-glazed windows. For country-type houses or for premises that will be used only in the summer, you can install a single-chamber double-glazed window. However, in winter, such a package will not be enough. Will have to purchase double-glazed windows With air gaps, they will protect your home from freezing, although the cost will be significantly higher than single-layer bags.
  • Number of cameras in plastic profile. The more cameras, the better profile keeps warm because air is the best heat insulator. For a capital project, it is customary to choose a 3- or 4-chamber double-glazed window.
  • Selecting a seal. To choose from of this material pay very little attention, but thanks to the seal, all cracks and drafts are eliminated. Cheap and rubber material will begin to “tan” and cease to perform its main functions. Some manufacturers offer transparent elastomer seals: their cost is higher, but the protection against cold is much better and of higher quality.
  • Accessories. The main rule is that you shouldn’t skimp on it. Cheap locks, clamps, handles will quickly fail, and weakened hinges and a thin frame will certainly lead to distortion and sagging of all sashes. As a result, you will have to spend money on expensive repairs, so the savings do not justify the investment.

Choice window systems For frame house- a very complex and responsible task, and it is better to discuss its solution with masters and professionals. The cheapest and affordable option– windows are made of metal-plastic, they can be ordered in any construction company. Plastic window designs have a significant impact on environmental friendliness, so when choosing them you need to decide in advance the issue of quality

The cost of plastic windows largely depends on their size. It's no secret that standard models are much cheaper to produce than others. Therefore, when building or renovating a house, apartment or office space, it would be useful to know the standard sizes of window openings. This will help you choose the right window parameters and calculate the approximate cost of glazing.

Standards for window openings in apartments

Typical window sizes in multi-story buildings depend on the series of the house. Let's look at the most common options.

Old fund

This is the name given to houses built at the beginning of the 20th century, before the revolution. They are distinguished by thick walls, spacious rooms and corridors, high ceilings and, as a result, high window openings.

A standard single-leaf window in the old building can have dimensions of 115x190 cm or 85x115 cm.

Double-leaf structures can be presented in one of three options: 115x190 cm, 130x220 cm or 150x190 cm.

The three-leaf windows in the old building are of the same type - 240x210 cm.

Stalin-type houses (Stalinka)

Buildings built between the 1930s and 1960s are usually very beautiful in appearance. They are distinguished by strict architecture, high ceilings, large rooms and kitchens. Such houses were built from brick, the outside was lined with granite or plastered, and stucco molding and bas-reliefs were often used.

Due to big size rooms, single-leaf windows in Stalin buildings were not used. The double-leaf ones were made in two versions - 115x195 cm and 150x190 cm, the three-leaf ones - 170x190 cm.

Khrushchev buildings

Standard houses, built from the 1950s to 1985. They can be made of panels or bricks, have low ceilings, poor sound insulation, small interior spaces. From the outside, Khrushchev buildings look the same - with flat roofs and without decorations on the facade. In height - from 3 to 5 floors.

The size of the window opening in Khrushchev-era buildings can be determined by the width of the window sill. IN brick houses with wide window sills, a double-leaf window, according to the standard, should be 145x150 cm, a three-leaf window - 204x150 cm. In panel houses where the window sills are narrow, the opening sizes will be 130x135 cm and 204x135 cm, respectively.


These are apartments with an improved layout, more spacious than the housing of the Khrushchev period. Houses can reach 9 floors, and are always equipped with elevators and garbage chutes.

There are several series of Brezhnevkas, the typical window sizes in each of them vary.

  • In the 602 series, a double-leaf window should have a size of 145x121 cm; a three-leaf window should have a size of 210x145 cm.
  • In the 606 series, the opening for a double-leaf window is 145x141 cm, and 170x141 cm for a three-leaf window.
  • The 600 series is characterized by window openings large sizes. According to the standard, a three-leaf window in such a house could be 238x113, 238x142 or 269x142 cm.

Typical new buildings

Modern new buildings are very diverse. There are about 40 series of such houses, and the typical sizes of window openings for each of them are individual. Here are the most common sizes in centimeters.

  • 504 - double-leaf 145x141, three-leaf 170x141.
  • 137 - double-leaf 115x142, three-leaf 170x142.
  • 504D - double-leaf 142x110, three-leaf 142x203.
  • 505 - double-leaf 141x145, three-leaf 141x203.
  • 600 - three-leaf 142x268, 110x236 or 142x236.
  • 600.11 - double-leaf 141x145, three-leaf 141x205.
  • 606 - double-leaf 141x145, three-leaf 141x170.

The above data can be used to roughly calculate the cost of glazing an apartment or house. There are often cases when, even in the same house, window sizes may differ from each other and from GOST requirements by 10-15 cm. Most often this is observed in panel houses. Therefore, to calculate the exact price of a plastic window, it is better to call a measurer. But standard sizes will help you navigate future costs.

Standards for window openings for private houses

The dimensions of window openings and balcony doors are determined as follows: normative document, as GOST 11214-86. In accordance with it, the height and width of the window should be determined based on the area of ​​the room and the required level of illumination in it. Also, when determining the size, the architectural features of the structure itself play a role. According to GOST, the width of a window opening in a residential building should be in the range from 87 to 267 cm, and the height - from 116 to 206 cm.

One of the main indicators on the basis of which GOST determines the size of window openings is the coefficient natural light(KEO). Its values ​​are specified in SNiP P-A862, separately for each region. The data of this SNiP take into account that window glass should be cleaned at least twice a year, and are valid for regions located between 45 and 60 degrees north latitude. For houses located to the south, KEO must be multiplied by 0.75 in calculations, for northern regions - by 1.2.

GOST also offers variants of formulas for calculating the area of ​​windows with several glasses in double-glazed windows, glazed with frosted or shaped glass, and for other non-standard options. During construction own home It would be useful to use this data. If creating a full-fledged project with calculations using formulas is not part of your plans, you can calculate the size of the windows using a simplified scheme. The same GOST recommends making window openings with an area at least 8 times smaller than the area of ​​the room.

Where can I find out the standard sizes?

Standard dimensions of window openings, in addition to the above-mentioned GOST 11214-86, are also established by GOST 23166-99. It describes the requirements for window structures, their types and markings, as well as standard sizes of window openings for various series of residential buildings. Typical window heights, in accordance with these documents, can be 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm; In terms of width, GOST recommends making window openings of 60, 90, 100, 120, 150 or 180 cm.

Window openings in the attic are usually tried to be as large as possible. When choosing their sizes, you need to focus on the roof slope. The smaller it is, the higher the opening you can afford. As for the width, GOST recommends that when selecting it, pay attention to the distance between the roof rafters. The window frame should be 4-6 cm smaller than this value.

Undoubtedly, large windows in the attic look very impressive. But you shouldn’t make their doors larger than 90 square centimeters in area. Otherwise, the window structure will be very fragile and will quickly fail. Even if you are planning blind doors, without the ability to open, this advice is worth listening to. Double-glazed windows with an area of ​​more than 100 sq. cm experience a large load only from their own weight and deform very quickly.

Standards for the production of plastic windows

Modern plastic windows can be very different. Technologically, nothing prevents the manufacturer from producing window design any size and shape. But here, too, there are certain rules that should not be neglected.

So, in swing doors The height of a plastic window should be several times greater than its width. For tilt-type opening sashes, on the contrary, it is important to choose a width greater than the height of the window. Blind sashes, as we said above, are not recommended to be made larger than 1000 square meters. mm, to avoid glass breakage.

Although there is an expression among manufacturers of plastic windows that non-standard windows have long become a standard, the implementation of structures for windows that do not comply with GOST requires special precision and thorough elaboration. Therefore, when ordering such windows, be prepared for the fact that their cost will be noticeably higher than standard models.

The dimensions of the doorway (as well as the window) can be standard or non-standard. In order to put the frame and the door into the latter, it becomes necessary to make a door (or window) to order. This, of course, will significantly affect the final cost of the order, as well as increase the duration of the work time. To avoid these nuances, there is such a thing as a standard. A standard doorway (or window) will save time and money. It will not be difficult to install the structure into it yourself. In addition, today manufacturing companies offer a huge selection various models windows and doors of standard sizes.

Standard doorway size for interior and entrance doors of an apartment

In order to avoid unexpected situations, it is necessary to seriously consider the dimensions of doors and doorways. It is best to choose in advance the company from which you will order the interior or entrance structure, and consult with specialists regarding the dimensions of the free space for it. It is worth noting that the standards for these indicators may be different in some companies. However, many companies adhere to the following door standards:

  • Height 2 meters, width – 60; 70; 80 cm.
  • Height 1.9 meters, width – 55 cm

Very important aspect– in what room the structure is installed (with or without a window). Rooms without windows are characterized by following parameters door opening (standard sizes):

  • 2070 x 970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 62 mm

Here, however, it is worth clarifying that these dimensions are also suitable for recesses for double doors.

Rooms with windows have their own dimensions:

  • 2070 x970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 620 mm

To calculate the size of the opening for sliding doors, you need to know that standard door With sliding kit(rollers with a rod, lower guide flag) has a height of 2005 mm. Space under sliding structure should be smaller and narrower than the canvas, vary between 1900-2002 mm.

For entrance structures the standard are openings with a height of 2050 mm or 2150 mm, the most common width is 1000 mm or 900 mm.

How is the height and width of a window opening determined during the construction of a residential building?

When designing and constructing apartment buildings, standard window openings are most often followed. The same practice is observed in the construction of private housing. This saves a significant amount of time and money when installing double-glazed windows.

The standard dimensions of window space are designed taking into account functional purpose building, room dimensions, natural light depending on the location of the house.

For example, residential multi-apartment panel house has the following parameters:

  • Double-leaf windows - height 1400 mm and width 1300 mm.
  • Tri-leaf – height 1400 mm, width 2050 mm or 2070 mm.

Khrushchev houses have a completely different approach to window openings: the dimensions depend on the width of the window sill. Double-glazed window with wide window sill installed in an opening 1450x1500 mm, three-leaf - 2040x1500 mm. Narrow window sills in Khrushchev-era buildings suggest 1300x1350 mm (for two sashes) and 2040x1350 mm (for three sashes)