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» Your own business: how to open a summer cafe. An establishment for those with a sweet tooth - an ice cream parlor

Your own business: how to open a summer cafe. An establishment for those with a sweet tooth - an ice cream parlor

There are more and more people wanting to start their own business every day. Almost everyone is ready to give up work in order to start working for themselves. However, is everything so simple? There are so many ideas today that there is more than enough for everyone. However, you will have to work hard. And this review will examine almost the most popular entrepreneurial activity today. We are talking about opening a cafe. There can be many variations of such a business. Children's and summer cafes, ice cream parlors and cafe-bars. And if you show your imagination, you can come up with something original. It is necessary to consider in more detail the main nuances of this case.

Opening your own business

A summer cafe can always attract a large number of attention. Especially if the weather is hot. However, it is worth remembering some nuances. When answering the question of how to open a summer cafe, it is very important to achieve high attendance. This review will reveal the main points associated with this type of business.

What will an entrepreneur have to face?

Almost all cities have certain features associated with opening a summer cafe. However, on most points the requirements are the same. For example, official registration does not have any global differences. So what should an entrepreneur do?

Firstly, you need to think about the place where the cafe will be located. To obtain ownership of it, an entrepreneur must contact the land department, which is located in the administration - district or city. In some situations, plots may be rented out. The basis in this case will be the appeal of the entrepreneur. But plots for construction can also be leased based on the results of competitions.

Sketch design

Before opening a cafe, you need to draw up a project for it. The sketch can be drawn up either by the entrepreneur himself or by third-party companies specializing in this field of activity. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account that local authorities A number of demands may be put forward. These could be recommendations regarding the external design, the shape of the sign, etc. It is also possible that the authorities may put forward requirements regarding the improvement of the territory that will be located next to the future cafe. The product range is also in most cases subject to strict control.

The draft will need to be approved by several committees of the city or district administration at once. After passing all necessary procedures on at this stage You will need to apply to use your chosen location. After this, the review process will begin. If the answer is positive, then a corresponding order will be issued and a land lease agreement will be concluded.

Menu development and purchase of fire-fighting equipment

Do you want to figure out how to open a cafe? It should be understood that there is no need to waste time in this matter. Therefore, while the application is being considered, it is necessary to develop an assortment of dishes and drinks. The compiled list will need to be agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The entrepreneur should also purchase several fire extinguishers. They are necessary in order to obtain appropriate permission to open your own cafe from fire inspectors. You also need to enter into an agreement with companies that deal with waste removal.

If you want to understand how to open a cafe from scratch, then you should know that there are no specific features in this matter. We must be guided by exactly the same rules that are fundamental when opening other catering establishments. It should also be taken into account that many visitors do not always behave quietly and calmly. That's why work time Some cafes close at 23.00.

What will need to be purchased for the future cafe?

Some aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in the question of how to open a cafe are of the opinion that the amount of initial capital is small. Accordingly, such a business will pay off quite quickly. Profit, of course, is at the very beginning of its formation entrepreneurial activity may be high. But in this situation, location will play a huge role. But with expenses it’s not so simple.

First of all, you need to spend money on the approval procedure and obtaining a variety of permits. In addition, sometimes this process can drag on significantly if you do not remind yourself.

We'll have to buy everything necessary equipment and furniture. Refrigerators, awnings, a toilet - all this and much more should be provided if you want to understand how to open a cafe. A business plan must be drawn up taking into account all the details. To reduce costs, you can purchase some equipment for rent. In addition, there are some companies that can rent out equipment for free. But this is done only under the condition of mandatory sale of their products.

What is needed to open a cafe?

Documentation worth taking care of

Before opening a cafe, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. Documentation that will serve as the basis for the operation of the cafe. This also includes regulations.
  2. Conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station, issued after inspection by specialists of this service.
  3. Sanitary rules.
  4. Documentation that can confirm the high quality of products.
  5. Instructions that will indicate the rules for washing dishes.
  6. Book for complaints and suggestions. It must be stitched, numbered and certified by the entrepreneur himself.
  7. Permission is required for external advertising. It is required in order to make a sign.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to ensure that cafe employees have not only medical records, but also personal sanitary clothing. This is all the documentation that is needed to answer the question of how to open a mini-cafe.

What expenses will an entrepreneur have to face?

Every month it is necessary to transfer rent for a plot of land. Its size will depend entirely on the cadastral value of the selected location for the cafe.

In order to purchase quality products from reliable suppliers, you also need a considerable amount of money. Employees will need to be paid twice a month wages. Once a month the salary will be calculated insurance premiums and income taxes. The tax that is charged on the main type of activity will depend on the size of the area under the cafe.

You will also have to face costs when solving all problems related to connecting to sewerage, water supply, and electrical networks. To open your own summer cafe in a small town, you will need to spend about 50 thousand rubles. IN big cities The amount of initial capital reaches 300 thousand rubles.

How to open a cafe from scratch? In addition to all of the above, you will need to take care of hiring employees. When opening a summer cafe employment contracts it will be necessary to conclude seasonal work. But there are no fundamental differences in in this case not available.

Opening a cafe for children

How to open a children's cafe? If this process is considered from the perspective of organizing business activities, taxation and permits, then you need to do everything the same as when opening an ordinary restaurant or cafe. Although there are certain laws. It should also be taken into account that the enterprise in this situation will not have high profitability compared to those institutions that are designed for adults. In addition, the entrepreneur must have a lot of imagination, which will be required when decorating the premises. You will also need to take care of creating an entertainment program.

To open a children's cafe, you will need to rent several premises - production and warehouse. It will also be necessary to equip a games room. It should be located separately from the snack area. When calculating all sizes, you should be guided by GOST 30389-95.

You should also take care of the design when answering the question of how to open your own business - a cafe for children. Any unique technologies it will not be necessary to use in this case. It is necessary to design a sign, entrance, employee uniform, etc. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children's perception. In this case, you can use the help of a child psychologist. In order to equip play area, you will need to spend about $800.

The list of permits in this situation is no different from the documentation that will need to be collected when opening a catering establishment.

Making a list of dishes

The menu for children should be simple. The list of dishes must have a minimum number of sentences with images. Exactly appearance treats are usually given to children. When creating a menu, you can also consult with child psychologists. When creating a list of dishes, you should not forget about the interests of your parents, because they are the ones who decide which company to visit. Naturally, there can be no talk of smoking and sales of alcoholic beverages in a children's cafe.

What expenses does an entrepreneur expect?

  1. The purchase of furniture may require about 45 thousand dollars. In this matter you need to be guided sanitary rules for catering establishments.
  2. About 10 thousand dollars will be spent on staff salaries.
  3. Don't forget about hiring animators and nannies. These people must be able to communicate with children. The average salary will be 5 thousand dollars.

If you want to figure out how to open a small cafe for children, then you should consider that the main source of income will be the organization entertainment programs. If the work is done efficiently, the business will pay for itself in about 3 years. On average, you will have to spend about 70 thousand dollars to open a children's cafe.

An ice cream parlor can be profitable

A budding entrepreneur may be interested in the question of how to open an ice cream parlor. The reason for this is simple: organizing such activities does not require a lot of money. At the same time, the payback is quite high level. Another advantage of such activities is low competition.

You can become the owner of an ice cream parlor different ways. An entrepreneur can buy it, create it independently, or open it as a franchise. Buying an already established business is not very popular. And enterprises of this type very rarely go on sale. The second method is more optimal for experienced restaurateurs, while the third option is suitable for beginning entrepreneurs.

The first steps towards starting your own business

First of all, you will need to think about renting premises, which will include several zones: production, household, warehouse and retail. They will all be needed in order to answer the question of how to open a cafe. It is impossible to do this without money. However, you can sharply reduce the amount of initial capital by creating not a full-fledged cafe, but only a showcase for selling ice cream. The products themselves can be purchased from other companies.

You will need to hire staff. The number of employees will depend entirely on the size of the enterprise. The list of documents required to organize a business is practically no different from the documentation that is required when opening other catering establishments.

Key points to consider

If you are thinking about how to open a cafe-bar, then you should understand that there will be fewer risks when organizing such a business than when opening a restaurant. In addition, the amount of initial capital is not too high. You can save money not only on hiring staff, but also on storing products. In order to open such an institution, it will take about 100 thousand dollars. The business will pay for itself in 3 years.

Besides all necessary documentation, which was described above, you will also need a license to sell alcohol. This is the fundamental difference between a cafe-bar and other establishments of this type.


This review discussed the main points regarding questions about how to open a small cafe. There is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to take a thorough approach to organizing your own business. Then success for a novice businessman is guaranteed. And profit in such a situation will not take long to arrive. In addition, do not forget about the constant expansion of your enterprise. You should not throw it away under any circumstances. Good luck in your endeavors!

The format for an ice cream cafe must be chosen depending on the location; one of the democratic options is to open your own cafe on the territory shopping center, where there are many visitors.

An ice cream parlor can be bought, created from scratch, or opened as a franchise. The first option is inaccessible: such establishments rarely go on sale. The second option is most often chosen by professional restaurateurs. And the third is the purchase of a franchise famous company- preferred by investors who do not have extensive experience in catering.

Russians buy less ice cream than citizens of other countries. According to estimates by the Union of Ice Cream Makers of Russia, a resident of a large Russian city eats an average of 4.5 kg of ice cream per year, while 20 kg per American, and 8-10 kg per European. However, as incomes grow, Russians will spend everything more money for a cold treat.

Among the new cafes opening in Lately, a combined format has become popular: “ice cream and confectionery” or “ice cream and coffee shop”. Such cafes, for example, successfully supplement their assortment with confectionery products of their own production. This expands the cafe's capabilities. Nevertheless, the basis of turnover - 80% - is still made up of ice cream sales.

The experience of successful cafes shows that the sale of drinks accounts for 10-15% of their turnover. And the presence of baked goods, salads and other dishes on the menu increases revenue by 35-40%.

To organize a trading and manufacturing company like an “ice cream parlor” you need:

1. Find suitable premises. An ice cream cafe can be stationary or free-standing, and can also be located in the food court of a shopping and entertainment complex. The area required for an ice cream cafe is at least 50 square meters. m., and it should be clearly divided into commercial, industrial, household and warehouse area. For trading in a shopping complex, an area of ​​5 square meters will be sufficient. m.

2. Obtain permission from the SES and order a technological project.

3. Obtain permission from the fire department.

3. Conclude a lease agreement for the found premises. The most the best option will be the conclusion of a long-term contract providing for a low rental rate.

4. Carry out the necessary repairs to the premises.

5. Find suitable suppliers of raw materials and enter into a supply agreement with them.

6. Recruit suitable personnel. An ice cream cafe should have between 10 and 20 employees. Among them: bartenders, cashiers, salespeople, confectioners, managers of confectionery teams, equipment engineer, executive director and accountant.

There are two types of ice cream parlors: stationary and located in shopping and entertainment centers. The second format has more prospects.

Firstly, active construction of new shopping centers is underway.

Secondly, in the end the rent trading place in a shopping center is cheaper than the same area in ordinary buildings in busy equivalent parts of a certain city - about $60-120 per sq. m. m, in an ordinary room the rental cost is $40-100 per sq. m. m total area. But at the same time, the tenant pays for a toilet, a corridor, etc., that is, for an area that does not generate profit.

Third, less costs related to repairs, because there is no need to do it.

Fourthly, cafes in shopping centers - minimizing costs for promotions. If the shopping center is popular, then customers go to the cafe all the time.

The perfect ice cream parlor
The area of ​​the stationary premises is from 50 sq. m, places in shopping centers - from 5 sq. m Location: a crowded street with convenient access roads, preferably in the city center, or a food court in a large shopping complex.

Moscow cafes: statistics and trends

Market volume in 2003 - $120-135 million.
. 2004 - $135-150 million.
. Forecast for 2010 - $400-450 million.
. Growth rate On average - more than 20% per year.
. Market saturation There are more than 100 cafes in Moscow.

Average monthly profit

Cafes in shopping centers - $12-15 thousand.
. Stationary cafes - $21-24 thousand.

MS Word Volume: 40 pages

Business plan

Reviews (36)

We present a business plan for a children's cafe that will allow you to gain self-confidence and prioritize your endeavors. In many populated areas There is a shortage of children's catering establishments, but this business is profitable, moreover, the occupancy of the establishment will be constant. Much depends on the room, which should be cozy, clean, with interesting compositional design solutions. Tables and chairs should be comfortable for children and adults, and the choice of products should be varied.

Having received a sample business plan for organizing a children's cafe, you will understand, for example, how many varieties of ice cream should always be available, where to look for suppliers of this nutritious and tasty product, and there should also be no shortage of soft drinks, a variety of desserts: from fruit salads to cream and jelly. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just a sweet assortment; babies grow quickly, and a growing body constantly wants to grab a piece of something tasty. Therefore, the menu of a children's institution may contain full meals, sandwiches, hot dogs, etc.

After studying the business plan for a children's entertainment cafe with a playroom, you can get theoretical basis highly profitable business and assess the prospects of the undertaking. Manufacturers are constantly expanding their line of products for children, striving to satisfy all the needs of children in a variety of toys, games, and products. Therefore, it is important to respond to fashion trends, purchasing popular doll models in game room, which will definitely attract little visitors to your cafe.

It’s so easy to please a child: just say a few words – “Let’s go to the cafe!” Many parents love to pamper their kids, which means that a business like an ice cream parlor for children has very good prospects. Establishments that you can visit with your children, where they can enjoy their favorite desserts and have fun, are becoming increasingly popular. But so far the number of children's cafes in many cities is not able to satisfy the growing demand.

Opening your own ice cream parlor for children makes many entrepreneurs think about whether this project will bring the expected profit. In fact, profit will not be long in coming if you manage to attract customers to your establishment. All children love the festive atmosphere and sweets. If you can provide these basic components, then you can assume that success is just around the corner.

When looking for premises for a cafe, give preference to spacious areas; for example, organizing a children's cafe with 100 seats requires a room of at least 150 square meters. meters. After all, in addition to tables, the cafe needs to have a play area, as well as a place for entertainment events.

For most kids, visiting a cafe is a real holiday. And you have the power to extend it, fill it with vivid emotions, so that the time spent within the walls of your establishment will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, do not forget about entertainment - these could be performances with clowns, various game events.

When opening an ice cream parlor, you should carefully consider correct design menu, because you won’t feed your visitors only an ice-cold dessert. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that baby food Serious requirements are imposed, and there are many dishes that are contraindicated for children.

The menu can include light snacks, pastries, juices, milkshakes, and various desserts, except ice cream. The latter, by the way, should have at least 10-15 varieties on the menu, so that each visitor can choose a cold delicacy to suit his taste. Please note that portions of dishes should be small, otherwise the child simply will not be able to finish everything.

Only a few businessmen risk opening a children's cafe from scratch; to do this, you need to have serious experience in this field. For those new to business, the best option is to open a children's cafe as a franchise. At the same time, it’s up to you to decide whether you will purchase ice cream from suppliers, or ensure the full production cycle of the delicacy in your cafe. To do this, you will need high-quality equipment for an ice cream parlor, as well as fresh raw materials for its production. It is possible to purchase base mixtures that are produced abroad.

Opening a children's ice cream parlor can become a source of not only endless pleasure for you, but also a very impressive profit. The key to success is competent organization process, which will be simplified by an example of a business plan for opening a children's cafe with ready-made calculations, which describes in detail the process of creating and opening a children's cafe from A to Z.

In this material:

Beginning entrepreneurs can be advised to open an ice cream shop. Such a business will not require large investments and will help you quickly generate income. It is possible to sell packaged products or sell soft ice cream; each type of delicacy has its own fans. With the right assortment and a good location, success will not be long in coming. Over time, you can expand your network and achieve greater profits.

Ice cream business: advantages and disadvantages

Selling ice cream - simple and affordable option business for beginners. Among the advantages of the business:

  • high profitability, reaching up to 200%;
  • small initial investment;
  • mobility;
  • possibility of expanding the assortment with drinks, desserts, frozen semi-finished products.

Despite the obvious prospects, the business also has some disadvantages:

  • seasonality of the business, in winter the product sells worse than in the summer heat;
  • trading through kiosks requires permission from the SES, fire inspectorate, district administration and other authorities;
  • high competition;
  • the level of sales greatly depends on the location of the point;
  • perishable product requiring special conditions storage

Soft or packaged ice cream: what to choose

An entrepreneur who decides to specialize in selling cold delicacies is faced with a choice of which product to prefer. Packaged industrial ice cream is better stored, and its sale requires minimal documentation. However, such a product also has disadvantages. You will have to compete with brick-and-mortar kiosks and supermarkets offering similar products at a lower price. The quality of industrial ice cream does not always meet the needs of customers who prefer a more natural product.

The advantages of packaged ice cream include: a wide range of products and low cost of equipment for sale. To organize the point, you will need a battery freezer; you can get it for free from the company that produces the product. Please note that the supplier may insist that only their product be sold, which will reduce potential profits. Beginning entrepreneurs who do not want to commit themselves can buy a used stall or lease it. In this case, the formation of the assortment will depend only on your tastes and capabilities.

Soft ice cream allows you to make a higher markup, and there are significantly fewer points of sale for it. To organize a point, more significant investments are required. You need to purchase a counter, a freezer for making treats, scales, cash machine and small equipment (metal spoons, water containers).

The disadvantages of a point selling soft ice cream include increased requirements from the SES. A good option is to open a point in a stationary store. It is also possible to rent a counter in a pavilion selling fast food and located in a busy, high-traffic area.

Sales subtleties: how to achieve success

The basis for successful implementation is a properly selected assortment. It is advisable to create an assortment of brands that are not sold on every corner. You can rely on more expensive varieties of natural milk and cream or specialize in the products of small factories. IN summer time Cups and popsicles are in demand; in winter and autumn, cakes and ice cream rolls sell better. The assortment will be complemented by popular frozen yoghurts with fruit additives, granitas, sorbet and other cold delicacy options.

It is better to locate ice cream spots in places large cluster people. These could be parks, busy streets, areas near cinemas, supermarkets, schools, colleges. It is advisable that there are no stationary cafes or supermarkets with a similar assortment nearby.

A good option for the location of the point is a dacha area. Busy villages can bring good profits in the summer; in winter, the mobile counter can be moved within the city limits. Trade can also be expanded in large rural settlements where there is no serious competition.

Consider expanding your range. You can add cold or hot drinks, packaged vegetables and fruits, and other options for frozen semi-finished products to ice cream.

Before entering into a contract with a supplier, choose the most profitable terms. Make sure that the wholesaler or manufacturer has a freezer van that allows them to deliver the goods without disturbing the temperature.

Profitability and expandability

Costs for one point selling packaged ice cream will not exceed 20,000 rubles. Selling a soft product from a freezer will cost more. To organize one counter with full equipment you will have to spend 80,000-100,000 rubles. To the one-time costs you will have to add the monthly costs of purchasing goods and salaries of employees.

The average markup on ice cream is 200%. The point will pay for itself in 3 months, after which it will begin to generate stable profits. Once you have achieved success, you can think about expanding your network.

For optimal profitability, it is better to keep 4-5 counters in the busiest places.

An ice cream business should be started in the summer, during the seasonal rise in sales. During the cold season, trade can be curtailed or the range expanded by adding frozen semi-finished products and hot drinks. In order not to burn out, you should not open several points at once. Start with one and expand the business only if you are absolutely successful.

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Good establishments specializing in catering, usually do not need clients, therefore this type of business is developing actively and has excellent prospects. But the competition is also extreme: what to sell and what food to choose so that it is in demand? A budding entrepreneur can choose a delicacy that is beloved by both children and adults - ice cream. According to statistics, in Russia each person eats about seven kilograms of this cold dessert per year. Although in the United States, for example, this figure is much higher, here too this business will be profitable if you approach its organization wisely. In this article we will tell you how to open an ice cream parlor from scratch and what a businessman needs to do to do this.

The target audience

A common misconception is that only children eat ice cream and that's purely children's dessert. Statistics show that the main buyers of this product are adult men, who make up 40% of the number of buyers of this delicacy. Therefore, when creating a menu, you need to focus on different categories of people. Although, of course, women with children will be a priority, they will be able to drop by for a quick visit during your walk.

The more varieties of ice cream on the menu, the better for the cafe, because guests will be able to choose what they like and want to come again. It is best to make this establishment a family one, where parents with their children, as well as couples in love, can come. Kids will love the beauty and color of the dishes, while adults will appreciate the range and environmentally friendly ingredients. Therefore, it makes sense to make the room colorful and bright, and the menu varied.

Speaking about people’s preferences, we can say that chocolate ice cream remains the most popular today, so be sure to put it on the menu, preferably in several variations ( dark chocolate, milk chocolate, with and without nuts). It was also noted that women prefer low-fat varieties With big amount fruits and syrups.

How to open an ice cream parlor in a small town

Any business idea begins with building its own concept, original and different from others. The question of where to start can be answered this way: first, select a suitable room in which the cafe will be located. Attendance largely depends on this.

You can rent a room or build it yourself, but the second option is expensive and beyond the capabilities of novice entrepreneurs. There are two possibilities: a separate building or a location inside a large shopping center. The second option is preferable, because in large shopping and entertainment establishments there are always a lot of visitors who will come to the ice cream parlor; there is unlikely to be a shortage of guests. Renting space in a shopping center is, of course, not cheap, but it is still cheaper than renting for a separate building. But there is also a difficulty: competition for the right to work in a shopping center is extremely high, and owners more often give preference to well-known franchises than start-ups.

As for the area of ​​the room, 50 square meters is enough. m. Zoning is required:

  • Production workshop – 20 sq. m.
  • Hall for visitors – 15 sq. m.
  • Warehouse – 8 sq.m. m.
  • Change house – 4 sq. m.

If you make a choice in favor of your own building, it is important that the premises comply with sanitary and fire standards, otherwise the regulatory authorities will create serious obstacles for you when opening.

The easiest way is to use a franchise, which gives you the right to use a ready-made network business. But remember that this will impose certain restrictions and obligations on the businessman, and in this case there will be less income, because the proceeds will have to be shared.

Selection of format and design

The next important step is choosing the operating format for the ice cream parlor. Some prefer to sell their own products, others buy ice cream from their suppliers. To decide which of these paths to take, calculations must be made. The cost of production is calculated and compared with the prices offered by suppliers. You need to settle on what is more profitable.

Next comes the paperwork. Documents are needed for official opening, it is illegal to operate without them. Individual entrepreneur is registered or legal entity. The choice depends on future prospects. If you are planning to run a small cafe and do not plan to scale it up in the foreseeable future, an individual entrepreneur will do. If you intend to launch a chain of several ice cream parlors, then it is wiser to choose an LLC.

At the time of registration, indicate the OKVED code number 56.1 (or subsections). To be able to legally operate your premises, you must obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service. In addition, you will need to obtain copies of certificates for purchased raw materials and equipment from suppliers. If you produce ice cream according to your own recipe, rather than purchasing it, you will need technology approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The next step is to purchase inventory. If planned own production, then you will have to spend a lot of money on purchasing equipment. You buy a machine called a “freezer”, which makes ice cream: whips it, pasteurizes it and cools it to a certain temperature. Its price depends on the level of performance. Thus, a device with a productivity of 4 kg/hour will cost about 100 thousand rubles. More productive machines will cost significantly more. To further cool the product, another installation is needed, the price of which is around 30 thousand rubles. And you can’t do without things like:

  • Fridge blast freezing products.
  • Showcase with cooling.
  • Ice cream storage vat.
  • Optional equipment.

You also need furniture on which visitors will sit. High tables for eating while standing and comfortable small plastic tables with chairs are suitable. Beautiful wooden furniture expensive, so choose it if you expect a large influx of visitors or want to create the image of a luxury establishment.

The cost of the equipment depends entirely on the specific manufacturer. It is believed that Korean and Chinese equipment is the cheapest, but its quality is considered low. The best manufacturers are located in Italy.

Raw materials

When thinking about opening a cafe that sells ice cream, pay attention Special attention for raw materials. From low quality sources a good product don't cook. Modern ice cream is made from special mixtures that are mixed with water and as a result technological process a sweet treat is created.

The prepared mass is placed in cups from which visitors to the establishment eat. The glasses can be cardboard or edible waffle (this option is cheaper, customers like it better, and leaves less waste). We recommend that you focus on it. average price plastic packaging is 60 kopecks, and a wafer cone is 20 kopecks.

To get a worthy supplier, you need to choose reputable manufacturers who have been engaged in this business for many years. It wouldn’t hurt to go to the factory to see the storage conditions and the production process. You first need to spend about 250 thousand rubles on raw materials.


This small business relies on employees working in the ice cream parlor, so you need to look for friendly people who will approach their responsibilities responsibly. Approximately ten people will be required:

  • 2 pastry chefs.
  • 2 technologists.
  • 2 bar workers.
  • 2 cash register workers.
  • 1 accountant (outsourcing possible).
  • 1 equipment repairman (possibly by agreement with the equipment supplier).

The entrepreneur himself can be a director or manager. This way you can save on wages. Young people without work experience, even students, will be able to work in an ice cream parlor. Then you need to organize training so that employees learn how to operate special equipment.

You will need to allocate about 250 thousand rubles monthly for wages.

Advantages and disadvantages

The business idea of ​​creating your own ice cream parlor has pros and cons. Perhaps the most important disadvantage is the seasonality of such a business. Ice cream is in demand in summer periods year, and than hotter weather, the better it sells. In winter, demand is noticeably lower, so it is worth having a selection of non-cold desserts with hot drinks. However, lovers of this sweet eat it with pleasure even in winter, although more often they do not order individual portions, but buy large packages to take home. Therefore, we can offer the “ice cream to go” packaging option. IN winter time The sale of cakes, desserts and pastries can also keep the establishment afloat throughout the year.

Another difficulty is collecting permits, for which you will have to go through many government agencies.

The advantages of this line of business are the ability to rent a small space compared to other types of cafes, inexpensive equipment and the absence of the need for expensive, qualified employees.

In conclusion

This step-by-step instruction will help you understand what needs to be done to open an ice cream parlor in a small town and determine for yourself whether it is profitable. You can make money from this idea if you create detailed business plan and implement it. Business profitability can be high if the right approach to the business and the availability of financial resources to keep it afloat for a long time. You should prepare for seasonal declines in sales and take this into account when drawing up your business plan. With good discord, such an establishment will pay for itself in about one year.