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» Do-it-yourself dry stream at your summer cottage: everything about creating a “stone river.” Arrangement, design and decoration of a “dry stream” with your own hands Do-it-yourself decorative dry stream

Do-it-yourself dry stream at your summer cottage: everything about creating a “stone river.” Arrangement, design and decoration of a “dry stream” with your own hands Do-it-yourself decorative dry stream

The element of water has long attracted people with its tranquility, atmosphere of harmony and unity with nature. When improving the garden area, there is often a desire to create an artificial pond. If conditions are not conducive to placing a pond, then the optimal solution would be a dry stream. There is not a drop of water in the composition - only cobblestones and stones imitating the mouth and bed of a dry reservoir. Planning and laying out a “stone stream” is quite simple. The main thing is to show creativity and imagination, choose the right form of the composition and follow a simple technology for arranging stones.

Landscape design: do-it-yourself dry stream. Advantages of the composition.

Classic decoration method Japanese garden increasingly used in summer cottages and local areas. In Japan, the water element is associated with the desire for life and purity of thoughts, and babbling streams - with the transience of time. If arranging a pond in the garden is impossible for certain reasons, then oriental decorators use a special technique - a dry stream. Stone ponds convey the feeling of a dry riverbed, which with the onset of rain will be filled with long-awaited moisture.

TO undeniable advantages Creating a dry stream with your own hands on the site includes:

Types of dry ponds on the site

There is no specific classification of dry streams into subspecies. Conventionally, the design of such a composition is divided into three types.

winding body of water. A simple option for creating a dry stream with your own hands. One channel flows through the site, sometimes expanding and sometimes narrowing along its length. The landscape composition imitates the movement of an ordinary river. When planning the shape, it is necessary to take into account the relief, directing the reservoir along a plain or a slight slope.

Cascade. The beginning of the waterfall is located at any elevation. You can create a symbolic representation of a rock, a wooden or stone well, or a large jug. The water flow falls and forms man-made rapids.

Branched channel. The natural confluence of branches requires proper placement and compliance with the natural shapes of the reservoir. The stream looks beautiful on the winding hills. For authenticity, the sources of the riverbed are often hidden behind a decorative bridge, dense vegetation or a fence. Sand jets are made from small pebbles or sand. Imitation of a wave is achieved by creating winding shallow grooves.

DIY dry stream: step-by-step instructions

Every summer resident and gardener can make a dry stream with their hands. There is no need to attract specialists, use expensive equipment or carry out large-scale preparation of the territory. The main task is to present the plan of the proposed stream as accurately as possible and play with the existing site.

Selecting a location and marking the site

The dimensions and configuration of the reservoir should be selected taking into account the size of the plot, the location of the house, additional buildings and terrain features. When planning, you should consider some nuances:

Marking a stone reservoir is done with sand. A sandy path is laid along the boundaries of the future “water” flow. In the process, the shape can be easily adjusted, bringing the sketch to an ideal representation of the stream. Sometimes boundaries are marked with pegs and ropes. However, this method is more labor-intensive and less mobile.

Materials for laying dry streams

A dry stream at the dacha is created with your own hands using various rocks. By experimenting and combining all kinds of fractions, textures and colors of stones, you can achieve an illusory effect. The following materials will be useful in your work: shell rock, crushed stone, limestone, pebbles, etc.

Some points about choosing and arranging stones:

  • the bluish-gray color of the water surface will ensure the mixing of slate, gneiss and basalt;
  • the brown-red tone of the composition will be set by marble, granite, and limestone;
  • the illusion of the shine of a water stream is created by adding small glass balls or painting concrete elements with mirror paint;
  • flat pebbles are suitable for simulating the dynamics of a stream and the effect of flow;
  • The coastal zone is highlighted by large details in light colors - dark elements create clear, unnatural boundaries of the reservoir.

Advice. Coating the stones with varnish creates the impression of a “wet surface.” Interesting option- treatment of elements with waterproof luminous paint. At night, the stones will glow and resemble a “moon path”.

Tools you will need:

  • sand for marking;
  • geotextiles - the substrate under the stone can be replaced with film;
  • shovel;
  • rake.

Construction of a pit under the “reservoir”

The procedure for preparing the site for laying stones:

  1. Dig a channel with a depth of about 20-25 cm along the marked contour.
  2. Compact the bottom area and cover it with geotextile or thick film. The material will prevent grass from growing between the rocks of the stream.

Sometimes the protective film is replaced by pouring cement mortar. However, this method has disadvantages: increased cost of the structure, increased labor costs and complexity of redevelopment of the site.

The order of laying out the stones

  1. Large cobblestones are placed along the edges, and medium-sized stones in the middle. Small fractions will fill the depths of the reservoir.
  2. The stone steps of a cascade or reservoir, river rapids are laid out from large flat boulders. This approach will help transform a calm stream into a fast-flowing mountain river.
  3. Sharp rock fragments imitate a mountain grotto.
  4. Crevices are filled with large or medium-sized elements.
  5. Elongated oval-shaped stones create the feeling of running water.
  6. The island effect is achieved by placing a large cobblestone in the middle of the riverbed.
  7. If a dry stream serves as a drainage for storm water, then it is advisable to “plant” the stones on a sand-concrete solution. Otherwise, under the influence of water pressure, they will shift and the composition will lose expressiveness.

After laying the stones, you should arrange coastal zone. Fill the perimeter of the reservoir with crushed bark or a sand layer.

Decorating the stream and its banks

It will be possible to bring a dry stream as close as possible to a real body of water with the help of plantings. Deciduous, flowering and shrub plants are suitable for decorating a stone structure. The main requirement is a harmonious combination of the color of the stones and the “green” frame.

It is better to choose plants that, one way or another, resemble the water element:

  • bushy with bluish elongated leaves and shoots;
  • flowering plantings with bright blue flowers: aubrietta, lobelia, blue fescue, bearded iris, creeping tenacious and brunera;
  • The following will add exoticism to the clearing: reed, pampas grass, sedge, daylily and hosta.

Do-it-yourself dry stream: photo planting diagram

Designations for the diagram:

  1. - leaf-grass-bamboo;
  2. - blue, yellow, blue bearded irises;
  3. - low-growing lobela;
  4. - creeping tenacious;
  5. - bell of Polskharsky;
  6. - gabrieta;
  7. - large-leaved brunera;
  8. - green bryozoan;
  9. - tenacious creeping red-leaved;
  10. - reed type arundo.

How to make a dry stream with your own hands: photo of the layout of three different compositions

Advice. When planting plants, the main thing is not to overdo it. The abundance of herbs and flower beds will oversaturate the coastal zone and turn an exquisite oriental element into a boring flower bed or an analogue of an alpine hill.

  1. Lamps. Using lighting along the stream will allow you to admire the compositions at night. Under artificial lighting, the stones begin to “play” and shimmer with a new shade.
  2. Garden figurines. The choice of decor will largely depend general perception reservoir A mounted heron or a frog planted on an island will add naturalness to the landscape, while gnomes and funny characters will transport you to a fantasy world.
  3. Bridge over the stream. The item itself does not perform practical tasks, but it gives the landscape a special charm. The crossing looks harmonious, painted to match the plants growing nearby.

Do-it-yourself dry stream: step-by-step creation of a composition. Video

  1. To support boulders, branches and beams can be laid along the banks. This solution gives naturalism to the entire composition.
  2. There are different ways to beat the mouth of the stream. It can smoothly transition into a cobblestone area or patio, or be hidden behind a fence, wide fern leaves or vines.
  3. On wide stone reservoirs, an impromptu sandbank made of flat boulders looks organic.
  4. The idea of ​​a quiet, calm water flow is conveyed by stones of the same color. Add bright accent It will be possible with the help of contrasting shores.
  5. A homemade stream, made from local minerals, blends optimally with nature.
  6. Flat, medium-sized cobblestones laid out edgewise imitate a fast flowing water stream.
  7. An alternative to a dry mineral pond is a flower arrangement. A stream can come from an old jug, an overturned barrel or a chest.

Features of caring for an artificial “reservoir”

Maintaining the stream in its original form is not particularly difficult. Care measures:

  • with the arrival of spring, the soil along the banks must be fluffed up and the plants fertilized;
  • make sure that ants do not grow in the crevices between the stones;
  • periodically during the hot season the stream must be watered - this will improve the microclimate near the dry reservoir and will promote the normal growth of “riparian” plants;
  • After a while, moss may appear on the stones; so that the composition does not become gloomy, its quantity should be controlled;
  • Shrubs must be periodically pruned, and plants that prefer warm climates must be covered for the winter.

DIY dry stream at the dacha: photo ideas

Natural minimalism in the design of a “dried” reservoir looks very harmonious against the backdrop of majestic mountains and old tall pines.

The illusion is created that the porch of a country house overlooks the bed of a dry river.

A dry stream flows along dense thickets. Some of the stones are varnished, resulting in a “wet” effect.

The arrangement of a stone reservoir on the site allows you to combine several traditions and style directions from different world cultures.

The longitudinal arrangement of thin stones imitates the murmur of a stream. The relief of the area adds realism to the composition - “water” flows from top to bottom.

One of the techniques of landscape design is to create local area imitation of a dry stream bed. This technique unites disparate functional areas and decorates the space being decorated. A properly organized channel can become a system that removes excess moisture from the site in the spring, when the snow melts. Simulating a stream does not require water or expensive pump equipment- all the beauty of the scenery is created by a skillful combination of stones and plants. You can implement this project yourself, and the result will delight you for many years.

What is a dry stream in landscape design?

A decorative bed is one of the varieties of a rocky garden. The idea of ​​such decorative decoration of the territory came to us from Japan, where the beauty of nature is considered the highest value.

A dry stream effectively decorates large spaces landscape

The bed for the stream does not require labor-intensive preparation in the form of lowering or raising the level of the landscape - you create it wherever you want. The recess of the finished pit is filled with stones, and plants are planted along the edges of the banks. A properly organized artificial stream looks very realistic; it is decorated with a bridge, supplemented with a fountain or pond, and a bench or gazebo is installed nearby.

A dry stream along its course may have islands - rocky or with greenery.

A decorative riverbed can be arranged in a few days, and after finishing the work you will not need to clean it of silt and algae, or remove pumping and filtering equipment for the winter. A dry stream will not be a danger to small children and pets. This type of landscape design is economical - the materials for its production are several times cheaper than when constructing a real water stream on the site.

Types of dry streams

An artificial channel can be made in various options. If you focus on the external outlines of such a structure and the stages of its implementation, then dry streams are conventionally divided into several types:

  • Winding riverbed- this technique plausibly imitates a water flow, which meanders throughout its entire length, goes around some obstacles, forms islands, and has places of expansion and contraction. To use this option you need big square area in order to freely place on it any desired types of channel. A winding stream is located both throughout the territory of the farmstead and in a certain place.
  • Forking Stream- the channel has several branches, which diverge in different directions along the site.
  • Cascades and waterfalls- an artificial stream falls from a high point and rushes down, or the movement of the channel can be cascading, descending from several elevation steps of different sizes, forming rapids.

Photo: options for creating a composition

The winding stream bed twists and turns around obstacles This is what the mouth of a branching channel looks like The stream in the form of a cascade takes its source from a hill

A winding, branching or cascading stream are the three main options that are taken as the basis for arranging an artificial channel. They can be combined within one site, if the area allows.

Dry stream in garden design: how to use it

The bed of a dry stream creates the opportunity to visually expand the space of your local area. With its help you can hide or emphasize any objects, buildings, or plantings.

A dry stream is combined with a rock garden or rock garden - these types of decorative flower beds effectively complement each other

The use of an artificially constructed channel allows you to achieve several results at once:

  • attractive appearance of the territory all year round;
  • camouflage of communication pipes, hatches, systems and landscape defects;
  • delineation of economic zones of the site;
  • a wide selection of plants for decorating areas delimited by a stream;
  • speed of construction and low cost of the project;
  • a large selection of options for decorating the site with the help of additional decorative elements: bridge, bench, sculpture, gazebo, swing and the like.

In the process of forming a decorative stream, it is necessary to choose a place for its three important zones - the source of the stream, the direction of its streams and their end. Often a dry riverbed enters a real body of water. A hill can be used as a starting point for a dry flow, from which branches will go through the decorated area.

Sometimes decorative sculptures are used for the source: a large overturned jug, a bowl, a fountain

The bends of the artificial channel along its entire length should be smooth, without sharp creases or turns.

Dry stream technology: diagrams and ideas

Before starting excavation work, draw up a plan of the territory indicating all buildings, plantings and economic zones on it - this will simplify the further stages of the work and give an idea of ​​the finished result.

The plan determines the place where the stream bed will pass, taking into account the existing landscape elements

Based on the plan, paths are marked with sand throughout the entire territory, which will represent the future dry stream. If the area is large, then marking can be done using wooden pegs and rope.

Choosing a place for a dry stream on the site

You can create a decorative channel everywhere: near a recreation area, near a flower bed, in the shade of trees, on a lawn, flowerbed, on a hill or in a lowland. A stream that originates on a natural slope or constructed from stones and boulders in the form of an imitation of a rock or grotto looks impressive.

Large stones act as the central point of the composition, from which the stream takes its directions

If there is little free space on the site, then create artificial stream small size can be placed directly in the flowerbed. Low flowering and ground cover plants are planted near the riverbed.

A miniature stream organized in a flowerbed will make it unusual decorative decoration area that does not take up much space

A stream can also pass through a depression in the landscape, masking it with its presence. Thus, the difficulties of the site's topography turn into its advantages.

When decorating a landscape depression, the banks of the stream are reinforced with large stones and sculptural compositions - this technique looks impressive and realistic

The bed of a decorative stream can be arranged on the lawn by including tall trees in the composition. Even with minimal decoration with flowers, such a flower bed will look attractive.

The beauty of this composition, consisting of stones and plants, lies in its simplicity.

The results of arranging an imitation stream on a site depend on the area of ​​decoration. You should not get too carried away with planting plants along the banks of the riverbed - this should be done in moderation.

What can you use to make a dry stream in your country house?

The channel imitation is performed from various materials: large boulders, round river pebbles, flat stones, small or medium-sized crushed stone. The most natural looking elements are those that have natural chips or roundness made by nature.

Photo: natural materials for creating a composition

Gray granite stones in a stream bed look like water Raw stones and small crushed stone imitate an eastern ditch Rounded stones laid out vertically resemble a seething stream. Fine crushed stone, painted blue, looks like water

Sometimes ground cover or low trees are planted in the riverbed. perennials with multiple blue or light blue flowers, resembling a stream of water in appearance.

A dry stream of flowers is spectacular, but its decorative effect is preserved only during the flowering period

The combination of stones and living plants is the best option when arranging a decorative stream. The proportions here may be different: in one case, the proportion of stones may exceed the number of plants, or the flowers will be the soloists, and the stones will serve only as a background.

Pit for the stream

To implement the artificial flow project, you need to prepare a pit. Its depth is made 25–30 cm, and the length and width will depend on your project. The channel may have narrowings, widenings, and islands. In the process of digging a pit, small mounds of soil are left on the banks of the stream, which can be used to install large boulders in this place.

The artificial bed of the stream consists of several layers - they are all important and cannot be neglected

After the channel has been dug, its bottom and walls must be carefully compacted with a layer of sand. Next, geotextiles are laid, and if the soil is loose or clayey, then the bed can also be strengthened with a geogrid so that the edges and bottom are stronger and can withstand the load from the weight of the stones.

Drainage and stone placement

To prevent rain and melt water from stagnating in the pit, the stream bed is lined with a special geotextile material, on top of which a small layer of crushed stone is placed, which acts as a substrate for the bulk of the decorative elements.

Geotextiles and geogrids perform a drainage function and additionally strengthen the walls of the stream

If the edges of the stream are sloping, then the smallest stones will roll towards the center of the pit, therefore, when laying out the riverbed, elements of different calibers are used so that larger stones are supported fine fractions. Support boulders large sizes for strength they are fixed to cement-sand mixture- this way you can avoid their displacement from their places.

On the finished substrate you can place colored crushed stones or stones that imitate water flow

The principle of filling a dry stream bed is as follows:

  • the largest elements are laid out along the edges of the riverbed, medium-sized stones are placed in the middle, and small crushed stone is laid out closer to the center;
  • when constructing a waterfall or rapids, large flat stones laid in a cascade are used;
  • islands in the stream bed are made using large boulders of various shapes;
  • To prevent the stones from moving from their places during rain or spring flow, when the stream acts as drainage, a cement-sand mixture will help to secure them together.

If you want to create the effect of a running water stream, use flat oblong stones or round ones laid vertically for this purpose.

Selection of plants and their planting

When the outlines of the stream are finally formed, they begin to decorate it. Suitable for this flowering plants, ornamental grasses, deciduous and coniferous plantings, small shrubs.

Flowering plants

There is no need to use excessive floral abundance and a riot of colors to decorate a stream. Plants located in small groups would look appropriate near a decorative riverbed:

  • iris warty, Siberian;
  • Ostrovsky's bow;
  • phlox subulate;
  • Arends astilbe;
  • Przhevalsky's buzulnik;
  • common primrose;
  • hybrid daylily;
  • clove-herb;
  • Portenschlag bell.

When choosing plantings, it is necessary to select specimens that are in harmony with each other in the shades of the flowers.

Photo: flowering plants for a dry stream

Ostrovsky's bow is compact and attractive Hybrid daylily forms a herbaceous bush Phlox subulate - low-growing perennial Przhevalsky's buzulnik is good not only for its flowers, but also for its foliage

If you want to make a stream of water from flowers, replacing stones with them, use low-growing plants: lobelia, allisum, blue muscari.


In large home areas, compact evergreens can become a decoration for the stream. conifers. The higher the size of the conifer, the more spacious it should be landscape plot so as not to take attention away from the stream and look harmonious with it:

  • creeping juniper;
  • mountain pine, dwarf;
  • green, blue spruce;
  • thuja occidentalis, golden;
  • dwarf fir, balsam, Korean.

Landscape designers use dwarf spruce and juniper species to create strict and laconic compositions, with plants arranged in groups or individually.

Photo: conifers for decorating a decorative riverbed

Mountain pine is a compact evergreen plant Creeping juniper is a low-growing species that grows horizontally Thuja golden - a green coniferous plant with a yellowish tint Dwarf fir - grows in breadth and has a decorative appearance all year round

Evergreen plants are good because they look impressive at any time of the year and do not require special care after planting.

Ornamental grasses

In natural conditions they grow near bodies of water different kinds herbs By planting such plants along the banks of a stream, you create the most realistic atmosphere for the entire composition:

  • hybrid sedge Frosted Curls;
  • gray fescue;
  • sandy grate;
  • miscanthus chinensis;
  • lake reed;
  • Emperor.

Ornamental grasses are perennials that grow quickly and are attractive year-round.

Photo: types of ornamental grasses for landscape decoration

Miscanthus chinensis - grows well and looks beautiful Sandy grate - unpretentious and frost-resistant Gray fescue - tolerates heat and frost well Hybrid sedge - evergreen perennial

A variety of herbs look especially impressive both individually and in groups; they are used to decorate the banks and small islands located in the bed of a dry stream.

Deciduous ornamental plants

Special beauty in big picture The banks of the artificial riverbed are decorated with plants with striking, expressive foliage - they grow as herbaceous bushes from 50 to 90–100 cm in diameter:

  • hosta plantain, Liberty;
  • bergenia cordifolia;
  • creeping tenacious;
  • brunera macrophylla.

Herbaceous perennials with decorative leaves They delight with their beauty from spring to late autumn, they are not capricious and undemanding to care.

Photo: plants with decorative foliage

The perennial Hosta Liberty has many varieties with different leaf colors. Creeping tenacious - unpretentious plant with bright expressive leaves Brunera macrophylla - can grow in shady conditions Bergenia cordifolia - in natural conditions grows along the banks of reservoirs

Plants with large leaves go well with flowers, herbs, and coniferous plantings. Many species can grow in conditions of lack of sunlight.

Ground cover plants

In nature, on rocky, infertile soils, resilient plants grow that adapt to small amounts of moisture, deficiency or excess. sunlight, sharp gusts of wind:

  • bryozoan subulate;
  • acrid sedum;
  • felt peg;
  • creeping thyme;
  • Soapwort basilicofolia.

By decorating the banks of the stream with these types of plantings, you will achieve maximum resemblance to the natural environment.

Photo: ground cover plants for stream bank design

Bryozoan awl is a perennial evergreen soft grass called Irish moss Soapwort basilica is a profusely flowering perennial native to the Alps, widely used in design. Caustic sedum is a perennial succulent that accumulates moisture in its tissues Tomentosa is a ground cover perennial that loves light and is resistant to drought and frost.

Ground cover species are undemanding in care, take root and grow well, sometimes it is necessary to limit their growth.

Optimal combination of plants

In order for green spaces placed near a dry stream to look harmonious, it is important to choose the right companion neighbors for them. When decorating, the emphasis is placed on certain soloist plants that form the basis of the landscape composition.

Approximate plan for placing plants near a stream: coniferous plants or ornamental grasses are combined with ground cover specimens, dwarf trees and shrubs are combined with reeds

In summer, stones tend to heat up and retain heat for a long time, so plants must be selected that are drought-resistant and resilient. If the channel runs in a lowland where the soil is sufficiently moistened, you can use moisture-loving ferns, swamp grass, and bergenia.

When designing a stream bed, it is important to observe moderation and not resort to using a large number of plant species, overloading the composition

When planting plants next to each other, take into account their compatibility: requirements for watering, lighting, soil composition. Many perennials tend to grow, so you need to leave enough free space between plantings. Scattered planting of plants looks more realistic than a dense green area.

Decor and design of a decorative stream

To make it easier to move around the site and decorate it, a decorative bridge is thrown from one bank of the riverbed to the other. This landscape element brings the stream to life and creates the impression that water actually flows in it. A beautiful bridge can become the main decoration of your yard.

The bridge is made of wood or metal - this decorative detail always looks impressive on the site

To simulate the flow, the channel elements are painted with waterproof paints of blue, gray, and cyan. If you cover the stones with varnish, the riverbed will look as if it is moistened with water, and the eye involuntarily begins to look for it among the pebbles. By placing spot lighting along the riverbed, in the evening the effect of the sensation of flowing water will be enhanced.

The stream is illuminated with LED flashlights, which daytime accumulate energy

Near the stream you can create an area for secluded relaxation. To do this, equip a stable platform and install a bench, a small gazebo or a swing on it.

The bench is installed near the bridge to provide easy access to it

Sculptural compositions would be a good decoration option for landscape design. With them the right combination the stream comes to life - these could be storks, swans, frogs or fairy elves, gnomes.

The sculptures are complemented with lighting so that they look attractive in the evening

Sculptural compositions are also used to indicate the source from which the stream originates. Stone grottoes, a clay jug or pot, an antique statue or fountain can be used in this capacity.

The source of the stream can be smooth, inclined or stepped - it all depends on the general design concept decor

In addition to living plants, the artificial riverbed can be decorated with additional decorative elements. Various details will make such a composition cozy and original in its own way.

What difficulties may arise during creation and how to eliminate them

Despite the simplicity of making a channel, certain difficulties arise during the work or after its completion:

  1. Flooding of buildings - if the channel is made with an incorrect slope, facing towards the house or utility structures, then rain or melt water will rush under the foundations of the buildings. In the process of designing a stream bed, all these nuances should be taken into account and the slope should be made in such a way that it diverts the possible flow of water from the buildings.
  2. Strengthening the walls of the channel - for this purpose, cement-sand mortar is sometimes used, which forms a monolithic structure, which will subsequently be problematic to dismantle when redeveloping the site. It is best to use a geogrid for these purposes and fill it with crushed stone.
  3. The stones used to simulate a flow look inharmonious and visually conflict with the landscape of the area. Designers recommend choosing local breeds stones
  4. Large boulders slide out of their places - over time, due to the resulting moisture or clay composition of the soil, the stones can change their position, rushing to the lowest point of the riverbed. To prevent this from happening, each such element must be firmly fixed to other adjacent stones using a cement mixture.
  5. Deciduous dwarf trees and shrubs in the fall clog the riverbed with fallen leaves, which are difficult and time-consuming to remove from small stones. There are two ways out of this situation: plant conifers along the banks of the stream or purchase a garden vacuum cleaner with which you can collect leaves.

If the channel is constructed correctly, it requires minimal but regular maintenance. It is important to ensure that green spaces do not grow excessively, filling the entire space. The crowns of conifers or deciduous shrubs must be trimmed and given a beautiful shape. In addition, you need to remember that ants like to settle under large boulders, and to prevent the stream from turning into one large anthill over time, regularly treat the soil under the stones with insecticides.

Video: how to arrange a dry stream bed

Plants for landscaping a dry stream should be selected so that they do not require nutritious soil. For example, saxifrage and juveniles do not take root well in too fertile a substrate - these species are accustomed to living in rocky soil and they need to create similar conditions in the flowerbed.

In order for the plants decorating the bed of a dry stream to look harmonious, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The size of the plantings should be proportional to the size of the stream. For a miniature stream-bed, compact species are used, and for a large riverbed that runs through the entire area, tall specimens can be used.
  • Small plants are brought to the foreground, and large specimens are placed a little further from the edge of the stream bank.
  • Ground cover plants should be planted in such quantities that they do not completely cover all the stones - oversaturation is unacceptable here.
  • Ground cover plants or small deciduous species look appropriate near small stones. Larger varieties of plantings can be planted next to the boulders - shrubs, conifers, dwarf trees.

To avoid the death of plants, do not plant them immediately after excavation work has been completed and the riverbed has been formed. Over the course of a month, the soil sags and the stones move from their places. Therefore, only after you have filled the voids in the soil and made sure that the stones are securely fastened, you can begin landscaping the riverbed.

A decorative dry stream is a kind of flower bed, and you can create it on your own property without involving the services of expensive landscape designers. Such decoration will make your yard unique and spectacular. Caring for the stream will consist of maintaining the shape of its bed, timely removal weed and fallen leaves. Plants planted for decoration are most often perennials that do not require close attention and care. A dry stream will help remove excess moisture from buildings and will not become a refuge for frogs and mosquitoes.

Not so long ago, in the twentieth century, a new concept arose, the popularity of which is rapidly growing in many countries around the world. This is about . If we talk in simple words, then this is landscaping and landscaping. In a broader sense, it is an art form that combines architecture, design and construction. During its existence, landscape design specialists have developed many project schemes that allow not only to decorate the territory, but also to give it a natural look, the effect of harmony with nature. Today, to improve any area, you can use ready-made guides for creating green architectural ensemble. We will introduce you to one of these projects in our article. We will talk about a dry stream in the country with your own hands with photos and step by step instructions. It is simple to perform, beautiful to look at, allows you to hide imperfections in the relief, and is easy to maintain.

Dry stream

IN landscape design Artificial reservoirs are especially popular. However, not all areas can be equipped with them. In addition, water bodies are always associated with additional procedures such as cleaning, purchasing cleaning systems, and constructing a water supply system. For those who want to avoid additional hassle, but at the same time have a beautiful natural corner, a stream without water was invented.

Dry stream is one of the main elements in landscape design, namely in a rocky garden that spread throughout the world from the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese decorated various territories with dry streams 700 years ago.

It was believed that the stream, which starts from a small, beautifully designed source, runs throughout the entire site and ends in the form of a funnel, attracts positive energy to the owner of the home, helping him achieve well-being and harmony.

Did you know? The most famous Japanese rock garden is Kyoto. It is located at the Reanji Monastery. Founded in the 15th century. It consists of 15 stones placed on a rectangular platform, which are placed in such a way that no matter from which side a person looks at them, they will see only 14 of them.

A dry stream is an imitation of a dried-up water stream, the bottom of which is covered with stones, pebbles, gravel, sand, and planted along the banks.

The advantages of this element over a real reservoir are that it:

  • requires virtually no maintenance;
  • will require minimal capital investment;
  • done in just two to three days;
  • looks beautiful at any time of the year;
  • does not attract harmful ones;
  • allows you to hide landscape defects;
  • looks good and fits into any area;
  • can serve as a drainage ditch;
  • can mask communications (sewer hatches, cables, pipes, etc.);
  • does not limit the choice of plants that can be planted along its banks;
  • is safe for small children.
A dry stream visually increases the area of ​​the site and separates various landscape areas, enhances the impression made by other objects.

Did you know? The term “landscape design” arose in the twentieth century, but the roots of the art itself go back to ancient times and lead to Mesopotamia-It was there that the first attempts to cultivate garden plots were made. IN Ancient Greece parks and gardens were created by human hands, and the earliest mentions of ancient Roman landscape design date back to 65-68 BC.

Popular types

Conventionally, the “dry stream” element is divided into three types:

There are many types of dry flow. We will tell you about the most popular:

Source of the stream

A popular solution for creating a dry stream is equipment, for example, a stone well, a jug, or a rock. In this case, you can simulate that the water flow flows from this particular object and that this is where its source is located.

Sand jets

Creating sand jets will require some effort. This composition includes several narrow streams. Throughout the entire length, the effect is created as if they are either connecting into one channel, then crossing, then diverging again.

The waves on such streams look very beautiful and original - they are made using a rake, which marks out individual grooves.

Sleeve Merging

The merging of the sleeves is also not an easy composition to execute. It needs to be well planned so that it looks believable and beautiful. So, you can pretend that one stream flows into another.

You can also design several sleeves of different widths, which in some place merge into one channel.

To create a beautiful and original object that resembles a dried-up pond, we suggest you use the following tips:

Important! In the event that the stream is made as a drainage ditch, the stones will need to be strengthened in concrete mortar. Because the current can wash them away.

DIY dry stream

Here are instructions on how to make a dry stream with your own hands step by step.

Where to begin?

Before proceeding directly to the design of the landscape composition, you need to determine its following parameters:

  • size;
  • shape;
  • place;
  • materials used.
When choosing the shape and size of a dry stream, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the site. So, for example, if the territory in which you plan to equip this landscape object is narrow and long, then it is better to give preference to a dry lake. In a short and wide place it is good to break a winding stream. It will visually lengthen the area. The width of the stream itself can vary from 30 cm to 1 m.

Before making a dry stream in the country, it is important to correctly determine the location for its placement. In principle, this object can be located in any corner, both in the distant and in the most visible: in the backyard or right at the entrance to the house. The source can be either on a hill or on a plain. You can think over the flow of the stream so that it will separate all zones of the summer cottage: vegetable garden, garden, place to relax. The object will look good along the path.

The most common materials for creating a dried pond are:

  • pebbles;
  • gravel.
You can buy them in construction supermarkets. If you wish, you can paint the stones with water-repellent paint in any color. Small blue pebbles from a distance they will give the impression of natural water.

Also, when decorating a composition in gray-blue tones, more expensive basalt and slate are used. Particularly beautiful are the inclusions of glass balls, which create glare in sunlight.

To create red-brown streams take:

  • granite;
  • limestone;
  • marble.

Accents in the object are made with the help of large stones and granite of various colors. Pebble stones are placed in the cracks between large stones framing the banks.

After determining the location, shape and materials, it is advisable to draw the appearance of the stream on paper. It is also important to think about what the beginning and end of the stream will look like. The source is decorated in several ways: with the help of bushes, mountains of stones, decorative fountain, pot, amphorae, vases.

Below we will give you several examples of the design of dry streams, which you can exactly transfer to your summer cottage or take some elements, use your own imagination and design a unique stream.

Laying process

The installation process must begin with surface preparation. First, the boundaries of the water flow are drawn using sand. They can be easily adjusted at any time. Instead of sand, a stretched rope will also work.

The bottom of the trench is well compacted and leveled. The bottom is covered with geotextiles or lutrasil - materials that are designed to stop the growth of grass, erosion of the riverbed and the deepening of pebbles into the soil.

After preparing the trench, you should proceed to the next stage - laying stones. They start with the design of the coastline, which is laid out with large cobblestones. Between them, in the crevices, smaller pebbles and pebbles can be scattered chaotically.

Dry streams are made not only from stone, but also from flowers. A DIY flower stream looks very luxurious. During its construction, ground cover plants, ampelous flowers of blue and purple shades. Pansies, petunias, lobelias, and phlox work well. However, it is important to remember that such a stream will only be decorative during certain periods and seasons.

Plant selection

In principle, any plants are suitable for this object.

However, those planted along the edges of the coastline will look especially impressive:

  • spiraea,
The bends should be decorated with paradiseas, decorative onions, as well as large, single planted bushy plants.

In areas where shadows often fall, you can plant shade-tolerant perennials In particular, hostas and ferns look good.

You can consider decorating with plants that are usually used in alpine slides.

Flowers and herbs should be planted in groups and as tapeworms. Dense plantings should be avoided. This will create an unkempt effect. Large spreading flowers should be alternated with low ones.

Important! When choosing plants to decorate the banks of a dry stream, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the composition of the soil, the degree of illumination of the area, the presence of drafts.

Examples with photos

In our selection of options for a dry stream at your dacha with your own hands with photos, you can see different options for designing a dry stream.

Water – traditional element Japanese garden, symbolizing purity and thirst for life, and its flow - the transience of time. In cases where the use of water turned out to be impossible, the Japanese use a special technique - a dry stream in landscape design– it very accurately conveys the spirit of the elements, creating the impression that the water of the source has just dried up, and the next rain will bring the stream back to life again, filling the riverbed with life-giving moisture.

Dry stream in landscape design

The first thing that attracts a dry stream is that there is no need to purchase water purification and supply systems or expensive compressors, which are a mandatory attribute when creating artificial reservoirs on the site. In addition, it is very easy to maintain; unlike a pond, it does not require cleaning of algae and lime deposits. Let's note other advantages:

  • speed of creation – to create a dry stream, no significant investment will be required; all work (choosing a location, designing a contour, selecting materials, constructing a pit and installing stones) will take 2-3 days
  • easy to care for – it will only be necessary to maintain the shape of the riverbed and remove emerging weeds
  • large selection of plants – if planting near a natural reservoir is limited exclusively to moisture-loving plants and flowers, then almost any plants can be planted along a dry stream
  • unlike real bodies of water, mosquitoes will not breed in a dry stream

However, a dry stream in a country house can also be used as drainage if it is located in an area where storm water actively drains.

Despite the fact that there is no clear and unambiguous division into types, the design of a dry stream, albeit rather conditionally, is divided into three types:

    • meandering stream - the simplest option, imitating one channel, narrowing and expanding along its entire length. Such a stream strives to convey the movements of a real stream as accurately as possible, therefore, when planning it, it is necessary to accurately take into account the features of the relief, because water, for example, cannot flow upward
    • branched channel – this design is much more complicated in terms of practical implementation, since it is a harmonious combination of several channels that periodically connect and diverge in different directions. A feature of the design of such a stream is the use, in addition to stone, of sand jets, with the help of which they imitate narrow (up to 20 cm) channels
  • waterfall (cascade) – in this case, you will need a hill on which the source of the stream is located, for which you can use a jug (traditional option for a dry stream in the Mediterranean style) or a specially designed one well or a rock. The stream seems to fall in a meandering shape.

Do-it-yourself dry stream: step by step and in detail

With the help of competent planning of the location of the bed of a dry stream, you can hide some imperfections in the relief or veil some objects that are not entirely aesthetically attractive, for example, a sewer manhole (but at the same time, which is important, completely maintaining access to it).

Creating a dry stream at your dacha with your own hands begins with the design of contours, which are “drawn” with ordinary sand, taking into account the shapes and features of the landscape of the site. This contour can be easily adjusted to achieve maximum harmonious combination dry stream with other decorative elements. To make the stream look as natural as possible, straightness should be avoided, especially in a small area - a stream with a meandering shape will visually add depth to the area.

Having decided on the size, shape and location of the channel, move on to the practical part:

  • arrangement of the pit – along the marked sand lines, dig a trench about 20-25 cm deep. The bottom is well compacted and lined with geotextile - this will prevent grass from growing. Don't fill the bottom cement mortar(although such recommendations can be found) - on the one hand, this will immediately significantly increase the cost of implementing the project, on the other hand, it will create problems in the future when redeveloping the site
  • selection of stones – to give the riverbed a sandy-brown hue, crushed granite, limestone or marble is used. Grey- blue The range of the stream can be achieved by covering the bed with geese or shale. To obtain a shimmering effect, some of the stones can be painted with waterproof paint, and varnishing, due to the shimmer of sunlight, will give the composition a “wet” effect. Melted glass laid on top of stones will look impressive

Advice! The most complete illusion of water flow can be achieved by adding a scattering of glass beads or granules to the composition.

  • laying stones – when the trench is ready, they begin to lay stones. The coastline is laid out with large, large cobblestones - they will serve as support for the inner edges, and smaller pebbles are randomly poured between them. To imitate rapids, large flat stones are installed in the riverbed, preferably of a light shade, mounted on an edge. Several especially large stones laid in the middle of the riverbed will create an island effect.

In landscape design now there are a lot various elements, with the help of which they decorate suburban areas. Designers are creating new and increasingly interesting projects for the laconic improvement of the local area. One such option is to create a so-called dry stream. Such a flow can be created in as soon as possible in contrast to a full-fledged reservoir, but it looks incredibly beautiful and organic in any landscape.

Characteristics and origin

Various types of reservoirs are often used in landscape design, but not every site can have such design. In addition, the creation and operation of water bodies in suburban area are always associated with additional financial and time costs, for example, for purification, construction of a water supply system and other components. For those who do not see the point in additional expenses and carrying out long work on the site, designers offer dry ponds.

The dry stream has become very popular in landscape design, especially in those areas that are designed in the style of a rocky garden, which came to us from Japan. In the Land of the Rising Sun, dry riverbeds were used to decorate gardens 700 years ago.

In Eastern beliefs, it is believed that such an imitation of a source attracts positive energy to the owner of the home and influences life in a better way, and also contributes to the achievement of harmony and well-being.

In fact, a dry stream is an imitation of a dried-up stream, the bottom of which is lined with stones, sand, crushed stone and other materials. And ornamental plants are planted along its banks.

The advantages of such a decorative dry element on the site in front of a real pond are:

  1. No need for constant care.
  2. Minimum financial costs for creation.
  3. Possibility of quick installation.
  4. Attractive appearance regardless of the time of year.
  5. Lack of attractiveness to harmful insects.
  6. Ability to hide landscape defects.
  7. Serving as a drainage ditch.
  8. Possibility of masking communications on the site, for example, sewer hatches, pipes, cables and other things.
  9. No restrictions in the choice of plants for planting.
  10. Complete security.

A dry stream can visually enlarge a site, divide it into functional zones, and also enhance the impression of other significant landscape objects.

Dry stream options

Dry flows can be divided into several types:

In fact, there are many different subtypes of dry streams, which differ both in appearance and in the stages of creation. We will look at the most popular ones, which are used by landscape designers to decorate areas.

Source of the stream

Such a dry stream has a specially designed source point in its composition. It could be an overturned bowl or jug, a rock or a well. This imitation looks impressive due to its naturalness.

Sand jets

To design such a dry stream you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. The general dry stream consists of several thin jets that are connected together. This effect is maintained throughout the entire channel. As a rule, these jets have different shades, or are made of materials that are contrasting, but combined with each other.

Important! Simulated waves, which can be easily created using a rake, can add originality to this element of the landscape.

Sleeve Merging

This composition is complex and requires additional design before creation. If executed correctly, such a dry stream will look impressive and natural. In appearance it resembles a dry stream into which several more flow. In the same way, several sleeves are designed at once, which merge together in a certain place.

In order for a landscape element with the effect of a dried stream to turn out laconic and fit harmoniously into the overall design when creating it, you must adhere to the following tips:

Caring for a dry stream is simple; the process consists mainly of loosening the soil around the plants and fertilizing them. During the summer months, it is recommended to water the stones and the plants themselves. As necessary, the riverbed is cleared of moss, debris, and fallen leaves to preserve its original appearance. If weeds break through the stones, they should be removed in time to avoid overgrowing the composition. At the same time, you don’t have to remove wildflowers, for example, daisies. They will become an additional decoration of a dry stream. If plants that are prone to freezing are planted near it, they should be prepared in advance for wintering.


There is nothing difficult in making a dry stream on the site with your own hands, if, of course, you treat the matter with the utmost care and allocate a sufficient amount of time.


Before proceeding to the formation of a dry stream composition, it is necessary to determine its size, shape, color and materials.

The first 2 indicators are selected based on the area of ​​the site. For example, if the territory is narrow and long, then an imitation of a dry lake will look better on the site. It is best to decorate a short and wide area with a winding stream, which will visually lengthen the area. Moreover, for correct perception, the width of the flow should not be more than 1 meter and less than 30 cm.

The location for laying the stream is also an important component that should be paid close attention to. In general, you can arrange such landscape decoration anywhere, be it in front of the house, in the garden or in the backyard. The source is placed both on a hill and on a plain. If desired, you can create a dry stream that will zone the area when divided. The object will fit perfectly into the area along the path.

The most commonly used materials for creating a dry stream are pebbles and gravel. You can purchase them at construction market. If the project requires it, the material can be painted with water-repellent paint of any color to fit well into the general style plot. Thus, small blue pebbles will resemble a real body of water from afar.

If the budget is not strictly limited, then it is quite possible to use basalt and slate for decoration in gray-blue tones. If you dilute the finished riverbed with splashes of glass beads, then when exposed to sunlight, the stream will sparkle with interesting colors.

If you plan to move away from the classical understanding of a stream and create a red-brown stream, granite, marble or limestone is used for decoration.

To create accents, large stones are used, between which pebbles are installed.

Once it has been decided where the stream will be located and what it will look like, it will be useful to capture this on paper in the form of a sketch, so as not to go astray in the future and complete the landscape object in accordance with the creative plan.

Laying stones

Installation of a dry stream begins with marking and preparing the surface. Thus, the boundaries of the future stream are outlined with sand or highlighted with a rope. These contours are used to dig a trench along them about 15 - 30 cm deep. Do not make it too deep.

The bottom of the trench is thoroughly leveled and compacted. Geotextiles are laid on top - a material that will prevent the growth of plants and the deepening of the trench after the creation of a dry stream.

Next, you can proceed to the actual laying of stones. They begin by decorating the banks with large cobblestones. Smaller stones are placed in chaotic order in the crevices. After the banks, the stream itself is created as the imagination requires.

If necessary, a dry stream is decorated with stones painted in different colors. You can even arrange lighting so that in the dark the stream plays with colors and gives the area a touch of romance and mystery.

Important! The stones are laid only in the most natural order possible, so that no one even thinks that the stream was created artificially.

Flower Creek

You can create a stream not only from stones. Plants are often used for decoration. This semblance of a stream looks incredibly luxurious on the site. As a rule, ground cover and hanging representatives of the flora are used as a basis. Pansies, buttercups, phlox and lobelias are great.

Important! Such a stream will have a decorative appearance only during the flowering period of the plants that decorate it.

Selection of plants

Both the floral and dry rock streams require flowers to support the arrangement and make it complete. It is important to choose plant varieties that will be optimal for performing this function.

Meadowsweet, bathwort, irises and loosestrife are especially effective when planted along the edges of a stream. Places where the stream takes a different shape are decorated with decorative onions or small bushes planted individually.

In those places where the shadow falls, the place shade-tolerant plants, such as ferns and hostas.

Important! For a dry stream, those plants that are usually used to decorate alpine slides on the site are excellent.

Flowers and herbs are typically planted in small groups to avoid too much crowding that will overwhelm the visual beauty of a dry stream. Large spreading flowers should be combined with ground cover to avoid the effect of neglected plantings.


A dry stream is an excellent alternative to a full-fledged reservoir. There are a huge number of options for designing it on the site. It is even possible to perform a completely new and previously unknown type of such landscape decoration, all you need is a little imagination and desire.