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» Our own rabbit farm: developing a business. Rabbit breeding business plan

Our own rabbit farm: developing a business. Rabbit breeding business plan

Rabbit breeding has been known to mankind since ancient times. Its relevance is not lost in modern world: products obtained from a given industry National economy, is extremely in demand in the market. It will be useful for novice rabbit breeders to learn the basics on which successful rabbit breeding is based, and what to do to make a rabbit farm profitable.

The goal of any livestock farming is to obtain the required products in the maximum possible quantities. Rabbit breeding has proven itself exclusively with the best side. The following reasons contributed to this:

  • unpretentiousness. Rabbit breeding does not require large economic costs;
  • productivity. The livestock is increasing at a rapid pace;
  • demand. Demand for rabbit meat and fur is stable and reliable.

Rabbit products:

  • meat. It is the main type of income. Experienced livestock breeders specialize in producing meat. Sold wholesale or retail. Especially popular in restaurants. The share of meat from the total weight of the animal is approximately 50%;
  • fur. Used in light industry as a material for elegant and warm clothing;
  • directly rabbits. Purebred individuals are valued as pets;
  • Rabbit excrement is considered an excellent fertilizer for many crops.

The profitability of rabbit farming is approximately 70%. This is a large indicator indicating high probability success of the enterprise. Many people know about the fertility of rabbits: a sexually mature female can produce up to 30 rabbits in a year, which guarantees a quick return on investment for the business. Animals grow quickly: in 1 month the mass of an individual increases approximately 10 times. After just three months, the average rabbit weighs about 2.5 kilograms.

The choice of breed directly depends on the goals. However, most experienced farmers prefer universal breeds. Example: accelerated rabbits, gaining weight in just a couple of months.

How to start?

Before you start, you should take care of the legal and economic aspects of the enterprise. A business from scratch will require the following resources:

  • growing space. You will need a plot of land, the desired size of which is at least 15 acres. It is legally prohibited to grow near residential buildings;
  • electricity, water, heat. Like any other living species, rabbits require basic conditions to survive;
  • equipment: drinking places, food, cages, tools;
  • carnage. Necessary for direct production of products;
  • feed.

The listed resources are required for both a large enterprise and a mini-farm. Optionally, staff may be required if the novice rabbit breeder is not going to work alone.

The lion's share of expenses will be taken up by feed. It is recommended to acquire a special warehouse with supplies for several months in advance. It’s easier to purchase food in bulk: a large number of at a cheap price. Animals' favorite food is hay and grains. The experience of professionals has shown that rabbits do not like crushed cereals. It is best to make mixtures from different crops.

A small enterprise should start with 2-3 mini-farms, which will include 3 females and 1 male. If we take into account equipment and feed, the final amount of starting capital will be approximately 120,000 rubles. Small business has low risks and requires modest investments.

Advice: 16 females is the ideal number for productive and profitable activities. As the event grows, you should reach this figure.

Thus, sample business plan will look like this.

Legal side of the issue

A rabbit farm can be opened in two organizational and legal forms: individual entrepreneur and private household plot. The comparison is given in the table below.

Which one to choose? Personal farming is suitable for small farms, since there is no tax burden. On the other hand, market agents and state enterprises are more willing to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs. In addition to individual entrepreneurs and private household plots, you can also create peasant farms. By the nature of its activities, a farm is no different from an individual entrepreneur. Two nuances of peasant farms as an organizational and legal form: legal uncertainty (vague rules of law) and the opportunity to receive support from the state. Bottom line: to participate in the market the best solution will be an individual entrepreneur, for a modest enterprise “for oneself” - a subsidiary plot.

How to buy?

A start-up business needs to take care of the sex ratio of individuals. In practice, the most common ratio is 1 male per 10 females. The sex is determined simply: put the rabbit on its back and pull the tail up. The presence of a tube-shaped process indicates a male; its absence indicates a female.

Where to buy animals? Private organizations are selling them. There is little point in going to a pet store - there is a high probability that they will not be there. General advice: Look for suggestions from professional farmers. The Internet, newspaper advertisements and information from friends will help. There are dozens of rabbit farms in each region.

When purchasing, you should be guided by the following rules:

The correct choice of the initial stock has a decisive influence on future breeding. Next important point- breed of animal.

Choosing a breed

It all depends on the goals set by the beginning rabbit breeder. If the goal is meat production, then preference should be given to meat breeds, if fur, then to skin breeds.

Large quantities of meat are guaranteed from the following breeds:

The preferred method is cellular. If you have a large population, you can use shads, which are essentially a type of cage. Advantages of the cellular system:

  • feeding regulation;
  • planned matings;
  • light breeding work;
  • isolation of a sick animal.

It is the cellular method that provides maximum productivity. Meat and skins are obtained High Quality, valued on the market. In the CIS countries, professional rabbit breeders mainly use cages.

Rabbit farm: structure and features

A mini-farm is a system of cells that are combined into one structure. The net takes up little space and can accommodate a large number of animals. The approximate area of ​​the mini-farm is 2 m², which can accommodate up to 40 animals.

Types of mini-farms:

  • decorative;
  • mini-dachas;
  • homestead;
  • industrial.

The most acceptable option for breeding is home gardens. Decorative ones are not used throughout the year, but large ones require considerable investment. Homestead mini-farms are economical and spacious. Depending on the number of tiers, single-tier and multi-tier farms are distinguished. The choice is based on the size of the enterprise.

The design of any mini-farm should include:

The construction of a rabbitry needs to be given close attention - the health of the rabbits and even the farmer’s maintenance costs depend on this. What types of rabbit hutches are there? In our article you will find drawings, tools and materials, photos + videos.

To increase efficiency, a hopper feeder will also be required. Its presence promotes compliance sanitary standards: Feed is safely loaded once a week. Feature rabbit mini-farms - good functionality and increased autonomy. Such qualities ensure a constant flow of products and minimal costs.

Despite the abundance of structures, the so-called Mikhailov farm has gained the greatest popularity. And not without reason. By now it is considered a classic. It is worth examining it in more detail.

Making a Mikhailov farm

The following components will be required for construction:

  • lumber. The wood is pre-treated with antifungal agents. Timber is bought regular sizes(20-40 mm);
  • plywood;
  • iron;
  • tools: hacksaw, jigsaw, drill, hammer, scissors, pliers;
  • nails;
  • net. Previously they used metal mesh, now they are popular soft materials, as rabbits can get hurt;
  • roof.

The Mikhailov farm is a structure consisting of 3 interconnected elements: upper and lower tiers and a stand. The upper section has a walking section, the lower section has a feeding trough and water. The upper tier is jigging and mother. In the uterine tier, the queen is crossed with a breeding male. Young animals are raised in the jigging chamber.

The cells have an area of ​​about 1.5 m². Each can accommodate up to 20 individuals. Mikhailov's farm is essentially multi-tiered shads. Most often, two-tier structures are used.

Characteristic features of Mikhailov's design:

  • autonomous cleaning. All animal waste goes directly into the garbage compartment without human intervention;
  • unlimited water and food. The system uses simple laws nature: food is supplied as it decreases due to gravity, and water is supplied due to the law of connected vessels;
  • heating system providing a constant and favorable temperature environment in winter;
  • complete satisfaction of animal instincts. The design resembles natural rabbit holes and holes;
  • functionality. Young animals can be moved to another compartment without harm to them.

The lifespan of the Mikhailov farm is approximately 20 years. This is almost twice as much as using traditional models.

Making a Mikhailov farm:

The finished mini-farm can be placed anywhere. It doesn't take up much space. Experienced rabbit breeders advise stirring the structure in the open air - this promotes the healthy development of the offspring. With this placement, you will have to take care of insulation - rabbits do not tolerate drafts well.

What can and cannot be fed to rabbits?

Without understanding the basics of feeding, healthy rabbits cannot be raised. From here you will learn what kinds of food there are for rabbits and how to feed long-eared rabbits correctly, you will find the norms and feeding regimes. And in you will learn what to feed rabbits is strictly prohibited.

Features of Mikhailov's technique

Igor Nikolaevich Mikhailov is a Russian rabbit breeder, whose rabbit breeding technique has become a standard and a textbook example. As a result of long experiments, Mikhailov managed to develop an acceleration technique that ensures maximum productivity. It has been proven in practice that the Mikhailovsky method significantly reduces the cost of caring for pets.

Legend of rabbit breeding - Igor Mikhailov

Characteristic features of the technique:

  • the need for a mini-farm. Without it, proper and successful breeding of animals is impossible;
  • ensuring communication between the young and the mother. The offspring are fed by the female for the first 3 months (traditionally it was only 3 weeks), after which they switch to regular food. Such long feeding from the mother ensures rapid growth and increased immunity;
  • waste products should not get into the feed. This is guaranteed by the design feature of the truss;
  • micraxel. The fur obtained as a result of using Mikhailov’s technique is highly valued in light industry.

As a result of using Mikhailov’s method, each rabbit breeder receives about 100 kilograms of meat and approximately 40 skins per year. Stable profits and a constant influx of clients are guaranteed.

Farm structure is the most important technological process, as a result of which the rabbit breeding business will pay off in the first year of operation. Choosing between various designs, a beginning rabbit breeder should pay attention Special attention to Mikhailov’s technique as a time-tested practice.

Video - Breeding rabbits on a farm

Rabbit breeding as a business is becoming increasingly popular today among those interested in starting their own business.

However, in order to build a truly profitable business, you need to understand the specifics of rabbit farming. The features of rabbit breeding will be discussed in this article.

The main types of meat that can be found on store and supermarket shelves today are beef, pork and lamb. Thus, assessing all the benefits of rabbit meat both in terms of taste, quality, and usefulness for the human body, we can say with confidence that this market niche is still practically free.

Unlike pig or cow meat, rabbit meat is absorbed by the human body much better. The digestibility rate of rabbit meat is 90%, versus approximately 60% in our usual meat. In addition to this, rabbit meat has excellent dietary qualities due to its low fat content.

So, having a product that is excellent in taste and benefits for humans and a relatively free market niche that can be filled with it, we can confidently say that raising rabbits at home is a potentially highly profitable business.

Raising rabbits as a business - features

When planning to start a rabbit breeding business, you need to understand what features it has.

One of them is actually the high reproductive capacity of rabbits.

Thus, bearing cubs for thirty days, the female rabbit is capable of the next fertilization the very next day after giving birth. In one year, an adult female rabbit can produce about 200 rabbits, which is 500 kilograms of meat.

Depending on the purposes of rabbit breeding, we can distinguish the following types breeds:

  • meat rabbits: gray and white giants, rams;
  • fur rabbits: rex, butterfly, white downy;
  • decorative breeds.

Some breeds, such as rams, gray giants or Soviet chinchillas, can be used as both meat and fur breeds.

Rex rabbits

Proper nutrition and care are also extremely important processes rabbit breeding:

  • The quality of mating and the health of the offspring themselves depend on comfortable living conditions.
  • The minimum amount of stress affects large quantity matings.
  • A balanced diet directly affects the health of animals.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the pros and cons of the rabbit breeding business.

Compared to other types of livestock farming, rabbit breeding has a number of advantages:

  • short payback period;
  • high profitability;
  • lack of high competition;
  • presence of constant demand.

Thanks to these factors, rabbit farming becomes attractive for starting a business. At the same time, you should remember some of the disadvantages of this enterprise:

  1. High cleanliness of rabbits requires daily cleaning of cages to prevent disease.
  2. Getting used to the owners and timidity of animals requires constant creation calm atmosphere without the slightest stress.
  3. Rabbits require very close attention. So, there were cases when, due to the lack of water in the rabbit’s bowl, she ate her babies.

Forms of doing business

Opening a rabbit breeding business is possible in two main forms:

  1. Individual entrepreneurship. The most popular solution for starting a business literally from scratch. The advantage is a reduction in the tax base and a simplified accounting scheme.
  2. Peasant farming. In addition to the simplified accounting and taxation system, the advantage of this form is the possibility of receiving government subsidies.

At the same time, no matter what organizational form it is decided to register, the success of the business being started primarily depends, in fact, on a well-drafted business plan.

Setting up a rabbit breeding business

The first step that anyone who wants to start should take is own business on rabbits, there should be an analysis of the future market according to the following characteristics:

  • market saturation;
  • proximity of potential buyers;
  • intensity of competition;
  • possibilities for transporting products.

The next step is to select the appropriate land plot. It must have a sufficient area (about fifteen hundred square meters) and be located at a distance from residential buildings.

Once the land has been purchased or rented, you can begin setting up your business. Despite the need for significant initial financial investments, due to the high profitability of the business, they all pay off fairly quickly.

An additional advantage of rabbit breeding is the ability to increase business capacity due to the high reproductive capacity of animals.

Business in the field of agricultural farming is now in great demand, because there is no competition in many areas of animal breeding. – business advantages, as well as everything about the features of keeping, breeding and marketing nutria, read on our website.

Read about how you can make money by breeding worms.

If you live in a rural area, you've probably raised chickens at least once. Why not turn this into a business idea? This topic is all about raising broilers at home. Poultry house organization and product sales.

What do you need to have on site?

When developing a development plan for a site for breeding rabbits, it is necessary to plan the buildings that must be on it:

  • Premises for living and reproduction rabbits - shads. They are made of wood, the windows are closed welded mesh. The quality of breeding of rabbits, as well as their health, will depend on the convenience of the shads. It is advisable to build at least three sheds.
  • Feed shop- a supply of feed for several months can be placed here. Additional benefits will come from equipping the workshop with a grain crusher and granulator.
  • Slaughterhouse- be sure to equip the premises with a spacious refrigerator and a stocked meat shop. To maintain high room hygiene, the best materials there will be for him tile, plastic and metal.
  • Saraichik For building materials, equipment or tools.

In addition, it is necessary to plan to place a spacious pit for manure outside the farm territory. As it fills, the manure can be sold to farmers as fertilizer.

Where to start breeding rabbits?

To start breeding rabbits, you must first of all determine for yourself the tasks of raising them, whether it will be meat, skins, or a combination of these two products.

Depending on this, a suitable breed is selected.

The most appropriate for beginners is to purchase purebred local breeds- they have a lower price, are easier to buy, exchange breeding stock and get advice from experienced rabbit breeders.

After determining the breeding objectives, an important step is drawing up a business plan with planning for future expenses and income, as well as registering your business.

Having drawn up a business plan, you can start searching suitable place to locate the farm, construct all the necessary buildings and purchase equipment.

Rabbit farm location

When choosing a suitable site for placing a rabbit farm on it, it is necessary to analyze it from the point of view of the convenience of transporting the finished product to the nearest markets and the proximity of such markets.

The main requirement for the location of the farm is its distance from residential buildings.

Rabbits in a holding room

An important decision that a future rabbit breeder needs to make is whether to purchase or rent a plot. This, of course, depends on the level of possible initial investment that is available to the aspiring businessman.

If you plan to run a rabbit breeding business for a long time, it is better to buy land for the farm rather than rent it.

If you plan to rent a site, monthly rental expenses should be planned in the business plan.

Sanitary requirements for maintenance

Rabbit breeding is regulated by a number of sanitary requirements. The main purpose of these requirements is to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases.

Thus, the design of premises for keeping rabbits, the slope of their roofs and the construction of floors are regulated.

In addition, there are a number of requirements for the placement of buildings on the site. The point for slaughtering animals should be located no closer than 50-60 meters from the cages.

The isolation room and quarantine should be no closer to each other than 100 meters, and be 100 meters away from the cells in the direction of the prevailing winds.

The manure storage facility should be located 100 meters from the farm in the direction of the prevailing winds.

Feeding and keeping rabbits

Compared to other farm animals, rabbits can be called one of the most demanding in nutrition. Their diet must necessarily combine the following foods:

  • greens such as herbs, legumes or cereals;
  • juicy, for example, root vegetables or vegetables;
  • silage;
  • rude;
  • concentrated, namely grain, bran or mixed feed.

To calculate the need for feed, you can start from the fact that for a rabbit to gain four kilograms, it needs about ten kilograms of hay and fifteen kilograms of feed. Depending on the time of year, other elements are added to the diet. So, in summer and spring you need to focus on roughage and green forage, and in winter and autumn - on juicy and silage.

When planning the arrangement of premises for keeping rabbits, you should remember that they chew everything they can reach. In this regard, it is important to choose high-quality materials for constructing cells.

Three-tier cages

Rabbits need more comfortable conditions than nutria or bird. For their life, the acceptable temperature range is from +2 to +30 degrees, but for better weight gain and reproduction, the temperature should be maintained in the range from +13 to +26 degrees Celsius.

Equipment and arrangement of cages

A novice rabbit breeder can choose one of the popular methods of equipment and arrangement of places for their breeding.

Breeding method Features of the arrangement
Yamochny Rabbits are kept in one or more dug pits with carefully reinforced walls and floors. The least expensive method, applicable only for meat breeds.
Cellular The cages are constructed from wood planks and metal mesh. Queens and young animals are kept separately from males. The most popular method for home breeding.
Shadow A system of several batteries of cells, which are arranged in several tiers. Advantage this method is the compactness of placement even in a small area.
Mikhailov system Construction of special mini-farms for 3-4 cells, equipped with feeders, ventilation, drinking bowls and a manure collector. Most effective method, however, requiring the highest initial costs.

Sales of products

Directions for implementation finished products, naturally, depend on the volumes that the farm is capable of producing.

For small volumes (about 500 rabbits per year), you can either sell the meat for sale or sell it yourself, subject to sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

With an increase in volumes, it will be necessary to obtain additional certificates such as phytosanitary and farm certificates, as well as GOST-R declarations.

With all these documents completed, it will be possible to sell meat through supermarkets and shops with parallel trade on the market.

Rabbit farming business plan

So, rabbit breeding as a business: is it profitable or not? In order to imagine the attractiveness of a future business and plan expenses, it is important to draw up a competent business plan. Here is an indicative business plan for a small farm of 100 rabbits.

Profitability and payback

Obviously, rabbit breeding is a very profitable and profitable business.

Even based on the results of such an approximate business plan for a small farm, the profit for the first year will be about five hundred thousand.

In subsequent years it will be even greater, since there will no longer be an item on the construction of cells and there will be a gradual reduction in expenses with increasing income. The profitability of such a business can reach from 60% to 80%.

Of course, the business plan drawn up is approximate and may differ depending on the size of the initial investment, the number of rabbits purchased and their breeds, as well as the area in which the business is conducted. In addition, it does not take into account rental costs, which may also vary depending on the region and area of ​​the site, as well as depreciation of equipment. However, it allows you to get general idea about how profitable rabbit breeding is.

So, rabbit breeding as a business confidently proves its profitability and attractiveness. At the same time, it has its own difficulties and peculiarities, so you should only start it if rabbit breeding is truly interesting.

Quail meat has high dietary qualities, so it is recommended for baby food. But it is very difficult to find it for free sale. You might be interested in making a business out of this. . Breed selection, necessary equipment, ways to sell products, as well as a business plan for organizing quail breeding, read carefully.

You will find a business plan for creating a farm for breeding crayfish in the material. Learn more about the features of growing crayfish.

Video on the topic

The profitability of rabbit farming in our time is quite high. Many farmers know the secret of successful rabbit breeding, understand the specifics of the business, successfully make a profit and do this for many years. The question of whether rabbit breeding as a business is profitable or not is relevant only for inexperienced farmers.

Breeding rabbits: positive and negative aspects

Many are pushed away initial stage difficulties associated with the sensitivity of rabbits to certain diseases, which often lead to the complete death of the entire herd.

And the third scary thing about rabbit breeding as a business is the large initial investment.

In fact, rabbit breeding is a fairly quickly paying off enterprise that does not require any extra knowledge or effort to achieve a stable profit. Many rabbit breeders easily cope with the task, and there are many more positive factors here.

At the initial stage, it is important to choose a good breed of animals that give high growth, quickly gain weight, and are resistant to diseases.

Why you shouldn’t be afraid of negative aspects:

  • timely vaccination of the entire livestock will eliminate the loss of animals;
  • many butcher shops, shops, market warehouses accept and place orders for dietary rabbit meat;
  • neighbors and relatives are always provided with rabbit meat and are happy to purchase useful product(proven by more than one rabbit breeder);
  • Rabbit fur is valued as natural, warm and beautiful material By posting an ad it is easy to find regular buyers for skins;
  • the ability for frequent fertilization, year-round litter (one female brings about 60 rabbits per year), allows you to expand production without the cost of purchasing individuals;
  • The rapid growth of rabbits contributes to uninterrupted production and stable income.

In addition, rabbits love green food, which is abundant in the summer-autumn period in every rural area, which also saves costs.

Secrets and basics of successful rabbit breeding

The positive aspects will be visible from the very beginning if you correctly draw up and apply a business plan for breeding rabbits. You will have to start from the possible and intended scale for which the enterprise is designed.

Where to begin:

  • determine the method of raising livestock;
  • decide on a designated area for pens and shads ( special buildings), cages, enclosures;
  • prepare a place for rabbits to “reside”;
  • think over and prepare workplace slaughtering, freezing and storage of the product;
  • purchase specialized feed;
  • choose a rabbit breed;
  • purchase young animals.

You can start the business of your own mini-farm for rabbits with one pair of animals, choosing a purebred mating method or crossing.

It is best to purchase young animals from experienced farmers. Rabbits for sale are guaranteed to be vaccinated and adapted to similar conditions.

On the market you can buy unhealthy and unvaccinated individuals. And also make a mistake with the breed, especially if you don’t have the skills. There are meat and fur breeds of rabbits.

Recommendations for the care and maintenance of rabbits are not so complicated. The main thing is to provide them with a comfortable place where there is enough light and space. Observe the feeding regime, ensure the cleanliness of the cages and a sufficient amount of clean water.

Exist different ways keeping animals, by studying which you can find out whether rabbit breeding as a business is profitable or not.

Methods and principles of rabbit breeding for business

The main ways to successfully breed rabbits is to keep the animals in cages, enclosures or pits. Each method has its own justified advantages and small disadvantages.

This version of a rabbit farm is most suitable for crossing and breeding special breeds.

Keeping rabbits more freely, first of all, allows you to save space and equipment material.

The most accessible and in a simple way is breeding rabbits in a pit. But you need to choose the right place where they won’t reach groundwater. The floor is equipped with shallow metal mesh and covered with sawdust or sand for better drainage and easy removal of manure.

Always be prepared just in case good roof, which will become the main protection from bad weather.

Rabbits kept in pits happily dig holes, where they then hide their offspring. They move freely, actively breed and do not require frequent feeding, since the area allows them to provide sufficient food and drink for the whole day.

A rabbit enclosure is probably the most convenient option, both for the farmer and for the animals themselves. But first, the enclosures need to be equipped protective barriers from bad weather and possible enemies. Enclosures can be located under canopies or attached to a utility room.

Rabbits in enclosures simultaneously receive food and water thanks to long trays and drinkers along the walls. They feel great “in freedom” and grow and develop better.

The enclosure or pit should contain rabbits of approximately the same age. When introducing a new batch, you should be careful, since adult males tend to be aggressive towards unfamiliar or younger individuals. By spreading (scattering) fresh, fragrant grass on the bottom or floor, you can kill the smell of the newly minted male residents.

All ways will be a successful start profitable business subject to proper compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

In addition, rabbits are afraid of drafts, frost and moisture. Dry, warm room in winter and clean, ventilated in summer - the main condition for keeping animals.

By calculating the total cost of the future enterprise and calculating the approximate annual profit, we can conclude whether rabbit breeding as a business is profitable or not.

Rabbits have an almost waste-free production: meat, fur, entrails, manure - all this makes a profit. Individuals quickly reach sexual age. In addition, in the future it is possible to sell live purebred rabbits.

Rabbit breeding business technology - video

Small business development involves many nuances. First, you need to decide on the type of activity and agree on all legal aspects. - the key to success and profit.

Rabbit breeding a good option profitable business. The meat and wool of these animals are always in demand.

Stages of doing business from scratch: where to start and how to develop?

First of all, you should register your business. If we are talking about rabbit breeding, then it is better to register your business as a peasant farm. This form of management will provide many positive factors.

First of all, taxes will be reduced and benefits will be provided. But opening this form of business will require a lot of effort. Opening an individual business is less problematic. Unfortunately, privileges will not apply here.

To breed rabbits you will need a plot of land, which should be located in a non-residential area. The site should be spacious. To begin with, it is better to rent a plot of land; if things go well, you can think about buying land.

On the site where rabbit breeding will be carried out there must be:

  • the required number of cages so that the rabbits do not live in crowded conditions;
  • special premises for storing feed;
  • equipped pit for manure;
  • slaughterhouse;
  • specially equipped room for storing skins and cooling chamber for meat;
  • the owner's house where you can spend the night;
  • tool storage shed.

Purchasing rabbits. Breeds

Before breeding rabbits, you need to decide on the purpose of their further sale, whether it will be meat or skins. If the main profit will be the sale of meat, then you should choose meat breed rabbits.

These include:

  • New Zealand red;
  • white New Zealand;
  • Californian

These breeds gain weight quickly required mass, literally in 2-3 months.

Fluffy breeds include:

  • Angora;
  • lop-eared sheep rabbits;
  • white downy.

When buying animals, ask for a passport that confirms the breed. Keep the ratio of rabbits to female rabbits, it should be 1:5.

Feeding rabbits

In order for rabbits to grow well and gain weight, they must receive all the necessary vitamins. Grass and hay should make up 1/5 of the daily diet, and there should also be vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, and beets.

Occasionally you need to add wood food, meat flour and chalk. Feeding should be regular so that there is no inhibition in development and deterioration in health. Mandatory supply of clean water.

Approximate daily norm for rabbits in their different states:

Males and females at rest, pregnant females, lactating females, daily rate in grams per pet.

Rabbits are bred by keeping them in cages or pits.

Breeding rabbits in cages

This method of keeping makes it possible to provide a full supply of food and distribute it correctly. Breeding work and treatment and prevention are carried out better.

Cages can be stationary or portable; they are kept under open air. In areas with a cold climate, indoor maintenance is used.

  • better wool growth;
  • better health;
  • more resistant to diseases.

Plywood, wood, slate, brick are suitable for making cages; an alternative to combining materials is possible.

Breeding rabbits in pits


  • Low costs for materials for arrangement.
  • Less frequent cleaning.
  • Possibility to keep more animals.
  • Rapid reproduction.
  • The meat tastes better.


  • High statistics of death of all individuals due to infectious diseases.
  • It is inconvenient to clean the pit.
  • Consanguineous incest.
  • Catching rabbits.

A pit measuring 2 by 2 meters can contain more than 200 animals.

Equipment for rabbit breeding

When organizing a farm, you need to have special-purpose equipment.

  • Cells, a mandatory attribute where rabbits are kept. You can make them yourself or have the option of making them to order.
  • Feeders. Its presence is mandatory in any cell. They are selected to suit the size of the rabbit and are positioned so as not to injure the animal.
  • Drinking bowl. It is located at a height of 8-9 cm so that the rabbit does not climb into it.
  • Carnage. Mainly used metal pipe on which there are two pointed tips on which a hook is attached.
  • Equipment for tanning hides refers to various devices. To begin with, liquid processes are carried out. Afterwards drying is carried out on special hangers.

Business plan for a rabbit breeding farm

In order for all the expenses and troubles associated with the development of rabbits to pay off, you should draw up the right business plan with financial calculations. This industry is profitable based on the fact that the resulting products are always in demand.

Market analysis

Before you start raising rabbits, you need to choose the right region where production will be launched. Analyze the sales market, as well as the competitive state. In the business plan, it is necessary to note consumers who are interested in this product.


Brief description of expenses and income when breeding rabbits:


  1. The cost of renting a land plot can be from 25,000 to 90,000 rubles in a year.
  2. Cells from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on whether you build it yourself or buy ready-made ones.
  3. Purchasing rabbits from 20,000 to 28,000 rubles. It depends on the breed and the region you buy from.
  4. Feed from 55,000 to 110,000 rubles.
  5. Salary 150,000 rubles in a year.

We get from 265,000 to 329,000 rubles for the first year of production.


We receive meat for sale 1500 kilogram that can be sold 200-250 rubles per kg, in total we get from 300,000 to 375,000 rubles in year.

These figures are taken from approximate calculation that 40 females can produce 20 rabbits per year. The weight of which is 1800-1900 grams. It turns out that 800 individuals will go for sale with a weight of 1500 kilograms.

Skins can be donated for 200 rubles (800*200= 160,000 rubles)

As a result, income can range from 460,000 to 535,000 rubles per year.

These calculations show profitability for the first year of operation. In the future, the rabbits that are born are used for the development of the farm and the costs of purchasing them will decrease. Further income will increase.

Income from the sale of meat. Marketing channels for rabbit meat

The business plan must foresee where the meat will be sold.

Sales options:

  • Wholesale customers.
  • Stanislav Matveev

    Author of the bestselling book "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". Owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former owner of a franchise and online store.

– the idea is not new, but despite this, it is not very popular. Farmers prefer to raise other animals such as pigs or cows, whose meat is in high demand. It is very rare to find a rabbit on store shelves or at the market. Although its meat is considered dietary and is highly valued among consumers.

Rabbit business – underdeveloped niche, and this is its main advantage. The low level of competition and the demand for fresh homemade meat will allow farmers to easily start their own business and achieve good results in it.

People who own large farming, have the opportunity to breed several types of animals for themselves. For example, when engaged in pig farming, they keep several cows for their own consumption. Rabbits are usually kept in small quantity in order to enjoy delicious meat themselves and treat their neighbors. Is it profitable to breed rabbits for sale? Let's consider several aspects.

  1. Rabbit meat- a rather rare product that can not always be found in pavilions or supermarkets. Chicken, beef, pork and even turkey are the list of the most common meat products. It can be concluded that rabbit breeding as a business is in its infancy, and this is a great chance to become someone who can take this business to the next level.
  2. The rabbit has proven itself well as a precocious animal. On average, one female is capable of producing 55-60 cubs per year. The age at which rabbits can be sold is 3 months. During this time, they turn into individuals weighing up to 4-5 kg. There are also larger relatives, which is not always good. Since selling a carcass weighing more than 5 kg is a little problematic.
  3. To start a rabbit business, no big required start-up capital . As they say, “Moscow was not built in a day.” It is enough to first organize a mini-farm, which is quite simple to do. Cages do not take up much space, they can be kept in a barn or other utility room. As for the feed, the main part (grass and hay) can be made independently.

And yet, rabbit breeding as a business: is it profitable or not? If there are doubts, we will present a powerful argument: income is brought in not only by meat, but also by the skin of the animal. Rabbit breeding is quite promising business , which does not require huge investments and can be developed at home. To start doing this, you need to know the basics of creating a farm.

First of all, you need to decide on the organizational and legal component of your activity. There are two options here: individual entrepreneur or personal subsidiary plot. Each of them has its pros and cons. In the first case, you will have to pay taxes, but there will be more opportunities for development. So, what do you need to breed rabbits?