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» Construction of a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands. How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands - detailed photo installation instructions. Assembly of the drain structure

Construction of a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands. How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands - detailed photo installation instructions. Assembly of the drain structure

For those who have started living in a private house, the question inevitably arises - what type of sewage system will be optimal in this particular case. It is advisable to do it quickly and inexpensively. Special designs - septic tanks are expensive and require careful maintenance.

Cesspool from reinforced concrete rings? It is also expensive, plus the rings require pumping and cleaning the well at least twice a year. And pumping is an eternal call for a sewer truck and additional costs. Another main disadvantage is the constant unpleasant odor.

The best solution would be a septic tank made from Eurocubes. build it quickly and inexpensively, especially with ready-made plastic containers for septic tanks. You can also use used containers - their price is much lower. We need to calculate exactly septic tank volume and install correctly, only in this case will a do-it-yourself septic tank work without interruption.

Eurocube - what is it?

Eurocube is a container made of thick polyethylene; the outside of the cube has protection made of steel mesh for greater strength and reliability. The Eurocube can hold up to 1000 l liquids. This container is used for reusable storage and transportation various substances- water, food. Often containers are purchased to store water, so that later you can water your garden or garden from it.

Such a cube is perfect for constructing a sewer fixture.

Advantages of Eurocubes:

  • ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • maximum tightness;
  • resistance to aggressive substances;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • low container prices;
  • you can perform installation work alone;
  • low cost if you purchase used containers;
  • construction speed;
  • minimum additional preparation of cubes;
  • easy maintenance of the container and its operation.

Disadvantages of Eurocubes:

  • lightness of the material, which helps push out the container when the area is flooded;
  • the thin walls of the container can handle the stress on the plastic and deformation may occur.

Please note the differences in the sizes of Eurocubes!

Preparatory work

Before installing a septic tank, you need to carry out preparatory work.

    Select a location for installation. The location where the tank will be located is could be anything and may be entirely determined by your decision, since you do not need a sewer truck to subsequently empty the septic tank.

    Determine the type of soil. This needs to be done because some soils are not suitable for septic tanks; if you have such soil, you will need additional strengthen the bottom and the walls of the recess for the septic tank.

    Determining the level groundwater. Drilling a well - in the spring, using a drill, dig a well 1.5-2 meters deep and after a day check the walls. If the depth of the groundwater is deep, then the walls of the well will remain dry, if they are wet, then you have a high groundwater level. You can measure the groundwater level using the well closest to you. The water level in the well is equal to the groundwater level.

Since the norm of water consumption per person is 180 liters per day, multiply these liters by the number of people living and by 3 days(during this time the septic tank completely purifies the water). Divide the number you get by 1000 and get the volume of the container in cubic meters. It is also necessary to install a cube of a larger volume than necessary; installing a septic tank of a smaller volume than necessary is prohibited.

As practice has shown, two containers each 800 liters quite enough for a family of 3 people.

Design and diagram of the septic tank of their Eurocubes

We took two plastic cubes with a volume of 800 liters, costing two thousand rubles each, and connected them according to this diagram. If necessary, you can use containers with a volume of 1000 liters.

A septic tank built according to this scheme works well in any time of year - both in summer and winter, and does not cause problems with operation. The only thing he needs in the first year of work is regular topping bacteria for septic tanks to prevent the occurrence unpleasant odors. You can use the drug Dr. Roebik (an American drug that is more expensive) and Tamir.

Basic installation steps

Digging ditches. This stage assumes that the septic tank volume, and you know the dimensions of your septic tank. Concrete or a cushion of sand and crushed stone should be poured into the bottom. This must be done due to the fact that the cubes are light in weight and in the spring, when it is time for floods or flooding, the water can push out the Eurocube to the surface. It is also worth strengthening the walls of the septic tank with slate, or filling the perimeter with sand. The thickness of the bottom layer of concrete (or sand) must be at least 20 cm. Also, on the sides, sufficient space must be left for a layer of sand and thermal insulation.

Warming and securing the device

We place the device on concrete pad and cover it on all sides with polystyrene foam; if there is no foam plastic, then you can use foam polystyrene. Then fill it with water and pour concrete on the sides, instead of concrete, you can fill it with sand. We also cover the top side with polystyrene foam and sprinkle it with earth. Leave on the surface and do not sprinkle only the ventilation and cleaning pipes.

Subtleties that are important to know when assembling a septic tank

  • It is not allowed for the septic tank to be completely filled with waste, as the container may burst from internal pressure. The best way to prevent cracks is to make a drain tank that will be below the freezing point or to properly insulate the septic tank.
  • Each tank must be connected to a vent pipe that is adjacent or self-venting.
  • When assembling the sewer system, you need to install ventilation pipe or a valve that facilitates air suction. This is necessary so that rarefied air does not linger in the sewer pipe, which can interfere with the drainage of wastewater into drain tanks.
  • It is necessary to separate the fecal waste; with this solution, you can increase the time the waste remains in the tank and eliminate the influence of household antiseptics on the first tank (into which the fecal waste is drained).

Septic tank maintenance

Even though this septic tank is called a “septic tank without pumping” once a year it still it is advisable to clean from accumulated sludge. do this better in autumn when bacterial activity in containers is reduced. To do this, clear the area in which the cleaning and ventilation pipe is located and through it, using improvised means, take out unprocessed products. These products can be used as fertilizer.

Now you know what the Eurocube is, its positive and negative sides and the installation process itself. Of course, regarding cost and ease of installation This septic tank is in first place. Thus, taking into account the ease of installation and operation, as well as financial inclusion septic tank made of Eurocube, we can recommend this installation for high-quality and uninterrupted operation in any conditions.

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For arrangement autonomous sewerage you can go several ways. One of them is a septic tank.

This installation consists of 2 containers, between which there are overflow pipes. Sewage, entering these containers, results in waste sinking to the bottom, turning into sludge, and the purified water moves on. The water coming out of the unit is quite clean. Therefore, its entry into the soil is harmless. Here .

Installing a septic tank is more profitable than installing a standard cesspool. After all, for a septic tank, the services of a vacuum cleaner are ordered much less often. The vacuum cleaner simply needs to remove the solid residues that have settled to the bottom. This leads to significant cost savings.

Septic tanks can be budget or industrial production(), or you can make such a sewerage device with your own hands from a Eurocube. Of course, the production version is better; it comes with everything you need for modern waste processing. But it has a significant drawback - the cost, which cannot be called cheap. Arranging a sewer collection site from Eurocubes is one of the most acceptable options.

What is a Eurocube?

Eurocube is a container designed for storing or transporting liquids. This could be water, food or fuel. The material for the Eurocube is polyethylene; the walls of the product are very thick and durable. It can hold 1000 liters of liquid. It is not difficult to purchase a Eurocube; they are sold by business outlets. Most often, such containers are used to store water in dachas and personal plots.

There are smaller containers on the market. They contain 640 liters of liquid. They have their own characteristics. Firstly, this is the material - polyethylene. low pressure. Secondly, this is a filler neck with a diameter of 150 - 225 mm. Thirdly, the lower part is equipped with a drain pipe, the diameter of which is 50 - 80 mm. The outer part of such containers is covered with a reliable steel mesh, which increases the strength of the product.

It is these tanks that are needed to create a sewer drain. With their help, you can build a good sewer system that can easily serve a dacha or a house with a small amount residents.

Advantages of sewerage from Eurocubes

A septic tank has a number of advantages over other sewerage devices:

  • absence of unpleasant odors in the area where the device is located;
  • safety for the soil;
  • rare frequency of septic tank cleaning;
  • long service life.

Calculations before constructing a sewer system from Eurocubes

In order not to make a mistake with the number of eurocubes that you will take to build a septic tank, you need to analyze what your daily water consumption is. It is believed that one person needs 180 liters of water per day. If 3 people permanently live in a house, then you need to multiply the number of people by 180 l. The result will be 540 liters. This is water consumption for 3 people.

It is known that normal operation of a septic tank is possible if its volume can accommodate the water consumption for 3 days. This means that 540 must be multiplied by 3 days. It turns out 1620 liters. This should be the volume of containers for septic tanks. Therefore, for the installation of septic tanks it is necessary to take 2 eurocubes. The resulting system will be able to work without problems. There will even be some reserve left. The containers don’t even have to be filled to the top line. After all, the overflow pipes are located lower.

Advice on choosing sewer pipes

According to experts, they are ideal for sewer installations. plastic pipes, having a diameter of 110 mm. This diameter allows you to easily install a sewer system, because the pipe coming out of the toilet has a similar diameter.

The filtration system in a septic tank made from Eurocubes looks like this. Effluent from the house goes through sewer pipes to the first compartment of the septic tank. Here heavy particles settle, and dirty water accumulates to a level of half a meter. When will it be enough required quantity liquid, water flows through the pipe into the second part. You can make the flow easier by burying the second container about 30 cm lower.

The second part is supplemented with drainage pipes; they are installed at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom. To improve the result, arrange drainage well or a filter field.

The resulting septic tank needs ventilation pipes. They are inserted into the first and second containers. The height of the pipes above ground level is 2 meters, it is needed so that the vapors go up and are carried by the wind. The pipe coming out of the first compartment is fixed so that it starts approximately 15 cm above the connecting hole. Its task includes not only ventilation functions, but also to ensure the ability to pump out sludge using a sewer truck.

Advice! To facilitate access for the vacuum cleaner hose to the first container, the pipe should be made detachable. Then you can easily disconnect top part pipes, and insert the hose of the vacuum cleaner into the lower part.

When installing the pipe in the second container, it must be placed at a distance of 15 cm from the drainage pipes.

When the preparatory work is completed, the Eurocubes must be installed on permanent place in a specially dug pit, and then carefully secure all connecting elements and pipes. Usually slings are used for this.

How to choose a place for sewerage from Eurocubes?

There are several rules to follow when choosing ideal place for a septic tank.

  1. The laying of sewer pipes should follow the shortest path, it should be straight.
  2. If you need to install a septic tank further than 15 meters, you need to build an inspection well; it will be needed if blockages form.
  3. If it is necessary to lay pipes with bends, rotary wells are installed there at the bends.
  4. Unobstructed access to the septic tank must be guaranteed for vacuum cleaner equipment.

Features of laying a trench

A trench is laid under the sewer pipe that connects the house and the septic tank. The colder the climate of the area, the deeper the trench should be made. In the center of Russia, they usually make a depth of 50 - 100 cm. To protect yourself from freezing, it is better to insulate the laid pipe mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

When laying a trench, it is necessary to take into account the slope required for the subsequent movement of wastewater by gravity. Usually the pipe is laid so that the slope is 2 - 3 cm per linear meter. This means that for 8 meters of sewer pipe the difference between the first and last point the pipes will be 16 - 24 cm.

When the trench is completely dug. Its bottom is covered with a thick layer of sand. This is done so that during operation the joints are not disturbed due to subsidence; this will be prevented by a sand cushion.

Features of pits for sewerage from Eurocubes

It is not difficult to dig a pit for Eurocubes. The main thing is to follow some conditions.

  1. The size of the pit must exceed the size of Eurocubes. Only in this case will it be possible to safely place containers there. Don't forget about thermal insulation. You should have some space left to place insulation or to strengthen the container.
  2. The bottom of the pit must be filled with concrete. A solid base guarantees the stability and reliability of the entire structure. Otherwise, individual containers may shift, which will damage the entire structure. Sometimes a mixture of gravel and sand is used instead of concrete. But this is a less reliable basis.
  3. To prevent the soil from crumbling and putting pressure on the walls of the containers, the walls of the pit are covered with metal sheets or simple slate.

Advice! Arranging a full concrete box in a pit is more expedient than reinforcing the walls with other materials. To do this, formwork is installed and poured concrete mortar. When the pit is strengthened, the containers are fixed by attaching them to the base. Otherwise, the entire installation may float under the influence of flood waters.

If you follow all the tips given, septic tanks made from Eurocubes will become a reliable element of the sewer system and will be used for many years.

The procedure for installing sewerage from Eurocubes

2 Eurocubes with plastic pallets are being prepared. The volume of each of them should be 800 liters.

Drains from Eurocubes are hermetically sealed.

They measure whether it is possible to insert a tee into the neck. If it doesn’t work out, the neck will have to be widened. They use a grinder.

Then they bend the edge and measure again.

Take a short pipe, if there is no short one, you can shorten it to required sizes any other.

Advice! All work with the angle grinder should be carried out only if there is protective casing and protective gloves. The master in the photo is violating security measures. This is not recommended. When working, all precautions must be taken, otherwise it may result in injury.

Compare the pipe and the tee and see if they fit together.

The sewer pipe coming from the house has a diameter of 110 cm; a hole of the same size is made in the container where the wastewater will flow.

A prepared short pipe is inserted into the Eurocube.

Above the location of the tee, a slot is made on top, intended for further installation of the pipe for ventilation. A short piece of sewer pipe is inserted into this slot.

A slot is made in the Eurocube round shape for installation of an overflow pipe. It should be located lower than the incoming one.

The edges of the holes are processed.

The second cube is shifted 20 cm below the first in order to use the volume of containers to the greatest advantage.

It is necessary to install tees to the connecting pipes so that it is possible to arrange a ventilation outlet, and also to clean the connection area as it becomes dirty, then a crust will not form in the lumen.

All connections between pipes and containers are treated with sealant.

This is what the finished joint should look like.

Rolling of wood is performed. Instead, you can use corrugated sheets or concreting.

Because a septic tank made with your own hands from Eurocubes will not be able to completely purify the water. It is necessary to supplement the system with a drainage field. In this case, you can get good water purification.

Construction of a drainage field

The function of the drainage field is to completely purify the water coming from the last Eurocube. To do this, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is cut into the Eurocube. After installing the pipe, the joint is sealed.

The drainage field has several layers that can remove contaminants of different sizes:

  • a large crushed stone, it is needed to retain all large particles coming out of the pipe;
  • next – sand, to remove small particles;
  • the last layer is gravel.


It is not difficult to make sewerage from Eurocubes, but the basic rules for creating such a treatment facility must not be violated. First, proper slope for sewer pipes is necessary. Secondly, the connection must be tight. Thirdly, insulation should be provided. If all requirements are met during construction work you will receive a high-quality sewer system that can serve your home for a long time.

Regular maintenance costs for a septic tank consist of the purchase of special bacterial compounds that are needed for processing solid organic waste. You will also have to order a sewer truck every year to pump out sludge.

Thus, building a septic tank from Eurocubes takes little time and is inexpensive.

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Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes - step-by-step technology installation

In country estates you can relax from the bustle of the city, enjoying the privacy and beauty of green plantings. But in front of everyone positive aspects, proper rest is impossible without the proper level of comfort and amenities to which we are accustomed. The sewage system is very important, because without it no hygiene procedures are possible. This is especially true for families with small children who constantly need to take a bath, wash their hands and do other activities. However, purchase from famous manufacturer not always feasible from a financial point of view. An excellent replacement for industrial treatment plants is a do-it-yourself septic tank made from Eurocubes.

Eurocubes are sealed containers made of plastic (polyethylene) with wooden/metal/plastic pallets designed for storing and transporting liquids. The outer casing is placed in metal carcass, protecting the Eurocube from deformation. Capacity volume - 1000 liters. Weight - no more than 67 kilograms. This design is not only ideal for a septic tank and has an affordable price, but is also so easy to install that even one person can install a septic tank in a maximum of 2-3 days without any help.

Since a septic tank is treatment plant, consisting of several consecutive chambers, then two identical Eurocubes are purchased to construct a septic tank. They are equipped with air ducts (ventilation pipes), inlet and outlet pipes through which liquid will enter and leave the septic tank, as well as a pipe for overflowing clarified waste from the first container to the second. The outlet pipe is equipped with a reverse pipe to prevent the reverse movement of the purified liquid into the septic tank cavity.

In order to effectively use the entire working volume of the second Eurocube, the two containers are rigidly fastened together, moving them vertically by 20-25 cm.

All joints of plastic walls and pipes are additionally insulated with sealant, and the structure is insulated with foam plastic or a material with similar properties.

You may be interested in information about what kind of septic tank and how to use it.

Advantages of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

  1. As already mentioned, such a septic tank is cheap, but at the same time effective. Treated wastewater can be reused, subject to additional treatment.
  2. Thanks to the insulation, year-round use of the treatment plant is possible.
  3. There are no unpleasant odors during operation.
  4. Cleaning a septic tank can be done with a pump or a vacuum cleaner, and this procedure is quite rare.
  5. The structure is sealed, reliable, durable, does not corrode or collapse under the influence of chemical, climatic and other unfavorable factors.
  6. Installation does not require the construction of massive floors or the use of special equipment.
  7. Installation is possible in any type of soil, regardless of the height of the groundwater (these factors only affect the method of draining purified water from the septic tank).

How to properly and effectively organize sewerage on summer cottage do it yourself, a question that often arises among people who are deprived of the opportunity to use the centralized option. And really the need for autonomous, and most importantly effective system drainage of sewage and waste is simply necessary for a comfortable existence modern man in a private wooden house.

And although the thought is firmly ingrained in our minds that only cesspool is a way out of the current situation, this is far from true. Nowadays, septic tanks (a cesspool with several chambers for cleaning, see do-it-yourself septic tank) are becoming more and more widespread, due to a more sophisticated sewage filtration system and excellent productive capacity.

As a basis for Wastewater There are many various materials. Let's consider one of the simplest and most effective of them - a do-it-yourself septic tank made from Eurocubes.

Memo: Eurocube is a container for transporting large volumes of liquid.

It turns out that we remove the pipe from the house at a depth of 50 cm, until sewer pipes When they reach the septic tank, the depth will be approximately 56-62 cm, we will insulate the pipes (with polystyrene foam or mineral wool - I don’t feel like digging into frozen soil in winter), then the septic tank itself and the absorption field/drainage well. We anchor the septic tank itself so that it does not float up in the spring with the rise of groundwater, we strengthen/insulate the walls so that the soil does not squeeze the septic tank. It turns out that from the surface to the top of the septic tank is about a meter. We insulate the septic tank from above and fill it with crushed stone/earth.

drawing/diagram of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

Even a person with little knowledge of construction will be able to make a septic tank from a Eurocube with his own hands; it is enough to know a few basic rules.

The advantages of the Eurocube compared to other options for constructing a septic tank are undeniable:

  1. Its price is quite low compared to similar designs (plastic septic tanks).
  2. The time required to install such a septic tank will not exceed 2-3 days, provided that you perform all the main work alone.
  3. The plastic from which the Eurocube is made is durable and has excellent waterproofing.
  4. Such a septic tank requires a minimum of additional work; there is no need to cover it and additional finishing, unlike a septic tank made of concrete rings.

As in any other business, from the beginning we need to decide what goals and results we set for ourselves. Having made the necessary calculations about the average daily volume of wastewater that the septic tank has to cope with, proceed to search for the necessary cubes. Remember, the total volume of septic tank tanks must be at least three times the daily waste.

Tip: it is preferable to have no more than two drainage containers, this will reduce the total number of connections between the chambers, but will not affect the efficiency at all.

Next, armed with a shovel (or hiring the necessary equipment), we begin to dig a pit with our own hands. Due to the fact that the Eurocube is sealed and additional drainage system, the location of such a septic tank can be in any convenient place.

Having prepared the pit for the future sewerage system, we proceed to the actual installation DIY septic tank from Eurocubes. To do this, you should make a cushion of sand or crushed stone at the bottom of the pit. Well, if there is a risk of soil subsidence under the weight of the filled cube (and, accordingly, the risk of damage to the connecting pipes), it is worth making a concrete screed.

Note: upon completion of installation, you need to make sure that all pipe connections are tight. As additional insulation, it is worth using a special sealant or liquid rubber.

This is what an almost finished septic tank looks like

The second camera is equipped with a special drainage pipe(it is possible to use several pipes), which is located at a level of 15-20 cm from the bottom of the cube. To improve drainage capacity, it is advisable to additionally build a drainage well or filtration field.

Both chambers are required to be equipped with a ventilation pipe protruding a couple of meters above the ground. Inside the first chamber, the ventilation pipe should be 10-15 cm higher connecting pipe, and performs the role of not only removing harmful fumes, but also serves to pump out sewage with a sewage machine.

Advice: it is better to make a ventilation pipe from several elements, so that if necessary, you can disconnect the upper part and use it to pump out waste.

In the second chamber, the ventilation pipe should also be located at a level of 10-15 cm, but already from the drainage pipes.

After preparing and checking all the connecting elements, the Eurocubes take their designated place in the pit and are re-fixed, this time, with the pipes.

Alpine slide - filtration field

If the level groundwater is high, then you have to do it embankment field filtration - it can be designed in the form of an alpine slide :).

So when high level soil, the septic tank is installed as usual, but here you will have to carefully secure the Eurocubes to the bottom of the pit, as if the soil level is high, they can float up and damage the tightness of the connections. Then you will need another container (you can install a third Eurocube as an additional filter block or well). A pump with a float switch is installed in the third compartment, which will pump water into the filter field that we made above groundwater.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes crushed the soil

The final stage is the formation around external wall concrete screed to protect the cube from soil pressure on it. If the soil is quite loose, you can get by by simply compacting sand around the cubes or installing OSP panels/slate/corrugated sheets.

At this point, the process of creating an autonomous sewer system can be considered complete.

For drainage, you should use special perforated pipes sprinkled with coarse crushed stone. Crushed stone will prevent pipes from silting and at the same time has excellent throughput.

If possible, try to use additional means of wastewater disposal, for example: a filter well or special biological mixtures.

Plastic is very sensitive to low temperatures, so you should not allow it to be completely filled during winter time, V severe frost it may simply crack from internal pressure. One way to avoid this problem is to build a septic tank below the freezing level of the soil or by additionally insulating it.

To make the Eurocube more stable from the impact of soil, you can make its outer sheathing with rocky wire.